Sweet Dreams - Chapter 1 - lilyisfrozen - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)

Chapter Text

When did it all start? Who knows. There were many times it could’ve started. The moment she walked into class the first time, the first email she sent begging for help with the homework, when he went to the campus cafe only to find her working there, but it most likely was when she gave him chocolate for Valentine’s Day. Ever since that day, Kyojuro’s every waking moment has been consumed by thoughts of (Y/N).

He heard that a few other of the professors got chocolates, but he ignored that, the pink bow, tied with obvious care, and the sweet personal note was all it took to completely enrapture his attention.

The moment she placed those accursed chocolates on his desk, her short skirt and cute makeup took his breath away, looking up into those beautiful eyes that now haunt his dreams. Countless nights he’s dreamed of those eyes glazed in lust, her cheeks pink, sweet plump lips parted as she moans his name. Thinking about it now, that those same succulent eyes are watching him as he writes on the chalk board, is utterly exciting.

“That’s it for today, class! Homework is due next week! Have a safe weekend, everyone!” Turning, he gives his class a bright smile and a wave, his students returning his words as they file out. (Y/N) is the last to leave the room, a skip in her step, bright eyes shining as she waves back.

Oh, how he wants those eyes on him and him only, looking at him with admiration and love. Determined, he’ll find a way to get her into his arms, without a doubt! There he could love her and, mmm, kiss her. In his arms, she’d beg for him to take her on his desk, splay her before him, f*ck her without mercy. How he’d love those cute, sweet moans for her professor to go harder, to never stop, f*ck her so thoroughly she could never want another man. He could hear them now, so sweet and beautiful, as if she’s singing for him, tight, soft insides gripping him to never let him go.


Yes, just like that, she’d moan it over and over for him, desk rattling, gasping as she begs him to choke her.


No, no, moan it, love, say it like you want more.

“Professor?” Kyojuro blinks, looking down to find his student’s wide, curious eyes staring back at him. “Are you okay, professor? I asked for you like three times.”

“Oh!” How could he not notice she was still here?! “I apologize! I was lost in thought. What can I help you with?”

She giggles, sweet like an angel. “I think I left my water bottle in here last class, did you happen to find it?”

Sitting behind his desk, Kyojuro is fully aware of how tight his pants are, thankful she hasn’t seemed to notice. But what if she did? The fantasy he was just living almost consumes him once more, but he reluctantly pushes it away, reaching under his desk to get the water bottle in question. “Indeed! Is this the one?”

“Oh, yes! Thank you, professor! This was expensive, I wouldn’t forgive myself for losing it.”

“Ah, well I thought it was strange that it was just left here, so figured a student would ask about it at some point. I’m glad its returned to you!” Actually, he’s more than fully aware it was her water bottle.

“What a relief. You really are the best, professor. See you next week!” And (Y/N) is skipping out of the room, skirt swaying with her hips, hair bouncing. If only he could see the front of her bounce, that would be a real treat.

Kyojuro’s mind can’t help but fantasize. Did she leave her water bottle here hoping to talk to him after class today? Could she have similar feelings to his? Oh, that would be wonderful! They could make a whole evening of f*cking on each desk in the room, both knowing full well there’ll be students sitting there in a few days, completely unaware of the sinful acts committed on them.

Gods, that would be perfect, she’s perfect. What a beautiful girl. He hopes to get to know her more, be there for her, be her confidant, her close teacher, all so one day he could wrap his arms around her and kiss her. He’d make their first kiss romantic, under the rain maybe, or under mistletoe during Christmas. Could he wait until Christmas? He doesn’t know, probably not. He wants her in his arms now, soon as possible, taking her out on romantic dates, taking her home with him at the end of the evening, her beautiful voice singing through the night for him as he pleasures her.

As the teacher shuts off the lights in his room, the thoughts continue to play until he reaches his car, sighing as he sits down in his seat. Taking a quick look around, he pulls out his phone and opens his photos app, smiling at the several photos he’s managed to sneak of the object of his obsession. Is it obsession? Probably, but he can’t bring himself to care, not as he takes his co*ck out to stroke it, licking his lips at the thought of her riding him in his very car, picture after picture of her swiping by. How he loves everything about her, her dedication, passion, personality, the bubbly way she laughs and smiles. He can’t wait to see her in his dreams tonight.

He’d tell her every night to have sweet dreams.


“No water bottle today, Miss (Y/N)?” Kyojuro cheekily smiles as his student packs up her things. She’s the last to leave today, seeming to be lost in a bit of a haze. His mind reels over what she could possibly be thinking about. Maybe him?! He hopes so!

“Oh, uh, no,” she joylessly chuckles, clearing her throat and holding a brighter smile. “It was actually my boyfriend’s and he was pretty upset I forgot it the other day, so I won’t be able to use it anymore.”

“Ah, I see! That’s unfortunate, it seemed like a nice bottle.” Boyfriend? Boyfriend?! She has a boyfriend? Why did she never tell him? His heart wrenches at the discovery. And here they are, four weeks from midterms! He’d consider them fairly close by now!

“That’s why I liked using it!” Her laugh has become genuine, dancing through the air like bells, the most beautiful, heavenly bells Kyojuro’s ever heard. “It was easier for me to keep hydrated using it. Just something about that bottle, ya know?”

“I can certainly relate! I don’t like grading papers unless with a specific pen!”

“That’s such a dorky thing, professor.” Checking her watch, the girl huffs. “Ah, well, I need to leave for work soon. It was nice talking to you, professor!”

“Let me know if you need help with anything!”

“I will, promise!” And with that bright smile, she skips out the door.

Kyojuro sincerely hopes she comes to him for help. Despite starting the semester so strong, seemingly out of nowhere her grades began to drop, missing assignments becoming more frequent, and not to mention she’s been spacing out in class a lot too. Stroking his chin and leaning back in his swivel chair, he can’t help but hope she’s okay.

Thoughts of her well being quickly turn sour, however, as his focus shifts to the discovery of her boyfriend. How long have they been together? Just what kind of guy is he? Without a doubt, Kyojuro’s sure as hell he could treat her better than any other man could. No doubt whatsoever! Rage builds slowly, a dark shadow in the back of his mind, but instead welcomes happier thoughts of his (Y/N).

What would life as HIM as her boyfriend be like? Oh, simple, he thinks with a smile. He’d take her out on dates always, shower her with love and affection, cuddle her long into the night while watching scary movies, cook her food, dance with her like dorks out in the driveway, just so many wonderful things! The further he delves into this fantasy world, the more vivid the images become.

Especially her as a moaning mess in his bed.

Oh, what a sight that would be! He’d do anything she’d want to do, explore anything she wants to explore! Anything is on the table! Anything!

He means it with such conviction, the shadow creates a beautiful image of (Y/N) mounted on top of him, a beautiful lace lingerie outfit that accentuates her every gorgeous curve, bouncing up and down on his co*ck with the most blissed expression on her face. She’d look so beautiful! Beautiful, beautiful! Those cute tit* of hers bouncing, every bunch of flesh and muscle jiggling and flexing, those cute little hands entwined with his as she showers him with praise. He could hear it now.

“Daddyyy~ I love your co*ck, daddyyy~”

“Tell me what you love, darling.”

“Its so thick and hot, daddy!”

“f*ck,” he moans aloud, checking his clock. He’s got some time before the next class. Kyojuro undoes his belt, unleashing his painfully stiff co*ck, stroking it as he imagines more filthy, sinful things she’d moan for him, that beautiful voice of hers singing. He’d make her sing all night, biting his lip as he strokes himself. This’ll be a big load, he can already feel it, and thoughts of filling her c*nt over and over, breeding her so good, soon has him spilling into his hand.

He curses as he breathes heavy, eyes wandering over to the desk she sits at for class. Images of f*cking her over that desk claws into his mind, the man cleaning his hand with a tissue before losing himself to the throes once more.


Kyojuro hates Wednesdays. Well, hate is a strong word. They’re distasteful, mostly because its one of the days (Y/N) isn’t in his class, which are normally Mondays and Fridays. On the bright side, those classes are an hour and a half, so it should make up for it, but he finds it doesn’t, and can’t help but be frustrated with himself why he thought it would be a good idea to schedule it this way in the first place.

But on the even brighter bright side, she works today! And he has more than a few hours before his next class. With a happier pep to his step, he makes for the campus cafe, finding the prospect of ordering a coffee from his student exciting! But he wants her to be more than his student, he wants her as his lover!

Opening the large window doors, he beams at the sight of his heart’s desire behind the counter, greeting customers and bustling to make their drinks. She’s so adorable in her apron, ponytail and cap! He takes his place in line, shuffling excitedly on his feet, barely able to contain it! And finally, finally he approaches the counter, his (Y/N) looking up at him with big surprised eyes.

“Professor! Your usual?”

“Yes, please!” He laughs, voice booming in the cafe. A few of the usual odd stares are directed to him, but he couldn’t care, not when she’s laughing with him in such joy.

“I’ll get it right out for you!” And that smile, that beautiful smile that could make him drown out everything else in the world. He wants that smile directed at just him, no one else. A shame she has to work a job that requires her to smile for everyone, but he just feels hers is different for him, it has to be! “How’s grading with that special pen been?”

Her cute little grin could make him squeal. “Its been wonderful! I enjoy seeing my students’ progress.”

“Progress, huh?” She chews her lip, brows furrowing as she ponders something. Handing him the drink, her mouth opens and closes as she tries to form her question.

“Is everything okay?” What is it? What is it?!

“Um, the study guide you sent to us for the midterms coming up…”

“Yes?” He blinks, paired with his best smile.

“Actually, can you stay for just ten more minutes? I need to serve the rest of the customers and then my shift is over. Is that okay?”

“Of course! Its not a problem!”

“Thank you, professor!” She beams. Oh, gods, she’s beautiful. “You really are the best.”

“I try! I’ll find a seat and wait.”

“Thank you again!”

Kyojuro takes one of the two-seating tables near the large glass windows of the cafe, taking out some papers to grade to pass the time. With the lo-fi music gently thumping in the background, the bustle of people talking creating a mild white noise, the coffee, and the soft late February sunlight pouring in, it creates such a perfect environment. And soon the love of his life will be sitting with him, enjoying the ambiance with a conversation! He can’t believe she asked! Its wonderful!

Its hard to maintain his focus, not when perfection itself is nearby. As sneakily as possible, Kyojuro takes out his phone, wanting to capture her in her working environment. He snaps several photos, then quickly changes to another app. It wouldn’t be any good for someone to assume he’s a creep. Its purely normal to take pictures of someone so dear to his heart. He loves her more than anything and wants to treat her like the beautiful queen she is.

(Y/N) plops in the seat across from him, surprising him a little. “Thank you for staying after, it really means a lot.”

“Of course! Now how can I help you?” Kyojuro offers his warmest smile, the sight of the pink rising in her cheeks, face illuminated by the soft afternoon sunlight creating an image he knows no camera can capture. The shadow memorizes the picture, storing it away for later.

“Um, well, I’ve been having a hard time focusing in class,” the girl admits meekly.

“I’ve noticed.”

“You have?” She blinks.

“Miss (Y/N),” he softly chuckles, rummaging through his messenger bag to pull out one of her papers, “this is the essay question I passed out the other day in class.” Presenting it, her eyes droop sadly at the red marks littered across the page, his heart drooping a little at the sight too. “Your thoughts are all over the place, syntax errors as well as content errors such as rambling here, here…my point is, you started the semester so well. What’s happened?”

“Uhh,” she stumbles, biting her lip and picking the hem of her work apron. Thoughts seem to cascade behind her eyes, heightening his worry. “Remember that boyfriend I mentioned?” He gives a simple nod, because of course he remembers, he remembers everything she’s shared with him! He wouldn’t make a good future partner if he didn’t! “Well, we started going out a few weeks ago, and then I got kicked out of my parent’s place. I’m nineteen, and they didn’t approve of me dating someone so much older than me.”

“Older? By how much?”

Sucking a deep breath, she winces out, “26…”

“Ah, well, you’re perfectly legal as well as an adult who can make your own decisions. I wish your parents respected your wishes, that’s truly unfortunate.”

“How old are you, professor, if you don’t mind me asking? I know some people are sensitive about that.”

“I believe I’m turning 30 this year!” Kyojuro grins, large and toothy. “Ask me anything you want, I don’t mind sharing at all.”

The girl chuckles and smiles. “I’ll remember that. And thank you. I wish they were as open minded as you are. They’re a little more, erm, traditional.”

“So what happened after they removed you?”

“Well, I had nowhere else to go except my boyfriend’s,” she says with a shrug. “I guess we’re just both getting used to sharing a space with each other. Its been a little stressful.”

“Ah, yes, combining two different living styles so fast can be rough,” he nods encouragingly, while on the inside the shadow seethes in jealousy. This other man, obviously unworthy of such a drop of sunshine, already has her in the clutches of his home! How could be compete with that? But the shadow pauses a moment, melting to the back of his mind. Patience is all they need. “So this has been the source of your recent distractions?”

“Yes,” she says with a slow nod, but there’s an uncertainty behind her eyes that feeds his curiosity. But he won’t press too much, not now.

“It must be very stressful. However, I cannot simply give you a free pass. Everyone must work hard to earn their grade, including you.”

(Y/N)’s expression falls a little. “I want to work hard, I really do! I’ve gotten the notes from other classmates, but when I sat down to work on the study guide, I just got so confused. I didn’t remember anything from class, and I could tell there’s stuff on the guide that we must’ve discussed because its not on the notes.”

“There are topics we covered in discussions,” he nods. Oh, he must do something for her, she’s so stressed and looks so defeated! The shadow perks. This could be the chance to be her hero, save her and whisk her off her feet! Kyojuro’s small frown grows into a bright smile. “Would you like some personal tutoring?”

Her eyes blow wide. “You’d do that for me?”

“Yes! I care about my students! I do not wish to see you fail, Miss (Y/N), especially if there’s something that can be done about it!”

The tears gathering in her hopeful eyes makes his heart dance, pounce, sing! “Th-Thank you so much! This means so much to me!”

“You’re a good student, and if you properly apply your energy, there’s no telling the heights you could reach,” he says confidently, large signature smile infectious. She finds herself smiling too.

“Thank you- just, thank you!”

“Would tutoring after work on Wednesdays be good for you?” He questions with a tilt of his head.

“That would be great,” she sighs. “We could do it right here! Is it, erm, possible you can tutor me…now?” The girl looks so shy as she asks, Kyojuro has to fight his squeal building up.

“I certainly wouldn’t mind. I’m ahead in my grading, I think I can spare plenty of time for you.” He chuckles, a little proud of his subtle flirt.

“I’ll get my bag!” She excitedly hops to the back room, Kyojuro sipping his cup to contain his excitement. Oh, this is wonderful! A beautiful chance to get to know her better, become her friend, rescue her from the F looming over her shoulder and become her shining knight!

She’s like a drop of sun as she skips over with her bag in her hands, so grateful and excited as she fishes for the study guide and notes. They work through the first page of questions on the study guide, Kyojuro enthusiastically encouraging her, praising her, correcting her gently, and celebrating their success of knocking out the first page. But soon it all has to end, a text chiming from her phone making her face flush.

“It seems I stayed out a little late,” she laughs nervously. “I should really get home. Next week I’ll be ready, and I’ll pay more attention in class! Thank you so much for doing this with me, professor, you’ve pretty much saved me.”

“I am happy to do it!” He grins. “Get home safely!”

“Safely, absolutely.” With a wave, she rushes out the door, the teacher watching after her with love struck eyes, thinking her so cute as she bounds away to her car.

What a beautiful, radiant woman, he can’t help but think. She’s his sunshine, his little sun. Oh! No, none of those are quite right, none except one.

His little sun drop.


“Oh, Kyojuro~” moans the object of his desire, her hands threading through his hair, pulling him against her neck. He bites and sucks on the supple skin, loving her dewy taste.

“Yes, sun drop?” He purrs, kissing under her ear, fluttering kisses down her neck. Taking a plump nipple between his lips, he suckles softly, moaning from her lust filled stare.

“C-Can I call you daddy?” She asks shyly, face flush.

“You can call me anything you want, my love.” His voice seems to echo all around him, but he doesn’t mind it. It makes her laugh sound more amazing than it already does. The image of her isn’t quite clear either, a little foggy, a little sheer. But he doesn’t mind that either.

He laughs in surprise as she rolls over on top of him, hands running down his chest, biting her lip. “Can I ride your co*ck, daddy?”

“Of course you can, ride me all you want, sweetheart.”

“Thank you, daddy~” the girl purrs, face blooming in different shades of crimson as she lowers herself on him, mewling and moaning, Kyojuro hissing as her warmth consumes him.

“Ohh~ your puss* feels amazing, sun drop, tight just for me.” His hands hold her hips to guide her, the cute lewd expressions scrunching her face making him growl. “Gotta move if you wanna ride me, baby.”

“Y-Yes, daddy,” she sighs, rocking her hips in circles as she takes more of him. “Ahh~ oh, daddy, you’re so big!”

“Like my big co*ck?”

“Yes, yes, I love it, daddy!”

“You’re such a dirty girl,” he smiles, helping her move her hips in faster motions, her cute tit* bouncing, her hands planted firmly on his chest. “Dirty girl, mmm, my naughty girl. You’re my girl, right?”

“Your dirty girl, d-daddy~”

“You’re mine only, right?”

“Only yours!”

“Not that little boy toy’s?”

“No, no!”

“Gonna leave that boy, baby? f*ck, take your professor’s big co*ck every night instead like a good little slu*t?”

“Yes, yes! f*ck, daddy!”

Ramming into her from below, relishing in her cries of pure pleasure, puss* gripping so wonderfully tight, he laughs at how beautiful she looks getting pounded, f*cked in all the right places, sending her over the edge.

“That’s my good sun drop! Cum on daddy’s co*ck, you’re mine, and mine only!” In an instant he has their positions flipped, a crazed look in his eyes as he holds her hips in a bruising grip, f*cking her harder, faster, her body in spasms as her puss* takes the delicious abuse. “You’re mine! Mine! This puss* is mine, this body mine, your heart and soul mine! Tell me you’re mine!”

“I’m yours, daddy!” She screams, tears of pleasure pouring down her cheeks. “It feels so good!”

“I’m the only one who can make you feel this good, little sun drop, the only man who can do this to you.” He f*cks harder, a manic smile curling his lips. “Because you’re all mine, and you won’t ever go, no, because I’ll take care of you forever, love you forever, do you want that too?”

“Yes! Yes, I won’t leave, I’m yours forever!”

The moment he c*ms, his eyes snap open, suddenly sitting up as he breathes heavy. Looking around his dark room, then the empty spot beside him on the bed, he groans in disappointment. It was only a dream? Looking down, he’s met by his stiff erection, throbbing and twitching with need. Sighing, he lays down, pulling down his boxers to free his co*ck and stroke it.

What a beautiful dream, though, those things she said, the way her insides felt. His (Y/N), oh his (Y/N), he’d give anything to hear her say she’s his forever. Yeah…his little sun drop. Kyojuro hums as he thinks of her lips, reaching to his nightstand for his phone, scrolling through the pictures until he finds the one he’s looking for. Last class he managed to catch a stunning photo of her, smiling as he finds it. There’s his sweetheart, a lost look in her eyes as she rests a pen against her lips. He zooms in, groaning from how cute and plump they are, imagining how amazing they’d look with his co*ck there instead of her pen.

Is it wrong for a professor to lust this much after a student? Of course. Does he care? Not in the slightest. He loves her, and that’s all that matters. And he’ll have her no matter what, because the images of her blushing face claiming she’s his might as well be reality to Kyojuro. It slowly takes the place of reality, like a dark mist lead by the shadow shrouding his mind. With every stroke of his co*ck, every twitch of his leg, every breathless groan, the mist becomes thicker.

“You’re mine, mine,” he moans, grunting as he spills his hot seed into his palm. “Ohhh~ sun drop, I’ll make you mine. No matter what. Sweet dreams, my love.”


The first two tutoring sessions were a great success, Kyojuro enjoying every moment of his time spent with (Y/N). She’s so cute when she’s focused and just so smart, catching on quickly. Together they make quick progress through the study guide, her grades greatly improving, her attention in class almost unwavering, save for the few occasions he’s seen her frowning at her phone before putting it away. And then she’d smile, smile at him.

It was Kyojuro’s conscious choice to wear shirts that accentuate his arms, it seeming to be what most of his female students ogle at during class rather than pay attention. But he doesn’t care about them, he only cares about his little sun drop. She’s so fixated by him, it makes his blood burst in excitement! Is she falling for him? He certainly hopes so!

But today, what was supposed to be their third study session, the next week being the last before the mid term, he can’t help but notice her deep set frown. She hasn’t been able to focus at all, almost 40 minutes in and she still has that depressed exterior.

Closing the notes, the teacher sighs, this seeming to catch her attention. She blinks, tilting her head. “Why’d you stop?”

“What was I covering?”

“Um…” Chewing her lip, (Y/N) sighs, the frown back on her face. “I don’t know. I wasn’t paying attention.”

“You’ve been astonishing these last few weeks,” he says, hoping some praise will make her more susceptible to his prodding questions. “Why this sudden change?”

“Its just, ugh, my boyfriend found out I’ve been doing this tutoring thing and he wants me to stop after today. I’m sorry…”

Its Kyojuro’s turn to blink. “Stop? Why stop?”

“He’s been so on edge about that stuff lately,” the girl sighs miserably. “He’s been on my phone, deleting contacts for all my guy friends, even deleted my best friend’s contact, won’t give me any personal space anymore, and insists he drives me everywhere. Everywhere! I don’t know what to do…”

A rage boils deep in his chest as tears fall down her cheeks, sniffling as she holds her face in her hands.

“Why not leave him?” He presses, hopeful that she considers it. She looks up at him, brows furrowed.

“But…I love him.”

Kyojuro feels this strange shattering sensation, irritation flooding his veins. “But he doesn’t treat you well.”

“Only sometimes,” she sputters, nervously playing with her apron. “Most of the time he’s really sweet, says sweet things, watches movies with me and cuddles, takes me to stargaze, and, well,” her voice tapers, head hanging low, “its not like I have anywhere to go anyways.”

“Does he not care about your education?” Its taking everything he has not to raise his voice. Or at least, speak louder than normal. “You are making an effort in your class, I don’t understand why he would view it as threatening.” Oh, he understands why, he’d react almost the same way, but wouldn’t react this rashly. Would he?

“I don’t know either, he just really doesn’t like me hanging out with my close friends or other dudes. He’s become crazy possessive and every time I try and talk to him about it, he either makes excuses or tells me I’m imagining things, even said its my own fault!” With a sad, sniffling sigh, (Y/N) takes a sip of her coffee. “He wants me to quit school too.”

“Who is this man?” Kyojuro asks slowly.

“Um, a student, but I really don’t think I should say.”

“(Y/N),” he says firmly, seriousness lacing his tone, the young girl looking up at him with glassy eyes, “if you are ever hurt or in danger, please do not hesitate to call me. Hand me your phone.” She does so, her teacher putting in his contact. “I’m under Kelly. If you need me for anything, and I mean anything, I will take care of you.”

“Professor,” she whispers, holding the device to her chest.

He gives her his best smile, an offering of comfort. “Please call me Kyojuro. It is not my business, but this sounds like a highly abusive relationship. I would prefer to see you smile, you’re very pretty when you smile.”

“Really?” She blushes.

“Don’t tell me he doesn’t like your smile?” He half heartily chuckles. Her sad eyes makes his heart squeeze.

“He’s not…gentle.”

Oh…oh, hohoho, oh. If he knew who this little brat was, he’d skin the f*cker alive.

“Well, don’t be afraid to email me any more questions you have for the study guide. I’m sure he wouldn’t think much of an academic email for help. I will try to explain best I could, but its more difficult through email. And remember, what do you do if you feel in danger?”

“Call you,” she whispers. “Um, what if its late?”

“How late?”

“Like…late, late.”

The glowing, heroic smile he beams makes her heart flutter. “Anytime you need me, I will be there!”

“Thank you so much,” she quivers, body shaking from the effort of holding back her tears. “Th-Thank you…”

“Of course. I hope things get better. Truly. Try and set some boundaries with him, okay? The only way it’ll stop is if you stand your ground or leave. Because you seem intent on not leaving, you’ll need to be very clear how far he’s allowed to go. Are you done for today?”

“No, I want to stay the whole time. I don’t feel ready to leave yet.”

“Very well! How about some pastries?”

The way her teacher sparkles brings a soft smile to her face, albeit sad. “Pastries sound wonderful, thank you.” He’s about to stand to fetch some, but she catches his sleeve. The man turns to her with a curious stare, eyes widening as she holds his pinky with hers. “Thank you…Kyojuro.”

“Of course, Miss (Y/N),” he smiles radiantly.

Kyojuro’s heart burns with rage at the discoveries he’s made today, but flutters in delight from her positive response to his offer of help. It seems this may be a good thing for him. While he truly believes its an injustice to her to suffer such a terrible relationship, he can’t help but think it creates a better opportunity to be her shining knight, swooping in to save her.

They simply talk as friends for the next hour, and to his delight (Y/N) glows in happiness again. Of course she does, she’s with him, and she will only ever be treated like a goddess when with him. But her happiness soon fades as an older Honda pulls up beside the coffee shop, Kyojuro able to barely make out the shape of a man with long blonde hair.

“Its…time for me to go. I’ll see you in class on Friday. Thank you again, Kyojuro.”

“Please keep safe!” He smiles, the one she returns filling his heart to the brim.

“I’ll try.”

And like that she’s gone, leaving the shop and stepping into the passenger side of the car, rolling down the street and into the horizon. Kyojuro sits, staring darkly into his coffee, eyes hazed in anger, veins bulging along his hair line, snapping a pen in two with one hand, knuckles white. The only monster who should get to lay claim to his sun drop is him and him alone.

But the shadow tells him just a little more patience and they’ll have everything they crave for.


(Y/N) has avoided looking at him all class, sitting in the back, nose in her notebook, and sunglasses masking her stare. Its alarming, all of it. She’s wearing baggy pants, a T shirt that obviously doesn’t belong to her, nothing like the cute outfits she’s been wearing the duration of the semester.

Of course, Kyojuro knows exactly why.

He especially notices when she tries to scurry out of the class among her classmates, a futile attempt at blending with the crowd to escape his eyes. But he’s not having it.

“(Y/N)!” He calls with a happy grin, “I’d like to speak to you before you go.”

“U-Um, yes, professor,” she squeaks, timidly shuffling close.

The man waits until all the students have filed out of the room, standing to move to the front of his desk, leaning back on it with his arms crossed. She stands far from him, but an equal distance between him and the door.

“Take the glasses off.”


“Take them off!” He frowns apologetically as she whimpers. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have raised my voice. Please, (Y/N), take the sunglasses off.”

Slowly, she reaches up and pulls them away, Kyojuro’s eyes widening at the bruised blue welt over her eye. She sniffs, lip quivering. “I’m pathetic.”

“What? No, no, no.” He’s at her side, an arm around her shoulder as he moves her to sit down on his chair, kneeling next to her, running a comforting hand up and down her back as she breaks down in sobs. “What happened?”

“He-He-He,” the girl takes a deep breath, “He hit me!” To his utter surprise, she throws her arms around his neck, burying her face in his shoulder. “I-I tried to do as you said,” she shudders through a heavy sob, “e-establish my boundaries, but he got m-mad and hit me!”

“Ohh, (Y/N),” Kyojuro frowns, arms curling tight around her, a hand petting her hair. “I’m so sorry, so, so sorry. You deserve someone who would never do such a thing to you.”

“But I’m pathetic, I deserve nothing!” She wails, pressing closer into his warmth. So warm, she wants to feel warmth like this always.

“You are not pathetic!” He pulls away, hands on her shoulders as he looks her sternly in the eyes. “You are beautiful, driven, a hard worker! You’re passionate, dedicated, and full of happiness! You deserve a man who will shower you in all the love and affection you deserve, protect you than hurt you, add to your happiness rather than steal it all away! You deserve the world, (Y/N)!”

“You think so?” Her eyes drop to her knees, lip quivering. “But I couldn’t stop him.”

Kyojuro pulls her into another tight embrace. “You shouldn’t have to.”

“Kyojuro…I don’t wanna go home.” The smaller girl clings desperately to him. “I don’t wanna go back. I wanna leave.”

“I know you do. Know that no one will blame you for this, this is entirely on that ungrateful brat. Why didn’t you call me?”

“He took my phone…”

That creates some problems. Kyojuro frowns, chewing his lip. “Do you know his WiFi password?” He feels her nod. “Good.” He scoots her back in the chair, rummaging through his middle desk drawer, pulling out an old iPod. “Use this. The passcode is 2424. Its connected to my phone. As long as you’re on WiFi, you can text or call me. Its small, so you’ll be able to hide it maybe in your bra.”

“Yeah,” she nods, holding the device. “Kyojuro?”


“Why are you doing all this for me?” His student’s sad, empty stare makes him smile morosely.

“You’re being abused, it wouldn’t be good of me as your teacher to know about it only to stand by and do nothing. It isn’t right. The way he treats you is wrong and is against everything I stand for.” (Y/N)’s eyes slowly widen as he talks. “I will protect you if you need me to. Okay?”

“Thank you,” she smiles, a pure happy smile. She checks the time, frowning, standing and quickly moving to the other side of the desk. Kyojuro sits, looking away as she puts the iPod away in her bra. How lucky the device is…

“Remember,” he says with his best award winning smile, “anytime you need me, I’ll be there to help you! Anything you need!”

“I’m like a broken record,” (Y/N) sniffles, but can’t help but smile after seeing his beautiful one, “I keep saying thank you.”

“And that’s okay. Don’t you go shaming yourself either.”

“Tha-“ There’s a knock on the door.

“Darling?” Comes a sickly sweet voice, (Y/N)’s face going pale. She wipes her eyes, putting the sunglasses on just in time as the door opens, a tall man peaking his head in. “You’re taking a little long, don’t you think?”

“Oh, I didn’t realize you were waiting for me. Sorry, Douma.” The girl turns to Kyojuro, giving a small wave. “Thanks for answering my questions about the midterm, I’ll see you on Monday, professor!”

“Think nothing of it! Take good care of yourself, Miss (Y/N)!” He chuckles, sounding completely natural, but absolutely forced. His eyes momentarily meets the other man’s, reds and golds locked with every color of the rainbow.

“Thank you for helping my sweet darling, professor,” the blonde man says slowly, voice dripping with possessiveness, a cruel smile twisting his lips. “What would she do without you?”

“Oh, you give me far too much credit!” Kyojuro counters, a threateningly kind grin on his face, eyes blazing. “Miss (Y/N) is a brilliant student, she does very well on her own. She deserves the utmost respect!”

“Indeed she does,” the man purrs. “Have a good evening…professor.”

“You as well!”

The door closes, the silence deafening. A slam echoes over the empty plastic seats, Kyojuro’s fist splintering the wood of his desk, his nostrils flaring, eyes wide, jaw clenched, veins bulging on his neck. There’s almost nothing he can do, nothing he can do to steal his sun drop away from that disgusting creature!

The shadow entices him to calm, his breathing coming to a slow, frowning sheepishly at the cracked wood. He’ll cover it up, maybe with a large desk mat. The entity in the back of his mind replays the fresh vivid memories, the feeling of her warmth in his arms, her real warmth, her small frame, sweet scent, her tight embrace. Then the smiles she returned to him, happy and pure.

Her heart is slowly becoming ours.

“Yes,” he whispers.

There’ll be an opening soon.

“Then she’ll be mine.” A manic smile twists his handsome features, a low, joyless laugh. “That child stands no chance. She’s already mine.”


His phone ringing startles Kyojuro, bolting awake, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he looks at the clock. 1 AM? Who would be calling at…

The next ring doesn’t get a chance to sound, the man answering his phone quickly. “(Y/N)?”

“Kyojuro,” whimpers the voice of his heart’s desire. “I-I…”

“(Y/N), what do you need?”

“He’s asleep,” she whispers. “He did it again tonight. Called me a,” sniff, “a whor* for talking to you.” Her sobs border on out of control, the girl breathing heavy as she tries to stay quiet. “I want to leave.”

“Want me to come get you?” His heart pumps wildly, already changing into a pair of sweat pants.


“Try and pack anything you’re gonna need. I’ll be there as quick as I can. Text me the address.”

“Okay. Thank you, oh, thank you.”

“Once you have everything, go in the bathroom and lock the door. Don’t come out until I tell you to. I’ll send you a text, okay?”


“You’re really brave, (Y/N).” He senses it, her need for validation, or maybe that she’s doing the right thing. “You’re an amazingly strong person. I’m on my way, fast as I can.”

“I’m so thankful for you. I-I-“

“Wait until I’ve got you safe to thank me, alright? Stay safe.”

“I’ll try…”

As he hangs up, Kyojuro can’t help his smile, practically jumping to his closet for a shirt. He’s going to have her! This is everything he’s ever hoped for, saving her from the big bad boyfriend, protecting her, showering her with affection, taking care of her, making her feel valued and loved, oh, perfect!

Patience has paid off, now as he’s rushing out of his house to the driveway, climbing into his car and punching in the address (Y/N) has sent him. Keeping an eye out for cops, he rushes as fast as he can, the moon watching the events unfolding with little interest. The town gets grungier and grungier, Kyojuro almost unable to believe she’s been living in such an area. But then again, when thrown out of a parent’s home, it wouldn’t leave anyone with many options. He can’t wait to make her life better.

He’s crawling through the apartment complex, stopping just outside of the unit he’s been directed to. Unit 2037… Leaving the car idling in case they need to make a quick escape, Kyojuro throws his hood up, sending a text telling (Y/N) he’s outside waiting.

Seconds crawl by, each longer than the last, finally one of the doors opening, the small shivering form he knows so well quietly shutting it behind her. She seems to pause, stare directed at him. He briefly removes his hood, his golden hair seeming to glow as a safe beacon to the girl. She loses all sense of caution, scrambling down the cement stairs, flying across the lawn and throwing herself into his arms.

“Kyojuro!” She sobs softly, nuzzling into the warmth of his jacket.

“I’m here, I’m here,” he murmurs, putting his hood back up, petting down her back. “Let’s get you out of here, huh?”

He curls an arm behind her shoulders, guiding her to his car. A slam echoes off the buildings, the girl freezing in her tracks.

“(Y/N), the f*ck do you think you’re doing, you little bitch!” Screams a familiar voice.

“Run!” Kyojuro shouts, grabbing her wrist and pulling her behind him. She glances over her shoulder, a new wave of tears as she sees her abuser rushing down the stairs, the crazed jealousy and alarm in his eyes making her blood run cold. Oh, gods, no, no!

Her legs pace with Kyojuro’s, breathing heavy through the tears, the cold night air burning her lungs. Her savior slows to a stop, opening his backseat door so she can throw herself in, closing it and getting into his seat. Throwing the car into gear, he takes off, watching in the rear view mirror as Douma slides across the wet pavement, it having lightly rained not much earlier. The man sprints after the car, (Y/N) curled in the backseat, covering her ears as her pursuer screams obscenities.

The car soon outruns the man, leaving him heaving in the middle of the street.

“You can’t run away, darling!” Douma screams through a sick smile. “I’ll find you, and once I do, I’ll end that dick you’re running away with! You can’t escape meeee!”

Those words rattle in her mind, softly sobbing.

“(Y/N)…” Kyojuro says softly, reaching a hand back. She gratefully takes it, the warmth that spreads through her body making her sigh in relief. She can’t believe how warm he is. “You’re safe now. I won’t let him hurt you.”

“I,” she gulps, “are you taking me to your home?”

“Is that okay with you?” His brilliant eyes look to hers in the rear view mirror, a hopeful gleam hidden deep within them.

“Yes,” she whispers, sitting up fully, but never letting go of his hand. “That’s fine. Um…I might have to stay a while.”

“You want to wait until he’s not looking for you anymore,” Kyojuro says, sympathy in his voice, giving her hand a squeeze.

“Yeah. Is that okay?”

“I said anything you need, didn’t I?” Briefly turning, he flashes her a toothy grin. “If you need a place to stay, I’ll provide it for you. I’ll keep you safe.”

“Thank you. I don’t deserve this.”

His attention is back on the road. “You deserve the world, (Y/N).”

The girl’s eyes watches him closely, studying the gentle curve of his face, long eyelashes, thick wild hair, and strong calloused hand. She finds herself smiling, feeling completely safe.

“Thank you, Kyojuro.”


Once in the safety of his home, Kyojuro locks the door and watches as she admires his spacious living room. He places his hand gently at the small of her back, guiding her farther into his home to the flight of stairs nestled between the living room and the kitchen. Leading her up to a wide open loft, he shows her one of the doors to the right.

“This is your bathroom and the guest room. Its completely your space, do as you please. You’re allowed to stay as long as you want.”

Opening the door, she smiles at all the personal space. There’s a set of glass sliding doors that lead to a small patio to her left, the closet to her right, a chest of drawers up against the closest wall and a full size bed against the wall across from her.

“Kyojuro, this is wonderful. Thank you…”

“Of course. My door is on the other side of the loft. Never be afraid to knock for anything, understand? I’ll come wake you up for breakfast.”

He’s once again surprised by her holding him in a tight hug, her face nuzzling into his chest as she softly cries. “C-Can you stay with me tonight?”

“That…would be improper of me. I’m still your teacher, even if I want to.”

“Then can you as my friend?”

There’s a loud silence, Kyojuro swallowing a thick gulp. Truly, he’s afraid he won’t be able to control himself. She’s just come to him, so willingly too, he can’t afford to ruin this now!

“I’ll stay until you fall asleep.”

“Thank you…”

“Get changed. Let me know when you’re ready.” He steps outside the room, closing the door behind him, listening with baited breath to the sounds of her putting her bag down, clothes shuffling on and off, then her gentle footsteps approaching the door. It timidly opens for him, the man sitting on the edge of the bed as she slips under the covers. He pulls them up higher for her, tucking her in a little.


“Yes?” He hums.

“What if he doesn’t stop looking?”

“I will keep you safe, you needn’t worry. Everything will be okay.”

“You really think so?” She looks so vulnerable, eyes large and innocent, blinking up at him, beautiful hues glowing in the moonlight.

“I know so,” he smiles confidently. “As long as I’m here, nothing can hurt you.”

“Nothing,” she smiles back, breathing coming to a slow as fatigue sets in. “Thank you, Kyojuro. You’ve been wonderful to me.”

“You deserve nothing less than wonderful, Miss (Y/N).” He pets back her hair, gently moving strands out of her face, her peaceful calm smile something he wants to protect forever. How he wishes to tell her how he feels. “Have sweet dreams.”


Kyojuro had never been so excited to wake up before, even to teach! He practically leaped from his bed, scrambling down his stairs to make breakfast. Breaking open eggs and chopping vegetables and bacon, he’s soon cooking a large quiche in his skillet. Its his brother’s favorite breakfast food, the man thinking it could make a great conversation starter should the topic come up. It would be a great opening to learn more about her family life.

Not that she needs anyone else anymore. He loves her so much, knowing he’s the only person in the world who could love her right, it can only be him. Everyone else will just be cruel to her. Her parents for throwing her out, her boyfriend for hurting her, no, none of them deserve her.

A twisted smile curls Kyojuro’s lips. Yes, he’s the only one who deserves (Y/N). She’s his.

The twisted smile is soon replaced by a beaming one as the quiche finishes cooking all the way through in the oven, flipping it onto a plate and cutting it in half, moving the other half to a new plate. He pours a glass of orange juice and balances the meal up the stairs. To free his hand to knock on her door, he places his own plate on one of the tables in the loft. Now knocking, he listens close for a response.

Kyojuro opens the door slowly, peaking in, ready to gush just from how cute (Y/N) looks starfishing on the bed. So, so cute! Everything she does is cute!

He walks her plate and cup to her night stand, gently shaking her shoulder to wake her. The girl groans, nuzzling herself into the warmth of the bed.

“Miss (Y/N),” he coos, “I made breakfast. Time to get up.”


“Yes, I made quiche! Please wake up, I’d like for you to enjoy it with me.” It took everything he had not to call her sun drop. He doesn’t want to make the moves so suddenly in fear of chasing her away. No, he must prove to her how amazing he can make her feel just by being there with him. All in the efforts of showing he’s the one.

Because of course he is. He won’t accept anything but that as the truth.

(Y/N)’s eyes slowly opens, blowing wide at the sight of her teacher. She sits straight up, scooting back against the head board. “Wh-Wh-What?”

“Calm down, I came and got you last night, remember?”

“Oh. Yeah…I’m sorry, Kyojuro.”

“What are you apologizing for?” He chuckles. “Besides, I will always forgive you! Are you in the mood for food?”

His words colors her cheeks a little, her attention turning to the steaming quiche he brought. Oh, it looks so good! Mouth watering, she picks it up and digs in, sighing from the delicious taste. “This is so good!”

“Is it? I’m glad. I’ll be right back.” He fetches his own food, plopping a respectable distance at the foot of the bed, happily eating. “Mhm! Delicious!”

“I didn’t know you can cook, Kyojuro,” she smiles, taking another yummy bite of quiche. “Wow! I need this recipe!”

“I’d be more than willing to share it with you! Or make it whenever you like.”

“You would? That might be everyday!”

“I am happy you love it!” He seems to sparkle, smiling so bright. “It is my brother’s favorite!”

“You have a brother?” She asks, taking another bite.

“I do! His name is Senjuro. He’s my younger brother and is very dear to me. I love him with all my heart!” Taking another happy bite, he chews and swallows quickly. “Do you have any siblings, Miss (Y/N)?”

“Just (Y/N) is fine.” Oh, its so difficult for him to contain how happy that makes him! “I have an older brother, but he lives in another part of the country, so I hardly get to see him. Besides, I don’t think he really cares about me that much.”

“Why’s that?” The teacher asks with a tilt of his head.

“He knows our parents kicked me out but did nothing to help me. Even when he lived with us he rarely took my side in anything. Snitched on me all the time, didn’t watch my back, even his Christmas and birthday presents had no effort put into them. Never made time for me either. Didn’t even support me in anything I did.” (Y/N) huffs, taking a sip of the orange juice. “I might as well not have had a brother.”

“That’s very unfortunate,” Kyojuro smiles sympathetically. “You don’t deserve to be treated in such a way.”

“I’m used to it. Its how everyone treats me, even my friends,” she shrugs. Well, its not totally true. Kyojuro has been very good to her, so good she doesn’t know how to handle it. Its as if he reads her mind.

“Does that include me as well?” His teasing smile brings one to her face.

“No, no! You’ve been very kind to me. You have no idea how much I appreciate it.”

“Of course! It wouldn’t be right of me not to do anything about it. I’m glad to help you.”

“I hope I’m not a burden.”

“You could never be!” With a jovial laugh, he hopes it hides his subtle flirt, and from the cute smile she has, Kyojuro’s sure he’s successful!

“Well, thank you. Should I email my teachers and tell them I won’t be able to make it to class for a while? Like a family emergency?”

“That would probably be for the best. He knows your schedule, correct?”

“He does,” she mumbles, looking down sadly. “He knows everything about me. Well, maybe not where my parents live, but that would be the only thing. I’m just going to wait until he’s over it, find a place, then live my own life.”

“Well, you’ll always be welcome here,” Kyojuro says with a soft smile, but inside there’s a slight panic. He doesn’t want her to get a place of her own, he wants her to remain with him forever. He’s all she’ll ever need! But the shadow calms him, assuring she’ll come to see it, that of course she’ll see it. After all, she’s already his, even if she doesn’t know it yet.

Kyojuro gives her a better tour of the apartment after they finish eating, telling her if she needs anything for personal hygiene not to be embarrassed to ask him to pick something up! If there’s a specific dinner she wants, he’ll make it for her! If she wants to watch TV, she can watch whatever she wants! He offers the whole run of his home to her, from the pool and jacuzzi in his backyard to his own shower since its bigger than hers. All except the basem*nt.

“Why not there?” She asks, eyeing the door. There’s a small hallway between the stairs and the kitchen, leading to his study as well as the door under the stairs, which leads to his basem*nt.

“There’s a bit of mold down there I need to get professionally cleaned. I still need to schedule someone to do it, but its hard when I’m always busy. Your health is my priority, so I kindly ask you not to go down there! I don’t want you sick!” Hands on his hips, he gives her a small wink.

(Y/N) laughs, slowly growing more comfortable with his friendliness. She’s needed a friend like him for so long now. “Okay, then. I’ll stay out of there. I’m just glad to have somewhere to stay, I really am grateful.”

“Of course! I want you happy, so if there’s anything I can do, don’t hesitate to ask!”

Kyojuro lied. There’s no mold in the basem*nt. In truth, he hopes he never has to use the basem*nt. But in the events (Y/N) doesn’t come to realize she’s his, well…

…that’s what the basem*nt is for.


In the following days, (Y/N) makes herself at home at Kyojuro’s insistence. After all, she doesn’t know how long she’s going to need to stay there. In her rush to leave Douma, she only grabbed the important things like sleepwear, some normal clothes, panties, a hair brush, birth control and her tooth brush. At least she thought she brought her pills, but apparently not. Per his request, she asked her new found friend to pick up showering essentials and deodorant, as well as some tampons in case her period comes early.

Of course, the day she awoke in her new home, she kicked herself for not grabbing her phone when she had the chance. Kyojuro has let her keep his iPod, that way she can stream music, but the thing is so old it can’t run most apps. She’d call her mother if she remembered the phone number. Unfortunately, like an idiot, she didn’t commit it to memory. Besides, she’s too proud to face them. Or maybe too ashamed. She’d have to admit they were right about Douma and she shouldn’t have been with him.

Without her phone, much of her contact with the outside world has been cut off. When Kyojuro came home earlier this day from teaching, she was mortified to know her boyfriend came asking him questions.

He wasn’t lying either.

“Your boyfriend came to talk to me today,” he said after setting down his messenger bag. She was sitting on the couch watching a cartoon to take her mind off things. “It seems he’s trying to figure out who ‘the dick you ran off with’ is.”

“I didn’t run off with anybody,” she grumbled. “Well, at least not the way he thinks.”

“How would that be?” The man sat on the other end of the couch.

(Y/N) will admit, his respect for her space means more than anything to her. She responded with, “He probably thinks I’m running away with a new lover.”

“Let him think what he wants!” Kyojuro exclaimed loudly. “Maybe he will treat his partners better after this!”

“I went into the relationship so happy. I can’t believe he turned out to be an abuser.”

“People hide who they truly are,” he said with a sigh. “Especially when they desire someone, they put their best qualities forward to win a person’s affections!” Oh, the irony.

“He did do that,” the girl pondered softly. “I really don’t know if I could ever love again.”

“I wouldn’t rush to such a conclusion.” When she looked at him, there was something strange and dark in his eyes, making them alluring. She would admit right now, as she sits on the shower floor, it was painful to look away. Hours could go by of her just staring into his eyes. She noticed just how…pretty they are. And his smile was so gentle…

(Y/N) claps her cheeks. Why is she thinking these things of her professor? He’s her teacher, not to mention 30 years old! Is it because he’s just so, so sweet? He treats her so well, even better than Douma first did. He’s respectful of her space, has created an environment she’s totally comfortable in, says the nicest things, and only the nicest things. He hasn’t once degraded her, scold her, tease her at her expense, none of it!

He’s even offered his computer so she can do the homework her other teachers sent her. The girl can’t help but think how amazing he’s been through everything. Seriously, who else would drop whatever they’re doing at one in the morning to save her from her abusive boyfriend? None of her friends would even do that. Is Kyojuro now more her friend than her teacher?

Is that okay?

She doesn’t care to come up with an answer, instead thinking herself pathetic. The first person to show her all this kindness and she’s thinking of them like this?

“You’re not pathetic!”

Kyojuro’s words ring in her mind. He’s so supportive. Called her beautiful, hard working and passionate; (Y/N) can’t help but wonder what else he thinks of her.

He thinks she’s beautiful…she doesn’t feel beautiful.

Drying off and changing, she puts her dirty clothes in a hamper Kyojuro provided her before heading downstairs, tying her damp hair up.

“Ah, yes! Thank you! We look forward to its arrival!” The man ends his call, turning around hearing the stair creak. “I’ve ordered pizza!”

“Thank you,” she smiles. “What kind?”

“Sausage! I hope that’s okay?”

“I’ll eat whatever you feed me, Kyojuro. I’m just happy I’m getting food.”

“Truly, it is no problem. You are my guest and in my care. Anything you need and I will provide it for you!”

Laughing, (Y/N) sits on the couch, surprising herself she’s not sitting too far from him. Musing silently to herself, she wonders if its just something she can’t help. She feels totally safe in his presence, something she can’t say she’s felt with anyone else before. He’s not much older than Douma but she still feels comfortable.

“You’re really going out of your way. I hope one day I can make it up to you.”

“No need! Promise! It is very fulfilling to keep you safe and happy.”

Safe and happy? (Y/N) could cry from hearing those words. But she swallows it down, choosing to ask a question she’s been wondering since her first day there. “Kyojuro, is it okay if I ask a personal question?”

“You are free to ask me about anything!”

His constant enthusiasm brings a smile to her face, putting her at ease. It seems she really doesn’t need to worry about embarrassing herself asking him things. “I’m surprised there isn’t a Mrs Rengoku. Why is that?”

“Surprised? How so?”

“Well, you’re 30 right?” He nods. “You’ve got all these great qualities, with a great job teaching at a college, and you haven’t settled down?”

“Great qualities, huh?” The man smiles bashfully, cheeks tinging as he scratches his chin. The display is actually really cute, (Y/N) finding she wouldn’t mind if he blushed more. “Well, I haven’t found a woman who appreciates all these ‘great qualities.’”

“I find that hard to believe. If you’ve treated a woman anything like you’ve treated me, sh*t, I’d marry you.” (Y/N) just laughs, Kyojuro’s face turning a hilarious shade of red. Realizing what she just said, her face flushes as well, sputtering over herself as she tries to correct her statement. “I-I mean, you’re just so nice! You’ve made me breakfast, got me shampoo, you ordered food to feed me even more, you’ve just been so respectful and nice too its just-“ taking a deep breath “-I find it hard to believe a woman wouldn’t treat you right!”

“Th-That’s very kind of you,” he smiles, avoiding her eyes, blush stretching down his neck. “But its also been a case of vanity. I didn’t believe any of the women were…up to my standards.”

“Vanity? Having standards is vanity?” (Y/N) lightly chuckles. “If that’s the case, everyone is vain as f*ck.”

The loud laughter they exchange is heart warming. This is how it should’ve been with Douma…

“Ah, well, its just taken a long time to find the perfect someone, a wonderful person who can check off every box on the list.”

“Sounds like you’ve found her,” she says, honestly a little jealous there may be a woman who will one day be treated so well. But she doesn’t dwell on these feelings, thinking she should just be happy for him.

“I believe I have.”

(Y/N) once again has to force herself to look away from his eyes, the darkness that suddenly shrouds them pulling her in. What if she let herself be pulled in?

No, she shouldn’t be thinking like that. She’s going through a fresh break up, not thinking clearly at all. Her heart is hurt, clinging to anything nice he does. He’s just her teacher that’s concerned for her well being, nothing more than that, and she’s not going to pretend there’s anything more. She’d only end up hurting them both, and he’s such a good man, he doesn’t deserve that.

The door bell rings.

“Ah, that’d be the food!” Kyojuro claps with a sparkle in his eyes.


Kyojuro knows when he’s having a wet dream by now, and more than anything he wants the image before him to be real. And what a sinful sight it is.

(Y/N) lays moaning beneath him, eyes rolling back as he slowly ruts into her, the lewd wet squelches ringing in his ears. Her wrists are bound, tied to the bed post, tongue lolling out the side of her mouth at the feeling of such a thick co*ck buried in her. But its what his student deserves, dressed up in such a cute outfit, short pleated skirt, tight white button up tied to expose not just her midriff, but a boob window as well, collared at the top, complete with a tie that matches her skirt. She’s even wearing thigh high stockings with a garter, a small G string pushed to the side to make way for his co*ck, and her hair tied into pigtails.

“Daddy!” She moans.

“Like calling your professor daddy, sun drop?” He chuckles, punctuated with a skillful slam against her cervix. Oh, how her body trembles at the force.

“I-I do!”

“Mmm, you should be punished. I’ve got a great idea for punishment. After all,” his thumb strokes under her lip gloss coated lip, “you’re such a sinful baby girl, seducing your professor like this.”

“I deserve it, daddy,” his love moans, “please punish me!”

“Are you sure?” He chuckles, smiling more at her enthusiastic nods. “How could I ever say no to you, beautiful? So sweet, so pretty.”

“I’m pretty, daddy?” Her beautiful blush makes his heart burst, wanting more than anything for this to be real.

“Of course, my love! You’re the most beautiful woman in the world, and you’re all mine. You’re mine, aren’t you?” Giving another harsh snap of his hips, (Y/N) sings a beautiful moan for him. “You sound beautiful too, every man in the world would be jealous if they knew what you sound like.”

“I-I wanna scream, daddy!”

“I’ll make you scream, baby girl. Don’t you worry~”

He carefully removes her tie, tying her knees together, putting them both over one shoulder. Spitting heavily into his palm, he slides his slick coated co*ck from her c*nt, lubing it, (Y/N)’s eyes watching him curiously. He holds his palm out to her, raising a seductive eyebrow, the girl blushing and offering some of her own spit. Those same beautiful eyes widen in excitement as his lubed fingers trace her other hole, pressing in gently, his radiant partner moaning loudly.

“Oh, daddy!”

“Tonight, I’m tutoring you on anal. Ever had anal before?”

“N-No~” she sighs, seeming to relish his thick fingers stretching her tight walls.

“Mmm, then this will be fun, my love. Ready to take your professor’s co*ck up your ass like a good slu*t?” She nods vigorously, eyes glazing in need. “You’re so good for daddy. Maybe this’ll be a reward instead of a punishment.” Kyojuro presses the heavy tip of his co*ck against her hole, stretching so well to accommodate him. Oh, how gloriously tight her ass is, gripping him in a vice, (Y/N) nothing but a mess. “That’s a good girl, taking me so well~”

“Oh! OOhhh~ Kyojuro!” She cries, body shaking, hole burning from such thickness parting her walls, filling her to the brim, pushing her to her limit. He’s going slow, but it still hurts. But it feels so good, an ongoing struggle of pure pleasure!

“Good slu*t, taking daddy’s co*ck.” But his patience has run thin, shallowly thrusting, one hand clutching her hip and the other digging into her thigh. “Take my co*ck, take your professor’s co*ck. Anything for an A, right? Huh, little whor*?”

“Ahhh! Daddy!” She sobs, his pace picking up, every thrust going deeper, electrifying pain and pleasure clapping together, body in spasms. He’s ripping her ass apart, all she can do is lay there, moaning in delirious pleasure as he f*cks her into the mattress. Kyojuro bends her legs back more, f*cking like an animal, lost in the tightness of her ass, groaning and growling. In this vivid dream, she doesn’t stop cumming, climax after climax wrecking her body, his obsession screaming beneath him, begging for more, begging for him to f*ck her ass forever.

Of course, of course he’ll f*ck her ass forever! He’ll spend eternity filling her tight hole with load after load of cum, fill her puss* too, f*ck her throat, oh, he’ll just f*ck her. Always. Because she’s his, and no one else’s, and if they’re always f*cking, she’s no where else.

Kyojuro gasps as he wakes, body covered in sweat, the cool night air biting his skin. Damn! He woke up before the best part! He wanted to see her gaping ass dripping in his cum!

Of course, his co*ck stands tall, irritated, throbbing. About to reach for his phone, he pauses. Why would he do that…when the real thing is just outside his door?

He leaves his room silently, standing outside (Y/N)’s door. Should he even dare? Should he risk it?

A painful throb from his co*ck quickly makes up his mind, opening the door slowly and peering in. His eyes are adjusted enough to the dark to see her peaceful form on the bed, the softest snores floating through the air. Silently, he steps in, closing the door enough there’s only a crack behind him. So carefully, he walks to her bedside, chewing his lip, heart pounding so loud in his ears he’s surprised it doesn’t wake her.

(Y/N) sleeps almost just as sleeping beauty, except far more beautiful, cute lips slightly parted as she sleeps. He just stands, quietly, afraid to do anything in fear he might wake her, ruining everything he’s built between them.

But unable to resist temptation, his shadow guides him forward, leaning down slowly, brushing his hair behind his ears. He’s only an inch from her face, taking everything in his power to keep his breathing steady and quiet. She’s so perfect! He wonders…if her lips are as perfect as they look…

Kyojuro leans in, pressing his lips softly against hers. His skin erupts, tingles and shivers fast up and down his spine, holding back a moan. Oh, they are perfect! They fit so perfect against his! He kisses her again. And again. And again. He slowly, carefully, slips his tongue past her lips, walking a fine line to not wake her, delicately stroking her tongue with his. She tastes just as he imagined, better even!

If he was sure she’d stay asleep, he’d do more…

A different kind of tingle goes up his spine, pulling away from his obsession’s lips. As if a ghost, he vanishes, retreating back to his room, (Y/N) just missing him as she’s roused from her sleep. Groggily, she looks over her room, wondering what strange sensation she felt while she was dreaming. Oh, well. It was probably nothing. She lets sleep claim her once more.

It took several times, at least four, for Kyojuro to calm his co*ck enough to go back to sleep. But even then, his dreams are consumed by more unholy visions of (Y/N).


Thankfully, her teachers remained tight lipped when asked questions by Douma. He’s seen each of them, but they’ve said nothing per her request in her emails. They provided a way for her to take her midterms, (Y/N) having concocted a perfect family emergency situation to convince them. With Kyojuro’s help of course.

He told her exactly what they would want to hear, and had her tell each of them the same thing, and they f*cking bought it. To her, Kyojuro has become a resource she desperately needs. His laptop is her only connection to the outside world, to her teachers, and he fetches her whatever she needs. The threat of Douma still sniffing around has kept her locking herself in the safety of her teacher’s home. But she’s starting to get impatient.

While life with Kyojuro is wonderful, its exactly the reason she needs to go. He’s so wonderful and kind and considerate, the poor girl is afraid she’s falling for him. Every morning she pushes the feelings deep down, resigning herself over the last two weeks to think of him in any other way.

Not to mention, she’s noticed how desperately she wants the darkness in his eyes. (Y/N) hasn’t seen it since that night on the couch and is terrified she misses it. She can’t sleep with her teacher, let alone fall for him. Besides, he’s 30! That’s an eleven year age difference! How is she going to explain that to her parents?

There’s a nagging thought regarding her parents that she can’t quite piece together. She’s been sleeping so heavily lately that her mind is a little cloudy for the better part of the day. Why did she start getting so tired seemingly out of nowhere? She really couldn’t say. It must be everything happening.

On the bright side, its a little warmer out, and she asked Kyojuro to get her a bathing suit the other day. She told him any kind would be fine, and she meant it, but as she puts on the two piece he got for her, she can’t help but blush at how much is revealed. The bottoms are practically a thong and if she’s not careful, the top exposes the underside of her breasts. Is this his personal tastes? Did he want to see her in this?

The thought excites her.

Yeah, okay. She’ll wear it. She’s not shy of her body, quite proud of it in fact. It truly was the one thing Douma seemed to worship about her. At least until the sex turned too rough for her tastes. Towards the end, their safe word meant nothing to him…

Would Kyojuro be the same way? Or gentler? Maybe rough, but in all the right ways?

Would he feed her daddy kink?

Shaking her head, (Y/N) attempts to dispel such thoughts. No, no! Cloudiness be gone! Marching down the stairs, skipping the squeaky step at the bottom, she’s surprised not to find Kyojuro downstairs. He’s not watching TV, grading in his study, or cooking in the kitchen. He didn’t leave while she was changing, did he? No, he would’ve left a note like has before.

With a shrug, she opens the glass sliding door, stepping into the pleasant spring breeze, setting down her towel on the table. Maybe she’ll get to swim today!

“Welcome!” Booms a familiar voice. (Y/N) turns around quickly, face erupting crimson at the sight of Kyojuro enjoying the jacuzzi. “Thinking about a swim?”

Gods, he’s ripped! (Y/N) has to give a little shake of her head to refocus herself. But every time she meets his eyes they slowly drag down to stare at his chest. Choosing to just look to the pool, missing the confident little smirk curling Kyojuro’s lips, she stutters as she tries to respond without thinking of his large pecs or…washboard…abs-

“Um, yes! I-I’d like to swim!” Wow. She’s never sounded so…nervous. Flustered? Both.

“Are you sure?” The man seems to purr. “It might be a little cold. The pool doesn’t tend to warm until late May.”

“I’ll be fine!” Stomping over to the pool, she steps in, immediately shrieking in shock from how freezing the water is. Kyojuro’s chuckling flushes her cheeks darker.

“Would you like to join me?”

When has his voice been so deep? With a sigh, she admits defeat. “Yeah, that would be nice.”

Her gaze falls on everything but him as she steps into the warm water of the jacuzzi. Pleasantly humming, she sinks into the water, the jets gently massaging her lower back.

“Feels nice?”


“You’re welcome to use it any time.”

“Thank you, Kyojuro.” (Y/N) ventures a peak.

He’s fully leaning back, arms up on the ledge, head tilting back as he enjoys the water. If he’s not looking, there’s no harm in staring right? Following this train of thought, she takes the opportunity to actually study the man’s physique. A strong jaw, full lips set in a brilliant smile, sun kissed skin, and a godly body to compliment it all. The muscles of his arms bulge, flexing with every little movement, torso so slender but fit, every dip and curve leading down to the deep V line peaking from his swim shorts. Looking closer, a blonde trail of hair carries her gaze farther down, but the rest is hidden by those damned shorts.

“You’re gonna make me blush staring like that,” he chuckles, snapping her attention back to his eyes. “Its a little inappropriate to look at your teacher’s shorts with such passion, don’t you think?”

“U-Um, sorry, professor!” (Y/N) sits straight, blushing a furious red at getting caught, eyes now in the opposite direction.

“Its okay,” he smiles. “I said I’ll always forgive you, didn’t I?”

“Yes,” she mumbles, now examining her own hands.

There’s a brief silence, almost deafening, the only sounds being chirping birds, the breeze blowing through chimes, and the jets of the jacuzzi.

“It looks good on you,” he says, making her jump a little.

Chewing her lip, she decides to play back a bit. “Its a little inappropriate to stare at your student’s swim suit, right, professor?”

“Hah! Indeed! I just thought I’d compliment you.” Loud laughter rings through the air.

Now that (Y/N)’s looking around, there’s a perfect cover of trees and plants guarding the jacuzzi from prying eyes. What? Why is she looking for that? Prying eyes? Why would she be concerned with prying eyes?

“You really think it looks good?” Finding a small piece of courage, she looks back to her teacher, meeting red and gold eyes. Dark red and gold eyes.

“Exquisite.” The word rolls from his tongue smooth as silk, velvety, deep, so much she’s a flustered mess all over again.

“Th-Thank you, Kyojuro.”

“Of course!” The cheery demeanor is back. “Everyone deserves praise and recognition!”

“I really do appreciate it.” The heavy tension in the air is instantly dispersed, (Y/N) able to fully relax into the warm water. “This really does feel nice. Its like my midterm stress is melting away.”

“You did very well on mine, I’m impressed!”

“I had a great teacher…”

Now its Kyojuro’s turn to blush, however its only a faint pink. “You’re a very bright young woman. I had every bit of faith in you.”

“You really are the best. I can’t thank you for everything you’ve done for me.”

“You show your gratitude every day, please don’t worry about it.”

“You know,” she starts slowly, trying to piece her thoughts together, “I don’t feel like a bright young woman.”

“Why’s that?” Those pretty eyes seem to be boring into her soul, the girl squirming a little under their intensity.

“Douma,” she mutters. “I fell for it. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have been able to get away. Its just- I just-“

“He made it easy.” Kyojuro’s smile has faded a bit, eyes carrying an unreadable expression. “Its not your fault. He knew exactly what he was doing. I do not mean to demean you when I say this, but you’re so young, you stood no chance. Its hard to see through such acts with no experience.”

“I guess you’re right,” she huffs, slumping in the water. “I should’ve listened to my parents.”


Another painful silence. “Do you really think I deserve better?”

The man blinks. “I’m confused. Do you think you don’t?”

“I just want to know what you think,” she says, sitting up a little. She shouldn’t be slouching, it draws attention to her tit*. Well, with a swim suit like this, there’s always attention on her tit*.

Kyojuro’s certainly paying attention, but he’s an expert at not showing it. “I truly do.”


A difficult answer. “Because why not?” (Y/N) gives him an odd look, not quite understanding. “I think you’re a wonderful person, (Y/N). Wonderful people deserve to be treated well, don’t you think?”

“Then you deserve to be treated well too…”

“Hmm. I’m glad you think so! I want you to find a man that will worship the ground you walk on!”

“Does a man like that even exist?” The poor girl asks the question so sullenly, Kyojuro wants to reach out and hold her close, kiss her, tell her he’s there now and will treat her well forever. After all, he’s the only person who can. Only he knows how. Because she’s his.

“There is. I promise.”

“You sound so sure.”

“Because I am.”

Now, the beauty of his response, he realizes, is it can be interpreted two different ways. Its either because he is sure, or because he’s the man. Kyojuro’s smile brightens little by little as he watches her thoughts play behind her eyes, them widening just slightly, seeming to settle on a little realization. He’s there alright, his shadow assures. There’s no way she won’t be considering him in such a way now.

“I’ve really enjoyed this,” she smiles, snapping from her daze, “but I think I’m gonna head inside. Can I help with dinner tonight?”

“Of course!”

“Great! I’ll be napping if you need me.”

“Sweet dreams!”

“Thank you!”

And his obsession climbs from the jacuzzi, trotting to her towel. Kyojuro eyes her plump ass, resisting the urge to drool at how it bounces, the sway of her hips, oh, gods, she’s so tempting and delicious!

Once she’s inside, his attention turns to his co*ck, fisting himself below the water, groaning quietly to himself. He was hoping she would give in, crawl over to kiss him, f*ck herself on him even. Maybe soon, definitely soon she will come to him. She needs to be the one to make the first move, thinking she’s in control and that its completely her choice. Oh, the adorable, naive little thing.

She’s never had a choice. (Y/N) must be his.


That night for dinner, despite her being there in the kitchen with him, he’s slick. There are two different salt shakers, each with a different purpose. One is normal salt, the other is to “help” (Y/N) sleep better. As he prepared her serving, she took no notice as she bagged up the cooking trash of him sprinkling her food with the special salt. There’s a matching shaker for pepper as well, but the steaks they fried together calls for salt to bring out its true flavors. At least after cooking. He could’ve peppered hers as it cooked with the special shaker, but he chose not to, thinking the salt would be enough.

Soon they said their good nights, Kyojuro telling her his nightly “sweet dreams.” The pure smile she returns always makes him feel so full of love, some nights he finds it difficult to wait. He always waits a full hour, and the hour passes quickly as he strokes his co*ck tonight, thinking of his obsession in the swim suit he got her, barely hiding those cute breasts, now leaving nothing to his imagination. Well, he’s seen almost everything already, whether she knows it or not, and he’s so giddy with excitement to see more again.

He silently steps from his room to hers, cracking her door slightly. A strange tingle goes up his spine, and for once, he closes it all the way, careful as to not make noise. He knows it’ll take something quite rowdy to rouse her, the substance mixed with the salt quite strong, even if finely ground.

Slowly, he pulls the sheets back, followed by her shorts. Interestingly, (Y/N) never sleeps with panties on, for which he is thankful. Oh! Kyojuro smiles wide. She shaved today! He cautiously climbs onto the bed, spreading her legs apart, then runs his rough fingers over the smooth skin, a shudder running up and down his entire body. So soft, so smooth, and all his. His, his, his.

His finger runs up and down her slit, grinning from the slight dampness. Giving her cl*t a few flicks and rubs, her puss* is soon drooling, the man biting his lip as he slips his finger between her silky soft folds. Ohhh, she’s always so warm. He’d love to put his co*ck in her but resists. Instead, he gathers as much wetness as he could, taking his dick out from his boxers, smothering it in her gloss, lids fluttering from the sensation. Oh, its not quite enough.

Settling more between her legs, he smears his pre all over her c*nt, holding in a deep groan of pleasure. He’d love to just slip in. Maybe…

He bites his lip hard as the tip of his co*ck presses in, eyes rolling from such a tight fit. Its only the head of his co*ck, yet her walls grip him furiously, pulsing, inviting him in for more. But now, he can’t, regretfully slipping out, replacing it with his fingers. He pumps them slowly, fisting himself with his other hand, the wetness on his co*ck and her puss* almost able to create the illusion of how good it would feel to f*ck her.

A little moan slips from (Y/N)’s lips, hips bucking in her sleep, desperate for more of this amazing feeling. He delivers, stroking the patch of flesh that has her body shaking, thrusting his fingers with an intensity that has her cute puss* clamping desperately around them. To feel it on his co*ck, oh, he’s afraid he’ll run out of patience. He’s afraid the first thing he does upon seeing her tomorrow morning is throw her over the couch and f*ck her without mercy.

Yeah, without mercy, he’d do it in a way that would have her screaming from pleasure. But maybe, in the event she comes willingly to him, he should make love to her instead? Then she’ll be his in her entirety. Show the loving passionate side before the rough monstrous side, and whichever she wants he’ll give her every night.

Oh, every night he could breed her. Whisper sinful things in her ear, how pregnant he’ll get her, how beautiful she’d be swollen with his babies, fill her with so much cum, maybe even have her beg for it. Then they could have sex while she’s pregnant…

His co*ck twitches at the thought, dumping hot white ribbons into his palm, a silent moan escaping parted lips as his obsession c*ms with him. Oh, a perfect creampie! The sensation of her hips rattling around his fingers, gods, he can never get enough. He’s not brave enough to do it with his tongue. Not yet. He’d have to give her more “salt and pepper” if he wanted to do that. But he can’t endanger his nightly visits, so the amounts will stay the same. It doesn’t stop him from tasting her on his fingers though.

Pulling a tissue quietly from the box on the nightstand, he cleans himself, using a fresh one to clean (Y/N). He doesn’t want her waking up to find a mess between her legs. He buries the tissues in her trash can, pulling her shorts up and replacing the covers. There. Its as if it never happened.

A soft groan freezes him in his tracks as he’s halfway to the door, dropping to the floor and crawling to the other side of the bed.

(Y/N) holds her head in her hand as she slowly sits up, groaning at the throbbing headache. Why does her head hurt so bad? Why are her hips and thighs sore? How come she can’t focus on anything? What was that noise?

Blinking, squeezing her eyes shut, then blinking again, her vision finally focuses, met by darkness. Only a faint light comes from the moon outside her window. Her eyes steadily adjust to the darkness, doing large sweeps as she continues to make pained sounds. Nothing seems wrong.

Her mouth, though, is completely dry. She slides to the edge of the bed, rubbing her temples, standing on wobbly legs. Why are her legs so weak? A dull throbbing pulses from her insides, but nothing’s wrong. (Y/N) shuffles to the door, desperate for a glass of water.

Kyojuro’s breath is caught in his throat, not daring to breathe, knowing it’ll give him away and everything he’s worked so hard for will go crumbling to pieces. He hears the door open, then her steps sounding farther and father away. However, he doesn’t dare move until he hears the creak from that bottom step, exhaling deeply as he scurries to his room. Thank the gods he closed the door this time, otherwise it all would’ve been ruined!

He quickly opens and closes his door behind him, slumping against it as he calms his breathing. That was close, that was so close! Why?! Why was it so close?

Oh, right. He didn’t want to over salt the steak…

Everything was almost ruined because he didn’t want to over salt her food? Damn, he’s going to use pepper more often. Salt was unreliable tonight.

A tumble and shriek from the stairwell makes him jump. He’s never found and slipped into a pair of shorts so quick in his life, throwing the door open and rushing down the stairs. “Are you okay?”

(Y/N) groans, holding her chin as she lays curled on the stairs. “Ohhh…”

“(Y/N), what happened?” He hovers close, moving her hand away, wincing at the little scrape made by the carpet.

“Tripped,” she moans painfully.

“What are you doing up?” He pretends to scold, picking her up easily, carrying her up the stairs to her bathroom with the utmost care.


Setting her on the counter, he covers her eyes as he turns on the lights. “But you didn’t spill water?”

“Drank it downstairs…”

“Ahh.” He takes out a small kit, disinfecting the scrape and putting a bandaid on. “There ya go, baby, all better.”

“Baby?” She groggily echoes. Kyojuro’s face flushes in alarm but calms as she blinks. (Y/N) looks so tired, just staring at him blankly.

“Yes?” He says questioningly, her brows furrowing in confusion.

“Not you…me.” She points to herself, licking her lips. “I’m baby.”

“Do you want to be baby?”

“I…I like baby.” With a gentle hum, only thoughts of her growing fatigue plague her, slumping forward. Kyojuro hurriedly catches her against his chest, completely unsure of what to do. “Kyojuro’s…baby…” The warmth of his hard chest is seductive, sleep calling to her desperately, (Y/N) consumed with desire to meet it. Her eyes slowly flutter closed, breathing becoming steady. “Kyo…juro’s…”

“Yes. My baby.” His arms wrap tight around her, petting her back. “Mine.”

Kyojuro is quick to put the kit away, turning off the light and returning his obsession to her bed, tucking her in gently.

“Sweet dreams,” he whispers, placing a kiss on her forehead.

His heart beats wildly from her happy, sleepy sigh.


(Y/N)’s thoughts, for the first time in over a week, aren’t foggy as she wakes up, courtesy of the throbbing pain in her jaw. She remembers tripping on the stairs, but the rest of the night was a haze. Even with wracking her brain, she can’t remember for the life of her! But now that she’s thinking clearly, she’s formed an idea.

The front door closing echoes through the house. “(Y/N), I’m home!”

“Welcome home!” She calls. Her smile, she notices, is wide and happy as she scurries down the stairs.

Kyojuro laughs. “Careful, you might trip again.”

“I’m being careful,” she pouts. “Besides, I was super tired, I’m wide awake now.”

“Ah, that’s a relief,” the man chuckles, hanging up his coat.

(Y/N) follows him to the kitchen, intent on helping him with dinner. “Did Douma come asking around again?”

“He did,” he nods solemnly. He’s not lying either, the brat for some reason suspects him the most. Well, he’d be right to, he is her closest teacher. Was even before he helped her escape him. “Caught me closing up the classroom for spring break.”

“f*ck,” his poor baby groans, “why can’t he let it go?!”

“Obsessed men can’t easily let such things go. Besides, you were probably the best he’s ever had. He must be losing his damn mind.” Kyojuro turns to her, surprised to find her blushing so much. So he smiles lovingly at her, the flush of her cheeks darkening as she avoids his eyes.

“Best he’s ever had, huh?” That damn smile of his is getting to her…

“After getting to know you much better, I’d say so!” He laughs brazenly, but his subtle flirt does its job, planting more seeds he’d be the best partner for her. Because of course he is. No one could love her like he does, not even this Douma brat.

“We do know each other better... Kyojuro, I had an idea. You’re the only person I trust.”

“Really?” The adorable sparkle in his eyes grows her confidence.

“So I was thinking…”


“I should stay with my parents.”

The world shatters. “What?” He says flatly through a smile.

“Yeah, I mean, I should. I vanished off the face of the planet pretty much. I don’t remember either of their phone numbers so I haven’t talked to them. And neither have social media, so its made it impossible to contact them. Besides, Douma doesn’t know where they live, so its perfect!” There’s a shining glimmer in her eyes, a light on the other side of the tunnel. “I’ll have to admit they were right, but I need to grow up and get over my pride. If it means I’ll be safe, right?”

“But you’re safe here?” Kyojuro says, brows furrowing a little. “Don’t I provide well for you?”

“Kyojuro…” (Y/N) beams a beautiful smile, placing her hand on his arm. “You in no way have done anything wrong. You’ve been wonderful, all of this has been amazing, but I can’t keep asking you to take care of me. It isn’t fair. I feel like I’m taking advantage of you.”

“But you aren’t. Anything you could need, and I’ll give it to you.”

“I was hoping you’d be happy for me,” she frowns. “You’ve done so much, I don’t want to be a burden any longer than I have to.”

“You never were. I really enjoy having you here.” The slightest hint of desperation creeps in his voice.

“I enjoy it here too.”

“Then why leave?”

“Do you…not want me to leave?” At her words, Kyojuro freezes as he opens a pack of chicken. “Kyojuro, if you have something to say, I’d like to hear it.” (Y/N) crosses her arms, but her stance doesn’t match the strange emotions mixing in her eyes.

Does he say something? Should he be honest? His mind goes a mile a second, a plan forming, a solid plan. But dangerous should even one thing go wrong. Maybe that isn’t quite a solid plan? But he doesn’t care, not as he equips his happiest smile.

“You’re right, I should be happy for you. Your independence is something I can imagine you want back after being deprived of it for so long. I completely understand. How about tomorrow we go?”

“Really?” The pure happiness lighting in her smile could warm his heart if he didn’t know what it was for.

“Of course! I offered my home as a place to stay as long as you wanted. If you’re sure you’re ready to leave, then I will not stop you.”

“Oh, thank you!”

Kyojuro holds his chicken covered hands in the air as she throws her arms around his waist, hugging herself so close his face colors a little.

“I’d return your embrace if not for, erm, chicken,” he chuckles.

“That’s okay,” she sighs, loving the feeling of his warmth, “I’ll just pretend you’re holding me.”

“Give me a chance to wash my hands and I will as much as you want.”

And finally, since he comforted her the night she came, he gets to hold her close, chin resting on top her head as his fingers thread through her hair. What a wonderful feeling, her heart beat next to his, her breaths puffing on his chest, soft hums of happiness. Its everything he’s ever dreamed of.

Now, more than ever, he’s determined she’ll stay.


Kyojuro is more than aware of what it could mean to fail in this step of his plan. If his darling (Y/N) can’t see the dangers of leaving the safety of his home, he’ll have to show her. He’d really, really rather not resort to the alternative. More than anything, he wants his love returned, but it all hinges on this plan.

It’ll work, it has to. She’s his.

She’ll see he’s the safest place in the world. He knows because she’s his.

His, his, his.

Its all he can think of as he enters the administrative building, a bag of goodies and treats in hand. There’s a crucial bit of information he needs if his plan is to work, and he can’t possibly ask (Y/N), it’ll put his plan in danger.

This is already dangerous enough. Not to mention quite possibly illegal.

But desperation often outweighs reason.

Approaching the reception desk, a familiar head of pink hair brings a smile to his face. Green eyes flick above the computer screen widening in excitement. “Kyojuro!”

“Kanroji!” He chirps happily in response.

“Oh, its been so long! How are you?”

“So long? You saw me a few weeks ago,” the man chuckles.

“Yes! Already too long.”

“Ah, couldn’t be helped. I had many midterms to grade.”

“Understandable,” she cheerily nods. “What can I help you with today? You’ve just caught me before leaving for spring break.”

“Kanroji, you are one of the few people that I completely trust, so I cannot have you gossiping about the favor I’m about to ask of you.”

“What kind of favor is that?” She asks curiously, eyes wide.

“I’ve brought an offering!” He smiles, hoping to alleviate whatever tension she may be feeling. He sets the bag of treats on the counter, the woman taking it and peering inside, suppressing a squeal.

“This is so much dango! What could possibly be worth this much?”

“I need you to provide me with some basic information on a student,” he says, voice hushed, so incredibly low Mitsuri is completely stunned.

“You know that’s illegal, right?” She responds in kind.

“It is for good reason, I assure you.”

“What could possibly be a good enough reason?” Her brows furrow, worrying her lip between her teeth.

Sighing, he knows she won’t budge unless given just enough reason to validate this. “He may possibly be an abuser of one of my students.”

The woman utters a soft gasp, looking around for anyone who would be watching. Softly, “What do you need?”

Kyojuro leans forward. “Simply a cell phone number.”


“I don’t know his last name, but his given name is Douma.”

“Douma?” Mitsuri echoes, eyes going wide. “Kyojuro, I know exactly how to get around this illegal…ness.”

“Oh?” He blinks, a tilt of his head.

“Most girls from my year dated him, namely Kanae, so I actually have his number.”

Kyojuro has to keep himself from spitting in complete surprise. “No kidding? Why do you have it?”

“I may or may not have threatened to cut his dick off!” She says with the most cheerful smile he’s ever seen. He reminds himself not to piss this woman off ever.

“Ah! Well, if you please?” The man has a hard time containing his excitement as he passes Mitsuri his phone, even more so as she puts the number in under Assf*ck.“Thank you! You’ve helped me in a way I could never repay you!”

“You already paid me,” she giggles, holding up the bag of sweets. “And I won’t say a word.”

“Please don’t.”

The darkness Mitsuri catches briefly in his eyes unsettles her stomach, watching worriedly as he exits the building with a wave. She wonders what it could be about, but pushes away her curiosity. She’ll just forget about it. Its Douma after all, and whatever the f*cker is about to get he deserves.

With the most difficult aspect of his plan handled, remarkably easy he might add, Kyojuro has to keep himself from skipping all the way to his car. What remarkable luck! It would be a shame, though, if his former student goes talking.

Truly, a shame.

And as he sits in his car, he moves on to the next step of his plan, opening a message thread with the new number, a wicked smile as things settle into place.

This child will lose, surely.

(Y/N) is his.


“Oh, I’m so excited!” (Y/N) bounces happily in her seat, eyes sparkling, watching as places she knows whizzes past, sights becoming more and more familiar to her as they get closer to her parent’s home.

“I’m glad!” Kyojuro laughs through a forced smile. He’s really not, but the shadow assures him everything will play out perfectly. She’ll be theirs, without a doubt.

As if she already isn’t.

“Thank you so much for doing this for me. I have to confess I…” Perking up, he clings to her every word. “You’ve become my best friend and my hero, Kyojuro. To me, you’re more than a professor. I want to stay friends and keep talking. I feel like you’re one of the only people I can trust. So if its okay with you, I’d like to call you Kyo.”

Oh, his heart could burst! He’s her friend, and not just any friend, her best friend! And she trusts him! Beaming so brightly her heart throbs, he practically yells, “It is more than okay with me!”

And what she perceives as purity brings a smile to her face, thinking he’s just adorable. Yeah, he really is, smiling as his hair fluffs, eyes sparkling, full lips curved in that brilliant smile only he has, she agrees with herself more and more. Even as she realizes what she’s thinking, she pays it no mind. For once, she doesn’t have a problem with thinking of Kyojuro as more than just her teacher.

They pull into the beautiful sight of her old neighborhood, the girl growing happier and happier by the second. Kyojuro seethes in silent jealousy, wanting more than anything for her to be that happy staying with him. He’s her life now, not these people who cast her aside. Why, why must she go back to all those who would treat her unfairly, unjustly? He’s all she’ll ever need.

But reminding himself to be patient, he knows she’ll realize it in a matter of minutes.

As he turns the bend she instructs him, he accelerates only a little, trying to hide his agitation to get there as soon as possible. One more turn, it should be one more turn…

The next left, (Y/N)’s happy energy instantly dissipates, popping like a balloon, eyes widening as she holds back a cry. Kyojuro slams on the breaks, pretending to be just as shocked, even if he’s orchestrated the whole thing.

A line of cars sit parked along the road in front of the house of their destination. On top of a large truck at the center sits the one person she’s been dreading, the one person she’s been escaping, who she thought she would be safe from here. And of course he recognizes the car, Kyojuro putting down the visor to cover his hair as quickly as possible. Thankfully he does so in time.

“Darling!” Douma smiles, sickly and sweet, moving from sitting on the roof of the truck to standing in the bed. “Welcome home! I was hoping you’d stop by today!”

“No,” she mutters on a shaky breath, hopes destroyed.

“Roll down your window, darling, let’s have a chat.” Sharp teeth glint under Douma’s lip, the man chuckling darkly. “We have much to discuss, including your little boy toy. I wonder who he is? Why do you hide?” He jumps down from the bed to the asphalt, joined by a few lackies she recalls were his friends. “Don’t hide from me anymore, darling. You have nowhere left to go. Come back to me.”

Anger flares inside her, rolling her window down, much to Kyojuro’s surprise and horror. But his horror can easily be misunderstood as shock from the situation.

“f*ck you!” She screams, thrusting her head out of the window. “No way am I coming back, you f*cking ass! This is enough! You hit me and I hate you!”

Douma earns some interesting looks from his lackies, but they look away the moment the man smiles at them. “Darling,” he says, much more threateningly, “come back like a good pet. You won’t escape me. I’ll find where you’re hiding too.”

Wait…there is something a little off about all this. “How did you know my parents live here?”

f*ck. Panic settles in Kyojuro’s heart, his hand slowly moving to the shifter, ready to throw it in reverse any second.

“A little birdie mentioned they know where your parents live,” Douma chuckles, relishing in the shocked look on her face. “Someone I reckon who knew you at some point. I reached out to many of your friends over the last few weeks. Maybe someone who didn’t like you in high school?”

“No way,” she whimpers.

“(Y/N), we should leave,” Kyojuro says lowly.

“What do you plan on doing to my parents?”

“Not a thing. Unless you want me to.” Rainbow eyes glint dangerously as he laughs sickly, smile twisted in barely concealed menace. “Will you come back to me?”

“(Y/N), he can’t do sh*t,” Kyojuro assures, placing a hand on her back. “Come back inside, he’s only going to bluff.”

“Oh, Mr dickhe*d!” Douma calls sing song like, waving so innocently. “Why did you steal her from me? Don’t you know I’m the only one who could love her so?” Friendly smile melts to dark one, teeth clenching. “You could never understand her the way I do.”

(Y/N) slowly looks over to Kyojuro, eyes widening at his tight jaw, deep frown, angry dark eyes, wide in pure utter anger, knuckles white on the steering wheel. Why is he so angry over Douma saying such things? Is there a possibility he carries some feelings for her? Yet he’s been so respectful? Her heart could melt if not for the situation. So she answers for him.

“Sit on a dick, Douma! He treats me way better than you ever could!” Her words seems to break something behind the pale man’s eyes, a vein throbbing on his neck. “He’s kinder, softer, tells me such sweet things always all the time, and I never feel anything less than cared for with him! So f*ck you!”

Those special words, magical words dispels all of Kyojuro’s anger. He could deal with the brat later, all that matters right now is (Y/N) and getting her home safe. Everything has played out so perfectly, he can’t believe how lucky he is. And he doesn’t plan on pushing his luck.

“Shall we leave?”

“Please,” (Y/N) sighs, sitting down and rolling her window up, but not before flipping Douma off to add utter insult to injury, smearing salt in the wound, however it could be said.

“Let’s get you home safe.”

“Thank you…”

Kyojuro puts the car in reverse, turning in his seat to keep an eye on the road. As they disappear, Douma’s lip shakes. Once again, he has nothing to go on except for the car. He couldn’t see the driver, or the license plate, just the car, and there’s tons all over the place. Why does it have to be such a common vehicle, it would make his life so much easier. Why couldn’t it be a Tesla or a truck, or maybe some other model?

But he’s determined to come out on top. Whoever this guy is, he won’t win.

Little does this man know, he’s already lost.

Especially as Kyojuro plots how next to deal with him.


The night is spent crying, (Y/N) clinging desperately to the brightest thing in her life. Kyojuro radiates heat, warmth, and comfort, everything she could ever want, everything she could ever need. They both lie in her bed, the girl snuggling into his chest, the affection in his embrace everything she could ever need right now. She’s thankful for him, so thankful for him, now more than before. Without Kyojuro, she isn’t sure if she could deal with all this. She knows without a doubt, however, that without him she’d still be in that bastard’s clutches.

And Douma’s cold touch is the last thing she wants.

Especially in comparison with this warm furnace of passion. Well, she doesn’t know if passion would be the right word, but she feels something akin to passion as he strokes up and down her back, rubbing soothing circles, whispering hushed kind words in her ear as she cries, and slowly as the night drags on, her hope become restored little by little. He’s all she needs, why she thought it would be a good idea to leave in the first place is beyond her. Why would she give up a place where she’s absolutely cared for, absolutely safe, her well being the most important thing without a doubt in the world?

Kyojuro is safety, warmth and security. Anything she could ever want and he’s right there to provide it for her. At first he claimed it was just helping his student, but somewhere deep inside, she knows she’s the exception. There isn’t a single other student he would do this for. She’s special, different, and feeling special for the first time has never felt so amazing.

In this safe haven, she doesn’t want to leave. No, she never wants to leave this warm embrace. So she asks the same thing she did her first night there.

“Can you stay with me tonight?”


“Thank you, Kyo…goodnight.”

“Sweet dreams, (Y/N).”

They fall asleep in each other’s arms, a most peaceful rest.


Waking up to a sight such as Kyojuro the next morning has (Y/N) conflicted. Entranced by the way the sunlight catches his hair, she lost track of how long she just laid wrapped up in him, admiring his chiseled manly features. He’s so attractive, beautiful even, a powerful man that will provide and take care of her. Yet this man is also her teacher. But that’s really the only conflict of morality she’s having.

And its flimsy as hell, because it only makes her attraction hotter.

She tentatively shifts to free her arm, reaching to ghost her fingers over his lips, wondering what they would feel like on hers.

“Good morning,” he rumbles, spooking her. His brilliant eyes open, breath taking smile curving his handsome lips.

“How long have you been awake?” She whispers embarrassingly.

“Long enough,” he smirks, white teeth glinting.


“Long enough to know you’ve been staring. Truly,” his smirk curls higher as he cups her cheek, “how inappropriate.” Completely flustered, (Y/N) looks away, making him laugh. “Did I embarrass you? I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist.”

“You did. A little.”

“Aww, how can I make it up to you?”

Her mind races at the options. She could ask him to kiss her… Eyes meeting his, she wonders at the possibility, the chance to feel his lips, his touch. But she couldn’t possibly be brave enough, so she stutters out, “F-Feed me…”

“Food it is! Any requests?”


Kyojuro chuckles, the ringing sound like music. “A wonderful choice! May I release you?”

“Erm, not yet.”

“Very well,” he smiles, all toothy and wonderful. (Y/N) snuggles in close, almost unable to believe she almost asked him to kiss her! Why did she hesitate? Is she still concerned with the same things as before? She doesn’t need to be concerned though, not if he’s everything she’ll ever need.

Yeah, this warmth, this deep soothing warmth, impossible to find with anyone but him, he is all she’ll need. Pressing herself closer, she sighs happily feeling him play with her hair. Its so nice and relaxing, everything she’s ever wanted.

Is the warmth that is Kyojuro all she’s ever wanted?

A throb from inside answers her.

“I think I’m ready,” she murmurs, suddenly a little scared of how her body is reacting to him, as if it already knows just how good it could feel in his care, craving more of his touch.

“Let’s have some food,” he lopsidedly smiles. Oh, the sight is precious, (Y/N) sure her insides just melted. Everything is so opposite of that jerk. She’s sure now that whatever she’s feeling is strong and in no way fake.

After brushing her teeth, she meets Kyojuro at the top of the stairs and follows him down to the kitchen. She watches as if enchanted by the way he cracks the eggs with one hand, giving them a simple tap on the edge of the skillet, breaking them easily in two, something obviously so well practiced, a skill.

“Can I try?” She asks a little shyly.

“Of course,” the man chuckles, gesturing for her to walk over. He moves her right in front of him, pressing his chest against her back as he takes her hand in his, guiding her on tapping the egg and the technique for cracking them without getting any shells in the mixture.

“Ohh,” his sun drop grins, cracking the rest of the eggs with his aid, blushing as his other hand rests on her hip. Its as if for the first time she notices just how intimate they’re being with each other, especially when Kyojuro lays his cheek on the crown of her head, guiding her hands through chopping the vegetables, the bacon, pouring and whisking the cream, egg and cheese, soon completing the quiche, putting it in the oven to finish.

“You did great,” he says softly into her ear, arms curling around her waist and pulling her close, sending her face into an array of different reds and pinks. He rests his chin on her shoulder, fingers playing with the hem of her shirt. “Is this okay?”

“Yeah,” she nods slowly, unable to turn away his affection. The way warmth blooms inside her chest feels good, wanting more of it. Is this what its like to be happy with someone? She hasn’t felt this sensation since her first date with Douma…

Has she fallen for Kyojuro?

The idea blossoms a whole different feeling, one she’s a little afraid of, but not a stranger to. After everything he’s done for her, everything they’ve experienced together, she grasps that she’s okay with it.

Kyojuro gets the quiche out of the oven, flopping it and cutting it in two, passing her the plate and a fork. She sits at the counter, smiling as he pours her a glass of orange juice, and smiles wider when he sits beside her. His arms bulge, the sleeve of his cotton shirt tight around his bicep, (Y/N) unable to resist laying her head on it as she eats. The man goes still at the sudden display, but beams in pure happiness not a second later, stuffing his face.

“Delicious! You made it perfectly!”

“It was mostly you, Kyo,” she giggles.

“Indeed, we both did very well!”

Thoughts of what else they could do well together slowly seep into her mind.


The night arrives quicker than (Y/N) anticipated, looking at herself in her bathroom mirror. She’s just shaved every inch of her body, smooth as a baby’s bottom as she applies aftershave oil everywhere, even if there isn’t a point. Tying her hair up, she checks the bathing suit one more time. She doesn’t mind how much ass it shows off, doesn’t mind for a second the underboob is displayed.

Timidly, she knocks on Kyojuro’s door.

“Come in.”

Cracking it open, she suppresses a moan that tries to escape, the man in nothing but a towel looking at her curiously, with damp hair and water droplets glinting.

“Um, I know you just showered, but would you mind maybe going in the jacuzzi with me?”

The knowing smile that looks oh so innocent has her biting her lip. “Of course. Give me a minute and I’ll be with you.”


Oh, she can barely contain her excitement, closing the door and holding in a squeal! Wow…if she’s this excited, maybe she has fallen for him? It wouldn’t be so bad either, he’s always been taking care of her, helped her with tutoring, with escaping Douma, providing her clothes, hygiene, food, anything she could want. As the thought crosses her mind, his door opens, Kyojuro walking out with a beach towel slung over his shoulder.

Her eyes do a quick sweep of him. Anything she could want, huh?

What if she wants him?

“Ready?” He grins with his hands on his hips.

“Yes,” she smiles, going down the stairs first, trying to keep her pace steady so she doesn’t trip and fall out of pure excitement.

“It seems you’re very ready,” the man chuckles.

They’re outside, Kyojuro turning on just some sparkling light strands around the enclosed space of the jacuzzi, the stars peering down at them as he walks to the side of the house to turn it on. The lights in it come to life, the jets bubbling, the lighting and the environment creating an atmosphere that has (Y/N) blushing like a teenager. She’s sure now that he returns some of her feelings. But is this the night she finds out the extent they go?

Oh, if only she knew.

Kyojuro returns with a bright smile, both shivering as a cold breeze blows by. They dip into the water immediately, shaking as it hasn’t quite warmed up yet.

“Give it just a few minutes!”

“Right,” (Y/N) says through clattering teeth. She folds her lips in and bites down, willing her jaw to still and body to get used to the water. It slowly grows warmer, but not fast enough.

“Still cold?”

Looking over to him, she finds herself jealous he’s just fine. “How aren’t you cold?”

“I’m very warm!” He happily laughs. “My body temperature is just warmer than normal.”

“How are you alive?” She laughs, his smile infectious.

“It is genetic! All my ancestors were warm.”

“That’s amazing. I’m jealous,” the girl admits, smile faltering just slightly.

“I’d be willing to share.”

The subtle flirt has her a blushing mess, holding her cheeks as she turns away. But what would be the harm?

“Can I then?” She asks shyly, his gentle smile banishing her nerves.

“Of course. Anything you need and I will provide it for you. Including my warmth.”

The sight of his body lit from below is hot, (Y/N) unable to look away as she scoots next to him, her embarrassment wiggling its way back into her stomach. She settles just next to him, skin barely touching, her hands in her lap as she sits rigidly. Her eyes dart away to the stars, then back to him. He’s leaned back, arms up on the ledge, watching the sky.

Oh, she’s so nervous! He seems to sense it too.

The arm behind her curls around her shoulder, drawing her closer. She tenses, but the moment his warmth engulfs her, she relaxes fully into his side.

“There you go. You seemed a little nervous.”

“I-I am nervous.”

“Its just me,” he chuckles. There’s a small stretch of silence. “How are you doing?”

“Hm?” She blinks. Her mind was lost in thoughts of him, but quickly come back as she sputters. “O-Oh! I’m doing okay.”

“Only okay?” His voice is soft, gentle, laced with concern. Its tenderness brings a slight flush to her cheeks, darkening from the little circles his fingers trace on her shoulder.

“I’m doing better now.”

“That’s good.” Kyojuro’s gaze linger from the stars to her eyes, his expression softening. “I want you happy.”

Her hands mindlessly move to rest on his chest, leaning her head against his arm as she curls in closer, his fingers now tracing swirling shapes up and down her arm. The light of the jacuzzi paints him in an ethereal glow, eyes glinting, the darkness slowly shrouding them. He’s undeniably attractive, especially this close.

The soft curve of his lips curl up in a little smirk, the girl coming to notice she’s just been looking into his eyes for the past several minutes. Quickly, she looks away. “Ah! I’m sorry!”

“For what?” He asks with a fun lilt, other arm moving. Taking her chin so gently between his fingers, he turns her attention back to him, dazzling his best smile. “You know I’ll always forgive you.”

The blush crossing (Y/N)’s cheeks could put the whole history of blushing to shame, jerking her chin from his fingers to hide her face in her hands. “I-I know…”

Kyojuro erupts into laughter, pure and joyous. “Oh, I’m sorry. Did I embarrass you?”


“How can I make it up to you?”

(Y/N) doesn’t know where this courage came from, but she’s thankful for it, looking up to meet his gaze, biting her lip. She watches as his eyes flit up and down, from her eyes to her worried lip, hunger lighting behind the golden hues. “I can pick anything?”

“Anything.” His voice is so deep, husky, tingles lighting across her skin as he gently strokes her jaw.

“Kiss me.”

And he leans in, closing the space between them, her whole body breaking out in this blazing sensation. The softness of his lips, the gentleness of his hand cupping her cheek, his other holding her close by the waist, she can’t resist her hands tangling in his damp mess of hair. Her cl*t burns for attention, thighs squeezing together, his touch electrifying. The perfect slot of his lips against hers sends her mind reeling, desperation bubbling in her stomach. Never, never has she felt this way from a simple kiss.

As Kyojuro pulls away, she chases his lips, not wanting to part from him. He chuckles into their kiss, pulling her closer, rumbling as her hands lightly tug and pull on his locks. The kiss gradually grows in neediness, becoming sloppy as their lust grows, touches becoming more feverish, both making soft moans and breathing heavy. Oh, she’s never wanted anyone so bad, tugging harder to pull him closer. The deep vibrations of his pleasure rolling from his chest feeds the fire between her hips.

To her utter surprise, she releases a desperate moan, parting her lips in a clear invitation to him, which he gladly accepts, his slick tongue, just as warm as the rest of him invading her mouth. It dances lovingly with hers, his hand moving from her cheek to the back of her neck, tilting his head to deepen the kiss more. Teeth clack together, loving dancing turning into a fierce battle of prodding, stroking and sucking. She’s never had such a hot kiss, wanting more, more, more of him.

He pulls away, breathing heavily, swallowing a thick gulp. “I’m afraid,” he manages between pants, “anymore and it will be difficult for me to remain respectful.”

(Y/N)’s heart throbs, fingers delicately following his jaw. Trying to find the words, her brows furrow, trying to put them together, body flushing in slight embarrassment. “I, um, I…”

“What is it you want?” Her eyes flit to his, the darkness in them so alluring she’s being drawn in, wanting everything, all of it. “Anything, and I’ll give it to you.”

“I…” She takes a deep breath, steeling her nerves. “I want you.”

“Then I am yours,” he growls, claiming her lips once more, (Y/N) throwing herself into the kiss, casting away all her inhibitions. She wants this, she does, more than anything she wants him. He’s all she’ll ever need, she wants to be his. Kyojuro’s hands guide her to sit on his lap, running up and down her sides. He kisses from her lips up her jaw, sucking behind her ear, licking the shell, sucking the lobe, breathing heavy, each puff of air tickling her neck. “You’re so pretty.”

“I am?” She moans, happiness flooding her insides. Her hips move on their own, finding his bulge and grinding on it. Oh, gods. It feels like his shorts can barely hold it.

This has him hissing, biting down on her neck, fingers digging into her back. He sucks a bruise, kissing back up to under the junction of her jaw. “Yes, yes, baby, you’re so beautiful. Most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Kyojuro,” she whines, hands clinging to his firm broad shoulders. Excitement courses through her veins as his fingers undo the ties of her top, the small piece of clothing drifting away with the bubbles of the jacuzzi. The pale light illuminating their bodies has her c*nt throbbing, the chimes echoing as the breeze blows, but she’s so warm under Kyojuro’s touch she doesn’t even feel it.

“Yes, baby?” The man groans, trailing kisses to her cute nipples. Oh, what perfect breasts she has. He hasn’t gotten to see them very often. Even during his little nighttime trips he hasn’t been brave enough to lift her shirt. Maybe he actually wanted one thing to be a surprise?

His warm lips takes her right nipple, rolling and sucking, her thighs squeezing around his from the immense pleasure. A sweet, sultry moan drips from her lips, hands brushing through his hair, pulling to let him know she enjoys his ministrations.

“F-Feels good,” she pants, venturing a peak, met by brilliant red irises. He’s been carefully gauging her expressions, finding she greatly enjoys flicks with his tongue.

“Good, baby, I’ll make you feel amazing~” He’s back on her neck, giving the other side the same attention, lathering around her ear, relishing in the bumps crawling on her skin. Her soft touch goes up and down his arms, loving the feeling of taught, bulging muscle. His grip goes to her hips, showing her how to grind on him just the way he likes, the man’s groans of pleasure making her heart beat pound between her ears.

She wants that, wants to feel amazing, wants to feel good in his arms. This man will always take care of her, always make her happy. (Y/N) feels it deep inside, the throbbing of lust.

“P-Please, now, please,” she whimpers, gasping as he nips her other tit.

“Please what?” He smiles, nuzzling her nipple with his nose. Her thighs go squeezing around his again, giving a soft buck of her hips against his. “Come now, use your words, I want you to tell me exactly what you want.”

“Your…” Her eyes flit down then up, his eyes glinting.

“Ah! You wish to see it?” His smile grows as she nods. He scoots her hips back as he undoes the tie on his shorts. “Help me take these off then?”

She does, helping him slide it down his thick thighs. (Y/N) gulps, marveling at the size of his co*ck, puss* drooling despite the water. Its tall, thick, pulsing, veiny, blunt, just huge. He’s huge, bigger than any she’s seen. She’s in no way a virgin, but she has never seen a co*ck this size. They’re not supposed to exist! He could break her with this thing.

The thought makes her blood boil in lust.

“Like it?” He smirks, fingers fluttering under her chin. (Y/N) slowly nods, unable to look away from it. The patch of blonde hair, heavy balls, gods, there must be so much cum in those balls. Licking her lips, she can’t help but want all of it, every drop. “Good. Its all yours, love.”

“L-Love?” She blushes, finally ripping her stare from his co*ck to his eyes, finding them just as clouded as hers.

“Yes, Miss (Y/N), I love you.”

“R-Really?” The girl stutters, hiding her face in his palm cupping her cheek. But he turns her back to him, a gentle smile on his lips.

“I’m sorry, too soon? I simply can’t hold it in anymore, but I’ll wait to say it again until you’re okay with it.”

“I am okay with it!” (Y/N) blurts. “I’m just…happy.”

“Then may I make love to you?”

The concept of making love is foreign to (Y/N). Douma was her first, but even then, he wasn’t gentle. How gentle can Kyojuro be? And if he does get rough, her body tells her it’ll only feel amazing. So she nods, letting him guide her so her hips hover above his co*ck, the girl looking down into his eyes. Kyojuro slips her bottoms to the side, two fingers gently working her puss* open.

Eyes fluttering, she gasps, this being a new experience for her. Of course, she doesn’t know her puss* knows his fingers all too well, opening and stretching for him with ease, but she mistakes this simple acceptation of him as skill. There is a lot of skill going into what he’s doing, pumping his fingers slowly in and out of her as he spreads them apart, teasing her opening to stretch, her walls to part for him, inserting a third finger to stretch her in new ways.

He kisses her collarbone, groaning softly at the feeling of her insides. “Oh, you’re doing so good, stretching so well for me.” The praise lights her up inside, moaning deep from her chest. “Baby, we’re outside,” he chuckles, “gotta keep it quiet. Think you can do that for me, good girl?”

“Yes,” she moans, much quieter, holding his face in her hands, tilting his face up to press a kiss to his lips. They groan together, his fingers stroking her insides more vigorously, Kyojuro back on her nipple. Her thighs shake, hands gripping tight on his shoulders, puss* hungry for more of the thick fingers plunging deep. “Oh, oh~” Her moans build in her throat, yet barely stifled, the different pressures against that soft wall bringing her ever so closer. Burying her face in Kyojuro’s hair, her body rattles, shaking, pleasure so intense washing through her. “Oh, daddy~!”

“Daddy?” Kyojuro grins, slowing his fingers, the sight of his beautiful (Y/N) enjoying him so much making his co*ck twitch and throb.

(Y/N) gasps, pulling away, eyes wide. “I-I’m so-“

Silencing her with a kiss, he growls and nips her lip, fingers slipping from her folds to rest on her hips. “I love it, baby, you can call me daddy all you want.” His love moans softly, gasping as his fingers dig into the flesh of her hips. “Are you daddy’s girl?”

“Y-Yes,” she sighs breathlessly, her insides pounding to feel split by his co*ck.

“You’re so good, baby, daddy’s good girl.”

“Daddy~” Moaning, she pulls him into a kiss, hot and steaming, their bodies so warm the water feels cold. Her puss* lips brush the head of his co*ck, Kyojuro hissing into the kiss, biting her lip.

“f*ck, I want you, love. My beautiful little sun drop.” Nuzzling her cheek, obsession festering in his heart more than ever, he moves her hips so her puss* kisses the tip. “Whenever you’re ready, baby, take as much as you want at a time.”

“Really?” She blinks owlishly, unable to believe he’s not going to just rip into her.

“Of course. I want my baby girl to feel good. Whenever you wanna- oohhh, f*ck.”

(Y/N), with a bright smile on her face, lowers herself slightly, gasping, holding a hand over her mouth to suppress a deep groan. Oh, gods, he’s huge! Just the tip is in and she’s already stretched! Taking a little more, a small wiggle of her hips, her eyes roll back, biting her lip harshly to keep her loud cries of pleasure locked inside.

“Oh, oh, daddy,” she whimpers, taking a little more. “Your co*ck’s so big, daddy!”

“Its all for you, sun drop,” he groans onto her tit, rolling sucks on her nipple to add to the pleasure. “Gods, you’re so f*cking tight, you feel amazing, baby. Tight puss* just for daddy, just how I’ve always dreamed.”

“You dream about me, daddy?” Taking a little more, her whole body flushes, moving her hips in small circles. Kyojuro’s arms wrap tight around her waist, kissing all over her chest.

“You’re so beautiful how could I not dream of you, baby? I dream of you every night, deep in this pretty puss* of yours, making you feel so, so good. But tonight, hmm,” he kisses her jaw, moaning in her ear, “tonight’s all about you, my love. Love yourself on daddy’s co*ck, however you want, its all for you.”

“Daddyy~!” She flushes, softly crying out, taking a sudden amount that brings her to tears.

“Baby, baby!” He holds her face, peppering her in kisses. “You don’t need to take all of it, only as much as you want.”

“But I want all of it,” she whines, dropping lower, legs shaking. “It-It feels amazing, daddy. I love your co*ck.”

“Just wait a moment then, okay? Get used to what’s in you now.” Petting her hair, the sound of chimes ringing in the night breeze, he admires her beauty. Oh, she’s finally here, enjoying every inch his co*ck has to offer. She’s just barely over halfway, still so much more left to take, already feeling so stuffed and full. Her warmth, oh its so inviting, he has to resist from thrusting the rest of the way into her. “Look at you, so beautiful taking my co*ck like this, you’re doing so well.”

“Oh~ thank you, daddy. I love it, hah, there’s so much.” Her flushed face becomes hotter, the growl rumbling from him as she squeezes her walls, feeling every curve and vein, helping her relax enough to slide the rest of the way down, gasping into the night air, head thrown back. She sits with her hips flush against his, Kyojuro muffling his loud, loud moans of pleasure against her neck. He’s loving this as much as she is, the thought making her roll her hips, eyes fluttering in pleasure.

“Oh, f*ck, love, you’re so f*cking tight,” he rumbles, hands holding her hips in a bruising grip. “I love your tight puss*, baby, your pretty face, you’re just perfect. You’re the most perfect little sun drop. I want to take good care of you, love you, treat you the way you deserve. Would you like that, my daddy’s girl?”

“Yes, Kyojuro!” She muffles against his neck. “Y-You feel so good, I love it!”

“Then f*ck yourself, baby, make yourself feel good on daddy’s co*ck. Up and down, that’s a good girl~”

“Daddy!” She moans, holding his hair tight as she moves her hips, up and down, puss* so stretched and full, every inch rubbed by perfect ribbed co*ck. “P-Perfect co*ck! I love daddy’s perfect co*ck!” She breathes heavy, more pleasure shooting through her limbs than she’s ever felt. Will it always feel this good with him? Water sloshes around them as she moves, cervix pulsing with every brush against it. It reaches everything inside her, places she didn’t know exists, grinding down on Kyojuro’s massive length to the point she feels light headed. “D-Daddyy~!”

“You gonna cum, baby?” He groans, head thrown back, hands fondling her plump ass. “Come on, my beautiful girl, make yourself mine, cum on daddy’s co*ck.”

A splitting groan rips from her throat, burying her face in his hair, pulling on it as she spasms, quivering, pleasure washing out of her, pulsing and shaking. Its never been so intense, its never felt so good, clamping on the thickness sheathed deep in her. His erection is so stiff, so hard, she’s never felt so good cumming on anything, eyes rolling back, nails digging into the skin of his shoulders. Bellowing low, “Fuuuck, daddyyy~!”

“Oh, perfect girl!” Kyojuro gasps, her puss* so tight, so perfect, and his.

Mine, mine, mine!

Unbeknownst to (Y/N), Kyojuro’s in true blissful heaven, a crazed look in his eyes, the spasming of her puss* on his dick a declaration of love to him, a promise she’ll always be his to him, his baby girl, his sun drop!

The craze melts away as she moves to sit back, breathing heavy, such lust swirling in her vibrant hues it has Kyojuro’s heart melting, leaping.

“D-Did I do good, daddy?”

“Oh, perfect, my love. You were amazing, the most amazing in the world.”

“Really?” She beams. Its never been like this before. If it’ll be like this every time with him, then she wants him forever! Kyojuro is all she needs, all she could want!

“Truly. You are wonderful and perfect. All of you.” His thumb swipes her bottom lip, licking his own. “My turn now, sun drop? I wish to love you thoroughly, completely, wholly.”

Crimson flushes her cheeks, nodding shyly, giggling as he quickly stands and gathers her in his arms. He switches their positions, making sure she’s comfortable how he’s positioned her sitting in the jacuzzi. With a hand behind her head to cushion her a little, and the other pushing her thigh back, he thrusts deep and slow, relishing in how her face contorts in pure, unadulterated pleasure. Oh, its euphoric as he drags his whole length along her walls, plunging deep and passionately, a soft grunt and flutter of his eyelashes with every pump into her tight, greedy puss*.

The faces she’s making, she’s just beautiful! And its all because of him! She’s his, completely now, looking up at him like that. “You’re mine now, baby, all mine, yeah? Beautiful, made just for me. I’m gonna make you feel good forever, baby girl. Tell me you’re mine.”

“I love you, daddy!” Her nails dig into his shoulders, eyes rolling. “I love you, I love you! Yours, yours!”

“I love you too, my sun drop!” He laughs, thrusting slightly faster, throbbing length brushing her G spot without even trying. It fills her so completely to the brim, she’s already shaking, whole body primed for another climax.

And just as in his dreams, as he thrusts into her, hard but slow, only gradually picking up in speed, she’s cumming on him, over and over, body in such a state of pure ecstasy she can’t help it. Her body loves it, loves that its him, loves being touched and f*cked so lovingly by him.

As she comes down from another mind numbing climax, she almost screams, “Faster! Harder!”

“More, baby girl?”

“More, daddy, please!”

“f*ck, you’re so perfect,” he growls, giving in to her wishes. “Your body is so perfect, and its mine. You’re so cute, and you’re mine. All of you is mine, mine.”

“Yours!” She chokes out, so overwhelmed, body limp save for the death grip she has on his shoulders. He pushes her thigh back farther, rutting into her so powerfully, water sprays around their joined hips, splashes out of the jacuzzi, both the lovers soaked and dripping. He pulls her to his shoulder, holding her there as he f*cks her hard, lifting his leg up to push her other thigh back, penetrating deeper than she thought anything ever could. Moaning against his skin, shaking in his arms, convulsing uncontrollably, she’s never felt so amazing, so overrun by pleasure. If this is what it feels like to be Kyojuro’s then nothing else matters!

Lewd slaps and splashes echo through the late night air, their faint grunts, moans and howls of pleasure drowning among the sloshes of water. f*ck, she thinks to herself, there won’t be any water left after they’re done. But it only makes her hotter for him, a final, more powerful and intense org*sm brewing in her depths. She pulls back from his shoulder, looking him in the eyes, finding them dark with desire, and pulls him into a desperate kiss. It shatters his restraint, hitting every pleasurable spot along her insides, determined to send her to heaven in his arms.

He pulls away, smiling almost a little crazed, but she’s too f*cked out to notice, only looking into his eyes, focused on nothing but those gorgeous reds and golds.

“Daddy’s, ahhhh, good girl. You’re so f*cking good, taking such a thick co*ck, want my thick cum too?”

“C-Cum in me, daddy!” She whimpers, tongue lolling out the side of her mouth, eyes in a lost haze.

“I’ll fill you up every night, I’ve got lots of cum for ya, baby. Wanna be full, sweetheart?” She vigorously nods. “Oh, I’ll breed you so good, knock you up, fill you with babies! Wanna have your professor’s babies?”

“Yes!” Gods, nothing’s ever sounded hotter than that!

“Let’s cum together, come on, my love, my perfect, gorgeous, beautiful girl. I love you so much, let’s make you mine forever!”


(Y/N) doesn’t know what she’s saying, and especially doesn’t know what she’s just promised to him. To Kyojuro, her words might as well be a contract signed in blood, f*cking harder, sending them both over the edge of oblivion together. He bites onto her shoulder, she bites onto his, (Y/N)’s eyes rolling from feeling the gushing flood of cum inside her, flushing into her womb, making her shake violently in his arms from how hot it feels. How could Kyojuro feel and be better than anything she’s ever known?!

He’s all she wants to know, the girl realizes, staring up at the stars, the sounds of him grunting and groaning from the pleasure her puss* brings boosting a confidence she didn’t know was lacking.

Kyojuro chuckles as he lays her down gently, stroking her pretty face. “I hope I didn’t break you, my love.”

“You didn’t,” she smiles weakly, kissing his palm, “my love.”

His eyes widen, the shadow within him roaring in victory. She’s his now, more than anything.

He heaves them both out of the jacuzzi, the water level noticeably lower, and with his co*ck still buried deep inside his obsession, he carries her around while he shuts off the jacuzzi. He dries them both off using the towel best he could, laughing as she towel dries his hair while he walks them inside, locking the glass door behind him.

“Would you sleep with me tonight?”

“I’d love to,” she smiles purely.

“Good,” he chuckles with a kiss to her forehead.

As he walks up the stairs, turning lights off on his way, (Y/N) sighs happily. “That was amazing,” she huffs softly, “most amazing I’ve ever felt.”

“Good, sun drop. I’m the only man who could ever make you feel so good. I’ll love you this way as much as you want.”

Something about his words ring familiar, but she brushes it aside, soaking the warmth of him as he closes the door behind him and shut the light off, soon laying her softly on his bed. He’s about to pull out, (Y/N) whining, wrapping her legs around his waist to keep him there.

“Don’t leave!”

She hears him softly sigh through his nose, but it sounds happy. “Why not?” Oh, he’s teasing!

“B-Because it was so hard to get it in,” she replies honestly. “I’d like to do it more tomorrow, but I don’t want to, um, take that long again.”

“Hah! Very well, my love. You can co*ck warm me tonight.”

“That’s what its called?” Unable to help the giggles spilling from her throat, she smiles in pure happiness as Kyojuro picks her up again and plops them on on their sides, hooking her leg over his hip.

“Yes, love. And it brings me such joy to know you love it.”


“Yes, sun drop?”

Oh, such a cute name! It has her heart fluttering, pounding, flying! “Can I keep your co*ck warm every night?”

“Of course you can, anything you want. I’ll do anything to keep you here with me, happy, loved, and fulfilled.”

(Y/N) doesn’t realize what his declaration truly means, but rather interprets it as sweet pillow talk, humming happily as she nuzzles into his chest. “Thank you, daddy.”

“Of course, baby.”

He sounds so tired. Well, makes sense, he just f*cked her to high heaven. She resigns to fall asleep with him, the darkness slowly wrapping its soft tendrils around her.

“Goodnight, Kyo.”

“Goodnight, my sun drop. Sweet dreams.”

Minutes tick by, an hour passing, Kyojuro giving a kiss to her temple. She doesn’t stir, body absolutely exhausted. His sweet (Y/N), beautiful (Y/N), his baby sun drop. She asked for his babies, and oh, she’ll get them.

His co*ck slowly twitches to life as he slowly thrusts into his obsession, slow and gentle, eyes closed as the shadow paints unholy images of her, slowly turning into a replay of their love making in the jacuzzi. As the night caries on, Kyojuro softly f*cks into (Y/N), filling her with load after load, knowing full well she’ll be his no matter what once with his child.

New paintings of (Y/N) swollen and round consume his thoughts, biting his lip as he holds back a deep growl, releasing one last massive dump of cum in her cute c*nt. She’s so sticky inside, so full, even as his co*ck softens there’s so much cum in her, stuffed to the brim. Without a doubt, if its not tonight, it’ll be tomorrow night, or the night after, she’ll be pregnant with his child.

Then there’ll be no escape.

He remembers she found it odd she forgot to pack her birth control, sure as sh*t she grabbed the pills the night she escaped. Little did she know, Kyojuro threw them away that night. After all, she wouldn’t need them, not with him.

Because she’s his.

And always will be.

Sweet Dreams - Chapter 1 - lilyisfrozen - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)


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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.