Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (2024)

Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe

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Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (1)

  • Pamela
  • February 12, 2013

Categories: Basics, Entrees, Gluten-free/gluten-free adaptable, Meat, Poultry, Recipes, Slow cooker

Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (2)

Daughter #2 asked me the other day if I was “ever going to put that thing away?” She was referring to my slow cooker, of course. Not that Daughter #2 is complaining since she’s the first one to the dinner table every night and has always been the easiest one to cook for. But she had a point. That slow cooker has has become part of the family!

Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (3)

But I wasn’t about to shelve my new baby so soon. Just when I thought cooking a whole chicken couldn’t get any easier, I decided to put my Easy No-FailRoast Chicken method to the test in…the slow cooker. Believe me, I don’t normally mess with the easiest, most popular dinners in my repertoire. But roasting a whole chicken is something that needs to be started well before I get home some days and I need a back-up. That and I was on a roll and feeling lucky, so I figured this was going to work like everything else I’ve been trying. I decided to prep the chicken in basically the same way I do an oven-roasted chicken — rubbed on the inside and out with some kosher salt early on, stuffed with a bit of fresh thyme and some crushed garlic and cooked on a bed of onions. I usually add cut lemons to the cavity, but I was nervous that cooking the lemons for a long time would result in a bitter taste, so I left those out. The only other change I made was to rub the outside of the chicken with a little olive oil mixed with paprika so that the skin would get a little color and not be pale and unattractive.

Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (4)

The conclusion is that I think I should call this recipe “Easier than Easy No-Fail Roast Chicken and Still So Darn Good.” The chicken was predictably fall-off-the-bones. In fact, I had a hard time getting the chicken out of the slow cooker in one piece! My kids love super soft meat and my husband likes chicken that is beyond well done. I’ve made chicken once or twice a week for the last 17 1/2 years and he has asked me every single time if the chicken is cooked through. No comment on whether or not that is annoying since my husband occasionally reads my blog AND Valentine’s Day is coming up. Get my drift? My point is that this chicken satisfies everyone, including me since it takes all of 5 minutes to prep and you can do it 8 hours before you want to eat dinner. “Is this cooked through?” “Darling, it’s been cooking for 8 hours.”

Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (5)

So you all know I am completely obsessed with making homemade chicken stock. I swear, if teaching cooking classes and blogging doesn’t work out, I will go into the homemade stock-making business. The world must know the goodness of homemade stock somehow! So before I served this chicken to the family, I removed and reserved all the bones. I put the bones back in there with a chicken back I had in the freezer plus some stock veggies (onions, carrots, celery) and water and I made chicken stock overnight. It was delicious. And because there was no skin and foam and such, it turned out to be such a clear stock with minimal fat. It’s crazy not to try this! (Sorry I don’t have photos. It was too dark in my kitchen and the images didn’t turn out well.)

Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (6)

Cooking a whole chicken in a slow cooker opens up so many possibilities for what you can do with the meat. You don’t have to cut the chicken into traditional breast, thigh, drumstick pieces. You can use the meat just as you would rotisserie chicken meat and heaven knows there have been more articles on what to do with rotisserie chicken meat than how to get your baby to sleep through the night. Just to remind — chicken soup, enchiladas, tacos, pot pie, sandwiches, salads and so on. For those of you who do not have a slow cooker and feel excluded, please revisit the Easy No Fail Roast Chicken Recipe. I still love you and I will put away the slow cooker and come back to you. Eventually. Wink, wink.

Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (7)

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Slow Cooker Whole Chicken and Stock




  • 1 whole roasting chicken, about 4-5 pounds (save the neck for stock)
  • kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 4-5 cloves garlic, crushed
  • ½ bunch fresh thyme or a couple sprigs of fresh rosemary
  • 2 Tablespoons unrefined olive oil
  • 1-2 teaspoons paprika
  • 1 brown onion, peeled and sliced into thick slices
  • For the stock:
  • Some additional bony chicken pieces if you have them, such as backs, necks, wings and/or feet, up to 2 pounds
  • 2 brown onions, cut into large pieces
  • 3 carrots, cut into large chunks
  • 3 celery stalks, cut into large chunks
  • 1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • water (amount depends on size of your slow cooker)


  1. When you get home from the market, unwrap the chicken and remove any giblets from the cavity. Save the neck for stock.
  2. Take a heaping tablespoon of kosher salt and rub it around the inside of the cavity. Any remaining salt on your hands can be rubbed on the outside of the chicken. Rewrap the chicken and refrigerate until ready to cook. This can be done up to two days in advance.
  3. The day you are making the chicken, remove it from the wrapping and sprinkle a few pinches of black pepper, as well as the garlic and thyme in the cavity of the chicken.
  4. Truss the chicken by tying the legs together. Rub the outside of the chicken with olive oil and paprika.
  5. Place the onion slices on the bottom of the slow cooker insert and place the chicken on top of the onions. You do not need any liquid, I promise. Cover and cook on LOW for 7- 8 hours or HIGH 4-5 hours.
  6. Serve with the cooked onions and pan juices, if desired.


Leave whatever you didn’t use in the slow cooker (juices and onions).
Remove all the bones from the entire chicken and place in the slow cooker with any additional chicken parts you have, including the neck from the chicken you just cooked. Add vegetables, vinegar, and enough water to come up to about an inch from the top.
Cover and cook on LOW for 8 hours or overnight. My slow cooker automatically goes to WARM mode after 8 hours.
Strain and use immediately if you don’t see too much fat at the top or cool slightly and refrigerate. When cold, skim and discard any fat from the top. Stock can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 4 days or frozen for up to 3 months.

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Dinner Planner – Week of February 12, 2024


  1. Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (16)


    This is so good! And so easy… when i went to get the whole chicken out of the slow cooker, it all just fell off the bones! That’s when I knew it was going to be so delicious! Now making stock and I think I’m going to have to make this at least once a week, especially for the stock!

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    • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (17)


      such an easy and foolproof technique and the chicken is perfect for endless meals!

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  2. Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (18)

    Cynthia Hadley

    Joe and I tried this recipe yesterday and to our surprise the chicken was very moist and so flavorful! Also, making gravy was absolutely luscious and easy. We scooped all the juices from the pot into a beaker.. melted two tablespoons of butter into a pan with two tablespoons of arrowroot powder. Whilst stirring, slowly add all of the juices and bring it to a boil for one minute. Have homemade mashed potatoes with minced garlic and cilantro and butternut ready and pour this fabulous gravy all over the chicken and mashed potatoes!
    easy . The

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    • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (19)


      Heaven!!! Yes, the chicken gets so soft and flavorful in the slow cooker. Yummy!

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  3. Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (20)


    Hello Pamela – I love your recipes. And, I love this chicken recipe especially – I made it for the first time last night. One question about the stock – this morning when I went to strain it, there was very little stock and I’m wondering if there was something I did wrong. The only liquid I added was the tbl of apple cider vinegar. Can you let me know what you think may have gone wrong? Thank you.

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    • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (21)


      Thank you, Michelle! Ok, let’s trouble shoot — you added water to make the stock, correct? Kept the lid on the whole time? Have you ever had issues with your slow cooker being too hot? Let me know!

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  4. Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (22)


    Hi there, I saw in your post that you were worried about using lemons in the slow cooker so you left them out…did you ever try this recipe with? I love lemon in a roast chicken but don’t want to risk it on a slow cooker… TIA

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    • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (23)


      I never have. You can try a lemon-pepper seasoning!

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  5. Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (24)


    I’m a wee confused; the recipe reads and emphasizes no liquid is needed , but the list of ingredients read to add ACV and water. Then, in the notes section reads , add water just “an inch from the top.”? Are these two different recipes?

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    • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (25)


      Nevermind! OMG, I just finally read “Slow Cooker Chicken AND STOCK.” Yes, indeed two recipes from one.
      Maybe make that distinction in the body of the recipe. It was confusing

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      • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (26)


        Thanks for your feedback, Marguerite. There is a separate recipe on the blog for making chicken stock, but this method is specific to the slow cooker after a chicken was cooked. Please let me know how I could clarify this to avoid any further confusion. Thank you!

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  6. Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (27)


    Hi Pamela…what is apple cider water? (Apple cider diluted with water?) and at which point do I add it into this recipe??? Thanks in advance

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    • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (28)


      Hi Bella, Sorry for the confusion, my fault. Two separate ingredients: apple cider vinegar and water. They get added at the same time.

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      • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (29)


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  7. Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (30)


    Every time I try to cook a whole chicken in my slow cooker, it comes out dry. I’ve tried cooking for less time on the low setting to no avail. Any suggestions? Does this happen to you?

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    • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (31)


      Christine, have you tried this recipe? I make it all the time and it never turns out dry. Maybe you can turn your chicken over halfway if you’re home at that time. BUT, I have heard from many people that slow cookers are kind of like ovens — temperatures and cooking times can vary. I have heard that some older models may tend to overheat in spots. Which brand and model do you have?

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      • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (32)


        I have a Smart Pot Commercial series – I think it is made by Crock Pot. My chicken turns out dry too. I have one going today – when it hits 4 hours on high, I’m going to check the internal temperature. I’m thinking that 160 – 165 would be the goal. Next week, if I start earlier, I’m going to repeat the experiment on the low setting. Maybe the chicken is cooking faster in this pot than other pots out there.

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        • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (33)


          Actually Karen, why don’t you try cooking it 4 hours on LOW and see what happens.

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  8. Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (34)

    A whole chicken without any added liquid? I can’t believe it but I’m trusting you because your photos look so great! 🙂 I’ll make this later this week. Thank you for posting,

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    • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (35)


      Trust me!

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  9. Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (36)

    Allison Thompson

    Oops! I’m sorry! I meant I have frozen chicken BACKS to add to the stock and am wondering how many. They are pretty large and meaty. Thanks!

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  10. Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (37)

    Allison Thompson

    Hi Pamela,

    I’m making this for dinner tonight and want to make the stock afterwards. I have a few frozen chicken necks that I bought at the local market. How many should I add? Thanks for all the nutritious and delicious recipes!

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    • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (38)


      Backs are much larger than necks, so you can probably add 3 or 4 to your slow cooker with all the bones from the whole chicken. Delish!

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  11. Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (39)

    I have just started making my own chicken stock and was told that adding 2-3 chicken feet is very healthy. I’m wondering if I can buy a dozen or so feet and keep them in the freezer and then just throw the 2-3 in the slow cooker right out of the freezer to add into the stock or do I need to defrost them first?

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    • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (40)


      Chicken feet are the best! Read my post about making chicken stock: You can definitely keep them frozen and use them as you like. No need to defrost first.

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  12. Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (41)


    Love this!!! Thank you for this easy and perfect Sunday dinner! Kids and husband both enjoyed, too.

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    • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (42)


      How awesome! We love this, too. 🙂

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  13. Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (43)


    hi Pamela~
    this sounds soo easy and delicious..i am glad to hear that I can put veggies in with, it is a whole meal taken care of.
    what I am wondering is how many people would a five pound chicken serve? since I need to feed 8,,~~oohhh noo~~ do I need to go buy another crockpot??

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    • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (44)


      A 5-pound chicken might serve 8, if everyone eats the amount of chicken I do, which is just a couple of ounces. Here’s what you’re looking at with a whole chicken: 2 breasts, 2 thighs, 2 drumsticks, and 2 wings, which don’t really have much meat. If you cut the breasts in half you’ll have 4 small pieces. So if you’re lucky and everyone likes different things and they’re not big meat-eaters, you could get away with 1 5-pounder. Otherwise, make 2 in the oven and save the leftovers for lunches the next day, soup, salads, quesadillas, etc. Here’s the link to my easy no-fail roast chicken:

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  14. Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (45)

    I just could not leave your website before suggesting that I really enjoyed the usual information a person supply for your visitors? Is going to be again incessantly in order to check up on new posts

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  15. Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (46)

    Lisa Coppedge

    I am going to try this. Can you put potatoes and carrots in this too (other veggies?)? If so, when is a good time…new crock potter on the loose!

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    • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (47)


      Sure! put your veggies in the bottom and lay the chicken on top. the veggies won’t caramelize like they do in an oven, but they’ll be tender and tasty!

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  16. Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (48)

    Jane Stavropoulos

    The chicken was amazing! I am a huge fan of roast chicken which I make once a week, but I love this so much and it made my whole house smell great and I was finished cooking dinner by 9 am when I had put this in the crock pot! Then I made the stock and it was the richest chicken stock I have ever made! Thanks for the great 2 for 1 recipe Pamela.

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    • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (49)


      Hooray!! Great to hear, Jane!

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  17. Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (50)


    I added som orange slices to the cavity and below. It added a great citrus scent. I’m just wondering if I can make stock now… I will try, but it may be a little orange flavored.

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    • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (51)


      I’m sure the chicken was delicious! Yes, I would take out any traces of orange, even strong herbs like rosemary, before making the stock. If you are using the drippings at the bottom of the slow cooker, they may impart a slight orange flavor to the stock since the orange was mixed with the onions. You could always use the drippings for gravy for another chicken dish and clean out the insert before proceeding with the stock. Hard for me to say unless I tasted how strong the orange flavor was in the pan. Let me know what you decide to do and how it turns out!

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  18. Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (52)

    Jenny S.

    I am going to do this tomorrow. I have a 4.5 Q slow cooker. I know you said below that the cooking time is the same but I just wanted to make sure that there was not a minimum sized cooker you needed for this or any of your slow cooker recipes. Also, does the paprika change the flavor much or is it just to color the skin? My girls can be picky about any additional flavor I add. Thank you Pam!

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    • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (53)


      Nope! Your 4.5 Q slow cooker will work fine for all the slow cooker recipes here. Good question about the paprika. It’s really just for color. You won’t taste it at all!

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      • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (54)


        Wow! This was soooo very easy! Delicious and juicy! The only hard part was taking it out. I will include this in my rotation for sure. More slow cookers, please! Thank you so very much, Pamela!

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        • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (55)


          I agree, the meat just falls off the bone while you’re removing it from the slow cooker. Not a bad problem!

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  19. Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (56)


    I’m making this now and the whole house smells great! Thanks for the inspiration. I’m already looking forward to making stock, too!

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    • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (57)


      Let me know how they turn out! 🙂

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      • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (58)


        Fabulous! The chicken was so moist. Ended up cooking the stock all afternoon AND overnight and it was amazing too! Thanks again for the great ideas!!

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        • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (59)


          You’re welcome, Joy! I always appreciate the feedback, so thank you, too!

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  20. Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (60)


    I’m trying this chicken tonight. This is my third morning with the crockpot on the counter filling it in hopes of a yummy dinner when I get home in the evening. I haven’t been disappointed yet. I don’t think I will be tonight either. Like you, I make this chicken almost weekly in the oven but often run out of time in the evening. And i almost always make soup following. Genius to put it in the crock pot! I have been cooking from your website for a while and cannot say enough nice things about it. I’ve been thinking that the chicken vegetable curry, one of my favorites, may work in the crok pot too. Maybe I’ll make it four. Thank you and I can’t be happier that you discovered the wonders of the crockpot.

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    • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (61)


      Thank you Lisa, for the kind words and for following the site! I hope you continue to find joy in the kitchen! 🙂

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  21. Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (62)


    This chicken is awesome! My whole family loved it and it couldn’t have been easier. Thanks for another great recipe.

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    • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (63)


      Woo hoo!

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  22. Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (64)


    Hi, my slow cooker is quite big..the amount of time will be the same for cooking?

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    • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (65)


      Not to worry. My slow cooker is 6 1/2 quarts. Whatever the size, the cooking time is the same. Enjoy!

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  23. Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (66)


    This is a revelation!!! Thank you for posting this wonderful idea! One quick question about stock: I have been saving random chicken parts and bones in my freezer to eventually make stock again, do I put the frozen parts directly in the stock pot/slow cooker, or do they need to thaw first?

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    • Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (67)


      Yes, I put frozen chicken parts in my stock pot all the time. And I did take a frozen chicken back and put it right into the slow cooker. If you are going to make stock in the slow cooker with all frozen chicken parts, I would put the slow cooker on high until the stock comes to a boil and then put it in low so that it’s simmering for a good amount of time.

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Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (68)

I come from a large Italian-American family with 28 first cousins (on one side of the family!) where sit-down holiday dinners for 85 people are the norm (how, you might ask – organization! But more on that later …).

Some of my fondest memories are of simple family gatherings, both large and small, with long tables of bowls and platters piled high, the laughter of my cousins echoing and the comfort of tradition warming my soul.

Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (69)

Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (70)

Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (71)

Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (72)

Slow cooker whole chicken and stock recipe - Pamela Salzman (2024)


Does chicken get more tender the longer it cooks in a slow cooker? ›

That is why tough meats become “fork tender” in the slow cooker. Chicken breasts have very little connective tissue; that means they can be cooked quickly because the long cooking time needed to soften connective tissue isn't necessary. They also have little fat, which means they can become dry if cooked too long.

Is 3 hours in slow cooker enough for chicken? ›

For a whole chicken – Place it in your slow cooker breast side down. Cover with the lid and cook on High for around 4-5 hours or Low for 6-8 hours. For bone-in pieces - Arrange chicken pieces in a single layer in the slow cooker. Cover with the lid and cook on High for around 3-4 hours or Low for 4-6 hours.

Should chicken be cooked on high or low in a crockpot? ›

We found that the only way to cook chicken (and turkey) in a slow cooker is on the low setting and for a relatively short amount of time.

What makes chicken tough in a crockpot cooking? ›

In addition, chicken breast has less fat and can become dry (chewy or rubbery) if cooked for too long. Without moisture, the protein fibers in the chicken become elastic.

Can you overcook chicken in a slow cooker? ›

You can overcook chicken in a slow cooker. If the chicken is cooked too long, it will become dry and tough. Check your chicken for doneness early, especially if it is one of your first times making it.

How long does it take for chicken to cook in the crockpot? ›

Cover your crock pot and cook chicken breasts on low for 6-7 hours or on high for 3-4 hours. Chicken is done when the internal temp reaches 165 degrees F. Use chicken in your favorite recipes. Perfect for shredding!

How long can you leave chicken in the crockpot on low? ›

Step 4: Cook on High for 4-5 Hours or Low 7-8 Hours. Cooking time will depend on the size of your chicken. Chicken is done when the internal temperature reaches 165 F and juices run clear, but also when it's so tender you can shred it with a fork.

How do you know when slow cooked chicken is done? ›

Simply insert your food thermometer into the thickest part of the chicken (for a whole chicken, that would be the breast). You know your chicken is cooked when the thermometer reads 180°F (82°C) for a whole chicken, or 165°F (74°C) for chicken cuts.

Is it safe to cook raw chicken in a slow cooker? ›

Research conducted by USDA FSIS indicates it's safe to cook large cuts of meat and poultry in a slow cooker. Follow the manufacturer's recipes and safety guidelines. Start clean. Start with clean hands, utensils surfaces and a clean cooker.

Is it better to start crockpot on high or low? ›

If possible, turn the cooker on the highest setting for the first hour of cooking time and then to low or the setting called for in your recipe. Foods take different times to cook depending upon the setting used. Certainly, foods will cook faster on high than on low.

Is it better to cook meat on high or low in a slow cooker? ›

As a general rule of thumb, meat will turn out better when cooked on Low. This is particularly true of foods like meatballs and chicken thighs, which need gentle heat to turn out tender. Cook recipes on High when they need high heat to achieve a certain texture or finish.

Can I leave food in a slow cooker overnight off? ›

Most appliances will automatically shut off after 20 or so hours on this setting, but you shouldn't leave food in a slow cooker for an extended length of time. The general rule of thumb is that 2-4 hours is the maximum length of time you can leave food in a slow cooker on warm.

How do I keep chicken from drying out in the crockpot? ›

Chicken pieces, particularly chicken thighs and legs, will dry out less quickly and maintain their texture best when layered on top of other ingredients. Plus, this helps to flavor the entire dish as the chicken cooks and releases juices.

How to stop chicken falling apart in a slow cooker? ›

Not if you're using a leaner cut in the slow cooker, like chicken breast or pork chops. To help keep these cuts moist, decrease the cook time to 2-4 hours. While it cooks, check out our collection of crockpot chicken breast recipes.

Why does chicken get watery in crockpot? ›

This moist environment allows you to leave food to cook for hours without risking it drying out. But because there is no evaporation, the liquid isn't able to reduce and thicken naturally in a slow cooker, often resulting in watery sauces and loose gravies.

Can you leave chicken in the slow cooker too long? ›

Mushy, mealy, stringy chicken, which is sometimes the result of cooking low and slow for an extended period of time. I've learned this the hard way, after many attempts at cooking chicken in the crockpot on a workday, for 8 plus hours at a time.

Does slow cooking chicken make it soft? ›

Your chicken is falling apart because the connective tissues in the meat are being turned into gelatin. Cooking meat in a wet environment at low temperatures causes the connective tissues (collagen) in the meat to dissolve into delicious gelatin and makes the meat more tender.

Does meat get softer the longer you cook it in slow cooker? ›

Collagen makes meat tough when cooked quickly, but when slow-cooked, it breaks down into gelatin, giving you that juicy, tender mouthfeel. Fattier — and cheaper — cuts of beef can also be good for slow cooking, because the fat helps to ensure the beef won't dry out while adding extra flavour.

How to keep chicken moist in a crockpot? ›

Using a nice, long, low-and-slow cook time helps chicken breasts retain plenty of moisture - but you can certainly opt to add a splash of water or chicken stock to the crockpot if you like! If you're worried about dry chicken, you can also swap boneless skinless chicken thighs in for a bit of extra moisture.


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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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