The Buffalo Enquirer from Buffalo, New York (2024)


NORTHAMPTON'S. Qerberaus Hon Wetdt Smith Kreher Braun Wendt Galley Miller Wiess 1 135 179 169 124 109 167 174 165 177 196 KILLED A TTEMPT TO OVERPOWER GUARD AND ESCAPE FROM CAMP of Gfood 2 113 ls2 188 164 176 159 160 119 16S 146 1605 1575 1 2 210 1S1 139 142 143 1ET 160 1S1 115 124 150 2v2 171 159 133 124 158 387 152 170 1561 1647 Newspaper League. ILLUSTRATED TIMES. 1 McClentic 173 Crowe 178 Blind IV Kawental 179 Zeoner 188 Totals 868 STEREOS. 1 Mann, St 179 Mann, Jr.

181 Teck 166 Schmidt 2W Wendel 234 I 169 181 140 14S 163 3 177 161 140 i5 170 790 863 2 201 367 145 148 127 2 1S7 127 203 197 203 Totals' S77 7S5 917 Lutheran Church "League QRACET ENGLISH 1 W. Weyand ....157 Klsasser 1ST. Weyand 115 Pittaway 12- Davis 113 Total 688 GERMAN REDEEMER 1 A. Bickel 122 Berthold 155 Bickel ....107 Bambam 153 F. Bickel 140 Total ....680 2 3 171 136 100 156 144 157 1S5 169 137 173 737 796 2 3 124 106 176 137 171 115 121 119 170 145 762 632 2T A 19 t-oe Time Tonlnht 3 ateMaoe Taaay as Sa1 rricn-KUkis.

OrrWn SI: Bokoay Ti. NeOMi 29 Madooc Ore. 7Sc 50c. CccM ZSe. Mo Mrfcor JOHN BUNNY.

(IELF) And nil Company of Staffer. Paseoro. Coaaodiaa In a Mmicl Ceanedy JFaaai BUNNY IN FUNNYLAND Than, Fri ot Sot. Mtt, March o. ROYAL GRAND OPERA CO.

THE INCOMPARABLE Thursday LUCIA D4 LAMMERMOOft Friday AIDA Sab Matinee RIGOLETTO Sat. Eventaa II- TROVATORC Trier i Lewwr floor ILW, li. Bad. fl. Circle ftoe.

Mat. tl-30, 1. Ike. Me, toe XBXT WEEK SIUT THTTBSDAT The World's Great wt Magloiaa and Illesloalots LEROY, TALMA JTiT BACK FROM THE OE1KXT oe AJtlnr Artiats. lto Too of 1 ara herul La FTlee! Nights

SOc. 'So. tU Matlneea: toe, 60e, ic DutialoCafe Ha. Ss4 Bala 9tr1 raa Briatst Saat ta Baf-taja Aftar tiiwt cUtianlr. piara to din.

4.P, mttr9 ara art ad In uaa apaUain aaanr. CABARET AH 0 DANSINS Oiasar Tim sad Erary Nifht tllUan Mark. ttVr: Orr ln Alan. NMtlal. vol- UM, paana.

Canadian Receives Word from Battle Zone of Death of Relative, from Drowning by Germans, Later Tries to Make Escape ii i IP Several Killed in Flight "MONROE" ROADSTER, $495 ELECTRICALLY STARTED AND LIGHTED. "Totals HUM BOLDTS. Relster Reld Winn G. Kolb Zinns Bingemann Narel J. Zaunglein Zimmerman Totals Buffalo Elks vs.

Olean Elks. Preparations are 'being made for the Intercity match game to be rolled between th bowling- teams of the Buffalo and Olean Elks on Saturday night at the Elks' temple in Delaware avenue. The Olean lodge has some strong bowlers on its team. It has won numerous trophies during the past few seasons. A banquet will follow the game.

All members of the Elks' bowling club are requested to be present to assist in entertaining the visitors. An Important business meeting will be held next Monday night at the temple, when plans for invading Lockport on March 12 will be made. At a weekly practice roll last Monday evening the boys made some record scores. Judson's Jumpers defeated Al. Lowe's Red Dogs in three straight gannej for a spare-rib supper.

St. Joseph's Bowlers "Win. FIVE-MAN EVENT. St. Joseph's F.

Smith S. Kabel W. Keau 181 180 i61 172 171 221 12M lot 182 Railroad Bowlers Lost. I Priraia Supiw Sooma Mar tad lttam Ortawt la ERIE. Yoss 171 169 16D 509 Duppen- 178 155 mo W3 Hunseu 166 lfl 4fcl McLean 177 156 ICS 408 Miller 195 168 174 541 Bolsu 167 177 Ml 1049 1009 1065 BUFFALO.

Sokoenlhal 173 165 159 407 Voelker 198 170 182 ISO Hauuou 151 170 144 411 Koch VM 144 141 411 Fellows Itttt 184 180 533 Stetson 144 im 144 454 91 990 THREE-MAN. ERIE. Total. Miller 194 151 ".15 Jacob 1 155 -21 McDonald 123 143 266 "ROYAL MAIL" ROADSTER, $860 COMPLETE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. 18 178 171 161 149 1S 771 829 921 141 160 144 1211 137 114 122 159 173 14it 134 161 150 143 130 691 722 128 "BABY GRAND," TOURING, $985 ESSENCE OF COMFORT, CONVENIENCE AND RELIABILITY.

JOE RATH Buffalo, Y. 483 145 lfifi 215 526 499 932 Total. ,180 825 191 357 10 405 561 1W7 BUFFALO. och Fellows Voelker Odd Fellows' Leag-ue. TRINITY NO.

1 1 2 Ambrose 160 Hughes 135 152 Ttupp 170 149 1. Sehuessler ....191 AI. Sehuessler 178 36H Sehuessler lift Total .834 S41 GMR. BUNDI2S NO. 2 1 2 Sort; 138 149 Kohlhos 160 212 Human i 151 157 W.

Hauptman 13S 122 Blind 125 125 3 197 125 204 163 192 881 3 161 148 133 195 I. Hauptman 122 Total ..712 765 TWO MAN. TRINITY NO. 1 1 2 Ambrose 150 1. Sehuessler 186 Jlupp 158 M.

Sehuessler 167 Total 336 325 GER. BUNDES NO. 2 12 Human 118 Kohlhos 190 I. Hauptman 123 W. Hauptman 144 Sorg i Total .......308 2G7 759 8 175 175 .350 3 148 122 270 Shippers Lost to Weavers.

The match game bowled by teauts of the Buffalo Wire Works-Co. was won by the weaving department. The scores: WEAVING DEPT. 15-DAY EASTER EXCURSIONS ATLANTIC Cm Cape IVIay Wildwood, Ocean City, Sea Isle fCity, Anglesea, Stone Harbor, Avalon Aorll 1, 1915 Special through fast daylight service to Atlantic City without change of cam. on train leaving Buffalo 9a i.

m. ed by Ontario and "Welland county police officers last night at a farmhouse in Bertie township, while attending a gala celebration, on a technical charge of having in his possession stolen 1 goods, which he had brought into Canada from the United States. He was sent to Welland jail today to serve ten days. In the meantime, the police axe investigating circ*mstances In connection with the Lindsay shooting. Lindsay was shot near a cemetery in Bertie, after he had been relieved of nine dollars by'a negro, who fired as he ran, the bullet inflicting an irritating but not serious wound in his hip.

He is positive that a negro held him up, and he will be asked to identify the man who gives his name as Johnson. May Command Force. (Special Telegram to The Enquirer.) Niagara Falls, March 3. It is rumored in military circles here today, that failing to obtain a high command in the second or third contingents, Lieut. Col.

Hugh A. Rose, who has just recently returned from Northern France, is to take command of the Welland Canal Protective force. Lieut. Col. Rose lost his command owing to the fact that his brigade, the Fifth, was merely a reserve brigade, and when used to reinforce the other brigades ceased to exist.

Gave Life to Country. (Special Telegram to The Enquirer.) St. Catharines, March 3. Word was received here today of the. death in northern France of Sergt.

James Gregory, who is a former resident of this county. Gregory was a member of one. cf the British guard regiments, lie was twenty-eisht ysars old. He was so badly injured at the battle of Mons several months ago that he. never recovered from his wounds.

CARNATION SALE TO SWELL FUNDS Women Will Sell Flowers Before and After Big Red Cross Benefit at Tecfy. What promises to be a delighting feature connected with the all-star vaudeville revue to be held at the Teck theater Friday afternoon for the benefit of the Red Cross war relief fund will be the sale. of thousands of carnations the ladies of the entertainment committee, assisted by 100 women who are Interested in the Buccess of this great entertainment. These carnations have been donated by Palmer, Kasting, Scott and Anderson, the florists. The flowers are to be sold by tha ladies at the Teck theater before and after the performance.

Every penny paid for the carnations will go to swell tho receipts from the vaudeville show. This grest revue, embracing in quality and numbers a most unusual aggregation of artists, actors, vaudevillians, and specialists in entertaining, is going to be the biggest and best performance ever offered in Buffalo for charity. A glance at the roster of artists proves the assertion include the singers of the Royal Grand Opera company who are to present one act of thut tuifi'ful opera, which is not in the list of operas which these great ai tiisls are teasing during their engage ment at the Star theater the latter half of this week. Lenore Ulrich and the members of her company, who are at the Teck theater this week, will present one act of the "Bird of Paradise." Miss Ulrich will present her Hawaiian dances, in native costume, and she will be accompanied by her band of Kanaka players and singers. The three White Kuhns are on the bill enough said.

Another artist, one known in Buffalo and too infrequently brought before the public, Mrs. Ruth Lewis Ash ley, an operatic singer whose voice and ability are far beyond the average, will sing several songs and arias from grand operas. Manager M. Shea will send for the revue some of the best acts appearing this week at Shea's theater. The Smart Set company playing at the Majestic theater will contribute a budget of darkey melody and fun.

The Academy theater will be represented by Torelli's Circus, with performing ponies, menkeys, dogs and Bossie, the trickiest mule on the stage. Also from the Academy will appear "Noodles" fa*gan. the world-trotting newsboy. The Olympic theater will contribute Ruth Page and Her Ragtime Boys, in musical frolic and from the Family theater will appear the Dixie Blossoms, a company of colored merrymakers and singers and dancers, and Neil Neil, refined singers and dancers. Just for good measure Manager J.

H. Michael of the Academy has added Whitney's Operatic Dolls, a most entertaining feature. The Gayety theater will send over Tom McRae, "Smoke." and a bevy of pretty girls. The sale of seats for this great all-star vaudeville revue hf gan at the Teck theater yesterday with promise of great demand promptly for seats. Those who buy tickets first will have choice for seats.

Tickets purchased heretofore or at this time may now be exchanged at the Teck for reserved seats. Tickets are on sale in all the hotel lobbies. The price is BUFFALONIANS AT NEW YORK HOTELS The following- Buffalonians were registered yesterday at the principal New York hotels: H. Weed. L.

O'Rourke, Mr. and Mrs. C. Benjamin, Miss E. Noye, F.

J. LawEon, Miss A- Ward. Mr. and, Mrs. F.

M. Wright, S. E. Loeser, R. M.

Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Miller, Mr.

and Mrs. F. tTry, Mr. and Mrs. H-Brooks.

Miss J. A. Flnucane, T. C. O'Brien, L.

J. Wagner. A. Jenkins, J. F.

CrandalL B. Northern, A. M. Frantz, O. Johnson, P.

A. Swartz. W. V. Moot, Miss B.

Thiel, Miss E. Gerring-er, O. R. Rick, J. W.

Jepson. Miss F. Mergenhagen, Miss II. Moore, Mrs. J.

W. Moore, C. H. Madale, M. C.

Spratt. W. F. Richards. M.

R. Pratt, O. A. Elmer, Mr. and Mrs.

H. R. Ford, E. H. Croly, H.

D. Bonner, C. R. Hoff- -O-OJ Three White Kuhns I At the Hofbrau Seven clever entertainers are re-engaged for another week by Kax Lnbelakt. Tbey are tte last word In cabaret entertainers.

Every night at the Hofbrau from to 8 asd from 19:90 to 1. MATINEE TODAY Beat Seat II. Evonins Priees. 'See. SOc, lie.

Sl.eo and 1-AO. OLIVER MOROSCO Preoonto OF PARADISE Same ft Sm Production Same Mutie She teas married tut not satisfied she met and she told her how The telephone tens handy She sold her soul To the devil TTin A "IT'S THE MENACE OF V-r THE SILKEN LUHE" Original Jf. T. Caat With EDMOND BREESE Direct from a Year at the 48th 4 ot. Theater, York SEATS TODAY Price tS to A S1.50.



COUNTY OP ERIE Charles N. Davla and Alice E. Davis as Executors of the last Will and Testament of Oexter 8. Davis, deceased, PlaintlfTs, against William M. Farrell axul others.

Defendants. In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale, granted in the above entitled action on the 8th day of February, 1915. and entered ia the County Clerk's office on the day of February, 1915, the undersigned, the referee In said Judgment named, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder -therefor, in the westerly vestibule of the City and County Hall. In the City of Buffalo. County of Erie and State of New York, on the 6th day of March.

1915. at two o'clock in the afternoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows: All that tract or parcel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo. County of Ens and State of New York, being part of lot Township 11, Range 8, and known on Frederick K. Wing's map filed in Erie County Clerk's office under Cover No. 672 as sub-division lots Xoa.

72, 73, 74 75. 7S, 77. 78. 79. feO.

81. 84, 86, 66. 125. 126. 127.

Dated Buffalo. N. February 10, 131V. CLIFFORD P. FELL.

Referee. O. H. W. E.

HOPKINS, Plaintiffs' Attorneys, Attica, Wyoming N. T. febl0-13-17-2o-24-27met3 OLIVE ST. and DELAWARE SUPREME COURT, COUNTY OP ERIE Charles X. Davis and Alice J3.

Davis as Executors of the last Will and Testament of Dexter S. Davia, deceased. Plaintiffs, against Oscar A. Lambert and other. Defendants.

In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure ami sale, granted In the above entitled action on the feth day of February, 1915, and entered In the Erie County Clerk's office on the 9th day of February, 1913. I the undersigned, the referee In said judgment named, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, in the westerly vestibule of the City and County Had. in the City of Buffalo. County of Erie and State of New York, on the Rth day of March. 1S15.

at two o'clock In the afternoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows: All that tract or parcel of land, situate In the Otv of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New Yorki being part of lot f5 Townblo 11. Range 8. and known on K. Wing's map filed in Erie fountv Clerk's office under Cover No. 672 as sut-alviFivn iuu iw, ii.

20. Zl, 2. 26. 44. Dated, Buffalo.

N. February 10th. 1CLi" CLIFFORD P. FELL. Referee.

H. W. E. HOPKINS, riaintifTs' Attorneys. Attica.

Wyoming N. T. feblO-13-17 20-34 -27nca3 UPTCY PETITIONS. in bank-i In United States district -day afternoon. The Gil-ipavny of Buffalo, with cutt square, schedule lia- to tl.C77.1T and assets of ti.t'

Claitnco A. Ilalht. a telegraph oneiaior. or No. C57 Virginia street- sched ules liabilities cf and assets cf fl.040.62.

The Hill Stores company of Jamestown, dealers In pianos, in their petition claim to have liabilities amount ing to Jj8.717.0C and assets of S16.0C&22. Trrir iIA.Il BAi Three rjuptcy wet court laiel ray Strelcl cff.ccs ir. CSpecial Telegram to The Enquirer.) Bridgeburg, March 3. W. Knight, a resident of this town, has Jufet received word from England of the death of his cousin, Martin Careless, who was killed trying: to escape from a German prison camp.

Careless was one of the British sailors saved by the Germans when the battleship Mmmouth was sunk off the coast of Falkland Islands, and was taken to Germany, where he was interned in a concentration camp. Together with three other British prisoners. Careless last week attempted to overpower the guard and escape. They succeeded In overpowering: the goiard, but were shot down as they ran from the camp. He was well known in this sefction of Canada.

For Road Extension. (Special Telegram to The Enquirer.) Fort Erie, March 3. Tonight it is expected thafthe Fort Erie council will consider an unofficial proposition from Supt. John H. Jackson of the Canadian Nia.gura boulevard commission, covering the extension of the highway through Fort Erie from Brideeburg.

Xegotiations have been (ragging akong for some time between town council and the commission, f.nd as spring is approaching an effort v.ill be made to bririg the project to an agreeable settlement. Hold Suspect. (Special Telegram to The Enquirer.) Bridgeburg-, March 3. The mystery draped about the strange of "William Lindsay, a Bertie farmer, a short time ago, which had to date not been solved, it now ap pears will be cleaned up with the arrest last night of a man who gave his name as John Henry Johnson, a negro, who Is suspected Johnson was arrest ENTHUSIASTIC DONATION DAY A ayor Fuhrmann to I n- augurafe real Event for Poor of Buffalo By Making Address at Shelton Square. Mayor Fuhrmann was visited by a committee of five newsboys today and asked to open the Donation day campaign next Monday by making a short address at Shelton square.

It is believed the Mayor will accept. Almost the entire membership of tha club attended an enthusiastic meeting at the clubrooms, No. 42 South Division street, last night. President John Ferris appointed James H. O'Keefe, Michael Al-gase, Joseph Barone, Frank Miano and himself to the committee to see the Mayor.

Final plans for the newsboys' part in the campaign will be made at a neting on Friday evening. Mrs. A. D. Husted and a committee of fifty other prominent women will be stationed in the downtown section to secure funds.

Early 'yesterday afternoon the committee which has been working for some time announced that Father Baker's boys band had been engaged to enliven the campaign. They also reported that several of the newspaper proprietors have offered aid. Walbrldge Co. have offered to supply the newsboys with many things necessary in the campaign while the C. W.

Aiillsr Transfer company will provide automobiles to convey the committees about the city. DBS EASES OF MEN MY SPECIALTY NO FEE NEED, BE PAID UNTIL CURED Remember, this offer is made in good faith. I will deal with you honorably, and Thirty Years' Experience assures you of my Ability, Skill and Success. DR. HERRICK.

Kine years at present location Office Honrs: Daily 9 a. m. to 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays: 10 a.

to 1 p. m. DR. E. DARTOU HERRICK 550 Main St.S.-'iSKS.BuHilo, N.Y.

NEWSBOYS GROWING Service National Capital April 2, 1915 "Similar -Excursions April 16 and June 23 On April 2 only, Special Train with through coaches to Washington will leave Exchange St. Station, Buffalo, at 10:00 a. slopping at Machias and Olean. Dining car service a la carte. Railroad Men Look for the number of position adjustments on your watches.

If they show adjustments to six positions they are the famous Illinois BUNN SPECIAL Railroad Movements If not, Iji celebr see me about these celebrated watches. Sold on Easy Terms WM. C0MERF0RD 14 South Division St. -1 dren of Buffalo and ultimately for the homes of the city. Dr.

Finley was introduced by Elmer J. Cobb, president of the Schoolmasters' association, which arranged the meeting. He spent yesterday as the guest of the association and others interested in educational matters. He departed of Albany late last night. tttttsstwi MARRIAGE LICENSES Lawrence French, Detroit Emma Biffle, No.

557 Perry" street. Meyer Scher. No. 242 Spring street Frances EUer, No. 404 Pratt street.

Edward Morrlsion. Green River, Wyoming Louisa Hornung, No. 140 Lemon street. John Malone. No.

449Vi Michigan street Willie Shelton, Lynchburg, Va. William O'Connor, Nq. 2S5 Niagara street Alice Robertson, 345 Niagara street. Charles Allen, No. 62 Goemble street Mary Trimer, No.

203 Swan street. William Thompson, Newark, N. J. -Grace Northrup, No ISO Tenth street. James Thomas, Fort Porter Lillian Kluge, No.

4 Amelia street, Arthur Buscb. Rochester Rose Ahr-ens. No. Michigan avenue. Charles Rancher, No.

227 Herkimer street Ella Beck New Brooklin, S. C. PLAN SIX-DAY TOUB. The Bay City Motorcycle tlnb 1 planning a bifr sK-day motor-cycle toor for this summer. Tl-1 Is to su edaca-tbn-a! fin well as a irtire lour, 'be lijclnding viit the bis fotfl fact.rlen at Knttle I'wk nn1 Itrlt, the furniture establishments at Oraod and many other imiKirtant industries tbrmigbont the state.

Two days of the ontiug w-ill be spent in camp, wbere ash-tag. and bathing may be enjoyed. 1 1 ill VASIICT I i 1 1 1 ROUND-TRIP FAKES Seashore, $12.00 Washington, $12.00 From BUFFALO PROPORTIONATE FARE8, FROM OTHER POINTS Fall Information retarding leavinjr time of trains on which tickets will be accepted and stop-over privileges may be obtained of Ticket Areata, or B. P. PHASER, District Pasaeng-er Agrent, 6M-06 Brisbane Building- Buffalo NY PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD J.

Maurer 105 181 ISO 130 168 1 Gressraan 115 117 150 157 126 A. Weber 149 128 144 121 139 Wm. Hoelzle 7 125 80 80 82 L. Ball 120 159 160 ItiO 132 625 710 690 648 647 SHIPPING DEPT. T.

Kossln 121 132 157 156 129 J. Hettler 137 192 178 177 152 K. Kuehn 138 123 115 119 .1. Orlmiu 107 117 115 1S4 341 H. Lyons 114 138 132 152 11,3 617 702 697 738 625 Chan Hoy, MATS.

CPrTW Curse of Drink! Nut Week " of a Wife." VISITORS WELCOME AT TBI FACTO RXJE OJT ZcrrJcttt Cct An bear of Interest la A merlon's Var-' geat manufactory ot Soano, Toilrt Proo- rattoas and Food Prodeots also tao larmt and moat coaiplootr appelated private crriee building In the world, (in I tie 1 ornlahvd. I. levator Scrvleo. Rrfreabmenta Served In Bestaaraat. Dally I la it A.

lttSO to A P. at. Except Batarday. Take ieaera at. Car 10 MiBStee Froaa Main 8 trees.


AND MRS. FRANK. CILI.MORE FRANK. GREGORY TROIPE CeoiU Weston and Iconise Leon Roach tt McCordy; achreck Percivaii Webb A Barns; Toe -Ktnetograph. MARCH IRENE FRANKLIN.

IfSyAMftirvV 1 BURLESQUE MAI TOM (Smokt) McRAE rrm mtsjo girls LADIES to Mats. 10c I Next THE WINNING WIDOWS' MAJESTIC Mats. Taea, Than, bats. Mats, tie lie Nlgfate ftoe. See A ALL THIS WMt THE SMART SET HIS KXC KLI.K5CT THE PRESIDENT Comedians Oalere.

Big Cbenu of Cat-' ered Beaattoe. Next Week rTLB TUl'S (ABis. HIPP0DR0MEI Eve.lOeandlSo' lST TIME TODAY 6 HERA'S Mate St. Nsr kipeaa a Mala. lOc.

Eve.lOeandl LAST TIME TODAY SPRIHGTIinEWIIIl FLOBEHCEHHSH 7th KpWode "HCNAWAI JCJiP Rynphenr Orehestra and urrtti miurri. Thar frv. Sat. Yil lam uuluu.i a uui FAMILY vwdeviue DIXIE IL0SS0MS B. KETTM BT VIRTUE OF an elocution lmud OUt, CI BL V.UUI VI wva va aw i a.w, and delivered, against the personal real property of Giuseppe Di Giorgio and Vincenao t-OPPOia, nave eotavu ami taken all the right, title and lutes est which the said Ouiaeppe Dl Giorgio sad vin anio Conoola had on th linii day of Deoetnber.

lilt, or at any time ainoe or now has. of. in and to, the loiio-wtBg crtbed premisea. towlt ALL THAT IHALT fjtl Ul LAND, situate in the City of Buffalo, i County of Erie and State or isew beln' lots numbers one and two on A Map of Bennett and Williams) purchaae of Ira A. Blossom, said premise beinc' forty 40) feet front on Dante Plao Cf or- merly called Cansl Street) extandlng i northeasterly of the same width to laod appropriated by the State of New York for the Erie Canal, about CO feet mora or less, bounded as followa, to-'wit: being in the northeast bounds of aald Dante Place, i at about (7.40 feet northwest of Maiden Lane, thence, northwesterly along Dante Place.

40 feet, thence at a right angle northeasterly about 69 feet to the Tow-' path of the Erie Canal, thence south-: easterly along said towing path to the! easterly line of said sub-divtaioa lot No. one. and thence southwesterly on said I easterly line of said sub-divLsion lot one. about 57 feet more or leas to the. place of beginning, including also ail buildings thereon.

All of which I shall expose ror sale at ubllc vendue at the Sheriff's Office. No. in the Cltv and County Hall, la the City of Buffalo, Erie County, N. on the 2d day of March. lSii, at ten clock in the forenoon.

Dated this 11th day or January, wia. EDWARD STENGEL Sheriff. JOSEPH P. ZENGER. Under Sheriff.

WESLEY C. DUDLEY. Plaintiffs Attorney. The above sale la hereby adjourned until the lay of March. 1M5.

at the same place and time of day. Dated Buffalo. March 2d. 1S05. EDWARD STENGEL.

Sheriff. JOSEPH P. ZENGER, Under Sheriff. WESLEY C. DUDLEY.

Plaintiff's Attorney. marSilO UNITED STATES poet office. Buffalo, N. Y. Office of custodian, February 26.

Jiia. Sealed proposals will be received at this building until 2 o'clock p. April and then opened, for furnishing electric current, gas. water, ice and miscellaneous supplies, removing ashes and rubbish, and washing towels during the fiscal year ending June 30. 191.

Sealed proposals will also be received until o'clock p. April 14. 1315, and then opened, for 1,00 tons bituminous coal. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved by the Tressurv Department. O.

E. Bleisteln. Custodian. marlAU) "INCUBATION AND BREEDING." W. H.

Gaude, president of the Niagara. Frontier Fanciers' association, spoke on "Incubation and Breeding" at a meeting of the organization In the Electric building last night. He declared that many dollars have been eared by Incubators and aald that eggs require fresh air ta successful ha-culng. t'. Brunner It.

McAullffe Blessed Trinity-Fitzgerald Aplta Klelober Hess Delbolt TWO-MAN EVENT. St. Joseph's C. Brunner L. Voisint, Jr.

143 nyj 308 141 187 328 195 187 Blessed Trinity-Bronscheidel Hess Sr. Joseph's It. Jieardon It. McAullffe 382 Blessed Trinity Bronscheidel L0 Hess L8 Vt6 St. Joseph's F.

Smith 338 L. Kir sen 162 216 Blessed Trinity Bronscheidel 216 Hess 220 436 EXCEPTION TAKEN. Buffalo Turn Verein Basketball Team, 61-63 High March 2. 1916. Sporting Editor The Enquirer: Dear Sir There are times when it becomes necessary for a basketball team to come forward with statement as an act of self-defense towards Its reputation and good standing, and knowing that your paper has always stood for fair ptay, as manager of the Buffalo Turn Verein Basketball team, bog to present to you the exceptions of the Turners toward a statement being published in the Buffalo newspapers by the Rices Basketball team, namely, that they defeated the Turners by a score of 27-33.

At the end of this game the score was 37-37, checked by scorers from 1oth teams, but upon the suggestion of the referee to play five more minutes, the Rices left the floor. The Turners then lined up and shot the deciding goal, thus leaving the official seor2 stand. 39-37 in the Turners' favor. Hoping that in behalf of the basketball enthusiasts who follow your sport column, I may see this in print, I remain Respectfully yeurs, L. J.

SCHMITT, Manager of B. T. V. B. B.

team. This letter is approved by C. Schneider, referee; E. Roth, timekeeper; G. Sehmitt, scorer.

With over 1 7 years' successful prac-ticein Buffalo, Dr. Hughson has endeared himself to all the people, His practice and professional reputation are built upon honor. Service Is the only true measure ot success, and Dr. Hughson gives his patients the service. Therein lies his success.

What a man says himself in a newspaper Is no accurate Indication of the ervioe he can render you. Dr. Hughson's claims are based upon facts, pure and simple. He refers vou to his thousands of cured, satisfied patients living all aronnd you who will gladly vouch for his skill, truthfulness and honesty. His advertisem*nts are always conservative and (hey contain the absolute truth, and vou will receive skilful, frank and courteous treatment from him la his office.

If in need of a specialist just ask any city omciai, clergyman, re liable business man or your menus or your neighbor who is the most skilful, the- longest established and most reliable specialist treating men's In Bufalo and they will tell you Dr. Hughson. And remember he Is not here "today and somewhere else tomorrow. Other so-called specialists come and go, but Dr. Hughson always hss and always will be found In Buffalo.

If you are suffering from anv of the following diseases you are at libertv to consult him free of charge and obtain bis expert opinion. Obstructions, Varies so Eb-larsonaents. Blood Poison. Soros, fleers. Skin Diseases, Bladder, Stomach and Kidney Troubles, Nervoos Debility, Male Wwkacuei, Contracted DliaiM.

and all Chronic and Ungerinr Diseases. 1 DR. HUGHSON. Over SS years -perioBco, over 11 years In Baffalo, not an old fashioned doctor bat a modernised specialist. Hours: 9 A.

M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M.

to 1 P. M. DR. HUGHSON Oldest EatabHsbco Mca's Sprowt hi Buffa! Corner South Division Street, over' United Cigar Store. Entrance to orrices 6 South Division St- Burraio.

a. j. a ma--, iirs. TV. G.

Gomez, B. S. Hubbell, H. E. Montgomery.

FINLEY'S MESSAGE TO Says Bill Remodeling Buffalo System Will Soon Be Introduced'. State Commissioner of Education John H. Finley's "Message to the Schools of was delivered last night before a meeting of some' 2,000 schoolmasters, teachers and others at the Hutchinson high school. It was that the bill remodeling the Buffalo school department will be introduced In the Legislature either late today or tomorrow. By this bill a school board will succeed to the control of the schools, and this board will be supervised by the state commissioner.

"I am not here to discuss specifically your schools." said Dr. Finley. "This is not the place ror sucn a ais-cusslon by me. But of this you may be sure, whatever the state education department does, it will do upon a thorough knowledge of conditions, without ostentation or offlfiousness, and with no other motive than the good of the children through whom Buffalo is to gTOw to her most beauteous and leneficient self." The commissioner remarked he supposed his audience was disappointed at not hearing details of the plan to reconstruct the city's school system, but he assured them the plan Is designed for the good of the school ehil- STEAMSHIPS. PORTO RICO 16 Days of Sunshine Toand aronnd PTt-o R.ics, the Won.

deriaad of the Imwii, in a croio of anaxtnalleU and delight. DAYS UP All Ejptnia Wan sow to mtm-M the raw wisis aad this -mlmm cf at it Wt. BtoaaMr yocar bo -i tm erraa. stooa in tk.i pent aad rwrtm mrtrr WrS for jKKXMt. Crviifais Dcpartmeiit PORTO RICO LIIMTi Csnanl Offiot.

11 Brawar. No Yark Apply to J. VS. Klauck Exchaage Buffalo, or to anv Railroad Ticket Office- or Authorised Tonrist Agencv. HOOLS Weak DR.17ARD, Specialist 79 Niagara Squart, Buffalo, N.

Y. Oppolt McKlnley MtmniMiit It tP it AS ft smusuR of every ten people in thBj United States are suffering from nervous debility, and of fs numberless than balf realise It. They l-nmv that they have gloomy thoughts, a depression mind, an impaired memory, dkz7lrietis and headache, waketul nights and Srt extreme exhausUon. but they at-trit ute it to anv tether cause but the right no Thev feel languid, irritable and rest-fess the why and wherefore of which they Inkit exnlaln Tbey are suffering from debility, i condition which is nn-doubdly tbe means of can ng more misery and crushing more bopes than any her trouble that human flesh is heir to. nJtVom will not cure itfelf.

Thl suffer" who thlnt- that nature alone win bring about a restoration of health is Si Dtr deluded by a false hope. He tyill fi.iT.i tJmt If the power of realizing is Wt hlrnU he bemes a hopeless victim io ne of the terrible diseases which Kiu.atf condition Invites. ller? "uffwlng from nervous debility or i MMdtj as result of overwork, SShlwrnS violation of nature's jaws IUI A uiaaXB r)5 mki. metsiiicN. a..

The Buffalo Enquirer from Buffalo, New York (2024)


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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.