SELECTIONS WITH HYM NS, - [PDF Document] (2024)


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SELECTIONS io'RO:tI ' rUE j' SAL l\'I S OF D A V I D iN MI ·: TH.E; WITH HYM NS, Sli l T1:-: 1I T O TIll:-: § r a 5 t 5 (1 n b § a 5 t 5 0 f t I) r (![ I) /I r r I), OF I'PBI.lC \\' o n:'1 II I', N I ": \V Y O I{ 1\_: l 'UBI.!:' Il I:ll Hr 1I _\U l'EH S .. - HHOT II !: l l:;:', H::! (,' I.I FF"STHE I:T I'EII HI" II , W. II}: \\"E T, !l1J1CCC X Ll \'.

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th ee in all godly quietness ; that so they may walk in the ways of truth and peace, and at last be numbered w ith thy Saints in glo ry everlasting; through thy meri ts, 0 blessed Jesus, tho ll gracious Bishop and Shepherd of our souls, who art with the l?ather and the H oly Ghost one God, world without end. Amen.

11 T hen shall/Qllow IIII' S erm01I : and ({{ler Ihat the Instilufed ll li11islcT sh all 1JTOCeed Iv Ih e Commun ion Scrcirc. and to GrllI/inisff( the hoi!! .E /lchurist to his Congrcga­tilill " and (~/irr fhe B el/fdic/iulI, (which he shall af.!ntys pral/fllIIICI'. ) lite IVardcns, Vestry, and oiliers, shall salule and tL'C/collle hilll, biddillg /tim (;od !$J1ccd.

11 lVhcn the R ishnp r:f the D iocese is 7Jrcscnl at fhe rl/ ,~lil/l li(J11 Ilj il Ahll i.~ler, he shall make /0 him lhe address prescribed in litis 0J!i('(' i ll fltc./r;l'lll "!faicller ; alld may p erform such otlier duties herein aSl>igncd Ihe i nstituting ltl t11islcr as he may choose.



io'RO:tI 'rUE

j' SAL l\'I S OF D A V I D

i N MI·: TH.E;


Sli l T1:-: 1I T O TIll:-:

§ r a 5 t 5 (1 n b § a 5 t 5 0 f t I) r (![ I) /I r r I),

OCC.\~ I O:'\S OF I'PBI.lC \\'o n :' 1 II I',

N I": \V Y O I{ 1\_:

l 'UBI.!:' Il I:ll Hr 1I _\U l'EH S .. - HHOT II !: ll:;:', H::! (,' I.I FF"STHE I:T

~ 'fE ' t t: UTr I'EII HI" II , W . II}: \\" E T,

!l1J1CCC X Ll \ ' .


" B Y the Bishops, the Clcrgy. and fhe I ,aily of Ike P ro/csirlllt F piuopal Church i ll t Ac

[ illited ;:)lales oj America, in CO/lrel/ tilm. tllis llcnll!l ·nil/th lif1!1 ()f Od()lu:" r. ill tke

year oj OilY L oy.l one tJU)/U",,1l eif!hl hundred f/lld flllr/.II·lICO ; tltis hook nf l 'srilmlJ i ll

illctn' , selected Jrolll tlte l'Ji(/{IIU oj D uri",11';lh " !lml/,', ilJ ul Jortll, (111ft "Il()/rcd fo hf.

81111g ilt all cong rrg(ltiolls of Ihe said ( 'hllrd" brforc (I//il aprr M arl/inl; flnri E~'(,lIillg

Prayer, and a{3o 1)"Jore find (If tel' S crmOIlf', at Iltc di ,,'crt'/iOIl nf fI, c Milli~t('l',

"A lllt it shall be the dUI!1 of evcry M illi ,,'f"r (1 fill!! fIn/rei!, cithc )' by,olulldillt: di ree[lO n3, o r from time to time, to a ppoillt the portimlS nj 1'$allll$ felticl~ arc to be SIII/g,"

"And furlhl'r, it shall be the dllt.vof fury M illis/er, wifh slick rlSsilJftlllcc tIS he can oblainfmm ptnrol/,~ IIkil/"I/ in ml/sil', to riel' orde r l'olll'l'rllillg thc filli es to he ~/(lIg (It all!J

li l'lc in Itis chuTch ; alld apcej,,!!y , it 31/1111 br h~ (/lIf,IIlo 3I1PPTCl'oS alllif!M (lflfllU/~I'(,III{!J

m usic, a lld a ll il/ decem:y (lfld irrel'l'rCIU:e ill IIII! performallcc, by w}/icn va ill alllt III/godly pcr$Ofls prof(lne tAc service oj till! Sa l/cll/a)'y,"



FR OM '1' 11 ;; PSAL .\[ S OF DAVID I N METRE.

S;; L ECT ION L C. M. F r .. ,,, lh~ i, 1',;;.1111 (If Da" i,L

HO\\" 1,1",1 i, ]w, \1 h" 11<'\'1" O'''Il,!'uts

- By ill ;uh io'I' ,,, ,\;rlk, :\"1" "lal"l. ill ,.imrr-r,,;" \\"a~' '', lIur ,.ils

\ \"Ilt'r..: IIl1'll prrofam'ly 10111. :

':! D ill uliih,'~ rlw ],,'1'1('('\ lotw "f G"d II i" l'll,.i"" ,." nil,] d l, lidll;

DcyoIJII .\· r"'II] s t Jll'l'I' ili lIy da ,'" Allri IJwrlil at " ~ I,y lIight.

3 L ib .... <""IP {air I,...,', wlliell, (",lIlY ~tr"': III1 ', \\' illl liuwly fruit ,I,ll''' h. 'u,l ,

H e -"Iill "\10111 IInH I-i.~h , 1I111! I; IICCC":S

All Iii" ,I , '~i1!II" ;,t!('lI\l.

,1 UIlC!o,lly IIH'II , m,,1 1I!!';r nltc mpt",

AI) In _I ill;.! ,..,"1 _" Jlall lilill ;

UlilillWl ," lrlaskd , nil,] rlisp''I"~,'!l

I,ikc .. hnrl" I ... t~"", Ill c will']'

,'i T Il<'ir ;:Hilt ~l/; lll ~I ri k(' thc wieknl .IUlltI,

n .. 1111"1 ' tll!'ir .J 1I , 1 ;.'t" ,~ f;le,':

All li'rnli,1 1I,'"po("rih' "hall IJI('II

;\1lI01l !! Illl" .... . i"1 .1 hal'c placc,

G F"r (i" ,1 ~tl'l'l1"\'" the jll'" mau';; \\'ays ; '1'" h,l]ll'i!ll''''~ II", )" tClld :

Bllt ,_i ttl lr'!'s, iIl .. 1 IJI(' ]I",lls the)" In'itd, Shall 1rolll ill rlli" em!.

SE LE CTI ON 2. C. M. Frotll t h~ ii, I'salm or David,

T HI ';'; no.! , I.'dare" h i,; ,~n ,c!'L"iO'll will:

.. T llc h: ill~ Ihat I o!'.Ia ill,

\rh'N' tlll'lllll' i" lix\\ 011 Sinn'" hill. Simll 11 .. ,!'c "cl'lIrc1)" n:i~II:'

2 All('11i1. 0 carl]I, \l"hil~t I .In' lare

( ; "rI'~ IIW'olitroll ',1 d,'cP'c : " Tl ltlll ,11'1 111 )" S"Il, lhis day Ill)' lll.! ir

lIa l<' 1IIl'~"""11 l!tee,

3 "A~k. :tltd nT";\"(' Ih~' full dcmauds; T hi,l<" ,~halll l lt' IlI'at1t('1I lIe;

Th(' 1I1111O"t li ll) il ,~ of the lands Shall !It' I'0,.,., ,~,'d hy llwc,"

" Leanl rlto'lI , y ,' I'rill(, " '~; alld g il'c car, Ye jllrl;.:('" " I' the , '"rl h;

\Vors\til' I]lI' Lor'] wit Ii holy fear;

Rcjokc with awful mirth,

,j \ ppcaH' tlIP ~()Il willJ dlh~ rl'''I''_'t: I,

\(11)' Illud," h'llrl :! ;,!"" I'ily:

1,.',1 II!' n" " 'lI!!" 1][(' 1",1,] Iw:.:I,'ct,

JI""'II.', ',II ,," y,mr ,I" ",,",

Ii If Iml ill part hi" all!!"r ri",', \\' 11" ,'illl ,'Urllll '" til<' Ha UI<'!

'1' 11<'11 I,lr"t aI'" II",\" " h"" ,' lI" pe relics

Orr hi~ IIl1hl hoI," ,\' l ilW ,

SE LE CTI ON 3. ( ' , 01. From th~ iii, i'sa lm of David,

'1'1 1011, i!r;l("i"lI~ (; .,, 1, 01,.1 ll'~' dl'fl'lIce ;

011 Illce 111," \"'p" ,~ n,l," : TllOlII ar t I tI,\" !,!I"r,'" 1111<1 "llalt ~I't

L ift "I' m y !te:!,1 Oil hlf! II ,

~ ~ilJn- II t l l"II.~"" " I', ill IIl ~' ,li"lr, ';;s, '1'" (i(,,\1 /1 ,:"1,, III ," I'r",I' ,'r,

II" IlPard II1\' fr"lll Il i~ bol,," Il ill;

\\'11 )" ~ !J"ulr! I iJ(>\\' ,k'''I'"il' I

:1 (i uan ]"']lr.\" li illl, I b.I' II]!' 0101\'11

i\ II' ,.",cel 1'1'1'''.''' I" I"k.'; r" .. I Ihl~ JII ;!h hill l '''' '''111'1,1,'' ~It",' r,

T hrou g li I,illl ill ~" I"ly w ake ,

;:::al'ali"ll II) II ", 1,I)n ll , d'lIIe~;

Il c rllIly earl ddt 'w!; Il i ~ I,l ... ",,,jll <'; be ex t ,' IIrL~ t(l all

Tllat UII Iii ,; jlow c r ri"ll('llll.

SELE CTIU 'I ·I. C . . \1. From the i,', l' s:. hn of U:.¥ id,

C0:,\:' lI H: ll lhalll", l 'idl l "tI\I ~ man

I ~ (ill.!'" pl'l'lIli:1I" l'il"jr";

,\ IIr1 \\-11<'11 I" Ilim I lIIak" Illy praye r, I Jr- ;lh, a~'~ II!',II",~ "'~' " ti lt"',

~ '1'1 ... 11 ~I;III,] ill 01\\'" of Ili ~ ""lnlllaJl\l~,

FI, '" I,\ ... r~' Ii Ii,,!! tllil"" ill ; (")llIlIlllllI' ill I,ril'al,' II i,11 ,"" '11' IlI'arts,

,\ ud l "'lId tllt'lll 1<1 Iji .~ will.

:1 The ~n l'l'ili .. e of ri;!hl""II SI Il',",~

, 'n'''l'1l1 I II Gtld "" lJir-lt:

Alld leI yOIl!' h"I I(', "I"'lIrdy fix'd, 0 " Ilim alone n'ly,

WhilL' world ly mill rl" impa tic llt 6'l"OW :'.101'L" pro~l'{, """ ~ l iutr' ,1 (06CC.

Slill I.,t tIl!' )! I"ri(:~ of Ihy fllec !'ollillc brightly, Lord, Oil lOC,



S ELECT I O~S OF P ~:\L~ I :::::,

5 So 811'l11 my heart o'crfl"w w ith joy, J\.Iorc h~tiuo and more Ime

Than thci l's, w hn "Iorc,; of corn and willo

Succc"sin.: ly rcnc~v,

6 Then ,}"wn in peace 1'II !ay my head , J\m l lalie Ill)' IlCt.'.Jru! re,;tj

1'0 olher gllan!. 0 Loal, I crave,

Of Ihy dl ,ft'lIcl' I'o"-'lc""s'd.

SELECT ION 5. C. M. }'rorn Ihe v. I' ~:.l n] or D:1vid,

R J.XiA UD Illy wonl~ , U f'nll"i "lIs Lord, Accept m)' Sl'Cl'cl I'ra~ I ']';

1'0 tlJel' :11011(" Illy King, lily (;r~l,

Will I fi )!' 11('lp ['('pair.

2 TlJou in the 11101"11 tLl y \'oice ~11(L1t hear , AlId, w ith lite Ilawu iu g day,

To Ilu'l' c1~'\' olltly T'H look up,

T o Ibee (\I,;\"outly pra~',

3 1,01, 1, I wi thin tIl), hou.,.e will come, 1n thy abuIII\1I1It Frace ;

AI!!! T will \\'ol'sllil' in thy fcar ,

1'ow'ol Ihy mlls t holy place.

4 Let Iho~e, 0 Lon!, w hf) Inlsl ill thec,

"' itb ShouL" tlwir joy proclaim j thcm n:joicc w hlllll thou pl'cscr"'st,

And all that !O\'C Ih~' i'ialllc,

:; To righ ll..'Ous me l!, the righteous J"on1 11is hl ei'o,~i ng \\'ill eXh'lId;

And wilh h i ~ i'il"our til! his s,1.ints, As with a shiclJ, defcwl.

SELE C'J'I ON G. S. M. F'rO LD Ihe 1'i, l' !la.lm of D:u-id.

I i'\ lnl) I'CY, !lot in \'T~tth, Rc buke III(', ,:!I':t\'ltlll~ (iod!

Lest, if Illy \\'1101 ,' di~l'le;\~ILl'e rise,

1 sillk l'l.'l lt: ath thy rold,

2 Touch',lllY Ih~' qu ick"HilLe' power, j\ty [,oa.\ IIf gu ilt I fed;

Tile wO\llld,. thy ~I'irit hath unclosed, o Icllhat Spirit heal.

3 Tn t rouble alill in ;:1" 111 11, ) IUi'ot I fur ever mOllrll r

And will thou IlIIt, at lel\~th, ° God, In p ityil1;: 1",'1.' 1'<.'1111'11 1

4 ° cOllie. erl! lif~' I'x !,iro',

SC lid d ' ,\\'11 tilY row("l' \!) !<a\'c; For who ~h llil sing Ihy "'al1le il\ death,

Or pmi,;e Ibec in Ihe gl'ave r

5 ' Vhy "llflul,1 I ,I,m Itt th~' gra('l',

Or yield I" ,In':ul dl',~pa il"r

Thall w ilt fllllil th ,~' pmlLlised wl)nl,

And gl'tLllt Ill,' alt Illy I'raycr,



.-roUl ,lo t viii. I' or D~v id ,

TII() V, I., WI"I111 all CI'I'atllI'C;1. h.,W \\'i t hil\ thi ,~ eal , th l~' fi, IIJle,

Throu gh all lIlt' world h"w ;.::n'at art 111("'I!

J low gl.,..i"u~ i~ t ll~' :'\1Illl"!

2 I n h,':!ven tIl), ~\oll,Jn"'~ a(' ls art' "nll<';,

i'illr flilly n,ckf)u ',] there;

And y(' t Ihol1 IlIilk'sl til l' iuralLl t"LL<,:'H'

TI I~' iJollwlte,.~ pr;li~e tin'I:Il " .

3 '\'hell ht'i1\"Il, thy h, ':]fLll'''H" wor!; IIIL hi."h.

Em pl"y.; my w!!rHIl'l'ill;..' ~i~ht; T ILe ILlO!!II, Ihal lIi;!hlly I'LLI,'~ tIl\' ~k~",

\\' ilh sIal'S 4,f f""It"'r li ;!lIt:

4 0, w lla t is lIIall, tll:l1., th (l ll lm/'st

To keep hillL ill thy l!1ind ! 0[' what hi ,~ otl:"pri llg, IlIa!. thll ll pro, 'st

To th4:111 tOI ' wOlldroll~ killti ~

5 lI il11 next ill J~ lwl~ r Iholl dilht CI'C'lte

'1'" thy cc\e.'qia\ tmill;

Ol'daill'c\ with lii;!1Iit." \11111 "laIc

O'er a!llhy ""Irk s 1o reig ll ,

(; TIlt'y joilllly OWII hi~ J}()WClflil "way; The 1"~I,~t.~ 1[,:lt pre)' or gnlzc;

'/'114: I,in l illat "ill;..''' il" airy wa~';

The ti"h Ihat cuI", Ihe "('a.~,

7 0 Thou, to wholll all cl'calufCS bow W ithiJi thi ,_ " :iI' lllly fl~u 1Lt',

,/, III'ou;:h all tbe world IH'W great art Iholl ! Il ow glnl'intls i~ til)' i'iaHLe!

SELE CTI ON S. C. ill. }' rom the l:t , 1 '~:l lm of Da .. id,

rl"O cdel 'f\lt(' thy JJL'\1i~c , 0 l, rm i, r \\'ill my IlI'arl 1'l'I'l'are;

To ull the li~tl'lIilli-( wnrld tIl), works, Tlly W'-'JH [ ]'()'I~ wl'rk~, .1edare,

2 The th,,";..' llt Iff IIl1'l11 ~haJ] 10 my soul

Exalh:d pJ,"a~1I1'" 1I1'ill;!; \\'lIil"t I" thy ~1\1m', 0 thnu :'o I ()~1 H igh,

'i' rilllllphalll I'l'ui ,~(' I "ill:!,

3 The I.un l filr e\'l'r li~'t'':, who Iras !I i~ ri;.:1 11I'0I\s tllntlle I're pared ,

Jmparlial jll,~Iicc '" di"l'el1~l', To 1'1I 1l i,.h or n )\\'anl.

" All I"nsc wh" ha\'c hi~ o"OlII1f'ss provcd w ill ill his 11'11111 (,"lLtide;

\\' ho~c m,-rey III",,!, for,,;oiJk the mall

That 0 11 hi ,~ 111'11' rdicd.

5 Rill;! l'1'ai ,~I''' thl'r~'f"r~ ' 1'1 Ihe Lord, FrfllLl ~iOlL, hi,~ alII "I,' ;

I' mc1"im hi~ .h-, 'd ,~, lill all Ihe world

Confess lLO uther end,

Sb:LEC'e IONS 0 1" f' SAL i\TS ,

SELECT ION 9. C. M. From the :1 i, 1'" .. \h .. or Dayi..!,

THE Lord a holy 11'1Il1'11) hath, And ri;:lllcnlls thrulI<', abuve j

'Vhclle("' hu ",ur'o'I'Ys the suns of 1I1CIl,

AIl.1 hnw thei. coun,;cls 1I10\'e,

~ If(i .. >1 11 11) "ighle"us, whom he lo\'es, Fur trial oI~'s eU1Tcct,

\\'Iml II1n,.t the !<OilS of \' iolence,

\\'1""11 he abhur;;, ex pect!

:1 Sl1an',~, ti fe, Hilli "rillL~tone, UII their heads I:-ihall ill one tellLpt'~t shower;

Thi~ dl 't'adful ll1 ixll1re his re\'clLge

Illtu their cup ~halll'uur.

Til t) righleous Lurd \\'ill righteous deed:'! W ith 8ignal favour grace,

Alld 1'1 11m "prig-lIt IIHIIl di,.close

T he urightnc:<,; of hioi facc,

Sf: L ECT ION 10. C. ill. From Ihe xiii, P&l.lm of D:n' id,

I-l OW IOllg wilt Ihuu furget mc, Lord 1 :'olll,.t J fill' cver 1110111'11 1

I !r)\\, IOllg wilt IllUu withdraw from ll1e,

011 ~ nc,'cr 10 rdllll. '

2 0 hear, :ulll to my JOll<-, ing eyes

l !t,~ton' thy wonlel1 li,;!ht j

J)awIl on Illy I'pi!'i l, lest r slcep III tll'ath',,; most gloomy night,

:I Sil1('c I 1111\'1..' a l\\'a .... ~ placed my tmgt Iklleal ll Ihy llLl'fCr'S Willg,

Thy ,~u\' il1g health will come j and tllen

illy IW! LI'l wil h joy ,.hall sp ring,

T lleu ~halJ Ill)' ~O ll g, with prai,,;e inspiretl, To 111t'e , III)' (;od, ;L~ CClld;

\\'11010 Ihy ""!'I'aut in distress Sueh h OIlIlI.), didst extend ,

SE L F. CTI ON ] 1. L. M. From tile ~i ... Ptiah ll of Da"id,

rI' I'E J.ord look'l ! down from h eaven's

lL iJ!h lower, .'\ lId all the !'ons of men d id ,'icw,

T o ,we if an~' own'd his powcr,

II' any Intth or justice kncw;

~ But all , Ilc saw , were gone aside,

All werc 111'2' l'Ilf'rale grown, allil base;

~onc took n'li;,!ioll for tlwir guide, Not 0111..' of :til the ~inf1!1 racc.

3 How will they l1'cmble thell fo r fe:H',

" 'hen hiHjllst wrath "hall them o'ertake! For to Ihe I'ighteous God is near,

A nd neyor will their eause forsake,

011, thal frolll Sinn he\1 employ

Il i~ l!light, lUll I hurst th ' oppressive band I Th4:1l ~11I"lt" Ilf I l ni\'e l',~:tl joy

:-;llIIlIld loudly t'{'llu Ihrough the land,

SELE CT ION ]2. C. M. }'rolll Ihe "", I'~at ", "f D',,'id, I 0111), wl".'s II Ie h :1J II'Y mall that may

.-J 'I'll thy ille,;t euurt,; r"'l'air, i'iot. ", 10 vi"i t them,

Dut to iniLul,it there1

2 'T is 110 \\ 110 walk('111 lIJ1l'igbtl)"

\\' hlll1l l' i,:!l lteoll"III's;j directs j WhlJ~t, ge1l4'11J1I~ 101l2'"c disdains to spenk

TiLe t lliug iLi,~ he!U't r(:jecls.

3 Who lIen:I' ,l id a ,.la ud er furge , JJ i~ IlI'i <-,hl,olll" ,~ fnull' to wuu nd;

i'ill l' iLl'al'll"lI 10 a /ill ~c reJlort By malice \\'l l i ,~pcr'.1 round ,

WIIO vict', in all it~ JXlUlP and po wer,

Can tn"at \\'ilhjll.~lll\'glcct;

,\rill pi"t)', thou,;!h dothed ill rags, llo-ligiuu,:ly rc,.pt"CI,

5 WI I() to hi,: I'l igiLh',j \'O\\'S an,l lmst

1I :1.~ 0\1'1' firmly 8to,")(1 j

AIl.I, th(,u:!h II(' 1'1l'lIlise 10 hi~ loss, li e IIlHkc.'l bi~ pJ1Jmi~e good,

6 WhoM' ,;;tllll ill u."ury 41i ,.. lains

I i i,. Irea~lII'e 10 empluy; \\' hnll1 11(l rt'ward ,~ rail , '\'cr bribe

TiI(' glliltl, '~': tl) destroy,

7 The 111:111, who hy this righteous course J las happilll'~,~ il1~Hred,

\\' !JUII ('nrl h',,; j"HlHl:!t illll shakes, shun stand, By 1')'I)\,illelLcc secured ,

SELEC'I' ION ]3. C. M. Jo'rllJ11 the "vi, Psalm of l):u' id,

]}l Y ~1~llc f1l1 ~oul ~ lIall ,bk~s tll~ Lord, \ \ h(,,~c p !'cc('pt.~ g"'c me hght ;

Amil'l'jvHle coum:c\ still aOOn.! III !'orrow'" d ismalllight.

2 I "trivc eac h action to approvo To bi~ ... Il,,,,-,t'ing cye ;

i'io .langer ~hall my IIOPCl! rCmOY6,

BC(!alli'C Ilc sti ll is nigh,

3 ' l'herdOl'f' Illy heart all grief defics,

i\ Iy g-Iury ,f(le~ rt'joice ;

J\. Iy flc~h ~h,,11 rest, in hope to ril!e,

Wak ed uy his powcrful ,'oice,

4 T hou , 1,onl, when r rei'oign my breath,

1' ly 80111 frol1l licit ~halt frec ;

i'ior let thy t 1(1), One in d eath The least cOl'ru ption see,




5 Thou shalt the paths of life lli"play, Which to thy prescnce lead;

' Vhere plc3SlII-cs !lwell wilhout allay,

And joys t11[1t HOI'cr fllde,

SELE C'I' IO.'1 14 . F rom the xviii, 1'~1hn of D:J.\' jd .

P AnT J. J .. l\I, N0 change of time ~llall el'CI' shock My finn uR'ectiolJ,, 1.0 Ihce ;

For tlwu hast always i)cell Illy rock, A fOl·tres!! ant! defcnce to m e.

~ ThOll Illy delivl'rer arl. my God; 1\ ly trust is in thy migi!ly powcr:

T hOll art my shidd fr"l11 fuL's ahrn<l!l, At home my ,~afq;lInnl alld Iny towel'.

3 To thee T will ;l(klrcs~ my prayer, To whom all praise WI' jllstly owe;

So shall I , by thy watehflll care,

Be guardeu safe from evcry foe.


1 T HOU suit'st, 0 l.on!. thy rightt.'OliS ways To "ariolls pa lh;. "f iuollan killll;

They who fur II1t'1'cy nwril praise, \v ilh thcc sllall wumlrous mercy fi nu,

~ T hou to the j ust shal l . jll.~ l icc sllo w; T he p urc tlly p u rity shall sce :

Such as pen'el'scly choose to go, Shall meet with (luc relurns fi"O m thee.

3 T hat he the lmlllhie soul willl'a\'e, A nd crush tho) haugh ly'sltoa.!lteu m ight,

I n me the Lord an in;'lIInce gavc, Whose darknes!! lJO hall tUJ'u 'd to light.

4 " rlw t ll(~n (lescn'cs to uo adored, B u t GOI.l, all whom my hopes dcpcnd 1

01' w ho, except tIll,) wighly Lord , Can w ith resistless power defend 1

5 Lct the eternal Lor!1 uc praised, T hc rock 0 11 whoso defence I rest!

To highest h ca\'c ns hi ;; l\llIne he raised, Who mc with his sah 'at ioll u lcss'd!

o 1\ly God, to celeurate Ihy fume, I'I ly grateful voice to heaven I'll raiso ;

And llUt10nS, stranger~ to thy Name, Shall lcarn to Billg thy glorious pralse,

SE LECTI ON 15. F rom Ibe xi1 . l'AlI.1rn or D:n-id.


T H E heavens declare thy glory, Lord, Which that alf)IlC call fill;

T ho fi nnament and st.ars ex press Their great Creutor'lI IIkill ,


~ The .lawn of each returning day Fr<:sh beams of know ledge brings ;

AmI from the dark returus of night Diviuc instruction springs,

3 T heir powerful language 10 no rcalm Or t'egion is CUllfilH.'ll;

'Tis uature's voice , aw l ull1]er;; toou Alikc by all mallkiw l.

4 Their doclrillc lioe l'l ils sacl"(:d !>eIlS(l

Throlll!h earth',; CXIcl*t .Iisplay; ] 1,5 hri~IJI eOlllcliB IIII' ein'liuf!' sun

D')e>! !'OUlld tiJC wurld couvcy,

5 FI"OIIl C:L"t to wcst, fforJl \\"c~t to east, I l i~ l'('ilH'I . "~,, l'Ollr~e lie g" CS;

AII(I , thl'OlIc ll hi s l'ro;:r .... ~;., ehcerful ..\ lIll vilal WIU'lJll11 b .. ,~tuw~,

P ART I I. C,)f.

GOl) ' ~ perfect law CUII\'crls the 80111, H,-claim!> flUlll fal se oll'i'irt::s ;

" ' ith sacred wiSllUlJ1 hi ,~ !lu re word T ile ignorant iu"'pirc!!,

2 The stntutl'S of the Lf)rtl nrc j ust, Ami I,ring sinccl'(' (Iplight;

lI is ]lure COIllIll<lwl,;, ill ;;carc lL of tm lh, A ~,~ist the fcehlest sight.

3 II i>! I'cl'fcct \\'orsllip Ile t"tJ is fix',I ,

011 "lire fo\lll, lat ioll~ lait!;

H is equal Jaws arc in the scales Of tmth ami justice weigh'tl ;

4 Of more ('stcem than t!0ltle n mincs, Or gold refilllxl with skill;

Mure swcet l!Jan hOlley, or tho drops

T hat fl'Oll) the comu distiL

5 1\ly tll l ~t)' counscllurs the), arc, Ami friendly warnings gi\'c :

Diville rcwanh aUewl on lhuso

Who by thy precepts livo,

G nllt what frail mall "h!'c /"\' c"~ flu,." oft l ie dues from virtlle fall 1

o c1ean;;;e me fwm m y secret faults,

Thuu God that know'st them all!

7 Let 110 presumptuous si n, 0 Lord , Domi nion ha\'c O'CI' IlIC;

Tlmt, hy Illy grace pl'c~crve.J, [ may T he 1:,'1"eat transgressioH flce.

S So shall Illy prayer and pnri scs bo With thy accel'tauce blest;

And I, secure 0 11 thy defence, 1\ly strengtlJ anu saviuur, re8t.

SELECTION l G. S. M. From Ihe :u, Psalm of Duid.

1\'I A Y J acoVs God ,Iefeml I I And hear us in d istress ;


Our Sl1ccour frOIll hi ll 1<'llll'le scuu, Ollr causc 1'1"(' 111 Siull !'k'ss!

2 May 110 accept OU I" \ 'OW,

OUI' 8l11"1"ilie(1 receive, Ou r hcm'l's dC\'oul request allow,

Our huly Wiilhcii gi\'e!

3 01.('1"11 , Ilty ;Hn' in ti grace We joyfu lly d('cI;u'e;

Our lHUlJler ill th)' l\UIJIC we nU6e­

" Tile 1.01'1.1 fulfil ollr prayer!"

,I :\'ow KIlOW we lhat the Lord I lis dIU~CII \\ il l llcfelld ;

From hC;l\'cn will 5lre llgth rli"inc afrul'll, Allu will their prayer altem\.

5 Some carl Illy I'11("cour t11.tst, Bl!t w e ill God '!> right hand:

L o! w hile tlicy li tH, so vain their boast, We ri;:c, alld IIp,'ight stand.

6 Still sa\'e 11.'" LOI~I; IIml sl ill TIly ;:01'\'3 1115 deigu to bIOS!! :

Heal', Killg "f h .. 'Hvcn , in time!! of ill, T he IlI'nyol'l' Ihat wc ad!lres3,

SF; LEC'J'I ON 17. F rom the xxii . P salm of David .

1' .~ RT I. C. ]\l.

1\1'1.' Go.l, Illy (iud , why leav';; t Ihou mu, I I W1Ie li 1 \\'illl angllisll faint 1

Oh! \\'Ily 50 fill' frulll Il W rCIllO\'ed, Ami fmlll Illy Iuut! cUlil piaill11

'! Lo! I am trealed like n worm, Vkc !lillie of hu mau birth ;

i'\ot ollly l,y thc ~T(';ll I"cvilell, Bllt made tlIC ral ,bl o's mirth,

3 \V illi bll::;llItlr 1111 thu gaz iug crowtl ?l ly ;teouit,~ ~ll1'l'ey;

T lll'y ~hol)l thc lip, tllcy shake the hellu, ~\ 1J( 1 t hlls tlcriolillg say :

" " III Gnd lie llll i<ted , boasting' oft T lmt Ill' WIL., I lca\'clI's deli;,;llt ;

Let GllI l cOllie 01')\\'11 In sa\"e him now, An.] 0\\" 11 hi;. fa\'ollrite,"

5 \ Vitlulraw !lOI , lln::ll, so far li"OllI me, \\' 111'1\ troublc is 80 uigh;

o ~('lId Il IC 11I'11'! thy help, 011 wbidl Alnnc I ('HII n"ly,

1' ,\ JtT[1. C,)t

L HU: wal('l' i" 11 1:'-' lite- pnllr'd out, My jui ll!'; ill'l' out of fnulle;

!\Iy heart ll i",-~"ll('" w itltin my brenst, J~ike wux hefore the Ilallle,

2 My strellgth i!l like a potsherd d l'icd, Jly touguo is pal'ch'd with d rought;

And to thc dismal IIha<.les of £l eath 2\ ly faill tiug soul iii brou ght,

3 Like dog:>, 10 cnIJJ PIL~" IIW, Ill)" fOCI 111 wicked ("otllll'il Hied:

T iley picrced Illy illoR"cll~i\'e hauds, T hey pierced my Iw,l"!lI] c,~s feet.

My body'ij rw::k'J, till al! my bones Dislinctly IIl1ly bc to,],] ;

Yet sudl a s l'('claclo of W()e

As pa~lilllc tile)' \)(·11,,111 ,

5 _\ ;; "'poil, 111:'-' garllll'lJl~ tll\'Y fli vide, Lot" for 111:'-' \"l';;;tl1n' ca;:t:

Thercfore, 0 !t'iI\' C IIlC 1101, Illy God, llut to my sliccou r hll"tc,

P ,\ RT II I. C, M,

L OIW , to IJI~' 111'1' 1111"1'11 1 'I! ,Iedare Tim trillll1l'h~ oflhy ..... :nIlO;

In p.rcsell(,c of a,~,.etll l , led "aints Thy g lory thlls proclai m:

::! " Ye worshippcrs of JacoiJ's God, .. \11 pili of Jsmcl'l'I lim;,

o Iwaise tbe !'nni, lliHI to rOlli' pmise Sincere ol)edicl lcujoil l,

3 " li e lIe'cr ,Ji"dni ll'd nil low distress Tu C1L~t a gl'a(' ioll ~ eye;

Nor turu\1 fl1mt m i,icry lri~ face,

B ul hean. its IHII Ilulc CI"),,"

4 T IlliS in tlr)' I;ucn'd COUI'\!!, w ill I My ciwcrful I hank;! ex press;

Tn I'resCllce of tlty !'aints pcrfunn Thc vow!> "fillY di ,; trcs:I.

.) The meek C()I!II'Hlli()II '; "f Illy grief t-lhall filld III)' tal,I,' "prL'a, l;

Aud all that ~eck Ihe l."n] shall be \yi!h j'l)'s immortal f'ed.

o Then "hall 1I1e ; . .dati CI1I1 \'l'rll'd world To G(N II\1cir 11"lIIagc pay:

A IIl I Sl'aHl'r\lllaliOl I ~ (,I' thc c;u'lh

Une sovI'rciglJ Lon l (IUl'Y.

7 'Ti ,~ hi" ~lq))'C(JH' ]))"t'l"1lgati \'e tJ'('r a1\ 1J11Jukinol to I,,'igu ;

' T i ~jll,~t Ill:\! lie ~ IH'llld rule tIm world , Who d",'~ the worl.! ,~II~litjll,

8 T hc rkh. wh" at·c wilh /,Iellty feJ,

I I i~ 1'(111](1\' I11IISt cUlIfe"'''':

The ';""~ of wallt, hy Ilim I'l' lie\'oo, T ltl'ir ~CI!(," O! I !! palJ"r1ll 1,le,"",

9 W illi hllmhle wor~h i ]l to hi;; th rolle

They all for a id re,~OI't.;

That PO\\'CI' whil'h fil·,~llhl·i!' being gave , Alollc ow tlJem support.




10 Then shnll a chosell spotless rac~, Del'oled to h is :\ :IIIIC,

T o thei .. utioriuo ~ UIl S h is tru th And glo)l"io ll :O act~ I'ruclaim.

SELE C"I' IO'>' IS. C. M. } 'r QIIl the xxi i i. 1' ""lm of Da,·jd.

'1"'"' J I E Lord hilll ,;clf, tilt} lui g- Ilty LOlu, , '"udl~afes to lw Il ly guide ;

The ,,1 lt..' l' ln:nl, 11)" wl!u"c cun.~lant citrc

;" 1)' \\ illlUl arc all "lIpl' lictl .

~ III lowh' ,. gr:t.~~ he makes me fcC'o , ,\ nd l!CHtly 111. -1'e 1't-. p"~O);

'fhc ulcads IJ) l' to c'oul shades, aut! where 1I 000[1'I·" l1iI10 wul e )' 11tJw .~ .

3 lJ u dO()!j Illy w:tlld "rillg -"flld reclaim , ArHI, 10 his cll\Jlc~~ praise,

lnstru ct witll hllllllolo.: zeal to walk ] n his 1Il0~ t. righteuus ways.

4 I pai'ls til!' gloomy \'ale of death, FlUm fear aUlI Jaugf'1' frce j

For there II i,. uidillg roll and slufr Ddcwl ami COIIl!;) ]'t me.

.5 Since God /\oth Ihns his womlmus 10\'c

Throug h all Illy life eXlcnd ,

That lifc to him I will d C"OIC, Anll ill I,is Ic w plc ripcnd.

SELE CT IO'>' 19. C. M. ,From Ihe Xli,". l'salm of Da1'id.

"1-' II I,: ~pn o;i "l1 ~ "artl1 i,'l all tl1l1 Lord 's,

The tl!l'!'" he r fllb ... s~ is ; TII C \\"(,1'1.1, a llli tll l'Y lInn .1 welllherein,

By ",O\'cr ,~ i 3'11 rig lJl arc iJi",

2 J le fralJl(",1 :m,] fix 'd It on lhe scas;

And hi ~ nlllli;.dllY hand

Upon ill('nll~lalJt. !luuds has lIlade ThO' I!laJ,lc fahri c slam!.

3 But for ll ill!~ !'1f thi ~ of all

O Ut-' dl"~ ; 'u scatlk'~ i ;;lI 'd ;

o wh" ~k'}l to thal ,~ac rnl hill

I)cSl'f\'c l,1 :llim ittaucc fillll !

4 T he )IIall \\ h(l~e hantl,.alld he:u'l tire pure .

\\"1",,.(' I ll n tl~hls fl"OllI Jwiue arc free ;

\ \"11" I'OJ..-:-I I H"" rl ~' I'l't-, f l'r s

Tn gaillful p("I"jllry.

5 TIJi~ , Ih i,. i ~ he , 0 11 wh" m the J~ord

Sh:,11 ~h"wer his iJle,~,.illgs uowu;

W hom G"d. hi il Sayionr, shall youellsafe

With l' i~ lJl e()II SJle 8S to CI"OWII.

6 Such is tl J(l race of IlainlS, by whom

Tho sacred courl,; arc trou;

And s1Ich tlt t,) Jl ro~elyles that seek

Thy face, 0 ,Jacob'lI fl od,


7 En'ct Y0tlr hcads, eternal gales , {' ufol,l , In clllf ' n

Thu "illg (I f g lury : see! he comes W ilh h i:; cde:.tia l truin.

8 Who is Ihe I\'illg .. I' glory 1 \\"ho 1 T he L,m l. 1;,1' St I'CI' 1:! lh l'ello\\'Il ' 11 ;

In battk' lII ight y ; u'er h i;; fucs

J: " ' I' Jlal \'il-II!r c l"o\\' II ' II.

9 1: l"ect ) '0111" he:.d,. , ye t alCS ; ullfolJ, In ,. Ialt- lu enh'rta in

The l\ i ll g "f glll r)" ; ~ee ! hI" comes Wi th all h is "h iu iuO' Ira iu ,

10 Who i ,~ lI lt! " iu t-: uf glol'Y ! who?

TIll' J.llnl "rh",,1.~ n '110wlI'.l ;

Of glory III' al",)!" i ~ Kin g, ''' b" i ,~ with g!')!'y cr"wll'J

SELE CTION ~ O . S. M. From the Il\". I'~alm of Da .. id,

'11 0 C"d, ill who ll1 I t ru ,~I,

I l ift Illy hcal't awl voice: o le t III Il lIo t he p il l I" ~hamc ,

i\'1I1' le t I h y IlH .. "i:' n ~l!iee,

2 T hose who 011 .IICe rely, J ,e L no tlil't!'I";ICC a ttewl ;

B e thaltll(' :-hamc[ul lot of fiucb

i\ S wilflllly oneill !.

3 To lIIe thy Iruth impart ,

And I('ad lIle ill th," way ;

For ll H'lI ar t he II'at 1"'illgs Ille help,

011 Ihee 1 wai t all day,

1 Thy III('rdc5 :Iud Illy 1m' .... ,

o T.on l, n,(': .lItu mill(l;

Alld i! ra{'i"u ~ !.r l'OlllitlllP ~Iill , .i\a Iholl wcrt e\'l'r, kilJd,

[j Let :111 Ill )" ),Olllhfllil ' I-iIl1C;;

Bt-, hl o tteli (Jill by tl,ec ;

AI\lI, [" .. Ihy \\' ,,"dn)II " goOtlllcss' sak e,

In m CIT )" tlJi nk 0 11 !HC.

r; IIi :; llH ' lTy ~JI1d hi~ Irulh

Tile ri~hl " oll" Lonl d i"pl a~':< ,

In l, ri Jl t;'ill!! \\'m Il INill t;' "i lJl lerS home,

~\ Ild It-: ... hill,:! t lwlll " i ~ w ays.

; Il c 1111 ':«' in ju .. tit"e·s \\'ho h i ,~ d ircl" l ioll ~cl·k;

Alld in I li ,~ :-:II'r('.1 I'alh..; ;;halilead Ti ,e h urul ,le nll,1 the lIleek,

S Through :111 lite ways of God i30th U'ul!t :Jlltl Illc l"ey shinc,

T o su ch al'l, wilh rdi gioll!l llcart8,

To his b1t.'~ t will illcli ue,

!) Sillce 1Ilen'y iii 1)1(} gr:lCc Tllat most exa lts Ihy fu me,


]-""'g'i\'C Illy 1II'lIi"II~ ~iJJ, 0 Lord,

AIIII Su ad":tncp thy Name.

10 \Vhnc'cr with 1",111111(' fe ill' To G~~I I, i,~ dill )' I'H ."~.

Shall ii l1d ti' l' L"l'd a [ , ithflll guide, III all lii,i rigllll'UII ,i w ay.'! .

I I For (iuo! 10 a ll hi" :-a ill t.s Ii i .. 1'1·, .,.,' t , \ ill illl pa!'!.': ,

,' ntl ," ,..,. hi"1:!l'ilc ioll '; I'o\'cnant write 111 Il lI'i ,. .. 1 ... ,J iellt Ilearls .

12 To 1~I'ad' ,i t"11O ~""11 ran:

C"lIt inul' PH'!" kiwi;

Awl , ill Ihe lI1id~1 "I' alilheir wanl.~,

L cl IIICItI Ihy s uccour riml.

SELECT ION 21. C. M. FrOIH th~ xxvi, l' .al ill of Da\"j (I.*

J UD(;]: I III', n 1.111'11 , f"" 1 II ... paths 4 Of ri i! hl "" "1~ ! 1t.: S S lta\'c t .... ll ;

I I'l ba lllll.1 !;Iil, who :011 Illy trust

Ht'POM' Oil thl '''''. 111," ( ;ud.

<:! I ' ll \\'lI"h Ill." 11:11111,; ill il1lloc ence, An'! rolil l.! II, iIlC alrar ~,,;

1"0111' thc 1:!1:1I1 hy lllll o f \I'illll1l'h Ihelll' c, j\1lI 1 llit 'nce Ihy \\'"",Iers s IJII\\' ,

;j My Illauks 1' II I'"hli"h there, ami lell

How III)' n:IlO\\"11 exec l.';; That ,.:cat a tl;-".d ,~ ",e 11I0St deligh t,

III wlJieh thilte holtonr d well,;.

SE LEC 'I'I ON 22. C, M. J.·rom the u ,\"ii, I' salm of Da\'id.

\i"\T I IOJ\1 ;:.11"111.1 I f,'ar. ~illl'(, G"d to me I,. ~ iI\'i!J ;': I!f'ililit :lIul li!!h t ?

8i1lc ,' "tl'ol1e l)" he Ill ," li t<· ~1I JlJl" I'I !'1 W hn t call my SOld :ltrri g llt 7

~ lI oun'furll! wililill I,is hOllse 10 dwell I ('arlle,;tl...- dl' ~ in' ;

Il is W\lII\[r011:; I,pa lll} the]"e to "iew,

And " I" hi ,~ will cl1(llIirc.

3 For IllI"re 1 llIay with cotu f" rt rcst, In t imcs of oI t' t,p dish'lSs ;

AIIII :-a li '. a.'l 0 11 a rock. aLidc

III thaI "t-'('IIJ"t ' rf',·e;;..~,

"Thy gJ(lrit)u ,~ fao;c I ' ll always seek," My g l'ateful hO:lU'1 replies,

;:; Then h ide ]Jot thuu thy fi lce, 0 Lord, i\'II r JIlt' ill \\'l"illh ]'I 'jC('t;

l\ l ,v (;,,01 and ~a\"i (lill' , le:t"c not h im

ThOll d id"t "u oft jll'u lt;cl.

6 Tholl ~h all IIf l1e :!n'st e.u·tl ily ric!!,

;\ \0 " ill my \\fIt ' , /i,r;:;ake, r e t 1111111 , wh" "c IOl e excels them all,

Wil! elU'I' alill I' il)" lake.

7 IIl !< l n.ll"1 11'" ill I h ~' l':lt1J ,~ , 0 Lord, ;\1 )" w:t,"~ dil"(:("II .'" guidl';

L\ ' ,~t. ~iJlflll 1111':11, \\' Iu, \\'a teh Illy steps, ~hoilid Sl'C 1110 tn,;"l a.side.

fI T 11'II ,~ !o'd that Illy fllllll',' li !e ~11'fl']d I\' il ll Illy j",'c be crown'u ;

01' 1 ' 1.~1' lny 1:lil1 l illK ",,111 had SUlik,

\\' illl ~""""\\' c"l!lJ .as~'d .... lInd.

D G"d' ,~ tilll t· \\ i!ll 1':lli' ·lIt f:1 ith expect,

\\,1." will ill '; l' i l'~' Ih.\· \' ,.. ·a,,1

Wil), illwanl i'!l', 'Il!!Ii.: do Ihou thy part,

,\1111 10::1"1' I" h ill! !III" r~'~ t,

~E I. ECTIO:'( 23. C. M.

AllOI~I : n I~ ... '. " 1' 1", 1 ... 1111.' ],ord ; 11 1:< I'nll"" I \\' 111 n '~"lllld ,

]."n'l1I ,,"h"lII ti lt· /'l 'i. ·s of Illy tii"tress

A ~nl\"i"l1~ : tll ,~WC l' f, 'UIIl!.

" Il l' i" 111," ;;11'I' Il!.!' tJ, at1~1 ~hil'ld : Illy heart I l a.~ IJ'lI~led ill !r i,. i\allle:

:\,ullll'W l'l,li"I",I, Ill)" 1'1'111'1, \\"ilhjoy,

I i i,. 1)j' : l i ,~d "IJ"III"",cla im.

3 Th,' ]' ''I'd, tl,,' ,,\, .. r1: j ~li!l g God,

bil ly d" f,.w'" :11101 I'" ... k , The ~ : l\ ' ill ~ I ... :dllo, tIl\' 8: \\"iIlO' strcngth,

Of h i,. '1I1"ill lo:oI Iloe k.

" 0 ,~a\' (' :111,1 "Il' ~~ lily I'eople, Lord,

Thy In'; l' i" .~" 1'1'1'';1'1"' '1..':

FI;I 'II. "t r t'lI i! tlwlI , alltl ,.;upport Ihci]" hear16. Tllat Ih,')" m ay lIen.:r I>wcr\'c,

S ELE CT ION 2'1. L. i\[.

From the ';XiI. I'salm of Da"id,

l TE tha t i ll 1I1 ii!ht ~ tIJ,1 powe r excel,

J.;J lra(/ from ' he J rlll rlwf ('J.f lite G eneral COIII"e n_ 1 - - r "lll' i:!1': lleflll sacrilice prepare; / 10", I ";;I '~ " G"d ',; gl"ri"l1 ,~ a('t ions loud I," tel l,

4 \,",11'11 11>1 Itl i'cck thy e lorions face

T I,ol1 ki lltlly d", .. t atl,"ise;

1l ((('J/I '('n , A ~ the "1' IISC and d~1a ra ti ... n nf Ih i8 (.'on- Ii i:; wO!Jlh~)Wj puwc]" to all ,leclarc. 1l'!lli"u , (h:'1 ~" "lndl " f t t,l' ru l'ri"~ ill IIII' Fonll of l' ''II~~ I ':tl r '''' of II Church or ( ' h« pel HS rl'qrlircs Ihe :! ~in J.:'I1~ .,f " I' ~a l lll '2G, I'res{', (0, 7, "",I S," will1tercaf-1(1' , oj' .tuly cluupltc, l "' i,h b) , inKiuJ.: "erses '~ ;IIHI :!, i ll Ihe ~~l~li o ll fr"Ul thl' -.!Glh I"~" l "" i,,~1t!llcd jll the I !'''ahll ~ in MClre ;llllhorizcd lo y (he" ," resolutions to be ~C " forth . I


To hi" g reat Nallll' r" e ~h ait:lrS raise;

DI.' \""lI tly dll c l 'c~ J1t.'et affi )]"(I ;

lI im ill Iii :; h"ly lel!L ple praise,

Whe l'e he's wilh solemn 8tatc adored..




3 'Tis hc thaI , w ilh alllrt7,it!3 1I0i ~e, The watery clullds it! i<lIl1Lic l' break,,;

TIll:' Ocean In'lHhi~-'~ al his ,·o icl',

''' hen he fr"lIL i1<':t\'c lL in Ihunder speaks.

fl o w full o f power his \'oiee uPl'ears ! " ' ilh whal 1I1: li l ,~tic Icn·or crnwn'd!

'Vh ich from tlwir I"O"IS tnll c(·dars leal';;, .I\!H I ;:trew.~ t hf'i .. ~c:ltl!'I"d Ill'allelw;; 1'011 ncl.

5 God Illle;: the all ::I'.\· /l"vd.'; 011 bigh; Ii i" \)0111111 1""" "way ,..ll: l ll ll, ·q~r ceasc;

H i" >'<liuL,;; with .~ tl·ClIg lll II!' will I:HIl'ply,

j\lld IJle,." hi" own wi lh (·"IISI:Ult peace,

SELECTION 25. C. M. From the xu, l'..ahH of Da .. id.

I s my di~~r(".~" t". (;"d. 1 cried, Whu kilidly ,lid relievc,

And fr"m tilt.: gm\,.,'", cX lwcting month

1\Iy h0l't-" Ic~!l life rt'l.rieve.

2 0 to Ili_~ COllrt.,.;, )'e sailll.';; of h is,

\\"ilh ..olle.~ "I" pn.j,.(l;

" 'itlL llIe ('UI IlIll('lIloral.e h is tl"uth,

,\ 1Il1 providc Ht ial carc,

3 I-li s wrath h:ls but a momcnt's rcign,

lIi!l 1:\\' 0111' 110 .I~·ca)';

T he Iligb t (of gricf i.s rccU1!1pensed

W itb joy's I"t'tlll'llillg day ,

4 T1wreforc, 0 l.IIrd, I 'll gla'}I~- sing Thy prai,.;f' iu ~mh"flll vcrse;

Awl , as tb.,· (1\'OIiI'S cmlkss are ,

Thy e lllll,''':!l pmi~c rcltearse,

SELE CT IO'l 2G. S. M. From the x'u.1. 1'8.11 111 of D:H' id,

DI:: F[!\]) Ill", I.ord, frolll !lh amc,

For still I II"11"t ill thee; Asju st mill righl '· l lIl ~ is thy Name,

From tbugcr Sl't IllU ft·ce,

~ Bow 110\\'11 th." ~ra('il)tls car,

And sl'el.."..I), 611CC"ltr st'llll; Do til,," tIIy ~tC: lI 1til~t I~JCk appear,

Tu sh eltcr awl del"clld,

3 To thee, tlw God of truth,

l\l ~- life alld all that's mine,

( Fnr' th'''1 'I wc".-'!"\,'st Ille from my YOllth,) I willingly l"e~ i gtl.

~l y hope, m~' steadfi~'it Inlst,

lOll thy IIl:I!, rq" l~e:

That thou, my God, nI'l good and just,

My soul with comfl.rt kuo\\'s,

5 '''hate'er e\'CIllS bClide,

Thy Wi".-\Olll litll{>S them all;

Then , J~ord, th.\' "t'n'IUlt saldy hide

From those thn t seck his faiL


I; The h righ tness of tilY filce '1'0 II IC, (I LonJ., disclose

And, as I h ~' mercies s ~ill increase, I're"L"rvc mc fro m Illy liles,

7 lI"w e'l"eat th." mercies arc Tn "IWit as fear thy ."\:1111(',

Whi c.:it thOll, fur tho;;.' Ilmt t rwlt thy care,

D"H to the world )lll1l,:laill1 !

8 0 all ye "ain t~. the LOl'd With ('ager lon' pltr.~tI(';

Who lu ,ltl..' ju,.:t will Iwlp am'l'd, ,\ lId gi,'c ti le proud tiwir due.

!) r o th at on Go,1 r('"I~-,

CUlIragcou;;:ly procet'd:

For he will s ti ll your Ill:art~ supply With 6tl"eu;:;th iu limc of 1Il'~·d,

SE LE CT JON 27. L. M. F rum the xxxii. Psalm of D:\\';I1.

I-I E'S 1.lest, w~I()~e sins h:l"I'I':lI"I lolI gaiu'd , Su mnr,· III Jlldf!lI lelll In apP{.·arj

\\'llo"e guilt 1'ClIli :<3i tJ ll Il:l.~ olrlaiu'l l.

Am i whose repenlanc(' iii ~inct'n'.

~ i'\o "OOl1('r I my wou nd .t i~c1 ,, ~(· d,

Th(' g ui lt thllt torturc'] mc within, But thy !(JI·giv,·lII·ss iUl"l"po;;:cd,

Alld mercy '" hculillg IJ:dm pou r'il in.

3 Son~) \\' s 011 I"'orrows II Hti tiplif'd, Thc lJanlt'II't1 simlcr ~hall coufimllli ;

Hul them whu ill Iii ;: 1i1ld. cl1l1tidc,

B1c~i lJgs of lIlerc), "liall "" IIT"tllJ~l

·1 II i" ":ai ll ts, tlw.t have Iwt·li.I'I I1 '.1 Iii" laws, T hcir· li te in n'illltl ph shnl! (.'lIlJ .lo.)":

Lct thcm, a5 they alllllc hll\'c CflU~C,

In gratcfull"aptul"cs !;hout t~)I" joy,

SELECTION 28. :From the xx:<iii, l'ralm or David,

P .... RT I. c.)1.

J ET nllthcjust to GUll , with,joy, J T llI'ir cheelful voie·clI I'ai,.,,:

For wt,lI lhl' liglJlcutls it l,..cotliCS

Tu s ing glad snugs uf prai~(l,

~ Let harp.~, nut! psalteries, aud lutes,

I II j' .yful conccrt meet j

,\nd uc w-tnade song~ of )(,ud app lause

TIIC Ilarmony COttll.lcte,

:1 Fol' litithful is the word ufGod,

I I i .~ wurks ,,-ith tmtll abound :

Ill' jll~tic" 10\"0''', and all th1' carlh I!! with hi" gO<!llncss crown'd,

r '\ B~' hi,; almighty wonl. at firs t.

: T he hCIIn·lI ly arch WiIS rCllr\i;

I And alllhc ucautcoll!l host.~ of light

At hi .~ command appcar'J,


5 Let earth, and all that dwell therein, De fOl'c him 1I'CIllI.lin~ st~nd :

For, when hc ;:. pake Ilre~ wonL ' twas made, 2

'Tww; fi x'J at hi~ cnmmand.

I 'll teach yon thc truo discipline Of his religious fcar.

Let him who lenglh uf lifc dcsires,

AnJ prosperllus tiay!! would "ee,

PA RT 11. c.;\I.

"THAH:'~:R tlw mi ;.:llt)' Lurd dccrees,

Rhall ~ talld ror e\·Cl' sllre;

Th(' "l'Ith-tl i'llrp',.~~, of hid heart

To a,,~'~ ~hall ell,]ure.

~ Il o w happy 11lt'1i arc they, to whom

Thc L"rd for God is known!

\rhnm lit" frotll nil tilt' world h esides,

lias c1lll~ " 11 fill" hi~ own,

:1 Our snul nn (fo,1 wi th pnti(,lIce w ai ts;

0111' help alld ~h il'ld i;:. hf':

Then, Lunl, It,t ~ t i ll 0111' hearts rcjoice,

Becau~c we tl"ll ;:.t ill thee,

4 The richc-;:. "f thy mercy, Lord, Do Illtlu In 11" extcnd ;

Sillce W(" fo.r all WI' w:mt or wish,

On thce alOlne ,il"[lclll1.

SE LE C'l'lON 29. From the xHi .. , I' lIalrn of David.

I' A It'!' I. C, 1\1,

T il HO lin II all til<" chnll gillb" ."('('nes oflife,

III tl'uIlI.I .. allll illju~' ,

The pra i~., ~ (Jf III)' God "hall still r001)' Iwart and IUlJ~HC c mploy.

2 Ofhi~ .kli\'cmll('c I will boast,

Till all that are tli ;;t l'e,,"~'d

From my t 'xalll plt ' comfort take, Awl cltal' lll thei r' Wi!'/~ tu rest,

3 0 IWIf(ll ify 1\11) Lord with me,

'''ith Ill(' ('xalt hi~ NallJ{' :

'''hcll ill .I i"'tl"e~s til him r call'd,

li e to my reSCue C: \lIlC.

4 T he AlIgd (,f tlu' Lnnl.'ncamps AwulJd lilt' ;,:ul,,1 :ul\l just;

Deli\'cr.llwe he an\Jl"II~ to all \rhn nn hi" !;IICC' lUr tlUSt,

5 0 makc hut. trialnf II is love,

Expl!l'if'llC~ ' \\"ill d ecide

H ow Iol" .~ ltlll'y :11'0', HIl,} ullly thcy, Who in Il;~ Il'ulh con fide,

6 Fear hi m, yc Mti llt;<, and you will then J-1 a"c 1I(1lhill~ else to fear;

).ta\;:c y"u hi~ ~1'1'\· i('(' your delight,

Your waulS ",1,1111 h~' his cal"c.

1)'\ RT [ f. C, M,

ApI'ROAC II , yc I"!lildrt'!l uf thc Lord,

And my in5Iru("li"lI I, car;

F m m ~I alldel'illg ian::'lag" kt'ep his longue, Il is lip" from fill~ehood II·c,' :

:3 Tho crooked paths uf vice dccline,

AmI virtHt)'s way.~ \,ur~lIc; E~tHlJ!;~h peace, ",Iwre 'tis I.egu n,

,,\ lId whel·e ·,i ... I" st, rellCW,

>I TIl(' LorJ fru ltl hcavell 1Ic1luld ... thc jU£it

\Vilh fan.llral,I., ".rc.".

AlId , WllCll dislr' )~.'''d , Ilill grnciuus ear Is opcn to Iheir cl"i('~;

5 Bilt turns hi .~ wrath ful I""k on thoso \Vho lll lTlt!rcy cau't I"c(:him,

To cut them uff. :U1ll frtolll the e arth

Blot "lit their evil ll:ml C.

G Dcli\"cr.lllce to his ;;:tillts hc g i\'cs,

Wl wn I.i .~ relicf thl')' cra,'e;

I lc's Il ich 10 hcal Ihe hroken heart, All,} contrite spirit g,I\"C,

7 Great trollhics llI ;"]y :dlliet llw j Ul'lt,

r e t. Go.! will s:)v(' them .. till; Thc ri" htcolls he will k ee p from harm,

,,\ wl glial''} from every ill.

3 TIH' wick cd, from tireil" wi/·kt'dm.'ss,

Their mill "Imll (iNi,'!' ;

Wh ilst ri<!htcollS m "'II, wlt/'1I1 Ihcy detcst, ~llall tlU·lll and tllf'ir~ ,.lIn' i\"c.

9 FOt" God prC~CI"\'(''' the sollis of those

Who all Iti;; truth d cpend;

To them, awl the il' pllstel'ity,


II is blcssings Rlmll dC~Gc nd .

SELECT ION 30. L. M. F rom the 1:1:1\'i, 1' ~.1.l iU or Da'"ld,

LUHD, tll~- mercy, Ill)' "urc hope.

The h ie- tlc,. t Ol'\) of Ilt'an!1l tran"ccmls ; T hy saen'd truth's unme;~~I JJ·etl scope

Bcyo'II\the sprcading exte!LtI~,

~ Thy justic.:e likc the hills relUaill q ,

L'lIt:ltho1!l'd depths tlty jlld!!ll1l'tlUi are ;

Thr providencc lire wOl'l d illl.~ !llin s,

TIlt.! who!..: (; I"catiull i~ Ihy eat"e,

3 Si nce o f thy· goodnesi< all p:lI'lilkl', ''' ith what a."Mlm!lee "h.II\I.1 the just

Thy ,,\tellc"ing win;::" tllCir refuge make, Ami !'oaillts to Ilty pmtce l ioll lrust!

Such guc~t!l "hall to thy i!"Urts b e led, T n h:m'luet on thy 100·c'.~ repast;

Ant! dri nk, I~~ from a ft.lllntain'H head, Of joys that ~hall tilr ('ver last,




5 W ith thee the springs o f life remain, Thy pre;>C Jl l'c i" e h 'l·ual ,lu)" j

o Ict thy ~aill l:> Ihy I;'\·IJI.I' r:-aill, T o u]' righl ht:arl.~ Ihy 1I'IIIh d isplay.

::':ELEC'I' lON 31-From the x~x";;, of D""id,

I'A RT I. II . 'l.

T //0' ·( ;' [w i •. k,.,.I " II"1I r: ro)w rich or grr' at ,

r.'1 11'1 IlIOl ,1,0.:11· ~I It 'n.:~~ fll l stale

T hy all ,!! ,'r 101' III)" '· Il'·Y rai"e; FOJ' Ilu.:y, Cill d"\\"11 lib.' h'lldo.:r l! nJ."~,

Or lik, · YOIl U!!; 1l0WCl'1' a way ~ha l1 ]la."s, ''' hlJ.~1' hloOllliug I)\,:allty ;;00/1 d ,'cay,;.

!! DC],"I"I 011 God, ;tI\,1 him ol1('Y; So thro ll withill lIlt' lalld ,:ha[ t ,: tay.

Sf'l'lIrl' (r',m ,1IJlIg"" alLll fpJlIl wall \:

I\'lu k ... hi" ('01Il111aud ~ Ihy j' hid> deli ght;

AIIII ltc, Ih y dllty to n>'tllitl', S hall all ' Ihy l:arne.~l wj,:hl'l' emil!.

3 I II alllhy ways trll"llln,U lIlt' L UI'.I,

And hc \\ ill IIce.lflll Iwlp afil".,l,

'['0) pl'l'fcel { '\·t·ry .i"~t dt' ~i1!11 : lI e'lI !rIak,', like li;..;ht , ':t 'reIiD a1ll1 clear,

Ti,,· doUtI I',] iIlIlIICCIH"· III'],ear,

,\1101 as a miti-<:lay ':1I t) I .. ,:J.i Jlc .

W ith q .. it·t milld 011 nll.I,l t' I'le1U1.

And paTil'lIlly fnr h im allt-lId,

Nor "11\')" 11m ;<ut.;t.;c~.; IJI" 'Time:

FlJr Un.! will ,:iurl.! IIICIt tl(' ~tl'Oy;

Wb il ,· tbey hi s pn'~I' Il('I' ~h: lll Cltjoy,

\\' hu tl';l;<t lilt hill. alltl wait hi ,., timc.

PART II. 11 .2.

Tilt: gO(ltlm : III ' ~ wily is n od 's del ight:

l-I el)l"Il'·r.~ all the ,:1<' p'" al'if!lIt Of lI i' ll Ihat JIln\'C" hy hi ~ c<llHnl;lwl;

TI JOlIgh 1 ... ~ometilH" ~ luay I,D ,\ j"II'CS,,'J, Vc l ~ l l all he He·t·r 1,,' flu ih' o pprL's,,'d ,

For G"d " phol.!" I,illl w;ll, his Imw \.

2 ' \' ilh citutioll shun caeh wicKt'tl deed ,

III v;rll1\"" \\""y~ willi zt'al ,"'IIe.'ed, Alit! ';0 prolong )' <1111' happy t!a)' ,~ :

For (;od . Whll,illllglUt'll l 1m·,· ,: , .to(·'" still

Prcl'cn 'e his "aiuL'! sceurc 1'1'0111 ill.

Wllile »0011 the w icket! race decays,

3 T he upright shall pO"',:,.,:s th ... laud ,

II is 1'1)1'1 iUll shall for age>! >!tand ;

Il i~ 11I',llth with wi ",I"Hr i~ ,<;lIPI ,JictI,

1·l i;! tongue IJY rnll's nrjllll <-( lIl('lIlmu\'c~,

J-1 i.~ hea rt tl'D law of Gud ttl'l"·u\·es;

T iJercful'c I,i" fi lOI"tcp,: nl'\'c r slide.

l'ART III. fl . '2.

T HE wiCK e(1 [ ill ]H1W!'I' It,,·."!) I"ccn ,

And like a Lar-tl'cc frush lUtd green, 12

TIl<l t sl'realh its pll'll..;o;lIJL br.J.!lcllcs round : Hil t lie \\ a s !!"'l<' a.~ "wi li as t l,ollg li t ; Autl. thuugh ill "vcl'y pl ncl' I ~" lIgh t.

S" ,~ igJt or Ir:lc k uf I,ilt! I 1(l1IlId .

:.! Oh"cn·c th t: 1'.: r!~ ·d 1I1;IU will. 1'(It'l"

I\w l JlJark all ~llI'h a.~ IIlwi ght ill', ·; T lwi,' 1'<I1I:.,:1 ... "t .1 ;1'·" ill \,,,-,; lI'O ,..hall end:

\\' I. il, ' OJI til:' lallt-I' ;"111 "f 1 11O~D \\ ' 1111 .lan' (; . ~I'" ~;", ,,,'d will "['I)()~ "' ,

r\ ,'0111111"" I'ui ll ~!t all aTtl'lId.

:3 Gild I" th,' .i"~t wi ll aid aW" ... 1. TI ... ir 11111.\· ~a f, ·;.'qnrc l is Ihe I. IIrd ,

TI ... i,. ~ l n· tt ,:'::lh ill lillll' "flll'pel j" he: Bce(l ll."'-' " It hilll II .... ,· ~till depew \,

T he L" ... I \\ ill till )!' l.\" ~IICeUH I' ~cJJd.

AIl,1 frll'" tI".: wit·kcd ~O'l tltc lll f,·cc.

SELECTION 32. C. M. From lhe In,i;;, P""lrn of Da~id.

'1' I I r .. h:', I,·ui ll ;.' wmlll: U L onl, reslr..liu, T hllll<!h I .1, ·,...·l'\t· It all;

:"IIr let lilt IIII' III(' Ill·n'·~· ::;torm

of lliy ,l i ~!,I":lslln ' lid!,

~ i\l y ::;ill" . whkh 10 a d elu ge !'o w e n ,

;\Iv .~illhilli£ Iwad "'PI1],I\\,,

)\11.1: f"r Illy Ic c·J,iL· ,..1 1"<, lIgl lt 10 be ar,

Too \1I"t 11 Illirdell C''I'U \\·.

3 Bllt, L"rd. 1 ... 1,,1',' thy H'm'ching eyes All H.,· ,k ,~il'l'~ :11'11("111';

Ti,e gr";tlJ illg~ " I' !II)' hllrdCII 'd 8u III

Il a\"!' reach',1 Ihi",' ope " car.

F"I·' .. ilk. · lilt' ""t. U l,ol~l, Illy God , :-;:"1' Ii ... frolll 1111' d l' l'arT:

J\L lke h;I .~ 1t · III Illy n·li,·t~ 0 thOll,

,rI,l! Illy ~ :d'lllioll a rt.

SELECT ION 33. C. M. Fr .. 111 t he X\l;~. I'~. hn of Da\' id.

, -1- OHD. Id I ll.., kllllW Illy term nfdays,

.j lIuw """" Illy li lL' w ill cll.I : The 1Il1l1lenlll" 1" aillflf i I J~ d i ,~(' lo~e,

Whidl Ihis fl'ail ,: talc atkud.

2 j\ly lifc, llu lu k,,"w·,.:t, i~ hut a "pau ,

A cipllt"I' "11111~ III." year" :

A Ut I " ' ·l·"y 1111111 , ill I 'c.~l e"tatc. B llt \·u ni,y appear".

3 .\!a ll, lik ,· II ,. 11 :.010 \\' . v:lilll.,· w :llk::;,

Wi th rl'lIit le~~ , 'II I'('S IIl'preN;'d;

lI e lleap~ 111' w " .. llh. I,"t calil/.,t tell

By wh"lJI 'lwilJ he 1'0;:;:.{'.~s'J .

4 Why ti lt'1J ~\',,"td I Oil worthless toys

'\" ;th allxiuu': cares at\L'1Il1 1 On thec "loIH' Illy ."'teudfa."'t hope

Shull e vcr, L Ul'd, depelld.


5 Lord , h car my cry , acct'J .t Illy Icars , And li;;teu to Ill y J1m)"~ r ,

' Vho sujuul'll likc 11 ~Imllg"r here, As all HI )" blli l'rS w,'rl' ,

6 0 "pare me yet a littl e l i,lIc; i\ l )" wasted sU'c llgth ]'I'st"rc,

Bcfurt.: I \"a ll ish ' Illile fn ull hCllce,

AlJd "hall he ","" Il nu mure.

SE L EC' I' IO:-l :j.1. L . 1\1. From lhe xl. Psalm of Da,' id.

[ W.-\ITI:D IIwl'kl~' iii I' the I.urd,

. T ill lie HII'l'I ,,,aii '" a kiml re pl} ;

\\' , .. , dit! hi" gnu'io .. " ear annl'd. Ami heal'l l fl'U lIl hCavell Ill )" hllmble cry,

".! The '\' ol l dl'r~ hc fill' 11Il' ha~ wl"Uugllt SJ.;,l1 fill m y lllllldi l with S(I II;;~ Ill' praise;

And () Ihe r,:. to Il i~ w<lr,,,hip hroughl ,

Tn hopes of like deli"cl'alwC raise.

:1 FOI' "Ie",-~i ll ~;; .~ hall tllal mall I'PW:lI'd ,

Who nn ;h' Almig-h l)" ]. .. 1'01 rdie.~; Wit .. tl"'a!;; the 1'1"111111 with di~rl'1'anl,

Alld hates Ihc il .\' I'"l'l'ih·\ d i;:glt ist.:,

\\'Iln CII1 I t!Jc \\'o l/ dj'o,,~ work", rl'c"lIl1l ,

Whid, Iholl, 0 n "d, It .1' 1l~ ha,;t \\"I'''lI fdlt!

T Ile tfC"" lIl'CS "I" Illy 1",·1.' .~lI nll""lI t Thc p"we r IIf lJ IIUI],CI"" specdl, alld

th" II g- il L

.c. I ' ,·c learll l !lUll tli llil 1'I1St not desil'CU

Olfel·ill:'::s 111111 ~n('rilil'f' 1I1""e; :,\(,1' hl"'k.10f t!"jlth:~;: l ,ca,"1s I'c(lltircd

Fill' lIIa ll· '; I.rall,: !.!' n ,,.~illll In a!ouc.

(; I !11I' ... ·forc CtI" lI"-(,OIll" 10 flllfil Tlw "raelc.~ tI,.,· l"'lIk~ illl]l;,rt :

' T i,: In \· ,j,· li:.::l,t to ,1" Illy w ill;

'1' 11.\.' law i ~ wril1ell ill Illy hcart.

7 I II full a~~('I JJI, lie~ I lIa\'c t"ld T It\· t rulh amI ri:.::lllI·oll .~II{,"s at 11I .. ;;t·;

.\'or .ii.! . Iholl k llm;·':I. 1I1 ~· lips \\" il llll"I,1

Frolil IIth'r illg Wl.all h" .. :;a\,',4 ill {:imrg" ;

a \ .. 1' k"i't \\"i t1.i ll III.\" III'I';I~! "IIlIli'Wd '1'11\· I;, ilill(dll l '~~ :1111 1 ~n \'i Tl~ ;;1'''' ''' :

BILl I;)'(':lcll',] 111.\' Im·c. ti,l' all ,J...~i:.,:H'. I , That ;111 IlI il!l lt thal allt l 11'1 1111 {,Jrllmu;c.

~ TII('II 1"1 th,,~f' 1Il '" 'Ti ,' ~ I .1'Tlan·'] Tn "Illcr~, Lon\. 1' .~I(,rHl t'J IIW:

Thy lo \·ill;.!'-killdlll'# 1Il~' reward , Th~· \1 '1111. my ~ ar,· l' .... tec lioll be .

S ELE CT I(}:\ :1.-, . C. l\f. From the xli, I's:!lm of David.

H"!,],': t Ill' lIIali "II".~. : temt~r care Hehen';: thc po"r d,~!rt'ss u!

, Vhell trolllJlp.~ ('nll \p;,~~ him aroUluJ ,

The L orJ slmll give Il im rcst,

~ T he Lord h is l ife, WiT h blc.~lI ill gll crown'd, In safcty ... 11:111 prolong;

" Ill! di .~a ppo illt IllI' will "f those Thilt sl'ck I .. do Itilll w!'''lI g.

3 If 1 ... , in lalJf!lIi;<hilJg , '':Iate ,

0pl'rt's.~'" '\ jI ll .~ickll '·';'; lie;

T Ill' 1."1'11 w ill t'a.~y make hi .~ bed , \ lId ilJwanl .~trcngtl l " lJl'p l~· .

<\ 8'TIII 'e III' Ihi ,~, III IIIlT, Illy ( ;00, 1 tl lIJ~ 'n .\' praY" r ;l(l dl'c~.;j' d:

"1.(,n l. 1;,)' Illy Irlcrey, llt: al Illy !lOul,

T1 1(J1I;,!11 I han' IIIlIeh tra llsgress'd. "

;j Th~' It· .. tI ... 1' can' ~lTlIrp.~ III)" lifc

Frulll dall l!er ;11,,1 d il'gl~lt.;e;

A 1II1 Th"'1 \'Olldl ~af'~t tu .~et IIID litill

Beii,n ' lli y gloriolls 1:lI"e.

G 1.('1 II ... n,flll'(' J ~l'a el'~ Lord ami God

].'nolll "l!e to "gl' I", hlL'~l"J ; ,\ w l all II ... pL'''plL''~ glad applause

" ·illt IOlld .\ mclts e~pn:~s'd ,

~ELF.CTIO:-l ~G . C. M. From t he xlii . P,a t", of J);,,·id .

As Jl;' "1.~ II,,· \. ;11'1 .1(1)" l'''<llill:f ':11"t';Hl1~ ,

Wllt'li l ... a 1< ·d III tI,,· (' J.a .~ .. ;

;-.:" 1 (l11!.' .~ III,'· ~"!ll. 0 G",]. Ii..- 11,,' 1.', ,\ 1111 Ihy 1·d"I'I.'"hillg gnll" '.

'2 For 1\11'1' , m.,· (; :,.1. lIlt' li ,· ill ;.;' God ,

i\h' lhir"lv ':"111 ,111 11 , pill"; 0, ,,:Iu'li ~11 ;, ll I 11l'Iwid Illy face,

ThUll '\ laj , .. ~ly d i\- illt' !

3 \\"hy .. e~llt·""~' why (.",~ ( dowlI , my soul T

TI'I1 4 n",]; wJ.n w ill "IIII'I"y H i~ aid 1;,1' 11",,·, alltl ,.]J:lllt!.· Illesc I'ighs

I To tl!; lI lk flll 1'.'· lIlllS vI' .i llY·

.\ (;'JI1 of Illy ~1 1't ' 1J i!lil, iJlI\\' IlI llg ~hal1 I , L ikl' "lte 1'''1':.:: .. 11 ,'11 . 111 111 11'11 ;

Forl" I'II, f,1I":'Ink:·II. allli p:(I'0 .... ~ 1 T" Ill )" "pl're~~"r's SC" J"l1 1

" .\1)" hp:lI't i,,; pit'l'('t'd, :." w ilh II .~ word ,

·\\'I,il ,· I IIII~ III ,· ",...~ Hpllr;lid: "'·aill ho:t~I.'r, when, is 1111\\· tll~· God 1

Alld where h i" 1' !'''ll1i .~, ·,1 "id 1"

G \\"h," .. ('~tk·~.;, w ily e;J,:;.t tloWIl , Illy ~ul1

11 " )le ,~lil1; ;lll, lll ll> lI .~ha l l ~iJlg

T he p l'a i~ (' flf !ti m wh" is thr God.

Thy hcaltll 's e lemal ~p!'i ll o'

SE LE CT ION 37. I I. 5. From the xl ii, Psa lm of Dand.

pa li lil Ihp \\"carictl h:u,t Ii II' (';oolillg

"I'rillgs, That ~illks j'xhausted ill lho lIu mmer's





So pllll ta Illy soul for thee, c'!"cat King of kings,

So IIi ir,;t.s 10 rcach thy sacred. Jwclliug_ pbce.

'I Hide "II in stale, ImJ still protect The meek, the just, alld trno;

Wh ilst thy right baud, w ith swift re'·ollge , Docs all thy f\,c.~ J'IIJ "Sl lC.

2 \\, lIy 11 11·"1,, Illy IlI'iI.rll why giuk, my sad_ ;j

d l'uillg O'Oul! IIow ~llltl"p tit .\" \\"~'''I'''II,; 'II·C 10 thelll

That tlal"C Ih.r powel" de.~!,i",c ! WI .y droop tu carth, w ith variou;J w oes

01'1'1'1: . ..,,\1 1 My year,. ~ ktll ) "l't in blissful circles noll,

And i"'ace be yet itll illrnalc of this IJI"ea ~ 1.

3 Lord , thy /Su rc IJlcrcic.~, en'l" ill my sight, l\ ly he,II·1 !'hall glaJd"1L thruugh tile Ic·

dious Jay; And IlI id~t tlte d,u·k and gloomy shaLles of

lIi ght, To t.hce, Illy God, I 'll IUIlC the grateful


4 Why [Iiut.. Illy soul 1 wby doubt Jehovah's aid I

Thy God Ihe God of mercy stili shall prove;

Within Il is courts tlty tl uwks shall yet bc piliJ:

Ullqucslion'l\ be his faiUlfulness and lo,·c.

SELEC'flON 38. L. M. FrOnl th~ xliii. J'.!oahn of Da .. iJ. LET me with light 1111<1 trulh be bless'd;

B(J thc~e my gllid e~ 10 lead the way, Till 011 T hy holy h ill 1 rest,

Alld iUlhy sacro] tcmpl(J pray.

2 Theil w ill I there fl"csh altllrs mise To God , who is Ill)' only joy;

Ami well-lullcd imfj)!;, with songs of praise, Shall all my grateful hours cmploy.

3 Why (hen casl tlOWIl , my AUliI ? and why So much oppress'll wilh anxious care!

Oll God , thy Gotl, for aid rely, \ Vho will thy nlin'd state rc pair .

SELECTlON 39. C. M. From the xii' . Psalm of D~yjJ. W 1-11 LE [ tlte King\ loud praise rehearse,

Iml i(('o.l hy my hea rt , M y tOllgllC i,. like lilt, fM' lI of h im

That wl"it(."S w ith ready nrt.

2 How l!iatchlcs~ is thy form, 0 King! T lly mouth with gmcc o'l;".lIu\\"s;

Because fresh blc.~sing.~ God un thee Ete rnally beslows.

3 Gird on Illy swon l, most mighty PI·ince; And, clad ill rich array,

\ Vith glOt·iolls omarnctltil of power, Majestic pomp di~pluy.


Down. d own Ihey fall. ,\'I li le through their h.·art

TI lt" picn: iu;.' arl"!>w f1ic~,

Ij 13l1 t Ihy linn IJII"lI lle, 0 God, is lix'd ,

For C\'cr I" ~ · lIdlll"'··

Thy sceptrc·,; "way "hall always h~t,

By righteous la\, ,, "ccure.

7 ill'call se thy hearl. I'r jll .~I;ce lcd. ,

Did IIprigh l \\"ay~ al'l'l"lO\"(:,

And halcll s till the cr""kcd paths,

\\"hm·e wllIJd cl"ill g Silllll:l"S rDn.l :

3 Tih.'I·(:' forc .lid God, tit), G Ull. 011 thel."

T he oil of gladness IiheJ ; .>\n'\ lta .. ", ahuve thy fdluws mumI,

Advanccd tlty loft)' Itead.

SELE CT IO N ·10. 11. 2. F rom Ihe xl .. i. Psalm of Dn id.

G on is 0111" I"cfll;.! '· ill d istre>,.'I , A pre;oclIl hdl' wlU'1I dallgcl"s [treMl,

Tn hilll , undauntelT we'l l culi lide;

T hnugh earth wo..:l"e fro m her centre tost . AIHI lrlountaius ill the ocean lost,

Torn picco..: lllcal by the roarillg tide.

~ A gentler stro..:alll wilh gladness sfiU The city of lO ur t on i shal l fill.

T he royal 6(:nt of Got! most Il jg-lt: G(1(1 dwells in SiUII , whose fair towen!

Shall moc k th' a . .,sa!llt.~ of eHl1!Jly powers .. While his almi gh ty aiJ is Jligh.

:1 Suhmit to God 's a lmighty sway, FOr hill! the ill'a till' lI 0;11<111 obey,

And earlh hel" !>U\·creign Lord confess: The GCH..\ of ho;; til cOllli uc! s our arlllS, Ollr tower of refuge iu alarms,

As to onr fathe rs iu tiistress.

SELECT ION 41. L . M. From th~ xh·ji. l'sa lm of Da'l'iJ.

Al.L ye pco ple. rIal' ~'U1ll" ltaud s, o And with tl ·ill lJll'lmnt voice;; sing ; Ku forcc lite lII il:( lIl )' power w ithstundll

Of Gud, tlte ulli\'cl'1!al Killg.

2 He ~hall assauiti!lg foes repel,

Aud wilh llIU'I"I'MI our hattles fi g ht ; Shall fix the ]>I'II"f' WhfTf' Wl' llllbi dwell

The prilIe of .J U(;o]" his dd ight.

3 God is gone up, Uill' Lord and King, \V it ll shouts of joy, and tnllnpel's smulII :


To him repcatt..'t.1 Jlr.ti;;cs sing, And let the chccrful ISOI;g rc\)ou lld.

4 Your utlUost skill in prui"e he shown, For h im wito all thc world '·OlllllUlluht;

Wlto "its UpOIi his r igh tl·OUS t.h rone, And spreads h is ""'uy o'er hcathClillUt(ls.

SE L ECTION 42. C. i\f. }' rom the xl .. iii. Psalm of DaYid .

r L-"' J: !.un!. l Ilt' ,,"ly (:;"d,. i .~ greal , - Anll g reatly to hf' l'ral ~('ll

In Siolt, UII wh"se hapl'Y mount lI is suen .'l.I Ihrunc i~ raisl.-xl.

'J 111 Sio n we ha'·e ;;"f'n pcrfurrn'tl A WIJI"k Ihat w a,; j'lretold,

I n plcdge tltat nod, for li mes lo como, H is city will Itphoili.

3 Let Sioll's moultt. with joy resound; I 1"1" dau ;.:htcr.~ aUI,c taugllt

III I;OIlf!S hill jUti;-IIlCllts to extol. WhO) this Jcli\'e raucc wrought.

4 Compass Iter \\':111s ill solemn pomp, Ynur er('~ 'Iuitt.! rOll lJtl her ca~t;

Cou nt nil h'~ I· tower;;, nJlll ;;ce if there YOII lind olle Slone d isplaced.

5 H f'r furl" and pala(·es survey, Ob~cl"\'c their or(ler well ;

That to the age~ yl't to (;OIl1C I I is wOlJlle J'~ )' 011 lHay tell.

G Thi .~ God is ours, 01111.1 will be ours, Whil>'t wc in h ill \ coufi(le;

\\fho. a.~ he hal< pn'>'ern ..... l liS now, Till death will UC ollr !:-,uide.

SE LE C'I'I ON 43. From the]. PAil I", ur David.

P .Ut'!' I. II. 2.

T il E Lllnl 11ath ;< l'"kl', till' mif!hty n od lI a th sellt h i;: 1!IIIIt tnOIl":-t1l abrQatl,

From oIawll iuf! li~ltt tillliay dedillc.1:

The iist"lIill;! earth h i" ,"oi!"c hath hc.m i, Ami he f!"OHi ~i"l1 hath appcar'tl,

\ Vhcrc beaut y in l' trf,xtinll :;!tiIiCs.

~ Our (:0\1 ;:;hall C"ill" , ami kecp 110 lIIo r e

:\ti.;;cf)ll;;lrtux l "il"IWC as bcfol"C, Bllt w'L~liug- 11:tllle.~ h c fore him scnd ;

Aro1lnd shall tl'lIIpe~I" fiercely rage, " 'hil st llC (Jocs h ~ 'avelJ H1ll1 earth clIga;:.'e

I I i!ljlt5t tril,"ltal tn IIttl"lld.

3 A~~elllble all lily .~ailils to me, ( Thll s nll l;; the f!1"t~ai . ,Ii\ ille decree, )

T ltat in m~· la~ t illf! I"' I\·ollant li\"f', And oflc rings bring wit ll constant cure: The heavclls h i~ jll .~t il·~' "hall Jeclare,

For God himself sltal l ~ell tellce gi,'c.

I' ,\RTII. If.,. ATn:s n. Illy I'enplc; hrac1 , hoar; Tlty strollg ltccu .~er 1'1\ appear;

T hy Gn,l , Ill ille olily (ow, alii 1: ' Tis !Jot of "ff,'rings I complain, WhidJ , .Iaily ill my {(·mplc ~lain ,

;\ty sac re.l altar did >ill!' I, I.,· .

~ T Ill' ;,acliliccs I rcquire Arc IU';u·l .. whieh lnvc alill z. 'al ill.~I'; re,

1\ !Ill '"OJw ... w itlt .~1t·il"l, · .~t can' mlldc good : l it tillu' of lrolll,I,· call "II HIP ,

A\tIl T will ",' I thce saf,· awl fn' ~' .

:\1111 tl,oll llhalt p mis,' thy f!1·aciOIl:l God.

:1 COIl"iller Ihi .... ye TlIIHl i! ItTlI'''iI III (' II !

;\1)' n'lIf!t',H1(;t' ~hall lIot fall itt vain, ,\ WiIH)!)I' w ill lLorl' ."()I\J' ( ' ;"'~e tu own:

\rlto j1r;li ;:; ,'" 1111' ,l it o hnnflltr gi \·e~ ;

r\ lItll() the 111<111 l1tatju5tly li\"l'~ ;\ l y strung 8ah ation >'hall he ShUWH.

SE L Io: C'J'ION 4-1. S . ~!. FrOltl the Ii. !' ''1IIm of D:I\·[,1.

H A \ ' E lltO'IT.' · , I,,'nl , 01 1 1110',

- . A .~ tllllll Wl'l"t '·'·(' 1· kilLl!;

Let 1111', 111 ' l'r(' .... ~·,1 w itlt 10,\lls uf guilt, T lty wOllted IIlCl"l·~' lim\.

2 \Vash ofT Illy fOil I ofiellcf', .AIHI c\,'a1!~e lIIe fmlll Illy .~ill;

For T c()nf, .. ~~ Illy crime, allli sce How WC;lt Illy gllilt has been.

3 .>\ f!ai ll ~t tl,cf', Lonl. aiOllf' ,

.AmI ullly in th~' sight, H ave 1 Ir:III;<~'TesS'a ; 1I11d , tltough con­

ll"IJtIl ',I , !\l u"l ' )\\"1 1 thy jllllg lllt'lit right.

I n gllilt cac\1 part was fonu 'd Of all Ih i.~ :::. iuful frmllt' ;

Tn gui lt 1 \\" :t .~ (·OIlCC;"'·ll, allli bonl

T he heil" "f JOi n allli slt'lInl.'.

;) Yd, Lonl , thy ~carc\ l iJl ;: I'ye nOL'~ inward truth requil"e:

All.! ~ccre tl y w it h \\"i~dolll' .;;; lawil !'oly s,,"1 tbull wi lt ill.~pire.

{j \Vith h~· SiiOp jlllr ....... IIlC, Lord, Ali t! ~o J cl'·:tll .~Itall he :

I shall w ith I'rt(J\\' in witilellei!S vie, Whcn !'11I·ilied hy thee.

7 Make 111 (' to IlI'ar with joy Tlty kiwi for~i\·i n ;- ,'oice;

Titat so the hOIW>! whi t"h thou hast broke May with frl'~h sl l"l' lIgth rejoice.

S Blot out my ("ryin g si llS, Nor lIle ill angcr \-je w:




Creatc in me (1 hf'art tllat'" deall,

An npl'i1!ht milld n'II!'W,

9 \Vithtlraw lIol tlWH til,'" help, Nor cast I,!I' fn,", lhy ,~i;!ht;

i'i01' let thy H"ly '''p irit take

H i" eH'r1astill;! lli1[ll1-

10 T lll' .i"Y Ih,\' (;'\"('111' g il"t,~

f.d " "'. (J f." rd, J"c1!;,iu : Awl I!,), {j'e,' ~l'il'iT\ linll :>Hl'POI1:

1\ 1,)' I;,illlill;! :<01111 ~1I"laill ,

11 So T Il,y ri1[hIPo'l ': way:<

T o ~i'lllt"" ,~ will il lll'ilr!; "'!li l~1 Illy ;uh'i('f' ~hllll wj('kf'd mcn

T o thr .inst laws eOIl\'cr1.

12 Could sHerill!'e al"ll(',

\"link fl(ft'k.~ ;lIulllPr,l~ ~rJ(1I11d (lic;

Out 01 1 ~1I('1I "fll'l'illg-~ 1111011 di .~dilill'st

To "; l.~t II Ol';lI'iO'I " eye.

13 A b roken ")liril i.-<

By nod /l1n."T hie-Ill,\' pl'izf'd

fiy him a IJI'I,k " Il. cOlllrile heart

Shall llC\'t ' r Ill: .rl'~l'i,-<ed,

14 Let :-:iol) fanlllr fi"d,

Of thy good \\"ill ils,~ llretl;

And tI,y OWII " iTY f1ull ri ;dl Inn;;.

By I"fty \\'all~ sec ured .

I.') 1'1 1(' .i"~ 1 ,~h:dl tlWII :lII" lul.

And ple".~ill" Tril>llte pll.\'; ,\ n" I<;)rri fi l' (' of t'lio i" f'~I , kiml

Lip"l1 tbille altilr by,

S E LE CTION 45. C. iI[. From the h'. Psalm of J)'''' id.

GIVr: par, th"u J Hdg:l' of all lilt' enrl]" Aw l lislt'll wh,'" I IlI'a~';

Nor frllm th~· 1""111,1,· ~ "l'l'li:llIt tunl

T hy glol'i"II" file" ;11\':,)"

2 I'l y Iwart i~ pai,,'d: TIlt' ~h:lIlc.~ "I' ,It-ath

T heir 1I'1,),'II',~ 1'<1111,,1 III" "111""111; W hile 1;':1 rf" 1 In'"ddi"!!,, ~"iz ,' Illy hl"l'lI~ t

j-jlllTors ,,'erwlll'llil "I.V h,,:,d.

3 }\ Ild thus [ hn'lIlhe 111,1' h"iI\,~' sit;h

Tn I /illl wllo Iwars 111'I)\'l':

" 0 IIi;Jt Illy '~ ' ''II 'll ' will!!" ('(luld 11 )"

Awl eZllIiI:,1t' till: ,Io\'e!

4 "Sw ift I 'd I'~Cap(', illld fl l", afar,

Some ,~''ero:l plaee Til li"d, I'l ide frll !! , 11,f' \\"orltl '~ ,li_~lrilclillg care,

1\ 1)(1 n'~ t Illy weary lIJ ind :

5 "I'd w ing 11'." e\'t'rllI .~tilig fligiJ!,

Bi(lding lilt' 11',,1'1'1 ];,n.:w,'II , From sin aWI !'ll'ifl', 1.0 reilllllS of light,

\ VilCJ'c peace all,1 'Iniet dwell. "


() TI' II~ will I call 011 0 0,1 , who still ",I,a l! in Illy :Iid appear;

Al JIIIII'Il, at '"'''". at ui;,dlt I 'll pmy And lIP Illy ""il'" ~I,aIl heal"

SELE CTI ON ·IG. C. i\T. Frlllll th\' h-i. Psalm or DaTid, T flU]) . TI,,, ,,!!II:iI !illll'~ ~"l'l'ri~ed IJY fear ,

,j ()II ' );,II ;':l' I"~ lil'~1 al'II"!Jl.

y" t ~Iilll;'r ~I"T("I I' T ,1" J'l'lHl

()II tl,,\" a!Jlli!:!ll1 y ilnll,

2 no.r',~ filillJf,,1 pnlllli~(' I ~IHlll praise,

011 \IIJi"h 1111111' n' ly;

I II r;"d I Il'usl , ;1Il,], 11',,~tino him,

The al"lll "fll .. ,~I, defy.

3 I'll tl'll~1 r."d '~ WIII"II. HII,l ~o despise The 1( ,1', '1' ll",t lll;i!I ('all t':li ,~(':

T o tll1'e , 0 r."d, "'Y \' II\\'!' an' (hie, To 1]II'e I'll 1"'1,,1,·1' pl'ai~(',

1'1](111 IJa~t. 1'I'll'i, ,\, , ',l Ill ." ~nl!l f!'Om aeath.

Alltl 11"'11 wilt !'till ~,'eun'

The lif,· 111"11 h:l~1 ~" IIrr !'I'f'~f'l'y,.d,

1\ IJfl make II'Y fOO!MCPS Sllre:

;) That tllll ~, 1"~'I"rlt'd 1,.1' t1l ,\' power, f 11111," llti~ lid,t ""joy;

AII ,l ill IIII' ~"I'I' i,'" of III)" (;0 ,1

.\1~' 1" III-'IIIt'II'd day~ employ.

F'row the lTji , Psalm of Davi.-t. o (;on. IIIV 111':11'1 i~ fi,''], '1;~ 1'('111.

ft" tl';)lIktid t l'il",/I' I" 111"'''''111 ;

AlI(1. \I-ill, lily 11"al'l, lily I '"i,'" T'll raise

To 11",p, my ( ;",1, in ~OIJ I-'~ IJfprai~(',

:! "\11':01.".111.1' 1-'1 "",": harp nl,,1 111 /(', N" 11I1It'1'1' leI ,""'ll' stl'illl-!~ i)l' mule: .'\",1 I. 111 .1' 11I1It'f,,1 l 'al'l I II Inkl'.

\\' ill will. IIII' eal'I.\' da\\'1J awake.

:J '1' 1,," ]l1';,i~,·~, r,,,nl, T ,,-in n,,~o1Jlld

'1'" :,11 IIIP li._T'·lIill" IIn T i'lIl~ 1''''' 1,, ] :

T hy Jill'''''.\' hi!.dlt' ,~1 IIt'III"' 1I "'; 'IJ.~(, f'I"l s, Th.," 11'111)1 r"',I' ''I,,1 !lIP d"lnI~ t'xl(,lIIli!.

n" thll", () (;"d. ,'xn llt ,,] I,i!!!. ; A",] II~ 111,'- ;.:1, "'.1' lill~ II,,· ~k\',

"'" I"t iT he "'I "n1'11, ,1i~l'lny'd, Tilltholl :1l'1 111'1',". a~ 111<'1'1'. ,,1'f',I' ''1.

F rom the lxii, Psalm of Ih\'id.

]\1" ~Olll. fo,,. !wlp 1111 (;001 )"t'I\', 011 llilll al'tt]l'lhy lnl~l n'I 'O~f!;

:'II." rock IITill IWli1Th wi!! ~lrL'II;':lh ~upply, To lwar tIll" ~I")e]; of ;ll! Illy t' ICS.

:! n od .r"e~ h i~ ,~al illg- lll'alrh dispellse

Alld f10will g Llc!'si!lg" daily send;


He is my fOl,trc~~ and rlclencc,

011 him Ill)" 80111 ~halr still depelJd

;1 In him , ye peopl.-, illway~ trll~t; Be fore hi~ t l, I'I"'" 1""11' out your hearts :

For Goo!. the tl.l"l'('ifll l alill ill~ t,

His timely aid 10 II i> imparts.

The Lord lnl,~ oft hi_~ ",ill "~I>r'C;;s'd,

AlIIl T Illi ,~ tmll, IIIII'C flllly kIlOWII;

Tu bl' "I' h(",ndl , ·~s 1'0'.\"'1' I,"·~st',-s'd,

l\ elOJJg_~ uf ri~li\. I" n"d :d01W,

."1 T holl;,:h HIP"('Y i~ hi~ darlilJl-' gl'lll'(',

III ",I,idl h,' dl i" lly l"kt,s ,J.-li!!lIt;

Yet willlw "II til<' 11I1I1I11!l rao'('

Aceonlillg to tlll'ir works requitc.

SELECTI ON 4n. 11. 2. Frum the lxi ii. I' llalm of Da.vid.

O OOl), !lIy ;':l'ueiolls (tot!, to dwt:

!'I l y momiu,!! I'n' ,rer,~ slla ll nt1i.:r'oI he-. For th ee III,\' dlir.~ ty I<,,"I,loc~ paut;

1\'1), jilin t iu,; Ik_~11 iHlp l ",'I',~ Ihy gracI',

A~ ill a dry awl harrell pIaL"',

''' here I rerl'l ',~I ,iltg waT,'!',~ wanl.

2 0 , to Ill)' I O Il ~i ll !! eyes one" I!lOn',

T hat v ieW (Of gl(>riu!l~ I''' w,'!' re ,~I"rc,

"'hid l thy IJlai, .. ~ti,' hll,, ~e di '~l'la)'s:

Be('allot:: to nw Th,\" wotlilrull s lo\'c

T han life it.~elf d",'~ dearer 1'1"1'1"1', !\ Iy lip" shall al\la."~ s l'eak thy I'rai ,~e,

3 My Iii;·, while I that lif,' enjoy, I II ble~,~itl;:; (;ntl J wi1\ c ill plo)"

W ith lifted hallll~ adore hi ,~ Name:

A ~ with il:< dl"iL'l"~t li",d "lI l'l'li"tl, 1\1y ~01!1 shall \,e full ,~ati .~fi,''],

W hile t withj" Y IJ i~ I'rui~c I,n,dailll,

\ \'heu dowu I lie , i:i\ITL'l ,,\eep to fiud,

T hou , ]'01'01, ;lrt prl'~"111 10 lI'), mim1,

Aw] wilell I \\";dtl, ill dead of Hi gh t; Becallse lhuu ,~ lill .to~t "",'('Oil!' brillg,

Oeneath tl", ~IHldO\\' nf lhy willI; 1 rest with ~afely aud deligh t.

SE LF-eT ION 50, Frum the lxv, I' sa. lm of Uavid,

P .... RT I. L . M ,

F OB the", 0 God, O'I!' ,'onstant praise -1 III Sioll waits, thy cho~ell seat;

Our ]In,,oi~,'d nltafs there we'll rai~c,

And all 0111' l,('!lI"II ,~ \'nw~ complete.

i Thou, who to ('H'r.\' !lIImhle prayc r Do~t alway" ),('Iul lli~' listcHi ng ear,

T o thee shall all llIank ind re p:tir,

And at thy grac io ll ~ throllc appear. ,

I 3 OU!' sillS . though lllunbel"les!I, in Yain Tu stop til), IInwillg mercy try;

Wh ilst TiHJU "'erl,,ok'~t the guilty stain, And wa!'hest Ollt til<' el'il tJ5'Jll dye

4 BIl!s,~ 'tl it> d,c lIlall, who, near Ihee p iaced. W ithi" thy ~aL'l'cd dwellin;.; li",:~!

' T is th ere ul!l Il,, !;ltIdy Ive t:t~le T Im I'ast deliglll_ Ihy tem plc gi \-es,

PARTf!. L.M,

L OR II, froll! lb," III1t'xliall ste(1 "t, ,!'e, T lly i';lill n-,Iiel' e~ Ih , ~ t"ir~I,\' ground;

!'I l nkl'~ I;H "I~, that. hal're ll \\"' I'e hcfore, \\ 'i1h ,'''I'll :lIu]II .~eflll frllits abound

2 On ri ~illg I'id!!es duwll it p"ul',~,

Alid l'\' l'r~' furro\\, 't! \'al ler fi lls : ThOll 1(,:,k'~t til ell l ,~oft with ;,:clIlk "how ers.

In whieh a hl e,,1 illCl'ea se di .~tils.

3 Th.\' g"odne,,~ ,1",· ~ thc ('in'li,,;.: ye;lr

\\'ilh fl'l'~h rt'tlll"ll.~ "I' pll'lIt~, crowl};

Alld wilere thy ;.:I ,,,'ioll~ p:Jth:> appear, T hc fraitflll ('III lids dr"I ' /;,IIIC'SS down,

,I They dmjl Oil ban"'11 dl'S"I'1~ , ehullged

By Ihelll III p:t.~tllre.~ fl'e~!J alill green;

The hill~ 11110111 , ill onlcr rall,;,'J ,

III 1,(':111 1<_" ", 1< rllb'~3 "I' .i",I' an' ~ ""IJ.

;, L al'ge Ho('k~ witlJ flecI'r \\'01)1 :11](11'11

Tl w dil"'l'fld dll\\'n~: Ihe I'a ll ,',\' ~ b rillg

A ,,1('III(""IS "1'1'1' "I' I',d l-"ar',] I'tll'Il,

,\lId ,~ee"l, t( )!' jlly, II! ~hollt a wl sing.

SELEC T ION 51. FrOID the lui, Psalm of Davitl.

PART I. C, ;'1.

J E T all Ill(' Ja".!s, willt ~I"!III.~ of joy, - -----i To ( iud their I'oie" s rai ,~e;

Si ll!! p."alm,~ in llOlIolIl' Ill' hi ,~ :\alllc,

Awl sp read "i _~ gillri,,"~ prai~e.

2 AIIII lellhr-til ~"Y, I /o w d ,'er!dflti, Lord, 111 all thy work ,~ ;II't 11 11 II! ~

T o Ilty g re:lt I'''wer (lty ~tllhlJU!'Il foes

Rhall all Iw f"re ,'oJ 10 bllw.

3 Thmngh alllhe earth the nalillll ,q rollnd

Shall tbee thei r God cuufess:

And, with g lad hymlls, tlteir aw ful dread

Of thy great :"Itlllll' l'~pre~s,

o come, Lehold the work~ of God,

And then with mc ),011'11 O WII ,

T hat he to all thc sons of men Has wondrous jUllg llleut shown.

;) 0 all yo nations, ble~s our God , An(lloudlr sp('ak h is praise;

'\' ilO keeps 0111' sUlll~ ( tIi \'l~, and still Confirms our steadfiLs t wars.





1 :My offerings to Go,\'" llOui>e T'll brillg. And tberc Illy vows wil l pay,

'Vhich I willi sulemn zeal did make Illlrouble'~ ,1i~llIill L1ay.

2 ° come, all yc that fcw' thc Lord , Altcml with b<.:e,lful care;

' Vhilst I what (;ud fOI' me has done Wilh grateful joy declare.

3 As I betill'l:! hi;; aid implored , So no\" 1 praisc lJis Name;

But, if my heart 10 ilin incline, 1\1y pray<.:r will God disclaim.

4 But God to me. wlwlle'eJ' T cried, I1 is gl'aciou~ car did bend;

And to tbe voice uf my request ,Vitll constant lu\'e attcnd.

5 Thcn bleils'.! Ii)!' cvcr bc Illy Gou, Who Ile\'cr, w hclL I pray,

\Vithhold" his mercy fnlm Illy soul, Nor lums his f,lce away.

SELEc 'r I O~ 5"2 . ~ , i\ J. F rom the lxvii. {'salm of I)a"id.

TO bless thy chuscll race, llL mercy, Lurd, ill C\ine;

And cau se the bl'i,:;btnes,~ of thy faco On all thy saints to shine :

2 That su thy wonurous way May through the worlu be known;

While distaJlt lanus their trilmte pay, Ami Ihy sah'ation own,

3 Let d ificriug nations join To celebrate thy fallle; all the world , ° T~ord, combine To prai~e tby glorious :"Ia lue.

4 0 let them shout and sing, \ Vilh joy nud pious mi rth;

For thou, the righteous .J udge ;md Ki ng, Shalt govern all the earth .

5 Let ditfering nations join To celebrate thy lame;

Let all the wurld , ° Lonl, combine To praise thy glorious Name.

6 Then God upon our land Shall constant ulessings sho" ... e r;

And all the world in awe shall stund Of his resistless power.


From tbe b:\·iii. I' II;o,h1l of Da" id.

T HE servant.'! of J ehovah 's will H is favour 's gentle beams enjoy;


Thei r upright heart;; I" t gladness fill, Aud d teerful songs their tongues employ .

2 T o hi ll l your \'"ice in anthe tlls raise, J ehovah's awful lJaltw hc b~ar~;

In hi lll !'.:joice. extnl lti~ praise , Who t'ides upon high-rolling sphercs.

3 I lis ('ltari<)t~ tIUtlllo('riess, hi.,; powers Are ]ll'<l\'t·u]y lto"t.~, thai \\'~I i t his will ;

lI is prc,-ellce WIW lill~ Si<Ju'~ lowers, .-\S onc<.: it \lullfmr'. l Sitwi'~ hill.

Asct' lId iJle: hi ,.d " ill Iri ll tllph thou Caplivity Ilast ca!,li\'t~ letl,

And on th~' people did~t be~low Thy gift8 alill !!1'al'p;: freely ~hed,

;) E'<':II rel!el" .... ]ltdl I'artahc thy grace, ,\ 1ll11ullul,l ,' pn,,,:elytes rellail'

To worship atlhy .1\\'elling-piace, ,\ wl ull tliC world pay humage there .

G For henefits cadi day bc~tu w'tl. Be (laily his great Nalllc ndore!l,

\V lul is 0111' ~a\'io ili' ali(I Ollr G"d, or life aud dea1l1 tlte suvCl'eign Lord .

SE L F: CTI ON 54, F rom the l.xix. l'$ahn of Da" id,


SA YE HI e, 0 God, from waveil that 1'011, Alld pr('~" to (Jve]'whcl m my soul:

With painful stc!,s ill mire 1 treall , A IIlI dellq;es o'ertlow Illy head,

2 0 Lord , to Ihee 1 will repair Fot' help, with IHt !llble, t imely prayer; Rf'lie\'(' l!Jl~ f111H1 thy mcn:y',~ 6101'e,

Display tlty Iruth 's Ill'esen'ill g power.

3 From threat'liin g llanger~ IIl e relieve, And f!'Om tim llIire my feet rctrieve ; F!'O!II all In)' fues iu "afety keep, Awl snatch me from the raboi llg !leep.

Lord, heal' the hU lIJhle prayer I make, Fur lhy Il'Ullsee mliu g gootlne;;,,' sake;

Uclic\'e tit), Mlpl'lic*nt Ollce 11]01'('

From thy abounuing mercy 's st()re.

5 Reproach allll grief have broke Illy heart ; J look'tl for sOllie to tak e my pari, To pity, or rel ieve my pain; But look'd alas! for Loth in vain ,

G With hunger pillct!. for foo t! I call, I nstead of fooJ they gi\'e me gall ; And whell w ith thirst my spirit.'! sink , The), g ive me \'illegaJ' to drink,

7 For new afllietlolls they procured For him, who h;ul thy stripcs endured; And made tbe wounds thy scourge had torn , To bleed afresh with sharper scorn,



PART II. L, M. My soul, howe'er tlistn .. ::;s'd allll poor, Thy strong sa1n11i" " shall n:~tot'e : Thy pfl \\"el' wi th sOllg~ I'll thell proclaim, And .celt:brate witlt IliiJlIk~ tlty Na me.

~ Our God "hall this more ltie:hly IlI'ize Tl,nn herd" 1<1' n,,('k~ ill ,,!wrifice; Whi('b hu mble "aillt.~ \yith joy shall sec, Aud hope foJ' like !'edr<.:~.~ witlt me,

3 For God regards tim p""r's c"lIlpl:liIJ1 , AIllI frt'es lllP ca pli,'u rn'lli rf'~tl' :lillt.

Let hCilyeJl, eanb, sea, tlt,·i" v"i('e;; I'ai~e,

Am1 all the world rcsollwl lti~ p rai.~e.

SEL ECTION "s, C, ;\1. F rom t he Ju i. I' sal l1J of David. IN tlH'C I pllt Illy stemlfa~l tl'll .~ t,

Defelld me, Lord, fruill s],;ul1e: Inel ille thille cal', nILt! ~a\'e Illy ;;.oul,

For righteous is thy S alllf',

2 Be thull my strollg ahi<iiug-place, To which I lIlay resort:

Thy pl'Ilmise, Lort], is my defl'nce, T hou art my rock ami f" l't,

3 f>,'ly ... temlfa.s! and unclmllgi ng hope, Shall O il thy power d"I,,-,nd:

AmI I in gmleflll SO l1gil of praise !'tty limc to come will ilpenJ,

Thy righleous acts and ":tving health My month sha.1I still d"clare;

Uuabl.: yet to COUll l th um all, TllOu!!h sllmm 'd wilh Iltlllo~t cam.

S \vhilc God vouchsafes me hi~ !'Ilpport , I'll in his streugth go OJ!;

All other righteousness di"clail!l, And mention hi" alone,

6 Thall, Lord , hast taught me frollllllY YOllth, To pmi;;e thy gloriou.~ Name ;

And ever since, thy wOlldn!ll~ works H uye been my const.1lit theme,

7 T hercflJre, wi th psaitel)' and harp, Thy truth, ° Lord, I' ll praisc;

To Ihee, tllc God of .!acoL '.~ race, My \'oi,ce in anthems raise.

8 Thcn joy sJmll fill my mouth, and songs Empilly my clteerful voice;

My g!':llcful snlll, by thee relleelll'd , Shall ill thy strength rej oice,

SELECTlON 56. C, M, From the l:n: ii. Psalm of D:wid.

L O! hills nud mOllntai ns "hall \)l'iug forth The ha ppy fmiL., of peace ;

Which all the lanu shall UW II to be The work of righteousuess :

2 While David's Son our needy race Shalll'll le with gentle :sway ;

And from the il' bu mble ncck shall take Oppressi\'e yokes awa~' .

3 Til e\'cry heart lhy awful fear Shull thcn he rooted fast ,

A" long as sun and moon endure, Or time itsel f shall last.

J Ie ~hall uescclld like l'ain, that cheers The mcadow's sccond birth;

Or like warm ljhower~, whose geutle (I mps

Refresh the thirsty carth .

5 III his blest days the .iu~t ami good f'hall "!Will':; up all :u'ollHll :

Thc 111lPP), land s!lall everywbere \V ith clltllcss peace abuUllll ,

G H i~ lI ncontroll'll domilliun shall From sea to sea ex\eml ;

J3e;:in at proud Euph1'ate~' stream, At nature's lillliL., eml.

7 To him the savage llations round Shall how tll e ir ~en'ile henrls;

H i~ \'anqlli_~lt\l foes shall lick tIl(' fi ust, Wilem he hi" cOllq ll e~t sl're:td~ ,

8 TIlC kiugs of T an, li ish allil thc isles Shull co,~tl.r pres!'ll'" brill!! ;

From ilp ier SIll'ha gifts shall come, And wcalthy Saba's kin g.

fJ To him shall ('\'cry king on earth His hU lnblo Ilomagc pay;

And di/ferill!! nations gladly join To 0\\ ' 11 his righteous sway.

10 For he shall ,~ct the needy free , " ' hen they foJ' ~IlCCOllr cry ;

Shall sa"c the Iwlpl,-,ss and the poor, And all their wants supply ,

11 For him shall constant pmyCl' be made, T hrough all h i~ prosl'erons days :

II isjust JOluiniOll shall affi)rd 1\ lasting theme of !,mise.

I :.! T he memory of his glorious Name Through emlless yeal's shall rlln;

H is spotless fame shall shine iliI bright AmI lasting as the su n,

13 I II hinl the nations of the world Shall be completely bless'J,

j\ lld !tis unbounded happiness l1y every longue confess'd.

14 T hen bless'd he Gml , the mighty Lord, The God whom l ill'ad feal's;

\VllO only wondrous in his works Beyond compare, appears.





15 L et earlh he with h i~ f!lnry fill'd.

For evcr hl,·~~ hi" ;'\atlW ; whit .. , I" It i.~ pmi~,' lIlt' li~tt.:ni ll g worlJ

T heir /!Iad a.~~c l lt pr"clai m .

SELE CTI ON 57. L. M. F wUl the h~;,;. I'ull" or Da,\·id.

T I ll' pn''''''II'''' , I .• ,nl, l'a!11 11 ,(, !'l ll'plip,]. - TI,qlllll~' r i;..'111 11;1111] SII)lJl,wt do;; t f!i\'C;

TI I,,1t fi''l'1 "halt wilh thy l'IlIIlI,wl glli,lc , Alul tl ... 11 I" t!1"ry III ..,' rt.'('ei\'t",

'2 ' ''h''m II II'll ill h"II\',' II, hili 11rP" alnnc,

'l a\'(' I. \\'h".~" !;L\'<!lIl' 1 r"'ll1irc1 T hl ..... I1i!llOlIl I II!' ~l'll1'i"l1~ "al'llt Ilwrp' ;; nonc,

Cflmp;u',·d wi,h ,lt l"·, 111<11 I desire,

:\ M )' t!" 'llI l. lill f{ t1 P~ 1r 1111,] il('llillb' Ilf'art I\ la)' ofl"11 fail 10 ~lIn'() III' Hit·;

Bill (;",1 I'hall illwn n l ~1!'t'lIglh iltlparl,

Alld m)' plt'nll.! porli"ll he.

F,'r 1111'," Ihnl fill' frolll 111(,1' rt'mu\'e

Kk.ll illln ~lldd " 11 mill (;111;

If afh'r "tIiP!' gl~l ~ 1111')' 1''''''', Tily V"II~"ntlt'!' ;:ltall ,I p:o. tl'ny t lte m all.

:} BlI t il" f"r IIl1', 'Ii" f!",,(l alltlj u:<t T hai 1 I'hlllll,1 ~Iill Iq (jot! repair;

In hi m 1 IIlw1t.\':< pili my tnl~ t.

Alitl will h ill won.lml[" work s declare.

SE LECTION 5~. C. M. F rorn the Ixx;v. I'y.lm of Day id.

T HI:'-il-: i~ ' lte dlet'lflll day, ° Lord; T lliUt'lltc rt"lIl'l! " fuight ;

Tiwu IIlI"t I'rl.'pill'l·d III!' .:;loriol18 811 11, AmI ('v('ry f",'blt-r ligh l.

2 Dy !l ICe the bUl'l l e r.~ uf 'he eartit In pcrfc('t ll1·de l· st:lnd;

The SII1I11 I1el"8 warmth, Hnd winter's culd,

Atteml un tl lY cummand.

SELECT IO,\' tl!l. I V. 1.

T l iE :'-initIO' I,f 0111' Got! - - In I .~mt'l is kllll\\'II;

Ii i ... llIall~ioli he1u"e,1 Is Rion :tloll(';

T hen", br"k,' he tllP alTOws

The c lrem), hurl 'll,

And hon01lr'" his lllolllltain Ahove 1111 tile wl,d t! .

2 The pri,le ,)f Ihy (oes

Is turn'd to Ihy pra ise;

Their liel'CCIJf'~ S u'er-ruled Thy provill ('uce sways j

Thei r sin o\'erilowing Thy power wi1\ restrain;


T h)' anl l on 111(' w icked Nt'w glol'y will gain.

3 yp wlliuni'. ltl Gnd

Vow In"n:tt!t' ~ in('l"' I'e;

n,·,',,\!, I" ililll !-'if.", L,, \·,·. ",,,.,:-Ilip. alit! ( .. m':

Ikfj ,i't' Il iltl, y.' lIIi~h l r,

'1' ''111' i'pil'ili' rt'l''''''''~:

rc lr i)!1t. a",1 YI' Ittlmhlf' ,

11 i" \\' , ,,ltl,· ... ~ ""lIft';o;;; !

SE LECT ION GO . C. M . Frnnr the IH" iii, I' ~al ", "f Ila .. id.

J-I I·; \ I/. () 111.\' pp"pl,,; I" Illy law - 111' \"111 atl"llli"lI 1"11,1:

1.,'1 IIIP ill~ll'llt' l i"lI orr my IIHllnh \)"I'!' ill ),"111' I lt'al'l .~ d,·~('t'!Il 1.

2 :\1 ." 1'''I)!IJI' I'lr:dl "r:wl,'~ prul'laim \\'l li"11 nllI'i"ul l illlt'.~ 11:1\'C knowlI;

'I'l l!' Il'Illh~ whi,-It "111' r. . n · falllt~rs' care 'I'll 1I .~ h:11' Il atro l, ·" .10\\,11.

:J \\' " will 11"1 hiel,· tllt'lIl f1'l111 ollr sons, 0111' "tI;'llI'ill~ .~1rall 1)1' 1 ;1I1~ lr t

'1'1 11' I' nti~, "~ "I'llit' I."rd, \\,11O;;p ;:Ircngth HH ~ \\'''rk .~ "r wOIlO I,'r wnmght.

4 Fil l' .I an,1> Ire IIi;.. 1:lw onlai ll 'd, Ii iI' 1,·af.!tIC " '; ' 11 l ~r;lt'l l m ltlc;

,,' il1l dtart!t' I, ,\c fmlll 11:':" 10 age,

I Frum ra('I' 10 ra('c COII "CY'.] ;

5 That w·tlt'n,li"lt!l )'I' t to nme fo:lr"I1I.1 I" tll ..,· il' uu!.,,!,!! he irs

R e1i:,:i"I1~ly Imll~llIil II I(" !lame,

Alill 1111'), agaiu III II, ei l'~.

a Tn \e:ldl 11"'111 Ilnrl in Gud alone T III'ir Itope !','c llr.-·l y F.tan.JiO;

That 111I'Y .~h oll ld nc'er I,is works forget, Bllt keep Itis .ill st COlilma llt! s.

o SF. LE CT ION Gt. L . M.

F rllln the Int. I' .. ,lrn of Duid,

TII (H ' WII"11I 11I':I\"clll:,-' 'Jt ).~I:< 011>('.". I I"w 1,,":.( ~lrall Ihy fit' I·,·" all!.'I."· hUl'n ?

1I0w '"11;': tilY slIflcl'iug pt'""l, ' pl~ly , AII.J III Ilrei!' pmycl'l' ha,'C II/) .. "'III1 I ?

2 ThOll Irl'1J11 t!ht';"1 a \·iul.' fnJlII Ef.~' pt';;; laml;

AlI~l , (, 1 1 .~ 'illg out the h,·alltl.·u ''; ICC, Didst plaut it witl l tlrillc IIWIl right hand ,

Alld li nnly fix it in thc ir "lace,

3 Before it tholl prep:rred'Ht the way. AIIII lIIad ';,!t i, take a h\'~ l illg root;

Wh ieit, ble~s" l with tllY illd ulgcnt ray,

O'er ,,11 tl w lalld did wit]c1y ~"oot

4 The hil ]" wcrc C01vcr 'd with ita I'Ihade, Jts goodly boughs did cedars seem;


lu branches to tile ~ca \\,,'rt' :<"rl'at!, And "euclt ',[ to proud Euphrales' s lream.

S To thee, 0 G,"I "I' I,,,,,,!,.. wc I'my . 'I' ll)' "'''lItl'd etH."-ltll'~.,, . Lnnl , n:uew:

FnHlI 1"':I'·' ·u. rlly II",,,,.., rllis \-i lLe sU l'\ey, A 1101 I .. 'r ...: ,,1 ~tatc \, itlt I'il )' \·iew,

ti Behold rI, l" itll'yal'tl l!Jadc 11:,-' tllt' .. , \\ Ii iI'l l dly I'igltt 11 :11101 .l it] t!lulnl ,..-, l""e:

Alltl k"I'I' l!tal l"lU,dl I'nlltl d:UI1!"1' flvl' , I \\ I,klr 1;,1' tlrp,c1ftiJ"lI m:II!',.t"., ~tr""g,

7 Do tluli l C .. ll ... ·!'t It ,.. I."nl. ~Io Ilr"l1 Tile lu~lrc "f Ihy f;ret' dil'l'lay;

And all Ihe ill~ \\'c ~I!!li'r lIt'W, L ike ~('a l1 .. r'd dOII(I ~, :"hall P":"H away.

SE L E(, T ION (;~, C. 1\1. ~' r"rn t he I:<:x.:i. 1'S:lltn of D",-id, TO (i"d, 0111' IW\-"I'-]llili lig slrcngth, \\' it !t 1,,"01 lIl' plau~e.~ sillg ;

Ami juiully luakc a ..Jlcc rful 1I0isc To .JacoL'!' awful Kill;';,

~ Ct)JIIPu~t: it Ilyl llll of prai:<c, and touch

Yuur ilLstru lllCl1ls of joy; Let I'l'altcrics a lit! tUllefli1 hurp;;

Y O lil' gmtcfu l ~kill c lllploy.

3 I .et trulIlpet", a t tl ,e fcsti,'al

Thei r juyful voices r" isc,

To celcbrate ,It· apl ~' cd time, T Ire liulenlu ' \;IY of pmise.

4 For Ihis a SW~ule was "I' olJ ,

Which J acob',; God d ccreed

To bo with pious ca re ubsen'ed , By l.~rael's chost:n seed ,

SELEC'J'ION 63. C . 1\1. ],'rom the h u.i'l', P~al m of Da'l'id, o GO]) uf "o'-;L~, Ihe mighty LorJ ,

I low Im',)ly is the place,

Wl wn: tll tl ll l: lIlhroued ill glory, show'st 'I' ll\) Lriglttncss of tl ly face!

:! Il ly 10llgiug ",,,iI [lillts w ilh desire '1';' \,i..,w llty hl e .. t aLnde;

My pamillO' heart aJlll fl esh cry out

For thee, Iho living God.

3 The Lin]". IIIOl'C ha ppy far than 1,

/\ rOlll1tl Ihy tNuple throng; S(,.'(;IJI·e!)' ,hel'c l!J('y I,,,ild, and there

Sr.."Curely hatch their YOIIUg,

4 0 l.ord of hos1.~) Ill)' Kiug a llJ God, Ilow highly IJles.'I'd arc thcy,

Who in thy tt'lIlflle alwaY8 dwell,

And there thy Iwaise di~play!

5 Thrice happy Ihey, whose dlOice has thee Their !lure protection made,

Wlro) 10 llg to trcad Ihe ,;ucred ways Tl lat III thy dwt·lling ],~ad!

G WII" P;I .~.~ Ihr"ugh l'al'c1I\1 alit! thirs ty \'a]e~,

r" 1 I'" rt'fn '~IIIIL"lIt ,\'w,t;

TI ... ir I""'!~ arc till .. I" ill. mill , ",liieh ! irUIl

"\t Ilwir n"jll,·" t tllI",1 gnmt.

i Till[" Ilwy l,nJt.:t',·J from ,.ll't'ugth to

"t ... ·,,)!th. ,\II'! .-; ti ll al'pn"l"" IIIOI'C lIe:u';

Till 1111 "" "i,,"':< IIt .I .\' lJlOIUlt J\,.j'"·I· rirt'il' (i"d ai'JI' ·:U·.

a \\'irl,ill III)' 1·"lIr\.~ ""C .~ ilJ ble day

"ri~ 1",110 '1' I" all"lId, TII;r IJ, J,'n·,I. ill nil.' 1,11 uT place

..\ tll,.o~:rrJl] 11:t:~ I" '~ I 'elul.

:J .\1 " ,.]1 rnlllt'l' in (;,,,1\ I ItJlI~C will I Tlie IlwallO' .~ t "like lake,

Tllan ill IIII' "":rlriIY "·uh .. rsiu i\1.,· ! ~rrILI"tl j .~ till ellillg lIrakc.

10 For n "d, "It" i~ 'Jill' ~1It1 "ud ,<:lrield, W ill gm,·, · a llli ;;1,,1') gin-' ;

,\"tinn g,,,,,1 'hin g will Itt.: witltlrolJ

Frolll 1!lt'ltI tll .. tju"tly II'e.

11 Tlrllil (;," 1. II II"m Ile:l"e" ly llUSls oLey, I/ ow hi:: lr ly I,k"",,\i is h,',

,,·!toi''' 11"1'" awl 1!'II~ t , '<:1.'clIl'cly placed , Arc sl ill n· I "-,.~, ·tI "II thee.

SE LE CTI ON G·I. C. M. F rom the h:x-"". PS;llm of D;u·id.

O Gull !llll' ~a\'itJll r, 1111 (Jur hearts

To ' h)' "I'''''''ic,'''", tlll'lI; T haI, 'l1H'!ll'l!'d willi uur repelltillg tears,

Thy wra r!, li(' IIl1)rc rna)' Lu rtl.

~ For wby l'1rollkl'~t Ihuu Le :tug!'), still, Alld wralh t>l., ltHr g retai/l!

Hc\'ive It~ , Lor'!, alld let tlly saints Th)' \"IJllII.:d CUll1furl t!ai u.

3 Thy gmt·itul:< ';1\' ''111', Lm.!, tii:o.piay, \\'lridl WI} Iral'c 10llg ilJl l'lul'eu ;

AmI. luI' tilY wOlltlmHS ulmey 's sake, T lry woul ... .1 a id allunl.

4 (;od 's a ll!!" " '\' P:ltiClIlly I 'll wait; F"r It ... willt glad ~ueccs.s,

Ir IIwy 110 IIIOl'e 10 lillly 11I1'Il,

Ii i" lIIourlliug Ii;rlulii will blcss.

5 To all Ihat fl'al' God 's Itoly i\'ame

Il i.~ ~ 1 1I'e ri; lh' :r,iol l '~ IIcar; 11 i.~ glory ill ou,' IHI]I]I)' JUlld

For evc\' .~lrt l ll appCal'.

a Fol' llIen ')' 1I0W with truth is join'd; And l'ighteou6IJess with p euce ,




" ' ith fricndly arll1~ embracc. ,\ lId to thy e\'eriasring Name

Eternal troph ics; I·t'ar.

Like k ind compallioll .~, ahsent long, I

7 Tmth from lilt" earth 1'Imll l'pring, whilst I I I

IlPan'lI 'I'll)' hOlllldlcAA mercy "IJOwll h) 1110

Tmllsccnd s my roWCI' to tell; F"r tholl hast nft l'efic!'llI'tl Illy s(ml

Fl'olll lowest deeps of hell, Shall "trealll.~ of jll,~ti('(' pOllr;

And G'J<I, fruln WII"111 ull g''''llll ess flows, Shalll-'II<Ill-',~S pi CHI), slim\','!'.

8 Before hi ll l righh'((H~ l!e~~ "I Jail march, ,\ wl h;~jll~t palh" pn'II;ir(';

' Vhile wc hi" hO)ly "h'l"~ plll':<UC

, Yith (.'Oll;:tallt zcal nwl carl-'.

S EL E CT ION 65. C. M. From the hxcu' j. I'$:lhn of David.

TO my compbillt , 0 Lord my n od, Th5' ~racio\l~ ":11' il]('li lle;

H ear me, d i" t n'~~'d, lind dcs titute

Of all relief Illlt thillc .

2 Do thou, 0 Gud, 1'1'f .. '''CI'\'C m~' soul, That dups th.'· ~nllw ;Irlorc;

Thy scn'aut kl-'cl' , alit! h im whose mIst

Helics on ti]('.'. r('~t((rc,

3 To mc, who tinily thee iu,'oke, Thy mercy, ,1.01'1.1, exte lld;

Re fresh ti l)' sen'uJlt'!ll!oul, whose hopes On thcc Illunc de pend.

T hou , T,onl, art gorul; IJllr only good, But prOllJPt to jllll"(lolI tnn:

Of plentcous IlWI'.,y to all IhuSQ \\' ho for thy mcrcy IiIlC.

S To my repeated humble prayer,

o I ,onI, attenl ivc IltJ; '," hcn troubled, [ IJJl tl lce will call,

Fol' Ihou wilt all ,~ \\'l'r IIII',

6 AlJlolig IllC gOtI;, II,eJ'(: '~ IIOlle likc thee, o Lord, alone diviu,'!

To thee:..,; IIl11ch ju teri. )1' tlu'y, A;; arc Illeir wot'k" til thilll-'.

7 Thereio rc their ~rcal Crpator. Ihee The naliuns ,.llall ad"l'c;

Thei r IOJlg .. mi~!!lIi,kd l'raYl'rs and praisc

To Ihy blc;:,;'d Name rCi'tnrc,

8 All shall confp~s th.'" f!n ';lt , and great The w ondcl's tl]((11 !J:I.~t d"lIe;

Confeili! Ihee Go,l , thc Got! silpreme, Confess thco God al'IIIC,

9 T each m c Ihy wa,\', 0 Lor.!, aud J From tnuh "hall ne'er ,Iepal't j

In rcvercnce to Iby I!acrcd Namo

De"outly fix Ill)' h";II'!.

10 Thee will I praise, ° Lonl my God, Praiso thee with heurt sincero ;


12 Alld thuu 111)' con;;ta nl. good nc!:'s didst To 1lI~' as ... i ... lallcc III'iug;

Of l'ali"IIC", IlI<'I'CY, alld of tru th, TI'UlI c"cr!ust ing spr ing!

S E:LE CTI OS (;(;. II. 3. Fro", l ilt hX'(\' ii. P .... of David,

G .. on·s !o'lIlpk ('rowll~ tilt'! 11,,1)' 1II0Ullt,

'1'111 ' 1")1',1 tilcre {,(II1 ,I(' ~f' l,tHl s to dwcll : 1 1i ~ :-;i,)J I's galc~, ill hi~ ilCClillllI,

Olll' l "ra<.:I',~ ti lire"t tl'U!"; C.H:e\: Y(':t, gl(U'iflll ~ Il!ill ;;~ (Jflhpp we ~il!g,

o city uf Ib' AlmiHhly Killg!

<;! Of hnlloll l'cti Sioll wc a\'o,', IlllIl<t rinus Ihl1lll~s frfIJlI hcr procced ;

Th' Ahnighty shall e;;t:tbl i~h her,

,\ud I<lmll l' lI rol her holy H't' ti:

'1't'a, li)r his Il{'oplc IIf' ~hul1 Ctltlut T hc children of his ![Ivour'd Jl J(o\IIIl.

3 11 0' 11 Si to n find with IIlllnbf'rS fill 'd Who celellrate his IlJat chlc,~'" l'rajse;

Who, h erc in hallelujah's 8k il l'd, III Ilavol1 their harp;o and hymns shall

raise : o S ion, scat of Israel's King. Bc lIIillC 10 drink Ihy livillg spri ng!

SELEC'l'ION 67. L . ~1. From the lxx xviii. J'liahn of D:,vJ(l.

G .. O I) of lily life, 0 L' ml IlI o~t hid!. ') ,],,, thee hy (l ay :111( 1 lIi ght. I 1' 1',":

\ 'ol1, 'I , ,~a fe my 11 ](1111'111'111 ,'oi,'f' 10 hear, To Illy di ,; tl'c";o inclillc tllim! cw·.

~ I .• ike Iho;<c whose "'ll'ength :J ml h"pe8 are nc,l.

Tht'Y nm nht'r me alilong lhc dr-ad: Likc thuse who, shroud,',l iu tilt' gl'avo, F(,]' tll!~c 110 more rC JJl C'rI!IJl'iIIl('(' h:I\'c,

3 W ilt tholl by miraelp revi,'p T hp ,II-a.l , wholll tholl f()r~n(Jk'l!t alive 'f Hhalllh(' Illute ;rave Ihy lo\'(' (,ollll~ss ,

t\ lIlouldcring tomh thy ti,itilful llcss 1

To Ib('e, 0 Lord, 1 cry forl(l rll.

1\l y praycr p rf'\'cnts Ihe early 1l101'U;

W hy hast thou , LurJ, my soul r.Jrsook, Nor UllCC vouchsafed a g-raciotls louk?

5 Companion8 dear, al1(l friend s hcl,)\'ed , Fur from m)' sight thuu hast remo\'cJ;


God of m)' lil(·. 0 Lord must h igh , Voucllsufe to bear my mOllruful cry!

SE L EC'l' IUN 68. L. M. }o'rom t ll~ h:uiJ.", J'sa hn of Dand.

' fI 1Y ' lIIcr<:ic,., \,01'11 , "hnlllJc Illy song, . .\ 1," snng OU tht'lI l shall C\'CI' llwell i

To agt.:S yet IIl1iJurJl, Ill)' tongue T hy 1I " ,'er'[:Ii!i llg truth sball tell.

:2 1 llave aflinll 'd. alld slilllllailllain, T hy mcrcy ~Imll 101' p\'el' la .. ~t;

TII)',lruth. 11l:lt dut'" thc I.)('a\'l-' II .~ """Ia in, I Llkc Ihc lll ~11;Jll st; II,,1 lor In-er fast.

3 T hus spak'st Iholl I, ), thy prophet'>! vnice; " \V ith David I 11 lea"lIt' havc Iwule;

To him, ill)' sen alit , ami my choice, By ;;010.:11111 oat h this grallt cUllvcr'.l :

" While earlll, allll sen$, anti skics cudure , T hy seed ~ h:Jll ill Illy sight remain;

To 1111.:111 thy thronc I wi]l ell:'lnrC,

T llcy shall 10 end l c;;,~ agcs reigll,"

5 For such stupcllllullS truth and love, Both hp:wCIl and carlhjust pmises owc,

By ('h"il's ofangcls SlI llg ahu,'c, Aml IJy a"~clt!blcd sai ll \i> below

G Wha l sera ph of cc\cst i ~ll birth To "il-' wit II IM'ad's God shall da.rc 1

Or who a Ulolig 1110 gods of parth

wilh our .\ IlHighty comparc 1

7 'V ith I'C,'CI', '1\(,a J awl rel igions dread, Il is ,.a inl;j ;0111111111 lu his 1(,lI1plc press ;

Hi.;! fc:u' through all thcir hearls sholll, ' "IJI'cad,

Who hi~ a!Jlligbty Xmne cnllfcs.~,

8 Lord God of a!'lnics, who can hoa~t o r stl'c lIgth <lr PUWl'" likc Ihillu I'C-

110\\' 11 '.\ I Of ",nch a 1l1l1l1CrOIlS, faithful host,

,, 'Vho may at festi\,:tl", appe ar,

\\'i th thy most glo,,;ouI> Ill'Ci!Cllcc crown'd .

13 Thy S;Jiu B shall always lJe o'crjoy'd, wh" 011 thy !'acr('d Name ,'dy;

Alld, ill tby I'jehtctltl~ncss ('lnpioy'd, Abuve their fues he railicd 011 high,

[·1 Fm ill thy 811'CIIl;Ih thuy "h:.l! ~Illvance, \rbo;:e CUlHlul'sl;; f!'OlII thy fav<lur spring:

The Lonl of ho"t.~ is nllr ,it'fellce, AIIlI 1srael's Gud (,ur Isl''Icl's Killg,

SELEC"I' IOc< "D. From the ];c. I'..alm of David.

J' ,\RT I. C. M,

() LO~~ D , the s;!\'iollr nnd delcnce Ulll~ thy l'h'-',~cJl !'acc,

FrOl 1l age to a~" thou ~till ha5t hcen 0111' sure abiding .. plac,"

:! Bcfure thou hruugllt ','l lhe I!luuntains fortb , Or Ih' earlh amI wurld tl itlst frame,

T hon :llways wa;: T. Ihe llIighly God, Alit! ('\'cr al' l Ih,' !'alllC,

3 Thou lurncst lIlall , 0 1.01'll, to dust, Of which 110 lirst was madc;

AmI whc n lhollsJlcak 'llltht! word, ' Return,' ' Ti ~ in~tanlly olwy'd.

4 For in tily sight a tlu,H1l<anll years Are like a (lay Ihat'~ pal't:

01' l ike a wa tch ill d ead o f nighl, \r!wsc hourI! mllnillticd waste,

5 Thou ;:\\'ccp'~1 Ull o(r as with a flood , Wp va ni;;h hcnce likc drcams ;­

At fir;; t we grow like grill's that foels The ~utJ'~ re\'i\'ill~ Io e:lln~;

I t.~ morni ll g beant)' shu ,,"s, 'T i ~ all Cllt dowll, :Iud wilhcr'd quite,

lkf,'I'C tllC c,'cllilig clusc.

As IhaL w ll i<.: 11 doel' thylhrolle S'll'roUlIll ? 7 \\'l' loy thin!' allg "1' arc cOlIstlrned , A!HI ,,~' th ~' wnlllI ,li ~ lIlay 'd;

0111' 1'\l1,l ie {']'irnc,~ and ~('en·t sillS Bcfo!'c Ih," "ight ,II'C laid,

9 Thou do"t the bwlcs .. ;;ca "(JuII'"I , AmI <.:hall::u the III'u~IJI'ct of Ihe dcpp;

T hou lJIak'"t tilt' ~kepilJg Li !low;o ro,)l; Thllil lJIak'''l the r,,11illg billows ~I cf' p,

10 111 till'\.: till' ~(I\" 'n'i!!" right I't'Hlllins Uf l-'nrth alii I IIt'an:n; th el', "<lnl , alone ,

The world, alld all thal it COll t:liIlS,

Their :'> Iakcr' ami I'rCH'n'er own,

I I T hinc arm is IJ1i~ht~" sirong th~' h;md, Yct. 1."1'..1, tho" dust wi lh j ll ;: tice j'f·ign;

Po;;se;;s'd of absulll'" command, ThOll truth and IIIcrey .lost mainlain,

12 Happy , thrice happ." they. whu lw;u' Thy sacred tnllu put's juyful ~onlltl;

8 11 1'lw;\th thint' nn~t'I"~ ,~all effects 0111' dl'w'lling , i:Jy~ wo ,~ pclld;

0111' IIl1n'ganled ye:ll';I IH'('ak off, Lik e tales thaI quirkly e nd,

fl 0(11' t .... rm of time i" ;;("q'nty years, All ;l ~e tllat fcw l<u1'\' i,'c:

Hilt if, with IllIlre titan ('fJllil lIOn strength , To pig-h ly wc arri,'C-

10 Yc lthclI 0111' h"a~1t' (1 strc ngth decaya, To "01'11)\\' turll'.! :IIIJ paiu ;

So soon the skud.,!' thread is cut, A nd we no more romain,



S Ic:LEC TlOi\ S 0 1·' ) ' S ALl'IS .

P AIlT I I. C. M. ., PA RT II . III , 3,

B UT w ho Ihinc a llg"l"'" IIr~'Hd df{'Cts Docs, as I'L' IIught, "nere!

Aud p.:t til} w ra[h du~'" 1;111 t)l ' ri.;;c, As lIluru 01' Ito,..,,; II., "'at·.

~ So \caeh 1I~, L ord . III' llllt 'I 'I'l a iu SU IIl yf IOUI' ~],qrl day.; I " luillll,

• '''';I t to trill' wi~tI ''' lI n1l 'Jlll' ilcllrts Alu)' cver Iw ilJdiw'd,

;j 010 thy ~el'\' :Hlt-", 1.01" 1, re1urtl,

Awl "pe"ti il.'" rd. ' llt: As wc o f tlur llIi .• ,J.·.'d~, do llllJu

Of !JUI' ju;:t tl O ... tH n ·ltI'lL1.

To ... a ti;:I)· antI dl~'l'r 0111' ~ollls, Til} carly llIerey ~ , 'ud ;

Tlml we 111 i1 y all UtiI' d ay:; t<) cume

I n joy ami eU/III;,rl ~ l ww 1.

5 To all tlty sl' l'va1lt$, 1. ... 11 1, Ict this

Thy \\'ondrulI .~ work \,e k uowll;

And Iu (HII' ofl',;.pri rtg yet IIl1bul'n,

'rll~' e:luriolls power lIe "how n

6 Lc t thy hriglt t t~ I.'"S 1111011 11;: "hine, Givc thuu IOUI' work "1It.T""'~;

The glurious work Wu ha\'e itl IltUid

Do tholl "olle llsafe tu b lcss.

SELE CTI ON 70. F rOID the 1ci. Puhn or D.vid.

P ART I. II. oJ,

R E that ha.~ GUtI Ii i" g uard iall marIe, Shall under thc !\ lllIightY'1i ~hade

Securc ami 1IIldi .~lIIrVd abide: TIlliS to Illy ;:0111 OIl' him I' ll say,

He is Illy furtrcss awl Itly St Il Y, 1\'ly God , in w h uIII [ wi ll confidc.

'2 H is tcnder luve III1t I watchful rare Shall frec thee frm ll the f, .wlcr's snare,

And fru lll the lI oi ,~tl ll le pc"tilcnce j

H c nvcr thee hi~ win g!> shall spread, And COlyer thy ung uardcd head;

lI is truth ~hal\ be thy Hl'Ong de fcnee,

3 No tcrrors that surprise by night Shall th y u ndaullted COIIJ'(lge fright,

NOl I' dead ly "lIar!'.! that fly by J ay; Nor phlglle of UUkUUW H rilSc, that k il ls In d arknes~, UOI' ill[.'c tiuu;ol ill,;

That in the hu nt ing noun·tiJe slay.

4 Be.:9.11Se, w ith well-placed confidence,

Thou m::k 'st the Lonl thy !Sure defence, Thy rufugc, evcn God IIIfls t high;

Therefo re uo i ll 011 lh..;c shall CO llie, Nor to t hy ltea\,c tt -proh-clcJ home

Shall overwhelming plagufls draw ll igh ,


G()t~ ;.:hall clmrw' his auge! Icgin ll8 \\'ate !. at lt! wan I 0',·1' lil l'e hi kcep ;

T hollg h th~'H I\;tlk 111I'01l3h hn"lile I'egions Th"lI gh ill de",el'l wi lds Ih .. 1/ "Ieep .

\ ~ Ou lire li " lJ "a illly roal'ill;.!,

UI. I. i ,~ }"'llIg, thy 1"ul. .~hall tl'ollll; Aw l. tl tt, .)('a !!" I1'", rlell e " l, l. ,rinr:,

Tlr" 1J ,,1t'llt 1'l'Ili":e Ihe ~"I']I"IlI · ... head ,

:J ~ill("', \, illl I'lIl'e lIIu l finn all"clioll , T It'Hl PIJ G"d I.a,t ,..el thy love,

Wit l. tlte wilJ~" of h i~ I'n,leelion li e \\111 ,..hidd thee frorrr aL .... ve,

TI I.HI ~hnlt ('all Oil hilll ill trouble,

li t' will IIt'nrkell, I tt~ ",illlia ,'e;

l lere fo r grit, r r('wa rd dlt'c dtl llhle,

(;n ,wlI with life I'''),tl ild t ilt' gravl't

SELECT ION 71. C. M. FrQm t he 1ci i. I'lallo or Da vid,

FIO\V ~()0~1 and plea,..aut Il IU~t it be '1'(1 tllallk the ioUI'd 1Il""t Irig h ;

,\ w l \\Iith repeated hyrllus uf pmisn

I Ii,.; iXalllC tu I!lagllil)' !

2 W ill i C\'cry lJIul'tl itig's t':lrl)' daw lJ

Ii i,,, ;,: "tl dltl ' ~~ tu rci at (': And of It i" etlll"talJ l tmtlt, each nigh t,

T he glad dl"{'I': I'(' pe.rt !

;J T u t c r l _,~lril l g'(1 il l ~tnlllle/ ll.i \\e'll lIinS,

\ \'illl tUllerlll l .~"h, · r ieli jt .ill 'd;

Alld to Ihe harp w ilh ".,I .. II H1 ,;"" ud,, , For ",u;retl lI,:e Je,,:igu'tl.

Fell' th roll gh thy WO titi l'OIll! work ;>, 0 L urd ,

TIIOH IIm 'k~t li ly heart rejui('e;

TltC Ihought" uf litem ~hall Ilulke II HJ glad, }\wl "hullt , \ jlh cllCerful " (l ice,

5 11 011' Wutltlroll;': arc thy wOI'k;:, 0 Lord :

[[ ow d eep arc thy decree,, !

" ' III'''e willd illg lract"', ill .. ocrcl laid, No cW'cl ~'"" "illller sees.

13 I [. , little think!'. w he ll wiekc.J mcn ,

1.ike grass, look ji'c~h amI gay ,

11011' Ii' '' '/ I tlle ir sllort- li\'cd Rple /IJuur lllUlit FUI' e\'(;r a way.

7 B il t thou , my (iud, un still lllust high; And all thy Illfty foes.

W ho IhulIEht they lItigl/t f<ccurcly IIin ,

Shall he o'erw ltel m 'd wilh w.)es.

S lJut rightcolls mclt. like I' i ~illg pal ms, Skrll grow aw l f1 f)l lr i~h still;

Thy fl ock shall ;;; pread , l ike cedarlt choice,

Ou L CU:U IO U'1i high hill,

SELE C'l"lON S O F" P SA L :\IS.

9 ThclIe, plallkol ill tltl'!rUil_,' "f f; .,I ,

" ' ith ill Iti" ('otlrt.~ .,ltal i tll!'in' : Thcil' vie-om' all,] titeir lu:,tre U"tlt

Shall ill .. I,] u:.;e !,,'vi,'c,

10 T ltlls 'will tl ... Lord hi,.. j tl ~tiec ~ho\\';

_\1ll1 (;".1 , Itl,\' .~t r"lt g tlcfetlce, Shall .Ju t' ('1'\1 :.1',1 " 10 all tire wuriLI

111'jJitl'tiilll.I' ,li~l)l'",..e,

SE L Ecr l ' I O~ 7:!. L . l'I. From tlte xcii i. PAlm or D, ... id,

-'''11'1',',1 dllr,I' dad, w!tlr "tn'u;!tit alT;~}'''I , lilt' ],,, .. d Ih:lt II I'r a1\ lIattlre r" IEU'"',

T ire world ',. 1'"rud"lioll .~tr" l l!.!k lajd And the \;I~l [:d .ric ~till su~t, ;il! ;;; . '

:! How .~ tll'~'lr ~t<ll,Ji~lr'tl i~ Illy 1)lroIlC!

\ \'l ,idl ~1r:t1l 11" dl<IIJEt' or perind ~cC; For thou. 0 I."rd, IIl1tllUOU alollt,

Art (;od frolll all ,'t.cruity, '

3 T ire tI"OtI .~ , 0 Lord, lift li p tlwir \Tlie • ..,

Allt l t".~_~ III" It'rllJltk'.1 wan's till h iSh; Bu l God a!.uq' ,·:tll ,.. Iill u.ei .. Il"i~e,

;\mlmakc til\' angry ~ea comply.

4 T h.," ]11"'lIIi"t·. Lord. i ~ evcr ~llre, Awl they 11".t ill Ilty 1't)It~e would dwoll,

T hat It:!].!'y ~Inti"r . I" ~(,"l ll'(', Tll nst s t ill in holill.· .~s exet'l.

S f~ LEC'J'ION 73. F rom tlte xch' , P501 hll or David,

I' A itT J. C.)1. S .\ r y('. 111<' 1."1'11 "I,:tll 11,,1 ref!ilrd, Shall not Y(tll r ,~i lJ ,': di .~t' t'rH!

Take 11,''''1. .\"(' 1(.oli .~1t alld 1II1wi~e; w hell will ye wi"durn kal'Jl r

::! C :1l1 110- h .. ,ll'ar \\ 1,,, ["1'111'.1 thr (':.Ir,

01' hlilltl who 1'1';1111'.1 lilt' ('ye? Shill (':11"111'" ~l'l'at .) (101 .:.'( ' lint pUll ish Ihose

W htl h is ktrOWIi will . kfy 1

3 He f:nlllllll' al\ III!' I ... url.~ "f rrlf'rl, T n hilll till'i,' tlr"tI~ ltl ~ Ii., ),ar<.';

H is eyl' "1I1'\'I'YS litf'1II all. :ut'! secs I [ow vai ll tlleir C()1l11~l'ls arc.


Bu >s' n i~ Ih,' 'llali . wh"Jll Ihou , 0 L"t'll. In killtll!l'~~ tI,,~t dliJ"'ti~,--.,

Alit! h~' tll~' ":(I'l'l'd )'tll . ,~ to walk n o <1 lUI ill:.'ly i lllviM',

'.:! T hi, walt .hall 1'1'·1 allt l sllety fi nd

l it ~ .. a~nll'" "f t!i,.tn',..~; ' \'IliI4 God pn'pa"l'~ a pit fnr those

That stl ll .I",nlly tr;ll ''''~I'C5S .

;J f or (;011 will 1l"\'C'1' fl'ttlll his saillt~

H is favuur whully take;


~Ii", own pns~ession and his lot I ll.' will nnt q uite fOI'sak e,

" The world shall yct con fess thee just J II all I hat thou haSI done;

All,] those that d l"ns:..~ thy upright ways ~hall ill t ito"e path;! go nn,

15 L OUr\" s:.incc lltld I ill ~iletH'c ~Iept, But Ihat the Lonl wn,. IICllr,

'1' .. ~ I ; I~' 1m' wliell I ~lil')I"I; when &.'ld ,

.\ l y IpHlI ,led he arl It) cheer.

(i .\I ~' .",rI·", d .. f' ·11Ct.' is fi r lll ly placcd lit (iud , the Llml I/lOi<t Iligh:

II I' i", Illy nwk, 10 whidl J lIIay rOIl' I'eflll:-'c nlwaYiI Ily,

SELE C'l' IO'< 7<1. L. M. F ro '" t he 1(\ ' . l' ~all1l .. f Da yi~,

I 0 CO\ I J::. IOlld a nllll': l\1~ 10..:1 ",,: 1> illg,

I J,nt]oi thanks to Hili' \ Imighly King ;

For we nllr ""ie.';! hi .:.!!r "ha ll rai .~c, \\'IICH nltl' ;::lh'ati ' lIl'~ r, ,('k we praise,

2 [nlo I.i" I'I'e~"lIel' let u~ lJa~le, '1'" II.auk Itim [.>1' Iti,; fit\'lJ!rr~ past;

T o him a , lt! rt.'.~il, in joyful sOllgS, T he praise that to his Name h c1oHgS :

3 For Gnd Ih e L ord , cuthruucti in state, Is w ith u urivall' t! glory grcat; A l\ iur\" superiul' far In all Wlulln lite h.~atltt'll fal.icly call.

" Tire dcplhs of earlh arc ill hi~ hand, ilL'r secre t wealth :It hi" cl)lIIm;uld ; 'flre ~t rengllr uf Itill", thaL reach the skier. SII t.jL'deti to hi.~ elllpire lic s.

5 Tit..., I'lIll iuO' Ot''': Hl '~ V:I.~I a h.r~!I By the ~ :urlC S'J \ ' t.'l' uigJ! rigilt is his;

' Twit.~ IIH"lc uy hi ,~ "ltuiHllty !rand, Tltat furru 'd allli fix'.l Ihe solid land .

G 0 I('t liS to hi;! cuurts ),el'air, AIUII ,uw with :uloratioll ,here ;

D"wlI Oil ollr knccs dCI'outly all nerore the Lonl, our .\bker, raU.

7 For hc's 0111' (iud, (lur Shephe rd hc, Jl i ,~ flock .Hltl I':L~tlln' _); II\.: el' arc we: o tlJ('ll , Yt' faitlll'l!! fl u( << to-day

I ii" w:u·tliIl3 hear, Ili~ \'oicc obey.

SELECTI ON 75. 11. 8. F rom the xcvi, I'Io.1lm of Da\' id.

SING I" Ihe Lor'! a Hcw-HHIJe :lOng; l,.'t carth in one 1I .· .~. ' rIlUlc,] throng, I reI' comlllon Patr"H '.~ p r:li~c resound :

Sillg to th o J.ol'd, anti I,!e ~.~ hi ~ Name, Frum dar to day Itis praise proclaim,

'VllO us h as with ~a l \'u tion crown'd :




To heathen Ian,}!' hi" fame rL'h ('(\r~e,

H iB \\'ol l< l e l',.; tu thL' UJli\L·r.~(·.

2 li e's great. Blill t!n'ally lo he pt~ l iscd; I II lILa}'!'!.'" amI glory ra i~('ll

. .\lUl\t, all u! lwl" d,· ili \ ' ~;

I~ur pageant])' ,Hu l ;d"l~ :.ll An' they \\Ii'1I1l O',,,l~ th,· heathen call;

I It' oli ly rule.~ \\'1101 Iliad, · tile ~ki es:

\V ith III~Jj"~ly al1l1 h"tlOllr (' n ,wu 'd,

Glnry alid .~ tl'e Zl~nh Ii i" tlmme ,",un'OlIlld.

3 lk glury 1)1("11 to l.i lll n ',.:'ored Ur :tll w ) .. , Ilan' r.ll~ .. i!()d ~ Hd"r('d:

A ~lTihe d ill' hOllour to hi" -" til lie. PC:l('(· ... Otli.Tiuf!" Uti hi ~ a ]I,II' !:I.\,.

Bef"re Iii" IlI n ln!' .V' ,III' JI"ltlilge lta,V, ,rhid. he, ,llld Ill' alll!lc . ('all clailll :

To wUI'.~I , i p ;It h i.~ .~acn·d ("nll rt,

1.e1 all the tn"JIlI ,]ing w"rld I'(' !'nr l.

4 Proclaim al"ud . .! ,-.IIO" ah rci':;II,o, \Vhf)~" power th.: HtJi \"·r.~, · ~H,..t;,ins,

'\1111 iJ;Hli,..!J\I.iIl,.lice w ill n ·,. tore; Let tlll't'I ·j;l1·c hea \','11 IU'W joy,. cOllfess,

,\HlI IlI'aw"lIly Illi rl h 11'1 "arth ex press,

Ib IOlu! ;Ip l' bll .~l· tIll' o('e an roar,

~ t s III l1le ilihah i lall l ~ I'!:i"i('!~,

And lill' tlr i ~ ~I'illlllpli filill II vnice.

!) Forjuy hoI. f,·rlil ..: \alJ,..\· ~ .~i ll(!.

T he ch""rfIl1 BTO\" ' ~ Iht·i l· Ir ilmte hring, And IIln,{ul I ral'1 noll i , ·.~ awa k e ;

Be ll"ld ~ ill U'III1r ;11111 j ll , ti, 'c dad,

God crmu"s 10.i1l.]!!" IIII' wurld he m ad e,

Alld 10 IlilJ! ~elf h i" Ihrone tu lake :

!I e'" ""llIe. 10 ,i1l.! :::C lIlt' world Ill"'; corne,

\Vilh jll."ticc to re\\'lInl alill .!Ofllll.

F rom t h~ xcvii. P t<:lhll of David.

J I::11 0 \ '.\11 rt'i ;! II~, [,'1 :r1[ t lte ";trlh

In hi~ }I.~ t f!,j\" " rllIlU'lit n:i"i('(' ; J~et all tile 1m ,, !!,. \\"il ll ':;1('1'(,01 m irth.

I II h i" al'l'\;III'(' uilitl) l ireil' \'oit·e.

2 nll l'klll'~S allO l ('Io lld~ nf a\\'flll ~hadc

ll i~ Ilazllilll! gl,")' ~ [I nil id ill ." ta te ;

J lId!!lIlL"lIl :uIII l'iiih t"""~l11"~~ arc lIIade T il e 11;\IJilatioll ()f hi" ."cat.

3 Fill' t\rOIi. 0 ( ;(,,1. 1I!"1 ~"atl·d high,

Aloo\'c cart lr';: rull·ntatc.~ ('ut hroncd;

ThOll. Lnnl. II lll'i\'all 'd ill til(" !<ky_ Supre mc hy ,,11 thc g ' JI.\" art o\\" n '<I.

4 Ye who 10 ;:cn;t" thi;; Lord as p ire _

Ahhor what.'., ill, a1l(1 lruth e slf'emj

H e'll k eep his ~CI'\': Ull ~' ~ ulJIs c ntire,

And the m frum wicketl hauds redcem .


;, Fur l'(' ... I~ al'l' "OWI\ of ,,1.., r ioIl8 ligh t, ,\ fllllll'" han'!'"" f, w Il l!' jll.~ti

A lld !!Iil dllt ,.,.~ j;w Th ~· l",a.l·1 llral'" righ t,

'1'" 1'.·,'''IIII'''II",e ils p iuu~ 11'11;;1.

G I1f:;"il.: '" Y .... rip-h t.>'l1I~, i ll II!!' l."l·ll;

.\Io 'IIl"l'ial~ of 1ri.~ 1r"lill l ·.~"

[)""": !' ill .\'UII· I:,ilh flll l ,n ·a,.l .. n·,·"r.\ . :\Ild wi lh )' 111 11' th;lllk(111 I "H:.: IW~ ," '!l res",

S El. ECT ION 77. C. M .

I Froln Ihe :tc,';" , P !<o1.! 111 "f 1).,.",1.

SI.'\(;. t, . tit,· I ,ron l a 11:'\\-111<\,1, .. '''11;:, • \\ I" . \\(I ",\ ro"l~ thlllg ... 11:t ~ ' \"111' :

W ith hi~ r id ll lra ll ,1 :t tllllr"ly arill.


T )w {'''II'f' l e~1 hI' ha~ \\·Oll .

2 '1'1", [,,, .. 01 lo:l~ Ihr,nld l tlr' :I~lolli~ I, 'd world

I n i~[\Ia.\' ·d Iri s ;.av ill" il li:.![l l.

And lIlad,' lri ~ ri c!lII""l1~ ao;l~ :ll'pt·:U·

III all IIII' II ... at l" ·II';. ~ip-ltT.

:1 Of I ~r;wr.~ lHO!I."c hi.~ Ion.: awl tntth

11 ;\\,· eH'r lII i1lO If"II ' (,(""II; \r i,I,' 1';lrtl l' ~ r l'll\I ltl'''t pal'l~ ti l t! powe r

Ur l.~ nlO' l ' ~ (;"11',, ha~'" ~ 1·l"II.

-1 1.,' 1 Illt'fO'fi>l"l' " arlh'~ inhal!itallt.i;

'l"1 ... :r ,.)1I·'·lflll vnil'(' ~ I':risc ,

AII(\ all with IIlIt\'e ... ~:r1 j"y Il l)~" "wl Illt'ir i\1ak L''''~ I'l':li~c.

1) \\' itlt Ir;trp ami lt~' II IlI'S soft IIwlo.!y,

i llt" tIll' , ·!ll l{' .... rl lori llg

T Ilt' trllllll'('[ HIllI ,,11I·ill o;onrc t",: :,-"uml,

Bo.:ii.r. · th- Alrlligh ty t.: illg:.

(i I..", III" IOIlt! orean roar Ilt'r joy. W ilh all That ,,(';IS {,Oll tilill;

'I'h,' l':trth ilwl Iter ill it"lo itarlts

. 1"i n ('''I1(,,'rt with lire mail!.

7 Lvi tI"ool~ :tlltl lorr(,llt s .. lap tlII·ir It~Uld s. W ith .i(l~' lllf' ir lr"lIH1~(' p :ly :

L..r t'("\loill!! v;Ile.'. (1'0111 hill to Ilill.

1lt-t!our!,II·d ,.IWIIH COIIH'Y:

8 '1'" \\ "], '011 11' d"wlI TIl(" worl" -.~ I!rl'aT J udge.

\\"1", ,h .... ~ wjTh jll.~tit''''' ('01 11" ,

Awl wilh illlpar1ial c'Iuity, Bol[l 111 reward alld d oo m.

~EL ~:C T I ON 78. ( ' . :\ 1. From the xci"< . Psalm of I)"'·'d .

J I' J 1(/\' \11 I 'l'it!""~ i let then'I,m" all

TI lt' f!lJilty lIallorls (jlwl;o.::

011 ..!wrlll};;- will;! ' Iw ;;: i t,. l"ulhmllcJ j carth- :,; fUIIIIl1ati"n;: "Imkc.

2 011 Sio,,'s !till Ire keep;; hi ,. C')lIr!.

I i i,;; l'a];l('l' makes It er to\\'er.~ i

And t!rem;,) hi" ."overeig-li ty extends

Su preme o 'er carthly powc rr>.


3 I .et 1111'1'0.:(01"(' all with p ra i .• c addrc~.:!

Ii i,.. g r" ,11 1I11t1 dn':.II H'1I1 .'\:lIIll·;

And "i llt Iti~ 1111 ... ·'1.1(',) 1II1p-lr t

II i.s Itolill(''''''' 1'!"OJt"\ai lll .

" rO)r 111111, alld ,iII- I i,"' . ill hi ... r .. ipl, Of :'l r"II(!II, :11111 l'0wI'r take J'laco;

Jl i~ .i I Il I!! II "·'l t ~ :11',· witl l ric:-I!It·I)IIS!lcs.~

l ) i'I"·II~.·tl t" .1 ;lt'ol , ' .~ nwe.

5 T lrl'rl'l""I"(' ('.\:t11 II I<' Lonl OHr God, B.·f,or,· [I'", I""t_tool 1;.11 ;

.\IIt! \1 i l lt Iti~ 1I1I 1"1·.,i"tcd lIIight

II i~ ""Iille,.,~ "'.\ t,,1.

6 \r il lt w01"61,il' at lt i.~ ~ael'('(1 {'ou rts

I·;xal t t.111' ( ;od IUld L,It·a i For lit' . \\1,,, 11111.\' h il ly i.".

At"!I l) ~llulJ [,] be adurel\.

~E r.Ecre I ON 79. L, l\f. From t"~ r. I' ~al m of Dal·;'l.

" T ITII "110' ("1'"'\'111 1,'1 all t[lI"' ca rth

To ( i .\ th"it' dl""rrlll \· f)in .. ~ rai"t' ;

GI:ttl II"III:I:.!'· I 'n~' Wil[1 awflll IlIirt1l ,

_\ III ! .• ill!: 1,,·I'.n· !Iilll ~"tl~.- " I' I'I",tiH·.

.) C') IIVill('O·d tll:, 1 h., ;. (i"d :']"110' .

Fro'lli 111101111 I",tli WI' ;11101 ;,il PI"O(''''''[;

\Ye, \\1 1"111 II\'"" ~ '· ~ I'll" lii~ 0\\'11.

Tit,: 11, ... 1. 11,, 11 10 ... '·" II l"li.- "r,·~ to fct'd.

3 0 "II"''' 1[1<'11 1ri .~ 11'1111'1,' eal l'.

T h .... llc,· I" Iti~ I ' ''urt~ ,je \'l(ltl~- pl"l'.~.~;

,\no l ,..till .nll ll" i!r"I,{;r1 II.~ 111 11;: 1"< '1"':01. .\IUI ~till It i~ .\a lil" wit h 1' r;li~ . ·~ 1 ,1c".~.

" For 11l"~ tI le I ... nl. .~III' I"(·IIH'ly :.!O' H\.

Il i~ IlIl' n·.\ · i ~ j'lI" ,'1 1'1" ",III" "

H is 11'1I1h , wltieh ah'·".1 ~ jil"lll i r stuod .

Tu elldl..:.~.~ ag t· ~ .~11iI11 1' 1101 li re.

SELEC'l' I O~ .... 0. From tbe o,:ii. 1'8ol1m of IJa" ,d_

P AllT I. (.;.:'01.

"lNIlF::\ I rltml" 0111 III" ~'1Il1 ill I' ra~,,,,·r . V n o tlr'" I, 0 LOl"d, attew l i

T o thy c tcrllal lir l'Ollf' 01' ;;I"al' \'

L ('t Illy sad cr~' a.St'l'1I11.

2 0 hidc Hot thOIl III." ;:lol' i" l1 ~ fa ('("

111 tllll"'·~ of d t'cl' di ~ln:,~s ;

Incl ine Ilrill\' e ;u', a lltl. whell 1 ca ll.

i\ ly gorrows HHJII I·cdfl'",;; .

3 i\l y da~·",jll~t ha .... It' lIill1! to 111.: [1' !'1It! ,

Are likt· all CH'lIi ll !! ." Ilade :

My ueauty doe.". lik,· wither-ti gras;;, 'V illi w:uti ug lusl1''': fade .

-1 But tIllite e l llrll;d ~ l at ('_ 0 Lord.

No length of lillie ",hall waste;

The 1II\' !IInry of thy w0I1(lrou8 WOtU F ... IIII :0;;" 10 a;; ... ' ,,!rllllla..:;t.

1' .\ RTIr. C_M_

G(ll) ;;:\tal! ari~c. and Si'lII \' ie w

\\'ilb ,111 IIlld olllkd fllce;

FIJr ""W ltel' tilllt· i .~ COlli":, his own AI']lOJjllt .. a day III" gnt<:..:.

Q T it!' \" ;IIIl'-' alld 1-'1 ,,1'), of the Lord All llO'all"-1i kjll:':~ .,1r:dl f..:ar,

\\" 111'11 [IL' ., lla l1 . ...:i,," builo! again,

\ 11 01 ill flill .'tal(- apI'L·;,I'.

:j F"r (i"d. 1'1"'0]1( Iti ... al " 011 high,

Ii i" f!' 101\:i"u,.. l.t·; I1 I1~ ,l il'play'J;

'1'1 1\ ' 1. .. 1'01 fn'lIl 11l';tv(,lI, his lofty throne, I iallt ;tll ti ll ' " 11 .. 1\1 ... ,It·\·c)''d.

That 111t·~· . ill :-;i,,", wlrPrc Ir e dwells, .\l i!!lrt ('t'[, ·l lrll tl" hill faill e.

Aw l tlr n Hl!.'lr III<' hoI." city s ing

L"u,1 pr;li~,,-. tIl Iii.:; :\aftle.

1' .\RT Ilr. C.:'oI .

T it .: -" Tn'lI::! r.1l1l1t!aTi" I I .~ of the carth

Of old I,y llle,· \\"~'nJ laid;

T h.r hittl,]." , U Lord , thc areh of heavell

\\,jlh w"]IIII"IIII" ~ki l1 Irave made.

TII(,Y ~"OJ II "hall JI1lK~ In ""y i

\ 1101 . like U i!"W' III f' lI t . ,fle n WtlnJ ,

:...:Ir;rll larlli.·11 a lill d..:cay.

Lik , ' that , Whf'lIlllI1U "niai n'st theitchange,

'1'" til.\' l'O IlIlIl:wd Ilrc), be nd;

13 111. 11011 11 C' !lItiIlIlC$t ~t ill the SIImc,

:\"" Iran' Illy p .'<lI"I' nil c ud.

']'10"11 Itl tire dlil,ln·1t of tlty lla inUl

",I"t ll ];).":Iill :..[ 'Iui ..: t givc ; \\"lr,,~, ' II:!\,\,Y I"ilf"e. ~e(;lI l"uly fi x'd ,

sl",l1 ill tlly 1'1"..:"ence li\·c.

SE L E CTI ON AI. L . ~ l. Fr" ", Ihe ciii. P.<altn of Da\'id,

'I r ~~ ' Ir1 : ill .pin"! witll iI;tcred 10 \' C,

1 (,,,d ~ holy :'\ :H lh! 1'''1" evcr hies.'!;

())' "II I l i~ I:(I OHI'" lIIilllll'lIl pro\'C_

.\ 1111 ~I~ II lloy gril lc l'1I1 thallk s CXPI ·CS~.

,, ' 'Ti~ III' 1I1n l :tll l h)' ~ il! s fo rgives.

.\ 1111 aft , ·!' ~i l'kll t'5.~ lJJa k{'.~ thee ;:OIllIJ;

FI"OIIiI d:m!!,·1' \rr" thy lif, · retl'iun.: ... .

B\'llim wit It f!ra(' I' alll i Itwrc} crown'd .

;J l it, wiTh £""0,1 lliillf!' tilY lII"uT h s\lppltc~, Tlly vig')lIl' eadl'- likc 1't-3turcs i

II ..: to tltc slIfl'crer prolllptly flics, W ho, wrong- 'ol , Il is righteous hclp im­




S £LE C'1' lO)[S U F' P S t\ L~[~,

<1 The Lm'J auol mt!~ \\ it ll tnull- I' Im e, A lld III1C XOI IlJl'l,.:d 11<';"" of e'l'HC" ;

His w'lken''! w rath 01,,111 ~l,, \\' I } 111')\"",

His \\ illill3 mcn'r l1i .. ,,: .rpace,

5 God w ill lI"t ,dwa.y.~ 1I;11'.,lrl), , 'hi.le,

But willi his all er"1' ' Illi ck ly 1'; \1 '1; A nd l(J \,'~ Iri,,:. plllJi .~hlllt"n t.~ I" g uide

J'. 1" rc I,y hi" [u\'c lirall 011 1' de,.el't.

6 ..\~ high a~ hean'" it~ :11'('iJ '· .\ l"I\lI ~

AI1O\'" this liult,· !'p"t o f d,,\' , So InUl '1! Ili ,~ h01II1\II,'".~ I"\L' 1;': Il I"'<-'L'llIls

T he "'Iliall re~pec; ts that we CILI, p.IY,

7 As f;ll' a~ 'Ii~ fr'lIll1 '·II.~t to \\,,'.;;t,

So 1;11' liaS he UUI' ~ill" rellH'\','c1; \nIO, with a li l tl l\: r',~ IL'lIrler Irn'a":I ,

Has snch as fea l' him always 1,,\·\1.

a For Gvd, who allIJUI' ['i'ame ,.\lnc)'s,

C OII , .. j, ler,; li la t Wl' W'e l)!I t da.\ ;

How fn '" II ,~ol/l'rwf' ~el' lIl, 0111' ,Ia\s

3 lie 1'1I1'0I0llS a ll Il ly ... ins, t'n,jorre's thy fL'eL1c brcath;

II.- Iwal('1 11 th in(' illfinnilics, And mrr :<Ol lll" Ilret' frolll death_

Il c fel.'lh II]('e \\ ilh his 1m·,', ( 'ph"l.!s thce wi lli his tmlhj

. \]1(1. likt' tht' L'a!!J,".", he renCW8

Tlw \-it!'0lJr "f lliy ~·uuth.

:, T III'Ii l,j,,~.~ Ii", [.,)nl, my sOIlI,

I Ii" ~ I'nee , lii .~ I"n' prodaim; J ",t alll " a1 is wilhill me join

'1'" ble."" hj_~ hul)' :\all:c',

S ELEC TI ON 83. From t he ci,', I'Ma lm o(,

P ART L L _ :'>1.

I) r,E:~ .(;", 1. Ill ,\" ,~':"1; ' .hou, Vwd, alone J " ~ ~" ,~.<c."t C'IIIIJln' \\' 1,11"111 IH)Ulld.'1,

\\' il ll !tolllllll' Ilulil aJ'l l' ro\\"IJ'd , Ilty throlW rt'-'nllli Hla.i ' · ... t~ ~1I1'1';,I II UI~,

L ik e g l 'ilS~ or tl"\\'cr~ ll ll!.~t t;,d ~ away, I" !J \\'hil~t thl'y at' .. Hipl"d with suddcli IJlasts, ~

:\' 0 1' <'an wt,· lilld Ihei r fu rme r p lace,

W ill i Jigl lt th"u d,,~ t thpf'l f e ll J'"lrc,

;\ 11.-1 t-'I llry j;j]" a ;.:anrrf'ul take;

I lpan .. ' 1I '''curtailJ ,~ ~ lrt'll'll ]w)"I'lili t llc glubo, Thy Cl!lol'Y or ,.la!C lu make, G"d',~ ';lillll'lI l IJU-I" 'y cver lust>;

To lhll,~ .. Ill'lt li'al' hilll , arid Iheil' THce, 3 Gud I , " il d~ 0 11 li'llIi,1 nil', a lld I"rlll;l

10 T his .~h"ll alll'II'] 0 11 ~lIl'h a.~ "'t ill I'roL'(,,-',J ill "i .~ lIpp"ill tcd way;

And wlio IIlI l olily Iwo\\' hi s wi ll , R ullu it jllst uhe,liellce l'ay ,

J L T he V ml. Ihe ulli\·l'r,"al hillg, I II "L'a\'ell hOi,'; ti x'd Jli~ I"fty throne:

T o h im, ,\ ' <1 :tll!!el", /,r:li~cs ;;i1lg, Iu wl lo.~e grea t ":Ireu"t" his powe r j~


12 Yc tll:l t hi~ .iust e' >i! lInawls obey, And iH_·;t1' aw l do Iti~ ;;n('r('d w ill ,

Ye Ilosls flf hi", Ih is tri loil lc I'ay, \\' ho slill w hat III.' Ol'.taill~ fu lfil.

13 Le t C\-,'l'y C]"I.':lIIII'" j"illlly "Il'~;;

The' nli !.'hl~· Lord; alld Ihou, Ilearl ,

With gralL'flll joy Ihy thank s r.'XIlt'I'SS,

And ill th is CUllcel'l Ul':u' Ihy I'.u·t.

SE L ECTrO~ h'2, S. M, FrOIH the ci ii, I' ~,dm of Da,· jd, o 13 L~ ':,,,S tlil' L' n'd_ Illy SI)III.

ll l;,t 1-'nlce 10 Ihl'" proclaim; And aill";)t j .. willl ill 111(', juin

To blcs~ his 1i"ly :\"amc_

~ 0 IJlc$S the Lord, Illy souL

H is mcrcies bear in lIlind; Forget not all llis I H'lJcfit.~,

W ho i~ to thcc ~" ki nd,


lily I

Ii i" 1 r;l bee<I J;II!lI )e l' ,~ ill lilt: "kics ; Tile , ' I"IlrI ~ hi .~ dl;ll'i"I,~ are. alit! "tflnn ;;

Thc ~\\'ifl .. willg 'tJ ,~Ic l'll" wilh which ho fl ics,

As l)I'ight a.:< naIJlt~ , <t.;; swift as \\ illcl, His miniSlCrs hCaVL'II 's palacc lill;

Tht>y ha\'e liteir ~ lIl1dry l;t..~k.~ :t~~ ig ll 'd,

All prollipt 10 du Illei r so\'ef.·igH's will.

5 In pl11illiug God while he I'ruluII3s My hre lllh , T w i1l11mt im~alh e mploy ;

Ami j oill (I CI-OliolJ 10 my SOU"l!, Sincere, !l5 ill him is my joy_

PA RT II. L,l'!1,

I low \' al'il) ll~, T,onl , Ihy wOl'k ~ arC' found, For whidl thy wi~dlllJl \1' " ;\I \OJ'C!

T he l.·a l'lli i ~ with Ihy trpa.'> llrp cro\\'u'd , 'T il! 1I;lhll'e-~ halld L',1I11 "ra'l' 110 more,

2 _\11 t'l'ea tlll'e~, Irul h ur ,<e:l awl lalld,

Iu ""UH' "f ("IiIlUl' "1 walll ;tc:n 'l' ; ,\11 wa it 011 tlt~ .. '] i~ p,'" ~ill~ Iland,

_\ lIIlltn\L' their daily :t11Jl~ fl'llill Ihee,

3 The.\· C::ll hL' r Wl lill Illy ~I"l'l' ~ di ~ I ' C l'SC, \\ ' it l,"u t the ir Ipm!,!., to I' l'l)v illc;

Tltou ('1"1"1 Ih.\- h :III,[ , IlrL' lIHi\r'I'i;l',

The CI';\I·illg w(II'I<I , i" all ."upplicd_

TlJUu ful' a momcnt hid'"t Iii \" race The 1IIIIIIcmliS l':Il1k". ofcr~alu l'es' mourn;

Thou lak'sl their ],realh, a ll IlIIlul'e 's race

Decay, and to tiICit' dust roturll.


5 Agam thou scnd 'sl thy Spirit fo rth , Ill~pirillg \·ital l'nerg id;

Nalllre's J'c"lorct! ; n' l'l ~ ' lIi sh'd carth, .Io)", hcr IICW cn'ati"li sees,

fi T hu s 'Ilil'lm gh ,;u.ct'c~~i\'e age~ ~tarlds

Firm fix'd thy prm idl'lIlial cm(' ; P lea:'C't1 with tiw \\'"rk of thi llc own

haml", ThUll tl(),~ l the was t c.~ of lime repair.

;;E L ECTIO:'< 64. U . 3. }'rom tl.e ci,' , " ",,!m of D;l.\" id,

H O\V 11l;lIl ik,I, 1 tilY work~, 0 Lord, J II \\' i~(lnm , powl'r, and J,;oodncss

wl'lIught ! The ('u rlit i" with thy ric1IP." slore,l,

All!! Ot'1' 111I willi III)' w()!ltlcl'8 fr:lll gh t: UI1/(l lholll ''[ ('a\'e.~ helical\' the deep FIJI' 111('1' Ilrei r h illdcn treaSlUes keep,

2 13y th('e Blonc Ih f" li\' in g li\-c,-Hi{le hilt Ihy filCl' , lheir comforts fly;

Tl wy gathc r what lhy scasonil I;!'i\'c,­Takc Ihou away their Lrcath, thcy die ;

nu t ~cnd lignin Illy Rpil·it for th, Alllllife J'ellews till,! glaJdc lI 'd earth,

:3 J oy in hi" works ,1c1l1wah takes, r ct \0 cle,,; trllctiul! they rctTlI'll;

I Ie lo"k ~ UI'01l the earth, it '1Hak e,;,­'I'ollc!II''': 1111.' 1llOlllllai us, allll Ihey burn:

Bul G(){I 1'''1' ever i~ rhe !Salllc; Glory to 1Li~ e!cl'llal Name!

SELECTfON 85. C. M. ~'rr"u t he c,', !'u!na of Da,·id,

B E~J) I ·: I{ tlw])k" a lII! bks~ Ihc Lord , o 11I\'oke Iris sacred J'\arne ; Acqllaill t the lIaliolls with his ll eoos,

I lis Inalc lllcS8 dec, l,,; proclai m_

2 Sing to h i" praise ill lofty hymlls, His wOII,lrolis w ork s rchear~e;

l\lake Ih"II) the Ihe me of your t1ii!colUsc. And subj ec t ufyuur verse,

3 Ht:ioiel..' iu his alm igllt)' Namc, ~\ i!Jll(' 10 ],c (\{ion...'(l ;

Awl let Iheir heart." o 'erflow w ith j uy, That Illlilluly scck Ihe J~ord,

4 Seck ye lit ... Lonl, h is $.I\'ing strength ])cn)llI!Y I'till imp!ore;

AIllI, wherc lie's !'\·c r present, seek H is faco for cv crnwre,

5 T hc wOlllkrs that h i,~ hands have wrought Keep tll1lukfully in mind ;

T he r ighteou s ~tallltcs of h is mouth, And laws to us assign'd ,

SE L ECTI O:'< 8G. L. M. F rqm the c,' j, 1' ~:l l m of D;tvld, o 11 [:; ,'\])I-: R ll tallk~ In (;.,,\ al/Ove

Tilt, f'rUllta i ll ' ,f ,'I,'nmll''''e ; '\' ho~,' 1I11: I'C)' lil'1I1 Ihn"l t!'h a!!es past Hu_~ ,; t,,,,d, a !H! ~ha1t fur ,' \-et' 1: I1>t,

::! \,"ho nm lri~ lIIi ;.:ht ,l· ,1, 'c',I~ " XPI't';<S, 1\'ot olll~' va~ 1. !.ut nH IlII ... rl\·~~' \\' hat IIHJl'\al el"l[u"lIce ,'all raise Il i .~ Il'il rutc "I' iflll/II)I't,11 1'I'ai ,e '

3 1 1 ~1 1'1'~" lwL· t hl'~· ' awl urlh' 1111' \ , \\' 110 fr"lIl 111.\- jll ' Ii! II I!'II I ~ 1\"\ ~-, ; ~Iray ' ' Vh ... kllow \\'lra l ',~ right; 11"1" 1>llly ~u ,

Hut alw'ly.~ pl'IlI'l i,<l' whal tl lPy k ilO\\",

4 Exl" 11I1 to me tllat fn\"( '" I'. Lord,

T h"u t" Ihy CliO "L'1l d,,~t ~Inill'rl;

" ' IIt'1! lholl l"·lurrr'~t. 10 set Ihcm free J~('t Ihy I':rlnltioll vi"it Illl'.

5 0 mar I \\'ol'lhy I'ro\-e to !,pc

Thy "a ints in 1'11 11 I'r"" pc rit ,\- ! T hat I Ih l.' joyful dltlir lIIay juiu, AIIII ('HUllt tlty p"" J1 II.·' .~ \1-illlul'h m ine!

G IJ(' t I ~ ra,.[ 's (,,,d l)l' cy,'r 1, 11'~~' .l ,

J l is Kalnc " terll"lly ""llf" ,,~', I;

I.e! all lli~ S"ill l"" Willi flill al'cord, Siug IUIlt! ,\meJl~- l' mi_~,' )' t ' the Lord ~

SEL EC T IV:'< 87. F rom the c\' ji. I)~"lhn of D'n iii,


N I AG:\,IFY J e lt(1I"alr '" ,\''11111';

Fo r llis IIlcrci ,'" eycr sll re, From l'IPl'nilr tlU' I':ll lle,

To l' lcrll it)'" r.'udure_

~ I,d hi~ nmsom'tI tloek rejoice, Galh l.'r' t! 01lt tlf {'vcl'Y land ,

As Ihe peuple of hj~ ('huif"e,

PI lick"! 1'1'01/1 tire de~ll'oyl'l"" haud,

3 In the \\'il c.l" nlC".~ a~lra~' ,

] n the IO IH' I~' wa~lc lhc)' roam, I-Tllllf!"rr, Jilinl ill;': h~- lilt' w" .. \·,

Far frulII ref)l!!" , .~h c ,1tc r , hUlllc:-

To I}", L"l'd IlIl.'ir ( ;0.1 Ihey cry; II " il)('lill(,;I 11 ;.mU'i"II .~ 1',11',

Sell']" t1eii\·('I'all(' . ' fr"l11 011 high ,

Rcsclll.',~ tlll'll l 1'1")111 all their fea r ;

5 Th(,111 lu p lea_~a ll t Inlitls he hriugs, Wht'l'(" Ihe vinf" allll nlil-C gruw ;

n ' berl', frfllll \"1' 1'1 [;,11 1 hills, lhe spriugs T hnrugh IlIxuri;1I 11 valleys Illlw.

5 0 that Ble il wOII I.\ praise the, Fur' h is gOq,ltlc;;;t. to tlu;l ir mce i

For lilt' wonder.; of his word,

Aud Ihe riche~ or h is gmce ! 29



P ART II. C. 31. I Till' wondr"us p,,\\er. "\ Imighty Lord ,

T haI I'll],'''' lilt' h"i ~lL'roll.'< .~I:a,

Thc I m l,] II ,l'L'Jlllln'l'~ ),l'conl,

Sit Ihou ill ;;Iu te at Illy I'ight haud: Sll l'n:: llw ill :O-:j,m Ih"l1 "ha ll 11 .. ',

Alld all Ihy I'''''ltl "PI"/."en; .sell

Suhjec\t'd 10 Ihy .i"~l CIIIHlII'llIl!.

,'\lId ~\\· I ·lJ the "'\\'Tillg Wi!\' ,·~;

While Ill .. ·)' iI.stu!Ji.~Ir·d IJlIHI.,I lire ~kil'!'.

3 l) i.~'llay'd Ihey dillrl , the wnl.<'ry liills, Uisnla)'d Illt'.\· pl llll;'::c a;.:aill;

Ead. lik ,· 11 ,,,/11'1';11 ':; ,I" !mk ;rrt! reds.

Alld tilll],. Iii!' , '''111';1::'' vaill.

4 T hclI \u Iht' L.wd Ilrt·,\' rai~c Ilh';1' crics,

l ie h"; I1'~ l iteir 1011.1 r.·'JlII'~I.

lI e CU)III ." 1111' ti"I'l'I' 11'lI1pL'~tll(lll" .~kit'.;, Ami Iny;j Iltt' li,,,,.I"I() !'est,

5 lI' joi(· ill l:-'. tlll'y r.l!·~I.'1 Ihei r f,';II':<,

They ~l'" IIII' .~I"1'1l1 nllny'd: T he wi, .. I,',I·t;,r 11:1\'('11 1I0W nppear:l;

T hcn', lei Iheir 'ow" h(' paid!

7 0 thaI IIII' ,o.n lls " f 11 1t'11 w"lIld I'rai"c

The gUlldIW~.'< III' til(' Lurd!

H i!! wntHin'lIs loye reenrol!

SELECT ION 88. C. M. From the e, iii. l' ~ alm of David,

O GOD, lily l'l'lIl"t i.~ rll ll,\' l'eut

Tu m ag-Hify 111,\' i\uml.';

1\'1y III lIglI., with e1l1'crflll sOllgi' or prai~c Slt;tll Cl,I,']'rale thy ralllc.

2 AWak{', Illy lutc; w ,r tll'-'", my harp,

Thy \\'nrlolillg II"tes delay;

W hilst I \\ ilh carly I,yrtills ufjoy

PreW'lIl the dawui ll3 tby.

3 To alllhe li .~ tellill 8' I!'ibel', 0,

Tlly w"n,lers I will le ll,

And to Ilu,""" lIatioll ~ ~illg Ihy prai:<e

That rUllll d ab.-.ut u,. d\Yell;

4 Becall~" Illy /JI('rey'.~ b"lIlIIlle~~ It{'ight

T he hit-'hest heavclI Iraw't'l'nds,

And far IWY'"ld III' )I.~pil· ill ,::! t;lulids Thy f:lillrt'ul Irlli h I'xlelllis.

5 Be thOll, 0 (iotl. exal!e,l h igh

Above II,.. ~I,nT:" fl '; I1I1C;

And let l ire wllrlJ. with o lle cOlisenl,

Confess thy glorious f'umc,

SE LE C'I' IU)I 89. JI. 2. F rom t he Cl , I' '''thn of Da.-id,

'fil E LOll /) 1I11to my L"nl lhil ~ ,o, pak c : "Till } thy fuc .. Ihy fuotstovl make,


I" T llce. ill Ihy I''-'W''''' ,~ Irillmphaut .lay.

T ile \\ illiltg 1"'01'1.· .-h;ll1 01 .. ,., ; ,\ n,I, wh"11 111\' ris ill;.( 1, .... ;I111 ... Ihel' yi . ' \\ ,

Shall a ll. (1"I',It"';II'd fl'IIII . "I"I'''I"'~ Hi::!irl,)

:\1'1'(';'" 1111'1'1 ' IIlIlIwn,"S ;(Il tl hri::!"ItI

TI""1 ("1'y ,- I"I,l""l"" "f II1IJl"llil) ;,:" , lcw.'·

a The r.',nI balll ~WllrlJ. 11111' ,;Wllrll ill vain, '1'1' ;11 like ,\Jt.khi~,·d,'!'ir\. th~' n'i;,.'u

Alid I'ri,'sll"",,1 ~l!al1 II" IH'I'i",r 1<1.'8 :

Anoiul .... ,1 !'rill,'''! tlUII!. h. ,lItlill;.! J"w, ~ l la1t olrillk \\ Il('rl.' .!ad;;,,~t lorn'uls fl..w.

'1'11"11 r" i~,' 11,~'IrI'",1 ill \i('1"I'Y!

SEL ECTION 90. I. . ~ [ . Frolll the exi, P~al lll of Da, iii , r H \ lS I': yc II' l' Lor'! ! our (l".! I" PI:;I;~t~

,\1 .'1 ~tll[l Ill '!' IItll lo.~l I'"wer .-],all nll_l':

\r ilh p ri" "I f' fril 'lul~, :111.1 ill the Illmlig or ~ai llt .... hi~ I'tai~u ~h!l1\ he Ill.\' ~lIlIg,


H is w()lHlnJ!l;j wllrk ... wi lli eas(: ,WIJ rounu

By Iho~e who "l·{'k fi .. ' II,elll " richl , _ .... lId ill tile piulls "e:ll't;h ,1{'light.

3 II i;; w/)rk~ ;,1'{' all o f 1I1akhle~~ fame,

AlII l lIIli\"f'r~:J 1 t! lnry ('!aim;

lI i~ 11'1I1 h. "nll ti"III '.! tll1'llllgh :Jges past,

Shall ttl o"~ru ;,1 acl.'S I:~,t.

" By precepl;; 1,(' halh 11;; elljui ll 'a Tn k ,'cp Ili ~ \\ tl l"lrOIl;; works ill r!l ind ; ,\ 1111 10 po.~ l e';ly recur.!

That good 11l1t! ':;nlciolls is uur l.ord.

;, l l is ],OUJlty, lik c it now ing title,

I l a.~ " II his ~"n aliI.-' W;lIlts su pplied;

;\ ... 1 Ire will ':\'1.' 1' keeJl ill mi lJd

I Il i~ CIJ'"C IW lI t will I ,mr fi,tllt' rs sign'd .

I) ,11 1."1 :11'1.' II", dl'alill~." of Ii i" hand,~,

l UlillUI;llolc lII"(' his (,0111111111111",

By Inrt ll und t''1 l1ily "1I~lai!l" 1.

,\ ml I;'r eternal ml .... ~ "rduin"!.

7 II c ~ t,t Iris .~aiu l s fr(lll] 1)'1I1da3e freo,

"wl llron' 1.'~laloli~lr'd Iii." 011.'1.'1'1.10, For e'.er to rlllllain Ihe ~arnc :

II III)' auri l'cH'n'lId i~ his i\a!ll(",

8 \\' Jr" \\ isd'"I1'" ~'KTl,.l p r;l'.e would Will , :"o I H~t with Ilu' f"ar "f ( i"d I,eg-iu: JlIlIn .. r!;lll'mi~ .. , alltl lit':l\'cnly skill

Han: they Willi kllOw lIml du h is will.


SE LE CTI ON 0 :. L . ~ 1. Frmn thc c'tii. l's.'ihn ,;f J)a" j(l,

T IIAT lIla ll i.~ 1,].-_,', 1 whll ~lallll" ill aw,' or nOll , :m,] low"" hi .. ~:l('l'p,l la\\' ; I-l i~ ,,"1'.1 011 ":11'111 ... Ir: ,lIlu ' 1'l'Il\)WII'd,

And' with I'''''y l'~,in' h''''''lIr" (,l"<Iwn',1.

~ Till' ~"1I1 Ihal'~ !ill ', j wil li \· irtu , "~ li.::ht

Rhilll'" l,ri~II\O'~1 in afl1ic-li(,u'~ uii!ht; T" p il,\' Iht· , li~ln,~~'d iliclill',I ,

A~ \\".\1 a~.il1l'll" :olllll:tll ki",1.

3 1I i.~ liheral f;I\"'''I!'.~ lIP t'x1e!llI~,

'I'll ,,""l(' Ir t , ::i,t'~. I.) "Ih .. r~ 1"11,1,,; y"t wh:ol hi~ .. Il:oril .v ill11';lil'''' ll e "a\'f'~ hy I'rTl o\" lItT ill atr"ir~,

4 He;;;'t wilh llir("a \t'lIi'l!! ,lal1;,.'('l·" 1'fI1l wl.

Vll lIl!)"",] ~hall I ... I11llill taill ) I i~ ~r()l!ll!l;

TljI' ~\\' t''''1 l'I __ !IIl"'IIII,I'a1K'''' " f Ill!' .ill~t ~11ill1 flouri._11 wlll'lI he ~Ie,'p~ in .J1I .~1.

SE LECTI O)l !J~ . JI. 2. From thc c~iii. Pulm of DaVid.

YE "aillls alll i ",,·n·a ll1.~ of II,f' l.ol1'l1, T!tf' triTlllll'lI .~ of hi ,~ :'\;\111" 1"'('111'');

lI i .~ l'acn'') \':I1t1f' fill' "H'l" 1 ,1, ';;~ :

\"h '-''''''I'I' Ih.' t"l1'i'li llg' .'<1111 ,li~ l'la.\'"

lI i~ ri .~il1<t IIl' ;tI1l" or ;wnillg ra.r~, n ile praise III his ;:!,H 'll t ~'"11(" :r,j,lre~'"

:! \'1l(1 Ihronglr Ill{' w.-.rl ll ,'xlentl" hi'" ~wny:

T ill' rt't!io ll ~ IIf t' t ~ rllal ,la~'

l\ ul ~h*I,,\\'''' uf hi~ ;.:1111')' al'f':

\Vil l , him wll""C' maje;; ty {'x('~ I~, \\'1,(, lua,i" ti,e Ilt'an'tt in wlli'-!I h .... d,\'t·I\.<"

LeI 11 0 er('lIt",\ 1'"\\""1" t'Olilpart ' .

" T holl;.!11 'l is 1' ('lIf'<llh hi" I<lal .. to, iI'\\'

I n hi"!iw,,t Il"a\t'lI wha t :111;!, '1~ ,I". \' ('1 lIP In l'".-Ih YnlJcl'~llk~ lri,. ("arl';

He tak{'s til\' IIcedy fn,m hi ... "1.'11, t\,hancil1g hilll ill cnllrt.~ to ,] \\"t,lI,

CIIlIlpalliolJ Iv lhe grealest 1lll' re.

SELEC'J'IU'; !)3. C. M. F rom the exv, P.<a11II of David. L onD. 1I0t I" liS, we- .·Iaim It u ~11; I!'e,

Bilt til Illy ~1It'n·d ~ ; 'lIle

G in' ;.:Ior.\', !;,r Ih~' 1l1l ' l'o.;y's sakt',

Atld Irlllh's "1" 1'1 1;11 f:llIIC.

2 \ Vlry .. hulll,\ tl l f' healhcn cry. " \Vhe- re'~ 110\\ '

Tire nUll wholtl ye adore?"

CUlI \·i'll'e tlwlIl II'at ill IWa \'cll Ihou art, Alitl ullculilroJrd llJ.\' I'uwer.

3 0 Jill'nel. m'lk" the Lor'] you r t rust.

W ho i.i yonI' 111'1" aud "ll ieIJ;, J.e\'ik.~, I nI~1 in him alonc,

W ho olily hel p call yield,

Let all who Iruly fear tho Lord, 011 hill! they fear re ly;

\\'111) II ... m ill dall~er carr .1efe nd,

"lid all their WUIlt.,! ~l' l'plr,

.') or .. ~ Ire oft h;L~ mindfl'! heen, :\1111 J~ra,'l '.~ hOll."e \, ill 1,le~s;

P ri,'SI$, Le\";t . ,~, pJ'l)~eI) \t.", "·ell nil

\\ ' h ll his gl'('at l\aIJlt' (; IIl1fl'~~ '

G On ~'I)II, alld "II ~ IIur Il\'i,.,., he w ill

l .wI'ea",' " f ',I, .... ~ill~;; III'il';.! ;

Tilrie,' lra l' P .... ) "", wh' , f:I\"IHlritcs uro of l it is a !r uigltlY Kill!,! !

7 1 ka\"l'II'~ hi::h,' ,4 .,rI , . ,1' f.(lory he

Il i .~ t' llll,i l"'\ ~,';~t dc ,-i ,~ lwJ ;

AItJ ::'a\e Ilti" l"w .. 1' ;!I"lte "I' e:u'lh .\ I'lJrlioli to W;tllki'ltl.

8 Tlll'y wl,,, ill d"allt awl ~ikllce slucp, '1'" Ii i III 111' l'rai"c aU;tnl;

B ul WI: will I ,lt'~~ IiI!' eve rmore

Ollr "'\"erli, itl ;.! L,"'').

S ~: L ECT I ()'; !lI. C. , ]. From the ex " ;. !,,,,tlmof lh"ill,

l\ [ " "~'III. Wi lh, ;.:nlt.-flll ,tll(j llght" of love .• • L lIIJI'( 'I~ I~ I'o,~,,·.~" 01.

Bl'l'all~e Ill, ' 1.111'01 \"olwlJ~afed 10 hear

TI 'l' "II i .. " Ill' III .Y ""'I'II'~t.

~ Siu('e Ill' Irll~ rHIW hi .~ ,'ar indined,

] nt"-t'r will dt'.-pair ;

Bll t " l ill ill all the ~Irait~ uflifu

'1' ... Ili ln add!',' ...... Illy IWa y t'r .

3 \V illt .J..;I ,Il~· -",orrow " cotJlpa".~·d .'OuuJ , \ritb I'aill .~ " I' hell "l')ln~ I'~''\,

\\'h'-'II Irw,) .lt- ,.; ~,'iz.'.J my adlill~ beart,

!tlld a ll~l1i~lt i1wk .. .J III~' I,,.,'a.-I.-

" Oil (i"d 's allJli~!lty l\a rlle I call'd, AIII I tlill" til llill1 J jll';I,y'd:

" l.uhl, I be-,·, 'dl 1111· .. • "ay\! Illy !>oIlI,

\V itll ."() I·nJ\\',~ '1llil" dil'll1ay'd,"

:'j I lo ,w .i1l~1 a lHl II ll·l'l·iflll is (iud, II IIW p-nwioll'" i~ !lIe r. .. nl;

\\' 1", ~a\"t ' .i IIII.' h:,nlll, "~~ , alltl tl) !lie ]), ... ,~ li[[lI'ly Irl.'l l' atll)!".!,

6 '1'1,('11. frt't' fn'liI 1'1.'1I~i\e t'a l'c!', Illy solll ,

Ht',"lIl!ll' I],Y wOIII .. ,.1 rc~t;

For G"d ha~ \\'oJlllro" •. ~ly I" Ihee

Il i~ b Ollllt"fJlI" 10\ " t'.'I:jll't"'~·' 1.

7 \ \'11 ('11 (1"1111, alarm'.! !Ill'. h(" r'cHiO\'cd :"ol ,r ,JaIl ].!I' I' ... :lnd tlly f(,I1I'.~ :

.'\ ly I;, .. ,t fWlll fall ill;! h,' "C"'UI'lxi,

J\ 11 01 lIt·i ",] Illy "."1:" froHl Il'al':I,

8 T IJI'1'I.f"re III)' lire'~ n': lnainilig years,

Which God 10 HIe ;;hall IClld,

\Vi ll I, ill IlI"a i~,.s to IJi~ f'umc , J\ lid in h i" sen ,icc, spend.




9 ] n God 1 tmst{'d. :111<1 (Of lI im

Did b(Oa.~ t ill r::real "";l fc,II' ; Though i ll Illy Inml ,lu I t'xt:iailll'd ,

All melt al'c i ll .~i lll;e ru .

100 what n:1urtl In (;"d ,., ltall I

F"r all Iii", f!"",llIcss mak .~ ? I'll ['mi~e lti~ ;\'alHl'. a li t! willi g lad zeal

Thu CH I' v I' blu~si Hg take.

I I I 'll !,ay Illy ,,,w,, amllng: hi" "'IiIlIS. \\'hu.~,· III"",] ( ]Iow{-'cr d" '~l'i"cd

By wi"' k('d HWIl) ill Go,]'" aecoltlt t b al\\'ay .~ highly pril':'· ' 1.

l~ To tlt{'{' l'Jl ,,/I;'rillt!" l,rill!; "I' praise; Awl \\ hil,· I [,[,.,., .~ 11t.\· i\'alUO::,

TIl(' just p .. ·d;,nu:ltI(T " I' my \'ows

To ,Ill Illy ~ainls pl'OIdaillJ.

13 Tl lc), ill .Jl' ru~: d l'l!I ,.,hall Ilw .. ·' .

Awl ill I h." !t" IJ .~" shall j"iu To blf'.s." Ihy Nailli' wi l h nil,' c(.n;:l'nt,

Alld rtlix tllt-·ir I"n llgs wilit rllill t·.

SE Lf<::CT IO.\f 9!i . C. 1\1. F' rom t he u ,' H. l' ~alm or Da1' id.

'VI'I~ I.I eile,,'lflll Ir< '~"'" I~ t "lll l ~. , earl h I" h ea"ell Ilw n' nllCCS n use ;

Let all, in"pired w ilh g"a ly lu irl h, :Si ng SOlc llll 1 Iry l llll ~ of praisu.

:! God';: I(·r lll .. r 1IlC'r/'y kilo",;: w. hound. I I I;: tmlh shall . 11" "1' .It:cay :

TIJen It;t the willing lInliollS 1'(111110.


Tl leir gmteful tr ibute pay .

SE L ECT ION 9G, C, M, F'rom (her.J:Viii , P""lm or Dav id,

P Il ,\I S I': til!' [,ol'd , ti.1' he i", Bood , Il is IlH,tl'ie,; Il l"f'!' d('e IlY;

Thal lt ;s kiwi fa\'ours e,'!'!' last, Lc l tltaJlldi,1 Israd ;;.ay,

2 T heir "('IlS~' "f h i.~ ('lelll ,,1 I,, \'e L et ,'Irmn ',; It''Il~!' expn-'S~;

Awl t!tat it !W",' I' titils. It ' l. all

T hat fpar tltu L ... rd r"Jlt~ ·"!I.

3 Far heUcr 'ti,. 10 tl'll;:t i ll God. Aud Ira .... ' tllO' 1."nl "Ill' li'iulrd,

TIt IUl Ol! lite ;.:r" I,t e;;.t Im!!lan power Fol' s;lfety I.) d'·pe ud.

Tire ]~"nl has ltC'I '" Illy hel l': thc praise Tn I, im ;do!lC' 1 )(,,'loH;;~;

Jl u is Ill} S:t\' iou r alld Illy ,;tl'cngth,

He ouly t:l:lilll~ my SOIl O'~'

.s Joy fil ls Ill(; dl\O·l1 i"t! o f Il le jllM, " '!tom Gil.! ha ... Sil"e(1 f!'OllI harm ;

F or wondrous l!ti,,(.'s arc I.n,ugltl to pass By hi .. a lmighty arm.


6 lie . I) .... hi" 0\\,11 rcsistless power. Il a ~ "lId less IJO!lOHr "'on;

Tlte SHI ilLt!' ;;'In'II;;11t of Iti ~ ri ght hand Ar uIIl'.ill g wOl'k s It:I..~ J'Jlr e .

7 GIKI will ""t ,;uff .. ·!' me to fall. II l1t slill prolongs Ill)" IUI)"S ;

TIt." , I)y tlt.'d,u·illg all I. i.~ works, T Ill;,y aolvllncu Iti" I )t'ai~e,

8 \\"I1l'1I (;011 had ~,,,.c1 .... 1llC' eila,<:t ised.

' Till ' JI' Itt' o f h"ptO;: IWl'l'a\'ed,

'I i~ IIll'rcy fno lll tl,,· galo'>I " fdealh J\ly jitiali ug life n·prie\' l'd .

fl Tll t'JJ Up'~11 \\'i.lf' Ill<' It·mph· gates

T" 'I hidl Ihe jllst rl'pair. T I.;rL I I!lay ellh'I' ill. and pmise

My gr·. 'at 1)"livercr Ihure,

10 \\, itltill I ),u~ ... !!at C's " f ( ;,.,I"s allode To \\ Iridl the rigll1t.-OIl ,~ pr'e",",

8ilJn~ Iltoll it!rst I]('ar'd , nlllt ~e l m e safe. T hy h"l)" Name I' ll 1 , lc~s,

II That ", ll i,,1I l ite 1'llild"'I'~ once refused ]. .. no\\" til(' (·OI'lIcr.;;:lnll(' :

Tll i;;. i ... Ih ... \\" .. rulmll~ \\',)rk of (iod ,

Tire \\I,rk of (;lId a1oue,

1 ~ Tlti~ ,lay i~ (;od·, .. ; It'!. ;rl! lhe laud

E XHh li ",i!' dlcc!'f,1/ ,·"i."· : " LonL \1 " I,es,·,'dr l Ilt"" :,;a\'e tiS now,

Alii] I!lake!l;: ,.,ill ro:i"il'(,, "

IJ I l illl that 1I1' PI',); wlu';; i ll (;, ,(1'>1 name Let. !tlllb' a ;::'e llll,I.I' h1t.,~:,;

•. \\·c 1I !;lt 111'1",,<:;" 10 (;"d'" "WII hnus...,

Il a\'e \\i .~ I I ·d ~" ' II 0,,,.,1 "I ICCC:'S."

1<1 (-ill!1 i:, til l' [" m1. l itl'OJllth w lluZtI wo a ll BUIlt lit:1tt :llld eOlllt;, rt ti lld;

Fa",t 1<1 lltt.: aitar', .. lUII'll ... willi cords T lte d ' Il"CIJ I iclinr J,ind.

I Ii TIII .II art my L ord, n (;,,11. aud st ill

I ' ll pra i~,' Ilty h.,[y ;\'!lIIIt.';

Ikeall"" 111"11 ollly ;11'1 Illy ( ;Oll .

1"11 .·.·ldml1t' th~' ';111 ....

IG 0 tI'l'l! with II I(' gi\'!J Ih;IIlk" tu God, \\ ' 11" ~till ,I"C',. (!t';ll'i "l l~ prove;

i\ wl kt IIII' Iril 'II 1<..: "I' "'lI" praise B ... . ·lldk"~ :1<: his 10\('.

SELECTI()N n7. Fro'" rhe c~ j~. P"alm of David.

" ,\ltT J. ,\LEI' I!. C.;'I!'

I-[ (H\" I . l,·~.~'d ;,...' ;JIO'y \\ fI., always keep -- - The !'lIn'lulIl 1"'I':; 'l'1 \\':1.\ ' ;

\ \"llfl """ '~ I' 1'1'''"1 lite .~nn·,,'d paths Uf (; ,,,1', .. efll llil iaudrnelll,; stray !


2 How bless'd , who to his rightcous \aw4 lI u,'c s till ouedicut beClt ;

And have, with fe rvellt IJlllllule zeal, H is [;n:oU!' sought w will!

3 Such men their nlmost cant ion u",e To Silllll cael! wicked d el',];

Hut ill the path which he diruc ts \\'i l lt cUllstan t earl' proceud.

4 T hou strictly hast c lljoill'tl liS, LurJ , 1'0 I .. :am thy sacred will ;

AIlI I all our .. liligellce em pluy T hy stalutes tu fllltii.

!j 0 the n that til)" most holy 'w ill

Mi;;ht o'er Illy way:'! preside ; And I 11)(' c.)Ur5C of ,dl my lilc

By thy direction guido!

6 T hf'n w it h a"~urallcc .o:hoil id I w alk, F rom all cOllfusio n fl"l'l':

COIl\'inct.'{1. \, ilh joy, that all my ways

W ith tily COIIIUlilW ]" agree.

i !'I l r nprit:ht I",art shall m)' glatlmuuth 'W il h eir('erful l'rai~e~ lill.

W lwll, by tlr~' l"i)!hIC"IIS jlldg"lJlelits tanght,

, 7 ThCI"f'fure thy jll ~t amI u prigh t laws

I Shall always fill my mind ;

And those sound rult.:s which Ihou p re. scl'iL' ~t,

Ent ire respcel i<hall find .

S T o keep thy ... talutc~ IImlefilCea S imil he Illy ('."I .. tant joy:

T he stria 1't.:l!!Clllhrance (I f tllY word

Shall all my IhulI)!ll ts l·rnpl,,~· .


n~: Braciou~ to tl •. " ;;t.:r\"aIlL 1.urd; Do tholl rny lilj· defe nd.

T hat I acc .. nl i ll ~ to III~' word

My limc tn CUIIIC lUay spcmi.

~ Elili girten hll th ill ," pyes ami lIIiJlti, T haI so [ may d; ,~tTt'l 1

The Wllll"!'OII~ l ltiJlt!s \\ hil'h 11](.:), uehold,

Who thy jlJ .~ t pren'pts learlJ,

:l i\l r failltillf; soul is almo~l pilled,

\r i,h eam('.~ t l" u;.:iuO! spelH. \V itil!' always Ol! Iltu eagur .~l'al'd .

Of thy ju,.,t \\ ill iulcllt.

1 shallll;;\"c lea ru'd thy will. " Thy ~lrarp ]'I·llIlkc "hall crll"' '' the proud , WI IOIll still thy cu rse ]lur~uus;

8 So to III)' sacretl law~ ~lra ll r Enl i ]'l~ O]'scl""all('e pay :

o thell for ... ake me 1101, III)' GOtI, ""I' c, me q uite away!

P ART II. BETH. C. )\1.

H ow slmll till' ~'''lI lI g pI"C~I' I'\'e their ways

Fr.-,m all pollntiolJ free? By maki ng ;;.till !h('i l" ('ourse of life

'V illi thy cmllltland~ agree,

~ W iLh hearlY zeal f"l" thcu T seek, To II. ee for sliccour pray;

o sHiler not my Cllrcl( .. ~.~ Slcps

F rom thy r ighl paths to stray!

:1 Safe ill Illy heart. ant! closely h id,

Thy word , my /.rf'a~lIre. lies, T o !!uccour llIC witll l iult'ly aid

W hen siuful Ihough ts llri~,

Secured by that, Illy grateful soul Shall c\'er ],Iess thy Name;

o teadl Illt.: then loy Ihy just laws :\I y fullll'.· life to frame!

:; :\Iy lip '" ulllnl;k'd by pious zeal, '1'" otlwrs Ir,!\'c declared

! low "'t'll lite jwlg ment ... of thy m outh De~C J \ '1;: UHr hc~t regard.

r, \\"Ilil ;;\ in Ihe way of Ihy commands, J\1" l'c /lulid joy 1 (01111,1,

T hl'lI hat! I bCCH with vast increll.8e Of c u.-ied riches c rown'd.


SilJ('; (· Illf'y lu wll ik ill thy right way~

l ' re<:llulptuollsl)' re fu se.

r. But far fmll! III C do thou . 0 Lord , Contulllpt ami shallle relllO\'C ;

Fo r I Il ly sacred law~ al1'uct W ilh lIlldissem lJkd luve,

6 Fur thy conllilalld ... ha\'e always been

:\1)" comfurt ami del ight ; By Ilwrn T learn w i1h I'n ulc ul care

T o tuitle my ~Iep>l aright.

P ,4. RT IV. DA L ETH. C. M.

1\1\' ~1)1I1. opprf'~:"" with ,Ieatlly care, Clu~e tu Ih(' " ll~t doth clea,'e ;

Ht.:\'il·c JIIf'. Lord . nnd let me !lOW

Thy pn'mis~'( ] aid I'ccein'.

~ '1'" thee I still tln,h,re" m~' ways, Alld thnll in"'ill ',[,,1 1hiut.: " al' ;

o leac h Illt' tltl'lI Illy fuluru life

1Iy thy just law.~ to ;<tcer!

3 Jf th" iI wilt lJIakl' lilt' kllow thy laws, AmJ loy Illcir 1!lIitialll'c walk,

'l'lw \\"Jlldrou s work .... which thou hast donv

S \"dl Lc Illy COlll< taul talk.

" B ut :-l'C'. my /lou\ wititiu me ",i ll Ju;.

I 'r"' ~l'·d dowJI with weighty care; Do lituu, accord il l!:, to Ihy word,

1\'ly wasted ~ t ru ngt h repair.



;:;';1-:1".£(; '1'1 0.':8 OF P SALMS.

5 Far, far fro m III'" I)c nil faL~~· wa~ s Auu Iyiug I(I·l .~ n·mun·d;

Bul kiwll ), r:ralll I ~Ii lll!la .v ke , 'p

T he I'n tb I,y tllee apl' l'I\\"" oI,

(j Thy Ji.itltful \\'OIY'" Ih"l1 (;,,01 "f Inuit, ~ l .r Impl'Y I"II"in' [On; ' ";101,,;

Tit,'" .illdg ll"'"I~, ns Illy nile "I' life, 1\.'I;'l"l' IIle ;II\\'I,'~ bi,l,

7 -'I)" ~';u"c lta~ IW("II III luak t· lH," lite " "i ,1I Ihy "'IIHIrJalllh ;I~re, ... ;

o thell I're~l'I"\'" tlty ~Cj"\'I!l1. L,,,'d, Vr,,1 1I ~1 1 HIIW ailll rllilJ 1')"('" ~

8 So ill Ille ,,"II ,\" III" lit,'" c"lllllla !ld,~

~11iI1I I wilh 1'1 '·a~III 'c '"1111;

Awl. wilh 11 Iwall " lI llll"l:;ed \, ilb joy, ~Ilece,-~ rllll,\" r:" Ull.

!' A!tT V, HE" C, :'>1,

I :-; :; T1;t'cT IIl1' ill Ih,\' ,.1;11111<'", Lurd ,

Th~ l'ii!iJ""HI "~ palh, d i"play j AtJlI 1 frlllll II ... w, thr"llgh all Illy life,

Will Il"\' l'r g" 1(~l l'ay,

:::! I f th"l1 Il'lU' wi~d'"n frolll above \\" iit gr,l("illll,_ly illtl'OIn,

T o kce]llll,'" l'l"rti."d laws I \\" ill

J)t;\o1t' lIl) 1",;,I"u" heart.

:3 I) in'cl II'" ill I l lI' ,~a cr<,d way;;

T" \dliell Illy IlI"l'Cf']lh Il' ad j

U(lnlll"p Illy cllid" , Icli~ht llil"~ bcen

'I'll .'" ri gl lleu lI~ paths lu In-ad.

D" tlJ()lI !o Ih,\" 1I(!O~t.iU~1 C"l lIllIaIH ls

I lleliu<, II' )" williu1! ilL"urti

I.(.! I 11<, , I,·,~il'l; of \\"(,rldl:--" \\"l·ahh

FI"OII1 , Iw,' III)' IlllJngllls Ji\"crt"

oJ F rlJllI 111, )~ t, ,ailll!],jL"t:t.~ 1111'11 1lIIIIe C)'C~,

\ \"il i, ' 11 Il li~ 1; 1 1.~t; wudd ,I i,~!,lay;; ;

Rill 1-'i\"e IH~' lin..'ly puwer ulIl.l l'lrcllg th '1'" k,'L'J ' III)" riglll"'''Il>' wa)">!.

G C'JIllirm 111C I'r"mi,,(.! o f Ihy wunl,

,\ 1101 1!ivt" lliy ,~, 'r\"a!ll aid,

\\, 1,, 1 I II Ir'!I1~.7 I'(' ~'" thy sat: rcd laws

b lIw fr dly ;,!'ra id,

7 The CI.'/l.~III't.: alld reproacil I fear, I II 1I 1 " JT~", 1."1'11. n · lllf)\"C i

FOI' lIlI lite jt 101 !! IIW 111.'1 Ih"l1 ol'(lai ll 's t

AI',' filII "f r: rac(' UIlJ Im' (),

S Th,," kllo,,"';;1 Itow aflel· Iii)' com

i\ 1 ~" 101l::!illg I.('al"l d')L".'I paut;

o thcll lIlakt.: hi~~lu h ' n\j~e IIIU lip,

Awl proltli~ed ~IICeUll r gran t !

P ART VI. VAU. C.:'>1.

T H Y COI1;;I;tlll "11.'~~illg, Lonl , I,c;;tow,

To c heer Ill)' drooping heart ;

T o me, accordill1:! 10 Ilty word,

T ily sayiug ltc;J ltlt impart,


~ So ~hall I, whoi'OC'c J" IIpl.mi,l" ,

Tlri.; H'nd.r 'tll.~\\'t'r Illilkc ;

.. I II (i", 1 I 11'1I~1., \dlu 1''';'"' '1' will

Il i.~ J;,illlf,(/ pr"llli ,~~· bl"l'''],;"''


:1 Theil 1, '1 1",1 'J'Lil" tile \\t)I"tI"rtnl tit Bc fl-"1I1 Illy Bl,,,"h relllO' ",1 :

i'\illlT ~Iill 1I 1,\" 1!roll III I of ~h:mJl'a~1 IIVPC '1'1,,' .illol ,!! IIIl'IlI~, L"nl , Im\c jll'UVCJ,

~t1 I Itl k(l" I' Ih~" l'i1-'h"",,",, Iilws

" "ill 1111 Hly ~IJ .. ly ilt'ud;

,\ud (,01l,~ 1 :1Il11,\" Ill,'" lil li e II! ,'lIlllC

J II II I(.; i I' ,01 ' ~t' r\"alll'l' >< 1"'11(1 "

f' .\Iy SOIlI ,~!Ii , II1!];IIII,'" \\"Ik al largc,

Fnll ll ;1)] "1'llI"t',~~ioli t'l'n·. .siun' I r~'''lh,'d I" Illak., Illy lirc

'Vitll Ih,\' " ollllll:!LHI~ !I ,!! re\',

G }O l)" IOII(!iu!! he:u't :llId ra\ i ,~h ''] ~olll

:-:I,a ll 1,,,11. o\'rilow willi j"~".

''' hell ill tll,\" 1,,\,·.1 ",'UIIII;Ullllllcnls r My ImJl Jl." IlllILr" cllll'loy"

7 Tlien will [ I" Ih,\' IH,I," laws

L irt "I' HI ," willi .. !! Imllo!"; i\ ly can ' ill II I J,1I~ilJl'''-~ 111(' 11 "hall be

To ~ ( lIdy Iby , 'oll1l11alld~.

P AHT VII , ZA I;.t" c. M,

A("("onn . ;.." to III)" Ilnlllli"",',1 gmcc, '1'11\' f(l\"l(r,, eXlt·lUl:

:'< Iako: g""d I"' tht: w"r.l, 011 whio..:h Thy H " I"\':1I 1 t"~ hll]'e~ .lqU'lJd,

2 ThaI 0 11 1,\' "'lIlIf"rl ill dj,~lrL'~'~ OiJ all Ill~· !!I"i l 'f~ 1"1'1111"01:

Thy word , WIICII tWIII)ho;; hellllll'J 11", '


Hc\"i\"(,d Illy I~till ljllt: ~"Td,

3 Thy jllolgllll'UH thel!. "r :lu .-ielll dal .. ,

I qui!"kl:--- I'nll"d I" Illinol , Ti ll. I"a," i~h',] wil h ~u!"h 111"II1!hl.~" Illy ,~ ' 1U1

oj,] ~]'('L'd,\" ""I) lId",rl lilld ,

" Thy l'alllt". Ih;,1 .. !tecr·d Ill," Ill'a)'1 hy da~, il a~ filro! Illy 1!t"H;: h l"~ I,y lIi!!"I:

Ih('11 I'c~"h,'d I,)" Ihy jll~t la\Ys

To guid e m)" sll'P~ al'islil.

oJ That lII"a('(' of IlIiwl. \\ Ili("h ha;o. .ny ~ou l

1 11,le~·I' ,li"lre,~s ~11.~lllil . \I,

By sll'il'! "lJ"di'·II("c I" tli:--" will 1 hap],ily "lJlai ll"o1.

P.~ HT VII I. CII E'l'lJ , C" M.

o LonIJ, Ill ~" (i ll.\. Illy l'ol"li')II thou

Alit! sur,' I"h,,(';;~ioll art ;

l hy word~ I ~Ieadl:(~tlr resolve To tl'cajjurt: iu my heart.

S E L EC'I' I():-';S OF P SALMS.

~ ''' jlh all Ihe "trellgll . f)f warlll tlcsi .'c 1 d id t1l,\' ;':I''' (;C ill II ,I,,!".:! ; •

Di~d()se. aoxunli!lO" 10 til)" wurd, Tlly lIWl"(,)"'s h OlllldlcM ~!ure

:1 " "it" d,·~~p rd!,·c l iou ;11111 ,.trict ( 'I U"O

011 all IlIV w a \ s ) 1"" 11;..'111; Alld ~". !"t·,'I"illl'd I" 111,\' .i l (.~t 1';lth,,,.

"\ Iy \\""II(I('l"in;; ,~ !t'I' ~ [ llnoug1l1.

Prololl;;i ug Ilot till' ,illW, 1lI~" ;;oul

ne~"h'~'d w illF'lIt d"];I~' T" wa1l"!J, Ihat [ 1l 1iglll l!I'ver Illl lfO

F rOlll Illy !;fI IlI JllW"IIlWII1." ,~ 11':ly,

,) To "Heil a,~ f,·al· Ihy Itlll,v .\allle

l\1:--"",'lf I d",~, 'ly j"in;

To all wh" !Iwir " I)I",li"1I1 \\"ills

Tn lliy ""I1I1I1<1l1ol " I 'L',~ i !!" ,

() 0'01' llllhl , pm'llt lit)" 1Il('rc~" . Lord, ALulltiallll:--" I,; ,~he.J ;

o i!rau l 1Iml 1 Ill :JY Irllly ]"am

T lty :;aCl'cd palh;; I " 1!"I 'al l.

I'ART IX " TEnT" C. ;\1.

\\'IT U Illl", I h~" ""ITalll . !I'OIl ha"t dealt l\ 1 ,,~t i!l"afIOIl;;;iy. 0 ]."1'11 ;

Ilc pcale.1 1,ellc fil s hC~IIIW'd,

i\("f:llnliIlO" In Ihy w'I)'d,

'1"('111"11 IIl I" tIlt" ~a("l',·d ... kill Ity which

Righ I ju,i!!ml'llt i~ al1"ill"' 1.

" ' Il" ill I ,d ip]" (,f tit)" ('nnllll;lll.l;; I hl "f' ~ 1t ':uIE I " lly I""lllaill 'd ,

:1 Be!urc afllieli" l1 SI0I' ''·.1 Illy ("Ont';;(',

i\ ly f"ol~t .... l';; WPII I a~II1I,\':

But I ha\"(' ~ill\"t: Ilecli di~,'iplill ... d

Thy p!"I'e"pB to olll'Y.

T hOll ;11'1. 0 Lord, ~1I1J1·t'llll'I:--· good, :\ 111 1 all 111011 ,Inst i.'! l'O;

011 II1C, Ih,'" ,~tatllll',~ 10 di~ct'rll ,

Thy ~a\ illg ~ki ll 1Jc~llJ\\",

,j 'Ti;; I!/)(),I f"l" me !h;ll I llll\"e fei: AJll i(" l i" "·,, .,ha;;I<'lIilli! 1~)'1.

T ha I I 1Il1l ,\" dilly leam awl keep

T he ~laluk", of my God "

(; Tilc law that fl'OlIl tilY mout h pnJCc(llh.

Of Ill'''',· " ,~!""(' Ill I hol d Thall ridl\·~t lJljne~ , thn n thousand min~s

Of ,iln.,. ;,,,,1 " I' "old

" ART X . JO O" C. 1\I "

To me, will' a lt l lite w " rkmanship or th"\" almighty I m lld ~,

T hl' !It.! iL\' ' 'IlI)" 1I1111erst:llldilig give T o learn thy j ust COlllHHlnds ,

~ i\ ly I' r";;;f:n'atio!l to thy sal u t.i

Sln'llg' comfurt will allurd, T o ~e .. · "lIct:t'~~ att e nd Il l)' hopes,

\\'110 trus lcd in thy worJ,

3 'l"llat I" i ~h l I h~" jllllglllt"nt,; UI"C. 1 now lIy "lin) t'xl'cricll(;c l'ec;

,\!HI that ill Ji(i l hjldlll'~,~" 0 Lord ,

Th"u IHI~t all\ il'led me,

·1 U Il·t Ihy It·HoI cI' lOWI,.)" UtlW

\11;,,'" 1111" ,"" ,drlll aid;

Ao..:""l"Ilil li! \0 Ihy i'l'("lIi~e, L,,,·d, '1'" li lt', Illy ~ " I'\'aHt. lIladc!

oJ 'I'll nw t ilY ~;(\"illi! t:l"an· 1"l·,~ I"re,

T haI. I :l,:.'ai H IlI a:-- li,"c j

"" h,,~ , · ~,, "1 (" ;)IL n'li~ll 110 deligh t

1\111 wlt;(t Illy ],1"Tl'I,ls gin '"

; 6 I II Ihy blest ~ I alll"'~ let my Iwal"t

('''1I Ii llne always 1'''111 111 ;

Tllat ~!lIil t and ~IIa IlW , t ilt' ,~iulle l" '" lot, :'<Ia)' nc,'(:1" me ('Ollf"lI 11d,

PA RT xr, CA PH, C.M .

::'\1\" ;;oul witlt lOll ,;! t·x pl'cIHllt"C f:lill ls T .. f:~ ... Ihy ~a\'illg r:nlcc;

Y e l Sl ill Oil Ihy 1I11"I"l'ing wurd My o..: olllidcllCt; I pia("C,

:::! -'I)" \"ery eye,~ ('OIt"HTIlW ;Hld l;li l

\\" ilh waitilL ,;! 1;'1" Ih)" W j\',I; o w lll·n wilt Ihull t ilY kilHll'elief

:\ lId I",ullli~cd aid atl.))",]!

3 Tlty \VlIllle,] ki lldll ... .'I~, Lord, I"c,.tore.

:'<Iy dl"Ool'iliS Itt·art tl) dlcc,·; That hy thy righl""I1~ stal ut"s I

-'I )" li fe' s whol \; course mar "tccr.

PART XII. L,\:'IED, C. )d.

Fon I)" .... r allli rur t·\'er. T~()I'll ,

lJllcllUlIged tholl ,l",~t wlllai,,;

Tl ty word, e"lilll l i~h·d iu IllC h011 \·01l8, Does alJ their urb,; ~\I~tuin,

2 T llnough ci rd iug a gc.-;; , b.nI, thy t ru lb

l lllmuvablc ~hall ~t;lIld,

As dolh Ihc e a rt lt, wh io..: h Ihou uphuld's t

By thiuc uhuigltly Il:llld"

3 All tlling.i Ihc cour,,!, 11)' thec IJrdain'd E'cli to th is day fulfi l;

T hey arc the rai tbflll su".iect.~ all, Aut! SCrnllllS uf thy will.

4 Ull lc,~,~ thy Silcl'cll la w hall iJeen I\ ly cUln fol"t anol d el igh l.,

r must Ira'"c f:lillh:c1, a nd cx pired

I II <ill!"k aflli c t iolL's uight. :Vi.


SI': L E (; l'I O:'>l~ OF l' ~A 1 ,,\1 S_ 5 Thy pl"('c(']1!~ tlt .. n·f,we f r"l n I lly IhlJU;;IIlS;rll IIC\ ,'r, Lord. ,kl'art: For' lhOl I Ii} 1)1"111 l li1.~t To Jl U\\' lile

I{cstr"ll'c d Illy dyillg' heart.

6 I 've SCUll all , 'wi of \\"11 ,11 we I',ll! l'crf'Ttinlt llt~l'f' Lc!ow;

13111 lily (;OIlH lIa lld llw lI\.~, like thyself, Nu chall !:)t: Or' !,uriuJ kil O\\'.

J'A R'l' XIII. !oIE)I . C. l\1.

'I' ll !; 1,IYe 111<11 to Ih...- bws r Ih'ar

XO blJ;':lI ;tgc e:w di~play ;

'I'h."" with fr"'~h \\' ''lIdel"'; "Ili,'rlain !\ Iy ra p tun -d 11Joughts all day.

~ 1'1)" fppt will. ,'a n'" 1 ha\'c rcfrain'd From {'vl'r), .~i llflll wa)"

T hilt I" thy 1<11("1"C'd 'Yurd I m ight Entin: nlJl'dil' ll('c pay.

3 I have not fmlll Ihy jll.Jf.'IJ)ClltS !;lray'tl, B,I' vai n ,] , · .... il·t·~ llli~l,·d;

Fo r. T,onl, 111"11 l m.~ t ilJ ~l l" l!d,·d me

T hy rjgll1t·oll .~ p" l h.~ to tf, ·WI.

Il o\\" S\\ '(','1 an: all thy \w'll ls II . JJl (' ;

o wila l dl,·illt.' 1· ~ ·P;I.~l!

Hnw milch 111"1"(' gl"ateflll to Illy suul T han hOlley 10 Ill )" l iI.~le!

5 TllU gilt hy Ihy .. a(Tc.! preel'pl", 1 W illi h"ll \·~·lIly I'kill 11m Illest ;

T lm 'lIgll wili ,·1 1 till; treadll'l"uw! WHyS Iff ~in L utlcrly , I elt.'_~ t.


TIIY word i.~ to Ill)" feel a lamp,

T ilt, WHy uf Iruth to 8lmw;

A willeil-ligll l , In 1'0i1lt Ollt Ihe pa tll 1 II which I ollght to go.

2 1 ' \"I~ ,·ow'l1. nw i frolll my co,'c naul, l.o rd, \\'illnf"·f' 1" ~Iat'\ a~idt·.

Tl la! ill 11 1~· l"i:.tli! ' ·j)I1~ ,jll,lgmt·nts 1 w ill ~:":l(lfa~lly ahid ...

:\ Let "Iill Itly I'acriricc nf prail'c W ilh Iht ·" :II"("l'l' lanl'l' filld;


P ART XV. ~Al\1EC II . C, M.

D rrl nl"1"r. 111 '''';.:IJ1~ and I',.a c ti,.,.~ ! :111''I"ly d,,: ,· ~t;

HilI I" 11 •. 1 law a!ii:-rli"l1 Iwar T 'M ' ~]""at 1<1 be (' .\'I'I"<· •• ~·d.

~ i\ly bidill :." l'liI{'(·. Itt,'· ro·fll;..'".t",,"cr, .\I!.1 ~lli,'ld :WI 1111111. (I L"rd;


3 AW:I.'· fnnll 111\'. y,' \\ i,·k,·.1 lIIell, 1\1'1" ''':H"1t ]),,' 11!," ;,I,,,d~·;

1·"1" lil"luiv I ]"('~"" ,. I" 1;."")1

T il,' jln·l'I·I'1.~ "f Ill,' ( :",\.

I\"r 11l:'I.,· 1I1l' "rtIH'~'· I H'I"'~ il .~I ' :Hlled,

PAWl' X VI. AI~ . C. ~1. '\1I .'d: '.,\' .". l;\il.~ ! [",.:.: ill I" li ,il,

II! I,n,;: , .. \ I"..- Iall,·,· 11,·1, 1 ; T ill Illy ., :ill:llj"lI 1111".", 1,,,,11,,1,1 .

'2 T" I:, l' Ill.'· ~ , · n·;II;t ill oIi .. I]"('''''.

TII.I· \\""1 ,1, ·,1 ;.:ral:<.: ,li", 01".\',

. \lId .Ii .~('i\ ,l ill" III.." \I ill iu;; hearL Thy __ lallll,,'S tu ol ... ·~

3 Oil 1I1l'. ,]"\" '1";110 thy ft.':II·, 'rI,.,· ~:II'I·I 'd ~kill 1)I:~t(lw,

TJ.:!T "r II I,'· 1'· sl iJlI(!lI i, · ~ I T I ... 1'1111 ~'.\I"·III Ina)" IUlIIw.

., T hy lil\\ ~ IIl1d ,wen·pt,. I HCCullnt

111 ntl 1't ""I l('('I~ ol i,·illl·; T lwy 1(':)0"1, lilt.' tll di,-('('nl 111(' ri ght,

.\ 11.1 illl 'id~l' \\"ily~ dl: .. :lillc.

P AWl' XVII. I' E. C. M.

T I!F: w(Owl,·]"." \\"I,i!'h IlI.\· bw;; ('( mlain

:\"0 \\"I"·'I.~ (':111 n'pl""~I 'lLt :

T lw]"e/ill'I' I" karu awl l'rarli"c Ihcm 1'1)" 7.·;doll~ heart iii I'('II\.

::! T Ilt" \"t.]".,. !"IIIran{'(' III ' ily word I CI·It·~liil l light d ispIH.r.~, AII· I ill t lly l ' i ;.: III"n l l~.i 'ltl ;.;mcJl t ~, L ord,

1 . I~t l"I1l"1 Illy willillg lIIill<l.

Th.,· 1I'.~ l i 'lllllli ('1' I lla \"!' llIade l' \y ' Ierila::/· aw l choil'I' ;

. \ lId kn"w)"o!gl ' "f In!!' Im ppineSH

13 ,,::-:: :::~:-':';::'I',::":I:,~:::';:,;:;ood. I

.\ wl faill!ill::; with dt'~in', r,,1" 11Ic)", ,,11\'11 o Ilier CIIJ!lf'I]'I~ f:lil, M), llro('l' illl;! 111'art rcjoice.

;j ,\1 .'" IJI'arl "i lh ,'ad.,· Zl':lI I)I'i-':1II

Thy "ta tllle:e to obey;

Alit\. till Illy ('OII1'.~C " f life is JUIlC, Sha ll kel'p thiue IIl'l"i ::; llt wily.


Tba t "I' I h~' wi_t, COllllllllllds 1 might T h(' ~a(: f .. ·,j ~ki ll aCl luire.

,I H" ith b\"onf. Lonl. Junk duwu on me,

\\"1 10 thy relief illl plore;

AI; tho II art WO llt to ,· i~it those

Who thy Llest Name auore.

SE LE CTIONS OF .1"l~ :\ Li\l. S.

5 Directed by thy i'e''''''III)" wuru LI't. n!1 my l(lI>l~"'I"~ I,\! :

Nor widICJII"~~ "1'1111)' killa lJolui uioll 1m' e ""'r lil t.'.

6 Oil me. dC\I ' I ... ,1 til thy fear.

f.m·d. mak .. · tl/:>' (WI' 10 ~hinc :

T hy ~ Iatlltl'~ ],,,tli t" l\w,w :tlltl k eep

My lwal"t wi!!1 :I."ill iuclille.

!' .... n T XVIII. T S ADDI. C. :'>!.

TH OU Hl"t Ill\' righteoll>! .I1l.Jf!:c . ill who!ll

\\" 1'011':: '0.1 illlHH"I'II l'" II nl,V l,·u~t;

AII,I. likl' Ih"·,,,·I !". III." j ' lllgrllent~, L ord . I II alll"l·.~p('ct$ an' j"~L

2 .\lu,,1 j!l~ t alill true Ih"~e ~ta lntc!l \\'('1"0 \\"I li..!lllr'''1 ,I i\b!. lin.;! ,11'Cree;

A nd ,,11 willi failhflllllc .~" l'crform'd

f'm"l"t·"dillg tilllt'" ~Im!! IOee.

3 L Ot·d . \ ·~II·h Iwglec1I'd \'(11"1 1 .. ft ll ine,

/1 "'\1.""1" I,y Il If'Il d<':~l'i~e,],

I ~ 1" ln'. lI"d ti,)" ,'1<'1'1111 1 Irlllh

By lilt.'. I lly ""'1"\":1111. Jlriz .. d.

'I'll .'" l·i;.'II"'''II''II(',.:,. ~bllll t llt'll e nJure \\" 11<"11 li lllt' il.-:clI· i~ l'a~l;

T il.\' bw i" Irulh it~,·lr. lli:.t 1m til W hidl ~ llI!lI 1(,,. ('\'(',. liI"t.

.• Thm l':':1. Ir"lIiJJ....11!J(!ui .,II , , 1 , 'llhl~,allllllrc:lll, '1'.) t"l OI lqoa,.s lIIe IIlIi\!':

Be~t'I wi lli tlallt:"t'l", .. Iill , '"<lkc '1'1 ,.,' I JI""I'l· J' t.~ Ill y d .. li f(li t.

6 Ekrllal nlld HI " 'I"I'ill!! I'll Ie,. Tlly "'~I i lll OlJie~ ;:i\"l.: :

T ea!"!l IW' Ihe \\"i~.J() II) Ihat will make My ."ol d t;, r en:r li'·e.

PART XIX . KOI' I·1. C. 1\1,

W ITII Illy \\ ],,,Ie lwa,'\ 10 (j IM I J call\l­

I .,m!. 1"'111" my l'III"III·,.t cry!

Awl I lb.,· ~Intllte.~ tu Jl"I'I(WIlI ,rill all Illy carl' IIpply.

:2 Agai ll IlI'Wf' ferv(,lItly , pray't.l­o .~a\(· rill'. tlmt I Iliay

Thy 1t'~lill]l,"it'~ fully know,

AuJ ~1t.-:HJfn.~tlr uhey !

3 J\l y c:lI'li(·r ,H";-I.'·t'l" 111(' dawning day I'r",,·,·ul,·,j, wl.ilt· r (Ticil

Tu hilll . 111'''11 \\"h<J~l' tililbful w ord

!'I I ." It" pe U\UlltJ n·li,,·I!.

Lord, h('III' Ill.'· ;,ul'l'liealilig ,"oice , ,\ ud \\olllt.'d favuu l" .,h",,";

o quick ,,1t Ill ... , Illid ~(I approve

Thy jud 1;lJ j.:u ts evel' true!

I 5 C" Il(·cruiug: thy di\'ine emnlllnnd g 1IIy .~"ul ha,~ klln"," (If ulol,

Th aI Ill ey wc,'e I'·ut.', :u lI l shall their truth TI ~ l' IllJi<.:5S aees hold.

P ART XX. Rt:SCH . C. M.

I Co)oo ~ rf)I:1t my a tI1 i('(;'>Ii, / ,on l,


.\ 111 1 111(' fr'llli 1)!lIlthge .Ira \\' ;


Th in k "It tl lY .'1'1"\·11111 ill di.~tre".~, \\ II .. lIe' ~ 'I' iiwt!Cl" Il,y law .


- Ddt'lId Illy .. atl~'·. awl I IiC 10 sa,·e '1'1,.,' I ;lIl1" ly aid ;111;>1"11;

W illi 1"':I1I1~ (If 1111'IT"" 'Illickeu mc

:-I:dl nti,," 1:,1" al\·:I." ;

'T i~.ill~t 111"11 "h" l1] d· ~1 willtdra w frolli them

i'illn' rT" at Ihy h·w!P,. Illereies a rc

'1'" all who IIII'P !loI"rc;

.\ l·"",,·,lill;: I" Ih.'" .111 ' ];: lIl1' lIt", L llni, ill y failltille III'I"·~ 1"1·,..ttlre.

;::. COII~i.Jl'r. () my r:mci'!lt,; n ud. l[ lIW I III~· I'rc\"<.·l't >' 10\'0;

o Ilwn..:f"l"e ,[ ll it-Itt'lI 'lie witll beams Of I IICI ... .'" frulll <.IH"·c!

(i As fro m Ille I.irl h "r ti m e thy tm lh

'[ ;I~ hela tllroll;.(ll ael'~ I',,~t,

Ru .~h: i11 Ihy right"'oll~ .jlld;: me nI S linn '1' .. "III1\css age~ I:I~(.

I'A RT XXI. SC: II I~ . C. M.

11 'I'll Y ."lInl'd w"l"d Illy.l" yf,il Io rcast With Iwa\"l'lIly 1':l !'lurc \\"anJJ.~;

X(,,' 1'''Jlqlll'sl, 111 ' 1' the ~I'()il" of war, / [:I\·C suciJ tr: I1I~ [ "lr t i llg charllls.

~ l' l'l'Ii . liou .~ 1'I"<I('IIC'I'1> :Uld lies

I Il1Icl"iy dl·t'·~I; Bill ,,, thy la\\"~ <IUi'c' lioll bear,

To" \"a"t tv l.c (·.'\l'r .... ~';t1.

3 SC\"'II lilll "'~ a day. witlt gmteful voic& 'I'll }' I']"ai~t·.~ I .... ·svllllli.

IkCillI~e I fiud Ihy jlld(!lIJellts all W ilh trat h alld .iu~lkt' erown 'd.

St.· ... I1]',·. "uh,.tall , illl ''''an' ha\'c they \\'h" Inrly Inn' II I.'· law j

X" ~! lIilill;':: IlI i,: .. I>;,·f dlt'lIl t ;;!11 tempt, )"\01" frowuing d:II1(!I'l" aw('.

[; ror IllY sah·aTiuu I hit'" IU ' [I'('(I,

Alld , Ihollg-li .... , [Oil;':: ole1lty'J. W ilh dworflll z " a] allil allxioll8 care

Al l t.hy com lwu](l.~ vhey'd.



S J.:I . E CT I OX~ ( )JO' P .-.: AL i\ I :-.: .

(j Thy te.~ liruf>lI i('~ 1 han: \;;('1'1,

And t:')!I~I:IIIII." ,,1 .... ,·'01; Bccall_~e tilt' I",,· 1 Iooro' to! llU.! lll

T h.,· ""1'1 i,'\' '--':I$~' IIlwl,·.

7 Fr"l11 ,.II,il· t "I'''' ' l"\'au('l' (,f tby law.'!

1110"" 1' .\d witbdn·\\";

C'1l1\ ill/·,·dlhnl tIl.\· 1I1I'~1 ~ " l'I'd way.~

A I'e 01"'11 I" Ihy \icw.

PA RT XX[I. T.\U. l".l\1.

Tu Illy n"I'I<'~t :11 111 ,':WIII'," !"I'y

'\llI-lId . lJ ;.:")'a, 'i"I1~ 1."1'.1; j tl .~p irl' ll1," 1"'n!'1 with b':;'\l'lIly ski ll ,

,\t'Cn l''[iu~ I" Iii." "'''1"'1.

~ m~' I'(-'p"a,,',l pmyer "I la~t

I.kfore Ihy ,luTIII" up!,"al" Aceon l illg 1" Iby pli",llh'd \\"nl.

Fol' Illy n·lief dra \\" Ileal".

;) T IIl'II "h:11I Itl." ;':-1~lh'flll lil"~ I'l'\llru

Ti,e trihUl" ,.fll",ir 1"~li",·, \rhell 111011 til)" c"IIII~,·I~ l'a~1 """l'al'o1,

Alid IHUgl ll lilt.' Ih.\' .i1l~1 \\"a'y,~.

4 l\1." I"",,,11i' Ih,' pI'"i"'I'" of 111\' wonI ",h:dl tllallk fully rl'",,,"ud ;'

Fol' Ihy n'"l1rpmds lIre I"i~hl. thy IU,,":iI W ith Irulh :Hld jll;;:!ic, ' c rowlI'J .

[. l.ct tI l), alrll i1-\ln." ann npl"'ar. Alld I,rill!..' 11Il' IllIlI'ly aid:

For [ Ill" 1:1\\ ~ Ih.", II:I",t " ,.,Ia ill·a

.\1.1 1lt':lrl\ 1'''''1' c!lIli" l ' 1':lvc Illatlc.

G j\l.\' :<n,d h:t,~ ,,"ail"" I"II!..' 10 ", .....

Tli.,· "':11 itt:..' !..'1~lt·'· n'.~I"r-I',I:

:'\"1' 1""llIlill"l ku,·w . h ilt \\ Iml tilY law". Thy hea l '·ld.'" LI\\,~, !In;>I'oI. .

7 I'n,I"lI [! 111.'" lili·. 1)",1 I lila ." ,~ill~ '\1," 1 .. '",,·al n'·~lor,·r-'." I')·"i .. ,·:

\\"11"",. iH~II("" frotH tl ... '['·plli..; of wCol'.

1\ 1." 1; lilll;lI :.' ""It I ,.ball nli~I·.

f! Tllllll;:11 lik.· 11 .• 1""'1 ' IllilT' ~ 1" .. 1 I·n.! ~ll'a,,·,I. Awl li'''' )! 11,.\' wa.'"~ d,·,·li,Il',]. .

I)" 1111,11, U ""I·' /. III.'" ""l"\allf,.., ... k. Who kt'l'p,,, Ih~' I.m' .• ill mi",1.

SE LE C'I' ION 98. C. M. From Ihe enoL Ps:ohn of J);wid.

1'l{j ~i"H'" !tiJl I lili III~' , . .",.~.

' ''''"11)11"11''(' '·'\I",("Iil1;..' ;li.]:

!'''''ill "i"il'~ Ilill 1111,] ,"i"ll'" (irMl. \Vh" 111':11 "11 :11111 ":H'r!, h,,~ IIln,k

., lie will 11,,1 II'! III.," "'01 I,, · 1l10\ed.

T hy ~uardi;1II ,yill JIll' ~I("'JI;

n l'],ol,l . Ih,' (;0.1 ,\,11" "llIm lll ' ''s not

W ill Jitvo \ll ,'d I."rael 1",'Vl l.


3 ~h~~h,.t"·d b(')l<'al h Ih' .\llllightY ':iI wings, I hOil ,..11: dt ~"('lln'''' "",,1.

\\"I lI'rt· ,witllL'1" .. 1111 lI;,r 111''''11 ~lmll Ihce

Hy 11a.,· or Iii","! iII"J""I .

" F n>lJl COltllll"lI :lI"ei''''ul~ "f lile '1'/0. .... I. .. rd .·!talt ",'Ianl Il ll'C .<;I ill;

' T i~ " "'il I ... 11",1 ,.11111/ l.rl'~l'l'\'C 'I'll)' .~ "1I1 frlll!l "I"'I'y i ll.

" .\ I 1t""II·. :llm,!),I. ill 1" ' ;1'·.·. Ltl war, Th,' (;".1 -Iudl 1111'1' d .. !i'lul:

('"",1,.,'1,1,,'" IIII', ," !..'I. IiI'," ... l'il g ri lilnge,

"':It',· I" lh.I' j.'"n" ' .\'· .~ 1·IHi.

S ELEC 'l' rO~ !)!) . C, 1\1. Fr .. ", the e,~ii. I'Mlm of Da l" id,

'T \\ .\ ,,, H .i".' fill ~"'II,,1 10 hear () 0111" Il"il ... ~ .1"",,111 1," .~: I ,I",

L·p. hl·:!,·1. 10 11,, · 1<'1111'1,' h:"",·. AIII I k~·1'1' .\'0111" li·~!al·.tay ~

., :\\ :-al,·tll·~ t'"lIrTs w,' IIltt .. 1 :.ppear,

\rith "It!· a"~t'ln\,J,·tI r'''\\" '· r~. III .~ln'II;.! :111l11'l·!l1tI'·""~ "nkr ranged L ik~· her uni led Ir,\\"( ·r;':.

a 'Ti~ Ihilll"", I,.,' ,lil'i'1l' ('OIIlO1<uul,

TIlt" It"ilw~ of (1",1 I"epair, Ikf"t"l' lJi" arh I" (·,.1.-101"1111'

Ili~ j\':UIlC with I'I~li ... · IIllIl prayer.

,I O. (,\'('1' pm~" ro,r :',,11'111';.: 1)(':1("(';

I F"I' tlll'Y "hall PI"f)"I"I·OI1' I,t·, I ThOll h"ly ("i!,'" of Oltl' (;"d,

\ \"1", I)\'al' trill' Iliw' 10 tlICI'

:i '\Ia~' I"':W" \\"ilhl" thy SIl'i"'J walls

1\ ,·"It.'I:Ult gll" ,"1 I ... '; "1111 1: Wilh 1'11'ltly :'1111 I'l'o"I',·ril."


Thy p:tl:lI"cs I,e '']'''\\"11',1.

6 Fur 111.1' tll'"r IIl'dhrl'II'" "ake. ami fl'ieuds :'\0 /,.,..; 111:111 I,rellll'clt ,[,·ar.

l'lIl'l"ay-.\lay pe:!,·,' ilt :'lIh'm's IOwf'rii

A CU II ~ I :11I1 glle,;! :tl'jlt':Il".

,. lllllm.,,"! of all I'll "l'ek Ihy good, .·\ lId ,'H'" \\"i,..h lhcl' \\t'li.

r" .. :":i,," aud IIII' l eltll'1t··~ "ake,

WIII:rc Guu vuuell"af," to dwell,

~ELE c'rJON 100. C. M. F'rom thcc:uh'. I' .:tlmof liaviQ.

I J \1) ulllllrt' Lon l. IIla,\' r ~1":leI8ay,

- - 011 IH'm']';': "ill,· '·n .~II~ed.

Thl' t;,,· h:l'! '[III('kl.'" ~\la1i"w'u us, Su f'!I'iulI~ly he nl~l'.!,

~ 11: .. 1 1101 th ... Lonl hilll.~,·lf \'i)\icltsafed

To dll'ek Ii i" fiern' contrul. TIlt' :.,II"~I'~:u·y's dreal'" floud

Had O\'ct"\\:helm\1 ('HIT" ~t'nl.


3 Bll t l'rai~",1 ut: 1>111' CII'l'lial Lonl, " '110 left llS n"t hi~ 1'1"'.'. ;

T ill' ~IIIII'C i .. hro"", Il i~ )""3" di~artll'd,

.\lId II l' II;,:-aill ill'" frl"·.

All,] f!r:lnt him all his days to IiC6

.lcl"I l ~a!cll"~ ~l'CC('.~~.

SE LEC' I' 10 ;-..r 1(1-\. ~ . i\1. Fn.m the e~ 1.1 , Psalm "f Dll.l'ld,

;:)Cl\ll' III ( ... .1 ~ .,IIIII",hl' 1I.lIne F H(I\II'''H':>' .I, 1'11r~ "I \\w

(JIll' 0 11111 1('11(' I r"l,jl ll ~. I 1'" G"d I ~, lit un CI' :

TI,,' ,(;,,,1 ,'. hu IWI,k 1",111 III." ('CII .md, .lIth, L()I ,I , Ito' II 'llY "" 1'1,1 ... 1111S' '\licc, OJ 1,,'11, ~"[e 1I1()t1UI"I'h 1"1'12""" \1101 g' Ill"II"I) I~'!,ly

S E LECTjO~ 101. C . • \). I" .,h""I,I',llIloII""·I'·j't ·IY.I".!;:;:··· t'r" ,,'lhe"'x,' . t'~.d ", .. f D.(,·i.1. \\ '\1" ":UI II ... ir Iri ;,1 1"':11'/

"'"' T I H) pl:we "II "illll'" c; .. ,) IllI'il' tnL"t. I Bill lh"" 1',r"i\ ·~I. 1,·~t Wl' d"~pond, " I. tlll' ;"i"IJ'~ mei, ,,10:011 ~Ialld; Awl 'l"ill' ""WII!!II',' Illy f .. ar.

Lik,' Iwr iIIlIlIO\a\,I~ I", lix'd 1:\ 1\1.1 ~"ul wilh ]lIlli"II('I' \\"i", By "i~ :Ihll il.!in), /tWill. )'0)' tlr,·,·. 11 ... li,ill:..' 1."1"11;

':! Loo]:; b"w II ... Il ilb "II "very ",ill,. .\1 ." ""I"'~ an' "II Ihy I'nnllio<e huilt.


· " Thy m'IP"'/;lilill;':- "'0,.01 . • I"!"It~1I1.. 1 1I etlel,,~,·;

S" ~ 1:1I111. .. Ihe 1."I·,lnJ'ullltIl Iii,; ~aiuts, To e.'"a roi 11]('111 fmllt 11 ... il" I;":,,,.

3 Ill' ~"od , 0 righlelln~ (;.,,1. h, Ilw:>c

\\ lr" righte"H.~ dl"\·d~ al]"'l.:1;

T /rl' IIt'art Ih:lt iuw".,·tll·c relain~,

I.el iIlIHWl'IIt't· 1'!"·d.

" ,\11 t!",,,l' wlJU walk in ('rooked path.s, TIll' 1.",,1 ,:ball ~O"11 d,·"tr"y;

CHI "trIll' IltljU ~ I , Ilin CP'WJl till' saiuts Wilb !:o .~ti!Jg- 1"':1\",' :Ilt.l jo),.

SE LE C'fI ON 102. C. M. Fr .. ", the c""",,,· ji. 1'",111" of D:n·id. ' V I-: [,uil.! will i fruiT/,'"'' ,',,~1. ulIless Till' /'"rd ,)1\' I' il, ' ~1I~laill;

L"II I,'~. 'I IIJ Lord Ih~· ('ii.'· k,'l'I' ,

'I'lli' l'a lcl ttll:1H \\'nl,l'" ill I'aill.

~ III vaiH we I'i~,· ["'f,,..,· tllc ,lay ,

:\1101 !:otl' 10 n'~1 rl'l'ail".

All,,\\, !til t"'~pik' I" UII!" l "il, .\ lid "al tl ... hn':1I1 of ,·W·l·,

3 Sltl'pli,'" of l i ll,. w ith t' :I'C 10 Ihelll. Ill' (jll hi~ ~aitl!~ ["..Iows:

J\I," I"""ill.'! o:y.'~ I""k uut /-"oJ!" Ihl" 1'111 i""l1 i II!..' '·a.\· .

.\1"1",' ,lilly thall I ll\' ltI"rniug' watch

'1' .. "I')" Ih.· .Ja\\ lI ill~ .ra~·.

., 1. '-'1 l 'l"ael Irll~t itt ( ;",1. f\O [Hlltwb ],j,; HlI'rcy know.~:

Tht' 1'll'lI lc'lIt :o: ,ourCt' ",licnec

aw l ~l'ri ll3

Etenlal succour 110ws :

C \\'1", .• ,' I'I'ielldly ;;: I r<':nll~ tn H~

NlIl'l'li('~ ill wlml ('OIl\"C),;

A lwalill:..' "'prill)!. a "I"'inc; ltl clearu;e

And ,\:t.~1i our t!lIil t away.

S ELE C'l'JON 105. III.). From the c,~~i, P~:tlm of David.

J OHn. I;.r l'V",' :11 l!t" :<ide

J 1." 1 Illy 1'\;11"1' auo1l'IIrl ioil be :

"'I1'i[' Itl l' "I' 111" n.lll' "f IlI'i , lc, ('I"tlle 111(' "ill, hllllli[ilY,

':! .\[,·.,kl.," 1Il:t.'" ttl .I' ","1 1'l'('l·i lc

\11 tll~' "I'iril hath r('wal', l;

Tllolt hn-t ~I",k,,"- I !'l·li,·vc. Thl)lI!.'lt tll(' IIr:lI"le I,e '<:'I·al'cl.

:] 11'11111.1" II~ " liul,· ..Ililo1.


11,· "I""'III~ Ih, ' il·1:tI'''I1I".~ \\itll .. uccc~~, T lwi .. lli;:lilS wj,ll Ii;rl~' J"(·P,,"'C. \r":llIcll ['rolll IIII' IIj(Oll" · I·'.~ hreast.

SELE(,TrON 103, C. 1\1. From t he u"",·iii. i'5:.lm of D.wid.

"1'1 11 : 111:111 i~ "1"~llhalll'ilr~ tho: Lord.

"or "III.," wllr~lrip I'a~' ~ . Bttl ]';""[" "i~ ~I,'!,~ t:"lItiHf'J witl l carc

'('\. Ii i", a[,l'" ill1l'd \"IIY".

., l Ie ,,11 :1 11 "1",n tl ... ~wt"' 1 r("III"Il~

01' hi,~ ,0\\ tt lal"'lll' f"I'd; Wilillml ,11'pcud"III'c li,·c. and see

Ii i..; \\ i~IJ('" all '1Il'I·l'C,1.

3 \\' Ito fl.·ar'~ tire L ord .. 1t:\11 pro~per thlls;

l1 im SiUl.'s GoJ ~II:Jlllless,


By 110 ~1I"t1"li ,' ~ l,e:! lIil",l, 011 Ihy !~.ilhfl1l word I resl.

b nll'l! llllW :ltt,) en·rml>1·0

111 tlw Lor'! .klt"YHh tl'1I 5t; I lim. ill all Iii, wa.'·;;:. a.Juro,

Wi"l'. :lIld wOluit-rf"L all, I j us t ,

SF.LE CTI 01'i lOG. C. M. I'm," tbe cn;~ i i. I' ~" l ", of David.

\\"ITIIlhw H·\'· ... ·]II"C !t'1 liS all 'I'll (io"'~ l.IH .. I,· repair ;

And. pro~Ir.JI<: lit hi" r""t."t""l [;ll1' n, PUllr aliI ollr h'!lItl)1o: ]'mycr.



2 Arise , 0 tlwd , alit! !lU W I'", ~t.:,~s

Thy <:01l,;t1lUt p lace of 1'1:,,1;

Be Il lat, Ilot oilly w ith tll,l ark ,

Bill wi th thy I'r l'~l'JU : e I,lcs:; 'tl.

3 Clutllt~ Ihull thy prje.~h' \1 ilh r ichlL-OliSliess,

I\lake Iholl thy sair!!,; n :i" il'l'; And, f, )r tby ;;l'r'\'<Inl 1I;I\· i.l'" S<lke,

Il eal' Ihy :lu"irrteti 's H)icl',

4 Fair I"iull lI"e", ill Gud'" , '''t ''CUI, ,\11 u1l1l'1' "ea ts c xcel ;

I-l i" pia ... · " f' en 'l' ia"l irr;; 1'1 .. ,1,

When.: lJe d e"ire" 10 dwell.

5 Her "lure Ih ' .\ l lII i~hty w ill illcrcase,

Il e r I'vor wi th " leuty lok,,;,;; Her sai nt" ~hall ~bl! !lt fur j"y, her pries ts

H is ~a\'iJig Irealth cvuies:!.

8E LECT I O~ 107. C. i\J. From the ex x.:o:i ii. P~alm or Da"id,

H ow vast IJIlIst their advillitage he,

lI "w great their J>lea:illre prove,

W ho livc like urethreu, aral cou.;;ent ] J1 o tliees of love !

2 Tnu' lovc is li ke the I'n_'ciolls oil,

\\' h il'h , pOllr 'd 011 Aaron'" head , Han ilvwlI hi:; ueanl , ;Iml O'er his robes

It ll cOlllly rragra llc,' ,,111.;01.

3 'T i" !ilw I','frf'~hillg dew , which tlOl'S

OIL Ih'rIllOll 's top distil; Or lik ,· tbe t..:'lrly ,]mps that ELII

UU Si\,u ';; fi t\'uI!I"d h il l.

4 For S iou is thp cho!<cu IIl'at

Where Ih., A IllLighty Kiug

The Jlroru i",\L blcs~illg has ordai lJ 'J,

AuJ life's ctcrn;J ~ i'l'jll i:l'

SELECTION 108. C. M. }'rum the eu .. i,·. Psalm ur DiLl' id,

B LES:-; Gvd,}l' "una/ rts, til'll attend

UJlUIl his ~1Ih:lll1 r "talo..: ;

Tha t ill Iris tl'liIj1lc\ InJlow'tl courts ,,' jlh hUlllblt.: rt.:vcrl'IJ\;C wail,

~ Wi_ hill his housc li ft up your hands.


A w l blcss his huly l".t! IIC ;

FWIII S iuu hle,;s thy 1 ~ l'lJd, Lord,

Who curth and hean'lI did'st frame.

SELE CTION 109. C. >'1 . F rom the e:u .n ·. Psa lm uf ])a"H,

PH.\IS F: th(' LfWtl wi th olle consent,

And m aguiry h i" l"alrll'; Le t ;lll Ihe !<ernlllb!lf IlIl' Lord

H is worthy prui sl' pruclaim.


:? I' n!i .~,' I, illl, all P' llrat ill his house ,\ !lclUl with 1:1) 1I ~l a lJt " :1 1'1';

\\' irll th" ,-I' lIr:lt t" hi .~ "lIrrllos t COllrts

\\" illr bUllr1,],· zelll repair.

3 FOIl' (;",] hi~ VI\"lI l"""l1liar' t'lroice

'1'1." "'1l1~ ,.1' .I an.I, 111<11,1''';

.\ru l "" ';11' )'.' "n""l'l'iu !..' I; ... Iii" o wu .\ I ,,~t 1;,ll u·d trl'a~lIn.' t .. kl'''.

.j T lr .. 1 (;, ),1 i ~ gn.'al. II , ' "rl l 'll h,l\"(l

11,1' g lad l'x l,,'ri,'rlt'" [;11111,];

.\11.1 ~l"'11 Irol\' i1<' , II ill r \\"llI l drvll~ pOwcr,

AIJ,,\-e all ¥ .. d "~ i" 1"I""I\"Ir \ 1.

.:; For hI'. will, r!lll'e,i,..,,·'] ,. 'n 'u<rth ,

l 'ediJJ"lIr s J.i~ "u r . 'n'ioll will,

( II 1r" an'lI a ll .! tlt.:rliJ. allo! \\'i1 Tt TY ~torcs TII :lt earlh\ d .,,·p I: a\"e l"ll ~ liil.

lli Their .il!·~! rdlJl"Jr ~ of 111;111 ];.4 to Gud 1,,'1 g ra ld'lIl 1.~ J";1t'1 !,~I~';

I Nor 1(;\ illl"ilJlc,1 .\ ar"lI·s race

To h \c"" thu L .. rd ll day .

7 Tlreir "l' II St..: of Iri~ 1J1l 1" .llIIticd IO\'e

Let I .t..: \' i·~ lrulI .,. ' l· .xjlrc~s ;

Alld 1t..:1 all tIJt,.~., \\ Ir" r"ar' the Lord , Ii i" X,III1C f" .. c\'er I,l, ' ~".

3 l.c t all with llmll k~ hi" wuwll"OliS work~

I II Sioll'" l""Jrt.~ I' rod •• iru;

Lct thclll ill ~:d " Ill, \I/Jerc be Itwclls, Ex'li! hi~ hilly N:Hrw,

SELEe'r IO.\I 110. I I. ,j.

From Ihe e:u.1vi. 1's:. lon of Da\'id ,

'1'0 (;, ,,1. tilt' rrr i:!lr!.v Lur.\. Y Utll' joyful Ilrall ks repeat;

To him lila: l'r;li~c all;lt'd,

As e"o,l II" he i.~ ;..'rc;lt. For (; " ,J d.II'.~ jlrlln:!

Uur l'tlu"l aut rrie ud; H is IJollllllk~ _~ luvc

SIJaI1 lJe\'cr clld.

::! T o irinr, wlro~f' w orulr'<!tIs power

All ollwr r;"d ~ " uey,

\\' /Jolliearl hly kirr8l\ "dure.

Yvur gratcflll IlIuu1t;;e pay,

Fllr n OLI , -Xc

:J lIy his alrllielll.\' haw l

Amazing \\'nr 'k~ art' wrought;

T Ilt' Iwu\"' IIl\ It) hi ~ rOlnrn:uJtI

Wew to pe rreclilill uwugh t. For God , $;.(",

J Ie s pread 11 ... oceall Illtll ll i

About l it!' "pat.:io ll~ laud;

Ami bade tin' ri~illt-: gruuud

Auovc thl' wall'r',~ ~ laJJJ .

For GuJ , &c,

SELECT IONS VF 1· . ...: .·\ L j\ IS.

:. By h im the liellvc lls Ilisplay T lleir lIiJlIlCI'UUS hv"ts'ofli;;ht,

The sun to rul e Ity day, Thc .m oo u lIud ~ I u r.~ loy night.

F or (; ud , ,"'('. I

(; I l u, in ol il'dcplh ofwl .es,

Ou liS with fi\\,follr t llollght;

Aut! rrom " lIr .'1"110.:1 lucs

I II peace allli ~afely bJ\!ught. Fur Cud, .xc,

7 li e docs ti re li.od ~!lpply

011 wllich all cre,. tures live:

To God, wbo I"l·ig lJ" 011 higil,

t:te1'1lal prai"e~ t!" in: . For GOIi will prove

Our eorr "~1i11l1 rr ic lUl j

IIis h"IIJrd ll' .~,. IU\'c

Sh,.lluen::: r cud,

SE L EC'l' ION 11 1. L. M. From t ile cl[Xl[ \' ii . I' .;alm of David.

\: -,VII EN we , 01/1' wl'a"y li 'libs to rci> t,

'I FIJI' God , althou gh e lltl!rollcd 011 high, Docs 111 '~ I lt"C thc poor rcspect;

The prou,], t: lI' oil', his scumflll cye Bdl"ld., with just lIeglcct.

5 Tholl ;; 11 I wi th IJ"oubll'.~ alll 0PJ)j"e~~'J ,

li e ,.ha ll \J.y lues tli~arm ,

Hdic\'c III)" ~I)r d wlit' li lI iU"t ,Iistrcss'd ,

Alltl k~,,' 1' IIIC "are fro m hal'lll ,

6 T ill' L'>I".I , wiro"e Incrcic~ C\'CI' last, ~Imll fi x lliy IHl pp), slu*te;

Awl, ur irr dful " I' hi" ra\'u lu';: l'a.~t, tilta ll his UW Il work cOlHplete.

SELE CT ION 11 3. L. M. Fro", the ClX l, X, Psalm of Da"iu ,

r1""' 11 0 1' ,. I,.' ,r. I , I ,yslri ele~t Hcard! !nl.~t knuwn ,\Iy J'l ~ rll t-: II]' aw l l)"lll;! dowrr;

1\1 ,1' ;l{'('J't'I t lr u lli!h'-~ arc lorowtr th IIrCI;,

KIlOWIi IUIle- lJef"rc I.;ouce j\·cd Ily IiIC.

.-, Tllillc " yc my l)cLi alili palh ~11I'\'eyl! ,

l\ lr pul .lie Iralllrt;: <lll! il'!'i\"ate ways :

TI l!'lIl,rr"\\" ' ~t w hat ' t i", IIr y lipH would VCllt,

W(: w e pt , wit h dvkful tlu nr gl Jltl "pp"c.~.~ 'tl , . V ,~at dowil l.y I'fulld Elll'bntl<'~' IIlrl'aru, I'

Ami tiioll was uur U10IIl"ufili thcIIJI.! . J

.\1)' y'-" lllJ utt c r',[ word s' ill1<·u1.

:-ur'!'(1!lI rd l,d h.l· Illy power I staud,

On every Hid l' I firlt l Il ly 11,lIr'] : ~ 0111' I,arps, that wll1m wit lr j oy wt' "lIlIg, t

\r, ,1'(; WOlit thei l' t lllwful I'art ... to I.e;u',

\rith ~ilelJt ~ tl'ill ;;" 1It'~lcl:ted Imllg

Ull willo w-tn·e ... Ilnrl witlJCr'tl till' I'!!.

3 0 ~ale ill. our 011(',' Im!,l',v ;«'at.

U sk ill I;.!' 1II IIIIall !'each tvo hii!h!

Ton d an .lill!! lli'ic ht fi.r ltIor tal cyc!

Fn,rn Il ry all .... ·l'in ,; ~)lir;t, J."nl , \\'h"t hidill l-!"-I '];" '" dol'~ ca rtll ,,!limj? U wlll'l"I' call I Ih.\" iJllllll'ut:1' "III ItI ,

Ur whithl' l' fn 'lJi tll~' pre"clIl'e nUl ? WI 't'1i I of thee li.rgctfll l JlJ'()\'c,

J.d thell my IJ"'lrrbl ilJ ::' hawl [oro:cL I'J Tire ~ pc<lki ll !-, .~I rill ::'.~ wilh art lu rlr"\'l'1

If lip 1/1 Iwa\ t' lI I tak c Illy !ligh l,

I' f'rpC'l ll al ~il " rr l:" I.e lrI) doom;

0 1' if Ill}' chidi.·~t.ju)' , 'mrj"I!'t..:

With thee, J cru"alew, lIry home !

SELECTION 11 2. C. M. From the c:uxvii,. P~nI Jrl of David.

\ ¥ITII .1.IIY whole he~ u' l, Illy hurg,

T hy pl'ai .~e r wi ll ]'l1Idai m:

Bel,1I',' II ... lll i.d!t.\· I will "iug,

,\wl I)ie.~" Ilry \101), Nallle,

:! I ' ll II'l)r.,lri l' ,It rtr,l' ~;li' r C'd scat,

AII' I, wi lh Ill y 1"\"1' ill~ l' irCll, T Ill' Jl rai ~l'.~ of [II)' tmtl! 1"f·1)("lt ,

O'er all tb~' wor1;~ ; .. lllIirl'ti.

GuJ ;llJd

3 Tlloll i-'m ciolls ly iudil/',] ,. I thine car,

W hell I to thl'" did ('1')";

AIIII, wh.:n rlly ;:0111 wn~ prf'~s'd with fl'ar,

OiJsl illwarJ strclIg tl l t> ul'l'ly,


I ' Ti~ tlwrc IlrP11 ,]wt::Wst c ll thnmcLi in

liglr l;

Ir tn Ill!: 1\" 1)"1'] 111l ;;P"II, rtly Gild , Tllt 'I"! ' .. I~o ha.~ t Iholl Illirlc al.ud e.

G If I thl' 1I1'lI'lIilliS w illgs could gain,

,\wllly I",yollt! t lt l' Wf'~Il'n1 lIIuiu j

L 'cil tlr l'ro', ill " .. rth 's re rnotcsllalld,

J ~till .~Irwdd lilld Ihy g uid iug iJawl.

i Ur , .~I!"ul.1 I Iry 10 slJlJII tilY ~ i t!hl lkllcalb till' ",; d,!~ willg~ fir nig llt:

Oue gb rre, ' f'~'111 Ibcl', UlIO' picrci llg ray,

\\"o~dd kilHl1. · darklll's~ int!} till)".

8 T ile \·l·il u f ni i" iJl i~ Iln d is..,.uj~c,

.\" ~("I"l'l'll 1',"1111 Ih .Y all-searching ere.";

Tlrr'''ll ~ll rnidui glit ~had" " thou liud'st t.h.\ w:ry,

.\" ill tht! b b 7.illg' noon of lIay,

!) T lJOU kllo w '"t Ih" textllre o f m y heart ,

~ l y l'eiJls, 'l ilt! C\'cry \·ilall'arl.: I' ll prai,,(' 11,..(', rr '0 1l1 \\"ho~e bands I came

A work of .. uch a wonJrOUl\ fraille.




10 LuI me ackullwicti;!c lon, 0 (;011.

Tlla t ;;ill(;e ,h i ... lll;tZ , ' of lif., 1 trod, Thy 'hnllgbt,~ ,,1'111\'(, to IlW "I II"UIO llut

The power "I' 11I!ltlbers to I'l:COIlHt.

II F,\!' "nolle!' could I n'ck"JI u\:r The ;;all"~ I !f UIII the OI"CalL ' " "hore; E ach lW II"!I, !'t) \,j .~i llo wlml [\ 1; dOlle,

1 tilld til ' ;1('(:01111 1 [lilt lie\\' beg ull.

l ~ :-<ellrdL try. 0 ( ;"tl. my tholl t!htsalld heart, If Illlo-,'hier turk ill all~' l" ll"t;

Corn;cl me where I go iI,;O'ay,

Alit! tr"i li c lllC ill thy p"rfud way.

SE LE("TIO~ I I". C. M . From t ht uti. l'slIhn of Dav id. L OH!), i ll thy ... iglll, 0 let III ,V pnl)"cr

Lilw IIIOl"lIillg iIlCl'IJ"C I 'i~(';

j\l )" lifted hauds acecl'kd ue ..\ " en'HillB sncriticc.

2 From IIa~ty l:mguu;;c curb my tongllc , Aud 1.-t a ('ow;lallt !-'ulIrol

S t ill kceJl1111: portal "f llI." lips

\\"i 'll wary "ilcHee han"d.

3 From wi, ·k, ·,I IIWu·" , lc"i t!" I1 .~ all,l deells

lily liea rt IIlId !lallds I,,·,.trnill;

Nur I.-t HIL' .". llul"e tllt~ il" ,·I·a w "rks,

Ur their 1I11righ1t..:0lls :,:aill.

4 L et Il\lI"igh l IIll'lI rcpW\'C 111)" flllltts,

AtIll I "halt tllillk thelll kiw i :

Li kc healillg oillll'''u Illy hcad I theil' n : l' l"oof sha ll fiud.

!" ELECTION 115. C. M. From the uliii. P~atm of Da,·id. L Ollll. Iww' Illy pra.\",']". 1111,[ to Ill)' I"ry

'1'11.1' ",,,Ilk.! IllIdi"II<"" 1"lId;

J II III)' aC"'II"tnlll'd faith ilwl tl"ulh

A g ntci"II" ;m!'we r .~clH l.

2 Xor at thy ~ 'I"i ("l tl"illll llallll"ill1;

T hy ~ " I"\' IHJI t" hc tri, ·d;

FOI" ill Illy ... i!!hl 110 liv illg lIlall

Call C"'I' lie j ll,.l iiicJ.

3 To 11wo.:' I ll.\· Imlld~ ill IHllllhie prayer I fen·' ·I III .I· .~lrL'ldl (0111 ;

j\ly ~t111 1 j'II' thy rcfn'~Il!!ll"llt Ihi r~t~,

L ik e lalld "I'I ,rO'ss'tl wilh llrollght.

<1 I1 l'ar IOf' wilh ~I'ce.l. Ill ." "pi l"it {:Iils; T hy 1:11"" 110 1"11;!""r hi,I."

Lesl 1 I"" 'ol ll( ' f" l"l" rll. like 'hc m

That in Ihe f!"ri " 'C re,.id e.

5 Thy ki llllllc~~ ca l"l~' l('t lIIe hcar,

\V IIU;;:c t r ll~t 011 Ihf'. , d" p"lltls; T each !!If' Ihe wily w llel·tJ I shollltl go,

Aly soul 10 thec 1lSCcnJs.


6 Do lin..." ° Lord. from all Illy focs J'I"t '~"I'1 ,. :tllli .~ell1H' fret.:;

A "ll ti ' n· tn ·al . a hi ,! il'o-plaee,

)\y ~(l ill iIJJJllon"~ froll l thce,

7 ThOll art Illy Go,l, Ihy righ tcolls will l u"U'lI("1 JIl" I II o l)l'Y;

L f't Ihy gllod "'I'irit lead 111111 kccp

My ~(lId in 111)' ri gh t \\"~Ir.

8 0 , titr Ihp !'akc o f tlly gl't'rt l Name,

Rl;\·in' Ill.'" dr""l' ille heart j

r or thy trill II's ;;:ak l". to 111(' Ili"tl'cs;;;'J.

Thy :':I\' ill ':; Ileahi l irllpurt.

SELECT IO:\ I II;. L. M. From the exli,·. P~:'llm or Da"id.

I OHD, what's i ll 1IIi111, I!'al thl!u "houlJ'st

J IlIvI'

Of him ~1Il"h It'ndcl' earl' 10 la\, f' I

\\"}" .t i ll hi .... tI;"l'ring could 111I"t: IJlr,,'C Slich ;:rcat UlTOl1lLt o f him lu l!lakC !

2 Tilf' lili: III' III,!II ,jUl'" 'Illiekly fuJe.

Hi s tlu llI::hls hilI "III[' t)" aI 'C 111111 "lIin,

J Ii" oIa.\";;. IIrc like a tlyillf! ,.Ilad,·, Of w illi,,!.! ,.11"rt slay 11 11 :<i~ns remain.

:\ Tu thpl', al ill ighly I\:illg o f kings, III lIeW'III;l1lv 1r)'mll.~ HI.,- vuice I 'll raise i

.~ 1II1 ill~11"lI1IH"nl!' 01'111;]11), "Irillg.~

:'l1all 111:11' lJJe 10 ad urc allli prai ."c .

SELECTIO~ 117. F rtlln the cx il·. (>~a l lll of Da,·id.

P AWl' J. C,;'1.

1,1-IEI': will I Io le,,-". lily (:"11 alllll\:i ng, T il)' " llIlIess pmi",' I'l"IIdailll;

T hi;;: Irill1ltl' , Iaily I will bring,

Aud t'\"t'r blcs~ Ill y Xa lrle,

~ ThOll, '1.01"01, IlcYlllld clllnptu'c art grcat,

Ami Ili .¥hly 10 LC' tll"ai l'ed ; Thy rnai\'~t~·, wilh lo"lIll1ll,,!'S Ireiglll ,

AI,,,n.! ollr knuw!t:d:;c l"<liSCll.

~ R I'1l01\'U '.I fill" mi;,;:lrty lI{"H, Ihy faille To 1'111111"1' time t' .~tcHd",;

FnlJlI a.¥t' 10 age rlry f!iol" iotls .:\ame Sllt"ce.~"i \· ely dC"ccI[(I.~.

\\"lril ~t \ Illy f!lol"Y :trull·cIIOWll.

Alit! "" .. Idroll;; w"rk.~ l·X\lI·l";'~,

Thc world wilil lIlI' Illy lIl ight "lrall owo. AlIlt til), great I)('\\',~ r Cllufes;;.

5 The prai"e th;11 I" Ihy Illve helong!:!, Tirey ,,11:\11 with joy pmdai ,n ;

Th~' trlllh uf all tlleir g rateful ,;(lugs Shall be the l'01l;;:t1lIlt Ihcme.

G The i", i!()o,]; frpsh :Ic\" of grace

H is pity still supplics;


H i~ an;I'r mo\'P~ witlo slow('st pacc,

II i.'l willin" 1Il<'I"' ~' !l it' s.

1 TI:): l,we Illrtlll i!h ('al·t lo I'x':" lIl ~ ilJl famc, I I U illi Ihy works " x l' rc~s ,I;

Thesc "huw Ihy I'n~ .~e, w l. ilst Ihy great I f'allle

Ie hy Ihy .~cr"IIIIt.~ ble~s' tl.

8 Thcy, with II gl"l"i"ll ~ prospect fired, Shall oftlry k i ltgdlllll "1N.'uk;

Ami th~' g rea l 1'1)1\·"r. I,y alt admired ,

Their lufty subject make.

9 God 's IlI igl lt y \\"1I"ks lif t(lIcient date

Simil tllIl." III nil I,e kIlO\\' II;

And 11111 ." l, is killl:!dolll's glorious state Ln all its ~pll'IIlIUlir ~ h"\\"II.

10 Hi~ ";"':ldfa.~t lliroill', fl"l!l!l ehalJges free, Shal1 t<l.t1ld fOI" cI'er fa sl ;

lI i~ l)onlldlc."." ."\\ay 1101"11(1 ."hall lice,

Uut time ilsel f uulla"t.

P ART II , C,1\1.

TII~: J,onl ,j"f'S Ih"1II ~lI l'l'nrl that [; ,11,

AII, I makt's Ih,' proslralc ri~e:

F OI" hi~ k illd 11id all ci"ca lllrc.,l call .

W ho timely Jiltld supplies.

2 \VI Il I1t·'('r Ihei r varillll .q wants refjl lire,

W ith O)lCII 1]:111(1 he !!i\'l'~;

And ~o fill/il." 'he jl\~t ,Ie"irc

Of C\'c I"Y II .illg 11 1;11 !i\"Cs.

3 How hilly i~ tit,.. 1.111"11. Ir"w .i"~t, I I ll\\' righte"I1 .~ :.11 hi~ war~!

lI ow lI igh III Ililll, wh .. will, linll Il"u"t

For Ii i", a,~"i .. talJl"" pray,;!

4 li e gn' lJt~ IIIl: filII , I " .~irt'.~ of thll~(' \\" 1", hilll wilh li':1I" ;"!",., ,

And will thcil' 11'"lIltll''' ~''''II t'nl!l] l lI~(', \\"I'c lt they I. i.~ ;, id illl pl" rc.

S T IlC 1.1'1',1 I'I"I'''CI"\ " .~ all Iho~ with eare

\r ho lll !!ralt:f,d 11)1" "lIll'llly~:

B llt ~illll("r~, who lt i .~ \-"II ;:C: 1I1 l'e dare,

] 11 jtl "tic'c IIC Ile ... trl '}.~.

6 1\1y limp to l'OIll,' , ill pl"ai~p." ;;11(.' 111 ,

"halt ~ t il1 "t!\"illI,·,' Il i~ Eline;

Alld ;til 1I1illlkilid . wit ll ( I ll!' C,Hj":CIlt.

)0'01" I'\"er I ,ic~s his XaHic.

SE LECTIOc-iII P. I II. 3. From the e~l ... l'$..lh ll of Da,·i ,1.

G OD, III )' Kill;!, thy IlIi~ht c(Old, .. ~~illc, /: \"('1" will l I .r,,~ .. III)' .'i:llll(':

Day hy .l:ty Illy t/''''IIII" wlt!n's'''illg,

8till will l Ihy I' I'al>J(' proclai m.

2 HonOIlI' ~reat ow' n"d bdiUetiz; W ho !tis Illiljcst y C<tll reach 1

Ag.' 10 agol' hi,. work!' trallSlllitteth,

Agl' to at!e hi~ I'U\\"l' 1" ,;b al! leach,

3 T hey .~J Jall lalk Ill" a\l thy glory ,

011 Ilty lII i~h t :1111 1 grealll l"~s dwe ll, Speak of lhy 011">';111 acB li lt' ittnry,

Aut! thy tked~ o f wouder tell.

4 Nor shal1 fuil fl"(lm III clllllry'll II'caslIre, \\'lIl"k s hy 1,,\'(, 11111 1 mercy wl'Ought;

\\"orks of 1"\',, ""'·pa,.,.iuf;: lIlea~lIrC , " 'orks of !r.crr.:y pa;;:.~ilJg thollght,

.., Full of killllll t'.~.~ alld coml'rl ~~ i()lI ,

Slllw 10 allf!'T, vast ill love, Gud is g""d ,,, all (T('alion;

:\ 11 hi" work~ hi~ g ..... lllll.,~~ prove.

(j ,\11 tlly wurk~, () LOI·d. ;;.hall bless thee , T llt"c ~llali 1I111hy ~a i lll" lIdor!);

K illg ,.111'1"('1)1" ,.hall 111t·~· clillfc.~s titeC',

,\ 1It1 prodailll Ihy ,;o"'cl"'igll po wer.

7 T hcy Ihy l1Iight, allmi,:..:hl t'x('cllill g, :-;1z,,11 10 alllll:l llkilid IIlakp knowl];

AlII! Illc J.ri;!III III ·"" " f thy o\w"lli ug , Alld Ihe glul" it·., o f tI.y Ilm)lle.

8 I';\"el", Gotl o f ('udl{';!;; prai~cll,

Shall Ihy 1',,)'111 lui ;;ht '''''lIIaill;

1·:\·t'1l 1l0I'C tlly l'l"i ghllle,,~ Itbzcs,

I.: \"CI" h~t,; Ihy rig hteolls I"cigll.

o T b clIl thaI fall tbe 1.01"11 Iwnlectcth,

lI e su~laill~ . Iw b ll w ' t! nlld Lent :

J: \"cI'y eye 1"1"11111 tlwe c.'qll"clclh,

Fix'J 011 the" . jt.~ 1J0w·i,.l lIllcnt.

10 T hOll 10 all, f!I'pal (i0l1 of IIntllre,

(;i\" ' ~t ill .~t'IISO Il iiIif' 1III'ir foot! ;

"1'rt';tI\'~t Ihy 11"11'1. alll! every creature

Sillisfiest ~ t il1 witll gow l.

1\ (:,"1 is .ill .~ t i ll all he ,lueth,

I\: illol i~ III' ill a ll hi;;: Wil)"S ;

II \" Ili~ ready I'r"I '~I' Il Cl' ~howc th ,

W lwll a\rflll St'!TalJt pl"ay~,

E! W h\l :<illccrdy ~(','k an.! fC'ar h illl .

lit' II) '11t'11I their wi~1r wil l gi\'l~;

\\'11<" 11 thc)" enll, IllcLonl will hear 1hem , \ Ie will heal" them, il1ll1 !"I,lic \·e.

1:1 Frultl ,khm'alr all who prin' him 1"'hal1his ~;)\"i l l~ Ilt"a h ll '·II.ioy :

All tile Wit·!; ,' d wit" ,lc~l'ist' \rim, 110 · will ill 1111";1" ~i l1 dc~ tl"tI'y,

] ·1 Still. J eho\"ah, ,1/("" (""lft .. ,, .~ ill~, Shall my toUg-IIP Illy prai~c proclai m ;

Aut! lIlay all IlIalikiwi w ilh Ll essing

E\'cr Lail thy huly .'irl1lZC.




SELE CTW:O; S 0 1" I' SA L M S.

o S I': L F: CT ION 110. C. M .

F rom the uJ."i. I'lkIlI .. or D~ .· id.

1' I{ ,\ Jl'i I; flu- 1."1"01. ;1I1t 1 III1.u, I n~' ~"lIl ,

VOl" C\' I -r loI, '.~;: Ili .~ \ a ")<"' I l i .~ wond nJl I .~ I"n', \\ l,iI , ' lit; · "IIi,ll la.~r,

i\l y COIl~tall1. pn ,;",· "Imll ebiw.

. , U II prine,...;o, 011 the 80 11 " of 1l1t'1I ,

I,(' ! no w' 1;'1" aid J"']Y :

Tl wy ("alll1" t hel l' , rhr·y 111 1" 11 , ,, tl u,'\. Ali t! a ll tllt'i r cUIIJl ~d ~ llic .

:~ T iu'll happy hL', who .I acoi j ·" (;"d Fo r h i .~ p r"IL'c1I>r tnko..:s ;

WII,, ~td l wit h ,. cll -pl [( cd hope:, the T",n.]

,\ lId " <11"11" ;!I ,d .~ca.~, wil h a ll lliui r tra1ll: I [, ' ~a\"" II,' 'Il'pre."s'd , lw fl' , ' d~ tl Jl: 11'001';

I i i,. t rll ll, ,;w I,,'CI' st <l UlI" :!eellJ'c,

,\lId UOll " ~ lla ll fiud b is prulJlI~c vain ,

" T lw Lo rd p- iw's t'ye,~ lght to ll lC bl iud ,

T lw Lord ,..tJ l' l "J rt.~ tlJ(l $li nk ing m ind,

l ie ~e!ltl s Ihe r igillcuus II trength :m d

1'l';I( 'e,

II . ' h .... lp" 11 11' ~tnUl3 .. r in dis t ress,

1'11(' wido\\" alld t ltp fat herlcss,

, \ I),] 10 tl w I'riso Jlc l" g rants,

,J (;00 "hall Ilu ' \\"k k .. .J overl1l rn,

I Ii" cotJ.~ta lJ l l"l'fllg .... m ake s. I The Lllrd , w lt l) made Loth hCan:n ,1Ild

earll "

Un Ilwlrl Il i .~ wralh ,..ha ll (' \,er bu rn ,

f:i illll t' I"" ,~h : 11I 1" '1"1,..11 ill thei r wayS : :-l i"l1 ~ III . ' ( iod t il." .~" IJ " ;u \ore,

Ami a ll ti'a! they c" lL t::i n,

\V iII lien: !" ' Iui t his .~kadl;l;< l Il' lI th.

1\01' mak e h i" 1'1'u lJli ~c \" aill .

l ie, Ite i" " i ll(( f,) r t:\l'J"IIIUre ;

Tile Lord thy (; ud ti ll' e\"e r praise!

SE L ECT ION 121. F rom t he cxldi. I' il, lm of Dll1'id,

!) '1'1 ... poor. " 1'PI'(' .... ~\I, fro m all Ilac i!" wrungg !

'\ n : ea~e,[ I,,' It i~ d e \"l'ce; 0 P AIlT L C. !\T.

I It- g il" -" Ila' hU II ;!I')' lJeed lul f, ,,,, l ,

1\ 11 .1 "t:!_~ IIII' priso lw r;< frce.

Ii U,' h im Il w 1,lillll !"l'l"'i " e their :!ight , '1' 111' \\""ak ;111<1 I;dl 'u he I"ears :

Wi th k illli I"q!an l ;1111 1 tellder lovc

li e for Ihe r igiJl l'ull '; care~_

7 T IH' s tl'all g t' I''' he In 'I'St' fI'CS liXl /IJ harm,

T h(' ot"pllan ki lld l," t r('a l";

Dd; 'lId" Ille widow, 11l1J the w iles

(I f wick, 'oJ 11 11'11 ,] " I't.:al ;o. .

B T ile ( ;'u l ti m! ,j" l':! ill S ioll d welt

I.~ o llr ,' I"I"I! ;11 " illg :

Io'nl ill a i!" !"lIc;e Ii i" re igu end ures; LeI all lI i~ I'n l i~,·~ ,. ing.

SE L E CTTON 1 ~U. ll. 2. From Ihc c,I .· j. l'"alm " r Dand,

r ' 1.1. I'rai", ' III," '\ I !1~, " r , lI"i1l1 1,1l.1 l' I""at] 1, - "Ill I 1I" 1H"1l Ill.\" '"Il' ' ' I,.. 1".~1 III ,]",tll!.

l' ra ;:>e ,..Imll l'Il11,I"y Ill." w.I,I~"I" 1" 1\1 " 1',, :

]\1,'- ,]ay" of ]l1";. i", ' ,..IJaIl 11" " '1' I,,· 1'01 ,1.

Wlt i],. lit; " :11 11 1 111 0U"IJI . alld l !l' i ll~ 1a ~1. 1)1' iIlI11101'1;.li l.'" "II,hln'~ .

_ \\'lty ~ I]O) ul.t I I'ln(' ,- ill Ill:1l 1 Ill.\· lrll~l?

E I" II I' r ill(,\'s .ti ,' a til I 11(1"1( 1,. , 111""1. r ai ll i .. tlw belp .. f It ... ,!. ;lIu l 1,1, ,, .. 1 :

l'IL\I ~l: !lJf' Lord II" llh hy llH HI orjoy, ,And ('delu'u! e Il i .~ Jilme ;

F"I' p lc;I!>: lll t, 1!, ... , .. I, a mi COl i lid )' ' lis

T u l' ra i .~~, IIi" holy ,'\n Il IC.

" H i .~ IlllIy (" il), Go,] wi ll Imilll,

Thol/gil lel'("11'd wi lh the g nJund ;

Bring back his I'eople, Ihough d ispc l'!'cd

T hmllgh a ll tim nat iuns round .

3 l ie k indly hea l:! 1110..\ bl'Okcn hearts,

AuLl ,til Ihei r WOll lld ,~ docs d ose;

I It- le lls Ihe nUll luel- "f Ihe s tal"~,

T he ir "eveml !lames he kllOw s .

·1" (~I'eat is tile Lord , ami great h is p ow er, I I i,~ W i~d l> 1Il has ItO uuunJ ;

T I ... meek he ra isc~. a lld throws J OWti Tile lI"ieked to the g ruund.

.j '1'" ( ;u.l l il t: 1. ' )I·d, a hy m n of pt·a.isu

W illI l:!' 1-:11(,·fHI ' ·u ice,. ~ing;

'1'" ''' Il 1!'' "f Il"iUJ uph l illie Ihe harp, \1101 ~ l l'il;c l'nch lI"ad ,li llo >; tri ll g,

j; II ,· l'on 'IOS }1t':I " (' 1I wil h cluul)", a lit! thence

Il, .fr l'sh illg r<li ll ],,' ,..I,,\I·S ;

.\11, 1 " Il till.! IW'UIlI;l ill ." througb his care,

T he t!n l~.~;11 1'1" IIIY groll ;;.

i I I li ~ e; II"O' the 1)(,;("1,, t ll:lll"o,..cly r ange

Wilh tillle ly fuod ~u!' l'lic,,;

TIt ,-i r b rea tlJ, Il'l ';II'ls, I II' 'i .. P' '11' )' ;1110 I P' )II ,"I". Ali t! 1l 1011gh l.~ . all v,m i, 11 i1l :t il 11 " 111'. I


I I,' I .... (..J.~ lite n"l'II." Il' no lel" brood , And ,.. to Jl ~ Ihl'i r Ilil ll gr)" c rieS,

T ile Lord 10 hiul Ih al ji'ars hi .~ j\;'ame I i i;; Ic mler love ex le lld,, ;

'\ 1I1I1' I'Y til e 1)11111 wh" .,t· Il (f l'('~ I"d~

Oil h rad 's God: h e Ill. lde the ~I;r,


To hi m Ihal 0 11 h is b"lI ud less grace \Vith steadli,sl hope JcpcnJ.s.


9 Lf't I'ion ;"\1\l1 .! Crt l!<;"\ ]clll '1'" God Ilwil' I' r;( i~c add, .. c.~ B;

\Vlloi'c "IH' n;.:tlt ~ " etln'~ n ... ir b"ti n; gates, \ VIlo tltJ t'~ II!"ir d. ilolro' li ble,;..~ .

PAnT II. L , M,

.J ~; 1I0" AII s peaks : sw ift fn llJl the "kies

T o " :trlh Ille ~""f're i ,", 11 ma ll da tt ' Il ies ; 'I' ll!' ,' k ll1l'lI g , 'oll li 's~ t l' l' ir L IIl',] ,

\\' ill, I'l"OlIIpt "1 ... .\it'llI' , , 1" his 1I"0nl:

~ T he II,i .. k-d"",.,.lIdill;! /In k,'" "I' ,"" 11011"

0" '1" earlh it fl l'l'ey )( 1'11111 ,' Ih ro ll';

A w l ~ l i ll'r j lJ g fn'.~ 1 u'er all II ... I' la ills Biud. Imlll rc liL~ l ill i, 'y chaill~ .

:3 lit- !O ll\'ak.~ : I I'e i" f' a lll l MH '\\" " Iwy, Ant! unlll l'c 'S fd lt- I':> n ... lt a wa)";

Sofl ly 111(' 1~'n" l llm"·7.e s 1' \o J\\",

Alit! IItl lI' llIll)"i ll !! \\"a l "r,~ fn' ely f1 o\\' ,

" Bil l 1101 ,11"1' w"rk .~ I l i.~ gnlc(' rcclI rd;

'I'll I"rael he rC " cal~ lJ i ~ w ord ; To die m , h is d\()~e l! n,,('k, [(l"nc,

l ie makes hi ,~ 1':1Ic l"c lI pn" ·t'l' ts kl1 /)w n .

.'l S ud I bli .~s Ill) Iwnlhell nntio ll ~lta res .

Il i;< Ifl 'ack s a l'e ' mh' tllO'i l'~ :

Le t l.~ r.l cl t llO' ll 111>';r \".,in'~ raise_

_\ 11(1 " I e~s 111t·i t' n no..l ill "'()lI g~ of pra ise.

S E L E CT ION 122. 11 . 4. Frnm Ihe ex t.·iii. 1',.,1", or Da .·iJ.

\ T J.: h' >ltllO l" ' ~.~ l'l,: dlll S " f,i" }"' .1 Exall y" lI l" J\ l ak, ' (" ' ,~ fa ille;

I i i;; I,n . i",· y(,ur SOIl~ "ltll'loy

Auu\"e II .. , sta rr." fra me ; Your I·o i c l'.~ ra ise ,

Ye CJ ... ru\)i m

Alit! :-;( ' I~ ll'hi lll ,

'1'" "i llg hi ~ 1'1";li sc ,

2 T huu 1110 0 11 , Il la t ru\ ''' t Ihc nigh t,

Awl .~n ll , Illat g n i,l's t the day,

\'e glitlf'l"ill i:\ ~tnrs of l ight ,

T o h im your 1 1 "1 U: I~e pay : l1 i ~ pm i;:,' rlcda r(' ,

Ye 11 " :1" , ' 11;< a l ,n"t' , Alld d OllL)s Illat 11l ()\,e

III li ' JI ,iel a ir.

3 Le t Ih e lll it,]"I"!' Ilil' ].o nl, ,\IIt! I' r:li" .. hi" holy i"alJlt' ,

By wll" "" al il ligll t ~· wunl

T hcy ;Lll I"r" lll 1I"l llillg callie; Awl all shall liI,; t

From d l;lIIgl'" free; Il i~ lin n , Il'en-I")

Siall.!" e\, (' (" fa" t.

4 Le I l':t 1"11i her "'i lt ll h~ I~ly :

Pmi"e him , ye \ Ireadful w hales ,

,\ ud fi sh Ihlll Ihrougl. Ihc SCIl (ilidc' f' wifl wilh ;;l il1 (' ri llg IICnlee :

F i ... ·. hai l. awl ~ IJUW.

,\IIt! lo isI.I· ai r,

.. \wl Will, I" Ihat whc rc J I .. b ids Ihem blow .

;:; By !r ills, an,] I n ')' 1ILtai ll~ , all In gra l<'flll eO llc l'rtj(,in'd ;

B _1 ,·, 'dal'" .~ I " lt' I)' lall,

_\ 11.1 It'l'' '~ r'f(- fl- ll it dcsigu'd;

II )" " \,err j,l' 1l "!, .\ lId 1'I""' 'I'i llg tl liug,

Ami f;J\' I of \\illg. II i ~ i\'amt' I ,,~ J. 1t'st.

G r .. Cl all of J. i;.: be.~1 h irl !.. \\-it ll t l,,,,..\· " j" ], 11 111,,11'1" name,

And .i l l d ;.; " ~ "I" Ihe l'arlh , Ii i" In ;I\t"lll t ,~S pmi."c proclaim :

III Ih i" dC'ili.;;n, yl)lIth .~ wilh Il ruid.s,

,\ 1111 11(,a ry ht'lIll.'i

W illi ~ ' lJ i l d rc ll , j u in,

7 Ull i",,, zt'al 1)(' shown

I lis wor ll lr"I1 .~ fa lllc 10 raise . \V IH,se gl" r;(' II" .'\:r lll(' alone

lJe"('rn' ~ o)ur e llO )I " ,,~ praise ; Ear! h'" u tIllO."t. ends

Ii i" I''''' ' ('roh('y ;

I i i" ;.:Io rio ll" ;;w ay T Ilt' sk~' tl";U l ~(· "It(h.

S II i ... choSl'1I .~a ill l -'" lu gl'aec, li e ~e l s t \t ('lH li p , >II high ;

Awl fa\'ullrs "'racl ' ~ race, \V IJ() "t ill I " hi lll al"c lIigh :

o IllI' rd ; ,n ' I~ . i::c

YUllr ;..'1": llefli l \"vi(;o, Aud s t ill rl:in il'e

T hc L"nl 10 pmise !

SELE CTION 123. IV . 1. F ro '" thl' ... "li", I'."IUI or Da ... id,

( ) I' II.\ IS I: n' lllt: I.ord ,

l 'rl'l':tt'" ~' '' l li' (( l:ttl vUlce , II i ,~ prai .~e i ll I IIe great

.I\ '~;<" III I J I:r to ,.i ug :

111 thei r en'at Cn 'ator

Ld I ~ I 'at"i rejoicc ; AmI dl ild rl'JI " f Si()1I

Be ;;lad i ll li teir " lu g.

:! lot:! 1111'111 h i._ gn-at Name Extol ill Iheir SOttgs,

Wi lli II!~ al"l " well attuned H i~ 1)J"' lise . .; ('x pl'e1;8 ;

\\' 110 alway,. lak ('1< pleasu re

Tu hear Ill(' il" 1;lnol longue8,




And W;III,; willi .~a lvatioll

The IUlltlIJI L' Iv lo!e".~.

3 Wiill glOl'Y ,uionr ",],

II i" !,'-'''pk "hall sing To G"d. \Vb" liwi,' head.'!

With ,.;af;-I," doth shield; Such 11< 'lIolir alit! II'iumpli

lI i~ ( I \'our ,.;haIl IJl·i!!g: o tlll'rdim', for ever

All prai~t' 1" him yield!

L. M. F rUIn the d, P!l:\lm of Da .. id,

., J 'r"i~.· !till! r.JI' lIlI tiJf' migh ty [le is

\\' I,idl 110" ill Wit' I,,·half 1"1'; done; JJ j~ kiJjdH";<'~ 1l1 i~ I'''-'!.urn eXit", I.'! ,

\\' illi \\ hid I " ur 1'1~ l i..c ",] .. ".1.! " ' Illal nili.

3 Let Ih(' "bri ll tl'lllll!,l't'" wat'li!\t! W)lec

;\ Iakp 1'(l("ks alld bill~ hi" I'ra i.~c n~b(JunJ :

Praise him with Irarl"" md"di"lIs Boise,

,\Wl l!clllle I'.-ah ,-' r}·~ "ih'L'r """1 1Il1.

4 I ,d Them WhOl.i<'~ 1'111 II,nlm" ("nrll),ose,

'1'" ",nlll,al, -"\ dIPi,' '_'''I;.'~ (I f prai:;cj 'Ill w..lI-\luII",1 ".' uLloal_. uu.! \" IliUM:

o I'H ,\I :'W 1l1t' I.ol'll ill tll;ll. lIte",t piace, VI'('1I1 wllt'un' his goullncl>ii brgdy 5


T hat ]'lILdly ""111101 Oil SOll'Hlll days,

Le t all that ,ira l I'l'eat!t L'u.i"y. The I,r,'atlr Itt' do"~ to tl l l'ln afford,

Inju,,;1 J'dnnlS of I ll'ai~I' 1'1I1J11IlY: P rai!!e hilll ill lic ll\'cn where litl hi" face,

Ullveil'd, in perfec t glory ;;liow8, Let every creature praise tim Lord !

t: S D O F TI lE SU, ECTr O I~"" o. I'~ \I , 'l~ I,'" ~I ETlU: ..



AcconlH;'\G 10 thy promi~ed grace Adored lui' ever he {he Luru Approach, ye children of the Lord A s pallts tlJt~ hart tur couliul: ,.I rcalll!;


A s puuts the weiu'ied hart ,;, 1' coulin l.)' ~prj ngs Att eud, my peuple; brae I, hear

Jl e graeiuus 10 t h~ S"n'allt , Lonl 1111.'5:-.\1 is the mall whum Ihou, 0 Lord Bl es.~ GOtI, my '''Old; thOll, Lord, all)1\C .ul c~s {;uti, ~\' />t'n'a lll s, 1Il00 t all,'llli But wlLu thine anger's tln:ad Ufcets

Con,.iller my afJIiclion, I.o rd C onsJder that rlLC righ teous man

D eceitful tlHJ lI ghts ami practices JJcfl'ud me, I..~n!, huJU .~II:HIlC

F or cver and fur "\'l'r, L ord F or thee, 0 Gou, uur eUlIstant praise F rum luwt.:st (it;plh.'i or WUC

G i\'c car, t liOl1 ,Jnd!.!:c ufalltllc earth Gud is uu r rd'u~I' in Il ist rt':-.s G od, lily K iul:, thy lIli :.dlt c"n/cssing Gud uf Illy ti rt.:, 0 Lurd mos t high G od shull arise, and ~IOIl vicw Gut! s h:dl elmr:!:c hi ,~ an:!:cI Ie!.!iun s GOI.I"~ pt'rli'cl law C,ul\'crLS t ile soul GUll'S tl'l llpic crow ns Ihe Iwly muunt

H ad lIut t ILt.: Lord, lilay I ~ rad ~;ly ~ lI appy the man whuse tc nde r car e H al'e IIII 'rey, I,unl , on ul e H ear, U Illy p,'uple; lu lily law Hc' ,~ hk~t II'llo'c ~i ll~ ha\'e pardun !.!ain'd H e th ~lt ha~ Gud Ilis ,-,u:trdia ll made H ull' lJ lc;;:s'u an' tllt'Y whu al\\,;1);< I,ce p H uw hlt,;;: t is he who ne'cr elllll'ClllS !low ;:;"u.l aud JlJca~ant IIIII ' t it be lI uw IUllg will tll"u li)l 'l:d 1I1f', Lord How lltallJJiJI,1 lhy worl, ~, 0 Lord H uw ,.1 t:tJl thc ~"un!.! pr(' ~('n'c their ways Il u\\'" \ ariun", ' ,"I'll, thy \\',,1'1, 1' are fuund II 'lli' \'aH lnlJ ~ t (heir ad\'anlal!t' Ltc

I' ll prai~,' Illy il l akl'r with Illy breath I n UlltT~ , !J ut ill wrath I n 1r1Y ,li"I(o"'; to (;"d I cri, ',1 I II ~ lr\l e t !ilL in thy st atulc": , Lord I n tlll't' I pili Illy '~to ' adt:I ~ 1 tru st I lI'aite,iuwc1,l y luI' th e Lon!

J cho\':th rt.'i~n~, kt all the earth J ehl)\'ah rci!.ill ", k t tlwno['"re all J chO\'!1h spt'al, s : ~lI'ift (rum 1I1l' !l

J IIlI ~e 1Ill', 0 1.urd, fut' [ the patll s -

L (,t all tile jtl~t W (; 0,1, with joy ~

Lr1 all the lalllls, wit II ~hotLt,. of joy L et me with li :.:ht anJ tt'lith be blt.:ss 'J Like water is my l ift: ]Jour'd ou t



cxix ~x\'iii.. xxxi\' ,

xlii , xlii,


cxix, xei\' ..

ei\' , cxni\',


cxix, iI' ,

cxix, xxxi,

cxix, 1:1.\' ,

cxxx ,

h' .. xh'i, cx l\',

Ixxx\,jii, ci i,

xci, xix,


cxxi\' , xl i,

Ii, JxX\'iii .. n.~ii,

x('i. cxix,

;, xcii. xiii, ri\' ,

exix, ell',

cn:x iii ,

cxh'i, \' i ..

xxx , ('Xi : •. lxxi,


:«'\'ii, xeix.

l'Xlrii. xX\'i,

!(Xx iii. Ix\·i .. xliii. xxi i,


97 23 2fJ :Ui

"7 -13

~7 i:~

H:l 10" mJ

!:.Ii , 07 2u fJ7 ;)0


.J5 '0

118 ti7 8u 70 I ; uti

100 35

" fiO 27 70 97

I 7 1 10 8' 97 83 wi

120 6

~5 97 55 3"1

76 78

12 1 21

28 5 1 3' J7

Part, Pa!:e,

7 34 9

2 11 13 n

:l 15

" 2

20 37 3

15 36 10

12 35 I J7



I' 43 22

2 ;2.7 2 2-1 2 ()


38 13 15 20 JO 2-1 32 3

2' 5

29 2 33 ;.! 28




" 4 !O ", 19 13

2. 26 ·15


!O J7 14 7



J.1l! hilt,.: arulllHluntains ~hall bri n;;: forth t urd, ti,r en 'r at tl1\ ~ i d (' - • _ 1,00nl. from Ihl' lln ~ 'xha ll~t~'d ~ I ()r ~' 1." 1"((, Il l'ar 1Jl~' I'l'lIyf'r, lind 1" my crr L ord , in th y s i!.:h l , 0 let Illy pra ~I' I' Lurd, lei lIle kno w Illy I(' rm " f,lays Lord, nol 10 U." , we l'IHim nu l"ha rc Lord , Ih()u~ll ,1\ lirr1l'1< s lLrprised by fea r Lu rd, I" IIiV hn'l lll"t'll I'll drdn !'e L ord, wllat\, ill llla n Ihat tllOU ~hn\lld'st love Ltlrd , who's thc happy man tha i may

!\I al."ni f l' J ('h onlh'i' name 1\ Ia\' .I :;co b·f' (; od ,I""end J\I il;(' I'P'S, nla s ! Iw :.!: in to fa il I\ly C od, my G(ld. wh y leav ',~ 1 Ihou mc 1\1 r !C ralei'lll S01l1 ,.h;dl blt,sS t Ill' Lord !\l y " tr i:ri ll ,!!'!" 10 ( ;, d';;. IIOIIS(' I 'll bring :'II ,. ~(lll l , for help 1111 (; 01 1 rely :'II r !-lIl tI , hO\\'c'cr tl i< lre,<s 'J and poor My '<:0 111, il\,~pir('d with ,<a en'd lo\' t' .'I l y ~o ll l , oppr(' ~,<: ' d wit h dl'adl)' ('nfe _\1 \' !;IIIII K ith !!r:tll' flll l ho ll ~III '<: III' lore ~ I ;' .<:ou l Kilh Ion:.!: t'XIll'ctance fa ilil s

Xo cha ng-e IJf ti me .<: hall c \'(~ r ~hock

() al\ ye peo ple, cln p you r hands () hl,' ~s Ihe Lord , Jtl\' sou l () come, lond lItl tllr l;ls It'! Lt g ~ in '2' o (;ucl, my !!raciOIl ~ G od, I" th('e () (; "d , Ill y heart i~ fi x'tl, 'tis b"nl f) Gild , Illy IwarT i!' f ll lly bent o God u f ho~ t s , Ilt l' midll\' Lord _ o G od onr Sll\' iuur, all 011;- 1ll ' a rl ~ o Lu rd, Illy GUl l , Illy porl i,m IIHHI o Lord. UIC ~ :I\'i"' lI r :t nd dt'l~ nce () Lord , thy mcrcy, my .<'u rc hop~' o prni,c ti lt: Lord, n lll! Iholl , Illy ~olll o p nd~f' tll~~ LC!l'lI, for he i ,~ Zooi! o prai~ I ' Ihe Lurd in Ihal bJt. ~ 1 pln cr o pm i,< t, thl' LM.I w itll hYllln ,~ of j ll~' o prn ic" th, ' Lo rd w itl. one c"nscnt o pr:lii'I' ~' " I ll(' Lon l o rend~ 'r tha nk .<: nnd hless 111i; LUi'll o n:ndl 'r 111a nb to God II hon' 0'1'11011 , wholll h!'n l't' nl y ho~ t s oht'y 0'1'11011. tu \\'1111111 al l Cl'I 'a ln rcs bow o ·I wa.<: n j"yful "lIl1lld to Iwar o wilh d ue rcn'rerll'e let n" alt

Pmi se ye the Lord; 0111' God 10 prai se

]tc!!:trd my \\'unk 0 t.:r:H'inus Lon!

Sa\'C Irll', 0 GOI I. fmlll \,':1\'(''<: t ha t roll Say yr, the Lonl .<: ha ll not rcza n l Sill!! I" tlu- Lord a Ilf '\\'_m ad f' S(lIlZ • Sin g 10 Ihl' Lord a nl'w-rnnde ,~o nz

T hnl man i ~ hll '~~"! wllo ~tand,<' in awe Th('I' \l' il l I hlf''''~ , 111\' <; \Jd nlld " in!! '1'11 <.' '2" )'1,1 Ifla II'S W(I ;' i:< Cud's Iidizht The hean'lls ,Ie('iart' t h ~' [' lory, I.ord Th e I.o rd a h ll l ~ ' 1"lIlpl e hath T Ile Lon! doc ,<' Ihl'm support t hnl lidl Tl lc Lord hlllh ,"p"I,, ', the m i ~ll t y (; Ot.1 TIlt' I.ord hi m!"f'lf, Ih,' midll\' I.on l '1'1", 1.1Onllook'.1 do wn ff"lII ilc:l\'cn ',; hig h tower T he 1.1Ift! . the onlr (; 011. i ~ !! 1'I 'al T h(, L OB I; 1I11!0 rn'~·! ! hlls spake TIl(' lOVe tha t \Q thy laws I bt;lI r


h xii. exxxi .

lx\' . exliii, cx li.

:tx xix, ex\' . !\' i,

xxii. cxli v,


nii. xx .

- cxix. xxii. xvi.

Ixvi. Ixi i. Ix ix. ei ii.

exix. • cxvi.



xh' ii. eiii,


Ixiii. I"ii.

e\'iii . Ixxxi\'. Ix xx\' ,

exix, xc,

HX\' i. exl\'i.

eHiii , cl.

cxh·ii. ('XXX\'. nl i:t,


ni, lxxx.

Yii i. exxii .

exxxii .



Ixi:t, xciv, xcvi.

xc viii .

exii, cx lv.

uxvii . xix.

xi. cxh·.

1. xxiii.

:tiL .~h i ii .

ex . exix,

S~l .... ', 51;

11)5 fi O

115 114 :J;J !1:1 ·W 17

116 12

87 Ifj !J7 17 13 5 1 48 5·1 81 97 91 97 1·1

4 1 82 7·1 ·19 ·17 88 !i3 IiI Hi 69 :10

l IB !IG

12 1 J2 1 JfJ9 12:1 85 86 (;1

7 99




;'·1 i:! 75 ii

9 1 I I i :n 1.5

" 117 43 18 II 42 "9 !Ji

Part. Pale.

19 3! r

2 J7 42 42 12 3 1 16

3 7 42 5

29 6

I() :16 I 7

5 2 18

16 2 19

27 4 33

3 1 J I :J5

6 14 28 2h 17 16 :10 2 1 21

8 3·1




23 II 44 32 4r. 4·1 40 45 29 29 20 .. 38 39


.. 18 25 25 26 3 1 42 12 6 5

43 15 8 5

15 :30 36


T he m:m i< hl {',~l Iha t fea rs the L ord T he !\'arne of our God Tli p s('t'n ilit s of J eho,, :\ h's will T he .< pnc iolls ('ani! i .~ :111 tl ll ~ Lord's T he sl mn !.!' founda!inn<: of Ihe eart h T Ilf' wi('k('d I in l)Owl'r I)ave seen _ T hc w pnd, 'r!" w l. i{'h Ilty aws conlnill T!Ji n" i ,~ Ihe che,~rflll da~' , U Lonl T huu a ll tlw ri~h!('uu~ J udge, in whom T holl :;:,h \l'ickrd m e ll !!row rich or g rea t T hOll, [,l':Ieioll" God, art my defence ThOll. Lord, br stric t ,,~ t !",'a rl'h has t known T hou ,.. u i t"~1. () Lord, thy r ightcous wa ys Th l'uu:!h ull 111(' cha n!.:in:.: ~cenes of life Th us C (,d tkclares his son' reign will T h,' cha ~tellin!! wmlli. 0 Lord, rc~ t ra ill Th;' co n~\an l b ! e~~ in!!', Lord, he~IOW Th y IIH'rci l'i', Lord, "ha ll be III)' !"ong Thy 11I'c ... cnc~', L ord, hath me suppl ied Thy suerf'11 wo rd m)' j " yful brcast Thy \\'lIndroll~ po\\'!'r, Almidlt}' Lord Thy won! is In my fl ' ~'l a lamp T o bless th\' chosen mcc T o cel"brule thy rr:ti ,~ e, 0 L ord To G od, in whom I t rus t T o G od , our ncvl'r-til itin!:!: strem;th T o God, til t:! mi['hlY Lord T o Ill(', who am the work manship To my com pl aint , 0 Lonl, m}' God To Illy refpH'sl anti ('a r ne.<:- l c ry T o Siun's hill I lift my t·ycs

We build with fru ill e.<:s eo~ t , unless Wl latC'l'r tin: mi!!1I1Y I,onl deercf's \\7 111"11 I l}(lur out my ,<'onl in IJra yer \Vllt' ll we, vllr wcarr limbs to res t Whih· I thl' Kin !!" " loml pnusc rchcari'e Whom s hould I lenr. si n('I' Gud 10 llIe W ho Jlla ee un Sion "" C od tl lc ir !rust W ith clietTfll1 nole,~ let all til!' earth W ith !tlo Tr clad, wilh ,< l ren!! lh arra v'(1 Wit h me, 'thy S('I"\'a n t , tllUn llast ~Ie:ilt W ith my whole heart , Illy (;od an.1 Kill!:!: Wilh Illy wholc Iwart to God I call't! Wilh olle consent let uill he carth

Ye bou ndl cl'S r ca lms nfjoy Ve sa in Is and ~cr\'nnts ofthc Lord Ye Ih al in might and powcr excel


e:<X\'i ii , lxx\'i, Ixviii. xx iv ,

cii, xxx vii.

cx ix, l.xxiv. exix ,

xxx\'ii. ii i .

cxxx ix, x\' ii i .

• . '\xx i\', ii .

xxX\'ii i. cxix .

Luxix. lx xiii . cxix . c\' ii, ex ix. In i i.

ix. .'O: \' •

Ixxxi . exxx\' i.

cxix. IxxX\'i .

ex ix. cxxi ,

exnii, xxxii i.

ei i, cxxni i.

x 1\'. xni i. exx \'. cxv ii. xciii. {·xix.

cxxxviii. ex;x.


exl dii, c:-. ii i, x.'\ix,


10:1 59 53 19 80 3 1 9i .'8 97 31 :I

113 1·1 2B

2 :)2 Hi 68 5i !Ji 87 9i 52 8

2u ,;2

110 !.I7 65 97 ~J8

102 28 80 III :~9

22 101

!15 i2 !Ji

112 97 7"

122 92 2"

Pa ri , Pa,c, 39 20 18 8

3 2i :J 12 Ii :16

2U 18 :n

1 12 3

"I :2 Ii

II 3

12 6 :1·1

23 'LO

21 :n 2 :lO

1·1 36 18 ·1 8

21 .]0

lU 35

'1'2 :18 38 ,1H

'2 II n II 1·1

" :! !I 32 '15

!J :t"} ·11

19 37 Zi .1.,,} 3 1




TO 1'1="D TilE 1'5AL)IS 1;'0' Tilt; t 'Ota ;li o l ;,\,U S t:l .J:(; TIO .'"S S UI TED '1'0 ('ARTI CU LAR.

SU IJ.JECTS ,\ .\' IJ OCCA S I O:-"S .

Adomfioll of G OII, :;:'clcc. (f.:.t·c P ruisc.)

7,50, 7-l , 75, 1 Ii. I Christ, hi s !.!;Iul'i fi cntion in his human nu­

__ of (he sccoml Persoll in (he T rillilY, ·11.

Alive//f, i"iCh'I;'~, pruper fnr, ,13, purl i. ; , 5, 7n. 77.

Alllicted, prayer ~,L 10,36. :n, 73, part 80 , ~1 7. p. xi.; 11 ;1.

, ('omlort nr, ~Ii. p. \"ii.

, ,~, I


: I'umpl a inlof, ~ fj . :fi, 80, 11. i.; II ;;. , ~dt'L pruper for, !Ji. ,

.J}.uf icliull~, 1l"lld its IJI~ 73, p. i i.; 97, p. IX .

ypr. :1 . __ , d f'li n'rancc from them celebra ted,

, :!!J, Ri . .J1gcrl ;'J'Uillt , pra yl r IJI~ 55, \·er. (i. .!IIIIl Ol!,il'ill £!, :1 5, \ 'N . 1, 2,3; HI. Angels, gU:II:(,L t he rit!h tcous, :.19, \·er. 4; , 0,

p. II.

_ _ , ca\t(,"tl on to pra i~e thc Lord, 8 1, n'r. I I. 12.

.!Iscension , 19, 1",'1' . 6, 7, 8, D, \0; 4 1, 5:3, \"L'r. ·1, ,'; , I

. th·l/· li'Cdll(',wIIlY, ,I I . 10 I. (~ec Penitent;,tf.) J/.u isi(lurr frolil ( ;O{I, I l l. IJti . • lJth#!i~lII, praet ica L. pu ni>,luflcll t d CIlOllIH'('l.1

a~aill :;t, I I. J1l1 riuu/rs 4 (.'0.11 30.90,117,119, 120. 121. nlrs ,l' illg r/ (;ad, 0 11 Il'!Ilporal uu ~ine% anJ

eOlnllorr.::., 10:.1, 103. lJleu ill£!s prvlfli .~eJ tu tIle r i:;hleous, J, 27,

, 10:3.

turt', 7. ,Iii,.. lure lohis C/lllrdl cdcbratcl l, :19 . , his dory :IIII [ pOIecr, :l!). J hi~ kiill!:dolll ulIlun:.!; till! (;cllfifes, .') {) ,

Wi, !'Il l, lOti. ,a l~rit~1 and A"ill!!, 8B. , on r ~ln:n!!lh :lnd ri'.:'hlCO ll ."Il~~~. ;')5 . , hi~ l ir~ 1 ami ,!jt'('lJlld com in!!, 13, 75 ,

i Ii, 77. (,hris!lIw~-d(/I" 39, (j I, three j u:ot n.: r~I ·S;

I flfl, ~jJ , [06. Clmrrh , built Ull J esus Chri st, ge, n'r. J J.

.xc. · 1!'alh t' r c.1 ami sen lcl!, IOu. l il:< bef/ltly, IL'onhi/" !In,1 (lair/" • . J"!. 1J!1 • , Ihe birth -place uf ,wi llIs, :1 1. , so/rty alill joy ill it , 2:l, -I:!. Ii:!. ,lk~trU (' lion or il S ('IlPH1i<:" . :)j).

, (: e n \i[ , ,!< !!allu: red in tu it . :11'. -11. , f;", I .kfends il alld li ~hls fur iI, 16 .

-ItJ, 10 J. , Chri ~ t' s Ju\"e 10 it, 39. , Gud'~ prc,I'cilrc ill it, :nd lidi:;''! ill

ii, 2~ 1 . 106. , Ihe :.!anil·1l of the 1"JnJ, 71. \·er. N,!I. · Ihe ~1 'O Il "' I ' of Chrbt , :~~ . , ils ill(· lt·;tSl', 52. , ill :t/flil'lion , til. • CIJ I1 I!l'l'l l'd, 10 I, .1 111' honuur an.1 salt: t yof a nat 11111 . , -I:!.

Blood Qf Chri\/. cleunsinz from sin . pre- , ib !i ,.<: ti \'"ls ju~flll1y :.I 1I ('n, I.1.I . !I! I. li t!lIl"ed hy Ihe ceremonies of lIL t; (,omjorl aud s upporl ill (;, aJ , I. [:l. ::!7 . '2!), law, ·1 L ,10.7:\. p. ii., til, ~ t lIm'e \"f' r~t'S .

I1 rothcrh{ lun', 107. and ~\lp[lort in sadlle~~ . [l r;l~ (d f" I'. 1"o. Cllrc '!f ;; 01./ ove r hi!' saint.", 2!.1. - - -- uf (iulJ's t'llir il, l' ra~...! CI/fIri/!! to tllC ]loor. ( :'ce .i/llll t f!il'i nf!.) fur . :17, :38. -I.J. Clwrilable lIIan, bless ings promised to,3.), ('umlllll1liOu o r' sa in ls, 107.

\·l'r . I, :!, :J. Compl(lilll uf ab~encc 1'1"011) public \\'ur."hil', Childfell , i n~ I I'IlCted in God's la w, GO, \' (' r. :l. :lfi, :17.

Ii: !J7, p. ii. of !' idd\f '.~~, 6. C!tri~/ . IIle true Ib \'il l, 68. (~'c /)(/I ·;rI . ) Of.1P.IZl.I':<ttiun amI spiritual ami" tion- .

, c(J\'('nant made wi th h im tr l'ili t"tl by .lb , .If. Oa\'ill, I; ~ . of hea\'y afllid ion ~ in mill I a:IJ hll'!~.

, di\' init y uf, 39 . WI'. {i-S; ·11. fl9. :--0. I [j. , Ili~ in C' ;tl"l\alillll, 3·1, \'I'r, ii, ke . (' lIlIIfJaHiou uf God, 81, ~ '2 , 11 7. fl'um \"1'1". Ii. , JJa\'id in the p(,rsun of. dc"cr ibes hi s Co/lres~ioll of ~i n , rqlt'n taliC c ilUt! Jlar 1011.

sorrows, and the maLicc and pl'f>'c- . 'li, :l:!. ·1 I. 10 I. 1/,'). Cllt ;on of Ilis (' IH'mi('~, a nd pnty~ Cem/i rll/uli."I, psa lms pr"pl'r for. 1:1. p. iI., for .ldiw'r:1I1ct'. 17, :l l, ·15 . ~O, vcr. 5 . ~I,;. c .: :l~ j , ]> . ii. \"1'1'. 1.

, hi ~ dea th and ~ 1Ii!t'riu!!.~ ~et florth ill k c. ; ·11, Wf. :-i. &.c.; !17. p. ii. \ " :. t hf)llI'r~rlllo rDa\'id , [7,;.l.I , ·I;-),fii. I , &c.; p. \". \'el'. I, ~\.. c . ; ]>. xiI'.

, hi s re~lIf1"ee lilln pn 'tiict('d, 2, 1:1,;; I, \ '('r. I, .\.('. p. ii. j !!6. \·er. II. &1'. ('QI/~ciellN' , iH t!uilt rdi('\"I ·11. ~7, 10 I.

, his asccn"ioll ('ekhralo"I. W , 4 1. :):1. ('Ul15CCrulivlI of a dllIrell. IOLi. (See OJ}iJ'c , his exaltat ion in his human n allln' l of COllsccra /ioll . )

to hi s med iatorial kingdom, 2, 7, -- , an act uf, 20, ·1·1. 56, 68, 89, ~6, lOlL COl/verse with God, 49.



ConterSlO1i of J ews nntl Gentiles, 66, 75, 86. r flltl!f1l. 11lus of God, 68, 85, 90, 117 118, Corrupl lOlI 01 mann ers, gen t"! a i, II. I 119. ' Soul/sci IlnrL SIiPpOlt t lOm God, 13, 97. }~(lIIlI ly love a nd \\'llIshl p, 11 5. C,ouragf III death, I {, P CIII III th e \\ OISllIjlOI God, 68, \ e rsc 7,&'c. , ~ OtCIUIIII Ifll l,~ e Wllh Chnst Ul t he per.o:.on of I 78,

lJa \'Jd, Gt: . I and rc\Cren cc o f Goo , 28, p. I., last Crcu/iOlI anti P rovide nce, 28,81, 109,110, \tr., !OJ . (See God, IllS powcr,

J2 1, 1-18. (Hid mUJes /y.) Crea/ urc.~, nu trll~ l in thun, and God a ]J -su f4 Ferll s and dou bt s s uppressed 3 2G 29 36

Ji cien t, 28, p. II., 48, 119. :37. " , , , -- , prai ;; inz ( iod, 122. F OI"I1l1l1 worsh ip, .13, p. ii.

Dun'd, ill hi .~ Hlllcrill!!O:, ,ldi \'cram'('!", kin!!:- T on:p I f)[('$,t vI' S ill Prrllctl for, 32, ,I I. (See ~IOIII, &.(' . , a I}pe or C hrist.:!, ! -I, PCll/teuflrli.I'ardo·II .) 17, 3·' , 39, ·15, 5 1, 51i, 68, 8~, 9ti, f' raill!l of lIIan, :l:I, fi9, JI G. Wi; . (See Chr ist.) I Frctf/(/lIe~~ di sco llnl!'!:('d, 3 1.

Dealh, COIII":I !!e in, 13, 1'-':, vt'r. 4. F rit'lIfh'hip, its ble~si n ~s, 107. , 'I~li :el':Ulce fn:m, 2b, 96. F UIICI'II/, psa lms Ill'opt'r fur, 33, (;9, 116, ,01 Christ, 17, ~ I. "crse 2, , of ;;a illts and ~i nl\('r s, 3 1. (;Cllti/cs gi \'cn to Christ, 2, Ii, p. iii., la st , the clket uf sin, I;!,. li,'c \"I'r!'I'."; 51;.

D efener an:1 snl\'atioll in (i l)d, 3, 14, 98. ga thered intu t he Church, ;19, .11 ,52, DclayilJg SJIlllers warn ed, 7-1 , verse 7. 66,75. D eliS'" ill Gotl, 1.1, :1Ii, 37, .19, 57, 63. ,ownill !!: t he trlle God, 50, p. i. , "erSt: Dcl*t'enw ce begun alltl perfected, 6·1. 2 ; 52,75,77.

li'oUl despair, 14. G/orUicotioli of Chris t in his human natu re, 7. fro m deep distress, 2f:l, 34. Gtory of Chri.'l t, ::19. from dea t h, 20, 9 ti . -- a nd p- fUee promised, 6~, 7(" la st three frum oppre~s ion alltl falsehood, 46. verses. fro m pcrsccution, 5, 7::1 . Cod, his !!,reatne!'s and glory, 7. frulil s la nd er, 5, 2(i. , his perfect ions ami prov i(it-nce ex. fr uill Shipw reck, 87, p. ii, tolled, 30, 50, p. ii. ; 85, 118, 12 1. by prayer, 29, 3 ~1. ,his goou ness, &'c., 8 1, 82, 117 , p. i.,

D esertion ani! d i~lress of sou!, 10,32, 11 5. verse G, & 1.' ., ; 11 1. D esire uf knuwledzl', 97, p. ". , hi s omnisc ie nce, 11 3.

of IlOli ncss, 9~ , p. v . ) h is omniprcse ncc, 113 of com furt and succour, 97, p. v ., \'c r. ,his omn ipote nce, 5::1, 68, verse ti,

n, .xc. &'1.',; 7':l, 75. of ' Iuiekening grace, 97, p. i\·. , h is justice, 30, versc 2; 71 , iaH

DesQlatiOli.~, Iht! Church safe in them, 40. versc. /Jerv/iou, 108, ,h is ~o\'ereigll t y and goodness, 7,92, -- , in ll iek ness, 6, 3:1. 116.

!J ircc{iol/ Ilrn}cd 1" '1' , 20. , his compns>, ion, 82, J 11, p. i., vcr. Dis/ress rcl ic\'ctl, 29. :).1, 101. (I, .xc., and 11. ii . ; 118, \ '('1' . fl, .xc. /J it"illity of Christ, 3H, HH. , his care uf the I" uints, :1, :W. !JomiHil)l~ of ma n, i , " er~e~ 5, 6. , uur ddc ll cc anti salvat ion, 3,28, p. Doubts and fears supprl'ssed , 3, 26, 36,37. ii. ; 93, Ea~/er-ut, p!<a lms Ilrop(' r for, J3, vcrSe 3, , eternal, .xc .

.xc.; 3.1, \'e rs ~ 'S I, 2. ,eternal, and man mortal , 69, 80, p. i. E aster, ps:d rns pro per fOI", 2, ycrsc 2 to the , faithfulues!', 68, 90, J 17 , li s'

e nd; 25, -17 , !,J(j, ,goodness anti lnercy, 8 1, 82, 11 7, E ducatioll, religiou s, 29, p, ii.; (iO, verses 11 8.

3, .xc.; 97, p. ii. ,gootl ncss nnd truth, 117, 118, 11 9 . E II(l of ri~hll'OIlS and wickt·d, 1,3 1. ,p-u\'crn ing power a mi ~Ot"l n{'ss, 51. E llullics of CllI"i~t a nd the Church, (typi fi ed ,greatness anti goodness, 63, 116.

br the cncmics uf D avid and Is- 11 7, 11 8 , 12 1. r:'ld,) 11,59. (See Christ, Church, , , the J Uti :;: I' , 8, verse::l; '13, 76, 77, J)(I/'id .) last Yer~e.

E nl'y and unbel ief curcd , 3 1. ,his majl'~ty, 49, 76 . E piphany, season of, psa lms proper for, 17, , his con,ie>'ctnsion, 92.

p. iii ., \'C r. 6, .xc. ; 3!J, 42, 5'2, :)U, , mercy and trut h, 30, 82, 110, I ii , (j(;, 73, ii. (Sec GCfl/ iles, K illg4 11 8, dom oj" Ckri ,~ f.) ,mulie man, 7, ver."~ ii, &e.

r:,/uil!! and wi~lom oj' P rovidence, 8. , Ilis perfections extul\cli, 30, 90, 117, /';reniug Psa lm, li3, la st s tanza . 118, II!:!, J20, 1 ~ 1. l';cidclll'(',f tlf :!racc, J2, 21. ,our portion , ", 57. E ..I'ullalioli of Christ, 2. 7, ;)0,89. , his power and majesty, 53, 68, verse ";ulIu i1wti(m, II :l, last \'cr.<:e. 6, &c. ; 7"2, 75 . Faith in divinc power and mercy, 47,·18, J04, ,our prescrve r, 98, 112.




God, present in his Church, 40, G3. I L aw of G O(~, il ~ ~XCI'IIt:"-::, ('onso,lnli o ll!!, --, our Shepherd, 18. 11{' IJ~h t lI\ It , &,c., 1:,. 97, p. 1., \'. ""

- - , our sup purt a nd cum fort, 7.1, p. i i. p. ):ii i., p. xI'i . ---, !'llprcrne guvcr no r , 7·1. L ent, pSn llll i' ll rupcr fur. (See PC ll iteuliu l -- , h ; .~ vengcancc and compass ion, 53, 75. p~(lJ rtI~.) -_ , unciLan!!calJle, ti8, !oIO. Liberality 10 IIII.' poor, 35, {lire£' firs t "crtoes; - -, wurt hy 1)1' all praise, 117, 118, 119, g I, ,'crsc 3, &c.

1:20, 1:1 I. L~re, its sllO rt nt·~" and frailty, 33, 6!J. Gool I rll!ay, ps.d m<; I,roper Inr, 17, 34,4\ -- , illl t:t:lt,llnl1 vI , ,H

;) I (Sec Chn,t, Ill S mffcr!l,gs [lli ll I f .OIl{:IIIf! nfte l Gud. 36, 37, 'Ii!. dmill.) I.ard's d,n, PI, [m.t three ~ lanza s, 74 , 75,

(; {)()fl 11'01/.:$, 4 , 12, 8fi , ,erst: 3, &c. 9 1,97. it!, !Jh, ,erse 11 tq ti ll' e nd. G()Q(/"e,~, uf UOlI cddH'utCII, 8 1, 82, 1:? 1. I l oOl'c to our rw i!.!hlJour, 1'1 .

U~I'C G oel . ) I -- , hrol herly. lOi . GO,"I'I'I, its blc~si ll:':~, dOl'~', alld success, HJ, MI/je,,'ty or ( ;011. 5:1. (Sl' r God,)

::Y, ti8, ii, t! !.I, !.IU. ,lhlll, h i S dumi11iun, i , Hln' 5. &c. (: racc, Jlrayed 14/r. :!O, :Hi, :ii , 38. -- , h i~ murt a lit y, :\:1. W. p. i.; SO, p. i.

,ilS C\·illt·lIces, :!1. A'lIlioll',~ sa lt·ty is the Church , 0.12. , without meri t, 2i. J\'lllimw/ tJd il'erancc, 5!J. 100. uf Chri~ t , 3!J, 56. I -- dcsol atiO)n ~, th e Church tlntl Pt'ople and providence, 28, 30, 109, 110. I of' <";"d s:lft, in thO ll, 10, , prcsc)'\'in!.! :lilt! reslOrin:.:, '27, 3 1, p. ObciliclICt', !' in ce rc, 27, last· wo \'else~; J I:i ,

ii. ; 101 , 11 2 , la."1 Verse . and glory, ti3, IWO last ,'c rscs; 97, n ld ,'1gc, fi9, p. i" verse 9. If).

Ihre£' las t Vl' r.~es . , (jmllifirC,~Cllct of God, 11 :1. (Sec r;OIi.) , p:ln lo nin ~ , qllickenin ~, and !':l llcti- UlIIldjlo/Cl1fC ur Gnd, liS, " l' rse 6 , and ,;,1·

(ring, iii , p. i ii. I'. viii . x. luwin!.! , (Sec ,,'oli.) U rellfurn of U {JII, a lld his !.'oodlless, 53, I Hj. , (j llmisciclIC/! of G lXl, 11 3. (~t' t' (;0(1.)

I ii. li S, I~O. 12 1. jJardulI, Ill t'l't y, a nd !!ra('(' praYl'd I,,,·. fi, :W. GILifI of con~cicncc ITmo·;cd . 27, H , 10-1. 27, ,II , 1i·1, lUI , lU7. (!'t't' l' l'lIi-lIarn's/, :'0, p. ii. ; 121, \'I' r ~(' 6, &.c. 11'1I/i,tI P.wlms, U"fll'lItllllfl'.) /lwl/h, s icknc~s, and reeo,'ery , Ii, 25, :12, a:J, I "1I~sioll' lrcc"', psalms prope r till', Ii, 15, :,).1.

69, 8U, p, i.; 9·1. ( ~I'e Chrisf, h : ~ mJ.lcri llg ,t !'l ud Headl/g of prayer, 4, 50, p. i.; 51, p. ii.; I tiMlh.)

80, p, i. P lltiClICC HmlN afJIictions a nd pe rsef'lI ti"II". Jlenr!, hnown to God, 113. :1 1, :n, IO-t /lUII'CII, 13, I~ , \'crsc ::1, &c.; 76, \'cr~e 5, P I'(fCC :llli l llllli ll t'~S, Ilr!!ed , :!U. p. ii. /Iolil! c,~,,', .1, 1'1, t!J. versc 4, &c,; 86, I't'r ~e __ , rt' lurn of. nn e r war, ii, !W ,

3, &c.; !J I, !.Ii. I P cnitenlial p~;dm!;, b, 27, :\ 'l , ' .1. ...,U. p. i,: Jloly Spirit , "\lPl'lic:l l ion fu r, 3G,, .1.1, HI I, 115.

\'crse ii, &.C. (Sec Grafe.) l'f'r/rdiOllt o f God cxtolled. 30. 90, Iii, Jlope allli t ru ;;; t in God, 3, I:l, 1,1, 22, 26, ·10, 11 8, 119, 120, 12 I. (ScC (;I)t/,)

-If';, 48, 55, G:'), 93, "cr5e3, &(' , ; IOJ. P erscCI!iitJ1l, Jlm~'er in till' l ime uf, :,,), 115. HUlllilirdiol!, dar of, ]1snlrns proper fur. __ , ('ourage in ti me oJ: ·10. i J, p. ii.

(Sce P rnitClltial P srd ms.) -- • 1!l'liVt'rance from , 8, i:l, p . ii . ll rwlili/y , prort'!'l~io ll of, 105. P r,'li/rufc, pr('!"c n 'at ion in it . 70. J-J Y/locrilc ,~ anti hypucr isy, 43, p. ii. P il'ly, in;:t ruction in. '19, p. ii. I l/canralitill 01' Chrisl, :1 1, , 'C[;<I' fi, &c. /'oor. c harity to. (Sec . 1/rrugil'ill~.) 11l" Iru.cfioll, s piritual, :20, l'I.'rsc :J; 29. p. I 'ol'lioll . God onr, 4, last th ree vcrses; 5i.

ii.; 97 . I'owcr 01' Chri!"l, :19. Ilulillliioll of a r nini~ter. 9!1, 106. t07. __ of God , 53, fi8. (St'C rood.) 1llslrur/itc p!' alm!', tli ;;;pJayin!! t l.e lIilrefer\! P ru isl', J1;::dm~ of~ 5 1, 7~1 , 8 1,82,90, 11 2,

CharHctN " antI end!' of t!or,, 1 al\ ,l 117, 11 8, 119, 120. b~\l! men. I, ,'), R, fI, II. I:!. I!I. '10, 1' )1' creat iun :lnt! pro\'illpncf>, 28, 8:3 . 27, 2!J, :lO, :1 1. ·1:1,57. 1,:1,70. il . from nil creat nre.", 122, i :l, 91 , !Ji, ~ I ~, tOJ. 102, 1O:\. 107. fo r te mporal bl t '!' ,~in~ ,~ . fj:1, 120,

brfr,.a~ ,~iOIl . Jl,~ a l m~ of. H;, 52, !J!' , l:l ~t fU ll I' f"r emi nent deli'·('rrt IH·C!'l. 2!J. ~6, w rM'S ; 10ii. fur t he vict ories h ,' wh ic h Goo c flccle.1

J ",f r::mrllf, da), ol~ I, In!' t thret' \ 'pri't'':: ·13. Ollr redemption; 77. p. i. ; 75, l a ~t !'ta rn:a ; 71i, Ii, last for hea lt h rcstorCtI, 25, 9,1. \'t'r,q' . (St:!e JJdrrul . ) I,) r hearillg' praycr, 5 1, last tlHe€

J II .. ~f i(l' of GOt!' (Sec God, hi!' llrrfl'f lioll~.) \'cr"f'.~ . J,ul iJiwliou from th(; free grace uf r; o<l. 27 , 10 t11C J\l(' ~!'i :lh, 3!1.

101. from :l1l nation!', 95. f,,'iugdom of C hris t. 2. 5(i , 6(i, 68, fl9, IOli. fur prntt'ction, !!race, and truth, 47.

(See Christ , F.pil)/ttI1lY,) fur m in, 50, p, ii . Knou:lcdgc, s pirit ual, dc!< ircd, 97, vcrse!i, P rayer. :1, !'i0.

&c. ; p. v. , p. nii., &c. -- in time of war, 16, 52


P rt:Jfrr:a/ ioll , dnily, 98. in time of public rla nger and cn/a IOlt }',

·10, 70,9 1, l:lst verse. - - from s in and its punishments, 15, p.

ii ;, nrsc 7 ; 20, 23, 34. P rcsen·cr. (Sec God.) P r ic,/ly office of Christ, SO. I'rupaguli/m of the Gosllel, 39, 4 1, 53,56,

117, 11 8. P rophcliad Psa lms, 2, 13,17,34,39,53,56,

(jo,96. /' rosperola l'i nners, tll(' ir fearfu l cnd, 3 1. / 'rotcrliol. of God, ext('ndcd to the r igh teous,

29,\'erse4, &c.; 31,iO, 10 1. f' roridew::r, its wislitJlIl a wl equity, 8, la st

I'cr!'('; 75, 76. and grace, 30, 12J. in the works uf creal ioll, 28, [10, p.

ii .; 6R, 8·1, 87, IU~', 110, 12 J. P UlIishmcllf of -"inne rs. (:-X-e j Jro"I)UVIlS

"i llilcrs, Sinllrn !cllrl/cd .) Q ua1tf/wli()lu uf a Ch r i ,~ t i a ll, 12, l!J. Qllieh'ellilig grace. (Sec (,·/'/lcc.) Rui", bO, p. ii. ; 12 1, p. i" \'e rSt.' o. Reelemplicm , the mercies of, cciebrat ed, 8 1,

82, 8i , p. i. R ecovery f!'Om s ickness. (Sec Sicklles,I") R elative dut ies, 12, 107. Rtl ig iOlu ed ucatio n. (Sec E thlcalioll. ) R Cllol'ution, '1.1, verse 6, &c.; 9i , II. v. (~ee

Grace .) R rpen l ance, relative to, 6, 2i, 32, '1.1, flO,

p. i.; 10·\, 11 5. Rcs;glwliou, 33, 105 . Restoring grace, 18, YCf!'C 3. (&e (; mrl'.) Ruurrection of Christ and of' the sllin t ,~ JlI'I '-

di ctt'd, 13, vcr"'; I' :l . s.c.; 2.i, !)ti. I'c rse II , &c . (Sec Christ, .I':rlS/ t'J'­e"c, _Ellstcr,)

RCI'CI'clU:c in worship. (Sce lI 'onhiJI,) R ig/r/fOlu, ('ha r:l ctcr o f~ 1:2. (::;ec 1II/IiIlcu .)

, pm tl'I'(cd hy GOlI, '29, \·cr",(.' .1, ,"c . ; :.l J. 70,

, hlt'~ ,~ in~s promised to, I, 27, l a~ t " N,'\.'; 103, (Sec ,"uinl,I.)

RightfOlullCU of O lri"t , trll~tCtl in, 55. - - , from COli . 5;3.

Sf//efy ill ,hlTl:.!t"r:70. (See P n:,frl'l'fI!ioll .) Su i trls, Charader (Jf~ 12. I ~J.

, proh'(,tio n pnJllIi ~ed to, 29, vc rSe 4 , &c . ; :l l, 70, lUI.

, bkssi nc:s prumi,.cd to, -I , 2i, 71 , l 'erses 8, !) ; 103.

Suiw/i(JII, a nd clcrua l )U\ S, 13, 19, 23,30, ,13, p. I t hIrd st,lllzn , .18, (,3, 64, (ifi, ilj.

Serif/fll),c, t'xce!!r'nel' ol~ IJ, 97 . SelllilJllS of the ~t'ar. 5V. ]I. ii.; J2 J. Sclj-tJ:umillfllilltl, 21. ll :~: last " crse. Sir cphcrd. (!'t'e (;vd.) Sirleerily, 21, I U , l a ~t H rsc. -- p!'O\'cd and n '\\'ll rdl 'd, [,I, p. ii,

SiC"IICS ,~, ti , 25, :12, ,~:l. !J.l. Sill, cOllli's;; ion ur. 2i, 32, ,I I, 10·1, 115.

(St'e P ellilrll/iaf P St/lilli', Hcperrl-(l/lce.)

SiJlllen warned, 71, laH ,·crH'. -- ptlni~hcd, I, \ ' I 'r.~e ·1, ""c.; fl,3 1.

.'.,'fllmler, dt'lin'ran('(' from it. 2u. SO/wcigl/I!! or (;ull. ( :0:..'(' ( ,·utl.) Spirit. (Sec (,' rare, lIoly ~i'iril,) Spiribwil'nel lJit· ... OI' ('I'CO IllC , :1, I/. Sublllr"'~i(JIl . (~l't' nl',~if!/I"liun.) ,"" l(.Jl;'rillg" of C h l 'i.~ l , Ii. :15, ,15, :i./. Sllm/ay. (Sec 1.lIrd·s O ilY, ) SIIJlI'Ur/ ami coun~d f WIlI Cud, 13, verse 1 ;

·15. l :l~t "t'r._f'; i :t p. i i. T I' Il/jJorul IJtl ~i n t'~ '~ :lnd ('olllfort ~, h lessings

U ll, pra ~' t'd I'ur, IOL 'J'rmplrr/io)/S Ol' t'l'f'''llll' , :~, 1,1. 'J'h(/ld .. ,~i!'ill{: . (:-;el' P ruisr.) '/' /uIJrilrr :l nd ~ t tJrrn. 21. vcrse :1, &.c . T rillity SlIllllay, ]I~alms prupcr for, 39,

·11 , 89. 1'nB! in God, 5i. (Sec 1I0pe.) -- ill (' rt' atuI'C ,~ I'a in , .IR, 1'20.

'J' nlfh 1.11' (; ,,11 (,t'kbrated, 117, 11 8, 120. L 'lIhdi~r ;llld l'U" y eUl'l'll, 3 1. l'1Ic/UIlI!!CIIUIe C oli . (i'ee G {)(/. ) r nil!!. a,h'ant n~ " ~ {) I ~ ("' lc !Jmt ,,tl , 107. " /llIil!} (I f rn:ln, :1:1, I,!), n'r~( ' :1, &.c. 11 '111'. l' ~nl lll~ in l ime oJ: II. Iii, ·10. lI'uII'V'/Il!rt ,I'I' . 1.\ p. ii" la,..:t t hrl'e ve rses;

:1:1. ,Ii ,. I' I. Ir/ril-S1/whl!}, ·1:2,5:1. I ii, 118. (See Grace,

11011/ Spirit,J lI ·id,'CIIIII',~.\' ,;1' !lInn, I L -1 .1. lI 'ill/"r :lnd Hll ll lllt ' r. I:! J. lI 'w'kli 1'1' C n'alion, l' n)\'id " lle(', a lJll Graee,

/ :') . l:2 1. (!'(' (' Crcll/ioll, P ro,;idellce, r;nlfl' .)

lI 'on},i,) and Ol',!,.,. "I' the Chllrcil, 42. -- , tJ,.li :!J, I ill il. (j:i, 68, 78. - .- , ]lllhlir' . . 19, 1;:1, i ·l, i !l, 9!J, 106.

Z cal , I'ra~ cr j()r, Hi. p , i i. , \'crse 2, &.c. Z iou. (~c Clwrch.)



·H Y 1U N s ,

SLT1'J:D TO Tin:

Jicus!s anb .fllsts of tlJc ([I) nrrl).


OCCA~ IO :'" eW PI'TI L le \\ ·nl1 ~llTP .

:" EW YORI,:

]'l"B LI :, IlJ:ll flY II \1/ 1' 1: " S. I:I:OTl Il : IIS. R~ CI.l I·T·ST III :J:T.

S T t : nt;IIT\' I'Er , Bl' I I. \\'. Ilt: \\ ~: T.




1. T il E II O LV !'l ltll'] IJ ltLS. I I IDr" !. ( '. \1 ..

( ~ It I·: \ T (: p,1. \\ 1111 \\ " 11,1, I ,lIul \\ III, pr.u-c T ( ) \I all 111.\" \\""rk" I I",,";

1 klv tile net!Cl' lIl('r'~ welcome voice

~l'n':ld,j 110'11\"'111)' I",acc arolllld; \ml lil~' ami ,,\ .. .. Ia,.;tillg joy;;

Ilut ~Iilllhr \\"i~t!"ln, 1'''\\ " r. and erac". SI,ille uri;;hte,;1 ill III) I)ook.

., T h,' ;:1111''; IIt:11 in 11wir r""r~('s n,l1.

I·!ave II lIwh ill;:IJ"Il{"li,,1l ;.rin· ll; 11111 tllY i=""d \\"I\rd illf"I"III ~ lily soul

lI" w I 11I"~" suar tu lwa\'cli.

:\ TIll' li('I,I ... IIl'''\' jlk lilt' 1'")41. ,IIHI show 1'11(' !!'J().1nt' .... ;: (,f ill!' Lord;

But fl"ll il" " I' lill' :md e:1(l1"y grow

I II Illy 1T10 ~t llo!.," \\" ,n1.

4 Ilpr(' al'e 1/1.\' eh, .i("pst 11"l':I'''lr('s hi.l. 11 1'1'" my 1"""t.\·'>lIIr. )J"llj .. ,~ ;

I 1;:1"<' my d .... ~jn'~ al ', ' ;:atisli .... d.

And lu'r.' my 1'"1 ''' '' ari,.c .

;. 1." ,., 1, lIIak .. IIl l' !lIHlt-r~lalill Ih,' la\\", :'llo\\" \\"Iml m~' [1 1111 ,. Ila' (' Iwell:

Ami f rllm Ih.\" (;(I~pd let lIIe an.lw

" unloll f,w a ll Illy ;: ill.

I ; I k r(' \\"0111.1 1 1,'n l"ll 1,,,\,, Clu'ist has llicd

To !On\· .. ' 111.\' ~ , uII 1'1''' 111 1it"1I;

i\lOt all Il1 l , L""k~ Oil " :11'111 I",.~j , h·.

Su('h IW:I\(,llly \\",11, 1"1"'; 1l"1l .

Theil !t·t JIl,' 1\I\'e III." Bil,ic lIJore.

.\ II,\lak(· a frc"l •• 1,·li,:::I,I. H.\" "ay to rcad the" .. ' \\"fJlldl'l"s {,'e,·.

Alld lIH'ditale I,y lIi ell!.

I I y'\[~ 2. C.:'IL

17 .\T " I:H "fnlf"J'ei.,~~ iUlh.\" word \\ 'hat '·lIdl.·~~ ;..-I",-y "hjlll'~!

For "\" '1' hI.' Il l\" .\";1111" ;,,1"1"1 ·0\ For tll(".~1.' {"dt"~li:lllill('~,

" II .. n· Ilia' Ill!" \\"I'I· ... h".1 ,,"u.<: nfw;]ut 1 ';:\II;tlHlc~;: ridl!"~ lillt!;

Riches :lI",,·,· ",hat " arlh C;1ll ~rall1,

:\Jl II la .• l ill!! a~ till' Illilid.

3 Here lilt" fair In''' 0]" kilO"'''''':!!' gl"O\\"". Alill )"jd'l~ a fro '" 1'l"p;L~t;

.-':"Ihlilllt'r ."\\"ceH th:1I! llatllre kBOWS

ilwi tc the JOUg iHg lastc.

·\Hewl the 1)li .... ~flll .. ;;olln".

5 U 1IH1." IIH'se \1I";]v"lIly pages be i\ \y ,'\",'r de:u' ~\,·Ji!!ht ;

,\lItl ~lill H(,W h"·:lHli,· .~ ilia), r see ,

Aud "till iut"l"ca,;i llg light.

fi ]) i\iJlI.' 111 .~ lnll"l"I·, f: I'aciIlU!'I L ord ,

HI" Ihull f"r I '\'er lIear ;

Teach lil t' 10 I,,\"e III)' sacre!! word, \ ml ,iew my Sa\ iOllr there,

II. CnEi\TIO~.

lIY .\ \ N 3. C. j\L

G}tE \'1' fir"t!lf Iwill!!" ~ II li g lll)" Lord J or al1lhi;: wOJl.lruus fnlllll' ~ 1'1"0']11("., 01 hr Illy ("I"l'aljn g w,mi ,

TI", world fl1)lll 11011,;",::: came.

~ Thy ,"\lie,. ""-111 f"rlh Ill!" hj~h cummand .

' T \\"a~ ill~lallll.r obt'y'd :

I AJIII Illl',,!!;!11 th." !!o!>dllc.,,-~ all Ihill g~ st;Uld

\\"h ieh I , ~" Ih~' I,,,wer wcre IIlilde,

:.I 1,,,n\' I,ll' Ih." ;;I"ry ~l ,ill(' tlie wlwle .. TI, .. ·~, all rdh·ct thy li;;ht:

Fo,· til i ... , ill C" IJ'-.~I" 1111" I'lallt"t'i roll ,. .\ lId d:lY sun·o.:('d~ lho.: ui t;hl.

Fro!" I hi~, tiJC .~'11J .!i'~I 'l"II.~I.'.~ heal

Aud beams "f "IIl"l"riu1! Jay i ,\ 11,1 ili .~I;l lIt ~I;II"'. ill (11"11 " 1" ;;et ,

H." lIigll t Ihy P",,",·!" d i.-;p lllY.

;, For Ihi.~. Ill1" c:ll"lh it,.:. l'rodw'e yielJs;

F"I" I I,j~, lilt" \\'ah-r.~ fl"w; \ lId J,loofllin.::!" I'lalJt~ adorll Ih.' lit'lds,

\11 .1 In' , · ... a~l'irill;': ;.:I"tJI\" .

Ii 1 !I~l'jl'"d \\jtll 1000;(i~,'. Ollr ll,illaS i'lll"SUe

Tlli~ \\ i~.· :,\1(1 11',1,1" "llrl; Tllat :111 w,. Ihillk, ;11,,1 all We lt~,

:,liall 10 Ihill'" I ... ", ,,u· t'~ IIJ.

II YJ\I N 4. C. M . Gene, •• i.

L- J:T 111":1\"'11 ;u·j"e. It"! I"arfh ~,ppeur,

1'!"I'l·biJlI',llb' I:Il'J'llal I.ort!:

The Iwan'lI UI"O~(', 1111" :Irth appear'd, At his c rcal j ll g \\"ol"d.




2 Btlt fonnless was tllc ('artll , and void,

Dark, ~ Iltggish, Hlill l'I OII fl l>'I'd ;

Till o 'er thc lTla.s.~ Ihe :-pi ri t lIIoved,

And qllic kl'llilig puwel' ditJ'lIscd,

:1 Thl' ll s l"l k,' tllf' Lonl Ollilliputcnt T ht· mandate, " n., tlwl'j' light: "

L icht .ral' I, ·.! fill'Ih ill v i\' id I, I)'S,

An.-I !'(; :;UCI·'J IlIlCit'lit lIight.

4 The glorious lirnHlIIH'1l1 he ~I're[\d, To pnrt 1I1l' ea r lh awl .. ky;

And lix 'J Ihe u!,per 1·1"111t'1I1-", Wilhin Iheir ~phL'n' ;< 1111 hi .:;h.

5 I-Ie hade tl,e spa~ h,,[!Plh"r lI"w; Tl1p), !,·ft Ih,' ."oli,) la ud:

And her],s, alill 1'1:1lI1 .~ . all,] fl"llilflll trC(,5,

Sprullo forlh at hi ~ \.: "I1III1:Hl.l.

6 Abo\'c, hc f"lln'd tll(' !'o la r,,; IIml placed

T wo pTf"rlf'r orh;; o f ligllt ; Tire !'a(lianl stl n to m le th(' (iny,

The mooll (0 mle the Hight,

7 1'0 all the viu;e,1 li\'ill o Irillt's

11 .-' ~iI\'t~ lil('ir WflillI I'OIli! Ilirth:

80111'-' j"l'lu 'd wilhill till' waft 'ry deep,

Somc from t ire U'Clll i ll f\ I'artlr,

8 T lwlI, chie f o ' l'r all hi ,~ work~ b elow,

!\ la n, hOlll lllr'd mall. \\"iI.~ 1l1:lIle ;

Hii! ;:') IJi wilh (illtl's !,lil"t ' imag\· ;;ta rnp'u , \ Vith illll'Jeurlcc :u·l·uy'd.

9 COlllpleted 1111\\' the IlIi;:h1y work , n o.! his crea tion \-il'w', I;

Ami , p lc:L':;(',J with all ,11:lt lie had made,

l 'rOlJounccJ it ,. very ;;" 111.1."

II Y I\"I ~ 5. I I. J. rJlalm nll'iiI,

P raise from J,it'in~ en (lfl/res .

B EGIN. Ill\' "oul, ,it ' cxa lt, ',I I:I)' :

Le t each , 'ural' tul"l'l l t lll lln: ht obey,

J\lId I' ra i~ t' th ' ,\ llI l i!-dl ly'" J\""ame:

Let hC:I\'cli nrrJ eanh , aud H':~ a nd skies,

III uuu lJlI'I,,,linll" ('Ol't·,'rl ri"e,

To swell Ih ' insl'ir int;" ,JII ·IIIO.

~ Ye 1l1\g('I.~. I: (llc h til<" tlll'illill~ "IJlIIlJ , \Vhi1(' all Ihe 'IIlorill,:,' litl1'" e5 ;u'Olllld

His bOlllld l.',:.~ mCITr :-:i Il3 ;

Let cyery li ~1 ening s:lilJt .dHI\'C

\\'ak e alltJI() lundld s,,"1 "I' lo ve,

Arid tllud l Iho "W(",t,'~t .~ll"illf!'

:1 Whate''''r Ihi oi li"ing wflr l,1 cOll taillS,

That wings the a ir II!" II'('ads t ile plains,

United I' rai"e b estow;

r c tcnantll of tile UCf'all wide,

Proclaim Il im I hl'Ougll tho mi ghty tide, Ami in the d .ep s below.


I.el man , b y nubler pass ions "way'd , Tile fC " ling hearl . II.c,illdgir .g hea,l ,

In hcaq' llly ]lI"lIi,:c "'rnpl"y;

~ \, rc'l(l f-1 1.S t)" 'IIH'II(I,IUS X:Hlle arullud

Wh ile lH'avt' II'~ 1)1"(1;(01 arch rings buck the SOW I(\.

TIIC gClI('ral bllNOt flf joy.

/-1 Y _,,:\ n. H. I. I' ~alm ctl\-iii.

Pra ise jl"OlII tlu' F I"lIIrn! .• find 1V(lrld/J.

, TI': jil'l ll.~ "fli !!I I!. , · , 'I'·~lia l l '\; li IlS. . " 'lwl"(' I'llr·.·. ~"n·r!(' d fulg,·I1 .. ·. ' rt'ig ll ~_

Yf' ."1·('Il(,;! di\'illl']Y filiI". .\ I :o k '· I"'~ w'lltllnl!l~ p"wpr p ro{' iaim

'1'1' 11 Iw\\' I,,· 1'11"111'01 y"ur' ~ltilljll3 frame.

Ami breathed till' fluid ;tir.

2 .) "ill , all :'i" "t; II' .~ , the \"twal ("hoi I' ;

T hOll Il azzJi!l!! "rl , "I' liquid lire '1'111.' mi~l J1 y ei l" I"IIS aid;

And, ;;""n :t;! f'\' pnillC! \'eils the plain ,

Th"ll Irloon, !'1',,1 " ,1f,; III(' h:l ll 'Jlv'd strain . ,\lId prais\' Il ill} in the sh:t , lc.

:l T h"n l\('a\'('11 "I' IJI'a\"c!I!<. Ili~ va~t a1Jot\ ... .

I'n w !:tim till' gl, wi .. ;! "rill.\, God;

rp w"rlol,. .• 1\'I' \;rn' Ilis Jrli f! lrt;

I'" "'pakf' Ih(' word. alld ;.'p were Illnrle, J)arktll· ~~ nml c1i ~ 1I 1:d l"ilans IIcr.!.

,'\IHi Il:lturt' .~!,I 't ln (..' to l ight.

/.,'1 p\'ery (']1'lIlI'llt n:joie.':

r, · t\r IllIl I" I''':, I"lr.~l w ilh awflll \'I lice

To I l im \\"11"I. id ,~y"u roll: lJ i~ I'l"ai.~I ' ill ~"n " r 1I0h'~ declare .

E:wh \\"hi~p"rill;: l'l"n'/.\' lif .... idolillg wr. Alid 101"(':11111' il I" Ille ":UIl1.

11YMK 7. L. i\ L lI ill . 'r II F: sp:rt'iflu,: flrllnment (III hi gh ,

\rill. all'h~' bille ('111('1"1'(11 sky,

.\11 '] '~ l':rll gle ll II( ·; I\· "II ,~. II ~ 1r illillg frame, TIII'ir g r"l'al (tr ig- illa l pJ"lh"birli.

2 'I'll' IlIl\H'ari(',J ;:lIn. frolll d:ly to d:IY,

))oe1' Ilis Crt'alor'!! p"w" 1" oi.~play,

I\ n,] pllbli"lr('s IOI 'VI'f)" land

'I'l l,' w,ork of an 1\ IlIl i ~hly hano .

:l Noon a l< III!' (,\"(,lIill ;:: .~ lladp~ pr(,vai l,

'I'l l(' mnnn lak, .. q III' Ihe wOlidroH!; talc;

A mI. Ili !?htly. to l!t t' lititeni n;:: earth, !{epeats Ihe story o f her bil·t h:

" Whil"t all the s Ial'': Ilia! rolln,] Irer u urn ,

Ami a ll Ihe pla twts ill 111I'ir turn,

Confirm the tidill!:-,s a~ the;.' roll.

And spread the tmtll fm ln pole to pole .


;. Whal though i" I'oOlemu !'j lence all f!, 1" \I' I"! HtlH l Ill i" d:II '1,; leITc,:ll·ial \'all ; \\' )l;lt l\rollf'h 110 )"('al "oice lIor ~ () II"J

,\mid , t 'I\teir !"ii/limi t " d).~ l,c fuund;

G I II n':I.~nll's ea)" IJII',)" 1111 rr joice,

And IIttt' r /;'1"1 11 11 t! lo r i'lIIs "oice; Fur , '\','1' !o-i ll ~ill~ 11': Ihey shine ,

" TIH' hand that 1u; 1 ~l c us is divine."

111 .• · JtO" IIJ El\" C E ,

II Y.\ I ~ 8. L. :0 [ ,

~ '1'1: 11 \" ,\ L Source of ('\·,' ry joy! -~ \rt·1I lIIa\' til)' pra i .~e our lip!! c mploy,

" '\Iil(' in thy "'III pic wc 1Il'pell r ,

'1'" Inlil lirec, SOI' ,·r,· igll of the year.

~ \V iol" :to the \\"hcc1~ of uallire mil,

T lly Il:IlId "" PI''''· I .~ :lIId guides Ihc whole : T Ill' .• nn i ~ tall1!1r 1 1,.\' liJP(' 10 risc, <\lId tlm'k ne~q whcli 10 \·(·il the skies.

:1 TIlt' l10wery sJlrill ;,! ,!l 111\' ('"nmmaHd

1' l'l'fuIIJl.'~ IIII' air. and p"int.~ l ile l:rnt! ; T ill' ~I1 I1!1I1('r I"ay~ wilh \"i:"-"(lI' ~l l ill'),

T o rai ~(' thc corll , a lld dlt'('I' the ,i u .. ·.

·1 TII~' hand ill il llIlIlll1l ri"hl ~- l"IHr"

T lrroH,f!lr all ' ll ir f 'oa~t. re,hlluiant ~1"l"es:

Atld willtl'l'.~, ,.:,,!h'II·" loy th.\' (' aI"C.

i\1) 111<>1"1.' 111 l' lil('l' oj' hr'I"!'''!" wc'I!".

ti ~1·:I"'(lrr~. alltl monlll", allll \\"('ok,., awl tiays .

Demand "ucce.~s i\'t· .~" n;..::,: .. f prai .~l':

Ami I,e the gralcful !Jlllna~" I'aid,

W illi ItlIJl'Jl i li g light. mul c\"cllill;:- ,.:hade,

f, li en: in Ihy llUll~" Id. inl'I'fI .~e ri ... ·.

Ami ci rcling sn""al hs 1,Jt'~s 0111' t'.YC~.

T ill 10 tllOtic lofty hei ghts \\e ~1I:r1'.

'''here days and y" ars I"I'I'(,}\C III' tIW ... ·.

H Yi\I\' 9. 11. :1. r.alm x:\:iii.

T ill:: Lord my p:l~turc ~l l il ll j1n'pnrc,

- AntI feeu lil e with II ,~heJl l lf'rd·.~ ('are.

lI i~ I're~ellce shal1 Illy WiHII~ ~lIpl' l r,

;\ ml guard m e w ith it \\';rkhf,,1 cy,';

:\1\' !Il1un-liav w alk ... he ."hall al1ctld. A;,lI all my 'midll if!h t !roun. ,lefcll(\.

i! When in th e i!u ltrr glpbc r fai m,

Or 011 the liJirs1y I!lIl1lt1taill palll , T o) fer1ile nrlc8 aUtI d ewy Jllend~

:\ Iy w('ary \\'u lI ,icrint! stp )!;; hc leath, \Vhere peaceful l'I \' Cl"o$, soft ami "Iu w .

Amid thc \"enlant land"cape flow.

3 T hollgh ill the paths uf death T trend,

With gloomy honors ovcrspread;


'I ) sL, 'ad!;}'>t h eaJ1 shall fear no ill, For t\inll. 0 Lord. arl with me Hi ll: '1'11\' fri Clld k crook shall gi,'c rue ait!,

AII~I gui de ;lro Ihrough thl' drcudflll sh"Jc.

H YMN 10. C, t'l l.

W li E~ al.' ,11r~' IIlcrci('s, 0 my God. )'l y 1'llImg !'Ionl sl lI·,·ey'"

Tl'an~p(lr1.·,1 \\' illl Ihu vil'w, I 'n l lost

I II W( ',IIII'I', 1\1\'(:. fln,ll)!':ri ,c.

2 0 hu w "I ,:dl wonl,; wilh e lj ll:11 Wl' l"rlllh

T he gmtitllll,' dcc1an', Th:.! t!1"w~ withi n III;" ra\' i ~ iI'd heart!

Bllt 111.m "an~t n 'ad it there.

3 Tlly l'ro\'idl'tlcc Illy lifc s lJ ~ lnill'd,

:\lId all III)' waH1.~ r('dl·I.'~ I ,

When in lire ~ ilcllt wOlilb I by, Alld l lU lI;; upon th ... 1' I'ca~L

T o all III)' ""':Ik compinilll." ami cries

1'11)" rrt f' rt -y 1(,11 ' an l'ar.

Ere \ "' 1 III \, f,·,·!"c tiloll::llt.~ Irad Icarnt '1'(; 1; )1"11)"' t l)('lII ~ekcs i;l prayer.

5 Ulllllrllllo~'r'd comfil)"!.'; to Iny sou l

Thy h:nII .. 1' carc hcstuw,!!.

BI,fUl'c my iufillit hca r t cOIlC" i\'et! From wll<>1)1 those c"IIIf,)rL~ Ilow'd.

() \ \"IlI' li ill 1111' ~Ii l'])('ry pa t h~ of youlh \rith Iw('dl ... ,~;< ~tel's ] 1'; 111 .

Tl lillt' al"l li. unsccn, cllll vt'y'd IIII' safe,

And Je,1 IIII.' "l' t ~, UIHlL

;- TI II"I.Iti,'h hitldl'lI , la llg"I'~, toil,.., ami d,';HII<. II ~ellt1)" "'eared Illy \\a)".

And 1III\lI Igii lilu I'ieas iug "WI)'l'~ uf vie" .

i\]urc to ) be ft'ar'tl tlr:lll IllI'y .

3 \\' hc lI worl! with Sil;kllt,,;,~ , o ft hast thou

With IrcHlth r enew'd Illy 1':1('1' ;

.\1111. w he Jt ill "illS alld IIOIT!II\'S "llllk. H('\i, ,'" m y suul will, g r<lce,

V Thy 1"'UII!i'oIiS hand witll w,)rl tll), bL~~

11a~ Ili ndi' Illy cu p rU11 ,, 'e l':

Alld ill It kiwi 11 III I bitbfll l !'ric uJ

I-lot i d"ulolCil all m y store.

10 T" n Illull~all , 1 thou,~:rnd IlI"eci"ll~ 3ih.s

.\1)' tt.ily thanks empll)Y;

':-;01" is tl ie It'iI~t a chccrfullw1rrt.

Tllat ta~ !i'~ Illosc g ifts willi j " Y'

i " Tllt'uu gh e\t.! l"y pCl"iOll or lily lifu

TIr~' goodll('':s I'll I'ur,.m· :

And afte ,· death, ill J i~ t lUit \\""rl("'­

Tlru g lo r iolls them e rcncw.

12 "'hell Halll!'C fails. a nd day aud lIi .:;"t

Divide thy \\"ork;; nu morc,



I .

H YM:\S.

My eye r g rnl d ul IH:ar!. 0 Lurd . Thy m cre)' ,.hall ;lt lnr ...

1 ~1 Througll nil l'rt'mit), I" rbec A jnyflll ,. .. It'; ] '11 ril i ~e ;

But 0 ~ clt'rllil) '" 100,.1101"1

To tIuer ull Ihy pr'lise.

HBI Ii I I. I lL. 1. P AAhn .~,["I. 15.

" j1/ !lfilll c~ "(/' i'l IlifflwlIll."

So rr:UE IC:\" Hul e r of tlU" "k ie.~.

1:\"1.': 1' grill· illll". {·\t·!" wi.,e,

1\ 11 0111' IIII){".~ nrc ill til.\· halld .

,\11 cH'nl" a t thy (·l)t ll lI11111'1.

., Ik Ihal f .. nll·lll l~ III the womh,

11,· ~hall !..'lIilk II" III lilt' tUJlll);

All 0111' \\~I)" "hal1 ,'\"1'1' h e

Order'.! lIy Iii" \\' i.~~' de('i"ee .

:1 Tilrlc~ of "ickll(,"~". t iu lI.'s of h C:llth ,

Blighl ing: II:tll l, alit! dwerflll I\cillth. All our 1'1"i1.~lln·", ali llli r palll~,

Come, IImll'lId , as (lut! nnlalll~.

,I :'- 1:1." w e a lways {)\\,1I thy Imlld.

Nlill 10 tllel ' ~IIlTelll ll"r ·t! ~ Iallll,

KIlIIW Ihat Iholl art (i l)d aloIJt:,

W e alld 1I1I1'sure all tlty O\\,II !

(1 '{;\iN 12. C . 1\1.

G on mnvcs i ll a my,.t{' riolls 1\',1)

I [is w ullder" rl) pl'rfurrn;

1 It, pl:lHt" hi ~ 1;llJt"II'J1~ III /111': sca.

Ami ririe" "1'1))1 t llc ,,10 1"1 11.

:! » ee p i n IIl1 lillhnmidJle IlIillCs.

H' it b tl cVcr.ltl ilillg: .~ kill,

11 ,- t n ':I~III"1'~ 11]1 hi~ h ri!!ht d,·~jgt1,...

Am i wllrk~ hi~ C!r:wi" !1" 'I ill.

:~ Ye ti' ill flJl ,..a ill"'. fr, ·.·1 1 " IIlIra';:" lakc:

Tltt.' rlolld ... \·l·,.11 11111("11 tir.·ad

An ' I:ig ,\ 1111 ;lll'r(·.,· , illlt! .... II:llIlll"eak III blc~~i u ;:.~ illl .... 1>111" head.

.I lulge 11,,1 llle I.I>I ·.! I,., ii.:e hlt., .~' II St·.

Bll t tn l-"l Ilill l for Iii" ;:ran' ; H.·I,ill.! a frll \\ lIill~ 1>t"1lI idl'II!""

11 ,· Il i , le~ a ~lIlj]jll!..' lil\"e.

Ii i,. llllr]'1) .• ,..~ \\"ill rill" 11 h"t. [ ' lI lllldill i; I'I"I'Y itllllr :

T he " wi I lia)' Ila \'l' a I,i"I'" tn .~le. But ,,\\"I'l' t \\"ill 11<' tilt' !lo\l·"r.

1~ IJlillll lIlIllt' lil,j" i." ,.ill·O' In CIT,

Alld :-ca ll hi" II 'HI. ill I'ai ll ;

Gvd is Iti" OWll illt"l"JlI"d l!I', Amllw will Imke it p li..Ll u .



I Y. HED EilIl'T I O;\l .

11 \" .\ 1.'\ 1:3. :-:.i\l. J ob j~ . 2-6.

A 11.IHI.\\" ." lmll. l:dll 'I.llllilll . lie J ... ~t Iw l"re III." (;. ",1 ~

If Il c C"IlIt 'lI ti ill ri;:hteulI"'IJ" .~.~, We ~i ll k 1lt"lwatll Iii, rll ii.

:::! [fll('ollr\, ,..',,,,.ltllllid lIlark.

W ith ,.Iri,·, ill'I"Il"j,l~ 1'.\'1''', C"lIld \\"e 1;11" !I ll!" " r ll l "lI~aI H i fa1llts

.\ just t·''' ·II,.e dl"\'i~I' I

3 AII'~I·l'illf!". IHI\' ert"1I1 (;"d !

\\' 110 I· :tll with tlll ·t' l"OIIII 'lId!

Or wit" Ilta t Irie." thO lHw'lllal "Irife,

Shall pr' )" I"-'r 111 Ih,· pml !

The: nHIIIllI:lill .". ill tlt .l· \l'mll •.

Their lJIlI"if"'lIt ;;:I'a l ~ r. .... ""k ,· : Tire trclllI,lill{:" "ar t It de"t"l"I~ Iter I'lm.:e.

Her mule d I' illa l';;' ~ltake:

5 AIt , bol\' 8hall F"nilty Inan

Contellli wilh ~1 1 l"h a (; 0<1!

~o n{'. 110IIC ca ll Itlt't"! llilll, ;\1,, 1 I '~( apt',

Ullt tlmJllgh t[w ~a\"i"llr'~ 1.ll lud.

HYMN].I. L. :.\1.. J l)b. ix. 30-33.

TI IOUG I-J 1 "I II'tlltl ",·,·k t "\\"a~b 1111' ("],oall

In water .If ti le LiI ·i 'I'11 ,; lInll' ,

J' I)' ,;uul would y t:! il" ,;]'ot !"I·tH III.

Aud ~ill k iu e ' )IIo-I.·i"u,.. 1!lIill 1II1<1 woe.

I <:! T it" Spi r it, ill lri~ P"WN <l 1\· ill l'. \\1(1111 <1 (' a~1 Illy \":111111 i II ;..' ,..nlll 10 ('arlit.

!::X jlOSI' t lt(' r. >lllue~" "f il~ ,.i n.

,\lId sh"w tll C \" ilelle,.,; "r il s w<l I·lh.

1:.1 ·\ h. Hut [i ke ('I"rill~ mwt i~ ( ;0'1. TlnJr 1lJ{"1I t .. ;1I1~IITI·lti!l 1 ~lllJtlld dare;

( ''' llI l'' II111·d . nwl lulll ~ il "lIce ilwl·d.

'1"11<'." lJe[pl,'~'~ ,.t;Httl IIl"t;Jre Iti", I 'll I'.

I 1 TIII"I"I', IIln~t H :'-k.lial"r pll'all.

\\ '11< ' , (; t.><.l a ud mall, tl ta)' hilI It c1!Ibt'acu; ,,'j,1t (;0.1 , \i'l' lIl ilil to jllll·I·I·t'.!,·.

\ud " IreI' lIlilH Ihe 1'11l'e1m~l'd i: .. 'Tace.

;j AIIIII'I! lite :'1 '11 '1 1'(;1,,1 j ~ ,..lai1l

Tu 1)(" Ilti.~ :'-II-,Iialoll' , 'Il>1I 11\1:

lu Il ill l. 1I1~' ~,,"1. Iw ,.J'·all~('d 1'1'11111 ,..lai 'l. III Il im thy rig li tel)lI~lIn'" Ilc 1"lllld!

I 11 \':\1:\ 1". 1,.:11.

A L~. glo riuus (;"11. 1~· h".tlill" ".f praise - :shall tlllr 1I~1Il~['o l"l!".1 1'"lel''' 1~II~e ;

\V lmt ardellt [.nl' allll " " al are dl!l", \\'ullc hl'a vcu ~1:lIld s ul'c n 10 UlJ!' ~· iew .


., U nce II .. \\, I'I'V li lliCH, i\.lld 0 11011' low!

JII ",1 1111 tIl<" I"'i ll k vi" "lIdk~." woC: ,,'[WI) ,k.,"~. fl"Cl m II ... rl"ahll~ a1.o,, ·;e, HorllC "II thc willgs of l "IIII1 Jlc,.~ lo\'e,

:' ~("alll'r',1 tlw ."It:H Ic~ /If Ilea th awl night, '\11,1 "[""'at! " muml Iii ... I Il"fl\T ll l~' light :

H ~ h im lI !Jat lIom1 !"> lIls Knt(" f' j,j ,,111)\\'11 To )'tJ III ~ jl!IIHI\I'ri~lt'd alld lllJd u lle,

lit- ~I .. ,\\~. 11<".' OUlllll<',." morlal " llt> rc~,

A hright iIlI Jt.·!"i l'llll·c a; "llr~;

Wltcre ,.aill t ~ ill liC"hl HilI" ("0]]]i1lg wait

Tu .~llare tilt.·il" hil ly, Ilapp), ,. Iatc.

H \." I\ I ~ Hi. C. M ,

SALV,\T1 0:\"! 0 t ll (·jo.'"flllsollud ,

Glad li.!illt:"" h, 0111" "011',, ;

A ."o"t'rf'i f; lI hillm 1(,1' C\'cry w (lUlld,

.\ cordial for (UU' fcar".

':! Salvation ! buried nllec jll 8in,

At It ell's Il a rk dOI,t" II"C la)'i

Hut now we I"i"e IJr t:"l"aCC divinc, Alld i'ce .. heavell ir day.

J Sah'ati!llJ! 1('1 thc Ccl lO fly Till' ~ l'a{'i') II ." pal·tlt aro ll llll;

\\ hil l' all the ar lll il',. ' 11' tilt) ~ky

COIl~p il"c ro .. ai~c the .~I)und.

Sah'alioll! 0 tllOu 1,l cetiing L,lmh,

To lit!"'" the prai~c Ilclullgs :

0 111' IIf'art .~ ~hall kill.! le at thy Name, Tlly Nallie illsp in ' UII1" !>ulIg~.

Ohorus.fol" tlte elld oj ('lic k t·c r~ r. .

(; lnr.I·. 11111)11111". prni"t" illl.} power,

Be uul l> Iile Lilli], fur cver ! Je~H" Cllri .~t is UIIi' Ik J eemcr !

J l allclujnh, I' rai.~o the L Vl"li !

H YMK Ii. C. M.

'1-'0 on .. 1{{'lleelllC .. '!! g lrwillUS Naill" It wake Ihe ~al"I"C,1 !'Illig :

o Illay hi" Ifll t' ( illl1ll~' rlal Ilallrl

Tunc evcl")' Il ea!"t alld hmglle.

., Il is I'J'·e. w hat Illorlal thuught ClUJ reach;

\\ hat mortal tougue d i" p[u)'!

Jlnu;;inati 'IJI 'ri 1I1 1 11o~ t Hln:: tch

III wondcr die", away.

3 Il l' left his J":1I 1iaut throne 011 IJig h.

Left tIl(' v rigllt real! lI ~ of blj 8.~,

All.! C1llilC to I'arth 10 hleed ami diel

Wa:l e\'c r ]OI'C like th i~?

Dcar Lonl, \\'Ililc w e at!0ring pay

Our hUUlvle thanks to Ihee,

1\'lay c n :ry l l('art with raplurc !lay,

" The Sa\'ivur JicJ for me."

5 0 1Il1l.\· the ~ \\'cc t , II Ie lI!i,~flll (lIt'II1C , Fill e\'er.\" IH"art "lid II 'lI gllc ;

T iJl ,;trallger" 1.,,(' I lly d.anll illg :'\iIIlle.

AIIJ juiu the ,.aen:,j ""lIg.

Ll \ ":.\ I S 18. 111. :~.

S A :' ~ UU Il , ""I11rel' ')1' ev~·".\ ."I",.,.i llg, I li ne m y lil':Il"t I .. !-!T:t lt" llil 1:t)'~;

SIn'iulis (If ntercy, II~' I": I ' '"l"a."i ll f! '

Call for ('(':1"",1("" "I>IJ~' nl" l'nli"e .

2 'I't·adl 1111 ' ~flIlJL' lJ l\"ll)lli"ll~ lJl('a"llre,

:-illll;; I)), 1·;I] 'tlll' ... 1 'oIillH :.1 111\ 1':

Fillm)' ~,,"1 II ilh .~;wl",·d l'!.-a"III·.· .

\\' hi le I ~illg 1"I·.Ie " 1lIill~ 10\'1 '.

3 T hOll ,1 ia .~t .~"l"k Ill" Wlll' lI 11 .~ I l·:t!lg"~· .

\\'aIlJl'rill~ fn' 1I1 the li,[.! "f r ;. " I:

ThOll , 10 "al't' Illy ~,," I f"OIIl d;IIIW·I' .

J) idst rl"(J.·(' II! m (' lI"ill. III )' 1.t IH,d.

4 By thy ha ll .! re,..tnr('d. ilelell ti e,1.

Safe tllrO ll,d l li fe t hll .~ far 1'1'" eome ;

Safc, 0 Lord , WllCll lifl' i." "lukd.

Bring mc to Illy Itt'a\'enl), homc.

H \'"l.\lN HL C . M. T itus iii. 4- 7.

l\,.rr ;:mtc fll[ ,.0111. till' l ' It'I' pmi"f', 1 ']_ Fill' el'ct' Iv"(' Iii ." l\allw.

Who turn"l thee fr(,111 lIlt" btal p : l lh~,

Of full~· . ~ill a mi ,.." :11111; .

<:! V;lill alill 1' I"<'~ll llIpt ll "ll ~ i." tile trllst \\"hidl ill "Ill" \\ <l rk " In' place;

Sall'ation 1'1'''111 a h ig her ""ureC F lo ws 10 OUI' lit!le .. rtU"C .

:3 ' T i~ fro lll tile I' " e (1 1'(; , .. 1 tl jl"llI .gh C1lri ~t

That all "'U' hllpes I"';:ill: J I is m e l"c), ~' I\'I.' d 1'111" ~lllll~ I"rol11 deatll

AIIIl 1I'(I,.Ii'd lIS fl 'ulll 0111' Sill.

4 H is ~Jl i rit. tlu'lI lI;!h lit" Sin' Iour "I uxl.

I [is oacrcd fire impOl!"t",

HCllw\'e~ 0111' , It·os.". all.! 10 \'0 di vinc E lIki n, Ilt.·:; ill 0111' Ilearl.s.

5 TllII~ !'ai."cd /")"'"11 dl'al ll, wc li ve anew ;

t\ ml , jus liti,·t1 hy ~ral·e .

We hupe ill glu,')' 10 a[l l",'ar. Aud see uu r Fath{·!"·" f;Jce.

H Y J' l ~ :20. ('. 1\1.

I~[O\\' he[pl , .. ~" gui lt .,· II:Jh ll'f' lies,

- (; llc"Il ~(" i (l IlS I>f its lnad : T ile h('art ulwhim.!:'!"'.! ('[111 nel'cr rire

To ltal'i' illc.~s all.! ( ;,)0 1.

:2 '1'11 0 will IH"I'Y"r~I ·. til" 1'.1.s ~io1J 1! b lind.

I n path .• (.f I'uill ~lr Ol )' :

Reason ,kha~"r l (':III 1l"I'pr fi nd

T he safe , rhe 1I;) l"ro ..... way. (;J



:i Cnll aught \wlI{'al ll Ij l'"wer divlne

The !'Iubhoru w ill "lIl"llIe 1 ' T is t iline, .<\ltni;;hly Sal"iuUI', t h ine

To fu rm I l w heart ;t tl .-w.

' Tis thi lw tltL' I'a ~~iull ~ I" l"t 'l"al! , ,\ w l lI pwan l" I, id 1\i"111 I-i.~e j

AlI.I Inll k" tIlt' 0'1; .. 1",; of ,' I..-tIl' li lll F'lTIm f(,.~.,on·,; .!arkl'u'd eyes,

~ Tn l' ha~e til<' iOlwdc!' of .\. 'alll away, AIII\ I,id ti lt' "i ll llCl' lin'.

A he'Il IIi IIf IW(I\"l'lJ, a vi l:,1 1'11\ ',

' T iR IhillC alulJl' I" r:iH" •

6 0 chan:", Ih('.~f' wn'!, 'I ... d Ilt'arts of ours, A m i ;.:i\'e tiwill life ,Ii\'illf' :

1'11('11 ,.hall " II I' l'a,~~iulJ.~ allli our powcrs, Al m igh ty Lord, he thi ll I',

Jl YMN 21. C. in, F AT IIER , tu t)w,' my "'" U\ I li ft,

011 tl" ,c I IJ ~' hopl' ,1"I ,,'uds, C OII\' il\('('d thnt ('\' 1'1)' p, ',f('('\ g ift

Fro m Ihee aloll l) oI .. ,~('e lll l.~ ,

~ l\f t'rt .\' ulltl fo'T ;H ' C a I',' Illi,,1' nl'me,

AII , I 1''' ''' ,'r 111 ,,1 wi .... d" IH too i

W ithout till' Spirit of 1 1 I~' Son " 'e IIfJt h illg" gUlIII Call ,1<"1,

3 T hOll all "lIr \\" ()rk~ ill liS wrough t., Oil !' good i~ all d i\" ilw ;

Thc Jlm is t, of en lry 1t .. 1)' thought AIllI r i;,!ltleoHs won1 is III inc.

4 From tll" I', thrnugh .J 1'.~ lI", WI' rcceivc

T Ill' !,oWt'r ( .11 thc,' I" ('ali ,

Tn wlto lll WI.; are , and ttIUI' C, :ulIl li\,e: Our God i~ all ill all.

HYMN ~:!, III.. ]. S I ~(; , 111\' ,.011 1, II i,. \\"nntll"flUS 10\'(;

" ' hn. fnll ll ~' \lI 1 [,ri .::111 tlrt"llllC above, I-: I"'r waf ,"" rlll " "'I' "ur 11l!'( ',

Sti ll to IIlall t'xtends !Iis g racC'

~ Il ea \'f'tl Im,l L'arlh ['y hinl w"re made,

All i ... I,y Ir i~ .~(·('ptn' -"way'''; \V ilat ;11',· w,' ti lat I ... . ~ I Inll l" i'how

So III IWIt 10\"1' to II ,~ l,d"w!

3 Gud , Ihl' Ilwr("ifu ! 1I 11t 1 ;.:,,,,, 1. B n lJ g lt t Il~ lI' il" ti le SiI\"io lt !"' ~ bl ood ;

Aw l. 10 !tIall!' our .~,di'ly ~ III"t',

GlIi,lt's liS Ly lJi .~ Spiri t 1" 11 '(, .

-l Si ll!!, III~' ""IIi. lulo!"(' hi~ ~lU lH.'. ]~e t II is ;:Iory I.e thy flt .'I IlC :

Prai~e hi !tl till Iw ,'ails tllee home,

T rust Ir is lo \' e rur a ll w cu me ,


H Y .\ f N :!,3, ~. ) l.

GIl.-\C I:! 'I i," a l'ilanJJill g: !<Olin!!, Ha rrl" 'JI">l L ~ It, tltc t'ar ;

1 'l ~aveH "'it ll tl ll' I'dl" sltall !"e~IIIL IHj,

AlI, 1 all Ilw " ill" l lt .~I , :,II ltL'ar

2 Gmt:c fi l·,.t L'''lI ll"i\',~1 a way

T .. "a lt' n,I,,'lliull" '"all. ,\ lIll all tire Hwall" t llat gH,"" " i~ Jl l ay,

" ' ltid, tln'll' tilt" II"I"[ .... IJ~ p lait.

3 (';rac(' ~lIide~ I ll~' II·lll1 t1 .... illf-' fet.:t T(J tr!',ltl t l ... 1"'all ' ltly 1'0,,,1;

I\ ud 1lI'\\' ~lIl' l di' ,,~ ,,: ... Ir 1"'111' I IlICCI

' ,"Ili le l' ... ·,. .~i ll :' "" I .. (:,,'\.

,I G n lcc all till' Wild. ~h,tll ('I""\\"II

Thr" II;.!l1 "\'"I"h~lilt;,! .h'\" ~ i It lay!' in Iw,t\" ' 11 tI ... 1() 1'lIj"-~1 ~t(t ll e,

And w ell IIt-~lT\" ~ ti'l) prai .,,~.

Y . '1' 11 £ ( ' II V Rell,

HY.\I ~ ~,1. ~.) 1.

I f KE N"alL ' ~ W " III "), ,l ovl", ~ T lla !. ~ " " I" "[ l lt " '~':,rth ,I!"oll nd,

B llt 11,,1 a n'~till ;':'l'bl" I ' aho\'c

T he dl'·I'rl('.i~ watL'I"" found;

2 0 cca;;:c 1It.\' \\'aJ " leriu!! soul, On I"c;; I It',,-~ wi ll j.( tn rfnllll;

Ali the wide ,\" rld, to ei th er pole, lI as It"t lUI" II"", II h Oll1e ,

3 n t'ltold th,~ Ark of (~ ",1.

Ih,It"Ia 1\rf' " 11<'11 ,1'101" ; 1I:1,.t"1I til ;.:a ill that dl'w' ahorlc,

.-\nll rO\(', III)' .~" ul, no lJiore ,

'l'h(,I'('. ~afe t it " " ~I",l l ahi,le . TI, ,'n' . 8 11" '1'1 .-1111 11 he thy rcst,

,\ 1111 (' very I,, ":!illg ,.atl~ficd ,

With filII "ah':tlioll !rlcst.

::. A"d, wh" 11 tlu: w;ln'.~ of ire A<!aill !lIt' ,'al"llt ~lta ll till,

'1'1 ", lh k ~11iL1I I" ide tht' ~ea of fi re; T I'eli I"e~ t 1111 Sion'" It ill ,

lIY i\l ~ ~:i, ~,i'I,

I 1.(1\' [ thy kill;.:d"III, 1,01 ''] ,

ThL' I "H' .~L! o f th illL' "I.",le,

The Chlll'd, 0\11' Iok"t It",r" f'I/Jf'!' Sll\'cd

W il lI hi" 0 11"11 prt"(; i()l\~ bluoil .

.2 I love t h~' Clll m ·lt. 0 Gild ;

I ll']" 1\' a!1s ) ,t'f, '1"1' t hcp ~talltl ,

Dear as thc a l' l'l,' of th illt' eyc, A lld f,'ral"!'l1 " II Ilty halll!.

3 If c'('r to Llc~,~ tI ,.\' S-("I~, 1\l y " oi(;e \11' ]lUlU.!", lien)"


T liCSC haud" lc t lis-dill !<kill forsakc, T his v" ice ill "i\t-I U; C ,t ic,

.. If e'cr my Iwal"f li)l'gd 11.,,. ·w e l1"I II"<·. " I" Ill']" w " e,

Le I c\'er~'.i- '.1' , I ~ is , ll~,,".t t, .r."ake , Alld e\'el") gnd " , 'rll w,

.; For I,er IlIl' !t-,ws shull fa ll i

Fur lrpr'lllY JlI"<I.' " I',~ asccuti j

T o IWI" Illy 1"011"t'~ alld t"il~ he gi,'ctl,

Ti ll l" i1. .. itll,) ~' an'~ s lla ll e ll, 1.

6 I\c~'oll(l JlI~' lti ,:!lw,.1 .i .. Y I p rize her 1",:J\' , ' uly wa~''',

11" 1" ,.\It't'! " , ' " IIHllll i"lI, ,.nlcUlIi \,0\\,;;,

Il er Ilyltw .. .. f IUle 1JHl il'rai:>c.

i ,It '~H ,~ . Ih"H Frielld tli\"illt',

( )III" :-;:I\j''' II' a ll , I oll r Ki IlO', T it\' h lllil l li'Oln t' l', 'I"\' ~lIare :IIIJ fuc

~hall gr, 'a t ,Idil , 'ra llte b"ing,

,> Sun' ,,~ thy tmtlt .~ hall la,;:t,

T u S iuu ~11 ,, 1I 1 1t' g il L' 1I

T he IfI" igbl,. .. t ;.:ltl1"i('~ earth can yidll ,

A w.l brigl,ter lJ l i,~ vf b,·an", .

11\, ]\1,'\ 2(;, C , M. lI ehre ..... "ii, 18, ':!~_:2"' .

"NJ OT In the IL' ITfl l"l<, "f tllu L on}, - TIl(' telJl pe~ t , li re, a mI !'lJIuku:

Nut to the r1 J1 llld, 'r 0 1" tlrat word

Which Gud "" :5i llui spoke:

'2 B u l w e are cornu tu Sioll '" h ill ,

T ile c ity of 0111' G 'IlI ;

\ Vlturc m ild e r Wil l'll .. d~'d"n' II is \\ ill, Ami ~ Pl"t 'a<] Il is I,,\"e a l,,"o,,I1 ,

:.I BehuM th' illll lll lll"r:lhj" l(,,~t

0 1" allgel~ " I"ll lt',J ill li ,.::I tI :

Behold tiJl' ~ l' irit ,; "I" tI ... .ill , t

W]I ,,~e li (itll i ... dnll;I"d tu .~ i;.: llt.

4. Behold the 1,les,.-d """"IIII,ly tlwl"e \,"hose ltalll!''' art' w rit iu 1,,"01\1'11:

Il eaI' G od, tllt: ,l lId go ,,1" 1111. ,r .. dan'

T hci r .~ill~, Illn nl ;.: 11 Cbri"l, 1'!I";.:il"l' ll.

5 Augd;; , and IiI' in;;: ~a i,(ts a",1 d,'ad .

H ilt olle (''' lJIlI lU ll ioll Ili ake: 1\ lljOili ill Ch ri ,. l. t1, ~,jr ,il;,l 111.';"1.

Alld uf Iii;; lu\"e partake.

13L EST is IIII' Ii .. l!ta l 1 lim]..;

Oll r Itl'a r1.~ ill ('Itr"i,;t ia ll lovc:

T he fdlow,,\til' ur kindred millas

Is like tu l!tat a l}O\'c,

!! B e fure our Fat h e r's thl"Onc

We p Olll' u u iled pmycrs j

Our fears 0 \1 1' hnpell, our n im s are one; O ur COlllrorU; alld o llr cares,

3 \Y e sh are 0)) 11' m Ul ual \\'OeM,

O u r m utual hurde tt" h ell l" j

AIII I OO CII I, ll' ew.:lt II llt e l" 1I0W1o

T Il)' sylll l'a th ii'.iu g tear,

4 \\' h t' li w e al t1e allr IIII1 :> t pal" l,

IJ nw kl'C II , Irow dccp Ihe pain :

Bu t we shall ~till he juiu'!.t ill heart,

A nd 1t" I'" , .. I IiCel ,,;,!ai ll

5 From ,~"IT(lW, I"i\. :II " } p"ill,

A n,l ,.i ll , II e .~l wll he fre.' : l\ no l'"rl; 'l't I",, ' alld fl"i , ·tlIl~llil' reign

Tl lnwg hl'l ll e Wl'Uity,

II Y .\\ i\ "2" , \1. 1. Psa lm c ,,~ii.

TAr Church ill Ot,u,lI.

""\:1'1 11' 11 .i"y ,.hall I 1,e1.I"ld t Ill' day "V T hat eall~ 111\' wllllllg ~,, "1 "way, Tu d well all )!"' ;!; the hl t,,, t:

F u r lo! III)' 1!l"t'at Hedl", ltlcl"'" po wel'

U"f(Old~ lite L',· ,'rla~ting .111M. AIH I I'"i llt.~ II HJ II) Iti.~ 1"I',~ t.

I ~ E \"'n Tl OW, to Ill y CXI" 'I 'liTl~ ('y e,t The 1 1t':1\"~ II,hll ; l t t" WI' I'S of ~a leu l lise i

T h eil'1!I"I"), I "1II'\' e~' i

1 v iew I"'r I JliIIl~it) lI ~ tha t cOlllai"

T he all g"1 h""t , a \ ,, 'all h .. 'oll iltrOJill,

A",l " I,illl) II ilh t:1 ')lI dlt ,~" day.

3 T lti tht'r, 1"1"1 '111 t"a l"l h '~ l"!' II )1 , le~ 1 I' m!.

l,n! the ... ·.tn 'I" ''] nf n ud a:<CClJd ,

Bun w "" ill llll",·ta l wi ll f! : '1'1"'1",' , t 'l""" lI 'd \I itlt ,,\, .. da,'; I;II3" j oy, I II '· l' ''~'' l. ' .~~ 1t,1"11l1I ... ,I)O 'il" 1''''g ' les employ ,

llell,,'" !I ,' \ \ mi gltty I": ill g: ,

,I TIlt' Ki ll!! a ~ .. a t Ira th Ilwl"L' ]l1"(' l'arcd ,

I l i;.:h 1)11 t' '' ' rllal l , a .~L' II Jlf('ar',J ,



F"r h i~ , '!t'1"1I1I1 ~"II :

Il i~ I'lIb"I '" willl.i"," ,,1>Olln,l ;

JJ i~ .q illt~. hI' hilll \I' itll ~l,,,.y crown'tI,

c\t "",,, l :t lld ,-I .. u·" I,i.< rllI'''IH'.

j\ \o" b C'L' ,.rci l i,'~! ' ;"1" tlt .Y I"':IJ

i l ~ri¥ llt I" 'al·t', w ilh 1II', lli l'¥ willgs uut."pl"cad

F"r el' t'I'III"l"e ,.I'all ,11\"1 .. 11: J~et JIIC, 1,It'st ,. , 'a t ! Illy lIiJ lIl t' l ... hulJ

A II L""!! tl lY t·i l li'.t'!lS e ll l""II -. 1. Ami IJi,i t ilt, "",, rid f;u'c\\'"I1.

II Y'\ I ~ :!!J , L ,)I, il;., ia h Ii i, I , 2,

T UII; t\"II ''' ,\ :\" T :,i" n! lift t llY head

Frum dlls t, auot d il rkllc ... ~. alll l the d l:!ud;

Though 1IIIIIILIed 101lg, aw ake a t le u g tlt ,

Anu g ird thee w ith thy Saviour's su eng th .




2 Pilt ull thy heIlUr('(lll.~ O"nrrncllts Oil,

;\JlJ let thy l'Xccllellc" b,·" knuwn: Dl'c'k'd in the ruh('s of !"i,:.!hl(,OIlSIICSS, Tlw WOI"I, I thy glol"i,';; "h~ll1 COllfl'~s,

:1 ' .... 0 ilion' i'h,,11 ",t'S Hndt'lUi inYlule,

.\ !ttl fillth.\· Iw ll"w't\ wa1]s with drcad; :\0 lH,)rt' ,..hall lU'l1's ill;;IJtt ilie liusl

Th,' ir victory and thy ;;ormws hO;1sl.

" God rmm ,)n Iliyh ha~ h('a1'lllhy praycr,

II i;o Imlld I h~' ntills ,..Inlll repair:

Nor will Ih.\· \\'alchflll ,\ Iullareh cca"c

T o guard Ih,'" III cll'm:!\ peace,

\ ' 1. FEST I V ./\LS AN D FASTS.

Til l': T.Oli O'S nAY.

H Y MN 30. 11. 1/.

A "'AK I~, yl' ~ailll~, IIwulw, - Atltl Il:Iil thi,; )ooac!'ed clay; [II lofti('H so u¥~ o f Jlrai~c

YUlir joyful hmlmg(' puy :

Wclcomf' the .Illy Illat (iu,\ hath blest,

The type of IW(lYcu',; eternal I'C"t.

2 On thi ;; :lu;;picioll .~ moru

The Loni "f lift: al"O,;c;

He hUl"lit the 1)lu'" ur tle;\th,

Alld \'; l!Iq ul~h'tl all ollr fuc!':

/\ 11.1 no\\' he "lc,ld:i um' Cau"e above, Autl n·ap" thc fruita of ri ll his lo\.'"e.

:1 All Itail. trilllnJlhaut LOIn\ ~

Il ea vell wilh h""atlllas ring;:;,

And carlk ill Ilillrri,!er sImi II';, T hy !)J"llisi' r~~pnll,<i\ e ,;itlg~:

'Vorthy tlH' I.:Hllh Ihllt UIlCC was slain, T hmngh elldk,,~syeal'" tu li\'c alld reign,

Great King, 1!i nl "Il thy swortl,

A~cc\lll thy cOllljllcrlllg car;

\"hile jll~tin', t rlllh, alllilove, Mlliutaill thy gl(Jrioll.~ wal":

Thi~ day let .;iuners roW!! thy sway,

Amll'cbds CI1'>1 Ihel r arms away,

!I YJ\r .\I" 31. C . i'L 'r I ll S is Ihe day till' l .on! 1.l:II1t made, /.('1 yUllug III It! 01,] n :Jo1n' :

Ttl h ill1 he VOWi! ami h(lIIm!!c paid, \\"h,,~(' ,Wl'I', icc i ,~ tlllr ch .. ice.

~ Thi .~ i ~ the /('1111'1,· 'Jf tl1o' I.ortl:

l in\\" ,lremlflll j" thi" place!

\\'illl IIIt'l'kllt',..~ I"t u .~ he<l1" I,is word,

\\' ilh rC,'crelUT ~l'ek hi.~ face.

3 Tlt i,. i~ th e hOlHa2'" llr' requires;

'l' 1t(' voice uf prai~t , a ud prayer,

The ~o lll '~ affi'e li oll~, hupe;;, desires,

Oursclvca lIlid aU we arc.


" " 'hile rich an,l 1'lr,(W for InNer call, Pr"i'jl i')!1.~ frolll tilt' ~kics,

The' j.o ... 1. tilt' 1\h];('I" of !hl'!lI all, ./\(,(,I'I'IS the "'<lcri/in~,

,J Wr,l1 p!e,bl·d, IIu~lu1-'h J~';oIL" ClI1-i:~t his Son,

From ,..ill 1\1' ;.:nl1lt.~ rdl·;l.~e;

,\ c(·"niil1!.! I" IllI' it, Illilh ' Ii,.. Junc,

l ie bi.J~ Ih"111 go ill peacc.

II \ -.\1:\ :~~. S.)L ,\1 1:1.(\),\11:. ~\\" 'l't ,lar of rest ,

That ,..a\\· Ihe Lo-lI'd al"i"c;

'''. 'k''il!\' 1" thili I"P\i\illg l'l"easl,

.. \1101 thc,..l' I"t'.i"icillg '·Yl's.

::! TIl!' I\ill ,:.! hilll~,'lr l 'Olrlf'~ 1\('ar

'1'" f":I~1 Ili ,~ !il liliH to-day;

1 Jel'(' III:IY we ~it. ;lIJd 1'1..'(' bim here,

And Itl\,(', aud prili,_e, alld pmy.

3 Ont' day nlllid~t. lilt: plaec

,,' 1"'1"(0 .J,o~I!~ i~ wilhin,

Is hl'Il"1" 111;111 lell Ilioll"aml days or pJ t'a ~lIl"t.l alltl v I' ~i n.

4 :'Ily willin!; !'of\1I1 w,m!.! !'ou'r In such it frail I,' ~l.~ Ihis,

Till il is CII1\'.J In I'oal" away

T o l'\' Crla~Iillg IJli,.;;;,

II Y ,\I.~ 33. L . .'t.

A \ 'OT It I:l{ ,..ix oIa),, ' wOl"k i" tlolle,

- . \II<IIII"r 1."1'01'" tla,\' Ita ... I",,:.!ul!:

1:";'1111'11 IIL~' ,..oLd, l'''.ito,'" tll~' I" .... '!.

1ul[ 'I"(I\" till' hours 111,\' ( ;",] hath bh'-'.

::! Tlli ... d:ry 1111' .\' "II I" dc\"nliou ri"e. ft , .. ~rl'lcflll illt"'I1 .' " I" lilt, ~kit'.~:

l\utillt':I\"'11 1)l:lt '''w ~' t'I n·I" .... · lw~1"\I, \\'hidl WJlll' I'llt Ilwy ll\iU l' .. eI it kll'''',.

3 Tbi~ Pt':II"1'flil ,'alill \\;II , ill lilt' !oI'i·a,..1

I ~ tl,,' SIII'\' JoI,'d ;..(,· "I' IIt';I\"III.'" l'e"1, Wh iciJ ji,I' tIll' ('h'll"rh "t'{;"d rl'lnaim.

TIlt' "1101 "I" '·i\I\',., Ihe !"Iul"f pains.

4 III lud.\' tlllli .'s. Ip t IIII' day.

III "01.1 1' 1, ·a.~I!I·I"';' Jr.I.-" away: I lnw ,..\\, '1'1 II ;0:1 1,1.:11 11 Ihl!'" In )oo1"'luL

111 1," 1'(' "I' Olll' Ihilt 1I1..''t-r ,..111111 '-'lUI.

I II Y .\ IN :11. II. :3.

(i Hr. .\'!' (;",1. thi .. sn('recl da\"lJf lhill .... ..,- l"'IIIaII,I .. IlIl' ~' "ll's eoll;'dcd powerj.,;

I Glad ly \\ l' iii 1\\' I" tll("(' rl'"i~1l

Tlll'~t, s"I" II III. l'i lll"" ' l'I'ated ILollr;.:

o mil) ollr I'otd~ nd"rilll-!' OWII

T he gnlctl Ihat ('a ll~ liS III lit)" thmne.

2 All-~l'eillg Go,l! Ihy l' icl"t'illO' cyc

Clill eve l'y tiCCl"et tl""lght ,.'xplorc;


\1ay \\"(wlolly ('ar(';:; 0111' hosoms fly, AmI. ~,ll!'rp Ih ... u :.rr t. illll"lI']P 110 more:

o !l1:ry III~' gracc Olll" "I'il·il.~ Il,O\·c,

\1l~! 1i .\ OUI" J1Iilllb "II lliillg" alt",·c!

:l Tlly Rl'i,.i:·s 1'0werrll l lli,I )1111'111'1, Alnl ltid Ih~· wl""1. wi!~ lit.· tli\·illl',

I :11;..::r::.' Ilw I·ar. ~III" warm thc heart: TI ll'1I ~hall IIII' day illd."," he Ihill";

1'11<'11 ,.Imll " Il l" ,.."ul .. adorillg 0\1 II

TI ll' ~nw(' that call. .. 11~ I" thy Ihl""llc.

IT\":\I K ;").:;, Jr. 4.

j " I",ul ('xalted ,..Iri!in~, TIlt' Kill;: fOf fil"I"." I'l"a;~(':

0'."1" bea\"('11 ilild t'ar1.h he n'igns.

TII I""uglr "\"t'r!:t,. tiu:,o" daYH; nll l 8iOlIl, willr hi~ l'!"t'~ellee 1)lest.

Is his deliglll, hi~ dluscll re~t.

~ 0 l\i11 O' of Glory, come; l\lIli willi tll~" !:IHHlr crown

Th is templc as Ihy "onll:', Th is pt'ople :l.~ thy own:

Hell{'nth Illi .~ rooryoHdl~atc to ;;.how

I low Got! call (\ wdl with IlWIl I,clow,

:) l\o\\" leI thiuc ('al" aUPlIIl

Ollr ;;u l'pliclt lil lg erif'.'<:

i'\ow 10'\ nllr )It'Lisc a:«:cll.I ,

"ccl'],It'.l tOJ tilt' "kic~:

i'\t .w Jt.t Ihy ( 'u"l' .. r" .i"y fHI "nullO! Spreml il" edc.~tilll lUtilltlllCC l'Oulid.

4 I h-I'C lIl:L~' 111e li~h·tlillg Ihrong

!ruh il ".; lhy truth alii I I",'c; I Icre Chri~tililiS JUIu Ihc SOIlO'

or ~ ,'raplrilll "lou\"c: Tilll111 wlw 1!IIIIIloly "t'l'k tlly tilCc.

BC'joice ill Ihy abulIwl illg tjl'tll:C.

11 nIN 36. L . M.

! H Y M N ~7, L, i\1.

! J)IY III'L'lIine e~(:~ with !1Il'turc sec Till' ,hl\\ II of 111.1· 1"1'I1lI'IIIUg llay;

I My thUII ;;: I!!,;, 0 G .. d. 1~~c"lIollu ,bee, "hilt" tIm,; my carly \"!'w.~ 1 pay.

! ~ 1 ~ i.,ld my Ill'art 10 tlwc alolLe. i'iOI" \\',.uld \"t ·cci\"!· :iIlotl",I' ;!Iwst;

1:"'l"IIal l\ill1:) ~ ,'nTt Ihy Illn 'L1t.'. .\Ihll't· ig ll ,.. ,I e IrlolialTh i ll lily hr('llst.

TlwlI. to Illy courl" ",hi'li '- r<'pail".

1\ ly .~'I\d ~hall ,.i .~.· ou.i"yh d \\'ilLg, The w"Ij!ll'l'~ uf Ihy 111\'0: dn;\al"e,

And jui u the ~tl"nill~ whidl all~d~ sing,

'rO Ihy I~' rnl'1t· I repair; Lord. I 1'1\',· I" wor"h iplhere;

\\'hilt- th,\' ;;1"ri01l-': prai"e j~ ~1l1l2'.

TOlwh Illy Ijl"~' uIII"o .... · 1I1~' 1t'l lglIC,

!:! n ·h ile tilt' I'ra~" 'r;< "r ;;'Ii lll~ a~c('na. (j'HI 'Jf lon', Ilf mint' 1111<.-1,,1 : 11";\1' Il rt~ . t'>I" thy Sl'irit l''''a,ls;

I l t'ar. ")1' .I(,"II~ il l il'ret 'lle.~,

3 \\'hi ll.' I IlI':lrl>('lI In tlr~· law.

Fill lily ~!)ul \' illt 1IIIIIII,Ie awe,

Till tlty ( i "~I't'1 loring 111 IIiC Life awl imillor talily.

" \\'hilt- lb," milli~tl'1"" pnlr:lailll I'i':we IIlId 1':11",1'"1 i,l Ihy :-\arllc. '1'11 1",,11;:11 Ill('il" ,"!liCf', Ily /:liliJ. may 1

lI en!" tllCc ;;]1I'ahill::,' fl"o1ll Oil high.

I~, . \ 11 fl"ol1l lllY lhllughl;;, yain world h('gonc;

LI; t Illy r~'li gi(lu" !tOllr" a lulIt:! :

5 F!"inn tlry IlInl~e wlrell J !"dlll"ll,

Mn.\· Illy Ilcart withill III C hUl"II:

.\lId at C\'clIin3 leI 111(' ~a~' . Fnllll n " .~1! awl ;;l'Il~C 1 would \10' frce,

Alitl hol,ll.·OIl1l1lIlUioll . I.nnl, will! thec.

:! :\ Iy 111'111'1 (!r"w;; I\'ann with "oly fire.

.\ lU l kiwllcs wilh a pllrc desi re

To , thy gl~ , ce. to taste thy 1,,\" '. :\ml fed tllllll' iullul'Il('L' fro m /l1,<,\'e.

:J Whl'II I l'alL ."ay Ihat (;ud i,; m ine,

Whell I ('an sl'e I h~· glorie" ;;h iliL'.

I'illre,,,\ the worltl IIt· twalli 1Jl~. 1(:0'\,

Awl all Ihat IIll'n eall I'ich awl gl"t.'at.

Send comfort ,lown frolll lby rig-ht hand,

To ("1)0'('1" me in thi ~ harrell lana; And ill lhy templc Ic\. me kllow

Tho joys that from thy prescnce fl ow .


" 1 lla\'c walk'J wilh Godin-day ."

A (I('r S rrmnn.

I \ J.;\l r(; IITr ·FIIIIlI'r. hl c,:..~ Ille word. ,11. " ' hi,.] l, t!troug h Ih~· gr:LP·. Wf' now ha\'e

IlI'ard ; o Inar the pnTinll .~ H,t'd lakf' rOllt. ~prill~ II!" :!lu\ lJ('ar a\umdallt rr ltit,

" \r" prai,,(' Ihet' r,,!" Ih., 1llf';111~ of g-m cc,

Thlls ill Ih y ('01lI" t" 10 .'<l",k lh,· fal'e : nl"llllt, L nl:d, t llil l W(' who wor,..hip here

~ I ay ull, at ICIL3Ih, ill heasell ap pcar,




IJ Y i'l ~ ,10. HI. r.,. L O H D, disliliss m with tlt~' 101 f' ,~ ~ ill g,

Fill 'JUr heart" wit h joy alHl pt 'ace ; I .et 'I ::! t.'Hell. th,\' 1,,\,· IH,,,,"',,iu:.",

'1" 'illlllloll i ll n"I""lIlillg "I';WC;

U r"fn,,,lt II "'.

Tm \.,lJi ll:." t lo rllll,,11 t lli,~ \\,ildcruc"s,

2 T!tmlk~ w. ' "in' , alII I ad" rati ' JII,

Fur th,' (;""p"!,,, .i" ,\ litl ~ lI l1tld ; l\ la,\' til<' fl'llit" "I' t il,\' ,~akat il) l!

I II •• 111' Il<'a r'" ;l1l4 ll i\t'" alu'lIlId:

~ lay tb," ror"""lIe" \ Vil JJ II ,~ "\'tTIII ""L' l, t.' fUIIUd ,

A I>\'I :~T .

IIl." ,\ I \' ·11. C. M ,

II ABI( ! t ill' glm l ''''' 11 ,.1, thC:-;~I \'iolircolll(,s, '1'1.., :'a\-i,,"1' I'I"IIIII;"eol I"n~ :

Lc t en .... \· 1"';11"1 pl"t'l'a l'" a lh t'fJue,

Ami c\·er.r \'"i ,·,' a ""lIg,

!! 011 hilll 1114' :-:I'iril. 1;II'~dr pour'd , E.\"I· rt" Iii" ,,;[(" n ',1 lin' :

\Vi ~.] <)11I alld IlI iO'I I1 , all,] .... cal aud love, Iii.-. 111,1.\ IIn'lI,:t illspire,

3 l ie C"IW '''. lilt' pri" ,ut"-:; 10 rc!ca.~c,

J II ;;;;I1HII'" 1" ' lId; lg" heltl ;

The gnu,,, "I' 1'1'11,," ht'f"re bin i uurs t,

Tile in "' fetters ," i('I,1.

l ie COUlt·" . frn m titit'k" st fil ms of vice

T o d" H" lIlt' 1!!I 'ntn i ray ; Alit! 011 tht' ,-,.n.'" "I'PI"I ·;.s'd with night ,

T u P"II" ('destial .Iay.

;j l Ie COUlt· ... , lltt' Im,IWII hear l to bi nd,

T ile 1,1"('riille ,"'!)III til cllre,

Alit! willi lilt' trC';~'l!r, · s " I' Itis g race, '1" ell ri..]1 Ille 1""II I,le poor,

G OlLr gl; ,,1 h<l~:mllas, I' rint'e of P eace,

T b,\' \\ ,'k'"III: ,,1t::11 jl l"<w/aim;

}\lJI llt('iI\ " II' ,~ d,'nl,,1 ;lI'ciJes nug W illt tlty 1".luv(',1 ~allle,

H Al I.! 11 101 1 1')I ' 1-'.,~xpec ll~ 1 J esus,

BIII'II 10 "t'l tlly I"'"ple free : Fronl 11111' s ill S and r;,;u'.~ n: l piI~O us,

Lei II ,. Jilld ollr 1'",,1 ill tbel'.

2 Isnld '" "lrP II ::!th 1111" .·oll;:"latioll, H Ol lO .,fall tile ,"'aillt~, lh,ul art;

Lollg d e,; i!'e.! " f ('\' , ,1'.\ ' lialillll, Joy of e\'e ry wait ill,;! Ireart.

3 Born thy "eop il' to 1!,.ji,·eJ',

Born a child, pH Gud uur King ,


liol'lI tl) reigll ill lI S fiJI' cI'er,

."It\\' thy gl"l\"iulI~ kingdom bring.

" By thill<' I1WII t' t~'J"lIal "pil 'i t, Hille ill ldl "Ill' I lt'art~ :t1"lIe;

Br tlli m' all'~llflil·i('ut. merit,

n a ise us to thy g l.ll·ious tlwone,

C I I IO :-:T.\l AS.

IJ Yj\L~ --\.1. C. i.'\T , Luke Ii. S-15.

' V I-I II .E >,l wl ,h . 'n l~ walch'll theil' flocks 10," ni(!h t,

All scal ed 1111 Ih o I-!" l'(l lllHI ,

Tho [mg,,1 of tht, I" ,nl I';!IIW down,

AmI e lory ,,1 •• JJ1e a rollllll.

2 ,; Fear 1101, " sai .1 ht" fi, l' mi glll,\' llrcad

I IHII ~eized thei,' tr,,"hkd 11iitHl :

(; Glml t id ill t!s or l;reat joy I 1)I'illg To r1Jl1, ;lllt! atilllalik ind,

3 " To you , in [)a\'i ll '~ 10\\"n, tlt is ll:ty J ~ lJl!ru , of [);l\' i d ' ~ lillc,

The Saviour, \\" 110 i;: CllI'i"t tho Lord, _And th ii' ~ 1I;11I I,e Ill(' ;:ign :

" The IIP"\'(,lIly Illll >o: ~' 1I 1l there ... hall find , Tu lultll"" vic\\" d isplay''].

All Hle:tllly Wnll't ill "wathillg banlis, Ami ill a m;I"ecr \; ,i(I."

;; T h lls s l ':llte the Sl' I':I Ph. ami f.wtilw ith Al'l'car 'oI a I'hiuillg lit roug

Of;lIl ~el;<, 1"'ai"i " O" (;. ,(1 , ",III ) thus Atl,]ress'tl tl 'ei,' joyful ~ol!g :

6 " All !!!oI'Y he to Gud 011 hieh,

And to IIIe parlh 1'0 l'e;Jce: Good.will, ht' lIccfuJ" th , frum heaven to men,

Begi ll and uO: \'cr cea,~e."

II Y i\I N 4,1. C . 1'T. "",/y" I LI': all ol'l.~ tllll~, 0 t onI, njoicc,

V SIJaIi Illeu no a ntilCtll rai~e 1

o may \\"e luse these 11."'It'",, tllnglles, "'hell we fu rget to prai"e,

::! T hen let liS I'wl' li n'~ ponsivlJ lIo tes,

And joi ll tho hl'avcnly tllt'tlllg;

Fur :rugols no slich 10\'1.' ha,'c known.

As wc, to Wilko: the ir SUllo.

3 Good·will to si llflll !l1l ;.t i~ ,,111 '\\"'11 , Allli pca('e 0 11 ('a l' tlt is e: i\'ell ;

For lo! tit' incan latp Sa\' i"lIr comc;<.

" 'i th w' ws of} ,." frotll hl·I!\' ,' n.

Mercy at,,\ Irlll\" willi S\\'('cl accord , II i" I'j"illg Itt'I III IS ad"rn;

J~et Itt'a\'e n alld 1':11"11 , in 1'0llccrt s ing.

,; '1'1 11.: pl"OlIIioied l:hi ltl is born!"


S Glory to GOll, ill h ighest stmins, By hi ghest worlds iii lJaid ;

Be g IOl')', theil, hy us I'l'OdailU'd , Anti· hy our li \'es display \ l ;

6 T ill we attain tllO,~O 1,lissful I'ealms, \\' herc HOW Oil " :-I,,\·io\II' w iglls ;

To rinkl t1lCiie cdestia l choi l's In thoi r immortal $lmius.

H Yj\l~ 'I .J . I lI .1-

H A Ll h': ! tho herald allgc\s ~~ng, GIOl'Y to thc new·hlJm hlllg;

Pe ace "II earth , awl Illen:)' llIikl;

GoJ ;uJ< l l!i llllcrs nX()lIciJ. ... d.

2 Joyflll all )'e !latio " s rise, . Ioi n lilt) triu mph of II,e 8kio~ ;

\ v illt lit' illIgdic hO$l p roclaim,

Christ is bom ill Bethleh e m !

3 Christ, by highes t h euven adored,

Ch rist, tire everll!~liJlg Lord, Late ill tjmo he hold him come,

Olfsprillg of the Virgi u's w Olilb.

Voil'd i ll /Iesll, the ( ;odheatl Seo :

H ail th' illcumale D" ity, P leased, all mall , with lIlall to dwell;

J esus, !lOW Eummnilci.

;; Risen with Ilcali ug ill his win g,~,

Ligllt :Iud life to all he hliugs; Hail the Su n of righ teousness!

Hail the hlJaven·uurtl "[' r illcc of P cace !

H YMN 4G. Chor l/s .

SH OUT the gl.ud tidin lf~, cx,'dt ir,'g I):,l!i Jl 2:; .Je rusale m tnulIlphs , "Ie:,slall I:' 1\ lug!

SiOIl, tlte man 'clIous I!tol"Y be lcll illg, T he SOH of tho H ighest, hll w luwly b is

iJi rt h! T!IC b riglttest arch augcl ilL glory excelli ll g,

li e stoups to reJoom theo, he reigns

upo n earth,

Chorll5 . Shout the glatt titlillg>:, eXliltiIlF I ~' ;:i llg;

,krusalctn tl"illmph~, j' l es~iah is King!

2 Tell how he cometh; fJ'O lIl lJatilJ1l tu natio n, Tho hcarl -cheer ing 1IC \\' 8 lot the ear th

echo I'ollln i ;

Il ow freo t il lltu faitltflll he offers sal vation, How h is peoplo with joy overl tlSling arc

CI'O\\,II \ 1.

ChorUlI, Shout the glad titling", exultingly sing;

J e rusalcm triu mphs, r-. lossiaL is King !

3 .l\·I O!"tal~, your hOUlnge be gratefully brillg. mg,

And 8\\'cet lot tho glad50lllc husanna ariso ;

Yo tUlgols, the full hall eluj ah be Si llgi ll g ; One cllOl"U 1; re;;oulitl thru ' Iltu eart ], utilI

the sk ies :

ChorU lI , Shout thQ glad titlillgil. cX ll lt ille l.\· .,.iug ;

J e rusale m triumph"" i\ l el'~iah i~ King !

H YMN 47, C. M. Js."Iiaj, ix. 'l - j .

'1- ---, H E raco that 10111:( ill darkllo~~ pined , Ha\"o secli a gl'll'iolis li;.:1rl;

The I'o"pl,-, IIO\\' Iwltoltl lilt' oIawn, Whu dwelt iu d~'ath :rILlI u ig IL t .

2 T o hail thy rising, Snll of lifp,

The gatheriug lLalions cli me ;

Juyousll.s whun thc re;Ji't' rs hear T hoir harvest treasurcs I10me.

3 For thou ollr h lmlotl hast remuved;

T h' oppressor's reigtl is Im,ke j

Thy fiery conflicl with tire fvu

Has bur:<t h is cru el yok e.

4 T o liS tho promised Cltill l is born j To Il~ the Son is gi \'ell ;

lI im 1;111111 tho tribes o f' earth "bey,

Ami all the hosts orJ leavc't.

!J lI is namc I'hall bo the P riucc of Peact',

F ur ovo nnore adured ;

T he \Vo ullerflll , the Cuunsellor,

The mightr God lIl nl Lur',!.

(j H is power i ncrca~ ill g ~ti ll .;liul\ spreaJ. , H is re ign 110 CII.! ~hall kllo\\';

Justico I!hall guanl h i~ tlll'olre aLoye,

Aud peace auolilld below,

E N D OF '1'11 £ YEAH .

I1 YMN '16. C. i\l, 'f 1.\1 F. haSh~ ll s Oil; yc ~ollg i l~;';- ~ai nts,

.i\o\\' rJl SU YOllr VolCCS lu gh; AnJ maglLify that !"()\'ereiglL love

Wh ich shows ,mlvation nigh .

2 As timo departs ~ah'atioll COIIICS;

Each moment brillgs it Ileal' :

Then welcome each decliuiug Jay , Wolcome each clo:;ing ycar,

3 Not many )'ears lheiJ' cour8C shall run, Not many 1Il0mings rise ,

Ere aU its glories staml rO"oul'd To OUI' trauspoJ'tcJ eyes.



IlY.\ I.\i 49. C. M. St. Luke "i ii. G_9.

Q 1:1: , in tlH' villt',\' :U"] ,00'1)p' 1.0nl, o A 1';[1"1""11 fi~-ln-'l' ~ ta!l,J ,; ;

\0 fruit it ."iel:k WI hl"~_~(11ll hcan;,

Tl u 'II ~1J I'lalllt·d I,~' I-Ii" I.awl;;;.

:! Fl'!oIl! .n-;Ir In .\'1',11" 111(' In:e I Ie views,

"\1101 ~lilllHJ ft 'uit i~ [HUlid j


9 0 , ]ong-cxpcctcJ year! begin i

l.)awrr '>11 Ihi .~ world Hf W,tI" 11IIJ ~irr; Filill wOlild \\"e Icar,' Ij, i.~ II ,·ary ruau, To sleep ill dcath, ;lIul n·._l II illl GoJ.

II Yi'lN 5 1. ( ' . .\L

Tlll' lI .. ('ut il.t"WII." the l.' l1'd cOIllImIHds,

" \\'11:" ("III1lIJcr" it t lte i! r"ulld 1"

A R 0 "'1' lIto" 1';,4 Ill .' · IllplIHlI"'y ~lm'yS,

\\" h~' Il("an·~ nil' ~'·'T'" .~i;:lr ! 'T is Ihal I 'W HII·II d " I'arl,',] da~·~ .

:-: till IIlIt ' rl' /,an'd I" oI i".

2 The world awl 1\"()r], lly Ihill;!~ I.el',,·e d,

,\1.\' ;1I1.,i" lI ~ 11"'IIg-II1." , ·lIlpl"y·d: :\ Bill lu! rIll' Sr:wi'!!ls ~;I\"i"lIr pll'ads; ., TIll' lJlIlT"11 fir-tree ~Pl!rt·,

1\111.111l'r Yl'ar ill lHl"ITy wai t. ] , yd lIlay 111"0111 awl Lt-;u' :

.\ ., But if Illy l' lIhul"(, pro>vc ill \"1Iio, .. \lId still WI fruit lIP 1'0111101 , plead Il(o HII II"<'; dl'~tn'y lh l , tree, !lIld !'Out it fl~'tll tllY el"OUwl."

SI:W n : .\H.

11 Y) f N 50. L. ,\T. r-J-' 11 1·: (iod of IiI'", whll~e I'fl1l~l:Ull carc

\\ itll 1,ll'",-ille~ (T"\\ lI~t';II"IJ"pCllj ll ;;y l' ilI"

:". Iy :<c::t llly 1< 1'1111 dolh ,;I ill 11I·"I"IIi!. }.Ii,1 \'<tk ,'s HIli'\\" willL' tlHllllal "ollg.

_ II,, \\" mallY I'I"<'("i"lI ~ ~()IJI~ :11" •. fl ed '1'" I],,' , ·n;<t n·!!i"II" of lilt" ,I,'ad,

~illl"'· to II,i" tia.," Il l(' ("\1:1I1 :!ill:: ""Il Tllr' ll l,;dt hi" Ia ~t ~ .'arl.\" pt·ri'.H1 nUl!

:i \\' e ~·('t ~n]"\ i,·c': I)ut who call ~ay,

"(lr l!tr"u i!h Ibi ~ Y'·:l I·. or "",utlt. or tla~', I I'hall r{'\;l ill Ilt i." ,illil IIn '1I1 It,

'l'llIIs fill·, at ka::t, in leaglle " ill, d.'a ll, 1"

That hrpalll i ... Ihill(' , L'II"1"II:, 1 God; ' Ti~ l!tille 10 li x Ill y FOIII's ah"de; II I,,,ld .~ it!; li f;, frnw Ibee aluJJl',

Oil carlh. or ill Ihe w"rld uuknow n .

5 T o tllf'L' "ur " p iril" WI' n'"si .:!II,

fl lal,(' tlW l ti alH l OWll theZil ~Iil l ;t~ tliille;

So .s llal1 l lley Ii,·" ~C('llrL' 1"·"111 ];·ar.

Tlumgh de; lIit ,;hoilid 1}1a~t 1110' ri ... illg ~" ;11·.

G Tb~' dli lllrc·n , pant ill;? h) I'l· g"m·.

r.1:lr bid Ihe lidl' uf lilul· noll 'III,

'1' .. land tlwlU Oil 111111 l,al'l'Y "hlll·t',

\\" here years a nd .lenti, ;tre knOll II 111 ' 1110'·" .

i :'\0 m orc fati~IH.' . 110 lIl"re d i,·,~,

N"r I<ill, nor hell. "lInli r(': ... h 11,:,1 place:

No gr(Oalt ~, to Ittill i!k' wilh lilt" ""lI c~

He:;utmd illf,!" fro m ilttlJlorl;tl t"Il C( II'·~:

S No 1Il01'C alarm~ fn"'l ... du ,sl ly I j)p~;

Nu carL'" !O brcak Ihe lOll,!! rCl'u"t·;

No miolrril!lll ~ltll<le, IIU dUltdcd "1111,

B ul .sacred, high, elernal noon.


Awl lilll~· IlIrl la ll,,\\"',] . IIlIillllll"I),eol,

J ' r' ·~'·tll s a f.·ar!"111 1·" i,l.

3 Yl't . holy Fa lll"' l", w il ,] ,1 ' ·~l'air

Clta,.." fru ll l my lal)"lIrill:.' Jm·:t~I; T I,~· i!ra(· ' · il i .~ I~· lticll I'r""'t]'t~ 111\" )lrny

Tim! g1":,.. ,. I"'IIL ,1" th t, 1"t""1.

My life'" hrief n·llllla lll all 1'1· thinc; l\ ntl \,11l'1I 111.1 ;;.ure ,]'·I·l·,'e

lJ iol~ til l' tltis Ilel"1iul! I,n·nlh rc~igll, ° ~pl·l·d III)" ~,,"I I" tI't·U.

E I'IPIl \ .\"r.

I!Yf\l ~ ;1:!. ;-:, i\L J""ia" Iii . 7- 10.

IIO\\" . I" .nllleou." OIrt·. ~el"t -- \\ III) ~talld "II i'i1"tI" Ilill j

" ·1,0 lit ·;,,;! ~ah-atioll "" IIwir tVllh'l ICS, . \11.1 \\"ord~ of I"·a,·'· r' ·l l·;I I.

~ II",,· ehan ll irrl! is 111I· ir 'oice :

f I,, \\" "w, ·d Ilteil· litlill :': ~ an·

.. :;:'iOII, 1 ... 1,0101 Ihy :-;11' '"II I"- I';ill;:,

l Ie l"l'i;!l1~ amltrimlll'll" Ilel"('"."

3 11 011' hal'l'~· arC' "li t" I"ar"

Tl la l Ile;lI· liti".i".l"flll ~"wld .

\rltir1t killg~ Hud In ·" pIIl"I ~ waite'] fur,

AIIII !'Oll gltl, hllllll:\·l' l' fU Ulld,

·1 1101\" 1,1""""cti1l1'l' ,nil' eye'."

'I'l,:!! "('(' Ihi~ hC:\l"t'"ly lig-Itt: I'rl! p l!t"l,o 111111 kilJt'.~ dl· ~ iJ"l'd it long,

B !!I died witl,,,ut Ih(' ~ieht..

., 'I' ll<" I\"IIIdl/m'lt j "iu Ilwi r \·vice,

A ItO I Imwrlll W)Il' " ' ·!rII'I"y j

.J l"r !r~:tl l ·J!l brl';j ks f"rlll ill ~" lJ gs ,

,\11 ,1 de .~("I"I" kam II", .i"y. li T Il{" Lord makes I)are l,j .~ a rlll

T ltl"tlll;;1t all Iltl" ' ·111"111 ;(111"1):111: 1.. ·1 ,,11·ry !raliutl IIO\\" 1,,'II,oId

'l'1",i,· t:):II·i"w· ;lIu! Ill\"ir Go,l.

I l-IY J' I ~ [,3, 11. 5.

15;'11111 Ix. , &1:.

1[") I.-.:r, tT~\\"tL'd "ilh liglll, impcrial Salcm . - :L n :;e ;

Exall thy tuweriug head !lil t! lirl thine c)'cs:


Sec hca\'ctL its spurklillg I-:<, r tahl wide ui~ - [ plll.Y.

And bn'lI k up"n tilL't' itt 11 Hood of d!l~' .

,., til '(' a I""i t"al·I' l it)' .~I'i lt"i,," s cnUI·1.~ adul'l}' ti,"e 1"111 111"1.: ~' lLI", a l,,1 d;tl' r:hler~ ) ,' t UlLiJ(lru,

l tl cI"()w,lill ;': milks "II ,·'cry "ide :Il-i.~c.

Delll:III"iu " lif" . itlll':tl i' '" tlt for tire "kiell.

:1 See 1,:ldo:(r"lls Jt:rliO)ns at IIt~" gate" al\l'11I1. Wal k ill th.\ lid ll. :uld ill Ih ." 1t'lIl!,l!' I,e tlll: See Ih." I)ri;.;h l :Iltnt·~ Ihruug'd \\ illl pno,,·

trOll,· kitl;;~,

\\"1Ii1o' "\"( 'r.,' Imld jL~ j"., ou~ tl"ihll1t.: IH · illg.~ ,

The !'(.:t~ ~ha ll W:l;o;Il' , the ~kjcs to ~ lIluke


Rocks fan 10 llll ~ l, HlLll muullluitL~ m elt

:t\\ :II· :

l3 ul Ii \ '.I hi, "'01'11 , I,i" ~al·iug pow('"t" re_


Il)ailL~ ;

Thy n :al.1II ~11:t1l last. Ihy own ~I" ss i ah

I ·C!l!tt~.

Psalm b:.:ii,

I J \ I I. t o) tilt' J.t) I".J'~ .\ uoiutl'"ll ,

-- ( :n'at Dal· iol'~ g n 'alel" :::ion:

Ila il, ill lite liu ll' app"itJled,

Il i~ r"i:..'11 "II carl It IH'"glltl! I flo e" ulI',.. 10 I.n·a!;. oppl"ession,

'1'0 ,..1"11111' ' ·; ll'li, ,' frel' ,

Tv I:,k (' al\"11)" Inlll sgn·~~inlL,

Attd I"lIle itt (''1uity,

2 li e <,: fo ltH"~ with StL CCfolt1" ~pecJy •

'1'0 III "~" \\·h" ~lltll· 1" 1\l"oug.

'1'1.1 h(·lp the 1'''''1" a1l< 1 tWCIly, Aud hid tlte ,,!"alt I,.... ~ t rorl",;

To g il'e tllt'11i !>oug~ rnl" sigl ling,

T heir .Jal·kucss 1111"11 In lig ht,

"· hl).~e MlIll.~. C,JJl, !etllll'.1 ami J) ing.

W el"'· preciuus iu h i" ~ ighl.

;j H c .~JliIll ac;<c~lld like "l lowcrs

UI'IIJ1 ttlll fruilflll ,' arlit;

And 1')I i} aud joy . lik,· ilO\\"CI'S,

SPl"iltf! ill hi" I'alh 10 hirll , ;

Bdl.)",· hilll . Oil Ihe ttlIJulIlai lls,

Shall pl.':1ce, III l: herald, go;

All,] l"i:!l lll''' ll~ IH' .';~, ill 1()uulaiJis .

F!"Iml Ilill to \'all, 'y nOli" .

4 To him ~llall prayt'r IInc,,:!:>i ug,

AIl<I.laily I· "W.~ 1I~('eltd;

Ii i;; kitlWlulI}' .~ t ill illt.: reasi llg,

A kiuplol!l w ithuut cUll : T hc l id ,' o f l illl<' "ball ue \·cr

I l is CUVl' ItlILlt l·l· lIlo'·e ;

Hi:; l\"allLc ~lrall ~ Ialld for ever :

That Kame 10 liS is Love,

lIY.\I N 55, C_ M , 1!<-1ia h ii. 2-5.

0 '1': 11 1tI01l1lIaill -I "I'" 111'· I "'" Il, t of God I n latte!" ,by~ "ball 1"i~, ' .

.'\ 1.01"(: lite SlIlll llli\." "f Ille Itill". And Jraw tilt" 1\"\411lh': l"i ug eyes.

~ Tn t lris tit<' .ioyful tlati"ll f' r"lIllI1.

:\ 11 il"il)l'~ 1I11I! 1"t1rlll'~, .~ } l:l lllluw;

PI' to lite /t1Cltltt l ,,!" (; ud . 111l'~'lI:oay,

\ttll to Iti .~ hUll,.... lI"e'l1 ;!o.

J The l)O'alll .~ that ~hil ll" f .... /tl :-;ioll'S hill :-ih:rlllicltkil "I· ' ·r~" Lt,ll[:

Tlrc I\ill ).\ wll" t"I·it'iI~ ill :-;"I"'I\'~ tower" :-; h ull all ti ll' 1\ ,wi.! e'Jll lIllau,J.

·1 "\tILOILf!" t lt~'" tt:Jli"tt~ I", ~ltal1.ill,ll!e;

I Ii" jml!!:ttl!"rrl~ tnlill ~lt,lll guidc: I Ji .~ ~ccptr(' ~I,:tll l'mlt T I tl,<.: .i"~l,

Awl eru,..!t tl,c ,..iIt Her' .~ pride.

5 For pC;H"ci"ul it1tI'I'·t1telJ l~ ~hall mcn Exchanol' Ih,·it" ~wl)r,l~ ~llJ.t ;< I'car~;

)\"01" ~hall t ltc)' .~lll dy \\",'i" :r gaiu

TJJt·"u ghultlll"!~l· 1r:II'JlY } I·ars.

(i C" Hle, 0 yc III JII~{' "f J ;'l·oh! cOllle

To worship at Itis "hrille ; 1\ 11, 1. walkillg ill the lichl ufGoJ,

With holy gi"acc.s .shi uc.

LF::,\'J' . HY:'\L~ ,jG, HI L


S,\ "lOtH? , II"I,e ll ill ,lltsl, lu thec,

LOI\" we Iww Iii' adol·ing JOICe;

\\"1 11"11. n·I"' tl l:lll l. 10 th<.: l'ki('jiI

Scnn.:c we lift "Ill" ~t ... ·aIJlillg eyt::S; 0, I))" all til.\" p"itl~ alld IVU!),

f'.ulft·I·'tJ OlIC(' 1;)\· Itt;m heluw,

Bcnding rrom thy ll,,'(me o n higb,

I lear our suleJILIJ litauy.

2 By Ihy hirtll alit! cnrly y('ars,

By Ihy IHtnt :u I el·ie[~ ,lilt! fears, By II,), fu:oliug und tJistrcss

I tt tire lVllely wil,k, ,

By thy vietor), ill tlte hOllr

Of Ihe ~IILtl c tc ltlpler's power;

,k;;'H~ , luuk wi l h I'il~ illg- eye ;

Il c;u· ulir soleWII li tauy.

3 By thine bOlll· o f ,hLl·k llespair,

By !hine ag"ny of l't':Ircr, II.,' Ihe purple i""I)e "f ~C"I"Il, By Ihy ,,"oullds, th~' CJ"OWLl "f thom,

By thy erOilS, III.'" pa ng~ altd cries,

Dy thy pcrle! t :<;u.:rilice ;

J esu8, louk will i pily illg eye ; H ear our solcultl lit;IIlY,




4 By Ihy d,','p ('xpil' i ll ~ "r,,;m,

H,v Ihe ""111' 01 ~q 'lIkhr,,1 ~l"nc , By Illy Ir i'"111'11 0 ' 1'1' Ibe l!'';.IH:, By Ih," 1")\\ " I' fr"m ,!.-alll 10 "al'e;

l\ l i;.:hly (i ' M!, ;t<{.'I'tI. led LurJ ,

'I' ll Illy Ih ronc iu ht'ill"'1I rC"tored, P r ince 11 1101 :,: ,, \'ill ill', Iwm' "ur cry,

II ca r our SU]CUlI! lil:Ill~"

IJ \,'\ I ~ 57, L . j\ l.

l\[ Y n"d. I"' t't ll it me ""1 1" he Lt . A "11':111;':"" I" JHy ,~,'l fa lid Ihec :

AtIl id "t a Ih"lI~a'tl1Ii'''I, ;.dll'' 1 rove, F"rg,'lflll "f Illy higlll'~t Io n'.

2 \V hy "IHuli oi 111.1' I 'a ,,~i oll ~ m ix with earth,

And tllI l~ dl'l !!I~ " !!I ,V Ii(',I1" ',,ly bil·th 1

\Vh)' ,~ IIII"ld I tl"an' I" Ih jllo'~ below,

Alld all Ill)' Pll1\· " !. j ,, ,y,~ fiJl't,;,:,,!

:J Call !lI (! awny 1'1'''111 /1,·,~b ,1111 1 ",' lIse i Tlty g rll('(" 0 1" '1',1. ( '; 11 1 ,I ra\\" Il lC llience:

1 wnll l'] "III'Y Ille ""i{'" divinc,

,Au,-I all iufl:l'i"l' ,ioy" rcsie- II,

A L!\ R, whal hourly d :III~"r" rj"e, \r llal " 1I ; lft' ,~ he;<ct m.I' way;

To hea\'clI, 0 Ic l tII C lifl millO' eyes, Alit! IHlurly wakh :tlll i Ilt'ay.

2 HOII" oft Illy Itlollrtl f,ti Iholl;h r" complailJ,

AlII ! It.d! ill 11,, \\ ill;.t h" :tr~:

My wcak r""i"lallt' , · , ;Ih, h"w "ain ,

Il ow stl'll ll3 Illy f", '~ ;Hul I'car~.

3 0 O" l'atif)II" Gild, in \\"11"111 I lil'c ,

My li.:c hl u ull;'rl~ a id;

Hel p ttl.' to \\':I\('!J , ,III,] 11)',1)" UIll] strive,

TlwlIgb trumblillg aud afraid,

4 ] Ilcrca.~u 111 )" liti tll. iu('!'ca~u my !Jope,

W hull j,"'" 11111 1 !(- ;lI' ,~ I""'\'ai l; Alit! lwal ' I II .... t:.iutiJl;! ~I'i!'it II I' ,

Or ,~I)O Il 1ll,1' Mt'I'Jlglh ",ill filiI.

5 W llCllu'er 11'lI1 plal i"n;;; fri o-hi my h eart,

O r 1111 ',· Ill~' ';'1"\ ,,~id('.

l\ I" ( ;oll. II", 1'''I\t'I'flll aid im parl, 'l\ ly g uaniiall :111.1 Illy ;':lIidc.

6 0 kt"ep lIIe ill II.," l ... alt·IlI~· Wll)" ,

A mi hid l ilt' lellljlkr Il, " ';

Aut! let llW Ilt'l'el', Ill'It·!' "I ray FrollL hal' !, iJl('~~ alit! Ih., , ·.

IJ O W " fl. :ll,I"! Illi~ II"rdc!Jcd herln

~ 1111" 1I';1I1I1, 'I"d frolll Ihe 1.01'4 1:

How 11ft my )',"·ill t-: IIIOIld'hl:l depart, Fllrgclflll (If lti~ 11"'..1 1'<1.


:! r ot ,~n"C I'cigll 111")'(".\' {,:III", ,. Hctllrll; "

D("a r L,wd, aHd 11111 .... J '-OUW ! l\ly vile iIl3 ral llll,j ,· J HI"'Il'II;

U , 'akc l llc \\' ;jIll] en'l' 1" ''' le.

3 And l': III ,~t 11\1)11 . " ill lb"lI y. 't t< 'rgi \'e AIl.II,i,] Ill y (' r im e" ""lJItJ\'C !

Autl il ltall " par d o ll ''] ]'t'lwlljl'c

T u speuk Ihy \\'olld"OIlS 1"I'o!

All ll ic h t)" {: IW·. ·. Ihy 1ll':llill';': p"\\,el',

11',,1' glori .... ". hOI\" ,I il' ill" ;

T hnt e:lH I II lili: a ud Ioli" re"l"re

S .. I' il (' il Iwart a" min. ',

5 T h,\' l'a)',I,, "ill;! 1,,," '. ~IJ fro." ,~n s weet,

!Jeur Saviilll!'. I ;uliln':

o k Ol'P ll lt.! al lh .\" ~n" ", ·d fed, Alld le t 111~ ' 1',,,·(, IJ( ' I ll'H'I',

11 ~:,\ 1 .\" (jO, 1, ,;\1. () ']' 110(1 , 10 II"h ,,~.· all',~'· 'II 'dlill !!: ~ight

Til l' darklll' ,~" "hi ']l'l\t " ,~ 1111' li;.:ht.

Se;m:1i. I'n) I'c rll ,\" hr 'a r l; it lo"ks to Ihee,

o IJll)',~1 il". hl)Il'I.~, alld ~"I il fr" l·.

~ \V1L~1 1 ')H I ir,. !'I a itt~. l"I 'm",'e ir ,~ ,Iro,;;.'!, J\illt] my HIl;.·c l ioH ,~ '0 IIIP ero",,;

Ii allo\\" l':Wlt I!tOllchl. II'l all wit h in

Uc d e:lu , "" III"". Illy L"l'd, a r t dean.

3 If ill Il li" t1ark"lllJU' lI'i ld J "111I~· . Bo 111I)u my li~hl. \.11' 11,,111 m)" way; roio lues. Ill) yi"I " Ul'l' I Ii.'al'. :0-;0 h,u'lIl , wlt ik thrill , my (;"d , art Bear.

W hell ri"i uO' 110"d" Ill )" I'II"lu'l'dluw, \\"1 ... 11 .~;lIk" Ill )" heart ill W:II' l" ,; II I' \l'oe,

.I'·Sll", Ihy l iltJt,I ,\' a i, 1 im],:!rl,

AllIll'ai ",' III)' Il e ;1I1. nwl dW!.: I· III )" h eart.

5 Ra\' iolJl ', \l'lu 're\'1' 111)" "'1t- I '~ I S!.:t: .

])a u lllk~~ , IIl1tiJ'I'd, ! 1" lIo \\" d ll'e :

o le t tll ,\' I'a lld ~ IIPI'''I ' 1. IIll' "Iill.

l\ lItl h,.'ad lilt.: t u thy lu .l,\" Ilili.

[-Scc Jlym," on R Cl'cnlu1U:e ,J

1', \ S8 10:O-; H' I:I'; I\ .\ \, I) ( ;U()I) FI1IDA L

lIY ,\l~ (j]. 111. I. Is."li,"l h h ili. 1-4. "VIIO i ... rl li ,~ 111:11 , ' '' IIIt ·~ li,,,1t) 1:"0111 .

, All hi ,~ l~ l i trll' lIt ,,1;1;11',] ",irlt 1.lood , T o lite ('al'livc "I,, 'akillg i'rt'cdum ,

Br iug ing- lind i>1·"toll"ill;.t gout!;

(;1111';4)11 " ill till' gild , lIe w. 'ar~.

GIOl'iolls ill lite "I'oi! hi' Ill'al-:;l!

2 'Tis the Savillu l', \lI,\\" vil'\lI l'inu s .

Tl':I\'elli li g o tiward ill his Illight i

'Tis !lu.: :::al';'1I11', 0 1111\\' c lol'inlls

'1'" h is 11l'''1'1f' i,. Ih e ~i g lll !

Sala ll CIIIH j Ul·r'd . alld lh, ' g"UVO, Jes us uow is ~ lroll g to SU\·C,


3 \Vh \" lltat h 'ond hi~ raimClll i'tainiug?

,.j' ;;; tl lt' bl""a of 1Il;'lI~' ,~lai!l ; Of his foe,~ IIlJ'rt l ' 1II >l1t' l'l'ltiaill illg,

,\"')11'. tl lt.: r 'oll1c~ r to IJlaiUlain :

FaW n thl'" :U"C, 110 mUl'e 10 rise,

.. \ 11 lI ... ir ~Iory I'ru~ll'ale lies,

4 ~ I i g' lr ly " icl or! l't' igll f"r Cl"('r,

\rea r IllI' ("r",\' 11 "" llea rly won ;

!\ell'r ~hall Ihy 1"'''1'1.- . u('\'or, Cr ' :l,~" to s iu;,; w hal Ihon ha~t douo:

'1'1"'11 h;L~t fought thr I'I'''I'! ' ''~ ",eil; T h"u h""1 lH'a l''/ thy !'eop!e's woes,

H Y.\ LN G:! . L. 1\1".

'"\I'" T JI'~~ 1. ~ lIr l' er lU e w"wlnIlIS cross, Y V Oil whit' h lhc l'rill{"c III' Glorr dicd,

~ I y I'il' h(' ,~ l gai ll 1 ,'Ollilt hut lo s,~,

Alit! l'l!ll) ' cotll c mpt Oil all 1Jl~' pride.

2 Fur]' i'] iI , Lord, li1al I sIJlJIII,l boast . !"alf' in Iilc C t'l)S;j " t' ("IIt'ist my Gud :

All l l1u '":tin t hin~s Ihat charm Ille 1II0sl ,

I sacrific e IllCm to Ihy 1010 .. d ,

3 Sel'! fr"iIl hi" IJf'a,], I li ,~ h;m,I;;;. hi" lCd, S"n''' \\" all ,l I"",· no\\' miuglCtI down;

Dill l··t'r Mlt'h lol'c alld . __ otTO\I· mect !

Ur thurlls COIlI)l"se a :::)a\-iutlr's CroWIl !

-j '''l'rl' ll lc 1I"1",It' n'airn of llalUl'e m illO,

T lml l\"l' rl' a Iril.ll lt' far too sm rl]];

LUl U "" :l lJlaz iul!. "If dil,iuc .

lJclllalld ~ 1I 1~' life, I lly snll\. my all.

B " I IO LD tilt' :-<al'ioll!' of In:mk inrl Sail'd tu rhu ,, 11:11111'1',,] rn'e;

Il u\\" va"l th,' IlI l"e tlta l hilll ill..J ined

To hlr 'ci l ,lInl dic j ; ". Ilit'!

~ ll al'k, h"lI" III' gl'ltllll~! wllil,' llatlll'(, ~hakcs,

.\wl ,',u'IIt'" ~l l'OlI¥ /,ill;lI'.~ IJt'lJd ;

TIlt" rl'I!II'I ," ,~ I'ail ill __ II wier ]'l'I:ak".

Tile ,~(!Ii" murhle" I'('w l.

J ' T i,~ ,IOIIl'! t ilt' ]1]"('('i('118 ran ~olll';: paid;

;. Il" cpin' Illy suul !"' Ir t' erie" i SCt.' \\ir(' ll' hf' ),,,\\",;; lI is " :I('t't·tl head!

li e b"w" ],i~ head al .. 1 tlie,;;,

4 Dul "OOIl hp']] hreak l .... alh·s cm'ions chain,

And ill filII gl(,ry shinc;

o 1.amh (,f (;od , \\'a," eVl' r pain,

W as cn:~1' 101' (: !ilw th ine!

My f':lVifl lll' hallg- itlz nn lho t1"(,("

111 agollies all tl 1010(1,1. l\'l c lbou g lll OII CO tll1'lI'd his eyes on m c ,

As Ilcar hi ~ cross 1 .s tuoJ.

~ :-UI"', 111'\"(')' l ill I lly brost hreath

CUll J fU I'!!f' 1 Ihal h ,ok:

Jt S"" llr',] 10 eha rg-" IIII' wil h bj ,~ llea th ,

T11"lIgh lIut a wurd ht' ~I'0ke.

3 i\ l y , 'oUil('i r' I1 ('(' fdt allli o\l'lI'd the guilt,

A lit 1 pill ng' ,·d 1/1 .. in rl{'~l'ail': I ;:aw Il ly !'in~ Il i~ 1,1"."1 1",,1 ;:(' il1,

An,llwl l"d to n;li l !oi ", tiwre.

" ,\ Ias! I Iwcw 11.,t \l'ha t I did ;

Bllt HOI\" 11 1\' kat'S an' \'aill ;

\\" llI'fl' ~ lla ll I;IY 11'l'llll.liug ",,"I he h id 1

F"r [ III ,' L"rd ha\'e ~lai ll.

I ~ A ;:('("oud 1",,1;; Ill" ;.tal'" . whic h saia,

' ; I fl 'eol.'" all f<'l'1!i l'c ;

Tili" 101",,'] i~ [ill' Ihy ra il-om paid,

I die llla l Iho ll m",v'st lil'e ."

(j Thll~, ",h il .· hi" d"II,h lily ;:in dis plays

III :tl i i l ~ 1,lack""1 b,u'-

Su('h j" lilt' IIly~ l t'r,l' of g l'atc-

It ~('a1.~ Illy P:U',]' III tlXl.

Il YM N fj;) . C.:'\L

]? n O:'l1 \\"irl'III"C ,I ,t'''e ,Iin,f., ! OIl]f' IJ" rouud .

. \\'hid, itean'lI alltl (':)1'111 Hll lazo I

\rlll..'rcf"rc rlu earlil']ltakes cka\'o the

g- rou lld 1

Why hid,'~ tloe 111111 h i" ray" '!

2 Wdl IIlny II,e eal'llt a~totli~h ' ,] "hako,

AlII] Ha tll l'C "Ylll pal h iZt,;

'rIte "11 11 a~ .1a l' kc~' lI i,:tb l. l .c IJlack :

'I' llI'ir ) Iaker, .r" ~II~, llie~!

3 n"hold, fa~t -"I re;unin~ from Ihe lree,

II i~ a ll . aIIJll ill~ 10111(>,1 !

l~ rl li ~ l ilt' I"Iill it,· '! ' Ii ,~ l ie ,

l\ ly Savill ur a"d III)" (;"tl!

FIJI' 1111' tll!'~" 1' : I1I ,~~ hi" ~ "lIl a~5ai!, F"r 11('; 1 b j" ,!L'nl h i ,~ horne;

My ~ill~ rta'.",· ,~ I I:It'I>lJt' .... ~ to lite uu il , AIltIIJl)iHlo.:ti every lb" m.

~ L('t ,~ i u no mill"" Illy ,~ ,, "1 {'n~I:JI'(' ,

Un'ak. Lord. it" 1,I' nrnt dl:l in ;

O:-.ale HII ', \\, 1,0111 tholl (':ulI',,1 to save. :'\ur bleed , nl>l' d ic ill vain.

LL Y;\ IN GG. L.:'\1. St. J uhll lI ill, 30. "-r IS fill i ~h 'rl; !-\) Ihe f'a\' iollr c lied ,

- \1101 wl· .. kly how'll hi,. ht':Jd ami d ied:

' Ti~ ' illi~h ' ,]: yt· ~, thc w"rk i ~ done , Tlrc oattle j()ught, the v ictuI·.\· W OIl.

~ ' Tis fi lli~h"l: all tha t Ireavca d ecre ed,

And :011 Il l(} a lic il'lIt pmph cl.;;; ~aid. i. .. !H)\\' full; !! ',I, ,1.'1 10117 , 1e~jgtl'd,

III triO, the Sav iour uf maul,ind




'Ti" filli"Ir'II: ,\uron now no Inrwo M u~t sta il! h is I"ohes wi lh purple gorc : Tile ~uf"l','d \"[Ii l i~ n 'llt ill twnill, And .I cwi~11 rift,,. 110 1ll(J1'~' n'Jlwin,

,I 'Tis filli .,I,'']: lhi~ Illy llyiug gro;lll,

Shall ~ill.~ of en'!")" kiud alo!),': :\l i l li!JIl.~ ,.hall he !"(',le-elll',1 frnUl d parl!.

B." rhi" Illy la't ".':I'il·in!! lor"ath.

5 T i,. liJ/i~I,'d: Itl'an'l} i" n·(:JlH('ilt:.I.

J\lJI I ;d l lll<" I"'\\· '·r.~ ofd:lI·kllo.:.~.~ :< I'ui l'd: I'o.:a("l·, 1(111', alit! h:lpl'illO" "~. ;I;.:aill

BellinI aud ,II\,·IJ will. .~illfIJIIlH· Il.

fi 'T is filli .,h·d : let the joyful ,:( " 11 .. 1 lit.: III'a n l Ihruuoh alllh .. ' Hali'!HS l"OunJ : ' Ti ~ jilli."II·.! : 1,. , IIII' eel!!, l1y Tlll"lIlgl , IU-;tI' l' lI uml 11(;11, Ihruugh eurlh

[til,] .~kr,

I IY:\I N G7. L, M. Fur lItl' JI'1C!I..

I{IGII olllht' ht: lldiug \\illo\\"s Imllo. I-<l"n"I, ~ till ~lecJ!~ tliu ulllcflli strill,,?

Still llIll lt.; 1'I' lI mius Ihe ~1l1l" 11 I"HOUe, Alli l Sillll'.'1 SUIIS' dl'lIie~ II) ,.il lg I

~ Awa k<.·! thy 10udc::t. I' .. ptllre:< ra i~e, barp aud \'"iet' lill iit' Ii ... ir :;Irains :

Thy l"'ll l lli~,'d K ille Il i.~ ~n'I' II '" "'\'ay"; Heinold. Ih)" OWII 1\1. ,,..,,i;dl l"I·i;:II . .; .

.1 11.\' flll"O·i;':1I ." 11"'111 11,"]]01"11 ;':" 1' 1"(1;11 11 ,

Alld. 11"("l'iu;.:. tI,i llk " II .J,'nlall· .~ llu"J; I II ('\"CI:' (·liu1t.: hellOld a 1111111" ;

III " \ ' ~'I".\' h"lI lple "PC Illy (;".1.

::'\0 1;lIIlIlilli! r" l'S Ihe ;:"IIi! I'l"'luil'" ;

Su ~ 1r:IIJ !-,ers 11l"f;k Ill.\' ("n plil'\' t"hai n; Thy ji·j "" ,I.~ 1'1"11\'0 1>0 1111" ,.il"lIl. 1:1"1 ' ,

:\ lId b1"l.:111I· '·1I <i."k III<" hilly slJ"aill.

::; 'l"l lclI \\hy "II 1"'1111 ill :':: \\ill"I\ .~ Ilfi llg, b nwl, ,.r ill ,.[.,. ,/,,, IIII' tllJwflJ l "trillg: ~

" 'lIy !Jlllt.' l"I,tll:.ill." tl ... . ~.d ll·JJ 11I1I1-'1Il·. Ami :::;iou'lj ~'HI1! deb).j II) ~illo-!

I: \:"i T EI:.

II \" .\1,\ Ii": . ( ' . . \1. I t: ... r. ,'. 8.-RUln. \' j. 9, 10, I I.

S 1:\(' I : (' llI"i , 1 OIl!' 1'''''1)1 ' "I" i, ,bill, .\ .~;iI" l"i ljt"t' 1;'1" a ll .

L ct ;111, Ili tb Ih:mk!",,] II<',II'I~, :I:!!'('U '1'0 \;:"ql III<' f;'~li\":II;

2 Not wi l li ,I ... l"'nIPJi, ;~~ of "Id,

Of ",ill :tJlflmali ... · 1,·.1;

B ut with 1IIIf,·i!!"·" ., illl"t'l"i.y, Amllrlltlt 's 1I I1ka\l'II't1 I,n·ad .

3 e hr;,.!, Iwill<! ra;;: .. d by PI)wer Liil' inc,

Auel rcscu ('d fru m the g ran.l,


Shall die no Illnre: .l"alh ::hall VII him ::'\0 U IOI"C ,1"lIIiui"lI ha\"c.

Fill' 11,;, t III' .Ii.·,!. 'I \\"a." foll ' 0111' siwJ li e 1)Jl('e \llIwl ,.,;,f("t/ to .l ie;

Bllt 11i" t 11(' lj\· ,· .~, III" li\"es to God F,II" all del·lIit.,· .

~ S" (·"lItlt )'Olll'l-(,)I"(,;; IJ .~ .lea,) '0 sill, Bilt ;:I";wi.m,l.,· 1""' ... , .... ' 1.

,\ 1111 m:llk. 1i,·III·d;,rtl,. Hl ill) 10 God T liro,u"dl .J <: .~II .~ ( ' llri ~t ' )U l' J.,"rd.

Jl y;\r\f m . Ill. I.

C IIHI:'T Iltl' LI,n] i ... ri'l"Ji tn-day, :-'UII" o f II II'll :11,,1 all~d, ': I~':

Ha i,,~' your .il,.n :til.] IrilllJlplis liigh, Sill!-,,),e 11t":1\'·II~ . alld l'an]' n·I ,Jy.

~ T ,,,v," .~ n·,Ic'·' llill!-, Will'" i ~ d Olle.

FI1I1 !-,lit llie li;,dll. Ihl' ,·ietOJ"." wull :

.J ' '.~II .~' ;1f!:""Y i .~ O"'f,

Darkll(';:s \'eiJ~ l ilt: ~'al"th 110 more.

;I \ "nill Ihe ;:1011" , Ih,· \\'akh . llJo' seal. ClII·j,.t ha~ 1'lJr~ t 11,1' !-,n l l'~ I)f hell ; 1)" :111, ill vain 1;II" I ,id~ Ilim ri;:e.

Christ ll ath ol' .. u'd panll li.,t:.

f.:"; lr we WI\\' witf'I"., (, ll1"i'l hal l! led, Full" wiun filiI" ,'x:lII .,,1 Ileal!; !l l' lib· bi lli. li lw him \\"1" ri~e ;

Ours the cr"".'l, Ihe gravc, the skics.

ITYi\J"j'\' iO, L ,;\L Col. iii. 1,2.

I l TI: £.ill .ful ~" IJI, \\b .. .1 "'11' know, - If I"i",ell iud""d wilh I,i lll yc nrc, ~1I1"'fi,'r I" tllO" .i"~. ,, 1 ... 1,,1,',

1 ii~ rC;:II!Tccti'"I'~ 1"1\\ 1'1" declare:

~ Y' ''' I' f,lilh I,.\" hol.1" t,..tllpcr." 1'1"0\"(' ,

B." acti,,"~ .,h"w your " ; II ~ f"r~ i ,· el '. .\11<1 .-n,k the nlnriou,. tllillt!s abun'.

,\lId 1 .. ,110\\ CI II' i-l, Y"lIr I IC;1l1 , tu hea\'en .


:1 Tlu-n ' )"'UlJ' . 'xal,,·'] Saviour .~ce, :"i1'all'.1 al Glld· .~ I'ig llt Ilaml ilo-ain,

I II ;dlilis I '·athcr· .~ 1 1l:ljl"~lr,

III t'Yerb",tiu ;! 1)1'\1"1'1"1., J"eign.

., Tu him cOll timmlly :1'1';1'1 '. ('olltell!iiu;: fur Y')'lr ,]e~tined place,

,\no! " IIIUlll T(' Ihe aU~"1 .. hoif, \ lid "l ily Ii\"(· II! h,\·,· amI praise.

Tl¥l\I N 71. C, .\r. I Cor. n. ~O, 'H , ':!':!,-Col. i ii . 1.

C Ilnl~T f ruIIl ,h,·,I'·:1I1 i:< ra i ~cll. null made TIlt' Firsl·FJ"lIil~ of l ite 'omh;

FOI", a:; by mal! CI I1 f1" dealh, by man Did n:SlJrrcctiull Cu illC,


~ For, as in Arlam all mallkiml

Oid guilt alll l llt'al r. lh',i,",'} ; S(), by Ihe right l''' 'N I6" uf Christ,

Shall all be Hilidu ali\·c.

:3 If Thell .ye risell lIl"U with Chris l,

f:,,"("k ollly It" w l u eet T ill! t!tilleS w !t i, ·1t arc ;.I)O\"e, whem Christ

At God 's right baud iii .jet.

;\ S rr-::\ S ION,

Il Y)r N 7~ . L .1\J. HE , li<.'~, tile Fri" 11 11 "f l'ilillcr~di('.q :

Lu ! Sal",tn'" ,Iall;.;ltlt.'rlj W~"'Jl al'VulIli: A ::01('11111 " aI·k l .... '~ \"t'il.~ the l'kies;

:\ smld('11 tl 'e llluli uH shak es the g round.

::? Ye ~ aill!S, ;II'Pl"O:lCh, the :tuHuish view or hi m who g l ''': I1 I~ l)cuc;ll it youI' loaa;

J Ie gi\"es hi" pn 'c ioll s li fe fur Y"II, For YOll he "hed .. ; h il< prcciou;: 1,loud .

~ I lere's l" l"e alltl ;,!" I'icf beyolltl de~rec .

T he 1.(11''] ftf ( ;Iory llit';: fill" 111('11 ; fl ut. I,, ! wh:.t ;;lIddo.: lI joy .~ 1\'(' ~(' e.

.1<:811"', the dead, I"c\" ives agai n

4 The ri~illg God f"rs"kc~ the tom!);

Up to his Fo,II I('I"1; COll I"! he fl ies;

CllCr ul,i l: leg ilOlI" guard I. im !trlme, ,\11(1 shout h im w elcume to tllP skies.

5 Break 011' )'01 11" Ical's, re ;:aint~, a lld tl'n

Ilu IV high "' ll" greal Deli \"erer I"('i~ tl,,;

Si ll g II( J\\" II(' spo il'd II ... IJ<O.~t;: nf 1,('11 , Alid led thc tyralll ,1O'all. ill <:haius.

G SH~' , " L i,'c fi,r en.'r. gl"l'i"ll~ h": iuf.', Hont ttl re.J '~('JIJ. ill ~IJ' Il {"I, :I ud ;<an' !.,

Th eil a;:k-" 0 d,'ath , wl' l' re i~ Ihy " rillg 7

AmI wll c n' Ill)' \"i"\lIry, 0 g l"avc I"

lIYj\J"~ 73. L.)1.

OUH L·rnl is ri.~cn 1'''1111 the dead, Oil!" .I l'.~I1.~ i .~ i!"II~' lip 011 Ili!;,d l:

T he 1 '()\\"I'r.~ of 111· 11 lin' eapti,'(' Jed, Ol"agg'd to 111 0 portals fir tllU sky.

~ There hi~ trill llJpllal c hariol \\";lil~ ,

Awl alJ2"(· I .~ ehalJl rl lU ;:"ICIlIIL lay : " Lift up )'unr 11~·ad.~. ye Ill'a \,(~HI.I· gak::,

Ye c1l'r!asti ll;: 1I""rl<, gi\'c \\":1)"."

3 L" o~l' :,11 y " ur 1': 11":: "f 1l11l.".~y l idl !, "1111 wid " IlJdioid til l' radiant S("I' II<'

l Ie dailll~ th'l~ " lJ1:lIl,i"II.~ a" h.i.~ rigl ll ; Hccei\"e lite KillS' o ( Glul ')" ill.

4 .. w lw is 11 Ie K ill~ o f (; loI"Y , who 1"

T he Lord tha i all I. i..: fIX'S u 'crealJlu,

The wnrhl, si ~l, d .. 'atlt, alJt llJC~ 1 u'cl"lhrcw ; I And J esu~ IS the CO Utlue l"ot" s name.



5 1.0! I, ill tr iu mphal c hariot w ailS,

Alil l ,ulg<,'ls c haJ1t 'he sl.Ile ll1l1 lay, •. Liflup Y'mr heads, yt: hea\""lIly gates,

Yc "\, <: I ll.~ti llg <.luor~, gi\"e way."

6 " W ho is the Ki ll~ of (;]OI"Y, who?" The J,"I\I uf 1'Olilld l,·.,;; IJ(!\\ 1'1' POs.~cs-"'ol.

T ile Kill O: o f " .. ints au.! :1II!l:clil '00, (~"tl o\'e l" all, for cI'er bless'll.


IIYM:-I 74. C. ~'f.

C 0 .\11':, 11 ,,1)' Gh"~I , Crt'alul" , 'OIIlC,

1 1I ~ 1' ;"l' 11,t'.'!: souls of l!.i ul' : T ill ""l'ry h<::l rt whid , Ih.,., ha ... <t madc.

ilc lill'd wirh O:I~lt:C tli\ illc.

2 T hOll 1 Hl"t the C()lliforll'l', ti l<" g ift or Corl. :111,] IiI"(' of lo\"!' ;

T hc c\,l'r1:ti'till!;! ;: ]lJ"i ng "f joy, An,!u llction f!'O m al,ove.

3 Thy gj fl.~ a rc llI:Jni li ,ld , 111011 writ 'st

G Oo I':: law ill ('aeh !t·uc h ... art ; The pI'('lIIi "e of tiIC FaThf' !" , thou

Dost heavc nly speeeh im part

4 E nli;: IJlell 011 1' Ihrl, s" JJ I~, l ill 1hey T hy f!;1 ('1"L'f l lo \'c l'lIIhnlce ;

"\ ssist 0111' lIIill(l", by lIatHI'C Ih ill, W ith thy edestial g race,

5 Dril'c fnr fmlll llS Ihe Illllrl al foc, A nd gi\' ''' U~ pt"a('U willii,,;

ThaI , hy tlt.\" ;': lIidilllec hle:: l~ we may I:: ."<.·a l'e l ile "nares uf si u.

G Te:wh Il l< Ihc Fa ther to couft'ss ,

And SOli, frum ,knlh rc\"in:d , Ant! IIICc, wi lh lJul h, I) I lo ,ly Ghost~

\ \'110 Hit fru m INth derived .

llY~fN 75. C. i\L C 0:\lE. Il uty ~pirit , I k a"euly Dove,

W ith all thy f] l1iek " l1il1g puwers; h":illlll,· II Ibllll' of ;:ac n ·d lovu

III thesc eold hew·t.s uf UlirlJ.

2 Sec how we gro\'el hcre below , Fon.! (I t" thcsc eal·tbl y toys :

Our suul;;, lJUw IlCa" ily Iltey go, '1'0 reach eternal joys.

3 III \'aill w e tUlle our lifeless songs, I n \'lIil! we :<tri\"e til rise :

lJosan n a.~ lallg ui"IJ Ull our tongues, I\ lId !lnr Jel'oritJlI d ie!!.

" COIJIC, I inly Spirit , Il ca\'cllly Dove, \r id. all Ihy quif;k,' lI iu S' pOWCIl! j

Co me, ;:I .... d a], ruad a Sa\"ill(u" " love,. And dial I:f hall k ind lc UII !"S.




l IY:\f:\f iG. C. 1\1.

H E'S C"IIIl!, let c"cry knee h(' I,cnt ,

,\ 1\ hew'l;; IlL'\\" j('Y ,..':"IIIIIC ;

Si llg, yt' n,t!l'i'llI 'd, with (,"f' C(lilsent.

,. 'I'll!' Comllll'tCl' i~ c"lI1e ,"

~ \\"Imt g r('atiT g ift . wbat f,'l'f'atcr lo\"e,

Cmd.! (iot! "II 1111111 1'L':"l" w I

AJlg" 1.~ fi,r thi~ n:ini('L' above, ] ,Pt lll,l1I rc:i"icc beluw,

3 H ail, bl('R~cil I"l'irit! lIlay f'ach soul

Thy ~acr(',l ill tl l lt'lll"f' fet'l ;

Do IIHITI each si llflll 11"!Ilght cOlltrol,

,\ IIt\ fi x "III ' \\,1I\"t!rillg zed.

-I Tlmu to the rfln~ci l"llcf' (I" ... t C( 'Il\' PY

'J'h o~t' r!1t'('k~ wbil'll \\'(' ~hoilld know;

Thy lIJ"ti()ll~ p"illl In II ,~ the \\'ay j

T hou g i\" tit lI ,~ "tn'lIg th to go,

T IH~ ITY SU.\"D,\ Y.

11\']11;\ n, L, M.

IIO LY, lu .I)", holy Lonl , o B ri;.dl l ill Ill} d"cil" ,II HI ill thy i\"umc,

For en'l' \"..: Ihy Smllt: adon'd.

Thy gl"ri(';; h·t !lie world pnlclaim,

2 0 Je~Il:", Lamb Olin' t'l'IH; ifi ,~d

T o 1;11", filiI' I" ad of :<ill,; away,

T hiue lie thc hymll ,llat roll,; il" lidc

Alou g tllc n"allll~ "I' uppcr Jay,

:1 0 I ["Iy ~l'il'it frollJ :Ib"v,.,

111 :<II't':III1S of li¥ ht amI glnry gi\'cll, ThOll "UIln.:C o t' t'l' ''t:u-y 111111 I()\'I',

Thy 11l':l i:<l';; I'i llg Ihl'Olig h e a)'Ih ami 11"IIVl'II,

o (jut! T l'iulIl'. to Illt,C we owc

0111' e\'\'I"," Ilu,u,;dl!. our I'veI')' l'Ollg j

AlIII CYC!' ilia)' Iii," JlI'ai~L''; flow

FnJlll "aint 111111 ~.'rn]lll';< hUl'I!ill g tongue,

II YJ\J N7P, L.l\f .

l? ,\TJI ":B "r ail , wllO~e 10"" pl'l,fo)llllll

.\ 1'<I1I:<"1Il Jill' " 111' ""u l.~ hal II f01llul,

13c[..n' I h~' llin n," Wf' "i llllcl'l' Iot' lIll; To II~ Illy pnnlolling Im'p ('xlI'II ,1.

~ Ahlli !:dJ1 y ~nll, illl' :l l'lI:1\o- \\' ord,

0 11 1' 1'11'1'11('1, Pri!';::t. Hedel' lII" I', Lord,

fi "fo)rl' th," 111 ]1)1IL' \\'(' ~illlwn' l wlld;

Ttl U!' TIl)" !':I\' ing .... l'iWe e ,\II'llil.

3 E1PI'II;)1 ~ l' irjt. h ," wIH)~c ul'eath

Tllc "."iI i .. rai ... (',1 f l'OlII , .. in <1IUI dl'<1tlr,

Befoll'IJ Ihy th l'OllC WI ' ~i llllel'~ I, (' ud ;

To us thy quickeuin g ]lo wer extent!,


4 Jeho\'lIh! Fal h(' I', ~ I ,il'i l, Ron.

:'ly~ IL'I 'i "lls ( ;"dlw:ld , T lil't", ill One ' I.kfoft' 111 ,\' Ihn ll". w~' ,~ill l"'I'" Ioeud; Gracc, 1'1II',10 ll . IiI" , I" liS cXlf'nd,

n YJ\ I ),I i~, 11. 4 .

,\11< gin' illllll"I 'I:d pra i~c To (;0,1 Ille FlI IIII'I'\ lo,'c.

Fur all VIII' c')1Idol't~ I.(' rc,

Alltl 1111 " III' hope;; al,o\'C :

Ill, ~(,lJt hi" nwn

Eh'rllal :'011

TI).l i,' l'II' , .. illil That 111<111 had J onc ,

2 T o G,II1 Ihc 1"(111 hl.'lolI ';:s

111111101'1:11 ;.!i"I'Y II" ', Who s a\"(~d I!.~ I,), hi~ hlood

Fruill t'\"t·r1:t,.;ling woe :

Awl IIOW iiI.' live",

}\ 1101 W'W lie l'eign~, .'nd ;WI'~ tlU' fl1lit

Of nil lii ,~ I'nill ~ ,

3 To (ioll tlil.' :'I'i ri l. I'I'ai,~c

.\1111 elldl. '",,~ \\'IJI',~hil' g il'e ,

'V lio,~l' I)C\\"~'I'~'ijlilig POW"I'

l\j; lkes tlu· dl.'wl "jll IlCI' lin! : lIis \\,.I\,k t'Olllpleh:,;

TilL' g l ' ~ ' at dt'~ig ll, 1\11.1 l ill ~ Ille "1)111

\\"illi .io,\ ' di" jlle.

,I Alilli ,~ lit-" (iud , 10 ,1",(, Ik '-'lIIlles :< 11')tu,"I'~ ,Jolle;

Tlu' ~a(T('11 1" 'I'''oll~ Tlm'l"

'I'll(' (j,,,II I('lId 0111," Ulle ;

,,'lie n ' rt 'a"nll lilil"

\r ill l all Iwr !!('\\'CI'''',

Th('n ' tililh )l1'('\'ail", Alit! lo't: udores.

r \~T·!l \ L I n ' ;\I.'J ~(), C.)!.

AL:\ I I(; IITr 1."1'<1. I.efiw,· !I". throne

T hy ll IIJlIl"I, ill :! I'I ''' I' \.' IU 'II.I: ' Ti~ nil I II~' l':mloll ill ;! ;!nl('C Illolle,

I (Jill' 1'1'0"I I'lIt(' IH'I'I' ~ d e ]'t'l u l.

~ Dal'k jll , lglIl(,lIt~, fl'ol11 th .... II( '<I"Y hand

Thy d re:1I1f1l1 PO\I" ')' , li~l'la ,\' ;

Ye t 1l1o'1'('y " I':\I'(' S 0111' g-lliity lalld,

Alld ,~ I ill \n' li'e I .. pray ,

:J lIow elmng('t!, nb-, ~ an' 11l!111 ,~ d i" ine,


, For "ITOr. f:tlilt. :111 11 ,~ IIi !llIP; \V lml il1lpioll" 11111111",1':<, 1,,,ltl ill Sill,

D i ,~C' I'at'c th ... ( 'I II'i~ l i, 1Il n:lII lC,


4 0 tUl'll H ,~, tnrn II~ , mi~h lJ Lord,

Couve rt us by Illy g l'ucc:

H Yl\l NS,

T hcli ~ hal1 OUI' h earl" obcy tliy worrl, Alld "'T again III)' race ,

.'> T IICI1. ,,1111111,1 0l'l'n ',~,~i llg fot.,:" invud e,

\\'e willllot ~i llk ill fcar; Sec, 1ft' (If :l1I''' \ll1i' 'i ,'1I1 ai,l,

\\' Jlt'li God , ullr Undo is uear.

I " ' MN ee l. 11 r. 3. I) Ill : \ n .1,'hm'nll , nl,d of ' lali"lI~,

Fr"ill tll ,\' 1t'lIll'le ill 11)(' i'kic,~. I'lear Ih,\' pr'uplc'" ~lI l'pli l 'al ioll ,~,

-'ow IiII' t!lt'ir tle li li'fHlIce r i~.' :

~ Lo! widl , 1" L'p 1,,,"t l'i liOIl tll1'lIill g, II IIIII]' I~' at thy I;':t'l \\'e \'(' Iul j

' I ... ar u~ . 1;'~ I illg, pmyilll::-" III(I'"'lIill£"

I lL'lIr I( ~, .~]larl' U ~, allli dd"ll'l,

J Th,,"~h "III' si ll S, "til' IlI"art.~ c!)III'UlIlllillg,

LOll!! 111,,1 IOlld 1',,1' n ': lIgealln: I'all, ThOll II: I~I 111"1'1.')' III(lft' al,ulll ill ill ,:.',

.T"~II~' 101" •• .1 0.:<111 c l"II11,<e tlWHI all,

t et t ll<lt Im'L' \"I' il (IIII' t l"III ,<¥n',~i"II ,

1..,1 Ihat 1,101 .. 1 (IIIi' ;':lIill "1\,.,.,, : S1I\' (' 111 ,1' P""I,I,' fl '''11i nl'l'rl'~~iOIl ,

Sal e from sl'oillliy h" ly place,

II YM\, R'!, L .:'I I. P rO /I "/, "lid II"p" {~t l 'idorJ '

~O\r I lia,\' lite (i l''] " I' gnw" nlid I '''WC!'

- AIII'lId I li~ 1 " ''' I' t.- ' ~ IIIIIII I.le tTy:

Del"lId 1111'111 ill lh,' w 'p, lflll h"lIl', AIl.1 ~" II,] dl'li\' l'I'alll'e f l'Oll1 Oil Ili g !!,

" In hi" "'II\'lIlioll i~ \lUI' 11"111" j

. \111 1 ill I III' l\alllC o f I<I~ II' ]''' ( iod .

Olll' tl'''()l'~ :"halll ift thL'ir I"I IIII'T,~ lip.

OUI' 1H 1\' ic~ !S p read Iheir /lags alll'"at1.

:\ 801111' tru ,~ 1 ill lror:!C;< Imill',1 fo,r war,

Alill ~lI1rJ('of chariol,~ Illa kL' tlll,: i .. I."a,, !~ ;

0111' !'III'l'~L l'x pectHti,, "~ an:

F roill tllL'P . the I.ol'd o f hl'an 'llly bu~I~ ,

Then ~avl' liS, LOI~I. fl~ '1lI ,.I'I\· j,..h f,'ar, Ami lel our trusl Ut' lil'lIl alld ~tn!llg,

Ti ll III )' ,;nhn tinll slllIll npl'ear, Alld 11)' ll lns ofpc;lcc cO llclu{l(' (lUI' snn g.

T II A;'; J\f',(;1 VI N(;, D,\ Y.

H Y MN 83. I'A RT I, III, '2,

p H \ 1.'1: 10 God , i ll l lllol 'Ial l'l1li.;: ... ,

Fol' tIll' 1"I' c Il lal (,l'own" " II I' dn,\"~ ;

B01II I I {" 'U~ ~1I1!rCL' ,.1' every .i.','" Let tllY p"li~(' IIIII' IOIlg- II (,:" "'!Upl"y : All to Ih('e. our GI)II . we ow('.

SOUI'CO whence all 0111' u1e~~jllg;; now,

" ,\11 I lie J,kssillg,~ o f the fi('ltl ,~ ,

Ail 11ll: ~ tUI"'~ tJIt~ garJell yj,'ld ~,

FInc k" thaI whilell all the pluin ,

Yellow ~llCa\"\:~ of ripen'tl g rai ll : ].,,1'11, jil!' the,;e 0111' ~fllIls ~llilll nlis!!

Gralt: flll VOW" lIl,,1 ~olelllil prai se,

3 Cl"u" ~ Ih:lt ,11'''1' lIieir fat"'lI ing d e wlI Sllll~ Ihnt gt' ll ial \\'n l'mlh d ilrllsc,

All Ih, ' pICHt)' :<1111111]1'1' P(IIU''', AIIIlIlIlIl ' ~ l'idl o 'L'r1I •• willi! ~1"I'cs: Lonl, lill' th " ,~e OUI" "ouls "Imll mi,;c

G mll'fll l nl'\' ~ a lld ,~"klllil I'm i~ ,'.

I'PiIt' . " pl'(I~I'('l'ity, Hlltl li~'a1tll ,

P rilale 1,li,:. .. alld plll ,lic \\','alth. h:llow]".I ;.!". willI it~ ,;:Iadd e llillg stl'cams, P ur., n' li;.!ioll '~ h"l i,,1' IWitlll,,:

Lord, 1;,1' Ih('~o..: "Ill' soul s shall mise

Grah'flll vnws 1lll(I l'nlelllil JlI·aisc.

p,-\. RT rI, III. '2,

[, \' n ', ~holiid I'i ~ill~ wllirlwill,h teal'

F roBI iT~ ~t .. rll the )'i!,l'lI ill1; ear:

TIII'II)!Ii til(' ;;ic k~· lI i ll ;.! 1I"l'k "llIlIlld fall , ,\IIlIII,,' hcrd ,]l! ~l'r l the " Iall:

Rlill I" t.hee our ~"II1.~ ... 111111 I'nise ( i]'<I\('flll yows alil l ~I)lclllll prnise,

(j :-:!toilld Ilrilll~ alll'r', j 11:]11(1 l'c"l mi n

T ile earl," allli the latkl' I,,.ill ,

Hla~l ":wh ol'cnill g IJ1It! of joy,

,\lId Ih., ri ~ i llg year ,J.',~lror:

:":Iill to tll('(' 11111' ;;IIul" ~h1tlll'aise

(;ra teflll \'o\\'s lind "ulelllil praise,

i l.i lj, alld gr<lce, whal,"el' 0111' woe,

~I ill I" thee, "lIr God, w o owe;

T I"'IIi!11 of !'arlh ly h"pes hcre fl ,

Yl'I ""I' I" 'pl' .. f h" 11I"11 i:< h-fl;

,'uti 1'1]" 111l'~e 0111' ~olll.~ sllallmi ... o

(;]'al ,' 1'1I1 '·OWI; a llli ~olelllll I'mi;;c.

IIY i\ I.'J t\4 , C , l\l. l~., n]1 ,\'T .... [,\, of 1IIt'I'C,Y, (;011 " f Im'c,

II,, \\, rich Illy 1'('"l1 lics an': Tile n,l1ill!! ';l'a"')lI ~ , as the)" III!1YC,

I'rocbi lll thy C""i1t:lIIt care.

!! \\" 11<'11 ill llie hO,;OlH of the carIb

T Jw ,.."wer bill till' g l'aill ,

II TII~' !!o,,, l m'~:,, lIIark\1 ils secret I,irlll ,

,'lid "L'1I1 the cady rain,

" Th" 'I"';"~', ","eel ;"Ih,"",,·. I.",·d , "''''

I tll illf',

T IiL' " Inllt." in lw<tll t,Y gl'C W; Tho!! 1;:I\";;t lli t! ~tll!ltllL'I",~ ~UII.~ 10 .;hiuc,

T hc mi l.! refrl'~hiHg de w.

" T he,;c \'arioll'; 1 11I.' rl' ie~ frolll al,ovc I l\ Jalured the I;wcllillg gra ill;



H Yi\ IN S.

r\ kiwllr IlIIn'cs t ero\\"u~ thy lUI t.! ,

Aud ph:llly fi lls IllI" plaiu .

;:. W e UW I! ,.ud I, I~,;. .. Ih:--' f!r:lcious s w ay:

Thy 11011101 a ll !lallll"" haib ;

Secu ·liu .t· 1l'H" Ila l "\""~I, ll ight !lor J ay,

SI Ill IlJl~r ' WI' w iut"'r li.i "'.

HYMN ?-;' . I. . 1\1. For " Iddic .IIl'rciCl< flild DclivcrOllccs.

Q .\ L \. ,\ 'I' I U .... ,1,,111 I" (;"d "clong, D I l i~ 1',,1\"t' r a lld " I"a("~ ~ I Hlll I,e our song;

I-" I"" HI hi lJl a l" lU' ,ti l !l'lT/·il's fl uw, I i i, anll alo' le ~II I Jlltl~" II,e j'Jc.

~ TI'('11 pra i.~c Ih i .. ( ;,,, 1, W\I" 1,011'1'\ Ilis ear l' r" l' ili" lI~ t" I li~ pC" I' I, ·' ... p ,·n), .. r ;

A III I Ih""gl l 1J,·lil·~n ll ... ,· IlC 11111)' :'Ia )"

r ei alj~\I 1'1":> ... ,ill in hi .. uwu d ay.

:J U ll!ay t h i.~ f!()odll~"'s killl 011 1" iaud, ~,ill "H"ell 1,:--' II lill e .\ IIUii:(I.I.I· ha ud T he I, ·il ,ul..., 'It" it,; Ion.) \" I,rillg

To thee, our S,II iU1ll' Hnd u ur K iug :

4 T ilt e"er~' p"I ,[ic \t' lll plu I"ai"e

,\ sl/llg "r trill llll'h t" Ih)' p raise j Alld "I' ~rr J'L'IH"e t"lll , pril a te IW HlC,

T . , lIH'c it te llJ l' le :;l.al1 beeume.

;" ~ l il1 I,,· it 0111" '': '' l'r(" lIH' ,h.·light T o wal k i\ ~ i ll t l,~' olo !'io ll~ ~ i C! hl,

Rl ill ill t l!y 1'1"1 .. ""'1'1" and Ihy fear, T ill life's last huur, to persevcre.

"11. O llD I ="'A!'" C ES ,\:\1) SPEC I AL O I; C:ASIONS.

BAI'TJ .... .\1 (IF I ?\F . \ ?\T~ .

11\",\1 :-\ rl(; . Ill . 3 . S A\· 10 11 H. w ho thy tluck arll; ·~·di ll 2" .

\r idJ the "l lI' pl ,(·nl · .~ k iwlc._l Cll t· ....

A l1 ti le f" L·III!, gl'lllly I""dill';:-, W hile Ihe lall .lI" tby 1 ''' .~''1!l .~It'H·e;

~ !\O\\". 01 1'81' l ilt ],> OJU' S rt'e"il ill:-'.

Fvld thl'lI! ;11 thy :!I":wi"u" ann;

T here. WI) kllow . Ihy w"nl bdie"ing, O ll ly t!Jcrt' , ~eeu rc frll ll l hanu.

3 :\cvcr frltl ll tlly pa."IHI·,· ro\"ing, Le I IllI'm 1)(" Ihe 1. i,!!]'s pn'y ;

1.('1 Il ly h" lI dL·!"lIL'~~. _" I",· iug.

Kcep litem alllifc's dall ,:!en ,u.: way :

-1 T IIl' Il , withiu Ih.\" filid " "'n'al, [(", '"c//l fill Ll II n'~ l jll:! .. plllt:l';

Fct:'i.1 ill pa..;IIII1..· ... en']' ' ·' ·I"rml.

D]'ink the ri, er~ "I' th.\' O"I"<lc('.

HYi\L\f 57. ::-.. Sf.

T I J E n eHlk S:I\·i"lIr ('all"

OUt· children to Ili~ hreast;



Il c j:oI,1s tlH"1 1I ill bis ~nJ(; ious anns, I [ i l lJ .~"lr dcda rc .~ li/O'II! ble~ t.

;\ " I.t·t Iltt' llI Oll' l'nmclt ," Ill' cries, .. ;\'''' ~ ,·"n . Ihei r lu nn lolc claim j

TIU' III: il";; Iff hea'TIl a ..... • such flS these,

F(' I' "ud l a" thesc I I:allle."

3 Glwl1y wc [,ring them, Lurd,

Dev" t iug 11"'ul to thec, llll pl'>I"iuf! l ital, a 5 we a rc thine,

Thiue Ittay " Ul" ofl~pr"jl:g bc.

IH I 'T JS.\1 VI; A Dl LTS.

II \."" .\ 1 ~ rl ,"; . :-: .:\L E rh~ ~ian~ vi. 10. 13. S OLD j EIl ~ " I' CI'l"i"l :1I·i-l·.

'\11( \ I'lI l )""111' W·lllflllt· 1111 .

Stron g ill II I<" ~ t n' lI gtll w l.i ch God SlIpplic!I T h rungll Ili .~ " Iernal ;-':011.

2 Slro lig in tlte 1."1"11 I)f h,,~t. .. , Ali< I in bis m igh ty P" WCI",

Who j ll the s tn'"gth of J ,·.~II.~ tr us ts.

Is morc lImit t:olUlllt'r"r.

3 Staml l it en ill hi .~ g re all!J ight ,

W ith all his ~ l rengt1 1 emlttcd j

And tal,c, to an n you fo r the fi ght, T ile I'alwpl)' of God.

TIt:1 1 hav illg all th ings JOIlC,

Alltl all your c;oll ilicts past, Yc mny behuld yo u r victory WOIl ,

. -\ II ~I sl,Jud cU lllplcle at last.

o <":0:\ "'IIB J AT roX.

HY ,\1 N 89. L . M. 1I .\!'I ' r llay, Ilml ~ I a)':-I 111 .\' choice

(Ill tlll·t· . III)' "llvi",,!" 11 11.1 my (;uu :

\\" ,·11 IlIa.l· dli.i g111 \\"iJlg Itt"il r"l rc:ioicc,

I All,] 11·11 Ihy g\lo.Ju t." s all aIJ!"" 'u !.

~ U ilil l' P), [J " IH I , Illa l ~L'ill..; 1 1I ~' \'O\\"R,

T" Ililll \Vh .. Jlleril" all my 1"1"1': : Let dW"rflll ;1II11 ... J1I:< fill Ilis hOIl"C,

I wh il ,· tu I. i .~ .';:lcl"I·d litr,me [ IlIU,"C

3 ' T is dOlll', tilt· gr.·a t tnlll~a("\i"I1'" dOllc ;

I), ·jgu. gm('i"Il" J,fJrd, I" makc tne Ih iue: l lell' Ill\". Ihr,,"S"1t ,;:-rne,·, I" I,oll,,\\' Ull.

(aa.! 10 cUll f,-,s~ thy \'uke di,·ille.

Fix'd Ull tlly ( ;, ,,1. tl'r .':1\ i"ur, I"c~l ;

\rli" with t Ill' world w"lI ld "riL" 'c 10 part

,,"IJCIL call'tllJll 'II/ <; ...J~· roll',j to fl'lll't?

;:. lI i ~11 heavctt, Ihat !1I'urd 11 1("" ~lIle!rHl YOW,

T hat vow l'cul'w,,1 .~ l!:llJ d aily llear, T ill iu life's lal ... " h01l 1" I I,.,w,

AtIlI 1J le~s ill deill h a bU1ll1 ~() dear.


HY>fN gO. .c. M. 'VIT:\r::s~, yo lIlcn ana angels;

Bc/ore tlte L ord wc spcak j no\\,

T o him WI.) mak e 0111' !<olcl!1 !1 vow, A YOW w e darc 1101 brea k :

2 T hat , lou g 11." life it""lf "hall ta.~ t, Our"cl l"' .~ 10 Chl"i~t we )" il·hl ;

Nor from IIi;; I·all>'t.· will we .1" 1':11'1, Or cYer '1ll it Ihe li,.Jd .

3 \\'c trust 1101 ill Oil I' 1!,llin' ~Ircllg!l!,

nu t Oil It il' :!nll', · 1"t"1~· .

T hat. wi lh relur!li!l~ ,'altt~, III<" Lunl

Will al l 0111' need ~lIl' pl y.

4 Lord, gui,ll' nur d ollblflll f"cl at· igh !. Ami k,"' p II~ ill Ihy ,,'ltyS:

And. while \ H " " l"ll "III" v"w .... t" !,I"i l y('r~,

T urn IlloU 0111' I'nl)"" I"" tn prai:,e.

H YMN 91. C . . \1. Y OUTI I, w l){,!l de\'otctl I" llu:: LurJ ,

Is JlI ('a .~i ng in hi~ I'Y('S;

A fl ow er, Ihnllgb oft"..:r''] in the bud. Is no I'a in sacr ificc.

2 'T is easier filr if w ,. lJC'gin

T o fcat· IllC Lu rd 1 )(' li m e~;

For sillllcnj w ho gr" w old ill ~in Are l!a rd CII'.! II)" their cl·i IllCS.

3 II Sf/'''cs II ... fl'(' 11l it I holl~a!td s ll:Jrt:s

To milJd n 'jigi, ,]) YOllng;

5 T rue wisllom, (,flrly sou ght. fi nd gain'J I II age will givo:: thee ,"Cst:

o then, improv(" tho:: morn of life , To makc il l' I' \·t.:ll illg 1,1"81.

T il E LOB ]) 'S SI"I'P EH.

B Y.' I .\" 0:3 . C . J\l . He.' . ,' . 9, 1 '~, 13.

T' JO\·. ( ;, ,, 1. all glvry .. llolJIlll'·. pow e r, Art w Ol"t ll)' I " ren'I\'l' :

Sitll"l) all thillg~ by l hy I',, \\"el' were made.

.\II.! loy tl lY boullty lil('.

2 Alld w o rthy i.~ the Lalllb all puwer, 11"lIo llr, lIud w ealth. 10 gaill .

( ;I II I"Y allll ~tl"t' ligth: wI" , for (lUI" s illS

" "OII.:t"i fice was ~Iai tl .

:J 1\ 1\ worlhy t ll" " , w ho hast I"cJcem'd, 1\ 11.1 rillJ .~')IJI'd (I'; to Gu •. I,

F rom c\"cl"y natioll, e"cry coast, By Ihy tIIo.~ t p l"ccio tl ~ b lood .

4 B lessing alll i honour, blor~", po wer, By nil ill earth a tld 11I'OI I'C II ,

Tu Il im that .~ it s llpll11 th e thron e, ~\ IJ\ I to the Lamb I!\' gi\"(· II .

Tl Y i\I N g.1. L.. j\ I.

J)II Y Gu,}, :11 )(1 is tl,y tal,l..., ."PI"'(III , And , I om~ thy cup w ith I,,\'c o'erl1ow !

Th ithc r b e all ti l)' .·l lild rcu lo.:d, .. \ml l..., t Ih ~' 11 1 thy ,,\\,·,·t 1I,,"["c i,·~ kno w .

G mce will I'I"('iit:I·\·,· ollr /i,lIowing" yeul's, 2 Ami make 0 11 1' \' irl l1es strung.

IJai l! "acJ'cd 1"..:;I,;t. wh irl l .I e",us llIakes ,

Hicl! lJall'l" e t uf il i~ tlL',;h 'Iud 1,luod:

4 To the e, Al m ighlY God. to thee Our ill'arls we now resigll :

' Tw ill plei!:>e liS to [o"k b:lck a tHl see That our w holt· lives w cre thiuc.

0, HYM N !)(!. c. M .

I i\" tlte mum of lift', whcll y ou lh

\r ill l " ital an.l"ur glow", And ~h il!l's in a ll the f, lircst chal"m~

T ha t l 'l' II lIt)' C;tII d i~d o;;(' j

~ Deep ill Ihy ;.:oul, bel,)re il.s powers Arc ~.t"I I,y " iet' .... us!al·el l,

Be thy Cr" alor's gllJ"iull :< XiIIll e ,\ nd eilarnc tcr eng m\"ed ;

3 Ere )" (' t tlte 1'1 1: ld("~ of sorrow cloud

T he "1l1l~lliIiC "f thy Ib~')j;

And C:U"I~'; allli I"il.:. in emllcss round , E ncOlllpa~.~ all ti l)' ways;

4 Ere r("t !h.,· I)('arl the \\'o(' ~ of age, Wilh \":till regn·l. d('plon ',

And ;;;)(1\), mll .~1' 1111 t, lI'me r joys,

T ilat no w re tltl"ll 110 mure,

Tlu'ice hal'l'), IlC wI )! , Iw r,· pa rta kes

T haI saen .:d ,,In'lIm, 11",1 !,ea "cllly fo.xJ .

:3 Why w'e its 1)UllHtic,; all ill vai" lh: turc Huwilli ll g hl·:t rl :; disl'Jay'd!

\\'a.s lJut fur you Ihe "icti m :;\ai u ! Arc y uu luri ,i ti thc c.:!JiJdrl!u's bread!

4 0 lel thy ta lAe !u,lIout" \ i I .... , A lld fu rll i.~!t·d wvl l \\"i'hj ,,~fui gueslS:

Ami Iliay cach ",," I ~lIll"1lli 'JIJ "~'e,

I 'J'i mt lwn' il.,; holy I'kdec~ la",ll!s .

. 5 Drawn by Ihy ' ptickl'lIillg grace, () Luni, I II cOII !ltk~.~ I II ItJJ1'cr.~ k t tl "'IU COI!!C ;

I Ami gather frullJ t itt·ir F ,tt h~r'ri INard ,

T hc I)re; .. i l itat li\'l's Iwyoud tIll! lomb.

GNu,· lot ll,y ' 1',·o; KE"g " "'I,e! '·001, T illIIJl1.mgl, the w"rld thy trut ilhas n lll;

T ill with til is bJ'ead all IHCl! be 1,lcst, W hu SCI.) II. c lig llt UJ" 1~c1 ti ll! ';1I1l .

H YM~ 9~ . C. M.

Al'\ O are \\'c now h l"l"ll lgllt Ill'n r to God Who onc.:e at d i .~ t a llcc stooJ 1




Ami, 10 c fl" d Ihis p"o.'ioll~ d mngt'. Did .J C"li~ "heli I.i" 1)lolld 1

:! 0 fur a 1>(11): or ankllt pmi"".,:, T o loCiI .· 0111' ";011 15 "I)o\'c:

\\'1 .. 11 ~h"II Jd '11111) (IIII' lin: l), 1101'e, Or .hIl H!' 0111' f\; u lliug lo\c!

3 T heil le i Il .~ ,illi ll 1iw !Jean: llly eh"irs,

T o I'l'ai~ , ' ' UIl' IW;I\,L'lIly J\ iui:(:

o may Illal Iqq' \1 ]'i,']' ~1'1"'ad Ibis hoal'Ll , I Il~I~in ' II." "], il ,, II',' ,~illo:

.. G lory to (;",) ill hi)!lic"t ~ll'ain~,

,\ lUi 10 Ihl' l'al'lh I .t: ]1("11'(':

Good-w ill Ji1'1ll 11";,\'1'11 I" lII l' lI is cume,

,\ nel Id il II('\,CI' cease."

lI Y.' IN % , L. ~l.

T~ :h.'~II~, WIt' ,C'x: tltcd L"I~!, I ],ill ,'imm' III h " HITII alld .. artli adore<l ,

FiliI! \\'0111.1 0111' h",II"" all ' \ I'o ic,,'! mise

A d ll'('rfll\ ~"n!! " I' "ilCI'(',1 IInt is('.

~ Bu l ... 111111' w,lc~ 1I' 1Iil'li 1!lI"'la l~ k no ll',

Are I\'('nk , :111,1 \allgni"hillg. illill IlOw; Far, fi ,r abill" OUI' hll lnJ,le "ltllf-'~, T he tilellle dl'ln:lIl1l,. ;nlltl ' lI'lal tIlU<-'llCS,

\ 3 Ye l \\'hil~ 1 :mJIIlld Il is board we IIlccl. And 1I'01'l'1I ip OIt Ilis ~;U'n·.1 f,:d,

o let 0111' Wilr1l1 a tlec l i() lI.~ 1I1"\'e, In ghd 1'~' IUt'lI~ of g-mtpfll\ \111' ( ',

Ye~, Lonl, "~' JIII'(', all.l 11', ' adol'(',

Bul l (Jn~ 10 kll"w :11111 k,I',-' tlll'l' l1tore ;

And. \\'I, il.~ t W{' I;]~ ' p rl ... !tt'cad ami \\'ill<',

Desi re 10 j;'ed "" joys di\'ine

5 tct fititll IIII!' 1;'1'1.11:: ~cml'~ lIid,

T o i'1'(' Ihy \\'<llIdr<l1ls lo\'p di .~Jl jny·d;

Thy ]' 1,,,1"'11 II I'~h. Ihy I,],·,'di ll':; n : i1l9,

T hy drC;ltlflll ;t3"lIizilig pailll'! .

tj L('t hlllll h l, ·. l'l'nilelltial '\'(11',

W i,1i /,ai llful, I'll'a~;lIg all:':lli ~h flow :

And thy r" f"i\'illf,' III\'(' ill1l';lI'l Life, hopI.', nnd .10: lu en"'y l!Cart.

ORD II\.\TIO.\', O il L\,ST IT I,; T10:\, OF ) 11 \ 1=''1'1-:11 ,';;

11\';\1 )1 !)i , L . ,\ 1. St, Matt. x.

Go torth , )'~' IlI'l'al"" . in 111 \' ;\'a i ll "

Swcc rl y rlw ( ;O~)lclll'llIlll'!'( '" :lllIl : T h(' gl, ... i "lI ~ jill ,il,'(' pl'Ul·lailll,

\\' hcl'l.: ' , .,. Ibe IlIIlIIa n race i .~ fim. ,,1.

,~ T he j oyful 1..,11'" til :111 ill'lI1l.1 , Awl tcal'h Ihl'1lI wh"I'(' ~al l' ati lln I;cs;

' 3 n o II'j"(,, as sct'pcnt.~. w l!pl'e yll i l go,

I n llt ha l'lll""",, ao' tlte 1"';11'../'111 .IIII'l';

I, AlIIl Id Y""t' Iwan'II-I:lllgb t l'I>l ldlll' r ~11"w

That yl."l'l.' t'''1l11 Ili~, i' I!!'d 1'1)111 ,,1"'1,· .

FI· I,,. ly fr" "1 ])1 (' Y" h;]\ I' n"'1'i,,'d,

Fn,,·I,I'. ill I,,," '. I" " 11 ... r~ :.:i,',·: 1'111 1'" ;;:ha ll y01l1' "''': Irilll -'~ I", h"li' ·I'c,1.

AIIII, 1.y y"ur IallOlII1<, l>illlll'l'" li"t·,

St. }\l ark ::H i. ).5, &~., ~"d ~(. }\hu. '\1';;;. IS, .'a;

" GO. PI'I·~ ... llllly (j "~ I' .. I," " .. illl :111' 1.01',1 .. B id I.ltl.! wbolc e;u111 IJI~- gml ' "

T:x l' laill to !l1 ~'1!l lll .\' ~a('rt't! \\01'11,

H id tlll'lli ltdi '· I' I·. l!fwy. aL,1 lil' l.'.

2 " [ 'II IlIak, ' Illy g l" 'al 1''' "l1ll ;~ ~i,," knil li'll , And .",. ~halll' l ~I\'c lily G "'peil l'!l ' "

By ,,11 l ire work" dial J ital-" ti"l!l'. And l i n the WOIlIll'l's ~' (' ~!tal1 do.

3 .. Go, Iwal tilL' ,~i,' k. 1!0, n, i",· rbl' dead: (;0 r'a,,1 oUI ,I l'\'il~ i ll III) ' l\'allle;

]'iO!' leI 1l 1 ~- 11I'''plJt' t ~ 1,1.' afraid. T hOll!!" (;I'l'/·ks l'l'l'rnach, aau Jew s 1)la .. ,

1,lll' ln,·.

4 " \ \ 'hi lp 111II~ ye rollin\\' my commands,

! ' III wit!'1 )''''' t ill 1111' world shall enu: All !,,,wer i" trw,I ... 1 ill Il ly 'I:lll"~,

I call d,·,~tl'l).r, )1111 1 ('a ll d l.! fl'Hll,"

5 Il c '~ I );l h· , awl li;.:ht ~IJI'lIe 1'01 111' \ hi ,~ head ; On it hrig llt cloud I" Iu-all'lI hc rmle:

Tile." 10 ,I,,· f;II' IIII·'t 1I:,l ioll "l'l'eatl T he gl'tll'C of 1!.l'ir a~cl'lII l"d Got:!,

lJ Yj\J ,\[ ~l!) . L . ,'L r l' II C f,:;I " io lll', \1'11"11 I" hl'H\'/'1I III' rose,

III "1'1" wli, l lrillll ' I,h o 'cr his f,II.':I. f.:cal1l'I'·" hi~ ;:iii,. " II II lt 'lI bel!)w, Aud wiill' h i" l'Oyal 1",ltliti l'S now.

~ J I I.' 1ICt' ~ Jl ratlg- till' . \JI".~ tl/" .~ hOllOlll"J nnnw, :-<:lI' l'cd l w,I'"wlllt' l'"i(' ti llill' ;

11 " lIl'" "idah·," Ihe I'l'ol'lwlie "ag", 1\ 11'] IWllce tl ... l :lallg.·lic 1" 13'(',

3 l it IUIIl'I' 1iIl'III". lu hl , ·,~ ""I' t'yes, Pa"IIIr~ fn, m h"lIc, ' nll,1 T '·<lch,· ,·;; l;~e;

"'!.r,. lbllll!!11 wilh f" "I,I"I' I'ay~ Ihey shiut:, SliIlIl IH I'" H IIi1Ig-"x t"lliled lille:

F I'''l ll C11I'i,~ 1 llll'ir 'ltri"d e;ft.~ ,h'l'i\'c ,

Awl. I~·d 1,." hi llt , II ... i .. ;,! ra('es li, c: \\'hi!'I, ",lIankt! I)~ Iti, I''''''"! haHt!,

'\ miol'l IIIl' I';\g" or 1,,'I1III1'Y ~1:&lld,

\\' it1l CIII'< ' bind up Ilw 1.rukl ·u hcart, I" And wipc thu teat',. frum Wl.'cpilig eyes .


~u "l lal! rile lol'igh t ='11",'I'"illll n lll

'l'hl'lIlIg], all tbe C,;/ IIU',~l'~ "I' tl lC ~un ;


Wh ilst unborn church es, by th!;}ir cam ,

Shall rise nml lImlt'j"h. !;u'ge awl b ir,

'I; J CIIU8, our V II'II , Il wil' 11" :I,'b ,,11;111 ];11011'. The ~ pl'ing 11'\11.'111'" nil 111t'~ " bk~"ill e'~ now ; Paslllr" 011111 P""l' lto .,1"",1 hi~ 11I';li~l',

Thruugh lilt! 10)113 I'IJiIIIOI of CIlIl!L'~~ days,

H YMN 100, L.'I\J. l? ATI",:rr of 11I1·n'i,· ,~, l)ow thille car,

,\ll cut i\'L' I" " Ill' ' ·nl'l .. '~t I'rayl.!r;

\\' e ple; ,,1 fill' !h",~1' 11'1111 I'J.:-,,,l t'l r t1l1'("

Sncc".:""ful pl" iHl.'r" lila.'" 111t'y Itt',

-2 How g l'l'<lt Ih"i l' \\t)rk , III I\\' \:I " t Their

c1mrf!., ;

0 0 tboll thei r a tl xiol1~ .~lIllh c lllal'gc : Their bc st a{''lllin'III .... III.'' HI 'l' I)II!' gain i

'V" ~harc Illl' 1J",~.,jllg~ t lll'y "ltt:l ill.

;'3 CIOll lc, tbell, wilh , · III·l'!..'." .J i"iIlP, T ht'i l' w"nl ~, a lJ , llct tI",,..· lI'ol',b l ,c thill(,; To Ihem til ," ~;II't'" ,t! 11'111 11 I'c," 'al,

Stl l'l'l't'~s 11" 'il' f"al' , illlbllle tl wir z.'al.

-1 T l'ael l them In ;;"w llw I'rt ' l' ioli s _~ •. , .0I ,

T I' ;lch lhc ll l thy dill":"" tl'll']'; t" fecd;

T cal'lt t lll' llI imltllll'l;,\ ""11 1,. "I ;!a iu,

Soul" that will \\,,"\1 r~' lI'anl their pai n.

:, i.cllhro tlgillp' lI\lIl l i1UI I ,'~ iU "J!lml ,

Hear 1'1'0111 tl" 'ir IiI''' the joy ful ';"lI"d; Ttl l! \llIlhle sll'ai!l ,~ Ihy i!nlCC iml'lore, '\u,1 fcc! Ihy 1I1! 1I"rn'"liug PO"'I"'.

C l.c t !'ill ltcl's h""ak Ihl'il' lHa,~~y rh"iu,;.

Di"t~ssed "lJ I I I~ fur;.! . ·t tl leir paill";

Le t li~h l lltl1lll ;.; h ,Ji~lalit r'-'ail"o' IJC ~prca (l ,

AmJ Siull rear IIt: r ,lr'"lplllg llCad,

CO:\'SECRATIO:\ OF ,\ (lleIlC I!.

HY .\I )1 101. L , M.

A i'i ll \I;1r 111l ,1t. 0 1;1t'I1I;11 nod.

O u l'arth t'~I" I)1i~h Ihi ll e aI1l~!t· 1

T hl.! l1 III"k J>l'(ll'it i ,,"~ 1'1'''1 11 thy thl'oU I.', Awl take Ihi ~ IClilple !; ,]' tililll' IJ\\'II,

2 T hcsc wall ,~ we III tl .il!!' 1111110111' I'a j ,~e,

L'III!! lIlay tl!l'Y "('\10 in thy IlI'ni",'; AUll thul l. .\1'~I"'lh li lig. fi ll I\ l(' plal.'e

' Vit" Ihe ric h I"kens uf thy gnlce,

3 \1 (' ... , Hlily Ih" gn'al B "I],,;" llIcl' 1'~·i 3 11,

W ith all Ih" P'!' :H'l'~ of h i,. l rai!);

'Vlt ile 1'011"1' ,IiI illl ' hi~ "'''I'd all" lId .~,

To COII'l"l'r f"I''; all" dll'CI' hi;; fl'il.!UlI:<,

" And in the la,'t ,1"l'i~il'c day,

'''bell G,,,[ till' lIal ilJ lls "IJall ~111'\'l'y,

lI lay it I,d; ,n' rllC wurld UPI',·"I·,

l'housaml~ w e rc Lui'll jor Slol'Y here.


IIY;\I N 10'1. L. M . J I.:S1J!" s llall !'I::igll \y] j('I't"c,' thu ,mn

D," '~ hi~ ~Il"l'c~~i\'l' .iOW'IIIJ.'·" run ;

Il i ,~ kiug, I"1II "1'1',·;,,1 1'1'01 11 .,llIlI'c 1(1 shore ,

I' T ill 111 ''' '11 '; ,,110111 wax alltl 1\I Il IC 110 more,

:! T u h im ~1 r; t l1l'IIl I1,'"" pnI Y" I' I,,' made, I Awl I'ra i ~.· .~ tlll'l'lIE' 10 1.' 1'1'\\ Il hi ,~ hl.'au ,

Hi ~ j\' lI11 1.' lik e "W{,,-t p'-'I'fllm" ~hall I; se \\' ith U'·I.' I·Y 1I1(ll'uill E' ~al' l'ifi /'e,

3 I'col'll.' allll l"'a l lll ~, (If " I't'I'Y t" "gue, Dwel l 'Ojl I l i ,~ I"n' willi "w.·.·I,·., l s'J ug ;

AIlII ill ji,n t , '"icc,., "l lall p l'" dai tr l

TIt" il' carly I'],'",~ill!!~ O il hi~ "":Iltl c.

Hk~~i!lg~ al""" ld wlwn,:'cr Ill..' rcig !!s;

Thl' l'J'i.""w'r l/'il l'~ '" 1 000 J'~t Ili s c1J1l ins, TIlt' 11"': ' 1'), ti lld cit-mal n'~I, ,\1111 all II ... ~"IIS of walll are 1,lest.

;j Whcre lit' "i~pb~'" his h l'ali,,).; 1'0\\'1..'1', D' ·OIt!. alld Ih ,' l'IlJ'~" an' ku"wlI 1111 more :

! II hilll 111 1' Il'il ". ,~ "f .\11;1111 1"';I ,-t

l\J "l'l' 1 , ]..~,,,jJl!.'~ thall Ilwil' f:illlI' l ' llJ~L

(j 1.1'1 el'~'ry , 'I'l'all ll1' I·i~l'. OI IlI I ]'rillg ,

I't'l'u[i:u' 11011111111' I II "III' J\' iu)! :

f\H;':O: I.~ , J,-~("'lId II illt ."Ilf:\'S itga ill, And 1:;11'111 n'I'l';11 tb,' luwl .\llh·II,

l 's;tlm en' ;;.

F RO:'lI all tllat dwell I,el"", tlte skies, 1.1'111.,· Cr .. al lll' ·'; !Inti",' an,;u;

,k lill";tll'" gl"ri" l1,~ .'i l llm.: III' "il lig '1'1I1'(lll gll ~'\'I'l'y 1;11111. 1,.,' " , I'''), 1'lIIglle,

~ Etl'l'lial art' th,l' llleITi,''', 1."1'11. lUlIlll't!th ""'1' 11011 is Ih," \\' ,,1·,1:

Tlly pl~ l i,,~' ~ha ll ""UII.1 1'1'''111 ~h"rc 10 shore. Till 101111," ... 11:,11 ri"I' ,tl"l ,.ct III) Illord

Il Y.\ I N 104. 1'.. 1\1'.

I 0 ~ I'IHIT "fll ... liyi ll): nlld ,

I I II all Ihy 1'1" lIilll,le " I' !!l':Ice, I \ \,!ten"l'r 1111' fo": "I' lIIall ha ll! trod,

i) e~(' ellli 1111 "Ill' al'''~lal~' race,

.-, Gi \'c 11)1I ): 1l"~ of lire alll! heal't.~ Ilf love, T o 1'1"' ;Kh IIII' n -' l'/>llI' ilill)! wurd ;

(; iv{' I~'\I',·!, ;~1II1 Uiwli,m f .... m al,II\'e,

\\'I ICI'C\' I' till:: joy 1'111 ~UIIIII I i ,~ heard.

3 Bc , Ial'ktlcs.~. 'II thl' ,'olll ill ;';, lighl ;

Clll lfll .~ioll, 1I!'lle;. ill til ), l'alh ;

SOli Is wiThou t ... tl'en;! rh in"piI'L' w ilh might ; D ill ntercy triumpll 01'1.'1' wrath,




. ! Com'ert Ihc JlaliulIs : far :'Iud ni:,:h

The I rill llll' ],~ "," 11,,· , .... '''.~ record, The :'\nHH' of J'-'Sll~ ;:1"J'i(y.

T ill ' ·\· .... r people call I,i 'll Lonl .

II Y) I:\ 10:,. 11 . 1. For .J1/iillliolill (0 1I1f' .\'rlt: Sr'l/l"IIIClil& iI~ tlte

r lli/"d ""'(a('·8.

' V ! II ::-;, r ..... ,I , 10 Illi .~ 0111' \\' ... ~I.Cm lallt! .

LeLl h.\· 111,\' pnll ' itlelilial I,and,

0,(1' \\'II11.!cl·ing f'llht'r~ I'alllt', Till' ir ,IIWi"II! I"nllf'~ , 111('i!'li'i"I!tI~ in youlh, ::ient f<u'lh II ... l!I'r,, !d~ ui' Ib.\· 11'1I1h.

Tu k ... ·eplb ... ·m ill th.\· i'\alll ... ,.

'! T heil, tlUlllIg h 0111' solilary (·IIa"t. T he de;;:ert f'·' l llm·.~ SOIlIl w"rl.) IIISf;

Thy lel!lph's IIJere .. !'Os,': Our shore;:. as l.'u11l1l"c Illad,· IllI'rll liril',

\Y cm hallo\\'\II.y tli;-' rill' .~. by pl'ayC!", AmI hlo~'I{)I[I·tl as t ile n •. ~"'·.

:J :\ 1Il1 0 , nm;-' we repay this oIcvt To rcgiolls "1.lilar)" yet,

Willt iu UIO' '~l'readilli:! lall,l: Th ere , IJl·clhl"en. fmlll flUl' t..:UlI1lHO n home, Still \\·cs lw:tnl. like nUl' f lllwl''' . roam;

Still guidl'(l I.y thy Imlll! .

<1 Sa\'iour, \\ .... 0\\'11 Ihi;: .l ... ·I.t "I' I.)\'c;

o "hed tlrr ~ l'i l'it fr"Hl alt"ve, T o IIlIl\'P ('rtclr CIIl 'i~tin n 1J1'I~a~ l ;

Tilllwrald ~ ~ lr n1\ Illy Inul! l'rooc1:lilll ,

Anel 1,·ltIl'JI·~ ri~,' In fix th.\· i'\nllll!, T hroug h all I'u r i1esert Wl'",t.

L-I \".\ I.\' l OG. C. 1\ T. l,..,i,,11 ,'\;~~". '2. ON Si" ll, aIH! lin L,·IJilTlIIII ,

Oll ('i1nlll'l'~ 1,loollliu::; h(>igill. On SllHl'OlI'~ f .... l'l ile Id" ill~. OW'i' shone

T he t!1, JI'Y, I'lIl"e ar lt ll,rig lll:

2 Fron r th"lI l'l' it."' lI,i ld and dlt'crill ,;! ray Rln: alll 't! 1;'l'llr li'tom bill I to In1ll1 ;

Alld clJll'in '~ II"W 11t'11,,1'] ir .~ ,hi)";

AlIII l" t ill i l ~ 1 )t" I I!I~ eX !,'llI'l.

3 Its IJl·i:!hl ... ·~1 ~l'lellelllllr". dal'tiug we;:t,

0111 ' ha]'py "h ll n'~ ilhnm'; OUI' far lher 1 .... ·f.'i "II .~. nll( ', ' lIul,":st,

No\\" like II ganlell 1 ,lol)Ill~

4 But ali, 11111' ,l"~cl'ts .lee!, and wilLl Sec lint t hi~ IICa\'('u)y lig hl:

No !lact'ct! l w;rIlI~, 110 l'adialln: mild.

Dif'pcI Iheir divaI')' lliC'irl.

5 T hou , wll" Ilid ... t li:!l,t ... ·1l si ')Il'" hill ,

Oll Cnl'llwl wh" llid~ 1 "hillc. O ur dl'~l'I'I .~ It'! Ilry !!I"r.\· fill,

Thy cX t..: cllt'lIt'c divine.


(I Li ke Lcbannn. III 1<)wcnllg pl' ide, 1I1ar all "til' 1')I'L·"t.~ "mi li':

Alld llliry fllll' IlItI·.J..,I r·s hlll~"')m wide l.ike Sllill"OlI 'S frllitf'lll soi l.

lI Y i\I \f lfO. 11. 6. F RO.\ ! (;r·'·l' lIlall. \' .... icy lllulilltaiJl!l.

- "mill Ind i:,'" l·.,t'1l1 ,,1m lid, \\' ll('l'c Afrie's ~lIIllry 1; " 1IrlaiIl8

H(,ll ,)n\\'11 ti ... ir f'"ld,' u ~alld .

Fl'olll mallY nil :lll('ii'lll I'iy .... r,

Fr"l11 lIIall.\· II 1'<lllIry I' I<li ll, Tlwy ('all liS I" .Id; \"(.'l'

Tb .... ir lalld fl' l1l11 {'I'WI";; dmin.

e WI"lt Ihou",lr til\' ~ l'i,'Y breczc" III,,\\" ~(t rt o'el' ( 'i'yl"I1'~ hIe;

T ho)uglr en" 'Y ]11 '0 ." ]' '-'('\ plt-ascs. Alitl (111 1.\' IWIII i." \' ile :

I n \'" ill wi th Ia\'i~lt kiulllless '1'1 .... f!ifts of (;".1 arc s tn' wn;

Tire heilthe n in b i~ 1.lin<l m.'ss Bows dowlL 10 wo"d rtf,!! s lone.

3 Sh'lll \\"(' , wlro~ (' ~I\I!I~ al'c liglltcd With \\"i ,~,I( ' 1II fr~) 111 Ull I' igh;

Shall we 1(. Im'll IlI'll if..'!tltJ.l

T It(' lamp .. I' l ili· 'kuy r Sall'a tio'u, (, I,. ~:II\": l li' Jll,

Tile joy l"rd ~nl rtl\l I't'llci?i m, T ill ('ndl rentlt leM IJ:lli"ll

I la" !t..·alllt .\ I \·~." ild!· ." J'\"mc.

'I W aft. waft. ye willti ... , h is s tory.

.\!tI 1 YUli . re wa lcl'S, roll, T ill, like a st'a .,1" <-,101,)"

II sprl'illl. .. li'n 'lI ]t(,le to po\o: T ill ,,'CI' 1I1lI' 1'1111""111'11 lIi1tnrc,

Tla' Lallllo ji ,l' .~illtrc r . .:; .<:iai u,

", ·.1 ... · ... ·111 ..... •• "' illg. Crealur, 111 Ilii~.~ relllru;; I" I'cig u.

l1\"~r N 1 (J ';:< . L. I\I. For fltr .Jews.

D I::-O\\,.\' [) Itf]"':t\·l·lI. by Itl;]!! ()PPl·('~~ ·(l .

1 )lI h ,,"I." f,ntll ~i""',, h all ,,\\".1 ~"·"1I11l1. \\" J"'re!i ....... . ,lu.lIld bnl\~J's;;"II~.olln· bll',.~\I.

~Iill l'Ualll Ihe ;':('''l'Il i ll£ world al'Uund 1

~ l .nl·,l, \' i~it thy f"r.~rtl\'·ll r:1Ct· .

H:w k I" tll.\· fold tlrl' \\'illld,·!'('!'s IlI'in g , T",wb tllf'm 10 ;;I.· ... ·k Ilty ~li!!h 1f·d gra(;t'.

AIH i lmii in C llI"i~t Ih .... ir I'n)J, . i.~·d Killg.

1;3 Til l' \ ,·il "f llarklll· .... ~ !'t'm\ in Iwaill , Wlr idl hide" Ilwi .. :-;bil"lr'~ ~Iol'ious light:

TIr .... !'c\'t'r'tl "Iiv,· ItI'nlrch a;::4ill Fil'lll to it" jlal''''·lIt. ~ I .. ck IIni te.



4 lIail , glorious day, ex pected long! \Y lretl .l ew and Grcek olle pmyer shall

pu ur; \Villi eager fect one tcmple thron g,

W ith grah,lful pl'aiso OIlC God ador~

llY;\l N to!:!. IV. ]. \, Rev. :1,'. 3,4.

~E-IO\\' wIIWI,'OIlS ami great Thy work", G".I nf praisc;

II IIW just, "' illg uf saitlt ~ ,

Alld tmc HI'O thy ways : o who .<:hall not fear thoc,

Aml !tollolll· thy i'\ame:

ThOll ollly m·t h"I)", ThOll nuly supreme.

:! To nations IUllg dark Thy l igh t slralll,e showll;

Their \\'ol';;lli]l ami vows

Shall comc 10 Ill )" thmne: Thy Irulh aud Il ly j ud g mcnls

Shall spl'cm! all a hmad. Til! earth's C\'OI')" peoplc

Confe~s th ee II,cil" GotI.


II YJ\! N 110. IL. 4. Clliidren and CQlIgregatioll.


C0 r-.IE let ollr \·oi t..: ,·sjnin [n one gl,u l ~"Ilg nf p raise;

']'0 G,,,-l , lire Gild of lo\"e,

O UI" grateful l,carls we raise:

Con.; re,~lion.

T o Got! alonc )""111' pmi sc helongs ; I l is lu\'c delllalld~ your earliest 80ugS.

Ch,ll/ r m .

:! !'\ow \\'e arc t<lll<-,itt tn re ad T ile hook of lif,· di\· iue;

" ' herc 0111' !led e.' I1 ..... .. ·!! \uve,

Ami brightest t!Jories shi ne:

CO'4grr&"/ iQn.

To Gnd allllle thc pl'ai."c i~ dllc, Who selld~ his W (II', I to us and you.

Ch ildren.

3 W ilhin thC'~e halluw" l walls, OUI" w;]miel' iu:! feet arc h rou::-hl.;

\\' Irerl' I'l"rt;-'cr :Il~d !,raisc asccnd. Awl hCH\'ctlly truths arc t.'1u 1;:"ht :


'I'll \'od aloHl! your uflcri llgs uring ; I !ere iu hi~ dwrdl h i,; praises li iug .

CA ,I,Iren.

For hlc!'si nO'" Such :t5 these, 0111' grutitu,],' f<-eei ,'c;

Lord, ltcr'C at..: t..: cpt I)lIr hearts, 'T is all that we can give:


Congregll t io n.

Gl"ent Go,1, <4ct""pt rllf'il' iufilnt song!!; To thee alune the ir l'rai,;c belungs.

B o/h.

5 Lord , bid tllis work uf lovc Be erown\1 with meet .~ IICCeM;

!\Jay th()u ,~' III.J s yet UllborH Th i ... ill ~ li tu t il)n Ioless :

Thus ,,1mB the I' l"ai;;:(' I't.' ~ound to thee, Nuw, and Iht'Ou gh all cternity.

J~l '{~J N Ill. [ [I. J.

GLOIlY tu tlt e Fallwt" ;,:iv ... " GI"I ill w l4um we lIIU\ ... · aud \i\'c;

Chil,J,·l'u· ... praY" r,; lit' ,Ici;,:ns lu Ileal'.

Ch ild l'L'u '" l'I..ngs lIl·lie-ht Iris c ar.

2 Glory 10 Ihe SOli we I,,·ill:!.

Christ " Ill' l' l'iJl,ht'1. Prj . .. "I. allil Ki ng : Childre n, raise :,,"Oll !' ~W"l'1 cs t slmi n T o thc Lain II , fur he was slai n.

3 Glflry 10 Ihe II oly Glro;;l.

Hl' r{'c1ailll~ t lr .... si nller 10."1: Childreu's mind ,; ma.\· I. .... iu~p il'(,.

Tuuch their hlll!!He,; wilh Iloly tire.

4 Giory ill the hi!.'ll('st Ire '1'0 the hlcss .... d 1',·illi IY. Fnl' thc (;os!'cl fmlll ,,1>0\'1', For thc wurt! that .. GOtI is luve."

II Y.\ I N 11~. C. i\ r. "",""{ T III·: .'i .J ... ·.Sll .~ len hi.<: IICill'I"llr throne. \' V [ Ie dlU.~c all Irlultl,le l. il'lh;

L ikc liS lluhunuur\1 wltl lI" k lll/wn,

Il l' camc to dwell Ull "" artlt:

2 I ,ike him, lIIay "'{. be f;HlIll( helow, TlI wisi l"lu'" pall ... nf peaec ;

Like hi m , ill 3'r'ace illli l IOI()wl C'flge gr ow.

As yca!"s alld sh'C'lIgtli ill t..:rcasc.

3 Swect were liis w onh alld kin" his look .

" ' hen IllfJtlu . .'rs rollnd hi lll I're;:.s'd: T heil' illfallts ill his arrns lie t()(lk .

Ami Oil his bosom ble.<:s'd:

4 Safc from the w o1'ill's al\urillg harms,

B t'!)"ath Iris watchful c)·e. 0 , TIIll.'! ('1It..:i'·t..:kd iu Il i.~ m·m;.:.

J\ lay we fur c\'er lie.

HYMN 11 3. L . M.

L onD, how ddigll1ful 'tilJ 10 ~cc A whule as.~i ·IH I ,ly \\'orshi p theo:

At UIICC tire), " itr~, at 011<.:0 tlll'Y " ray; Tlre.y heal' of IiciI\'en , :Uld karn the way

e I have been tbere. anti Mill would 80.

'Tis likc a lillie hean'n helow ; i\'ut aU tha i carl lr amI sill CUll .~ it~· ,

Sball telllpt rnc 10 furget Ihi s da~' .




3 0 'writ e Upon m)' memor)" 1."nl. The llJxt a lld doctrinc "f til )' wonl ; T h:lt I lIlil}' hrf"ak tlly laws 110 mOrc, But lun' Ih t.'1J 1)plttT tlmll IJd;,re,

,1 With 11101'1 ,,111:> "I' Chris! alld thil/o" lliyiuf', Fil! "I' Illi ,~ "illflll IlL'art of IIl iUL'; That hI/pili;': panlul! tiLlYJIlg11 h i"! blOOll, r may lilJ t!O\I' 1i aw ] WilliC with Gud,

I l nL~ 11 ·1. c. ~L 1\11:IlCr , d.'.'-t'L'lIdill!! from abol'{',

I II .~"ftt' "t a("'l'Llt.~ /,I.'wh ; o may 1':11"11 t(' lId.'r ho.~"1ll 11I1I\'t~,

" ' 11('11 melT)' iutl'n'ctie.",

~ Cli ildn' lI 0111' kiwI I' rl/lCcliuli claim, Alld (;'Jd wilt w 0.:l1 :Cpp1"lJVl',

W hcli illf:IlIt.~ I,'nrn t" li~p ], i~ l\amc, Awl thl'ir CrL':II('i' lo\'c,

3 Ddie-htf!!1 w"rk , Y"lIng sOIlI~ to Will, t\llOlt l!rH Ill(' ri ,~ille nwe

F rolll 111l' d"(TirI'1I1 palhs of Ili n,

To !'l'ek 111t'ir ~al'i ulIr',; face,

4 Alm igh t)' nOt/' liiillt, illflucllcc shed

To aid this 1,1"~I dL'~igll; Th., IU'lIollI' of thy 1\:lInc bo J';l'rl.'ad,

Allt l all Th,' g lury thine,


IIY .' r~ 115, e,M, R L EST i.i tIll;! malt wllOsc soflelliw. heart -) Fct:['j :dl ullurlwr'~ pain ; 0

To who III lIlt' slJpplieatiug eye [5 IIC\'cr i":iiSt.'d in va ill :

.. Whosc 1!1'('a,.t r t:spollJs with gcnerous

wnnnth, ,\ ,.ll'alJg-~T'" woe lu feel:

WIll ' \I' t:~ ' i''' ill pity u'er the wound He \\"allt.~ the powcr to heal.

;l Tu gCJltk "lIiecs uf love H i,; f"L,t ,II'C ncycr slow;

I'''' ViL'I\''', 1hroll!!" mc rcy's mching eye, ;\ brother in a fuc,

Tu I,im protectioll shall be shown;

1\ lId 1I1t '/"('Y, frum above, De"cl'lld 011 tho~,· whu thus fulfil

The Cbristiuu law of love.

" l"M:-.I 1 IG. C. M.

I:J Ie l l a rc thc j nys which cannot die, -\, With God laid up in sturc;

TreWlllres beyond thc dJaug ing ~ky,

Brighlcr thall gulde lJ ore.

2 The seed s which p iety and lo\'e H a\'c t>caucr'd here below,


1u Ih .. fair fertil e ficlrl,. allo\'o T u :lIlll'lc hal'vC,;Tl:! grtJw,

3 'I' ll(' lUiT,' 111.\' willing harJ,J~ cnn give, At , r~ "~ IJ .~' fet'! I lay;

Gnu'" "hall 'he 11I1I1I1,]e g-i ft receive, Al,oulIdiug ;!i"i t\'e repay,

H YMN 117. 111. 3. L onn of lifc, illll'r:ti~e eXI'c llin g ,

Thuu, in gl.wy HllI"olilim ,d , Dci;!u',.T to Iliakl' th~' hurl/ I,ll' dweltiu!!'

Wilh the P''' II'"fIIlI1 I1L le milld, ~

~ As thy 10\"(', tJl roJut:'b nil creatiol1 , BpUI II ~ like lhy d itli,.s il·c lig ht;

So the Iligh alit! lJllluhle iO tali"" Dotli are !''Illal ill 1)1)" "i!:,llt.

3 Thlls tlty ("are, foIl' all pruvid iug,

"':U"lII',] til)" fi ,ithful proplu,; t'/j tougu e ; Who, tllC luI of all d('cidiug,

To thy cho~(' 11 Imlt' l slllIg :

'\'11('11 Ihy Ilan' f",.1 yields Ibf'(, plciii'lIre, T hOll the go ldl' lI ~ llPaf ,;halt I}illll ;

To rhc 1"101' lu--,I()II e-~ the Ireii,"lIre Of thf' ,~ca!t('r'd cars belliu,l:

Clwrl/!. Tlle:<(' Ihy GOll onlai"s to b l('s''I ,

The widow allli II", fatllCrlc~.~.

[j Wliell t!rille olivc·!'lilllt,;; illcrea~iug

l'ulU' tllei r pICHt)" u 'er Ihy plai u,

Graleful, th,," ,;balt take Ille hlc»~illg, But lIut ~earo.:l l thc bOll gh aga ill :

Char/IS. 'I'11t'~p, &co

(j When III)" fa\"()ur\ ) vi utage iluwillri, Gladdcl1s lh il1e :llItlll1l11al ~Ce ll e,

OWll the I}OI!IlI('oll~ haud I'L',.: '"will", But tliy \·iues tllc poor »ball g- le:tll.

Chorus . TheiOc. &C.

7 Still we read tliy wUr"d decbrillg ]\1l'1'('y, Lord, Tlrill e OWl! d L!crc(';

l\ lercy, e\'cry ;<OITu\\' I!haJ'iug,

Wal'lllS tilt: huart res('I1ILli ug Thee.

S Sti ll III(} orph:1Il nllt! the !<tJ"all gCI',

Still thlJ w id"w OWllS thy carc: ScreelL ''] by tllce ill eve I')' danger,

HeaJ·J by thee ill every I'rap'r.

Ii alleilijalt, Amen.

TO BE USE D "\'1' S EA.

HYMN 11 8, L, M,

G OO of the 8e: I ~, Ihinc awful "oice Bid" all the n,lI illg wave" I',":joice;

And olle soft word of Thy CUI/HlianU Can sillk them sileut Oll IIIC sand .


HY l\l NS.

'2 Tho smallcs t fi~h tlmt ~ winrs the seas,

Spurtful, to tlICc a Iril'"11J "ays ; Ami lur'f!e»t III"n~tt'I'8 of the d,jt:!" At thy t'OIIllUllIlJ, 01' ragt: " r sleep,

3 1'hlls is thy glorious powcr Hllored Among tllC willcr)' n "lion ~, T,"l'd: \' e t IlIcn, who tru{;e tll(' dange l'olls Wll\·e.", Furget the m ighty God who S:I\'C';,

!! YJ\lN 119. 1\' .5. 41 8jJ l'~ L ord, or ,,'e l 'cri;II," St, Matt. ,. ii i . '26.

W il L\" Ih~'u ' the 1t).1'lI ,.:111 the wild "'111-pc,~ t I" ~trcallllllg,

When o'er thc d ark wavc Ille rctllightlling

is gleaming , Nor hope I{;nds u ray The poor seamall to


" 'c fly 'to 1)111' :'I.lakcr: ., Sa\'c, Lon], or wc

perish. "

2 0 Jcsus, onCI) rock'll 011 tIm breast uf th e

billow , Aroused by the shriek o f dcspair, fmlll tIl),


l\ow seated ill glory, the marincr ('ht'ri~h,

Who cries ill hi ~ allgu i,.h , "Save, Lord, or we periilh."

3 AmI O! Wht:ll lhe whirl"'illd uf passiun is raging,

When sin in our hearts it.s wild warfarc i!l

waging. Then send duwn Ihy Sl'iril thy l'allsom 'd

to el lerisl l,

Ucuuke ti le destroyer; " Savc, l ,onl, or

we I'cri"h. "

H Y MN DO, C, 1\1 rl'hich may be Tuetl (I f S ca Q r Oft I.(mei.

L OU U, fur the just thuH ,I •• st pro\ idl),

Th"u art their slirc d" tencc ; I·:tcrnal \\'i ~d llm is their guide,

'I'I JCir Ilcl l '. OmTlil ,ole rlcc.

.) Thuugh IhL'Y tltw' foreign lands should

rnanl , And b rc atlw the taintf'tl air

I II burnillg elimatl:"s. far fr01ll IIOIllC,

Ycl thUll , tlw ir Gud , art thNe.

3 Tlty goo,l!l p~s SwccleTlS O\'ery soil. 1\ 1 <Jke~ l' \ "I'y countJ'y please;

ThUll on the ~IlOwy h ill" dui't sm ile, And smuulh '~ t th e rll g~ct1 sea!>.

4 " 'hen \\"a \'l'~ Oil \\,:. ye.'l, to llea\·c llllprear'tl. Defied Ihe pi l"t"..; ;Jr l :

" ' hen Icrror in cilL'h 1:1f"~' appear'll, l\lld ~orrow ill etich hl,;w,t ;

15 '1'" thee T rai.~ct! my ltumhle prayer,

I To ~lIulch III<..: from tbe grave:

I limJl,l tllil)c cw· ""t ,.It"v to hear, i'\or ;;:hurt Ihillc flrlU tu save.

G Th"l1 gHI·· ... t the wurd , Ihe willd ... did cease, '1'111' ~!Ol"Jns ul.ey '.l thy will,

TI", rag ing sca was hUl'h'll iu peace, Ami C\'e ry wave was still,

7 For this, my life, in IJ \'CI'Y state. ,.\ life of I'rai,." ,.hall 1)1';

1\,,01 death , wlwil dcalll ,.Imll be my fale ,

Shall juiu Illy 8OuI1O thee.


H Y M~ l 21. J~.)L

-' -V I I EX ,11I1I g-cn;, WOe!!, or ,lc:(lll nrc nigh , \' J': I.~t lII er{;ies lcltcli IIlC whel'c 10 fly:

T iline arm , AlrllighTy (;oll , can a id , ,rhcn sickncs~ gri,,\"t .. ~ , a mi I'a iu~ ill\'ade

:::! T o till tho vari"lls hulp!! of al'l,

I\ iudly t il), hcalillg 1~ 'WC I' imparl; BdheSlla's Imlh refu,..' d to ~uve, !' lIless 1111 angel hlc,~s'd the wal·e .

:1 All med 'ci llc~ act by thy d ecrel:. Hccci\'e CUllllllis»ioll all fnml Thce; Allllnot a plant whieh sl'reatls thc plail l,; , But tef'IIl ,~ wilh health, whcll IH:ayeu (\/'.


" Clay aut! f.;iloam's prool , we fintl, At hcaw:n'8 cornman.! I'cstorcd The JJliud ;

And J (j rdilll '.~ waters hellee were ~een

Tu wa .. ~h a S)' riall 1"I I'I'r elL'tili.

;; Bill grant mc Itol)].>r· fll\"llUrs ~ lill ,

Gl'aHt rne t" knuw wld do thy will;

I'urge my fuul ~oul i"nllil c\'el")' ~taill, AmI S:I\' I) lrIe fnllil clcl'lI"] pilill .

e Can sHch a wrt'lcli !; ,r panlo11 ,",ue?

l\ly crilrt l'.~ , III)' crilll {' ~ arisc ill vicw, l\rrest lily Il'etrliJlillg tonglle ill prayer, ,\1111 puu r the hurror,; l ,f d e"p:l ir.

7 Bllt thnu, regard Illy 1,;(!lltritc ~i g- II~,

1\1)' lurtill'L'llllrea';;\.. III)' ,;; tre;ulli llg eres;

To me thy l .. llIn.Ue"" 1u\'c eXle lU J, l\ ly GUll, til )" F:\thcl'. ami Ill)" Frit'ud.

U These luvl:l)" WIIll L''' I IIIJ'.·I' nlllid plead, Ii ali nu t thy SUIl \'ullc!Jsali·d lu bleed: lI is blutJd prucures uur I;,llt'lt mcc }\lillliUall{;c 10 the thrulIl' of gr-nce.

9 " 'hell si n ha.'! ~hot it~ I'(ji.~q ll ' d oIarl, And conscious guilt Ctll'l"IJa,·s Ihe heart , Ili s blooll i" i\1l-~ ll mL'iL' 1I 1 f,")1I1H1 'I'u uraw tltc slmf"l uud III:al the wound .




10 \\"h:lt atTnws pi('n'c so .h·cp a,~ sin ? ,,' hat VI ' l lom t!in'" siwh p;lin wi tll in 1 T IIO Tl gr,'a l I'hr,~ i l: i; 1l 1 "I' Ill e suul, I{ehr, :-" I ll y ]liln g,,; , illltl 1!lIIlw me whole.

II 0, jf I ' rw' t Thy .'<" \, I ·rt' i ~ 1I "k ill , AIllI how "'II IHl l i".~i n; to thy will , ;O::i.,:klll',,)I. aud dea tll shall I,otll ag rec

T" briug 111 1', Lo rd. al la>! t 10 thee.

lI y j\ I N1 ~~, C. i\ f. all /i ,'covc !"!} f rom Sicl.-nc .~s ,

,¥III : ,~ \\" 1.' are ra i~{''' fr"'1J ,I t·1'1' d istress, (JU I" (:".1 11" :«"1'\'(';;1 0 11 1' .~out! i

\\' 1.' lake tl w I'a tlefll of oHr I'l"iIi:sc Frolll I J..'zekia h·s touguc.

~ T he gale" of Ihe d('v"lJriug gran! J\ re " pell'.! w id (' ill "a ill ,

If ltV Tl lat Ii oids til l' ];; t'Y'" of d cath,

COlll' lJan.! thc lH b ,,; t ag; li u ,

;1 ,,' lwl! Iii' Il1l t -" lll'ak" thc h('aling \\"01'.1 ,

'I' lwlI II" d isca"c wi ll l" tands: Fl" 'c r" li nd l' iag- II C.'< " hl'y 'he l.on] ,

1\ nd tiy, as he (" )m lUa lld~ ,

.J 1f ltalf tllc slr ilJ1!" "I' IiI',' "hollltI brc ak , lIe ('all our frame J"(.'.~ t "n ·.

AIIII C:I.4 0111' s illS he h iw l hi" 1};lck . 1\ nd tlwy arc j '!UlId w , IJlm·c.

:'i T o hill I I cried , I , ' 1"1 1.\ ' !lpn'aut savc .

T llou (' \'l'I' t ""d aud .i llst; 1'1..\' PO\II' I' can j"t '''CI W 1'''''111 Ihc gl·ayc.

Thy power is all lily Ims!."

6 l ie heard , ,lilt! -"an'tl lll ... · ";,,ul from death, .. \ Jld .1 .. ic,1 Illy falli ng leal's ;

1\'U\\ ' to h is p ra ise I'll ~ pclld my urealh, T hrou gh Illy rcmai ui ug years.

I-l l.- M~ 123. L . M. O n Ihe IIm IC.

I ,T Y G' lIi, s ince tholl hast ra ised mc up , 1'1. T llt'c I 'll ex tul with tllmlkflll vuicc;

Hest(!l"\ ''] by thinc AIllli ghTy p"\\"e r, W itl, feal" bcli, .. c tl ICe I'll rej u icc .

2 \\'ilh tmlll ,I('.~ worn, w ith pai u " 1'1'''e"t. T o thel' I cried . alll i tho\l , lid ~t ;;'; I\·C;

1'11"11 ,lid", "u l'por t Ill.'" si uk ing Impc,;, '\I y life .! id sl rescuc f'· '''11 tbe g l'al·('.

:J \" hl'rdi il"(' , yc saints, I" ('j<) icc with /flO W ith 111(' s ing j1l'ai!'cs to t ile Lord;

e lll ! .tll h i:'! goodness to .'"0111' Illilld,

A ... I all h is f ... ithfll iness rccon!.

H i ... :llIg" 1" is bllt shorL: h ill lo\'c, W hic h is ou r lifc, hath ccr tlli u s tay

Grit'f lIlay c(,utinuc fIJI' a !light ,

Bll t jUY rctlll"llS w it h ris ing day .


:I The ll, w ha t I v" w'd in m~' rlistress, III hapl' i, 'r hO!H'" I now w ill g ive ,

.. ' wI ~td l'c tha t in my grute ful verse, H is p raises tllll)' fur e\'cr live.

6 T o Fathc r, SOil , allll 1l ulr (; l l o~ t.,

T hc bleH ami uud ivided T hree i T hc One solc ;,' iw.! r 01' :1 11 life.

Glory and praise lur e vc r bc.


11 Yj\J ~ 12·1. C. i\1.

1-I~A It w iral Ilu,:vll icc from hea\ cll d cclarc s To t l lO.~t" ill Chri.4 ", 1.0 oIie ;

Hc1cased from all th t' Ir carthly ca res, T ilcy' ll reigll \\ iT It hi m on Ilig h,

2 T he n why Ia lllt' r1 t tic parted fric uJ s. Or shake al d eat ll '!; alarms !

Deal h 's but thc SC l" vunt J esus sc nds Tu call liS 10 h is arms.

3 II" sin h e pardon'. l , we ' rc seClI rc, Dea th hullt 1111 st iug bcsidc i

T hc la\,· gal'e ailt its slreugth aml power; !J ut Chrj ll t , U l lt' I'a tlSOtrl , d ied ,

4 T hc gm\'cs of all h i ... sa ints l lc b l cs~ 'J ,

Wben in Ihl' grave 1m lay; :\ ml , li;;;. illg IheIlCj', the ir hopes hc raiscd

T o e"crlas li ng dllY,

5 Tll e n. joyfull y, w it il l) l ife w e ita\'e, T n Ch ri ~ T, nllr l ift' , wc'll si ng,

"\\"!H're is thy victory , 0 g r;l\"e 1 AtIll wlwl"e, 0 J .. .'a tit, thy sl iug?"

lIYM~ 125. C. i\L

VV"E!,\ tllll~e we I,w e arc sna tcil'll !lWtly By de ath's rt".~ i ~ tJ t· s" haud ,

Our hearts Ihe Il)o!l l"l!flil tribute pay T hat fric lllls ll ip must d e mantI .

:! Whi le p ily prom pts thc risi ng sigh , \\' ilh aw ful powcr imprest i

!\Iar th i" dl"ead Irllt ll , "I to" llI llst dit:," Sink dc('p ill cve ry bre:l:lt.

:1 Let t ll i~ \"<li n world allure Il O morc ; IlI- ilo l,1 the upcuillg tomb ;

It h ids liS u;;;.e the prt' .~e ll t hour,

To-tI\orruw death ttlar come.

T hf' \'oicc nf thi s instmcti\"e sccno

1\ la .... evcry IU' art obey ;

Nor he thc fai thful w arning vain W h ich call>! to watch and p ray.

:I 0 let liS to that Sa \' ionr fly , \\'hose arm al" IIC call ~a\"e :

Theil ;\h:lll our Il upe.~ asc~ nt.l on high,

,\ 1lI1 triulIlph o 'cr Il w gravc.

, t I


HY~[N 126. C. l\f . D eath oj (~ Y Oll/lpo P crson.

13 0 \\' Hl lOl"l I h~ ntf'C 1)~ 1t· fri t!ud has run, ::-l Cut down III ,dl hts 1,loom:

T he COll l"SC b UI )'c.~ INd a)" begun l"\ow li /Ji ~lI'.t in Ihe IU III1).

., T hOll .i0 ... ·01l'" ~·ou lh . ilcllce learn how soon

T hy ycal's Hla), cllol the ir lI igh t:

l.oni!. lOll !,! he f"re lifu's I,rilliullt noon

i\ lny COIl IC dealh '" gloolllY nighL.

3 T o !;C iTe III)" nod no longer wuit, To-thy his voice regard ;

T o-morrow. me rcy's "PCII gate i\ lay bc fur C\'cr harr·d .

AIIII thus tht' L"r, l l'c \'ea l ~ his grace, Thr YUll lllfll l I"\'L' to gaiH:

T he tlmt earlr seel; s Illy face , 8111111 lIe \'e r seck in vain.

Dca/}t of ( /II {lijan.t .

As t hc sweet I1 "W(;I' Ih:lt scents the mQnl ,

. But wil lll' l'" ill th c ri ~j llg day i TIIU ~ Illyeir was t hi ~ ill fa nt's dawn,

Thll .~ sw iftly fl ed il.~ life away .

:! It di('tl ere il" I'X paulI illg- S01l1 Ilati en.' !" I llmi l wiTh w rong desire",

l ind cYer "purn ',1 al hea\"clI 's co nl rol , Or cI'cr q ucuch'd iT ~ ~ ;I c rctl firo.:: s ,

3 It Il i ..... 1 \0 "in . it .I iea to cares, But fiJr a mOlllcn l f.·1t thc rU(l :

o mournc I' snch , tlw 1.(11'1 1 d eclarcll, Such are thc childrc li of our Gud .

\' 111. I N\' I 'J'ATIO~ AND W ,Ul.NIN G,

H Y :'o l N l ':!F , ilL 1.

SI i\":,\E HS, IlI rH , why will)'c d ic1 God, yUill' l\ luke r, ; L~ks y ou why :

God , who did ylil/r bei ng g ivc, ~ladc YOll wit ll !JiJt\ ~ elf to li \·c ;

He the tiliHI cau sc d e rnalld ", /\ sks thc work ;;;. of his " \\" 11 hands : " ' It.", ye tha uk lc.'!S crcatures, w hy W ill yc cross h i~ lu\'c, a nd d ic 1

2 Si m!crs, Im'lI , why will ye di e 1

(i, .d , Y" Ul" ~a \" i "l l r , a."ks yuu wily : li e, \\' ho d id y ll UI' ~0 1i 1 ,; rctricve, Diell h im ~" lf '1 11:1 1 ... ·e m ig ht li\·c. Will ... ·on let Il im tlic ill \"ain 1 Crucify yuur L.mi ;tl!a in 1

\\' 11.\', ye ra ll -"" IH'd "i ll llers, why Will ye sl ig llt lIi ~ gracc . alltI die I

3 Siulle r;;, tUI'll , w hy will yo.! <.l ie 1 Gotl, lite :.:. " il'i t, a_~ks YOll why : Il l' wlo" all you!" Ii n >s hal l. ~t ro\'e,

\\'oo'd Y" ll ;0 e mh n.l l:u his lo,'c, Wi ll ye !lnt his Brace 1"('("e;\'O 1 W ill P' st illl"cfll~e I" livc1 0 , yc " y illg "j lllleN, why, Why w ill )"e tur c ver d ic?

II YM N 129. 111. 1-

H ASTJo: :'\ , si lllter. to h e wi"e i Stay Hot f" r Iho murruw's SUlI :

Wj~ I"'II . if yOll s till tI t:~ !, isc ,

lI :u'der is it lu be \\'011.

2 lI a .... toll , lIIerey tu illl plurc ;

S tay lIo t li' l" Ihe 1I10ITOW'/I Mill;

Le"t til )' .~eas"n .~ l lI lI tl'\ l,l' lI' e r, Erc tl lii! e\· uJ) i ll g ' .~ "tll ;;O b u 1'\111.

3 Il asten, ~ ilUl cr , \." ret II 1"1 I i

$I:ly !lot fur tile ItIOIT\)\"'~ slin ;

L esl ti l), !:tilt !' ,,\II)nlt! et'a~e to hurn , E re IIl.llval iou ·s wo rk i" t\uuc .

4 H astc n, si llllc r , III hu I}l e~t ;

:-;1:lY /lo t fu r the 111" 1"1'11\\"'11 sun ;

I.c"t l'enli l ill il thet' al"l"e,; t, El"e the morrow is bcgu n .

H Y~ I N130. 11. 3.

P EA C E. trollLleo sou l, w ltr,,,c pla in ti l'e mOan

ll ath tau ghl c ach ~cctle tlt c IlO\C of woc ; Ct:asc Ihy cnt lll' laillt. ~ lIpl'rt:,~" thy g "lIan .

Ami le I thy tca rs li Jl'gct lu fl o \\' : UcllI ,ld, Ihe p reciolls I>a lm i.~ fOIllIlI, T o 1,,11 thy pai n, il nd II t:a l thy wound .

~ COIi J{', frcely (")Ille, br sill upl' l"es t,

011 ,/t:""" eas t. Ihy wcighl ), Iliad i

I II hi ll l Ihy rc J"u ge liml. Ihy re,~ t,

I'afe in till' !He rcy IOJ" Ihy n ot!; T h)' (;,,0..1 ',,; III)" S:I\·iolll". gloriolls; word i

o hear, hel icve. allll blc~s tile Lort!.

HiM N 131. S. ~ I.

Rcv. xxi i , 17-20, rr I·n: Spi ril. in U ti I' hearL~, Is \\'h i~ pe t"j ug , siu ue r, Corne ;

T hc Bride. IIII' C llU l"ch of Clll'iM, proclaims T o all !t is dl ildrc n, Come.

~ L ct !J im tllfll lll'a reth ~ar

T o all auout hi m. COIiIl': L et h im tit ;lt lhi .... t.~ Iu r r jglJll'owllless

To Cill-i.~ t , the fUUIl t.:lill , come.

3 Yes, w ilo;;o,'\'cr "i ll. o let hill l frl'l'l)" corne,

AIIlI rreelr drlilk Ihc stream o fl ij'e :

'T i~ .J esu8 Lid~ hilll ( <JIll C.



HYl\1 NS,

Lo, .JeslI", \\"110 iuvi h''', J)cdan'~, I 'I ui, 'kl.,· ,'<>I1I f' .

Lonl ! l'H'11 :>0; I \\ a it thy hOllr : J I.!~U,~, Illy Sa\"i'Jllr, comc,

II YMN 13':!, C. l\!'

y[ hl ~ ~lIl'le !<ClllI". lIpl' l',,;wh ):uur Goo \\ IIh S"Ilf.:-" of -'>:IC l"l·d I'lm .~e :

Ful' hc is g""a, snpl" ' lIl!' ly go,~ I , A ll.! kiwI ar(') all hi .~ \\"n)"-,'.

2 All lIatUl'e I)\\"!l~ h i" gll:mliall care,

I II l ,im w e live alld !JI""C;

Bul Jl(lhler IWIIC'liH ,It·dan .:

T he wOlld,'1"S !If h i~ \m'e.

3 He ga n' h i" SOli , I, i;l oul)" Son,

T o I',UI~"rn 1'C'be1 WOl'tIl ~ ;

' T is here he mak es hi ;l g" ,,,lnc;;;I k nowil Tn i l ~ di"incl' f( lrrr l~.

4 T o th i!' deal' l"I'fllg", \."I'd, w e come, 'T i~ hNe Oil!' hupe n: lil's;

r\ "af.· d'-[ellce, a pc:w,' flll hom e, \VlwlI ,~ tOl'lns of t!"Oul.I,' ri ,~e.

5 Til inc eye h eliuld;:, witll killii l'C'g<lI'1i,

T lw 1'00 11 1;; w1 10 Im!'t ill tllce;

Tlwir 1III IIIIIIc hope 11,011 wilt rewanI With hli~.~ tl i\·iu('ly fl'('c,

(j GI'(';ot (1,,01. to thy alm igh l)" love,

\\"ha t hOllll lll'" "hnll wc J'ai"e !

l\'ol all th' aUf'dir ;;"IIi!~ al .o\"c

Cnll rcwl, ·1' e'I'J:lI pra ise.

I X . f' lIn I S T I AN D I ' TI ES AN I) <\ F I·' E C T I () ."· ~ ,

I'IU rUt ,

II Y.\TN 133. ( ' . .\1",

A . 1'I'HO.\CII. my ~1"11. Ilw Illerey· ... pal.

\\ II ... rl' .je;;ll;; all~\\"l'.~ /,myer:

TI II.!I'l· 1111111 1)1), Iii ]] 1,,·lo'l't' Ili ~ fe c t.

1'''1' IUIIIC Cll1l p('ri~ 11 tlll'fl',

. ) Tlly I'rlllllil'e i~ Ill}' nuly plt-n.

W itb Ihi.~ I wutllrr High;

ThOll eaJlc4 IllIrd .. n' ,] :<IIu t~ to tiJ('c,

\Iul !'1I('h, 0 Lonl, :lIn I.

:3 13ow'<I d"\VII ht'llt'ath II 1",11 1 of ;;ill,

By ~:lt:lll i<"rcly l'n'~~'d.

By wal' witl1ollt, alld f, 'ar wilbiu, T ('omc to t h,-(' for re~ 1.

4 Be tlJOIl In)' ,,\,i .. 111 1111 ,1 hitliug·place j

That, .. helter 'd lIt'al' Ihy side, r m ay my licn-c a('('Il ~" r I:H:C,

. -\nu ldl him, " Thull Ilast die Ll, "


5 011, W!lIllII'!II!' I","', t il 1.1cccl and die, '1'" bear II,. ' IT""'~ amI ,,\t: lIlle,

That gu ilty "j llll"I''', such a~ I ,

M ight l'kad t.hy g l'ueiuu,; Xarnc .

lI Y ,\ I N ]:1,\. C. -' I. P 11 " \T ll j" tIl(' ~UII I'" si ll('l'l'c desire, ]·l1cl··.1 " " 11U ... .'\ prc~;:·d;

Th ... IlIo t j"U "f a Iti.ldt' li fi n' ,

T hat In:IllI , I ,' ~ ill Ill l' hreas t.

:.! I'l'ilYt'l' i~ the 1"11'11" 11 IIf a sigh, Tile rall j lJ ~ ,,1' :, leal':

'I'll,' Hpwanl glaH"ill)! "f all eye,

,rhell 11011'-' 1'111 ( iuo.l is uear.

:) Prarer is l it e ~iIll Jl I ., .-;t I;,rlll uf ;;pcech

That illfallt l il'i< ('all Ir)';

PraYf'r , t ile ,~lIlolilll!' ,~ t "traill~ IJI;l t. I'cad l

T he I\lajei<t)' (011 high.

" P raypr i,; ti ll' Ch risl iall'" "il;11 breath, Thl' CIJl· j ~ t i: III ''; lIillin' air.

TIl!' \\"aldl,wOInl al 1111: t-'atc,~ of ,I"ath;

110.: ellkl'~ 11<'al'(, 11 witl l pl'ayer.

:; Praycr i~ II ... c,,"tril e ~iIlJler 's voice,

IlI-tllrlling f""lJI Iii" w ays :

" ' hil .. angl'l,; in tllI';r ""lIgs n :jni<,(" A m i c ry, .. B,'II"I,I, hc I'nl)-" !"

{i Ttl prayer. lin l'art!., Ihe ~"ill ! ~ itr;:: oue ;

T hcy' J'P "II , ' ill w"rd nlld Illillol,

\\'11('11 witll ti'l' J-'nll' L'J' aud Ihe ~() II f.;\\'eet 1 .. ·\I(,I\·"hil' tIll')' fiud,

7 0 '1' 11011, b.l· wh"rn In ' nli llC III nod, '1'111' Lif,>. II",,' Tnll!.. Ill" \ray,

Thc pa ll. "f 1'1":' .\" '1' t/ly.~d r ha~t lrod j

Lurd, leru'li II~ 11,1\,' r" pray.

o HI ·: I'I·: ~nA.\C E .

JI ' '' ,\ 1.\1 1:1:,. L. ~1. TIiOt· ilia. IJ<'ar·.~1 wilen .~ i lllrl'rs f' ry,

TIII ,,,!!I , nil 111,\' " rill ll'" hef"I ', · Ihee lie , [I. ·h.,ld Iht:lll u"t II it h ;Jll~ry I""k, BII. 1']"1 Ilh.: il· 1II"I,,"ry rrnJII tllY hook,

:: (','(':.11' Ill.'"' lI al lin' "W'C withiu.

.\11.1 f"rm my !l(JII/ ;j"('I"!'l' to ~ i tJ:

1,\'1 ti lY go"tl :-Il'irir 11 1",·1' ,Ic "a l't.

'\"1' h ide .hy I'n:~"ltt:" frolll Illy heart.

:1 I (,:IIIllOt lin~ witll"lIt Ill)" light. ('a"l Ollt <llltllJ:l1I i"h',] 1"'''111 111.\' "ight: Thy huly juy!', 111 .'-' {';oJ, n'~I()rl'.

\1111 g 'Janlllle Iha . I 1:,11 11<, lI ... r('.

Though I ha \'c g l" i" \' l',1 Ih.'"· Spirit, Lord , TI'r help ;J1ll1 ('(!lr,]; lr! Hill affiml : Alu l let a w re ldl (''' lIll' lIear Ihy throne, To plead the HL el' it~ uf thy S ~JIl .

, I


5 A b rokcn heart, m y Go,l , my King.

1~ all the sacrilicl.l I brillg: Thc God rof gracl' \\ ill I ... ·er Jc~pi~

A b roken hea rt 1'''1' "acr iliee.

6 My ~I)tli li l'~ hUlllb led iu Ihe du ~t,

AIHIIJWIli< thy dn: wlful ",' Il tellcl' j u.-.t ;

Look ,)OWII. 0 l.o rd. w illi pit.,· ill~ eye, Alld I'oa\'c the ,;nlll t'Olltlenm 'd to d ie.

7 T lw n will I teal·IL Ihe \Yorl,l Ihy \\'lIp;

S i liller,~ "hall le:orll thy ""YI'I't'i rn ;; r:I<' C :

I'll lead the m to Illy Saviour'" hlood , Aud Ihey shall I"':ti ,~e a I':mllllliug (;ud .

8 0 Inay Ihy 10\'\:- inspi l'e Ill)" lougue,

S,lh'alion sha ll I" , all Illy :i\)]Ig :

AIIII all III)' l'ow"I'~ """II j"iu I" lol('~i< TIll.! Lord, Ill)' I'tl'cll g th ami ri ghwolI S Il"' S~.

H Y.\ ! N 1:36. L . :\1.

ST A \'. thou in-"lIitc,1 S pirit. -" tay,

T hrmgh I 11l1\'e dOllc 11Il'P ~Ilch de~pite ;

NOI" ca~t the ~illlLcr 'I"ile away.

Nol' takc thine e\'l·d;l~tilig Hight.

:::! T hou gh 1 1111\'l' most ullt;lilhful I'C(,II ,

,\111 1 loug ill vaiu th~' c"'ac t~ rL'eei\·,·.I;

Ten 111011';111111 t illlcs thy f!OOtllless ~" l' Il . Tl'u tholl,,;all(1 t ilnc,;tll)"g,lo,Jncss grie\' l'll:

3 r ei , "Ir , the mrollnl i ll g "i nner ~parl' , [II houuur o f III )" r:"I'l'u t Il igh'l'ri l,~ t;

Nor ill thy ri ghtc!Jll~ allC!C'r ~ \\"ear .

'1" cxcl ude lilt' fl'tolll thy l'eople's rl .. ~ t

4 !'It)' wear}' SOIlI, 0 (;Ol!. releH-"<':

Up"ol.lmc w ilh th." g rae iolls haud ;

Gu ide me iutu Ihy pL'rli-rt !,eacc.

Aud bring lHe to I III' pl'OlI li"cd land.

H YM N 1:17 , L .;\1,

0 11. Ihat Illy load "I' ~ill wcre',

0 11, thai 1 (·"u ld at ]a"l snlllJJlt At ,"'sus' fl,C't to la), it down.

T u b y Illy .~o lll al .I e"l1'" fl'd!

2 Ik~t fur my S"1I1 I long I" fi lii I ; ~aviollr of all. if m illc Illou art,

Gil'c lIle 111\' lIIel,k amI luwl} m imI,

Alltl SI:Lll;P thill!'! image UII ill)" heart.

Break olf Ihe yuk ,· of illl)]"eJ ~ill,

:\ ud flllly ."1.'1 my ~ I'il'it frcD ;

I C;'lUllut r('.~ t. lill plln' witiLiu , Till I am wlwlly losl i ll thee.

4 Fa in woul.l I i(';)ru " f thec, m y (~<ltl ;

T hy light and e;'l.~y I1m·Jen I' I'O\'p.

I 5 1 \\"ould , !Jut thnll musl give tiro power, ,:\1 ," h~al'l f""11 1 cvery ~ ill I'cle; .. ~e ;

Brillg Hen 1', briug Ilcar the j ('y fui hour, All" fill me wi th thy perJ"ec t. peace.

I I "-'I ~ 13d. C .• ' L /' (,IIi1rlltial r ,'/,(flitlule.

R J ~ I':, 0 my ""ul. Ihe houri' rl'view , - _\.. W hcll . :nn ''] by guilt au,] Ii'ar,

To IW:I\" 'II 1'''1' gnH'e 110011 dl lr~ 1 1I0t sue,

AIL.I fUli llcl IL" n.'~c\le Ilt;)'e,

':? Thy Il':II;" al'c ,ll'ied , Ihy g l'icf" arc fl ed,

lJi;;I'I.' II't\ e:wh I,itter eal'e ;

Fill' lu-avl'lI il",'lr II:I .~ I"u l it.i ai, l

T o save thc(' frum <ie;;l'ail'.

.J lI l'ill'. thc ll , 0 (;011, Ihy work fu lfil,

Alld, fJ'flln thy mercy' .. throlLe,

" "III·II."n fl' IJJI' ~ln'n~lh 10 d" thy will, ..\ utl t" I"c"i"t milLc 0 \\' 11 :

" So ,;hall Ill)' soul caeh I)()\\"('I' cmploy

T llv mcrcy to <lIlnl'c ;

"'hil~ hca \'c lJ itself p l'0ciailllS with joy, 0ue plIl'duu ', 1 silwer 1I101'e.

1",\1'1' 11.

lI Y .' I "\'" 1;39, 11 1. 2.

ROCK III' ,\!.!C", clefl f"I' tn ....

::\. L l't IILe l;i'\~ myself il( thee ;

L l'l lhc \\":,I e l' ant! ti lt' 1.lood , Frnm tIl ), ;;ide. II heali ng IloUll,

UP " I' ~i ll the d<)uble 1.:111"<',

fo'a\'c froUt wralh, an.I !Hakc IllC pure,

~ :'11, .. d ,lIlJY Ip;m; (;)1' CVCI' Jlow,

f'h"uld Illy /': " :01 II" la ngtl"l' know ,

Th i ~ t; or "ill "",dol lIot nl"I1". '1'11"" 1I111 ~ t ~: I \'l', a nd Ihou "Ioue;

111 Ill)' halld 110 pricL' I l' I'illg,

:--:impl.'"" t,) th .'"" ..:nJ"" I din:;.

3 w hij,· I oint\\" IlJi s n",'lill!.! brcath,

\\' hl'lI tllill e l'.'-',· li . l.~ d .. ~.· ill death, \rl ll'lI r ri~(' 10 \\""rld ~ IlIIkllI)WIl, .\tld l,d,,,ld thee 011 tlly 1!Il'fmc,

Hoek "I' ,\ g"", dcfl fi,r IIlI ' .

·Let me lJidp myself in thee'.

F.\ 1'1' 11 j~ thl' Chri,; t i:l1L'~ ,·\· i.]('llcC

I - ( )r lilill:-:~ III!~een hy 11~,""t:.1 eye;

I 1t pa~~L'~ .. 11 tIl<' I'''lllld. ~ "I ~"j),;e ,

.\ Htl pl'llet l'all'S Ihe 111 11 1O~ 1 "ky.

~ Thillg,~ IIh,wnt it ('an set ill \ iew,

The cros~ , all !ilai ll 'd with hallow'J. blood,

Tho lubour or thy dying love.

AIIlI hrine 1:11' , li;;lal1t 1""{I~ I'('c ts home;

EI'CutE lOll:; )l:Jss \ 1 it call l'I 'uew, And lou£ fot'c~l.!e the th j lJ g~ to come.




:J W ith stm ng pers1Iasion , from afar Thl: hea\'clily rcgioll il sun'ers,

Embracc.; all tllC ],!c;;.~ ill~.~ Ih~re,

And I.c rc clijoYi! tllC l'romises.

4 By li litll 11 61<-:1(1) cuU!~C we sleer, Through fum ing slurms nuu s welling

O'crc(,III(' tllu wurl tl, keep down ou r fear,

}\II11 ~Iill pO.:;Sl·S.~ uur SOtlL~ in peace.

.') By fai lh Wt' paslI thc \'alc of tC~II";!

Safu nnti scre liP. Ihollgh oft tli;;trcss'd;

By r;l i,h 1< 1I11t lill' tl .... kill;': uf f"ars,

Ami gl! r(~,) ici ll g to 0111' rcst.

II 'lW'I W. C. M. 1l 00lU. viii. 3 1_3.1.

O LET Irillu q ,hall t fait l. dispel T llc r,,:u''; o f gllilt alit! woe:

If God be 1<)]' \Ill, God the Lord,

W llo, who ~hall vc OUl' fue?

2 H e w hn his ollly SUll ga\'e up

To dea lh, Iha l wc might li,'e,

S hall 11(' not all lhillgs frcely grant,

' I'liat \,olllll lles;; lo \'c call g i'le?

3 W ho no w Iii" I ~,,,ple lIhall accuse?

'Tis God halll juslilie ,1 :

\Vllo IIOW II is 1' ... -o" le shall cOlllicmn 1

T he J.:lI llh of (;".1 hath die.!.

4 Awl I It> w l.o .Ii,·.! Ilalli r i':C'JI ugai ll , T l'ill ll q ,ll:IlIt fn,m the g m\'e :

At GOtl's I·i;.!ht haud fi,l' liS hc plead;;,

O lll llipntclJt 10 i'l:l\'C.

II Y.\ fN H2. C_ M _ J) f'fI,f P"itlt.

DE LUD I.:n .~(>ld~, Ihat tlrcam of h eaven ,

AIIII IlInlw theil' l ·tIl!' t)" IofJa_~t

Of inw:u·oIj".n. :Jlul ~ itl~ !" r~ iveJl,

W hile 1111')" w'e .~lu I· c.~ 10 llt~t.

2 Vaill are IIIlI' ti tIJcil' ~, \'ai ll ou r !lighl;;,

If li Lilh Iw t'"ltl and deall: Nutlo hilt :I li\'ill;! POW(' I ' IIl1iles

1'1.1 C lL ri~l, Ihe IiI iug H ead.

3 T he fa ilh \\ hid, 111.."w·,-reale;; the heart, And work~ I.)" acti\'e 10\"(" ,

Will I) ill all ~illflll joy,. tlep.lrt,

And lifL tlte thollg hts ,,!Jo\'e.

4 Got! frum Ihe curs,' Im;< !'1'l us free,

T o make II .~ PIII'(: within;

Nor d id I .... ~elld hi.~ Son to be

T h e rnilli~lCr uf .~i 1J.

HYMN .l ·J:l. li T. 011 r R efuge _

J ESVS, t:;avi()1I1' of Ill)' soul , Let IlIO to Ihy b osom fI)" ,


\rh ile Ihe WiWC~ of trouble .. " II, Whi le Ihe le IIlJ It·.~t ,;Iill is high :

I (id e 1lL1' , U Ill y :--;f\\'io llr. hiJu,

T ill Ill!' "IUI'III o f life is past; SiJft· ililo 1111-11;]\1.'11 gllide;

o recci\'c I II)" »"HI at la",t .

::? Olht'r refuge ha\'C 1 nOlie,

Ilullg,: III)" ILI.: II'I.:»s soul Oil thee :

J.I-UW·, ah. kal'c IIIC 1\1.11 alolJe, 81ill !;u!,!,"rt :11111 I'()]IIf<'rt 1110:

All Illy trll~t 1111 tllt'C i .~ ~Iay-J ,

All Illy h"11t' frollJ 111t: c I bring ;

Cover Ill.\· ,11 · f'·1JI ·eh:~~ Iwad

W ilh Ih e sbaduw of Ihy wing.

H YMN 1.\4. lV. 4_

IIOW firllJ " fuunJ a \.iull, yo saints or the Lord,

1 ~ laid fur ),ou r failh ill his cx{'cllcnt word;

\\'bat UlUl'C cau he say Ihall 10 you hc hath


You who unto .J.~S Il S f" r refugc im\'c fled:

~ Fear nnl, 1 a m wilh Ilie,·.O I.e IInt l l is llJay'tl .

1. L :un lily G'lil , a llO l will ~,ill gi \'e tfLee ait! ;

J'1I slrcngl ltCrl theo, help llio.;c, and cause

Ihec 10 .~I' llld ,

Upheld by my rigllteoH~, ullln iputellt Im ud ,

3 \\' he n llim' Ihe Jeep walcrs I call the,·

to go, T he rivers of w<)c ~ IJ:JII not Il lC'e (wcdlow:

Fur 1 w ill UC wilh Ibet', lliy troll u!cs to


And sanctify 10 tirN' !hy d eepcst dislrcs~.

W hen tbrll 1l 3h li,'r)' tri .. l,; thy p a thwa)"

811;111 lie, .\I y p-racl', all-sllllici "II I, ~hall IIC' th)" su pply ;

The 11 <1 11]1' "hull lIot hlll' ltl]l'(', r oll ly dl'~igll Thy tl]'o~s (0 CoHiH llJ lI:, and thy gold t"

refi no.

;) ThC' .~ollitilal t"Jt':<II~ halh flell fnt· rcpose.

I will 1101, I will ]Jot Ilt'~"'I' 1 to his foe~;

T hat soul, 1I I0IIgh all hcll ~ha ll clilicavour

It) shakc,

l 'U !LeYcr-IJI), nc\'cr-no, Jlo,'er for.!'ake,

1I 0 PL

TfY"r ~ ]--1.'1.

R ISE. m)" I<oul. a",1 1'11'.,t,'h Illy w ings. Thy b cltt-r portiolt Inl('C':

Iti ~c, from Irall~itory tllilli! '~'

T owards IW:l\'c n_ thy dt'~lillef! place:

Su n, amI lllOIlIl, all,) ~Ial-~ dr-cay, T ime shall ';'" )]1 t h i~ "arl h re move;

Rise, Illy sOill , ill l<..Ilm~tc away To ijoa t.'l prepared abo\'c_

HYl\l NS.

:.! Cease, lily ;;11111. 0 I','a;;(' \0 lIlourn,

l' rc,j.~ (n,":lrd to tilt· Iwize; 80011 thy :-;:1\ i .. lIr will fl'tllrll.

To wk ,· tlw,' to llil' ~kics :

T heft' , is e\·crl .. slillg I'l'ace, nc~t_ ,·ndllring rc"t ill hcavcn;

T ht·]"t· , will ~I)ITO\\' t'\'cr cease,

A. lt! t'nJ\\·Il.~ (Ifjny I)l' givcn_

1 1\',\ I ~ I -I G. II I. 1.

C I II LJ) H.E\ of tIll." heave,nly nine, ,\ s WI.' J" I1I'lIC'Y, id u.~ "ll1g;

Si llg thc Saviour-" wortliy praise, GloriUII ~ ill his wurlis ,JlIJ ways.

2 \\'0 m't' tl';] \"d ling h"me \0 (iod, In 1111' way tlil' fathe rs tn,,];

T hey arlO II:IPJ'Y IIU\\", awl we SU' )!] Ilwil' hal'piue.~,~ shall ~ee.

:J B!llLi ~lt'd IIIICC, by ~in h etray'd,

C II1·i~1. o llr A(huelll,· wa" made;

l'ardulI'tl JIII\\ ', uo 11I',rc we )'uam, Chri st cuud l1et~ li S to our homc.

1.01-(1, olJC'llienlly we'll eO, Glad ly Ica\'i llc "II h elo\\"; 0111)" tholl ollr leat!C']" he,

AuJ w e ~ti ll \\ illfiJIl"w thee.

11 Y.' IS l ,li _ C. M. {X T IIE\ Inlll, r~al~ my l itl~ clear V V '1' .. 1111111;;"'11,,, III Ihe sk,es,

l' llloid fal·I'\\ .. III" c\'e .. }" fear, And wil'e Illy w~l'l'illg C)"CS.

<;:! Shoultl " :trtlr aga in.~t my ~I)ul engage,

AlIIllil' ry dal'l~ 1)( ' IlIlrl'J,

The il ! C:111 " llI iJc at 1"ala1l's ra ge,

Alltl tiH;C' a fl'lJwuing world .

3 Let {'al'f"~ Jib' :t wild ,1.>1 1I3c come, L pt "I(>rl!l~ nf M>]'rIIW I~dl;

So I but ~ati: l}" n~ach my hOlllc,

My r;()ti, Illy bean'll, m~' all:

". TherC', 1]11("1101'\1 ~al;·. my wcary soul

SI,:JI lind e lernal rc"l ;

Kur Slu]"lII ~ ~hall beal, w,r I,il\ows roll Acl'OS:! Illy peaceful brea..L


I I Y:'l I ~ 1<18, C. M,

Joy i" a fmit tltat wiUnot e'TO\\" I II IHllul" .. ·.~ La]']'ctl I'oil ;

All we (':1lI IHIa ~ t, lill Chl·i~\. we know,

Is \"(lllily alld toil.

2 A blec.lin~ Saviuul', ~r-en by faith, A scnse "f pardoning love .

A hope 1(,;\t Irilullpli ;; ,wer death,

Gi\'e joys Jiko thosc aboYtl.


;j Thcllc an' thc j,)y~ which satisfy Alld purify the mil"[;

W hich lIJaktJ the ~ l' iJ'il mOll nt o n high . /\utl lca\'c Ihc w(,rld Uc hilltl.

" Ko mort' , h clic \·cr. lI]oun. tl.y lot ; o thou who ar t the Lord'I<,

n ... ~ ig ll to th"~e who k 'll)w h im not,

Such j oy a:" earlh al!'Jn.lil.

11\.'i\l N l ·I!). f".1\1-

C 0;\1 E , yc thaI lo\·c Ihe Lord,

Alul let ynur .ioys lie kIlOWIi ;

.Join ill ,I ~OJJg wilh sweet accorJ,

Alid Ihu s 1i\IlTUUlld tile thronc.

2 Let tllOse n.:fllSu 10 ~ illg

"[' Iwl IIt·\'C" knew 011 1' Goll,

Hu t ('hild.· .. ·J] (,f Ill e I ... a\"ollly King

~ ' :t)' ~p .... ak lir .... ir jl!)"~ auroaJ .

3 Tiw Go.\ of IIC'I(\'C' l1 -j~ nul'",

Our Falher 1\lId 0111" lm'c;

II i~ ('arc ~llall g! Lanl lifc-s !lecting hours, T hcli wah 0111' wuls aoo\'o,

" Thc re s lmll wc lice hill faco, AIII I lIo\' .. -r. llt'\'cr .<:i ,, ;

T here, from Ilw ri\'crs of h is grace, Driuk clidleS-i plewHires in.

5 r e.<: . and 1>C'1;)]"c we rise

To Il lal im morla l stale,

Th.' thoughls of ;;ul'h amazing b liss

SI,01l111 c'IIl"I:l lltjUyS creale.

e Chil,lrell of grace Imvo found

GI "ry lo t~g ll Jl IJI~low : C,·ll,,, , ial fl'lIil. .. Oi l eart.hly groHnd

FI'Olll faith (1111 1 lll 'pe Ilia), f:,'1'ow.

i Tllc ir ill of Si"n yip Id s

A t!,1I1I1<:1I1t1 .~at;n·d "\\·t'e \.~,

Bclt)re wc l'ea('h the hcavcnly fi elds, Or wal lt the b"l,lcn s l reels.

::; Tirt' ll k t ( 1111' 1'0011;;5 ahol11111,

All.! C\I'I')" tl':I1' 1)0' .II')';

W e ']'c tnJ\'cll illg th rvu<;h Immanuel's i:'T01Llld,

Tv fail'('I' \\,(lrltls 011 high.

I,O V I~.

IIYJ\l NI:,O. lJT. 3.

LOH~). \I itll ;.:l.{,\\'illg' I,earl \',1 praise thee l' vr tIlt" 1,1J~.~ thy II,n' "c~tuws;

Fu,' tilt : \,;t],.\(>lIill;.! gl'aee that ~a"cs me, Alltll!Jc pcac" that 1',.,1111 it null's :

1 leII', (1 (1".1 , my wcak ell,)e;tVour; Th i~ dlll1l'I'ul 10 1-" l'tilI'U raise :

ThOll IIIllst light tluJ flame, or Hover Cau my lu\'I.~ loe warm ';! to p m.ise.




2 Praise, Illy .~Olll. Ill(' (:Ot1 lila!. "'"lIgI II tilec, \Vrctl"ilt"d wll ud"!"!'r, 'ill ' ;I"tray ;

Futlud llive l'hl, nud killdly llrtJlIgllt tllee Frul li Ih~· I'alb~ " f d"all, away;

I' r'l i ~, ·. wil b I,,\,"~ , 1c,,,,lle,;1 kding, Il i 'li \\ b" ~a \\ Ihy guilt.IJ" nl I<:ar,

An, l, II ... li:;bt "r hilI''' n '\Taling, Datlt· lite 1.1""o1·,..I:lill' lI 1' 1"0,,;; appeal".

3 l .onl, I hi .~ ],"~IIII"" at·,lt-lit f""lill ;

Vuill l.,· wtlu lo1 Illy lil ' ~ I..'xpre"s: Low l, .... fot"\' Ih.\" 1;"II"to,,1 klll..'ding .

De ig n Ihy .~ III"l' lill lll'~ l"ra.,,· I· to I, I ('~,,:

].el thy (:! r :IC"'·' Illy ~'l1d·.~ d, id' tl·pa .~lIrc,

Lo\'t"~ pn n.: Iblll"" wi l l,ill me r;li,..f'; AmI. ~illt.: .... \\"lIr.l~ 1":111 IIl'\ "1' IlIl'USU!"(',

Lci Illy lifu , li,,'I h tIl), pra ise.

II Y .\ I !\ 1.-)1. III. I. L 0111). Illy nlld. I 10llg III kIlO'\\',

Orr it (":111''''~ :lIl\il>lI~ Ihllll ;,;ht; Do I ]OVI' Ih,~ .· , 1.111"01, 01' III) !

1\ 111 I Ihi, .... Ill' filII I Hut!

<;! Conld lily ]It'url ~II hard ""l!Iui n, I' myl'r 11 ru~k alld ]," nlell prove,

Ally dilly gi \t· 1110" pa iu, I f I k'WW :I :-;av illllr's luv(' 1

3 \\·!tell I l lI l'U minc f'~" ';; \\ ill,ill,

U how ,lurk, aud vaill. ami wild! l'rorrf' II, 1I1I1,t"!id' a w l ~ill.

Cml 1 ,1t"l'Ul /lJpclf Ilty ehild !

<1 Yet 1 " H , III')! Illy ;::luIJlJIII"I I will.

Fi'lll IIJ .Y .~in a i.,.,.id· :11 101 Ibrall :

Sholiid I "rit·ve li>l" w!t: J1 I feel, I f I ,l id 111,1 IIlI " al all !

;:; CU ltld 1 1,,\"1..' Iby ~:till l ~ lu Illel"!,

('111"' '''\' lite \\'ay~ I (1l ICl' alolt(tl"!··d . Fi ll .1 ill l illl('~ 1110' prollllj .~,· ~ "-"l"!.

I I" I did Ilol I",'L' II!ee. L'Jnl!

G Suviour. Itot lilt' 1,,,·\: 1)ll'e morc, If I I,,\,(,: al all. I pray;

If I ha\(' 11, ,1 10"l',[ 1Jt"!i,r,~,

1It.:11' IIlC 10 1"~gi H lu-day.

PR .\ [:;;1 :.

II \ .. \ 1:\ l;j~.

1" II I: n od o f \lwal l1l lll pl~ l i~t', \\ 1.0 n·i~ lI ;; " IIII,n '" t'i l aLuvc;

Allcit'lil (I f t'\'l'lh ~tillg ,l;ly.~,

}\ 1IIl ( ;'M I " 1'1,,,,·· .!e!,0\·:,1 .. (;rf':J\ I .\.\1.

By .. a l·lli :111(1 hl": I\('1I {"unft'~~'(I :

1 bow ntul b lt''''~ 111e .~a{·rcd Name, For C\'er bll",~'J.

2 The Go,1 of .\bralwll! l' rai.~l',

AL whose SU pl"e lllC LOUlWlUlU


Fl"om l'ar'Ib I I'i~t', a nd ~I'ek the joys At Il i~ I'i:;bl hatHl :

1 1111 (til " :II 'lh ti'r~akL'.

II ~ \\i~d,,,", 1;11 11" , allli powcr;

~\I lli lI i'll my (til ly 1"lI"l illll make, '\I y ~hic1 , 1 alld lllwc r.

3 l ie I,~' hill l,;t:lf hal lr ","-tlm,

I Oil iii" oal lr 011'111 ''''1. J ,..lrall. till aHt! ,'I. w illgs uphornc,

'1'" hl"a~\ 'u a.~ITlld:

I ,..ball l,d ,,,ld Il i.~ fan' ,

I ,..hall hi~ ]'1/\\ t'I' :ulll rL' ,

.\1U1 .~ilJ;; II,,· \I·" mlt·rs of his g"aeo

F"I" l·n·nll '"n ' .

-1 TliL'rl' d\\l"l1 ~ 11 ll! l.'l .. d, "III' King, Till ' I."nl, " lIr r i;,;I I Il"III"' II ~'~~'

Tri ll llll'll1l l1t 1I','r Ill<" 1I""l"ld allli ;;in,

'1'1". I'rillc" 'Jf 1''':1<" 0; 011 .'ioll '~ ~1Il"l"l'd ht.:i :;:ht

II i.~ l;ill .!:!,I "1 1i 1,(, IIla illt1l ill ~,

,\1101 , g), .,. ioll '; with hi" ~ai lil " iulight, Ftlr C\('r rl·it!"~.

r, T he (foci w ho n 'i"l1~ 011 high

'I'll<' f!n ·,,1 <tn·h: III ~(·J.~ ,..i ug ;

Alld ... II IIly, 1,"1 .,', hill) ," c ry,

.. t\lm ighl.' Kirr1!. 'rho 1"1I~, aHl I i~ th l, ~amc,

AIIIll'H'n rr lll'l' ,..hall lic;

,It-Iu)\1I i.. FUI I'{'I'. (i"t 'al I A~I ,

,,'f' wur.~ lli l' thl'c."

(i Thf' wll"!t..· Irillllll'it:Ul I 110;>.1 (: il'C Ill:IlIli ~ 10 God 1>11 Il igh;

,. IllIi1. I-'al I 11"1". :-;"IJ , alld 11'Jly Ghost,"

TIIl 'y ~'V l"l" "ry : Il:iil. . \I'r1l111 11 11· .~ n,,') 1I1U lminu,

I jllill 1111" 1"'11 \ 1"11 1)' liI)~; ,\ ll m ighl 111,,1 IWI.i,·,..I.V 1Ire tiline,

Alld eJldiL-~~ !,r;ti,;o..:.

I' SOII m c, 111: jflyflll ill ( ;,~1.1I11 Y ~ 'lalltl~ of Ihc l'arth. 1I ~t'n . · Ili lll \I illt l!1:tdll<'''~ :11111 [l'ar :

EXlilt in hi~ 1II"""'lIl"l" "iill 1 1I 1I~i ,· alld mirth.

\\" illt lUI . ' ;IIJt! dL'\vli"1J dm\\' rlcar.

:! For ,J.-Ir",,,lr j" (illd. :11111 .], ·lrllqh alulle,

CI'I'alur 1IIId nlll.' r O ' ~ 'I' 1111:

Aw \ \\1' arc hi,; I'l'''I'I,·. h i~~n'I' II'f' we own:

Ii i" ~h el.' l' , alll i wc fullu\\" h i~ call.

3 0 Pillcr his galc.~ II ilh Ihank"gi" ing and

8011 g .

Yuur lOWS ill lli .~ tcmplC' proclaim; J l is prai.-;e wil h mdotiitJll S accord:.wee pro·

Inn g-,

And bh:s" h is atln'able Name.


For 130011 is the L on1, incx pressibly good , Anti we arc lI lt' work "f hi ~ In.IIHl ;

Hi~ mert.:y ami Imllt from elernity stOOl[,

And "hull to elcmily ,;1:llIU.

JI Y 1\1 N I:'·/' L . M. P s:L1m c.

B U ; ()HI: ,!dlovall '~ :1I~· rlll Ihrone: r~, lIatIO Il .~, huw With ;;acrcd ,Joy;

1-.: 111)\\' Ilral lite Ltl l'd i~ (iuu alnlle: lie can (Tl'all' , alltl he de,; lln~·.

:! Il i~ l'''I'l' ''''ign ptlwer, wilhvul our aid ,

.\J adc U ~ of day. allli Ii ' 1"111 'd liS IIWII;

And WIICIl lik,· wawlt'rill" ~il l"er\\'e ~tray'tl, l ie lJl"<,ugllt U ~ t l) his !"Id a;,;ain.

3 \ Ve.: arC' lIis pI'0l'l e, WI' h is carf', 0111' ~n ll1.~. awl all vur lIIorlal frame;

\\'Ilal 1:t~lil! ;'; I'<!livur;; ;:: 11:111 wc rl'ur,

J\\m it;ltIY .\ lak'·I", Iv Illy :\alllc !

CO~TC:'\Tl\I C:,,\T.

I I Yl\1 N 15G. C, 1\1.

F /\T I I I.: n , wltalC'l' r ofeartltly blisa

T lty ;;("I""reign will dellil'~,

}\ ccl'ple~1 al Ilty Ihrorlt', kt Ihis,

j\ l y lIullIhlt.: I II~lyer. arise:

~ (i il'c IlW :1 ~ ': ,lrn ~ l lIl i thankful Ireurt ,

\-"1",1111 c'\ l" r~' il lll r m,,1" fret': Tht.: Iol,·,..~i ll go .. f tby F" 1~ 1("l' impart,

A\III I ll1,kL' III<' lin' \0 Ihee :

3 1.e t t1H~ .~w ,·\·1 b"pl' Ibat Iholl ar l m ine

1\1 )' l ift' aud ,]"alll all"ll(i; T hy lor" ~I' IIC " Ill roug-II 11 1.\' jnlll1lcy shine,

And l"rUWII m y j"Uflll"Y'S cwl.

H YM N 157 . L . 1\1.

R 1: ~Iill 111\ \1I"flr l . thl'~c anxious cares

\\" \.'\1 "row,! Ihy g1\IL'.~ wilh thankful ~on o'~'

Ili ,,1I a~ II, L' h" 1\\1'1I "111' \""ic..:"~ rai~,'; I 1\ 11.1 ~arllt. "ilh 111..'1" 1"11 1""II~and 1"lIglle~,

Slilill li llllly c..:llll rb \\ ilh "" lIuJ illg pra i~ ~" I :!

'1"" IhN:aro' Iollrd'·II~. tllo rn~, anu !'nares; '1'1". )' ( ·a.~ 1 cl i ~h"""lIr Oil Ilty Lonl , Al l,! {" "tlra,li"1 \li il gra{" i'Il I .~ wonl.

Brollgllt ~a rl'ly I.y hi~ lIalid 11111,.. far.

\\' ltv wilt thou HOW gi" e pla" e In lear ! ;j \ \ 'iclc:t' IIII' \\'01"1.\ i~ til.\" l"1I1Il1ll:tHtl.

\"a ,..1 ,t;; c1" l"Il ily II I)" IV\'e ; Fin n a ~ 11 nJ("k I II~' Irlllh IllU~t slam!.

\\"l ll'lI r" lIiug ) e;u -,; ,..l lall t.:l'a~l' '" 1110\ C.

I I I. J.

" (JlIgs IOf P raisr .

S0?,\(;S of ]'rai .~e II ... (JlI;.'d, "allg; I lea\"t'lJ wilh balll'!ujah,; n Hl )!.

\\' hell .Il'IH , \"(.I!·~ "'''rh \)l'gll il.

Wh cn he ~pakl' awl it wa" dOlle.

:! SOIl )!S " f prni,..c al\"IIkc tilt" 111"1"11.

\\' llcu Ih L' I'rilll"e "I" l 'enL"" \\a.'; \"11"11:

S"ng~ o f ]l1":li,..c ar".~e, wh("11 h I..'

CUl'tive led captivilY·

3 I lea\'ell ulld earlh trJlI~t ]la~~ all"ay;

Songs or I'I'<li.-,· "hall tTIIWII iI,al clay

God \\ ill muk,· Iit'il" Itl'aITII~ :tII,] " al"llt:

Sono~ vf prai"'-' ,..hall Itail IllI"il" Lirth.

<1 I\ n,} ,..lrall man a lolw lot" dumb. T ill thai glorillu,; kill)!doUI ("Hlle 1 ~o; thc Church lleli~hl~ til rai~e 1',..aIUls. ,mJ b~ mll~. and ~IIn.;;~ o f pmi;;.."

5 l.~ Iwiow. with lif'arl an<1 \"o i('e.

S till in song;; of prai;;c n:i"ie" ; L caruiug lien' , loy l~lil !J aud 10\('.

Song~ of I'r,li ~!' tu SUI;:; alool'l'.

(I )3onlC U)lOIl lileir lale,..1 l,r(':tI!J.

Songs of praise ~ Itall conquer dealh ;

TIJCII, alllid ~ t et{'nw.1 joy. Soogs of praise Iheir pow ers employ.

II ,,;V cansl Iholl want if 111" prol'ide,

Or 10"(' Ihy way with ;;lIch a guide r

:l \\" Iwn lir,..t IJt'fon; h is InL"rcy·~I.'at. T hOll did"t 10 him thy all comillit;

l ie )!(,,'e l!rl'f' w:trrant f r Ol ll 1 that hUllr,

To Iru,..1 hi" wj,..,J" rrr , IO\'e, und power.

'I Did ,'vcr 11"O\l11lc yet "I..'fall. I ,\ lid lit' rl·rll .~e I" ht'a t Illy ("all 1

Alld Im.~ ho' lu,t his pl'O llli ~e paS'l,

Tit:!! ,h"1! ~halt on·rc..:OIne a l la"t!

! r, Thll tlgh rough 1111<1 Iho rllY \". Ihl'mad, II I ~'ad" tI' l'C 11011I e, al''It.:t', to (~od; ThL'1I CfJ lllI l lily presellt Irilll ~ ~llIal1. Fill' ho..:a'·e ll will make allle lllis for " II.

, :\' 1\ F FLI C TIO:-l.

IIY;\l N I:J8. C . .)!.

' ] [ I: \ n. !!n l{·i"I1 .~ (ind. lUy b~lrohlc moan. . _ _ T o Ihee I hrl'al lil' my ~lgh,;. \\ 1 ... 11 \\ ill Ih,' rnuurllfHI ni1!iJl iJe gOlle I

Wh"11 .~hall my jU)S!

~ ' l'I I holl~1r Illy "Iml ill darkl lt" ~~ 1Il . 1HrtI~.

Th~' i'r"IJl ;~ f' i~ Illy ,..Iay ; Il l'r,' II (luld I !"<·,..ll ilJ li:.!ht r(' llIrll.",

I T hy Jlrc~"Il(;C lIIake~ 111)" (\n y.

j 3 Corne, Lord. (111<1 willi n·I,·,li:d pl'al'"

Hc!iel'c lily aeliillg heart.: o j; lIlil e, a nd hid Illy surrow cease ,

And all thei r gloom depart.




" Theil ~hall Illy d ro{)p iug ,.p i!"it ri",e,

Arid blc ~,; thy bealiug ray.~ .

AIIJ c hallgc tllt: oIe d Cl·p l·tlllI l'iaiuiug 8igh .'> For sollg ... (I f lIacred praise.

11Y.\I N 159. JI. 3. )" lI lm 11ii. A s, pauling in the sultry heam,

- -- - 'I'll<' Imrt t!l·.~ ir ... ·.i I l w . ·n"li H~ stream.

I:j" til thy l or",,,~,,,·lI( ' e, LIII·d. I fl ce,

~o I""g.~ my ... . ul. 0 ( ;ud, I;.r thee;

Alh ir~' 10 1;1-~h' thy li\ iug ~_'T"ce ,

Aud :«.:c thy gl"ry, li,c t..· to fi,ce.

.) Bill r-i.~i)j; gril·f.~ di -"In'~~ m y ,mul ,

J\ 1101 Icar~ "II Il·IU".~ "'Hxl"~si\'c 1"011 ;

Vor IIWIIY 1111 c ,· il ",icc i~ lU:'ar,

To l'I,i,[,· Ill ." WIfC, alld l1Iuck my fear·;

J\ lld ~ill' lI t 1I1clllory we ... ·!'s nlnllC

O 't..' r h')II!".-; " f p('acc "lid t: l:tdll<"s.~ fl own.

:! For Ilm\',' walk''[ th o Il1lpp), rounu T h;11 'cird .... ; Ri,,"'s 11.,1)' ,,1'0111101 ,

Alld g ladly s\\cll'd the cllfu'allay!!,

TI,at I,YlIlIl't1 ,ny ~n:a l. Hl ,d""l·mcr· ;; prai .;; ... ·. Whal tillle Ihe ha llow'tl an·hes n llIg

11 ... ·"pollsi,·e til t l,.. ..,uit-mll song.

4 1\11 , ,\11)', I,y pa~~illg d ouols oppre.;; t,

S hould \·cxi ug tlll'lIell l.'; .1istl1lcllhy brcast 1

T unl, lum tn I l illi, ill c \'cry pain,

' ''I \t llll ,.:tl ppli:Ul1.~ 1II .. ·ver "oughl ill Y<Jin;

Thy 1'1l"englh, ill joy's cxlal ie Jay, Thy ho/,e, wlJt: u joy hus 'tl away.

II YM:--l" I(";n. 11. :1 .

,1 co mpruisillll(l/r Il if:!/t.l'r icst.

II d.l r~\\" ~ j, •. 15.

\7\TI I 1,;:-; glll lll 'rili g ,.]"l ld ~ :1I·PIII.!!.l I view. All.! lby.~ IIrc d:lI·k. alld 1t"l l'Il.!~ are


On Il im I 1"'111 . who . 11,,1 ill "aill, /·;)( ],eri t· lln,d t·\ ' ·r)" 111 1111 :111 pail!:

li t.' l~t· l " my {[ri ,.f:~. I". ~. ' .... ~ lII)' /;·urs, And CUl lllt .~ ilild IrL"a~IIt"t: ~ Ill' llly tear ".

!! If illl{[h l .~hlllll~1 h"lHl'l III~' .~(lill I" ~Iray Frolll heavL"lI ly \I i"I"'II·S 1I,IITIIW W;I~· .

To lIy IIIl" {[' '''ll I ""Idd PIII·'II ' ·. Or do Ilw iJl I would lIl ,t .I,,: Still l it-. "Ill , kit 1 "'II!,l:oti,,"' ~ powt.' r. ~ ll a ll g uard II I ... ' il! Illal d :IIIg-'T"lIS I"otlr.

. \ \\ l 't·1l H'xillg \hulIghH "ith iu 1111· ri~e.

Alld , I'ol"e d i"Jn:l) 'd. lll ~' "I ,irit ,h·~:

W hclI .~()ITU" illg ,,\., . .. " m e SI"lIe I bend , \,"b id, "'J\'t: r~ ul1l h:ll wa.~ a frien u ,

,\ 1101 frolll bi~ \"" i(" ~ ·, his balld, Iris h!Hile, Di,·idc,; IIIl· li". a link \\bile;

'1' 1'''11, :'!II· iulIr, H'l'''t 111\' I ... ·an' I ,.heo l.

For Ihou llitl"t WCl'jl ,,"t.'" Lazarll1! dead.

S Alui. oh, \\Ilt'u I 11;1"· ,o.:, f.·ly pa-'it

T bWlIgh en·ry cOilUiet hut IllI' lasl ,

Sti ll , "' l iIlIlIWh:lllf!"iu l;: , \\al.-], I'''''s ide

j\ I ~' l" ... J of dealh. I" r ThOll I l~l,t died: T llell poillt to 1'1·,11111" of "Ildl . '~~ day, And wipc tlr~~ lat ... ,~t tcar away.

11 L'I.',I 1(; !. L . i\1.

SUllriijicd . lJJlidillll.

L anD, u!laf11i.c\ cd, I1lldi~IZI;IY' .! , 111 pl ca~ lI l"c s palll I, (,w lillie 1 .~ lray'u :

Bllt Iholl Ira~t "lillI" IIIL· I~d Illy n,d,

,\ud turu'd Illy ~ oll l to tllee, Ill )' ( ;001 .

:! What Iholl gll il pie rced lily faiul ing heart, I 1)le s.~ Ihy 1r:1I 1l1 liI:11 l·i11I~cd till' ~l lIa l"t;

1l taught my tea,.s u\llrile 1'1 tlow, B llt s,."l\'ed me fr"Om e tcrual Wile.

3 O. hadst Iholl left Ine IIUcll1l.~ li.<I 'oI ,

Th~' prel"CI'\ Il I hill l "till ,l t'-" p iM·ll , ,\ utl s t ill l ire :'HIare ill ",:-cn;- 1 Jaill

Had Illy unwary feel betray'd.

. " I 10l"c thy ehas l(,lIiugll. 0 my God. T hey fix Ill)' hopc:! 011 Ihy ab"de; \\'1lt'1''''', ill thy I're,.:cnc.:c fully blest,

Thy s lJ·ic kc lI S,lill\ll f"r cvcr rcst

]),\lLr ])]-:\'0'1'10 .\ '.

II. \.' ,\ IN I(':!. 11.3.

, -\ 1 11 1.::\ ~l rea rll;lIg 1", ·1111 1 till.! 1", .~le '·1I !<kies, T lu · 1I1"fu ill;': li;.:ltl .~a l l lte~ lIIillC cycs,

U ~'III flf H i~ll to · " II .~II'·~": ,IiI i ll l ",

I, 011 'I!!. wilh lW;lIu .~ " f HII"rr)' ,..hiul' ;

elia <'· IIII' da rk dOI"I ... "f ~ill aWay, .\ 1101 lui'll IUY cl 'lI · t"Il.'.~.~ illlu , lay.

I" Wl It"1I1" he;"·' ·Il·" i.'Tl'at ~1I 1( 1 ~I .. rious King _' I ~- IIIn,·uiut! ~alT i liee I I,r ill i! ;

_\ tII l. ""!lln,i llg ,,'el" m y r:llilt ;lIId ,..l l<une.

", ,,,I, IIl l'n·~. ~;i\ ;""r, ill Illy ,\111111' ;

;\ Iy ,'n ll~l· i'·!H·t' "prilildt' \\"ith Ihy blood,

_\ lId Ill' I II)' 1tlhlll"alc \\"i t ll C;otl.

3 . , ~ ' ·"('1,)' ,I ;ty tl ly Ill,·r, ·." ~I'a,·t'g

I Wi ll hrillg il" tJ" ial ~ ;m.! ih nIl'C~ , (} f'a\jour, l illlll)' lif,· ~ball ""IHI, TI II"Il I Ie. wlHt O!Jl·(' 'olH·"~ali·d 10 Lea!"

Til ... ~jCkellilie alJg lli~li of d .. ~pair ,

SII:!iI ",,"ct'tl)" ~lltl tli ~', .~ li:ll1 g"lItly dry, Thtl Ih l"oLbi uQ h eart, IIIl' ~tn:arnillg eyc,

I Ik 111111 1 Ill)' ('OIl IlS(· II' lr :lIId fricml:

T each lIle thy pn'n·l'\s, a\l (I ivine,

AuJ he Ihy pu re ('x Ulllplc lIl iliC.



" 'hen pa irl t rnll"fi xc.~ every part. Or languor !<t'ltic" at IIII' IJCart; W hcn " II illY I)('d. ,Ii ~ca s('(l. oppress'l\'

I IUnI , and ~ig-!.. a lld IOIl (! fo r I'('sl j

o grea t I'ltysician. see Illy e rief. Alld t! rallt 11Iy ~Cf\' allt sw ect relicf.

S Should po n ·rl) ·s . i.-,.Irncli,-c b low

La\" Hll Illy \\ oddly ( ·" lII lurt.~ low;

AI:ll Iwil l ... !" hel l' Hor hope al' l"·ar, 1\1)" /olt'!,:; I" gllid .,. Illy I, 10 ('heer ;

I.on!. pil~' awl ~ lI p l' ly my nce,].

For th"lI. " II "arll" \\"a.~ t pUOI· indeed.

G Shuilld I'rm iol'·lll"e l'r"fll~dy ]lour

It i! \"a r i(·d 1 , le",.~ill~s " " my ~ t(l re ;

o kl 'f'P mil fro lll Ihe ills thut wait

011 ", " I" }I a s'·"lll i n g prO l'o pl' fOU S " tatc: FroJl) hllrlfui pa"i'inlls set me fl'pf',

And ilU!lIl,ly may I walk with thee .

,Vhl'lI I'aei, day'~ s(;cnl'S antI labou!"s c1osc, And wca ricJ nature sce ks reposc, With pHr.:loning mcrcy richly ulest, Guanl llIe , lily Saviour. whilc r rest:

And , as each mornillg SlIl! ~hall r i:>c,

o lead me onward 10 the ~k ic;;.

8 All/I. a t lily life's last "cu ing SU II , My contl iels o·cr. my 111"0111-:< ...1011(', J esll~ . Ihy IlI'a\,L'l1ly radiancc sh('( l, T o Ch Cl' ]" all(1 hle,,"s my dyillg: hed ;

:\ Ut!. f" o lll l],'alh's ...-1"o lJl my ~pirit faise,

T o sec thy face a_lltl .~ i tlg: Ihy praise.

IIY fH N IG3. L . M. "lllflVC set G".l a/IN1.11;; befo re me."

j'nlm :'I,·i .!:t.

S .. \Vl 0 1J1t, whell !lis-ht i!lvoh'e~ tltc skies ,

1\1)' ~nlll. ndnr·ing, tllt"ll;; 10 thec ;

Thec , ~dt~aha.~cd ill lIlortal guise, All,) wrapt in "hudes uf d eath fur m c ,

:! 011 Ih('(' Illy wakin g raptures dWL'II ,

\\" hell crimson glealll~ the eu"t aourn,

Tircl' , \" id"r I)f thc gra\·c and hell, Thec, suurcc uf life'.;; c lerllal morn .

3 \\"hell 110011 IlI'r throne in l ight :lrra~·~ .

T o t lice Illy suul II·illlllpl ,:tn t ~!,rillg8 ;

'1'111'('. tl,rm](.'d i ll !.";! Ior}' ·" f"t" I I(' .~"' 1,laz(',

T III'.-, Lord of lur,ls , alld Ki l1g (If kings.

" O'cr "anlt, wlU'[l sltatle il o f c"cnil1l! ~tca] , '1'(,11" :1111 awl tll("(' Illy thoughts I g i,'c ;

To d l'alh. wh()~,' PQwer r SOOIi II IU!'t fccl,

To thec , with whom 1 trust to li"e,

11 Yl\J N IG·1. L. ~f.

M o·rl!il!g ll!Jmll.

A 'V A KE , 1II)' BOUI. and w ith the Bun

Thy Jaily courso of Juty run ;

Shake off llull sloth , and carly rise To pay thy lll(lt"ll iug 1<.:lcrilice.

':.:! 1'c.-.tI"· ,11 thy tnis"~l'c li t l illlC that'" past: Li\·e this dar. a.~ if'lw. ·r l' Ihy la~t; T" illl pr""" thy Inl '~ I1I .~ lake ,],11' (·are;

'Gaillst thc grl'at da~' Ihy~dr I'r"pare.

3 Lel .. l1 thy ('OIl\"t·,"Se ho ",illn ' re, Tli \' c,," .~, · i.· , l("\· a~ tI ... 11",," ... la.'· ekal'; TI~illk h"w tl .. · :01I-:",· .. il1:; (j" d. thy ways

AIIII a ll !h)" St·l:a·1 tlt"u t:hts SIlf\·C'y~.

" Wilkc. fill t! lifl III' I lry~dr. Illy h .... art, .·\ut! wil]' t ],t· a!l g '·l.~ 11<";(1" Illy part ;

Who all uit!ht lOll:.! 1I11\\·. '; I1·i .... , 1 ~iIlO ·

" <3101")" t.o II, c t' , e l"l"lIal Killo·"


s I wake, I wak e. YI· heav,'"1y chu ir;

,\ l ay YOll r dt·,·"tiou !lIe ill ~ l'in;;

That I like )"011 Illy age may Epewl,

Lik e Y'IU may ull 1Il)" G"d attend.

6 1\1ay I like y OIl in God ddig ],t, Il ave all day IUllg my (iod ill sight:

I'crf"rm like YOIl m )" ;\I:tl, er's will:

Oh , may I IIc,'l;r mure do ill

7 GI' lry to till" " who sal.· 1J1l;;l kept.

1\ lId ha~t rdrl'~h"l me whi lt' r "le pt: Gntll t, LOI"(\. w l1l"1l I fr"l11 d ea th ",hall w ukt,

I may uf e lllllC"g life parlakc.

8 Lord. J Illy \"ows In Ihee !"l' IWW;

Scattcr 111)" !li lls as 1Il, .nliu O" tlcw' Guard my li ,· .. -t :"pri ug of thollght alit! will.

And with Ihy ~c1 t" Illy "pil"i t lill.

9 ])il·cd, c"lIll'ol , I>lIgge~ t Ihis day,

./\1\ I d t.:!' ig ll , OJ" du, ur sa)", That all Ill )' pf> \\"eJ".~, wilh :.11 thei l' might 111 thy .~(lie gl "r)" llIay unilo'.

10 Prai~e God, frOln wh",!! all h1c~5iIl6S lIow, l'rai~e hi ,ll. all .-rcatlln 's hcrc below: I' rai~e l, il\l ,,1 ,11 v,', Il1lgl ·lic III) .~ I;

I' rai:;1J ]o'atll1' l·, S"Il, alII I Ii oly Ghost.

II YMN l (i;j . L.)l. .II/ or" ,,!!!.

A HIS E, Ill" "flUI, witll nll'turc r isco . - I\ nd , liIrd wllh lovc aw l Icar, allore

'I'he a wful f-io\· erl· i~1I of Ihe sk ies, \V IIO~e IlH'rcy l "lII l~ 1111' olle day mure .

2 And may II,;" day , iud lll;!ell t I'o wer,

1\ot it!ly Plls!', 1I0r t"ruilk;:s loe:

But mar each ~wi ft lv-thi ng hOllr

Slill ;,e arcr bring ;1l):"' J!l1 to Thce.


3 But can it h e ? That. ],ower o1 i\·illc

III throned ill li;..:ht's 1I111,olluded blaz.


Ann c.:oIllIIICSS wllrld~ HIlJ " 1Jb'~ ls join

'1'0 sw ell the g loriolls song o f praise-




4 Awl will Ilc dcigH to klill all car,

, vhct) [ , p OOl" aloj""l J1L"rtal, p rar1

Yef!, \)UIIIHJl~'_"." :.:."" IIU·~~. I It- ,\ ill iLear, ~or "a~1 1[U' tI ... a1lt'~t wI'!'I..!1 away.

:; Theil kt 11)1' ": ,'1",' 'I'll,'" a1\ Ill." ,Jay.~,

AIII[ 111;1,' III.' "";11 \,illl .'· .. ar~ i,,<:rc!],;c:

For I'I"lI~;H ll, [,"1.1, an' 1111111." \\a~',;,

Alul all tl l.' 1';1111' an- I'all", uf ,U'ut·e.

II Y .'IS Hi(i. C,..\1. .l/orl/fI/JI . TO T~w.' If'! Irl~ lir,,1 " n"r'il'.'!" ri~('.

"" O~" ,,1111 ''I''';11o-~ lb,> ,Ia~· .

Swift as I ,i.~ ;.:Iadd, 'uiug ilJllut'ucc £lief!.

Alld "1 ,oll, '.~." 11" hi,; r;ly.

2 T lci ,; ,lilY Illy fal ""rilJ~ 11;111(1 lee ni6h . S" "ft \"olld,~:d""d 1 ... li,n';

8,i1l1l1it)" il I('ad , ["'1I 1'T l , "'lIl'pl)", Alld , ,lml llalill ad"n·.

;} I f Idi,.~ Illy l'r"l'id"I'l'<' impart,

Fur \llci,'I., r" .~i!! "'d. I ,>I'lIY, Gil' ,· lIle I" /0·,,1 a t;lct'erful hClI.rl,

Awl 2' rald '1I1 1"'lua ~(l pay.

4 Amic';"" ,.holll.l lhy Jo,"c illtcllll ,

I' " \ ic,' "I' ti , I[."~ CUrt:.

1'atil·1I1. 10 ~aill lilat ;.:n lciolls ell,/.

Ma), I l lrl' IIIl'allS cud"r,',

5 Dc thi:< alltl l" 'cry fUlure day

Slill w iser Ihall Ill1' l'a,,1 ; Anti wl wlI , all my Ii!,· ,.un-e)"

M ay graCl' -"1I"laill al la$1.

I IYi' l l, I(ii. Il l. I. ,I/ (! rllin !t.

N0W 1111.) sh:l~I.·.~ (If Ilight arc gOlle; i\ow 1111' 1I."rllill " liO'hl is come;

Lord , 111:1 )" \\'1' hi' 1)line tn-d:IY;

D rivc I), e .• I.adv~ "I' "ill 1I\\'a)".

2 Fill ''''I' .~,," I,; \I ilh 1lt'~11 " Il ly li8"lrt, na lli ~11 41,,"1,1 lliid ,.k~lr Pill' sight;

JII thy ~l·n it;., . 1."1'.1. 1<l-liay.

May we 11I11"ur. walt·11. alld pray.

:3 " Ct' P ullr hau;.:hl." l'a~~i"lIs I,uuud; S:I"(' u" frolll "lIr li,e .• a roU lld;

GoiHe 0111 alld c"lIl ill~ ill,

K ct, ], u ,~ ""te frolll l'l'ef} "ill.

\ \'he ll our II (,rk "I' Iii,' is ,'ast. o n 'cein' Ib IlIt' lI al la.~1 ; i'\i eh l 11",1 .~ill \I ill lee Ill! 11101'(-',

Whc n wc rcadl tIle ilea"clll) ,,!Jore.

H Y MN Hi":', r.. , ,'L R t:rnin,; '('1I1lI/ .

G LOHY to the~', Illy Cod. tlri;; night, For all the bles~ill:!~ of lhe light:

Keep m e, 0 keep /lie, Killg of kirrg~,

Unuer thine own AIlJliO'hlY w ings. 94

I:! FOl"gi\'c me. T,<l l'd, f,w thy ,h'ar SOil,

T he jll~ that I thi~ .lay 1.:1\, ' d' ,ne ; Thai wi l li lhl, I\"dd, IlIy ,~,'If. alltl Thee,

I I, l're [ "I'TI'. al Pl':\I"· Illay 11\,:.



:1 '1'1';11'11 IIII' to li\('. lllal I may dread

'I'l l(' ft', II'" a~ lilll., a~ H • .'" 1 ... 01;

T"<I"1i U)l' 1" ,I i,', tllal~" I Il lay

T l'i ' lJlIl'iLi ll;! ri~,' a t IIII' ]a"l day,

" 0 mil." Ill)" '-"111 "II till'" 1"'1"''''', Au,] II jill -"1\ , '.'1 ~I""I ' lu il'" ('yelid" d ose:

:'1",,1', lhal 'lIa~' Ill" 1111>1',' \i;.:-"!'''!!>! lIrake

T' I ~'-'r\"l" my ( ;(,,1, "I ... " I :1I\ ake.

:-) ,r h"1l ill ,III' Iii ;.:]" I ~l l" ' l'l,'~~ li~',

j\1)' ,~,,"I wilh 1 ... :1\1,"1.' IlIOll;:lcl.~ ~I! pply

TA~ t 110 ill ,)n';I1I1~ <Ii~l11rl, Ill.' 1', ''' 1,

:\'0 pl)w t.:r,~ of dnrl()l., ,~.~ Ill(' IIj"h'~'.

G 0 wh"1l ~ lIall 1. ill 1' 1Idl, '~.~ <Ia.'".

1-'"r e\'t'r ..11 ;1:<" Ibrk ~I~T I ' H\l a,·, Am] hylJllI,~ .Ii, illt' \\ illt au;.:d"'·l>illg.

(;I " ry ti! Ill1'(' , d,'l' llal Kille'

i J 'rai~(' C"d, froHl w],oI/l all lolo-;:sill f!'s flow

I'rai", ' 111111. all cn'allll"''; ]'I'rl' I,plow; I 'rai ,~e him 1I1",\p. ililt:Wlil' Ie""t; I'nci"e 1";1111, 'r, ;-':011, au,] 1 " ,Iy nhost.

I lI YMc< 1m. L. M .

I';nllillg , ! G ill : \T (;"d, to Ih,>l' III)" f'\'('uing ~ng

\\" ilh 11I1ll11,lt, gl'alJlllde 1 rai,.e:

I 0 It'! Ihy lIll'n'), 1'111" Illy IUll;!lIl' ,

Alld Ell Illy heart Wilh 11",1)" praise.


:! .:".1.'" da)"~ Illld"",]"t! ;]~ ,let'y fl:I"~, Alld ('\"'I')' IIIlWart! nollill;.! I","r,

Arc mnllllllJl'llt.~ ,)1' w, 'lIIln ' IIS t-' I'acc,

All.! \\'itrll'~'" tn thy IUI'c alld ]lllwer.

3 Alit! )"d lhi ~ th,,";:htl , ,~~, wrelched hcart, To') "f! n ';'::Il'.JIl'~~ "I' lhy lo\'c,

l"1I;.:ratl'flll. (':1lI fl" "11 lJ,,'" ']"part, AIIII fro m ,lit .. , path of dil ly !"If \·C .

" Seal Illy ti,r t-'in'llt'~~ ill Ihe lolnllll uf CIIl'i,~t, Illy Lord: loi~ :'\allle alone

l pI, 'ad ';,r I'lI l'1 l'!II. grac iulls (;0,1. Alld I,illd lI t't'l' l'taIlCl' at lhy llirollc.


5 W itll 1t" I ~' ill hi m rui n.' " .,",'Iid" close, W ilh ,,1"l']1 I"\,fr,-,,,\o III)" fcc],le frame;

Safe ill Ihy t;;\I'I' lIIay , "",O(hl', ! ,,\ 1Il1 wuk, ' wilh J1rai~('~ ttl Ihy 1'\ame,

II YM N 170, C. i'1. E I·rllill!:. N0W fl'olll lin- altar tlf our !ream,

Let flarrll' ~ of lovc 1I I'i ,;e;

A S,;i~1 tn;, Lo rd, 10 ulful' up Our en:nillg I!acrifice.


2 M inul('s fHHl IlH:: rt;ie~ 1)luhi p\ieJ lI a"(' mad...: lip all t!.J~ t.!a~ ;

Miuutes I'aill" '11Ii, I;:. I.l ll ,,)(' !'t:i ... . ~ werc

More 1>\\ ifl , lItore free Ihan II ... y.

.J i'\cw tiJllt'. IIC\\ fa \'lJUI". [Ulll IICW .ioy~, 1)0 a lIe w "ollg r("I"in::;

Till we "hall 1'1~ l i",' Thee a3 wc woulJ, Acccpt uur Iwa.r L,· Jc:;iw.

II Yf,r ~ 1~\' 8,1\1. En·l/ill!!.

T i ll : , la~ i.e< l'a.~ 1 :llId ;.:""1'; TIlt' el"<'lJ ill:! .<IIa.t,,~ :1['l'cal'

o may wc all n'''lt'lllhel" w"ll T Ilt' "i ght til' ,It-arll Ilra\\-~ " ... al·,

2 ,V ... lay !IIII' ;.:ar l ll ""I~ hy, l ' I",n , .. 11' \,, 'd~ It) n'~t

Su dcal h "ha ll .~'Hlll "i~rohe liS all Of whal i~ here pO_~l'~1.

:) Lord, kl"'I ' II~ ~a'" lhi,; !light, ti ,.'CIII"- f ;-"I U ull OUI' fear,,:

l\1ay all gl'l ~ t;"lIanl 11" wiLilt' we ~Ice!" T ill 1Il{)rt1illg light apl"'[,rs.

IlY ;\ t ~ li~, 1\ 1. 1.

P~a lnl (,);Jj . 2.

SOFT !.Y lIt ,W tlh! I.igll l uf .luy

Fa/lcs "1}{JU my SIgh t away; Free frolll can', frolll lahuur free,

Lonl, I woulJ COllllllUlie with tlICC:

2 Tholl. w hosl' all-pcl'v::i,iiug eye

NUllght l'SCUPCS, wil huut, w ith in, l 'lIl'doli cadI iulirt "i! )",

Ol'l'lI fau ll, allli H'er<:t ~in.

:) 800n, for 111(', 11,(' light (Of day

Shall fur ,'\'C I' 1'1l "~ away: T hcll, f,'ol1l sill alld Hnrrow fr{'C'.

Take m e, Lonl, to dwcll with Ihec:

'" T hOll w],o, !'inle~.< . )"et 11a.<1 knowli

J\ II"f Ilia ll',; ildil'ltlity; Theil, frum thille eterual Illr"II(',

Jc"u.,;, luuk witll pil) illg eyc,

J1 Y H~ 1i3. l V. 2. /-: l'c1Ii!lf!.

I~S '~I HJ:R awl hea!'('I" of pmyer. ThOll sh~'l'hl''''\ and FWlfdi a li (,f Illille.

i\ ly all 10 dry eon'lI:mt care,

I, ~Ic,-,pirr;; "I' wakillg, re~ioll.

2 If ti lOll art my' ltl and my ~tltI,

The uig-ilt is 110 darkllc~~ t Ll IlIe;

And. fa~t, as Illy IlIi ulll,'S 1'011011, They uriug me Ollt nearer to theo,

3 A sovere ign pnl1cctor I have UII .• CCII , )'I'l fur e ve r ut hand;

Ulwhanel'ahly faill.ful 10 Savc,

AIlllieb ty til I'ule awl command .

.1 lIi it I'mill':< allli hi" cOlJlf"rL~ auollntl, lI i.~ graN.', a.~ IIIC dcw, "hallllcscend ;

Allli \\·,,11.; of ~alv :o ti,," su rruullJ The guul Ilc ,lelighL~ to defend,

X , '1' 11 1-: t: ll lt l S 'I' I.\.," LI FE .

lIY .'I ,\' li·I, C. M_

1," 'II()I"jf'/II i! tkr JI ~Jrld ,

]- r:T world I.' lI.ilJd~ lhl' world pursue

_ .J I t 11'1 '; )1< ' "\I!II'tlJ .~ f"r lilt'; Ollce I adm lr, ·" it~ f"\\Je~ too,

IIl1t gran' 1m,; ~e t tile free .

2 Th,,~e f, ,lli,'~ 1I0W II" Ion;!,,\" please, Nil 111"1'1' ,\eli;,;:hl afTonl;

f ar fn'lll Ill)" ileitrl be .io)'" l ike these, ;,\!lW I havc kur,wlI llic Lunl..

3 As II)" lIlt, lid.l of " 11t-l1i ll":: tIay Ti lt, :; tal'!I an' all (:oll" e[ll"d,

So carlbly p\,'a~lI rl'~ fade away

\\') ll'lI .1 ,'~ns i:< I'cn·al "l.

4 C .. c :ol nl' ....... 110 Ill""" ,Ii\'i,le m y choice, I IJi,l Ihelll all tle!,:!rl;

II i .... ;,\ ;1 1111', awl I" ,"', alit! gracious \'oice S ha lllix 111)" )'''''illC: hcart.

J Now, Lord, I woul,1 he lllille alone, :\wl wlllllly III' " to IllCc;

Yl'1 \\ol'I1.1 \'~~ ~lil1 Ill y~e1f I O W 11,

Thy wurlh is all IHy ),Ie a.

II YM~ 17:), L. M. b'ol f/$/lllm,'d (if Christ .

J F: SC!'. :lilt! ~ hll\l it . '\,~I' he,

I' monal Iliall a~J.allle ll of thee: A~hallwt! "f 1111'{'. \\"11(1111 HII¥cis praise,

'V 1ro~e I:\( .ri,'': ~bill " Ihrou~h cllllles.'1 days 1

:! ,\ shallil',l .. f .I'-' ~I!~! :.<0('111'1' far Lei uij!l rI ,li ,,1)\\']\ l'adt raJiallt slar;

' Ti~ lII i,l ui;.:-ht \I illl 111 ,\' "C)u\' till hc,

Bri glll ;\ I<lrllill::.' SIal'. hit! dad,IIl'SS flee.

:3 t' .~h : lIlw, 1 " I' Jl'~U'! 0, a.~ ~OO Il

I.t'! lllor llill!.( I" OWII lilt' s ll n ;

l it- ~h ,'d" \11<' lot':ull< "I' \ii!ht tli\' iue

U'er !lli. IWlli l;!lltcd ,"0111 of mille.

A~iL:llm'd "I' .I L'~\I~! llHlt dear Fl'iell\l 0 11 \\,111.111 Ill )" II()Pl'~ of he :l\'CIl rlcpclld:

No' w hen I l )li . ~ II, III' Ihi~ my shume,

Th~t 1110 11101'0 re\'cre hia Name. 95



,'i Ashamed or Jcsu~! empt.r pride; L'lI boa ... t a SaviOllr cruc;ilicJ; Aud. 0 , Olay thill m y I'()r\i()u be, My Saviour lI"t a ... harncl! of mc.

II YM N l i(i. S. i\{ .

P r(/!lf'r Jor C/trjsli(l1I Gracu.

J ESI'S, my Iit rc lIgt h, my hope, 011 thc(' r cu.~t Itty care,

W ith IHlml,I(" con lidcllee louk np, And kllow thou Ill:ar'lit Illy prayer :

Give me on tIll'" to wail , T ill r can all thiugs d o ;

On thce . Allll igllt)' to create, A!mig lll)' If. rCIICW.

2 J wnut :l sul.c r· mimi,

.1\ p.c 1t~re tl<Hlll ciug will,

T hat I nll n pk.~ do\\'n tin, I cas ts bchind Ti le I,ait.~ "r pl , ·a.~illg ill:

A soul illlll·,'d ' I) p:l ill,

T o hm·d ~hil'. gri .·C and loss ;

Ready tn tak ,' lip alld slIstaiu

T he cOll~ ' ·c]';ltc .1 cross.

3 I WllIIt a godly fear,

A flu irk. di$('('rning cye,

T lmt I""kll 10 th,·u whc lI !'li n is ncar, AIl.I sccs the h . .'mpler fly;

A Fl'irill'lill I' rcplll'Cd,

1\ lld arln'J with jealo us carc, ror C\'cr I!tatllli lig 11 11 it.." gual'd,

And wa4:lI illg Ulilo p rayer.

<I 1 w rml II hcart 10 p ray,

'1'01 pmy nllt! UU\'cr cense, Never 10 IWU'llIl1 r at tllY stay,

Or Wi.ili Illy ~ll fl 'c I 'illgS less ; Th is bl,'s~ ill1!. auo\'c a ll,

Alway;; 10 pray 1 \\'lIl1t,

Out uf tIle u uep 0 11 tltel' to cull, ... \ 1Il1 lI e\'el', tlC\'el' fuint.

:I r wanl a tru e I'e.;.:anl ,

A ~ ill gl,'. ~"'ady ai m. Ull lt\o\'cd loy IIIrealclliJl3 or reward,

'1'0'1 Ihec and thy grcat Name; A jc'llou!I, jll .~t CI)1I(;CI'II

For Ih im' il 1wl"l'lal praise ; A p ure ,Ic;:ir,· tha t all lIIay learn

Ami Blurify Ihy grace.

6 I re!;! UpOIl Ihy w urd , The prom isc is (i,r me;

My succour alltl ;;,lh'a titJll, Lord ,

Shall surely eOllle ftom thec ; But let IiIU IIti!! abidl',

Nor ftu/ll Illy hope remove,

T ill t!rou Illy patie/lt ;;pirit guilie In to tlly perfect love.


Jl.YM ~ In. I II. 3. P r(f!lt'r/(l/' a lli,hl/H·C.

G UIDI': lilt· . U ,I".u t!1't ·ut .J, ·llOvah, I'ilgl'i lll till'OIl1!it Ilti~ han'ell land;

I a m weak. IJitt ti lOU art 11Iigll ly;

I iold lIle \\ itll Ihy I'l)wcrfui hand .

:! Open IIOW Ihe nyslal J'lIIltlall1S

H'l lPrr('(' till' li\ jug watel':; flow;

J"cl tllc liel'Y, cloudy /, illal',

Lead me all Illy jOIlI'IIt-'y IIl l'Ollgh .

3 F(,·t·d mc "illt t lte Iwa\'t' lI ly IIlUlllla 111 lhi~ barn'll wil,!o..:/'lll'ss;

Be my ~\\,(Il'd, nwl iIlli"II], alI>I lotulIler ; Be the I.ord lit )' rig lJ!c()a';lIe~s.

1 \\' hen I tre llt! tlte \'(,·I'(.;e "I' .Ionian , Bid Illy a l l.\il)IJ.~ f,·:tl·~ ~ I IIJ~idtJ;

Death of dcalll, aud hcll'~ d e.~ ll'Uc tion , I",and Itle 8a lc Ult C,ULWIII ':I ,;iJe.

"'-M N l i S. L . .'1. Folloll:;u!l file J..' .l'fllflph· 11 Christ.

WIIEI\' E'I : i{ the tIlL;;ry p il .~~ iuns r ise.

AlLll It'lIl pt our Ihuuglr lll or louglle~ 10 :;t r ifl'.

To .Jc~us lei ll~ lili filiI' " ),('s,

Bright pattern o f Ille Chrj~tjall li fe.

2 0 how hc rr (,'\'olell l and kiw i,

r low lu il ,l , IIVw ready ro l' lI'g i\'e : Bc this tile telu p· .. ·r!lr '''II' mill'!,

/11101 Ihl' ~1.: lIte nllt:s I,y ",llidl wc ]i\'e.

13 T o do ili~ 11t'<l\'ell!y Fat hCl"s w ill \ \'a ~ Ilis ("!!]I']"yuwllt allll delight;

1I 1IIrL ilily (Jnd It,,] y zcal

S iume thl'lIl1 ;.::h !Ii .~ li !i.: di\'illely urighl.

Di~ r lf'nsillg g""" \\'111'1'(0\'1' II<' ,'11I1 1C, T h, · lal,,,tJI·~ (Of Ili .< lilt, we n' 10\'(';

Th eil. if w,' hear tilt' Ril\'iotll'· ... IImll e , lIy hi~ f'xarnl'l.· kt 11 i1 IWI\ C.

5 But. ali. ho w 1,lilld, h,,\\' w'-'lIk \ \ ' e arc,

I I"w fl':.Li l. h,,\\' III" I" IUI'II IL!'id t';

1.01'11. \\'e dt'J'elid "r~' 11 tlt~' , 'al'o': We a~k Illy :-:I'irit luI' 0111' gllide.


6 T hy fair (·.qlllpl .. lII<1y wc Iral:c.

To "'aeh WI w hat \\',. ('II~l rt 10 he; " iakf' II ;>, I.~' thy Irall.4, rr llirrg t;f<lce,

o Sa\ iuu r. daily 11111]', · l ike tlree.

H Y MN liD. ~ . .'1. /) r,'il· ~. A CI IAB(iE I" /(("'p' have,

A G"d h. gJ"rity ; A Il I' \'t·l'.dy ilt g ~o1l1 Iv ~a\'e,

And lit it for Ihe I:!ky :




2 F rom YOllth to 110:11')' agc,

~l y caHill;; '" fll\til : o llIay it all Illy 1'tJ\\'el'S cngagc

'1'0 '.10 Illy .\la~t"·l··S \\' ill.

3 AI'Ili Ille wilh jt'lllollS care, A!'I ill til}' ~ig lL I I" li\'c,

And.oh ! thy servanl. I." rd , prcpare A s l rict ;Wf'" unt to g i\'c :

" l1 el p lIle to watdl alill pray, ,\w l 0 11 thpelf re1~';

,\.-.sUl· .. ·t! if I rny tnl~t Ioelnl~',

I "haH f(ll' C\'l~r .. lit).

11 \' .\I N I ~O . C . [\1.

"Forgelt ing those th ,ul!s wh irh (.Ire behind," &:c.

Phil. iii . 13, l~ .

~\\,AJ{E 111\' ~(Iul ~t l·t'\('h cvcry nerve,

1 ' . ' 11.11< 1 pre~s wilh vigour Olt ;

A h eav"lIly I'aCC do rnantls thy zeal, AII<I Ull irn lnorlal crown .

2 A cloud of witlles~cs around Ilol..! thee ill fuH ~t tn'cy;

FOl'gc tliLe S\I.'PS alr'eady 11'0.1, An'! OIl\\'anl urge Iby way.

3 'Tiil (;ud'il all.ani rna ting \'oicc That calls tllcc li'um Ull Iligh ,

Tis his 0 \\,11 Ilan..! presents tire p rizc To th iHe u pli ft e..! t·),e.

" '('lien wakp, Ill)' !'Oul, streIch c\'cry ncrve, :\ IU] lll'es~ with \'igour UIl ;

A hea vc nly racc demamIs thy zeal , ..\ ud Ull imrnort;l! CI'O\\'II .

11 Y~ 1. N 181. C. M. /)ouhl illg.

' ·rI IE Lon l will h;q' l, iucss di\'ine - - Oil coutl'ite ileal't s hestow :

Tlw u t., 11 II le , gl'acious God, is mine A contrile l!t~a l't , or no?

2 hem', bllt ~cem 10 hear ill vain.

I nSf'II~iUI ,' as s to'd ;

If allc:!. t i< f.·It. ' t i.~ 0111)' pairl T o timl I e:ulllut t'ccl.

:) r. ly best .Ie"ircs are Jilint allli few, I fain wt)ul.l !'Iri\'c for morc j

Bu t whell l a y, ,. )\1)' Sl l'f'ugth rl'lIc\\': '

Seem weaker Ihall before.

I ~ee Ihy ~a inL~ wilh comrort till',l, when in Ihy litJlI;;e o f prayer;

Bul still ill hnlldage 1 am held, Amlli nll uo cLtzufur t thcre.

S 0 make l!Ji ~ \rf'arl r,~"ice or ache; Dec idc t ltis du ul ,t for mc;

And if it be Ilut brukcn, break; And l!Cal it, if it be.


JlY .\IN J S~ . C. M. D('~irl's (/)~l' r rt'/4 t' U'l'd I ro/ioreSl

0 1 [ f"r II du~cI' \\'alk witlt Guu, A cull rL al il l 11(';j\culy fr;unc ;

A li;!ht 10 :.h ino.J upun !llC road T lrat leadl! lIle ttl tIm Lamb.

:! \ \,I IN .. · i~ thc r.le!'scd n('~~ I kllew,

\\' lIt'lI fir!'t I l'aW III" Lonl ! \\' here is Ihe ~utll.rdi·, ·~llillo vie w

Of .J c~us :lnd II is worJ !

:.J "'[ Iat [1('11I'('·rlll Ir"t ll·.~ r IIieli ('ujoy'd ; llo .w ~\\'et't Ih" il' tlle lw ,r." ~till :

But II I"\' \ tj ·el 1111 IU'hill~ \,,,id The \\'''1'101 \'all tll· \·,·t· till.

rio-till'll, 0 1t ,)I), 1),,\,(,. rc t tl l'l1,

:-\\\' (,(· t !lt l'S~(,'lIg~' r "I' t'I.·.~ 1 ;

1 hate Ihf' ~i!l~ dlat tllad c thee lIJuurn,

.. \ uti drove thn' frlllil 111." urcast .

5 T ire dea n.:~t id,,! I have kIlUWII,

\ Vhate"'r Ihat idul 1)1', IId p IIiC t ( . t o.::a l' it frulli II,y throne,

Ami \\ol'shil' (,nly thel.:.

G So shall my \\'alk I,c clo>iC will i God , Cal iri amI :,cl'I.::ne Illy t'mmc j

Sf.) pure r lighl shall mark Ihe road '('1!;Lt leads IIlU to the LamU.

Il \" JII :; 1<'3 . III. 1.

T rials.

'TIS my 1i:ll'l' iu("ss'low Nol to li\·c w itli" ltt tllC cross ;

But the Ravi(j\ll"~ powcr tu ktlow ,

f'allcti(yiug el'cr)" II.J~s.

~ Trial !l lllll~t alld will hefall; But willt IH lmhl e faith II) ;:ee

Love ill~t.:rjLf'd 111'011 them all­

Tlli ,,; i~ lrapl'illess 10 tne .

3 Did ' Illeet 110 Ir iah herc , Nu cl la~ti';o.JlIleH t by tllc \\'ay,

i\ l igli t ' Itt ,t with rca-<Oll fea r I ,,\rollhl hu 1I ca~t-away I

,[ T rials 111011.1' Ih,· I'l'OlIIi~,' sweet;

Triall! gi\c ILl'\\' l i t~, 10 [,myel' ;

Brill;! 1IIC tu Illy :-:a\'i"lIr 's Icct, Lay tHe III\\', ,JIl ll ke"I' nrc there.

J/ (lbitual Dcvotion.

\'X l il r I ,E tllce ~ ~ce~. pruI,.'e~i l lg Power ! Y Be Illy Y!J 11i \1·1~lre.~ ,;tlU d : And 1Il11)' this c(JII ~CC1'Uted ho ur

Wilh \Je lte l' hoi'0~ bc liH'd. 97



2 Thy lo \'o the Jlowerof thougllt l )!'~IOW 'u ,

T o thee Illy 1IlIIlIglils wlmld sour ; Thy mel'"y o\'r HI) liJc ha.,; lIuw\l,

T hat men.;y I tId,,]',,:.

:j I II cad i en'ut III' lif,·. huw cl..:ar

T hy ndill~ IJawl I ,..t· ... : Each "I,·.~~ i ll;,! 10 Illy ,.."ul Iliure II ear ,

Hel·au .~t· t·oulc!"I··t! I.y ,h ... e.

<1 In e\·e ry.illY tll;11 lTO\\ lL" my llayS.

[1/ e\ t ·t"~ I'aill [ U"ILI',

My l .eal"' .~hal! fillt! ,1"lighl i ll praise. Or seck rcli t·f ill I' rayer .

5 \\" hell ghulllt'.~.~ wiues Illy 1~IHJ\lr'tl hOllr,

T by 1,, \· ... Il ly tllllll~llls ~h;dl till;

L{t·~ i O'Il'd, \\ 111,.:11 "101'1110' of .~"j"j"U \\· luwer,

J\ ly ."u ld .,,1 1;111 lued thy will.

6 ~ I )' lifled <':)"'" wilhflll1. a t"al',

T he ga1ll\"rill0" ,,1 .. 1' 111 "hall ~<.:e;

My Me'ldfil .'" )1/";11'1 "IFdl kIlO\\' 110 fcar,

T hat heart will re"t to ll dlcc.

lI 'u/killg with God.

S 1:\('1-: 1"\",' I"'"\\"II n ~a\· i"lIr·s :\amc.

,\11(1 !Oill',.. I'Il"I1II3 f .. uer" broke, Carcf"u! willH)1I 1 l"aro' I a m ,

Nul' [~·d Illy l'1I."), yuke :

.I oy fll I II11W Ill~' 1:!i, 11 lu .~llUw ,

I fill.\ hil' .~L·J"\ i" e III)' reward ,

All the w,ll'k I d" iJt·lolV

l ~ liglll, rll!' ~Ht"h a 1.01"11.

~ To the tI,·"' . .'rt "I' II", n ·ll, l .el \lII!I'r.~ Illillllly lIy,

In l hi~ VI il wllrld I dwell,

Ntlr ft'lI!" iL~ elllllil,r:

l ien' r lilld II 111)1i"" "f prayp!" T o ,,"h iel I [ illwan lly 1"l:til"C';

\Valkillg IJllt'''III'erll'd ill care,

Awl 1I111:"1I ~ILIIl'd ill lire.

~ 0 llmt all tilt· \\,lJrld IIIiglit kllow

Of lil"ill;.'. LOI·d. 111 tlwl' .

Fillll l !ll·i)' 111 ';1' ell I'L';':IIIL below, Awlllt·!"t· Ihy i:0lldllt·",,, ,;l'l':

\ Valk ill all tlt~, \\"orb jll"el'arp,l

By Ih'T 10 t'Xt·r .. i~l" IIlt' i!" gl'lIl;e, T ill tllCY I;!lliu Ibeir full reward ,

Ami "ee thee facc 10 face.

I I Y~1.\j 1"(;. L . M. 1/('(11'1'11 Gun b!l Po i/It. AS, wil(' u II IC wCary Im\·,·lIcr gains

Tlw height uf .,() II l(l t.:() llJIlHllldiug liill,

H is h eart n)l"i \'c~, if u'er Iho plaius

H tl !!Ce~ his IWJIle, though distant still;


~ So, wllt'!L Ihe Chri~li:1Il l'ilgl'im vic ws

By li lilll hi" 1I1:L1I.~illll ill lli.· ... kio",

'1'1 11' "'Iehl hi" 1: lilllillf: "u·t·I!!.nll l"eLI(' W8,

,\wl wi llg.~ hi ... ~p,.,." to reHeh tlte prize .

:.I T he hllpe tlf 11I":I\I'u Ili~ '~l'iril "ilt'l'l'~ ; ~" I ILIOI'C' I ... ,:!ri ,·\·, ·." 1;'1" ,.."I"I"\)\\·.'! pa .. <t;

i\"or HIl)' 1"11 1111'1' '·"IIIli.·t li: ar:.. ~" III' 1I1i1.\· :'l'Jli: II l'l"i,1' al la~1.

o L. ' l'd. 11 11 111t·t· till I' h"p"ii ,,'f' !Ota)"

Tu 1t'~111 II~ "" Itl IlliUt' almd,';

A~~l1n·d Ih.1" 1m.· will rar ""'l"jI;IY T In.! klnl,·"l bl,,"u· ... of tilt" I'II;U].

I/ Y .\ I N I.",. 1\'.4 .

J ,,1I 'i i. Hi. I \\'o r' l, ]) 11,,1 Ii,,· a l ll : I~: I a"l! Ull t to ~la)'

\\ ' III·! ... • ,,1"1'111 afrer " II> I"IIL I · i ."e~ dad, o'er lh.) \, aYi

T he !;·w Iitrid 1IJ(;l"lIiugol 111:,1 da w u un liS


L\ n .. • (;11"11 ;..'1 1 fo' i' lift'·." Wltl'", full I'ltnllgh for

il~ ciwI·r.

",,,ul,1 "' It lil"e "I\\'a~· . Ihtl" fe tlc l"'d lor ~i".

Tl'III I,lalitlll \\'illu '1I1. ami eOI'J"lIptiuII willl ­ill :

E "'lL tIl(' ]";11'1111'(' "I' pardoll i" IlIil1el.·,1 witl l


"\11.] 1111' ... ·111' "f l h'Ulk.~gi\jllg wilh pl' lLi l ""IH

le;II·.~ .

:1 w"u ld 11"1 li\ I' tlhl ay ; 11('. wt'ko1Jll' Ihl'

IPlld " SilleL' .r'·~I1~ Ilalh laid llie rt' , I ,In'aLl Hil l il~

gl"""I: Then', "wed he lily n ·."1. ,ill lie I)id Hll'

arl ._ ....

'1'" hail hill I ill II·jlllll l,]1 tiL'.il"l'u.!iug t!t. · ,,],i,''',

\\"ho. \\It" \\"111.1 live :II way . a wn)' t"ru/IL

hi~ (j"d: /\way 1"1"1"" ~"lIlll':'\·'·I"lllall . li,..SIl I a1.olle.

\\"I lI"l'e IIIl' rillTI' "I' !,r"a~lIl'" tI,,\\" O'l'l" tIll'

lorii:I.L I'laill~.

I And I IIL' \IIHllllid,' "I' e-Iory Plernally reigns:

, \\"1" ..... 'he ",i" .. < "I" "II "g'.' i" h",.."""y lIlt"l't.

T ltl·i r ~;I\iollr :Iud bl'L'llm'lI, 11'alJ~I''''l"lCd It.

grl'd :

\\'hil ... · Ihe ;JIIlhclI1~ ,,]" l"a ptlJl"'J IIl1o:.:easillgly

1"1111 , AnJ lli t) .~ IIJilo o f the L Ol"d is tho feast of

the BUul.


X I ,l) (': ,\'I'II ,

11\"' I ~ Ir:r' . {·. l\L J olo ,",,'. I , cl-5, G.

F 1: \\' al'e 11 1\' .1a\"", allli full of WIIC, . . . U lIlalt. III' WtlltLaIl ],,,1"11 :

Thy ,],,"ItL i,; II I·itkll. "' DII"t thou a l't ,

.j." dll,..' I!JUIl .~lialt rellll'lI."'

~ lkhol,] tli.' ell ll llt' lli u f Ihy ,..tate III 11,,\\"t,l',; Iltat 1110l'1II awl .lit".

Or ill the ".Im.ll'\\"·" Il.'dille 1,01"111 T h;lt 1I111l'k:. lIte gazl'r ·.- .... )t.'.

:1 DCl\'rlJliut'd are th ... • . by~ Iba' /1y SIII'c"""i, ,' u','r III." 11l'a,l:

T he JllJluh" I" " hllll!" i~ (III lh(' willg, T haI la.\.'! 11lt'<.: w iill tile dead .

Greal God, atliicl Hoi i ll Ill)" \\T;Jlh,

TILt; ~ hu!" t all"u"d ~pall. That bOil Lid ,; t Il!' f<.:w alit! weary days

Of pilgrilllagc Iu mall.

11\' .' 1:'-1 1 2~. C.!'II.

H '\ ilK! 1'1'11111 Ihe tllll l l,~ a Il lullrLlf,,1 :<011111 1 ;

;\line cal'" at1pwllhe l"1'~ ;

r f' li\ ill!.! Illell. ,·""Lt' vit'll till' grollwl

\\'her~ ~Oll 11111,,1 ~hu l'llr Ii,·.

'.=! l ' rilLl'c,;. Illi..; ('lay 11111"1 he YOill' hell. I II "'pitt, of all your 1"\\"'1';::

T ht, l a ll. III<' II i ~,·. IIIe rl" erL'lItl he: ... l

j\ 1 1\~ t liL' iI" low ;I~ (1111"';.

:1 Great ( ;u.l , i" l!ti~ !l1I1" '· ... ·rl:.ill ,l OOllL

And al '~' W t · slill ~""("lI rt'! Slill \1:tlkillg.luII"Jlwnr,llo Ihe t,""I,.

i\ JIlI yet 1"" ']"11'" 110 1Il1l1'<':!

Grallt II .~ l il ... pU W I']" of Ij llil"i" 'u ill g gl·nl.:l ·

T o rai ~..: 0111' sUII I" t il tiLl'L',

T h llt WI' Ilia), view illy ~llIr i "lI~ face

To all t'1l"mil)'.

II Y;\ IS 190. :-',.'L J ob ,.;,. II- I I .

'r ilE IIII!! lt l.\· IlH(lI\ dial ro)ll ~ I I" ttJn1 ' IL H 10 111l" lIla ili.

Cau """'1' rel'a ll il" \\'ill~')'" lu~t Frolll thai all~,.." :lgailL:

~ So day .~. all.! p'al"", a1Llllilllt',

DC~l"'II,]III~ d"WlI 1" lIi.:.!111. Call lliL·llc .... furli. 11,'n'r Illt,,"': !"dl IJ"Jl

Uack 10 lit .... "l'lll'I'e uf li::;111:

:l And Inan. wh(,l1 in the gl':I"C,

Call uev<.:r qllit i t ~ glnom.

Uu til tb' l'll'l"Ilal murJl !'hall wake

The ~lumbcr of thc tomb.

' \ 0 IIUL}' T filill in death L\ hi,lillg-I' la"e wi th nt){I,

~''''I Il'L' froJII wue alill ,..iLl : till caU'd Tu "hare hi,; Lle._t aV"dc.

;) ('h,'pl"'t! by I;.i, IUll'e. I wail. T III'OIli-dl l "iL amI cafl". alit! g l"ief,

Till Illy <J1'1'"illlt· ,J ,·u",,,,(' i ... 1'1111,

Autl tl"alll .~ltall \)l"illO' ... ·Iicf.

, T IT,\.I. ~I':,"k. of i.lea\~'III)' fla me, <l lllt, U'l'L11 tllI~ 11I"l"!al frallle;

Tn 'IIlI,lill:':' hl)pill:.!, lill~t·ril!:!. flyi llg, O. lIlt" l'aill , l h, ' \Jli~~ "I" .tyiu:!! f 'vn~". 1;,".1 lIHtlin', ,·,·; l."· th.\' "trife.

Alit! kl Il l\.' 11IlIgll i, lt ililu lil i· .

~ 1l:1I-k. Ill l'Y whis!'l'r. ;1Il ~"I~ ~ar, :-;i .~ lt 'J" ~ I' irit. , ;O l ll<': away! \\' 11;11 i,: tlli~ al,,,,,rI, .. III I.' qllilc;

:-'1t"al~ 111)' M·II",· .". "h ll!,; .IIY ~ighl. DrowlI" Illy ~!,i,.i l , draw" Illy Im'atlt ?

'1 ... 11 1111', Illy ,.01L1, cnn IIti" ill' .Il'al!J?

:~ TilL' 110,.1,11· ... "1'1" 11-". it,li.-llI)I,,·;!r,,:

I !t-a \"('l1 tlp'.: II" Oil lIl~' "ye,,; my eal';;

\\'ilh ",,1111,]" sl" l~ 'l' ltie rill;; :

Lt'II,L I" II.! yUill' will;,!"; I nlOlIul , I By , U t!l";j\·L·. \\ hl' I'C iii thy \ i ..... ol"~- ,

o death , where is Ihy !'I iug ~

XII . JI ' 1)(: ;\1 EN''f,

1I \' !\I" N ID:! . C .1\1.

"l""{ T I I 1:."1;, I·i."iu;,( 1"1'11 111 tltt.' l, t.',] "ftleath, '" l)'L'IWlwllll't! w ilh glJi lt alld fcar ,

r H'C "'Y ;\1:.1,,'1'. t:Jn' 10 !:,ee :

0 , I!IIW ~hilll I appear.

I" If,,· I. \\h ile I'ilnlllil lIluy \.e fOIlUd,

:\lIl l llll'l"t·y 11m)' I.L' ~lIl lgh l ,


;\I\" Ilt' lu'l willi illl\ :Inl hurrol' "hl" illks,

I :3 \\ 1"'11 Ihull. 0 I.or'! , ,.bah ,;Iaud d i"ci""ed

1 11 '1 Iaj",.IY ~ t '\ ere,

'\Jll1 "il ill jll.!!.!HL'·IlL till Illy "oul,

O. how ~hall I appear.

HilI tholl h;I~1 tlll,II"e tl"Ou\'lcll m ind,

\\"\u. ,](jf'.~ 11<'1' ;;ill:' lallJelll,

Tilal b itl l ill Cill'',. atouiug Llood

Shall e", lle~~ woe pre,·cut.

']'Iit'll lie'''''!, lI"all my ,,"111 d Cilpair Il t' r P:Il'JOII 10 I' I'IICIII'e,

Who knows thinc oll ly Son has died T o make tha t pa nloll ~urc.



lI YMN J93. S. i\1.

A ND will the Ju d,," descc mLI Aud nlUs t rhe ,l ead arise I

.\ut! lIot a ;;:iugtt' s"ul p~t:ape I-l i .~ 1I11-lli'~( ' I 'ru ilig ",)"I '1I!

., . \1111 fror)) I li.~ rightf'o us lips Shall ,hi" ,1."Cad i'CIllCIiCC sound j

\lId Ilu'"u gh Ih(' lIulllerous gui lty throog S pn.~ad black d c""pair around 1

:I Dc p,trt li'o m 111(', acclIr;;.ed , T o ('n~r1a."'illg flame,

For rehel nllgl..'l~ firs t Ill"cparcd,

'VilerI..' mercy lIen:r cnmc.

ll ow will Ill )' tWal'! NllJure

The lerroril of dlilL day, Wilen , -al'l11 and hCOl\'e U LeforI..' his face

Astulli ~b 'd "lIriuk away 1

.j BUI, ere t1u- 1I'II!1ll'd ~hakc~

T Ilt' lIlall i<ioll .~ uf Ihe dead, '-lark! fl"OIIi duo G O" I"' ['8 c\Jeering !iounLl,

What j"yful lidiug" ~l'n:"\l1.

ti Yc "illncr.~. seck il is 5 111Cl',

\\'hO~t' w mlll )"c nlllllfJl bear;

Fly to the she ller of Il is cross, AI)!! filH I sakat inll Iln: I·C.

7 So ~hnll Ihat curse n : IlIO\'e,

By \\'hich tit!..' K\\'i"ur 111ftl; Ami Ihe l a ~t awful day "hall pOllr

Iii .;; IAe.~siugs 011 your Ilead.

Il Y ]\l N E14. If. 7.

GREAT God. what do I ~ee amlllCar! T he elld of Ihill g~ en'ated:

T he ,Jlllige of ma il I sec appear, 011 dU1lds of glnry scaled.

The Inun]!!'! !'ollttd ~, the graves l·c.41ure 1'1 11' J t.·i IJ \\·lli o,; ll li ,,'y ClJlltaill'd befure;

P re pare, my so\ll, tq meet him.

'o! The d end in Chris t ... ha1l firsl arise ALIII!' lust trumpe l '" sOlltulillg,

Cau ght lip W meet hi m ill the ~kic~ ,

With j oy th('ir 1.01'(1 ;;urrnlllllli llg :

:'\'0 gloorny fears rJwir ;;0111" dislllay, I lis I lI"C!'ellce "l lc,l ,.: d("rlla l day

Ou those pre pared to 1ll('c L him.

:j Bllt si nncl'!', fi ll'd wilh ;!lIilty fcars, Behuld IIi8 wralh prc\'aili ng;

~'or lite), shall ri~c, aud fillJ Iheir lears And sighs arc lIuilvailiHg.

The day of c race i .~ Ix,"t and gOlle; Trc ml lliug tl ]('y sl aud IJt'fure Ihe Ihrone,

All unprc pared lu meet him.

4 Greal God, what do r !'ce and hear! The end of things created:


'fl IP .Juli go (l r man I Ile, ; nppcar, VII clnwb "I' o l"ry ~e,ltcd :

Hr 'nealh h i" er".~" I li,·\\· Ihe tiay \\' IIPII IIl':Iw'lI a lit! card l .~ lla ll I'a~" away.

}\lId thus prl"parc to mcet I. illl.

II Yf\!:\ J !),j. III. l. St. Luke 1 iil. 'U -r.. S I::F.K, m ), "0111, II ... lIarr!)\\' ;;:\le ,

E liler el'c il h, ' I"" [nlo';

)\lillI~' a~k I" c liWr litere \VIH.'II to(I late '" Ol ler l'l·a),l'r.

~ God ffl>lll II H'rcy·.~ ,.(,'11 1 ~bi ! ll l i~e,

1\ lld li rr {'\'CI' Imr 111\· .~ I(it·~ :

TItCII, Illoll gh ~ ill1l l'rs ITy w illlnUI, !-I ll will ~ar, " I kllow YOll 1101,"

3 MO!ll'Il fltll y will 11w)' "X('billl : " Lord, w(' 11:1\' " l'r"t;· .'~ 'd Illy Na rJlC: \\'c IIU\"L' 1Itl' witlt IItCl', :,n,] )l l·:II·L1

[[ ea\'cIII)' Icat"ililrg ill III )' wonl."

4 Vaill , ala~, will h,; II,, ·il' pl" a, 'Yurlwrs of illi,]uit)' ; f'ud Ihcil' "I"\'da~lillg Int:

Christ w ill ~ay, " I l'lIo \\' ~'Oll IIIll,"

0 ,


lI Y ,' I ~ if)(; , S. ~ 1.

witerO) "hall n·"t 1,(' rOIl!JoI, Ht::<t f,lr Ihc W~·itt·~ .. !'(lIrl:

' T wcre v"ill Ihe o('{':ur'" ,j,.l'tll~ lu MJllJlol , 01' l' it:rco.:: 1.0 t: ithct' pol ...

~ The \\'01'1,1 ('all !len.:!' gin,

Tlte IJli.~1l 1\1t' wltidl \l'C l:ii;.:l l: ' 'j' i .~ ll"t Ihc wl/tdc "I' liti· to) lil'C,

:'\'UI' all of ~Iea lh to di e.

3 BCY "lId lhi .~ vale of I('ar'~ There i" 11 lifi.: ahun·.

LlItllt':t"w'l'l1 hy Ille Hight of yellrs; Am! all tllUl li fe i.~ Ivl'e.

4 There ill a d.'alll, who~f' pang Olllla'L'" III ~· fl''I'lille I,n'alh :

0 , \\ It;,t ('I('rttal Irot't'or" irallg Anoliliti Ihc !'cel/lIIl dCitll!.

,j Lonl (jod III' !I·u ll. anti gnteC,

Tcach "" t!tat li"ati, to .~IJ!Ilt. I.e", we ],C drivcn from tlty face,

Fur ('vennoro.:: uudonc.

II Yi\IN 197. C. 1\1. 2 Cor. iv. IS.

I~IOW long ~hilll "al'th '~ alluring toys Dctilill o nr hearlS alld eyes,

Hcgill'dl" Il!' uf inl tnOt'lul jup,

And strullgers to the skics.

HYI\:[ NS.

2 1'110';.''''' 11'an"icnt scc ncs will soon docay, Th\·y rade UI'''11 tile si;;ht;

AIt,} qllil'kl)' wil! tllO"ir h righ test day

Be lust ill "'IHll""s-" tl ig ht.

:1 T hcil' hrighle,.,t o!ay . ala", Irow "ain, \V il.l l ' · " I1,..,i,,".~ ~ i ;,! h;; \\ C own;

\\' lrjl.~ c1olld" " f ""1'1'0\\'. care, ami !,Uill, O'et·,..I .,ul,· tiro' ~ lI lililLg 110011.

O. coulo! 0111' IlwlI;;lr l;; awl wi.~llCs fly .\ 111"(' lit'· .... • g luulllY "ltatk.~,

To Ih" ...... · 111'IgIII worlt!.~ Irc)'oml tire !'k)',

\\'b id •. ~or'J'ow IIc'el' itJI'aJe~!

;) 'J'It f' r('. joy!' LlIlSCCIl hy Itlfll'tal eyes,

01' n·iI ~(1Il · .'" fecl .le ray,

In en:]' ul""rui u;,! l, ro"I 'ecLi li~e , UHo.;Ulls,·illlr" of dcclIY.

6 Lord , ~ t' lI d a I)crtm of lil:)ht di vinc,

'I'" ;': lI id e 0111' upward aim:

Wi,h o nc !'(wil'iltg Ioudl uf thille

Our limgllid hearts iufialllc,

1 1'IlCn ,.h all, Oil f:.i,lt's ~lIhlimcst wing,

0111' anl('lIt wishe~ I'j"e, T o Ihv.~c II I' igh t scencs whcre pleasurcs


Irnmo l'lal in the sk ies.

II n l'l 198. C. M.

C' O:'lIE. 1.01'(1, auJ warm each lallguitl

Ileal't, 11I.~p i l'e "aell li fde;;'i\ tOIlP-!!'"

And let II I, ' jo)'~ of ltC:tI'err impart T heir iufillellce lu 0 111' song.

2 Sorrow, ;\IId p:tiu, nlLti every care, Awl di ~t'li rd Ihere ~hall cca~e;

And jlcrf<.:ct j"Y, ;Iud 1,,\'0 sillccrc,

Ationr Ille rL'alltl~ of peace.

:\ The ~"1I1 from sill for c\'er free, Shall I!loal'tl iii! polwer 110 morc;

Dut, d " thcti ill !' ]>otlc~" pu ri ty, Hedcc minc lu\'c allure.

4 Thcri', Hli a tirrulic ( how dULZling bri ght!) Tit ' ,·.\a lted ~a\· iour slriucs ;

Ami beam .. illclrablc delighl 011 all li te lteal'culy milllis.

5 Thcre, .~J.al1 tlte follo\\' crs of the Lamb .I (,ill ill immorlal song:'!;

AIIII cndlc"S hotttJurs 10 h is Name EIllplllf tlteit' tutlei'ul tongucs.

6 l.urd, IlI llC 0111' hearls 10 praise and lovc,

OUI' fccbJo nole!' iuspi l'e ; Till, in Ihy I,l i;;;;ful courts ab ove,

We join th' illigelic choir.

11\." t\T~ I DD . C. M, 'r Ir E H [.: j.~ 11 IlI u,1 fit' pure 'll.'!ighl, \\' ltere "a iliH iU IIIJot'lal rei;;ll;

EICl"llitl day t· .l:du, l,.,j \I ", night,

.:\ !td I'ka~lIrL'~ l'alli .~1t pai ll.

., T hen', L'\·t.·rla~lill~ "l' l'in;.: ahides, .:\wl u, ·\',·r.fa,liug l1"\\"·r.~;

D, ·allt. lik,· a ttal'l'OII' ..... a. di,·itles

Thi .~ IlI'iI\ " rti,r Jau,1 1'111111 0111'''.

:.I Uri;.:ltl ri , ·ld~, 1" ') "1lI1 Ihe .~\\'ellillg flood, Hlal"! dn·.~,:01 ill li\ ill;'; ;.:n.·e ll ;

S( , \(0 IIII' . kll'.~ lilir ( '111111;11 1 stUUlI,

\\,hflo .J " l'd" u rull'd 1,l.'lll'cclI.

., HilI titrJ (tI'lIu~ IJt"l'tt jl.~ " tarl. :md shrink To ''t'()~~ Ill!' lIUlTII\\' ~ " a:

Aud li ll<:;t: I' , tl 'cr llhl ilJ":: OIL lilt] brink , All.! I;'al' to lillltll'lJ ;JII'II)'.

:) (lh , ('oliid \\'c mak e oll r t!<)lIhl.~ remove,

Th",.:c g-lol'my dOllu ", Illa t ri ~c.

An.! ":t'c the CallaalJ that lI'e lo\'e, Wil h 1:litlr's illul ui llct! L'yes;

6 COllld Wi' but cliltlh l\irf'I'(' 1\lo;:cs slood, AII.I \. j,,\\, III!' latul"e:tl'" o'er,

Nul.l"l'oI a ll·>I ,.:t realll.~ lIu r deatlr's cold flood , Shuuld fright liS from Ihe "hon!.

11 \' MN ::!OO. C, J\(.

S I IOU I.l> tt:l l lll·e·" c11: II'I !I~, tt) 1'1{'a~111C ere , l it " w ect a~~etll\,Ja;,;" j,ri lJ ,

,\ll lIalllrc'~ 11 " I!'tn .~ wou ld droop and die,

.J C"" ~' t''' lI lpal'l'd wi th Ihillc.

2 \ 'ili n wcre IlI'!' fuil·e~t lH' aIJL~ , li~l'Jay'd,

Alld \'ui!L Iwr l']O""lillg "t,)I'U;

I Ic,' 1rl'i ghl tl L'~~ liLll gl li ~ 1te;; tu shaJe, Il cl' beaul y is lLU liture.

a Bill, alt, IHlw rar I'rutlL morlulilight

Tlt u 1."1'.1 ul' glory dwel ls : A nil o)f illl~'r l'()" illg lI ight

Il is t'alliaut I'acc cOllccal ~.

<1 Olt, could m~' IOIl~illg !'pirit rise Oil "truile illlrtJ ' !l'ta! \\'ing,

}\1II1 rt 'acll Ihy palace ilt Ihe skies,

:,\Iy s,,\i')1I1' alld Ill)' King!

,J Th('re. Ih l)ll~i\ It\l " \\oIr;:h il' at thy feet,

,\lId 11t .. ·!'C, d il'i,, !"' (, lJll' loy, TIlt' trilllJlph" of thy lu\'e repeat

I II SO ll gS uf eudl,';:;; .ioy.

G T hy presence beams etcrllal day O 'er alllhe Lli!'!'flll place;

WIll) wOllhl nut lll'op Illi s loud of clay,

AuJ diu lo seo thy face? 101



11 \' ,\ I ;\' ::OL 111. 1. Renta ,i. '" ,'ii. 9, &:~.

VV IIO 1Ir.' tIH .. ·~' · ill I.right alray! T lli~ IUUIIIIll·ra\'l.- tlU'Ollg,

Hound IIII' allar. II I:.!b l awl ~IOIy Tuuitl:.! th~·ir l .. lullIl'ltallJ ~OII:;!

\rorllty i ... IlL!' Lalul, "IICt· ~laiJl, 111 ... ~,~illt!. IU ' IIIIIII', ,;..'\ory. IH,wCI',

\ri,~cloltl. ridll".~, I" ,,1I1:lill;

i\.'w ti(llniul('11 " \"ry IH,ur.

2 Tla' -" Iht'o!l ;.: it ! i"r~' Iri;d~ 11'0,\: TIJt'.~<' froll! ;!I'~'al alilidi,," " altle;

i\uw 1 ... lo ,n·l llt" l ill"Jllt: "rn, ... 1. fkal',l \\ itll his "I"I'llal \ame:

Chili iu rainl"11 1 pun' au,] \\"itit,-,

\'j, ·t" l· I' IIllllS ill ,.\ ,·r.\· hall,l, T hrollg h 111(,jr ;; rt': 11 ItL·,],·,·tlll·r'" ' "ight

]\1111"1 ' Ih:m <,;owplO'r"rs !lwy stalld.

3 111III1','r, Illir.~ I, dj""'a~" lIuklll'\\"II,

011 i1tIlII"I·t a l fruit:- Ihey re~d; '1'11('11 lh,' Laml, IIll1iol._1 lht' Ihrlltle

,shall ,,, li\'illg 1'"ll1la ill" lea.! :

,J"y :t!l~1 ~lw ltlt'~. h:llli~1t "idl~:

I'l'rt~ ... tl,,\'t· di~ll('l. IhL'ir I"'·an·:

Aw l. lor . '\·e r frolill IllI"il' 1'\'L'~

Gu,l ",111111 \\ ipc awu)' II;cil" Icari'.

X I \' . 'll ."~ ' EI , I . .. \XEOUS.

G(lIc" is ~~, iii ·!O •. ~ l.

GO!) " frllil' f:tlht'r~. I,y II IH '~"" kllHI Tl ly 11"""I'It' .~Ii!l art' hl,·~1.

13c wilh II" Ihroll !c:h ollr pilgri!llage;

2 ThJ'I)II ~.dl / ':[1"1 1 1"·l'Jllexill,;..' P;llh of life

Our wlllld,· .. ill:.! t;)"I~h'I'~ ;.;uillc; Gil"l.' 1I~ \':1<''' ,lay n ili' ,hil~' In·eud.

Awll'i\illll 'lIl IiI I'rovide.

:1 0 ~l'l"l,:td thy ,..1 ... lt,'I·illf,: will~~ al'oull1l.

Till all "Hr \\allll'Till;!~ ("{'a.~l'.

Awl. nl our l-"" tlll'l"'" I"",·" abude

(Jill' "Oltl~ al"ri\.' iu 1"'111.."'.

Sill'll 1,1.· ... ~ill!!" li'"m 111.\' f'ntl·jOlJ" hand 0111" 1IUIIII",· !,I·;t~' ,·r~ illll'lon' :

Alld 11 ,,, tI, til!" l,'or'd. ,11:111 ht: uuI' Gotl,

r\ lId I",rli"" "\I ·'·III·II"L'.

II Y ,\1 ~ 'lIn. 111. :-l , I Chrollici(" :ui'(. 10- 13.

B LI :~:""lJ 1,e 111"11. lilt' (;lJd of l .. r:l('l,

Tholl, Lill I" l;atlwl", IIlId our Lord;

B!e,~~ 'd til)' ,\ fur t'n'r,

E\I.: I' uc tlty SUIIIC adorcd.


.-, Thilll', 0 LUI·d. Ill',· I'''W'''' IIwl grcatne~s .

(il"r~', \'id"ry. 111"",' Ihill!' 0\\ ' 11;

r\ lI i _~ Ihill" ill eal'lll alld IW:lvcn,

O'CI' all III )' bOIlIllII , '~~ litn'lll'.

:-\ Itidl!' '' C"llIt' of Ill('p, allllllOlIoll r;

1',,\\,·,. :11111 u,i ;.! itt 10, ,llt't ' bclllllg ;

Tlt ill'· it i~ 10 lHal(~' " .. I II""~I "'I',

Ollly Illillc h' IH:tk~' II" ,..lnOllo. j,t1nl "III' {indo t~'1" 1 11t'~t,. Thy hlllllllies,

Il ylllll~ "f r-ra li l lltl ,' \\",' rai,t.,·;

T o IIt.\ \a!ll'·' ti' l' "\l'r ~1,wi"II", 1:I"r \\,' addre_" " III ' I'rai~;>.

I IY~ I ~ '201. ( ' ,:"L l'l'''lu''' iii. 13- 17 .

II \I 'I' Y i~IIIl' UPIII \\"IH' hears 0. Ikligioll'"w:II'lIill!!\ "i("l', Alill wit" (',·1L·~ti:" lI'i ~dO)IIl lllakcs

:! FOlr ~I!I' 1t:1~ In'a~tln ""' g n ':t lt'r far T hall en.t ',r 1\"1'·111111;,1,1;

1'1 101",' I'n"'i"IIS an' IWI" Io ri~ht I'cwards

T h;1l! t!'·1II~ . 01" ~I"n's uf :.told.

3 lIer r i:.tht halld Oltli'r~ 10 lit ... · j U"l

1111111"1'1 ;11. Ilapl'~ ~la.\", ; I ieI' hoft. i llll'ot 1"i,lml.I,· \\('a1th,

,\11,) hl';,\t'lIl~ " I1 ' \\ l l~ ( li"' l'lay~.

4 Awl, lI. 111'1' 1.,,1.\' bl" I1Il'~ ri"e,

"'" Ill'r l"e\\"a1",I " ill(' I"' ; I~l'; I Ie .. \\"ay.~ al·,· way~ "f I'ka~antlless,

•. \ 1Il1 till bCI' l'alll~ al'l' pellCC.

II Y :'.1 N :!n;). L. j\f. l ~ai:lh xl. 6-8.

"-1""1 I II : IlI i'fllill:.! t\,>.\\'.:.~ ,ii 'l,b,Y Illt·ir ~wcc ts, ,\1111 i!:t'y tl"'I!' ~ tlkt'lI k"l·t·~ lIutU\J;

\~ (,,"·,·l,·~ . "t' till' 11""II .. ,by IJt'al~,

!\lId 1;·:lrit·~. "f 1111' "\" lIill~ <.;"Id.

.") Sil'l'\! Io'y Ih t· \\ illd'~ 1I11kiuJly 1,1:1"1.

1':tI"t'It'd by till' ~Illl' .• !!lore ti:rn:lIt ray,

TI", Ill'>IIIl"lllal'Y 1-i1.wil" \\U~lt',

Tht· ,,!t"I·I .. li\l·d 11l·;IIIIi...·~ , lit: away.

:\ :-:" 1,lo"m" 1111' hll lll :1I1 [II',' lli\iul-',

" ' 111'11 Y"lIlil il,. I' ri ,it..' of lH'atlt~· .llOws ;

r ain'I' Illall ~l'rill!! 11 11' (·"I ')IIr .. ~hiltt"

'\1111 ,..\\,·dt·'· Ihall lilt' opt'nill':;- ru"c,

B UI. \\''''11 I,), .~I'l\\ly ..... ,l1ill!-, y,-,ar.<. Or broke II)' I'idwl..'-" .• ill a day.

Thl' f;,dillt! gl(lr~ '[i~'qll''''·;II".,

Tilt· ~11'1I·t . lh,·d Ilt'allli,·,. dip away.

j Yet II ... ~,· . IICW ri~illf! fr(llll tilt: 100lJlt,

\\'il l! hl .~It·,· itri ,:.! hl c l· far ~hall sh iue;

no.." iI"(' wilh "\' ,' r-dllrillg- 1'\"0111,

,sart.: li'u ul d ist.:u,~eil lind , It.:diHe.


6 Let ~iekne,.s bln;l1. and ,1ealh denllll",

I f hea\'",'11 ~halll'ee'"IlI"'IIS" our paill~; I'cri~h tllC c:r;J~~, IIIlII li"I,· II,,· l1"wo.:r,

If firm tile \\'"nl of {I.)t\ rel!laiJt~.

II Y ,\ I ~ 20G, C.M. Isaiah '(I. '!7-3 1.

' :VIIY Ill"Hru,·"t IIt"II.llJY allxious !'olll Ik"l'ail'iu g "f reiil'r.

.. \ .~ if III ... ' 1" ... .1 o ' .... rl,,,,k·.1 thy ("ar .... :;. U r pili. ·,] Il(, tllty g rid !

~ IIII ,~ [ 111"11 lint kll(lll'u. 1111_1 Ihou Ilot h .... ard. 1

'1'11111 linn ""llIaiu; "11 hi~h.

TI lt" I'\'crlas t illt; Illn.lI .... ,,\" Ililll

\\"h, ) IIlnde thc l'arlll alld ~ky!

3 .\l't tholl lIl'r;,i,1 IIi" po\\"e r \\"ill tilil

III .~" I"I'lI\\ " S ~ ·\'il day! ClIII tilt' ('reallll"" IlIi c:h ty ann

Grow \\'~aI'Y III' dccay !

SUI'l'l·mo.: 11 1 wi~dolll a~ ill power TIll" Ho("k "I' .\ ;:" " "fallli,;;

T hOll "all~l Il"t scardl hi~ Illilld. nor IraclJ

T Ill' w"rkill C' l,r hi. h:1l1lk

;) 110 , gin'" til{' l',mqlll'.4 I" thc weak,

SIII'I.,)rIS II,,' f .. illlillg Ilt:art;

j\ lI,] I:"u r:o!!{' ill ti le l,\·il !tiltH· I ii" ltl'a\t"lIly ni11s i ll l)l:lri.

6 ]\!cr ... · 11111111111 ew'r~." ~!talll;lill l .

Awl )ulll h t'lIl \"i!!'>lII' e,';'''{':

n ut 1I1(I"e \\ I .. , wail 11 1'''11 IIIL' I.ord, III ~lI·t.,·"glh ~hall .~till ill,-,n·a'~'

7 T ht.:y. w itll 1I1I1\"l·II,·i,·l! "It·l'. ~llal1 treat!

Th e 1"111 1 til' Iii" di"ill<"' \\'i 1l1 f.(I"OI\·j1l(! ilrdllllr IIllwllnl 11101' ("

W illi gr"l\ ill;; lo ri;: ll lliL'~" "ltill".

8 011 l"Il ;;I.< \I ill;!" 11lt'~· 111'111111. Ille} ~Ilar

011 \\'ill;.!~ of f'Jilll IIII.! I""l' : Till , pa_< !lit· ~l'h"I"I' " f eartl l IIlId ~ill.

Th,') ri,'t' III hea\ell allu";>'

IIY .\ I ~ :107. ( ' . . \ 1.

1\ 1 (1"",11 wilh nil m y hnrnhlc sailll8 \\' hile Illt'y 1111 ('tll ·tlt I'Plllllin;

Alit! 11 1<'1' . ' ·\"Hllt'd. ,]1\'1·11 with 1lIt;l

\\ ilb ;11(, li'l' ('\,1" 1' reigll. '

II Y:'.I ,\' :!oR. 11.1. lIall.1likuli iii. Ii-I~.

A 1 :'~·lI()n;[.1 I II~: ,ill ... ' il. kllil ,]eIlY~ - III<' Ililddlll;': 1t;': .. II''-'" .In,,,1' allll,ltc,

\0 "illlt .... "Ii,,· y i, ·ld: Yet will I lnl~1 Ill,' ill III) (; 'H l.

Yeti. IlI' l1d I',j"i"ill':; I" Il i ~ n,,1.

,\ lit I I,~' Ilis gra ... · I ,, · II<":'\"'\.

_ T llll1l~1t ti,·I,I~. ill \L'r.llll"o · 011<"0' :Irra~ '.1,

B)" \\ Ilil'lwilld" d"~(l1:tI" I,.. bi.1.

(II" 1'1l1· .. II·,] 1,.1' ~('I'n·ltill~ 1""1111:

NIIII ill tilt' l,'oI"d ~h:d l I ... Illy tl"ll~T ,

:'11.1' .j, ,)' 1;1I ·. lhllll ~1 1 hi .• fro\\"11 i~.i"~t,

II i~ lIlt'l"I 'Y i ~ "111'1·,' IIIl·.

:\ Th",, ;!1t 1'1''' 111 tllt' I;,J.I IIII' tI,,!"\..: dl'(':lY, TII"II ;!h 1 ... 1,]' Ii,· ti lllli __ II ',! ,,', ... lIlt' 1t::.1.

\11'\ ... "11111 II ... ""ll1l'ly ~lat1 : i'1.\ ... ,)liI ulltJ\l' IIIl' \\'1" • • ,,1. ~ltall li-l'.

II": 1 ... 1h"1·.i"Y~ arc ill Illl' ~kil'~;

Thl·!'t · (;t)(1 is all ill all.

I II (;",1 Illy " l l'ell::I", 110\\· .. ·, '1' Jistres! .

I ~t"t \\"illl''' I' l', mill ('llllIII~' 1"1-"'(.

\IIY, I l'illllll'll il l Ili~ ]"VL': ;\1)' lillgerill:.! "'HlI. Illy tanl), f,,('t. Fn 'c il~ li lt' hi lid Ill,,, Ill"kl'~. illJlllkel,

'I'll '~J,.· ,·d III )' 1'''lIr.~l· ullo\·;>.

I I Yi\ I ~ ·.!Of). C.-:\1. ."\. John xi,'. 6,

'-1-' I H )1' :.rl III L' \\' :I~" , I" dlPI' nlone _ Fr""I ,~ ill alld tI"atl, \\",. tie!.';

\11l1 lit' wll" \\"",,1.1 tl,,· Fli liter "eck,

j\I II~1 ~I"'I, Ililll. 1."1'01 . I,y Thee.

~ T II'"I :Irt III(' Trllth. 11t.\· wllrt! alulle

'['1 'lIl' wi~,["I!l \':J11 illll"lrl :

h" i;," h·ii . I". I 'f III 'S "\,,,ak i 11,,· Il i!!11 awl I.o ft ), Ollt':

,\1.1' thr"liL' i. lix ''[ " II loiHII ;

Th"u '" 11.\' ,'all~1 ilJli'rlll th,! !lIiml

,\11,1 1"II'i(r Ihl' 1"·a]'1.

a Th,,11 lll' l Ille I. if~·. lite l"t'lI.Jillf! lomb

l·n ... ·l a il1 l~ Illy l'lllJll'lI'r illg 'Inn, '\11.1 II .. ",· \\ It .. 1'"1 IllI'il' Inl,.1 ill Ihee

\01' ,]",,:tl h 1lO1l' lIdl "hall harJU. Tllt'rl', Illt'tlllgll I 't,'rllil~·. 1 11<';\1"

Tlw III·ai".·" "I' tilt: ~k) :

~ , ... '1. I"" killg d"" II, [ \ i~i l oft

Tlw Ilttllll,I ..... h;,iluw·" ... ·,·!\:

Au.1, \\ Illl Illl' p"lIitelil 11'11" mOllrn. ' ']' i~ Illy deli,'!lJt 10 011\,-,11

3 ]\Iy l'n' ~" !11'" Ilt'id~ Il,e 1\'Olllldet! II,-,arl, TIlt' ."':t,1 ill ;;pirll "I!e,-,J',~;

My I'n·~'·I"' l' . fl'ulII lilt; 1)t:,1 uf Jusl,

Thc ClIlllrillJ "ill iler re;ll·~.

Th"l1 111'1 lit .... Way. lit ... , Trulh, the L ife:

(; 1":11t1 1I~ tlml \\'10)' I" kll"\\',

Tlml [1'11111 10 k'-·t' I" Ihal lile lO win ,

Wlt".-.· .i"}~ I..'tt:l'llul tlow.

l 'hilil'ri,,,,' ii. 1'1, 13.

111.:IIlS IIf ll1u.: rulillg lif, ·, \\,hiIL· )'l't \\'t' ~1\i'''II'1I \lC'rc,




o !et us our sal nllioll work With tn.:m I.Jli ug aud witll fear.

., God wililiupl't,rt "ur hl~al·ts \\'ilh wight hdi'n' lIukIlOWt\;

Tlu:~ work t .. I".: I'cr!urm'd is ours, '1'1 11; "treugtll is all his OWII.

3 'T is he that worl.s 10 will,

'T ill InJ that \\'ork~ to du;

lIis is tl .. ,: IHlwcr I,y wh ic·1I we lie!.

Ii i,; lie thc glory tuo !

1l Y"~1.'l' 211. 111:. 1.

EJlhe~i:ltll ".14-17.

S[i'\.\' EH, roll~C thf'C from thy ",leep,

Wak e, <tIlJ f' ... .: I· thy folly \,·t·cl' ; B ui~u thy spirit ,]al'l, alld lle:.Ill,

./ CSIIS wa it,; hi,; light 10 shed.

~ Wake froIH ~Iee)l. ari~e from death,

Sec the brigllt aud liviJig path : Walcbfld Iread Ihat palh; he wise, Lc,l\'c Illy lully, seck thu "kies.

:1 LeaH: thy fvlly, cease fwm,

From thi;! holll' rcdecm Ihy blUe; L ilt: secure without de lay,

Evil is tuc morwl d ay,


4 Be !lot blilld alnl f'Juli,;1I .'<till; Call ·t! of .J C.~ II ~, k'at'!) hi ... will:

.J l·~I1~ eall~ from ,I"atll allfl Hight, Jesus W;tit* to ~ hcJ hi.s light.

ID' l\lN 21:1. C, M, lIelorews :tii. I, 'J. L O ! what a cI"ud uf \\

r.lIcllmpa,..~ liS al'''lI lId:

I\lcn 11111'(' likt· lI .~ with ,,"lIcl'iuo: tried , But 1101\\' \\ ilh :: lol',V c· I'm ,·u·d.

2 Let II i' . "illl ~., ·al liku Iltl'i r i; ill~pil'cd, Sll'i\'u iu lilt' ('l lI';'~tiilll r:we;

Alul. fn·,·,1 ii'OIlI C""'I,)' " l·ie-Ilt of sm,

T heir holy 1;'l)l,It'[l.~ tI'ilCC.

3 Behold it \\ illl ('''~ lIolJJr.1' ~ ti ll,

\\'110 1m.! atl1ir,;li()u'~ path ,

,Tesull, Ihe <llIlhll!', tilli ~ llt,l',

Ht.l\\'anler of (Jill' 1:litll :

4 I Ie, for the jO)' Iwrul'l_: II~m SCI,

Aud woved lIy !, il~ iug love, F. m1urcd the (·I"")S.~, ,1 l'spi.~l·tI Ihe shame,

l \ UJ IIO\\' Ill' reigH'; auuvc.

5 Th ither, lurBc tt in;; Ibillg" b('hind,

I' ress we-, hi (;"J 's right haud i

Thcre, w ilh liLt' S;I\' iuur autl his sainLS,

Triulilphantly lO slaml


r;. Jl. The In("lre ",,,rks, ; , tti~e,1 to Ihe 1'""10,,, an.1 11 ~"'n" rrfrr t •• a ,1;, i~io'n "r the ;\I etrt'~, founded on t he "cllilre "rlhr 'n ...... ;nl .. I ;,,,r L!a' ... ·_. "'.'T~,·,I- I .. II. , III .. 1\'.

I'I .. U< I. ;n"]u.I.-< ell",,,, ,,,. LUll!:". "",I ;-. '".rt ''' , ·Irt·.~. 11I;If~eol t ·. )1.. L. ;\\.. ». ;\1.

I..' L .. " II. ill.-lll<l ,' ~ I Ill' ' HI"'r I~mh i,· ' "dr,''''' (' , ~IH in 1I"",t.rr."nr~ ~, 111. I, II. c! , 11.3, 11.4, &c., which "I''' I,,· ";,,"!'.I 'I'll''' , "'". ; T,n) , 1".0 ; '1'''''', Ihr~". ~,<' .

l' I,h~ 1[1 . in<·I Il,I(-. Ih,' Tr'M'hai~ "'rlrt~, hriu/!, li'f' in tllll"hn. l"ark!'.l l ll. I , III. '1, 111.3, .5..c. , which " ". ,

h~ IMUU"[ 'l'1Ir('('. aile; Thrl'C, 1".(/, ,' c. ( ... " 1\'. iud"dl" tlo{- 1II<:,lr,' s('''i"i,lint: d , i ... ll~ .,r Hip],·t •. loring liH iu """,I>er, marke,I IV. I , IV.2, IV . 3,

.\..c., and 11 m) I,e n;"ne,l 1-'m,,', 011"; F UlIr, IIt·o , .'c.

j · r •. \~~ I.

(' . 1'1.

'TO FalliN, t"'"I. :ftt.ll [o\), GIIOS!,

'1'1 ... (: od \,hlltll \l'e adure,

H(' ~\" I ·.\'. a ~ it \\'a",i~ ltol",

Alld "'Rnll I,e ('\"'rmu['l! . ..);. " J LC

L. :\\. To Fall"'I·. SUII. <Inri 1I11ly ( i\to",t,

'I'h,' (illd \\ !toiH ('al'tli alit! heavclI ml"re-,

Dc g lor~' , 11": it \\'a" fof (l1{l, h now. a",\ shal l 1)<' t"ve t'lliorc . ......

~. :\1. To C:o,\ lite Fa lll1'i'. ~"Il.

Alld t"l'iril. d"r~' he, As 't\\':t~. all'\ i .~, ami ,,11<111 he so

Tu all ,·t l' l'llil.'·.

C I~ . \S S II.

[I. I.

~T O FitlllP1', ~"It, ;llId 110,1.'1 (~ 11O,,1. - T ill' (1",] \\ 11"ltt IteaYL'Il's 1l'illt!1I'II<lllt

111 ,":1. I And ~:Iilll": (It I ":11·11, adut'(· ·

no.: 1" \01'." liS ill ;Ii-"-~ jla~1. A", 11"1\' it j~. awl ,,0 .~lt;t\l la-I

\r!to.:tI litll" "llalll", 110 !tHll't'.

[I. ~.

T o rall,, ·r. :'011, alld [ 10.1.\' (;110-1.

T h,' (illd \, It"tn \wan·It',.. Irilllll l,l [; tltl h,,~1.

;\ltd "'lIn~·rill!.' :-:\iub nil {'arl ll <lt1(1n'

Jk' d llt'." 11- ill a!.'('- 1'.1~1.

:h Ii"\\' il i~. all'\ "U ~llall \;t,.l

\\'1)('11 li,tlt' it",·lf -h:,11 he II" mOI·C'.

I r. :l.

'1'" GIl,1 tl[l' I :o11tt'1" r,,,d tIl(' ;,:"tl. Alld ( ;",] tIll' :-'I'il'il. '1'0111"'" ill (J Ill'.

1k ;!lllry ill II ... hi~.dll'~t .. !.'iYf·tI, By all ill ":lI'I\i. ;lIld all itt IIf';tH'n,

As \\'a ~ Ihl'llll i!h ai!l'~ IIC!'f'IOI(fl'e, Is now, Ulltl "llall he evermure.


! I. 4.

T o (;,,,1 tl)o' Fatl lf' l'. ~'>Jl,

AllIl :-:I,iril. "\'PI' I,k~s'd,

1';I " I'lIal '1'1,1" '" ill Oil .. ·, ,\11 IIIn'"llip I,,· ;lIhlre_""'tl.

:\ ~ h"I·>'t"!;'l'e It \\'II~. i~ UO\\'.

Alld ~1t:11I ],e,.f)

~ /, ;\L : . For C\· '·I·IIIIIl'l'.

J r. 5.

~'>l (; (1,1 Ih. ' Fal l ... l'. alld 10 n",1 11](' SOIt.

To (j'H I lilt' I I III.\' :'I'iril, '1'111 '<'" ill Oltl'. n.' I'mi~,' frollt all "It "ar ll, ;[11,1 all ill II'·;I\'CII. A" \\'1t~. ;iII,1 i~. ,,1It1""'I' .~II"II I ,c giy,·u,

[ I. I i.

I >n:l<,. \ 1. I' I"<li-,' I .. , giv' ·II.

A\III ~""~' "I' hi .d l\' ~t W'H·tll.

By :dl tll<' Itll.-r,.: "I' l,..a\'(·11. Awl nil till' ~: Iill !~ 1111 ('ardl ,

'[',' n,,, I. ""1""'111 (' ("'"If, ·~~.,]. To ( '111'; ... 1. hi ~ (lilly .";''".

1\ 1111 t" II", .,,),il'i l 101"",,', 1. 1:1"l'lial TIII,(,f' in Oil l'.

II. 7.

'.lIo Falb,'I'. ~"tt. :tltd :'l'irit \,Ies,,'d, I"lq ... ,·t",· ""'I' ,'arlh atiLl Ilt'a'·cn.

1:1<'1'11,,1 Tit ... ,\, iH UUI' ,·lIulc",,'J.

Ik hi:,:lw-1 !.'11I1·y gin'll.

\ ... \\ '1- IIII·"II:.!I, :t:.!,.~ hCl'I·lnr.1I'c.

I_ tI, , \\,. atIlt ... llalll,,· ('''''nll'ITc,

B~ all i I:' :ll'tI, all,] I W<I\,cll.

II. B. HI' a11"II' '11'111 nu,I)!I! ill ]leO\\'en

B,' " \"rI ;I ~lill '! :.!1,1t'.\' ;!i\ '·II. 'I'll (j, ,,1 tlto' l,'ntlll'l'. (;",1 the S'" I,

AI"I ( ;",] till' :-'I'il-il: "'111:11 Th ree

111 IItlllilid,·d [' lIit\'. 1:,',' lillI!' Ilad .\T! i: . ('Ollll'S" ],(";;1111

.,, ~ \\'a~ , :11101 j •• I ... 1t igl)t'.~1 p[,.ti~(".

A~ sl ill ~hal1 be 1111'11112"11 ct!lllc~s day ..





II r. 1.

l:I0 LY Fall,(','. 111'\\' ~on. 11,,\." :<' I' il'il. T hree !II One!

(;loI'Y, il il of 0101, ,,, 1I1<'t" ;\o\\', :lnd (,\"'1'111""" ~lla ll he!

ii I. ~ .

l" tAI~l: tlw Xalll<' (l r(;t~ l lIll)~t Idf!h, I ' rai~ .. I,i lll all III'I .. \\" rill' ,..1;. ,",

I' rai~e I,illl all Y" IIt'a\"1I1," II" .~ I , Fatlwr. !"III, IIwl 11 ,,1~' (; IH'~':

",. Ih ro ll ;.! 11 " 1!1l 1lt1, .~~ iI ~ " '" pa~t.

En:'l'l lll'I"C' Ili~ I'l'lIi.",,· ,..IJaIi la~t.

II L :1.

P ltAl~~: ,I'li 1'.,111<'1', "al'll1 :lIld \JcnH'Il,

l' rai~c tIlt' ~"1I, til\' :-: piri t p!'ai~(', .. \ ~ it wn~. :11111 i."', 1,,· ;..; i\" '11

(;\01')' t!l l'O!lgh d'-fllal olil~· ~.

T o) the Fa tlll'l'. 1I II"lill" \ i ll hC'a \'(,Il,

'1'" tht, N a \· jIJll1". ell !'i "". hi" ~()Il, T .. 1111 ' ~piril. I'ral"'" I,,' ~ i n'lL ,

En ' r!a"' l ill!! Tltr.-,- ill 01iL':

1\ 11 of old , Tlw Trillil .\· Still i:l \\·()!',.. I, ipp',l. ,.,ill s]\;IIII,('.

111. :,",.

( :nt: \ T .,..II1,\""h! w,' wl"n' llif'f' ,

(; ,"1 1110' F:ll llO'1', ( ;".1 I I I<' :'''11 ,

(l"d Ill<' f'l'i ri 1. i" ill ',1 ill :.!1"r,I'

0 11 111" ,~alll<' l'I " I'IJalllir"lIe :

El l1 l l , '~~ 1 1I': l i ,~, '~

To ,Jt>hll vn h, TIII'c,' ill Ollf' ,

(' 1.\ :,\ ," I'"

I\', 1.

'\1111 ~nilll~ 111'''11 . 'nl'lh,

All "I' l i~,' 1", n,I.ln'~~'t1 i

To (i,,'] i ll '1' 111'1 '" 1" 'I'~"II ",

(JIlt' ( ;,,,1 " \"I'I,I .. ~~'d,

,'\ S it lea ~ 1 ... ,'11, ""W i~,

Awl ('\<.' 1' ,..Imll 1Jl',

I V, ~ ,

AI, I, I' l'ai~ ,.. to thp Fatill'l', tllP Run, AIIII :-il'iril, Ihl'i!'l' hili .... awl j,1.,~;.;'( I ,

T h' den ial, !<III'I"'lHl' Tlln'" ill t) lle, " 'a", i", alld ,.ball slill be addrc,,,~'d ,

1\', :l,

,.\ 1.1, pl'a i~c tn the Fa 111('I', all I'rai ,~(' to lite Ron,

,,!! JII'a; .... I" I II<' :-:piril , Ibri,'" I JI,'~ ~'d,

'1'111' lu,I .... , ""'I'II :t\' ,.111'1"'1 111 ' TIII't", ill Olll',

\\' .. ~, i~, 111111 ,.h:tll "lill I", a.l.J I"''''~' ~1.

1\' , ,I.

n FITIlJo'I( \ \uli:,dl l,\' , I .. 111t,<, I ,., ;ltldn"",~' , l,

Wilh {'llri ,~ 1 :111.\ lilt' :-: I'iril. (j 1J " (~"d ,' \'er


,\11 !flor,\- :llId 1\"II'~li i l' froHl ":11'11 1 :11,,1 frolll

111 ' :11'('11,

"\~ WfI,", nllli i~ 11')\\',lI IHI ~ ll all cI ,'rl)(, f'i\'cn,

I V, ."1,

,\ 1.1. r:1" l' .... alit! l'rai~ I' III lilt' 10' :1 111<'1' I,p givcn ,

'1'111' /'.011, alit! Ihe :'l' il'il. fl'OHl ~'a r l h awl fl'nlll

1"':1\"' 11 :

\ ~ wa~, IIlId i. IIttW, I,,' "II I'I" 'III P ad"nll ion,

,\11.1 c\'er !tha \1 hI', I" IIII' ( ;",1 III' ~ah-at i fl ll ,

r o r 1I!1""1t II :> !Iud 18.5,

r-I"'O 11)1' \'a ll ... !'. tn II ... :-:"",

- \ 11 '[ "I ,ili ! ,,\,'1' I , ! , ',~,~' '' ,

1: \' Th .lill,~ T llft'" il) \ fill', \ 11 \\ .. r~hil ' I ... ,,"dn',..~',J :

! 'I':l i ~ , ' 1'1' .. 111 all "1 ,,, \1 '. I II'I,,\\', l\ ~ 1111'''";..:11''111 11p' a :."'~ I',, ~I,

:'\"'" i ~ g i\" 'u, :11 .. 1 ,.. llall Ill' ,~Il

\\' l lil,' " lIdk~~ nf!"~ 1:I~t.

n-/, e" ".rr! I" H!,ltn. l ~ii, ill lill c G, Twd,

\ ~ \\:I ~ 1111'011 ;.:11,,"1 IIII' n;.:"~ I'a~ t.

I (i O:\l J:, 14-1 II ~ ,,'\'11'" Il im ; l'!lIIII', h" w al .J h i ~ 1i " '1 ;

I) :.!i\ , ' Il illl ti ll' r.']ol'y,lh,' I'ra i~p Ilml i,~ meet:

I 1.<'\ j" :,, t'1l1 h"'alllla" U1 !1'I' a,~iu:-; lI ri ,p,

\Inl jllill IIII' full dl'JI'Il,. thal t1:t d,I,'n~ the


,. 1Vht"erer Ihe lIym /\.S arc f/Je,' "l ll,~ ec/cbTtl l iQn (If f)ir''''' Scn"cr , II a rl,till ltfl r, iOIJ or l,orl ionJ of /he " sal"'l oj Dar,,1 in metre .1",/1 aho be ,'illig ,



- - -----

,\ C IHHG~: to kecp I Ita\'(: -Ail. huw ,.imll tillk ll 111:111 ' A la ,~, wiJat IU lllrl.\' d:lll W' "'' ri~t:

.Pa fJ~i I (;. ~I of Ih,' "'P:l~. Ihi lll ' awllli \'oiec P age,


Alt i-\I IIl'I"I1 ,~ ( ;, .. \' wh:lt h,\ IJl IlS ,,1' praise -A\tll i;.dI IY F:llIlt'l'.I" , ',,~ lilt..' \\onl­AllIli tdll~ LUi'll, I 'cf"n , I lly 11J!'<IIIC AltluII I;..::1t 11)(' villt.' it.~ frllit llt-lIy -

AIlI.I un' 1\" JlU\\' l ,r" lIght II!'Ur to G od Awl \\ ill Iholl, {J ('\ <.'1'11:11 G ud )\ lId willllll' .J lldge ,i.-sl'cnd -AIII}I III'I' ,~ix days' work i ~ d one Al'I'I'I,ach. Ill)' ~II l1l. Ihe lII"l'ey-,~cat ;\I i .. c, 1lL) ~' ntl, \\illl 1,11'lull li~e A!:! , ]l,IIII IUg ltI Ihe "lIltl) b'tim

(;0 ( ;0" "I' 11111' i:olllt'l',~ , I", wl l"~e halld 7.0 I ~,i l ',r'H 'III ' )"lwl':o I,~<,'ill 1 ~ly 11:l! tle

• IO:? 78

hI) ("I, I'I""I..! I 111 ,\' (' ''~I'''I. ' ,,:ll1h Ihe LUi'll 73 (i;, (ira!' e! ' , i, .. a \'hal'ltlill~ ,,"I1t1" · (;~ 71 I (in' llt lir~ t /If I)('iu"~' uli"hlV 1.01'.1 •

10:1 ( in'al n lld, Ihi~ ""~'I'; ' " ,] ~)' ;,f tili lle -77 ( in'a l ( i", \. I" lI lt ", 111\' ,, \t'lI il l:.! ~ "II:! 94

100 7~J (;1, .. 11 1 (;,,, 1, wllat d " I H't' :. ud Ilt':l r ' ~ . I UU (ir,'al n".!, \\'ill l w (l lIdcl' 111111 wilh praise

li 'l C;uidc ""' , () IlltJlI gl'l'at ,khi)"ah 57 9n

Il:t il! Ihnll ItllI;.!-"X l" 'I' kd ,k~1 1 S - Gli Ii nil I' J lIlt' r.1' ,~ ,\ II"ill ll'd 6~J Il ark! fplIl! IIII' 1'" llhs :t 111""1'111'111 ~"lIlu l !J!J

"0 11:1I'\I; ! t lw ;.! Ia.l ,'''111,,1, rill' :-iavj"w' t.:OllLl'S 1; (; As, wl lt' u Ih~ \\'<'ary II'a\'l:ll er gaill ~ A s o 'el' the ]la,~t III)' IIIt 'Jl II Jry s lrays As the "wi'cl t1,," er IIml "t.:e IlL~ the 11101'11 3,-, A wakl'. III \' ""ulI l, all,] w ilh the "UII - !):j

,\ wnkf'. III)' ;;',111, ;-.ll'c(( ' 11 "\'CI')' !len'c AWilke , ye s li lllS, awake

!.I7 {H

I la rk! IhL' 1"'1':.1.1 :I1I ;,,::,'I~ "i llg - G7 Il a~h' II, ;-.ill l"')', ", Ill' \\'i ;;t, - 8,1 111 'a l', :.!1"lI'i"ll" (;11'1. 1111' hll lll l ,l e IJIO, UI - 91 11 "al' \~' 11;11 lilt , \'"ic ,' 1'1'1;1 11 Ilea\'l.'ll ,lel'lureS 8 4 II<- l1i.· ... IIII' ].'I 'i"11I1 of "illll,'r" .I i,';; 7:3

B efol'c ,I du.\ah' ,~ :Jwfnllll1'l'lIc !) I II, "" { " 'IIl(', I" t " \t.' I'\' kul't.' IJI' ],'~ lIt - • 7 4 lkglll. 111\ ~" III, Ihe , x,lite,1 t ly - - - ',8 11" 11'>1 "t IlIl l lI , hll..!' lit. . - .. - - 10:1 Be jm fill 111 ( ;1 .. 1 .• 11 \ {' l.lIld" (If the cm til 'IU i ll l).!'h " 11 th, I .. III lUI,.! 11111,1\\" 11 ' l lig - - 7:? HI' ~tl l t. 1Il ~ III',lrl, !lit''''' \1lX l()lI~ c.ues - !JI 11 ,,11' I W,IIIIt"" I " .11t tilt II tl'l'1 - - - - us Bk~. d I .. Iholl, tlR' (",,101' ["ldI1 - - I U ~ 11 (1" 111111 ,\ 1"1111.1,111011, 'e ~ , II Il I " of the U lc~ l l~ t l )t 1I I.lIIIlho,;e'O!tClIlHghc.l1t· tl ~ [ I '( II'I. - • - - : - - - - . Bit'"ll;; 111'1,1' Ill<1t 1,l lIlls - - . GI I I"" 11111;': ,.11.111 , .. 1111'" 1\I!I111lh 1", S -JJe hold lite 1".\\ lU ll I lit 1II,lIIklllU - 71 11(1" 1II'II'It " ... ;':1I11T~ 1I,1111Ie lit " -Clllldll II .. I tllC \J"dIClily Kill " • - - 3~ [ 11 ,1\\ ,oil 1 1.1~' 11 11 ... \\ IL'lt hed lwmt - -

3. 100 6 J 70 8.1 01 CIII i~1 1'1'1111 Ihc tI, It! i" ';d i,," ~ .mJ III ,ulc 72 11, 1\\ . h, " 1 Il l! 1,1t' "III Ii leu.! lid" 1111)

CJJlJ~llll' L"I,II " I I~e lJ I .. d l' 72 II,,,, \\I)IItII"II~ lilt I ~ l e, l t - - - -

C ')IIle, 11, ,1) (, h""I, Ll v,1I01. , (1111) - 7 ! 1 1, 1\, ' tIl klll " ,I')11l I,," ,l - • •• 6'.! COllI<, 1t .. 1) ~1'" 11 , I lc.nelll) DUll" - 7 1 [ I II 11111.1 l)x . dlt~1 "11,\111,, - • - •• - 65 (;olile It I II l1! \()ae~ I"in •. - - - H I 111"1'11' I Iwl JII ,tI, I .. t I'ld,el - - - - 95 ~~' " le, 1.," ,I ,111111\ ,[Jill' j( h hllJg l1hl lie,1I t 101 I \\ 0111,1 Hilt 111 ' ,1\\ .11, 1 .I"k lIo t tu ~tay 98 CUlIle,)t.l th. 11 10le the LOld • - - - W I 95

96 8. 79 89

Dduded 1W1I1 ~ , Ihat dl'l'u rll of !tea\'e n D i8< ,wu 'd of 111'<11'1'1 1,1',1' I1I lll1 ' )i'!'ress'tl­Orca'! .JdllJl'[lll, (iud Ill' uut iuus

Eternal ""uree of e"cry joy

Failh is Ille Cltri"tiau',; ,~ vit!c llce Far 1'1'11111 Illy Iholl;; bl ~, \'aill \\' u rl ll, begollc F,lille l' ~.f Irlel'l'ics! ill III \' 11'01'11 -Father of all. w llose 10 \''; Pl'o j;JIIIl t! Falll~I' o f IJI"I'('ic,., hll\\' IIJiliC ear Fal lwl', I" IllI'e 111\' !'olll I li ft -Fallle l', 1I' 111Ih:"'t'':'f cal'lll]Y "Ii~,i -Ve l\' an' 111.\' d ay~, awi 1III1 Ill' w"e F Ollllla ilillfIHl' l'l'I' ,( ;"dtlfl,,\'(' -Fn'HI all tl l:ll d\\'~11 1 ... 1,, \\' tilt' ~kie,1 FrolH ( ; )'t"'IIIaIIt!',~ ic\' I (ltJl!lItaill ,~ -F rlllli W!Jell1'c 11 1l'~e ,i in.flll UIJIt'IiS rUll11l1

G lu1'Y to 11)1" ', IU\' (;"d , litis lI i:.!ht GI"I'Y to t llt.~ Fallll'I' ~ive - ~ -Gut! IJIOVCS jll U II1 ),s teriuU5 way •

.I" ~ II ~, all.! :<1t:11l it " \' 1' 1' I.e -81l ,kSIl~, 111,\' :<In'II;.,,II, 111,1' \tu !,e 3U .J ("~II". 1':i\' i"lll' "I' IH\' ~olll -7 ,-J .1 l'SIl~ ... !t,,11 n'i;"::11 wllt'I'I"l'1' the ,0;11 11 5!J .luy i~ it frl1it tlJat will 1101 g l'ow •

" 7 [ 1.,'1 1 ... :1\"'11 :ll'i:<,', k t l'itl' lh appear 57 ~:, I, t"t w"l'l,ll~' m ill.!" tI ... \\'ur!, l PlII'>;UC 95 :,7 l. il", "I>ab ' :< \\'t'al'\' ,]"',. 6-:? i I ]'01'l\. t!i ,~Ul i ~,. II ,~ \~'i lll Ih\' 1 , les..~ill:! 66 i'l 1 1.(11'11. !',.r IIII' jll .. t 11."11 ,I;'~ I JlI1,,'i~lc 83 u:! 1."1'<1. IIII\\' ,1" !i;..! III!'''] ' ti,. I" ,;t'P 8 1 !JI 1."1'.1,111\' (; " .1 , 1 I"II:! I tl !UI"W 90 ~~! I L"I~I ,,(IiI;', all I'n l i~ ,' ('xc, ,II ill ;; 8 ':! ( ,J 1",1',1, Hllatl1 i ~, t,', I , 1I11,li~ I II:t\".J !l::! i ~ l LIonl, with ;.!I"will;..! 111':11'1 i 't! praisc Ibce WI 8 Ll I., , ! w iJa l a ..1/111.1 IIfwitl"'''~l'~ lU4

7 I I ''''1'1'\', '\ " <""II,liIlO: f r,, \ )) ahol'<' 8'2 !.I ,j :'<I \' ( : ,"\. :tlld i, .. IIt~ ' '11,[,' s!,l'e all 77 g I [,\ I ,Y ( ;,,01, 1" '!'!lIi t lil t' [J/lt It> he _. 7 0 GLl ,\1 )' G ud, si uce Ihu u 11 : I ~t raised inC up 84



TAHLF. O F F 1TI :;';T LI .\' F: S.

:".I y ,!t l';'lkrnl ,~I' II1 . ["I' " V/'I' lorai.,· . :'lTv lI]'l'ltitl!,!" " ",.~ " illl 1·"1'111 ... · ~,'" ~ I .v ~iI\ j" lll" l!:III .~itl:.! " ll I ll!" In', · -

p;' ~r' l _ IiI '1'1". ( i"oI"f \1,ntll:HIl Iwni .. p

(j,-, T I,.· (; ... 1 " I' Ii i;, . II II"'" C""I1~l allt /'am TIll' 1.' 11"01 111\' l'a~I'II'" ~lIall ['n'!':!rc -

Page. 90 68 :";9 !17 fin :\",1 I" III<' t'· l ... "I .... . ,r tIll' I .,>t·.]

\"",,\\ 1"1"1 1111 11 ... " hal' "j" " 111' IW:II'I~ ,\,.w 11111" III" ( ;" ,1 "I' :.!I·,,,.'· awl I''' \\' 'T ,"ow lilt' "llad , ·~ ,,[ ui!,!"ht an ' !!"tI,·

t f 'T lII" II t1 I " i ll-"'I'~ II,,· 111<.1111' "r (;", 1 t ) Im],1'" ,b,', Ihal .~"I\ ~ 111\ dl"io.:<· t I. 11:1 1'1" i- III<' luau \\ II" 1"';If_ -01 , ';'1' a ..I" ... ," walk wirll (; ... 1 n h .. h. It"h. 11,,1>' 1."1".1 rI. ill 111<' '11'11"11 "f lit;·. \\ It" ll V,,"tlt 01,'1 11'1111111'11<1111 f: , ;1I1 ,li~l'..r . (III ~i"Il. :111 .1 ' III 1"'\1:11"'11 -() ~I,iril "I' tll(' li,·ill:.! (; ,,01 -(lit. Iltn! 111\ 1":11/ <If ~ i ll II .'r<' ;:'111(' () 111"11 Ilml 11I"!I·'~1 111)1'11 _illll<'r_ " ry U 111<1 /1, III 11"11" "" :tll-,. .. nrdlill!! ~i!!hl 0111" I.' ,rol i ~ ri""ll fl"'''11 Ihe ,1,'·;,,1 ' ­O. \\ hl'r,· .~I,all 1"O ':<t I,.. f;" llIoI -

1" ':1(" '. II', Illl 01 ,·01 ~"1I 1. wlt"""l'lai lllil l'mllan I' nli .",\' 1'1 (;0,1 . i lJlIII"rlall!l 'ai~l' I'raYl'r i., II", ~oll1'~ "i l1<"']'" d l'~ in)

ll idllln'I!t"jo,.\" ",hidl 1·;!lll(l .t,lil' Hi"I·. ':1"11"'11' ,1 II ith li ~lI l , illl]"'I'ial ~ar. ·III .

rt ~~· -Hi" ... Hly ~ . "tl. allil ,,11· ... ,·11 Ihy will!!;; Hi •• '. (J HI" ,."111. II ... It''IIi·,. rcv j. ·\\' 1I11,·k " f .\'cl,,.,e!..·n I'll" lilt' -

.':al'·ali"" ,10111 10 (;" .1 1 ... 11111 ;::- -

.-Ia hali' .11 ~ 1..11111' .i".,·flll ~''' lI u l

.'a\·;'"II'. "'''11"1.: ' ' "f "" "1"\' 1 , 1,·~"i ll~

.'al·jllnr. ,l!wH ill .tll:-I. ·," 1111'" ' ~:i\i,,,u·. 1,1"';1 Ili!!bt it(\"I," '~ III" ,,';; ­;"';a\ jllllr. 1\ II" II I.," tl",·k arl k"dilJg ->"". ill 1110' I· illl'\·;!r" "I' tIll ' 1."1"( 1 -:;:"1'''.111\' '''',/11. '11,,· Il,,,·n,\\· ;,!"I,· :'1111111.1 liaITlI 'c· " , ·IIa>' I II~. III 1,1 " ;1-1' lilt' "Y" :--:1111111 ti l" ;.! I:"I lidill !!~, "\ltllill ;.dy .~ illg ~ill(,\' ( ·I)I'i.1 11,,1' I 'H .~fII"r j .. ~1: li ll

Silln' !'\"\ , \,11"11 II a ~n\ i""r',,, Il!III HJ S i ll ~ , III ,\" ,.",,1. II i" \1 "llllr"IJ .~ I"n) ,"illlll'l·. !""1~ " II",,· 1'1'11111 Il JI ,,1 ""1 ' ;.:illll' ·I·~. 111111. 1\ 11\ \\ ill I'.· eli,· I', ,]"tl \" ""\\' II,,· li !! I'l ,.f,L\" S"ld~.·I':< "f (" ill'i4 :11';-" . SIIII.:.!' "f ],I':oi",' I ll<' :t 1l!!"I~ ";111;; ~"'· ·n·i!!11 1,,,1" 1" "f IIII' ,,·~ S l "~· . Ih,," ill'!ll ... " :']'il"i1. ,..lay

Th,· . Ia~' i~ l'a~ 1 ;lIul i:!" II" Tilt: gCII1le :'a,· iUllr 1.:,,11-;


(i:1 TIll' 1."1'<1 " i llltal'l'ilw-- ,];Iill(' - -~ II T Ilt· w i:,:],tl 1111".1 rllal 1',,11 ..

Tl,,· ' 11111"" i;,:,: II. '\\' '1'. ,I i~ 1 ,1:,1 1111·i .. ,,\\,L'('\~ ~'I T Ill' n,,'" Ilml lo w..' ill ,]"I 'kl"'~" l'il,,',1 -

TIlt' :,." j""r. \\ 111' 11 I" 1"':""11 I,,· n'-l' r,n '1'111'1'1' i." lawl "I' 1"'1''' ,1..[i !! l, t 7fi T Ill' -1':l("i ' '' I' ti l'llialltl"lIt Oil Il i;,!h


'1'1 ... :'1'11·i l . ill 0111' 1"':11'1-Th i. j:< II,,· ,]:1\' tlw l."nl hath II1:"le '1'11'''1 ;11"1 t i l<' "'1\. I" Ilw,' al"ll<' -TIl,,":,:h I -h" "I,1 " .,. 1; I" \l a·1t III" ('1"1\11

~:i: '1' 11"11. (i"d. all ;,: 1" 1"1. 1111111"11'. 1'''\1'''' :-:0 T llIl_ ~I"'"k~ 111<' lI i!! 11 '11,,1 i.·,ft\" ()II'" 7ft Till'" lr:o~1t'II~ "II: ,I ,. ),,":..:i ll;: ''1ill l ,.

'Ti~ filli_)I',1 : ~" lIlt · :':11 ;"111 ' ~"I"i,·(1 'Ti~ IIl ,l - Il' '1 ,!, illl"~~ 1 .. ,1, ,II'

70 '1'" .]" ~'I."'. '''II" ":-; '1)1, ·,1 )",nl i:\ T., ('III" Il,.., I'·"lw' I"· " ;.!1 "ri' ''I .~ ~" III ('

I OU I 'I' ll II I" " 1,'1 Ill ," fir.",1 ,,!l;'I'illC;_~ l'i~ o '1'" I II." 10 '111]01,· I I""J' ''II' - - -

H.j T l"illlll l'llIIul l'i"lI! lift Ihy he;),[ .!l_ i.-, lj(i

S;! \\' , . ;.::il"l' illl lll ' ll·tai 1'1"'11.,· \\" .. 1"1111 11'. ~II'TI 01" ,' " fn ·.1 \\' 111'11 all IllY IIlt'r("i . · .~. (J 111\' (;nt! GH :::u \\ II. II , LUI :." I' \\ ." - " I oi , ,1111 ,'lI lII!!h

S- 'I \\ III I! :.'. ,11 " I III!! . 1'''1. 1. m''' I1I1[ L "II'\' s: \\ III III', I III ' 1I 1!!r\ l' .. --i"l1~ I I"t· - -

I \\ I .. II I • all 1",1,1 111\ 1111.· 1 I • .• 1 __ ih I \\ I .. II I ·HI"·\ tIlt' \\"".1,'1111,, lO"~ IiI \\"11t'1i .1 ",," .. ),.1'1 I, i .. 111"'1 1"11)" 111" ,11(, IiI \\"1.,.11 , 1.",,1. t" "li~ "HI' \1""" "" In ll.1 WI \\ 1""1. l·i_;Il!! 1'1""111 I I ... I,,·'] "j' d":111i !I:l \\"l wII . _11"<·:lIlIill :.' 1'1"""1 tIll' ' ·'I~t .. n l , l ·~ iii \r lll' '' !!h,." \\ , .)"". m',' ._1111 11'11 '01 I\1\nl' (;:: \\" 111"11 till '''' l ilt' 1"1"11 .:til IIII' \\ ild 1" 1; '-

1 (1) I ),,'_1 i~ .~II"I·allll,, !! [01 \\"llt'I' IV,' 'Ii"<' r;li_,") 1'1"" 11 ,1"")1 ,li~II";'~' ~,i~ I \r il i'" '11l !!,·I_ 11111~. (J 1."1"1. n·.i(li ~· ,, '

_ W illi,' ~ 11I"J' 11I'1"0I~ \l'lIlcl l·.! ill('il" j l o("k~ loy lIij.!"111 .

\ \ 'hi l.· IllI'~' I ~"l'1\. l'r"I ' ·, 'lill;,! l'II \\'cr \\"i lll .i"" .-11,111 I 1 ... 11,,1<1 11,,· 01:1\' -

::.-, \\, ill ll" ':. \ ,. IIIt'II nil< 1 nll!!('t.~; ;11)\1' !J.' \\ '1 11) :11"1' '1110"'" ill l ,r;!!],I ' :II"I':II'

\\"11" i~ III;~ IlInl """1\''' 1'1"11111 r,J"1lI Why 111""1'11<'-1 Ih"lI . Illy :Ollxillil" ~"III

71: !/l (iO Hi r, · f:,itllf,d ' II III~ w)." .r "_I1~ I,n"",

y, . ti .. ld~ ,,!, Ji!!lt1. , · , · I ' ·~li,,1 piai". -n.-, y .. 11111111.].· .... . 111 ... 111'1'1"":,,, 11 \'''"1" n,,,1 iIi I YOllIII. \I'lli'll d,·\'ol~·d ttl 11t~: L"nl

IO::! 67 ,.

10 1 .,1-1 3., ij.]

103 fiO 77

10:1 (j7

" !17 77 1; 1 0,1 li5 Ii :.!

:13 B-1 66

T ABLE, T O "ISD II \' ) I S"S sun~:D TO ,'.\ltTtC la .AIt !'URJI;CT'I AtiD OCCA!'lOtiS.

l. '1'11 1": 1I 0LY SC Hl rT L" I~ES

11. CH I"'. \'1' 10." Ill. I'H(I\'IIlr:~('J:

f\'. B I: IJDII'TIO~-

\' . '1'111 : ('11( ' 11(,11

VI. FI :"-'1' I\· \I.~ A~J) FAS TS T ill' L"nl'~ Day

;\el l"" llt -Cl ll ' i~llIlil;;

Ewl of Ihc Year Ncw Y"a!" EI)il ,hallY L('lJt -Pa .. ,.i"n Week :1IlIl (~ooJ F ri(luy I :a.~1er

'\ "" "I,,,ion \\ ltil-SllwlaY Trilli ty SHII;by Fa-I-,Ia,' T I';1Il k':f!i"inf!-,lay

Vlt . U I1 J)I~ ,\:,\<"T~ ,\ :'\D S PITI.\L OCCAS IO:'\S !lapli,."l "fl nl'"I ' ': Bal'li.-lIl " I' Adult,. ( ',"dinll: ,l i"" 'I'll<' l."n1"~ :'lIpper t Inlillalj"ll. 'w Il l . .;lilnli"ll .. I' ~liHj·tcr;; ( ·" "',·,'l':lli"ll ufa ( IIII H·!J -.\ 1 i~ .. i,tll .~

."lll,hl" mill C haril \' Rl'hools ( ·llaril·alol, · (Iu'a~j"ils '1'" I,,· II .-"d at ~, 'a 1",,1' II I" :-iiek -1"l lllI 'r:l l~

V II I. I~\TI " \T [()~ .\:\D \\'AI1~I i\'(;

IX. <..: 1111 1:"'::1"1.\:\ l )l" TI. I ·:~ :\ ;'\ 1) A ITI :<": TI O~S l'I 'ill L'r 1"'I;" u l ;lllce Failll " "pc .loy 1.1)\'" I 'l~ ,i ~e

C"1I1"III IIICUt In \ lll idi"H • Dail.,· Den.l iou -

X. T il l: Cl1HI :-'TI:\i\' J.IFE Xl. 1)1:.\ '1' 11

X 11. .II' Ur;r\ll-:~T

:\1\ 1. J:Tt:I1\"" ITY -

Xi V. :\11 ~CELL"\NEOUS


Page. O? ;,7

", GO G'! Iii H,I u(i (ir, (;7 6r. 63 69 '0 i2 i3 73 74 7·1 7;'


' 6 'G i Co 77 73 79 70 81 8~ 30 33 S1

"5 86 36 36 87 88 . 9 SO 90 91 91 9::!

," 9. 9.

100 102


I N n E X.

\ ·,' rt,tira lr

I' "f~ I , P Ilj;OI I r. T I,.. I l"lN "f I ·, 'lOfirumI,...,Tl . or Lapng "" of Ha nds 1l1.1 "puurh"!,, Ihat lin,; hlll'l1fI',I,ami ,' Ol ne tll y~ars

. "I 11 ,~('r .. llO'n • • . • • . • 251 r (,hle ,,( I '"nIP !! I_ T h" ital, j,,,,,\l"" "r the n""k ,,{ Cum""'" p,a~'er Thr l' rd:I<"E) T l\1' (l ,, \o- r h, ',," Ihe P,a\tn IS appuinle,\ tv Ill'

T>'~ ' \ l"l". O rd," how ti,.. n"! or 111'" H"ly ~cril'I"n'

I~ "1'1"",,1' ,I t" I,.. r,·a '\ 1',,10\0- .. "f 1.",""'" "f II ,,]\" ~nl)'I""'. 10 ]~. p·a,]

'II ~1 "1'''''':: "",I E,,'Il''':: p,,,,,., 110,,,,,1:1,,,,,1 Ih" y,.", .

T he Ca\"ntla,

1\ , ',0, ,0 0 , I p' 'or", " I,'"" ,-""LI/"ll"n " f ' lat r inoullv. . :)54

,00\ ::::::: : ~:':ll:; '~'~~ 'I:I,I,ll:"" ~':: ,\,~"~'::,'~ uf Ill!' SH~I: 0 ~~:, nl. ~

T hr Il rd .. r ("r 1\'" IInT:-" .. frho 1J<. a,1 .2Gt' YII. '1'1 ... TIo;",~'c.:llllt~ ,,1 \\''' '1)' LI "tl~r I_'\,ild.lnrth,

""'''I1L''ld~ , ' \ ho- Cl" LrdLl"~ 0\ \\' ''I\o ''ll . 2i 2


F"rl"~ "f ['''','''' I .. l,p "~",I lI\ ~~ .. . . . 274 \ Ill. A !,,,,,,, v! l' n, ~,'r f .. r ,1". \,,,,\,,1;"" " r l ' risoIlI'TS. '.! &3


.\ r .,r", 'If )'r",-,-r ",,,\ rh",,~~,!"'I"'! I" ,\ \,,,,,:hl .. , ,,.1. r". 11..- !' rn,h ,,1 tl". "allh. ,,,,,I ,Ill the

I "\1",, 1Il,·"IU~~ "I IllS ",,'T,·,r,,1 " ",nolo'un- • 292 T aloh's an'\ HlIlr~ f"r Ihe ~!", ... "hh- "",I Im­,,,"' .... ,,10\0- r""'I~. 1"~l"Ihl'r \\',Ih Ih,· 11." ~ ,.e F,,~II"!;: :l.II,I.\Io"Il"""'" Ih,,,ugl,,mlll ... r",,r

T"hlr~ f", fi"('I11~ II,,' 1l"]."I:.~·s

"n. F"r"'~ "f I' nL}' r \"1,,, """I III F"""IH'~ ']9 ::' X'.I]. :- .. I.·,·tl""~ "f 1'~"Io1\~. ]n \", lIs,·ol '''~]1·",1 "f the

I '~:.h", ("r the Uay, :Oltllf' ,h~rr('II<'" uf thr ~ I i,,-"I,.r. . . . . . 300 T Ilt' O"I,· r I .. , Ilaoly ~1 "rn11l~ p,ay'"

'I' ll<' ""J.., f .. r !hol}' 1:" ·,,iH'( I' r;t~,'r \'1". 1.11"", ... , 1";,." ,.",1 :'tl1Pl'li":lI,,,,,.I" 1 ... "~,.,,

"flc' ' I,;,,,,,,:: :-;"n"'" ,," :-;u"d:,,·~. " '"01,,, ,. "a)~. a1l<1 F,,,I,,.,,

I' lay" '~ :1 ,,,1 "l"h""I.··_q,\,,~~ "pon ,.~\('r,, 1 ]I,('a­""",. 1, , 1~. ",,·,11,,(,.,..· II", Iw,' li"al I'r.,' ( r-uf ~ 1 "rI"lL~ :",,1 1·;,', '''''~ ~,·nl("" -

T Il<" I ·"UP,·I,. \-:\ ",,1.-" ",,,\ Gu~p.·b. 10 h ... ll~c,1 Ih'''\l~I'''''1 II", Year

T Ill" Ord ... , r"r Ihe .\,\,,,illl~\T"I"'" of the 1.0T<r~ ~"I'I"·r. "r 1l ,,1} ,'""""""i"" .

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T Il>' ~1 "" ~lr "t ' "'' uf l' rn a lu n~ l't ,s' l! " f Ch il -01,,,11 , III II"",,·.

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.