Who Was Walt Disney? (2024)

Table of Contents
Hot Books New Books Even though this is a children's book, I learned some things that I didn't know about the Disney story。 It's very well written and has lovely pen and ink illustrations。 Highly recommended for Disney fans of all ages! Even though this is a children's book, I learned some things that I didn't know about the Disney story。 It's very well written and has lovely pen and ink illustrations。 Highly recommended for Disney fans of all ages! 。。。more Full of fun facts, but doesn't try to sugar coat reality and equally presents some of the darker aspects of Disney's personality Full of fun facts, but doesn't try to sugar coat reality and equally presents some of the darker aspects of Disney's personality 。。。more En 4 oraciones o más, da una breve descripción de la historia del libro。 Se trata de un niño que tiene un sueño que quiere complir el es pintor y le encanta pintar。 Pero de repente empezó la guerra y la propaganda, así que entonces sirvió al ejército como médico pero estafó a unas personas así agarraron unos cascos y les disparan y los venden como recuerdos。 También consiguió un trabajo de grabación en un centro de animación y se empezó a interesar en animar entonces leyó un libro de como animar En 4 oraciones o más, da una breve descripción de la historia del libro。 Se trata de un niño que tiene un sueño que quiere complir el es pintor y le encanta pintar。 Pero de repente empezó la guerra y la propaganda, así que entonces sirvió al ejército como médico pero estafó a unas personas así agarraron unos cascos y les disparan y los venden como recuerdos。 También consiguió un trabajo de grabación en un centro de animación y se empezó a interesar en animar entonces leyó un libro de como animar y entonces empezó a animar。 Empezó haciendo animación simple y fáciles y contrató a personas para empezar a animar creó también dibujos animados que nombró fisiogramas。 Walt y su hermano fundan un estudio de animación。 Se enamora de una empleada y se casa con ella se llama Lillian。 Lanzó la película de Mickey Mouse llamada Steamboat Willie。 Le empezaron a copiar sus animaciones y robar sus empleados a una empresa que era su competencia。 Pronto walt disney iba a abrir un parque de diversiones llamado DisneyLandia donde iba a hacer sitios con ambientes mágicos y fundos epcot center que al principio era una ciudad para niños。 A partir de allí la gente de Walt ya no estaba interesada en la ciudad y la volvió un lugar con muchas temáticas alrededor del mundo。 Murió en 1966 de cáncer de pulmón el 15 de diciembre。¿Este libro te cambió? Si es así, ¿cómo? Si no, ¿por qué no?Si porque walt me inspiro de que puedo cumplir mis sueños si me los propongo。 。。。more Mickey mouse I did not know much about Walt Disney's life so this was an enjoyable audiobook to listen to。 It was interesting to learn how he got into film, animation, and television, and then transitioned his focus to Disney Land and EPCOT。 There was also entertaining information about his family and work life。 I did not know much about Walt Disney's life so this was an enjoyable audiobook to listen to。 It was interesting to learn how he got into film, animation, and television, and then transitioned his focus to Disney Land and EPCOT。 There was also entertaining information about his family and work life。 。。。more Who Was Walt Disney is full of new and fun information for children。 The story tells the timeline of his life with great details on each event in his life。 I liked how the story was simple and you could follow the timeline but also had lots of details。 Throughout the story, there are simple black and white picture that add detail to the story。 The pictures help us understand what is happening。 This is an absolutely wonderful read。 I love anything Disney, so getting to learn more about his person was great。 。 The information was interesting and I liked that within the story of the person you are reading about there are little blurbs on what else was going on in the world at certain moments in history。 Fun, easy to read, and super cute illustrations to capture readers of all ages。 The illustrations really add to what the words were saying。 Although it was all black and white which can b This is an absolutely wonderful read。 I love anything Disney, so getting to learn more about his person was great。 。 The information was interesting and I liked that within the story of the person you are reading about there are little blurbs on what else was going on in the world at certain moments in history。 Fun, easy to read, and super cute illustrations to capture readers of all ages。 The illustrations really add to what the words were saying。 Although it was all black and white which can be a little bit difficult, that is how Walt started it。 He mostly did work in black and white so it is more realistic。 。。。more A nice easy book to read where you can learn about Walt Disney。 Very interesting to see how he grew up。 I would recommend this book。 This book walks one through the life and successes of Walt Disney and his work。 The book starts with where Walt was born and how his childhood played out。 He was a child who had a passion for entertaining people and drawing which played the biggest role in his future。 With a lot of ups and downs, Walt and his brother Roy worked their way to their goal; or more so Walt's goal。 The goal was to make a place that families could go that was safe and fun and have rides and many things for entertainmen This book walks one through the life and successes of Walt Disney and his work。 The book starts with where Walt was born and how his childhood played out。 He was a child who had a passion for entertaining people and drawing which played the biggest role in his future。 With a lot of ups and downs, Walt and his brother Roy worked their way to their goal; or more so Walt's goal。 The goal was to make a place that families could go that was safe and fun and have rides and many things for entertainment。 His next thoughts were of EPCOT and Walt Disney World。 Walt died happily knowing he made a place for families to go and have fun together。 。。。more I love these short little biographies! I learned details about Walt I never knew。 I enjoy the human factors about famous people。 This series of books is perfect for my fifth graders。 Perfect little gem to listen to on my plane ride to Disneyland。 I admire Walt Disney and his legacy。 I think this book was really fun for those who want to know a little more about Walt Disney。 It is an easy read with cute drawings。ATOS: 4。9Guided Reading: NSix Traits: Organization It's a good and easy book with cool picture, because I live picture in the book。 But the part that explains the Disney's work, I think would be more and better。 It's a good and easy book with cool picture, because I live picture in the book。 But the part that explains the Disney's work, I think would be more and better。 。。。more This book discusses a love of mine which is Disney and everything about it。 I love everything to with Disney and this book gives an insight into Walt Disney's life。 This book tells the story of Walt as a kid, a young adult, and all of his successes。 I feel this could be a good way to talk about success。 Many children and adults go to Disney all the time and this shows to work that went into it。 This will teach kids to never give up no matter what anyone tells you。 This can be a fun learning oppo This book discusses a love of mine which is Disney and everything about it。 I love everything to with Disney and this book gives an insight into Walt Disney's life。 This book tells the story of Walt as a kid, a young adult, and all of his successes。 I feel this could be a good way to talk about success。 Many children and adults go to Disney all the time and this shows to work that went into it。 This will teach kids to never give up no matter what anyone tells you。 This can be a fun learning opportunity for many young children fun because you could have like a Disney day and learning because you get to learn actual facts about the man who made "The Happiest Place on Earth"。 。。。more Este libro contiene un gran contenido, el cual explica distintos momentos en la vida de Walt Disney, los cuales van acompañados de ilustraciones, estas son complementarias a la información, aunque son poco llamativas e incoloras。 El texto contiene información completa, desde su vida, hasta su muerte。 También conecta con las creaciones de Disney, esto ayuda a comprender lo que iba realizando a lo largo de su vida。 Contiene un lenguaje simple lo que facilita su comprensión。 Al finalizar el escrito Este libro contiene un gran contenido, el cual explica distintos momentos en la vida de Walt Disney, los cuales van acompañados de ilustraciones, estas son complementarias a la información, aunque son poco llamativas e incoloras。 El texto contiene información completa, desde su vida, hasta su muerte。 También conecta con las creaciones de Disney, esto ayuda a comprender lo que iba realizando a lo largo de su vida。 Contiene un lenguaje simple lo que facilita su comprensión。 Al finalizar el escrito se encuentra una cronología, lo cual ayuda a ordenar linealmente lo realizado por el empresario。 También está incluida la bibliografía usada para crear el relato。 Por último la contra portada contiene un una pregunta que retoma tres aspectos importantes sobre el libro 。。。more The book " Who was Walt Disney?" is a fascinating read。 It talks about all of the struggles he went through as a child, such as being poor and not having a lot。 Now he is very successful and worth a lot of money。 He is famous for his movies, TV shows, and parks。 Every child loves watching Disney movies and shows that he made。 Families also like to take their children to the parks, where they can learn about all of the movies, as well as have fun on the rides。 There are some illustrations in the The book " Who was Walt Disney?" is a fascinating read。 It talks about all of the struggles he went through as a child, such as being poor and not having a lot。 Now he is very successful and worth a lot of money。 He is famous for his movies, TV shows, and parks。 Every child loves watching Disney movies and shows that he made。 Families also like to take their children to the parks, where they can learn about all of the movies, as well as have fun on the rides。 There are some illustrations in the book where the illustrator uses black and white。 The illustrations are also not fully developed on some of the pages, which makes you wonder what they are。 This book is great for children who have a love for Disney and want to learn more about how it came about。 。。。more I’ve always loved Disney movies。 I didn’t realize Mr Disney was so hard to work for。 I’ve always thought he was a happy so lucky type of person。 This biography is a great read for students in elementary school。 Specifically for grades 4th and 5th to read independently and for 3rd grade to be engaged in during a read aloud。 This book tells the life of Walt Disney in great detail。 The book explained that Walt's family was lower class and struggled finically。 He always loved to amuse people from a young age which lead to an amusem*nt park being created in his name。 It also explained that he lived on a farm in Missouri and really enjoyed tha This biography is a great read for students in elementary school。 Specifically for grades 4th and 5th to read independently and for 3rd grade to be engaged in during a read aloud。 This book tells the life of Walt Disney in great detail。 The book explained that Walt's family was lower class and struggled finically。 He always loved to amuse people from a young age which lead to an amusem*nt park being created in his name。 It also explained that he lived on a farm in Missouri and really enjoyed that。 There are many pictures implemented in this reading which makes it even more enjoyable for little kids。 Lots of students will also really get excited about learning more about the person behind their favorite tv channel。 This book can be used in the classroom to spike excitement to get students wanting to read about。 I can also introduce engineering in the classroom by reading this book and relating it to the creation of the large amusem*nt park。 Lastly this can be used in the classroom to have students learn to write a biography and do projects to think deeper into content area。 I feel like students from grade levels 3-6 would benefit most from this book。 This book would be beneficial to students in the elementary grades because it is a topic that may interest most students therefore they are gonna be more excited to read and have a background knowledge on the content。 That also leads to better comprehension。 Something from this book that resigned most with me was that often Walt Disney got in trouble。 I did not expect this but it was due to him waning to entertain people and make them laugh。 。。。more It was a good book overall, I just enjoy it as much as I love going to Disney。 I really enjoyed this when I was younger probably cause we are big Disney fans interesting A very interesting novel。 Learned lots about this really successful man。 Read this with my youngest daughter。 It’s a vague biography but gives just enough information for a kids level。 As an adult I was a bit shocked to find out a few of the bad things about Walt such as his treatment of employees and taking claim for drawings he never did。 I get he was the business and ideas/inspiration for much of the company but it truly was a group effort that got him where he got to。 The whole point is to not give up on your dreams and keep fighting till you achieve your dreams。 I really enjoyed reading this book and learning the truth about Walt Disney and how Disney land , and some other cartoons where created 。 Read this book with my 7 year old daughter who picked it up from her school library。 Interesting biography and I learned some new things about Disney。 I liked how they talked about Song of the South。 The author did a good job at keeping you interested and picked good stories to tell。 Walt Disney was an interesting person。 I listened to this while doing chores, and I enjoyed it quite a bit。 It's a little low on substance, but I learned a lot。 I listened to this while doing chores, and I enjoyed it quite a bit。 It's a little low on substance, but I learned a lot。 。。。more Who Was Walt Disney is a biography written by Whitney Stewart。 It has not won any awards but is liked by many。 This biography is part of a series of books that feature various famous people and the author writes a biography about their life。 It is intended for ages 8-12 which is around fourth through sixth grade。 I chose this age group because since it is a longer book and has more words on each page it is harder to read。This biography takes you through the life of Walt Disney。 It starts from th Who Was Walt Disney is a biography written by Whitney Stewart。 It has not won any awards but is liked by many。 This biography is part of a series of books that feature various famous people and the author writes a biography about their life。 It is intended for ages 8-12 which is around fourth through sixth grade。 I chose this age group because since it is a longer book and has more words on each page it is harder to read。This biography takes you through the life of Walt Disney。 It starts from the time he was born and ends at the time he died。 Each chapter focuses on a different part of his life。 Since he was the founder of Disney World, the biography goes through the creation of the four different parks。 At the end of his biography we learned that he died before the grand opening of Disney World so he was not able to see it。 To learn more about him read his biography, it is worth it。 I rated this biography five stars because it is an amazing book and I enjoyed learning more and more about Walt Disney。 I also enjoyed this book because my family is a Disney family and both of my siblings and my sister's fianace all work at Disney World。 There are not illistrations on each page but the illistrations the book has are in black and white and relate to the part of the biography you are reading。 The plot is easy to follow is a great way to learn all about his life。 This book is part of a great series that would be useful if I was having my students do a biography project。 。。。more You’ve heard the name Disney before, what do you really know about the man behind the name。 In this book it talks about Walt Disney and who he was before Disney and as he was creating it。 It goes on to talk about Walt as a young child and how he always liked to entertain people and had an open mind when it came to coming up With many different ideas for many things。 This book gets readers to understand and see what went into the thought of Disney and what he wanted it to offer。 It is something t You’ve heard the name Disney before, what do you really know about the man behind the name。 In this book it talks about Walt Disney and who he was before Disney and as he was creating it。 It goes on to talk about Walt as a young child and how he always liked to entertain people and had an open mind when it came to coming up With many different ideas for many things。 This book gets readers to understand and see what went into the thought of Disney and what he wanted it to offer。 It is something that readers can appreciate if they have energy been to Disney because it gives them a glimpse of what Walt Disney had in mind, which was for people to imagine their own stories and adventures。 。。。more Whitney Stewart's Who Was Walt Disney? provides a brief biography on one of the twentieth century’s greatest visionaries。 This book teaches young readers about Walt’s childhood, career, and some of his greatest achievements, such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and Disney land。 This book is a part of the Who Was…? series, which is published by Penguin Random House。 The genre is biography。 The intended audience is children aged six to eleven。 I was unable to find out if this book won any awar Whitney Stewart's Who Was Walt Disney? provides a brief biography on one of the twentieth century’s greatest visionaries。 This book teaches young readers about Walt’s childhood, career, and some of his greatest achievements, such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and Disney land。 This book is a part of the Who Was…? series, which is published by Penguin Random House。 The genre is biography。 The intended audience is children aged six to eleven。 I was unable to find out if this book won any awards。 Therefore, I am assuming that this book did not receive any awards or accolades。 This book is an amazing way to introduce young readers to the life and legacy of Walt Disney。 I think this book is very appealing to children。 One of the most appealing aspects of this book would be the illustrations。 The cover for this book is very humorous and rememberable。 Although the illustrations inside the book are simple, I think they help readers visualize the stories that are being told。 I will say that this book is meant for silent reading。 I recently read this book to my younger sister, and it was pretty hard to read aloud。 The sentences often felt choppy when read orally。 That is why I decided to give it a four-star rating rather than a five-star rating。 Despite this issue, Who Was Walt Disney? serves as an amazing source of inspiration。 Walt Disney is an extraordinary role model to young children。 He promoted perseverance and the importance of the imagination, and I think this is a great message to teach children。 。。。more References

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Who Was Walt Disney? (1)

  • Downloads:7115
  • Type:Epub+TxT+PDF+Mobi
  • Create Date:2022-07-08 07:00:31
  • Update Date:2024-06-29
  • Status:finish
  • Author:Whitney Stewart
  • ISBN:0448450526
  • Environment:PC/Android/iPhone/iPad/Kindle
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Walt Disney always loved to entertain people。 Often it got him into trouble。 Once he painted pictures with tar on the side of his family's white house。

His family was poor, and the happiest time of his childhood was spent living on a farm in Missouri。 His affection for small-town life is reflected in Disneyland Main Streets around the world。

With black-and-white illustrations throughout, this biography reveals the man behind the magic。

This book is not authorized, licensed or endorsed by the Walt Disney Company or any affiliate。

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Even though this is a children's book, I learned some things that I didn't know about the Disney story。 It's very well written and has lovely pen and ink illustrations。 Highly recommended for Disney fans of all ages! Even though this is a children's book, I learned some things that I didn't know about the Disney story。 It's very well written and has lovely pen and ink illustrations。 Highly recommended for Disney fans of all ages! 。。。more

Christie Chaar

Full of fun facts, but doesn't try to sugar coat reality and equally presents some of the darker aspects of Disney's personality Full of fun facts, but doesn't try to sugar coat reality and equally presents some of the darker aspects of Disney's personality 。。。more

Carlos Amado

En 4 oraciones o más, da una breve descripción de la historia del libro。 Se trata de un niño que tiene un sueño que quiere complir el es pintor y le encanta pintar。 Pero de repente empezó la guerra y la propaganda, así que entonces sirvió al ejército como médico pero estafó a unas personas así agarraron unos cascos y les disparan y los venden como recuerdos。 También consiguió un trabajo de grabación en un centro de animación y se empezó a interesar en animar entonces leyó un libro de como animar En 4 oraciones o más, da una breve descripción de la historia del libro。 Se trata de un niño que tiene un sueño que quiere complir el es pintor y le encanta pintar。 Pero de repente empezó la guerra y la propaganda, así que entonces sirvió al ejército como médico pero estafó a unas personas así agarraron unos cascos y les disparan y los venden como recuerdos。 También consiguió un trabajo de grabación en un centro de animación y se empezó a interesar en animar entonces leyó un libro de como animar y entonces empezó a animar。 Empezó haciendo animación simple y fáciles y contrató a personas para empezar a animar creó también dibujos animados que nombró fisiogramas。 Walt y su hermano fundan un estudio de animación。 Se enamora de una empleada y se casa con ella se llama Lillian。 Lanzó la película de Mickey Mouse llamada Steamboat Willie。 Le empezaron a copiar sus animaciones y robar sus empleados a una empresa que era su competencia。 Pronto walt disney iba a abrir un parque de diversiones llamado DisneyLandia donde iba a hacer sitios con ambientes mágicos y fundos epcot center que al principio era una ciudad para niños。 A partir de allí la gente de Walt ya no estaba interesada en la ciudad y la volvió un lugar con muchas temáticas alrededor del mundo。 Murió en 1966 de cáncer de pulmón el 15 de diciembre。¿Este libro te cambió? Si es así, ¿cómo? Si no, ¿por qué no?Si porque walt me inspiro de que puedo cumplir mis sueños si me los propongo。 。。。more


Mickey mouse


I did not know much about Walt Disney's life so this was an enjoyable audiobook to listen to。 It was interesting to learn how he got into film, animation, and television, and then transitioned his focus to Disney Land and EPCOT。 There was also entertaining information about his family and work life。 I did not know much about Walt Disney's life so this was an enjoyable audiobook to listen to。 It was interesting to learn how he got into film, animation, and television, and then transitioned his focus to Disney Land and EPCOT。 There was also entertaining information about his family and work life。 。。。more


Who Was Walt Disney is full of new and fun information for children。 The story tells the timeline of his life with great details on each event in his life。 I liked how the story was simple and you could follow the timeline but also had lots of details。 Throughout the story, there are simple black and white picture that add detail to the story。 The pictures help us understand what is happening。


This is an absolutely wonderful read。 I love anything Disney, so getting to learn more about his person was great。 。 The information was interesting and I liked that within the story of the person you are reading about there are little blurbs on what else was going on in the world at certain moments in history。 Fun, easy to read, and super cute illustrations to capture readers of all ages。 The illustrations really add to what the words were saying。 Although it was all black and white which can b This is an absolutely wonderful read。 I love anything Disney, so getting to learn more about his person was great。 。 The information was interesting and I liked that within the story of the person you are reading about there are little blurbs on what else was going on in the world at certain moments in history。 Fun, easy to read, and super cute illustrations to capture readers of all ages。 The illustrations really add to what the words were saying。 Although it was all black and white which can be a little bit difficult, that is how Walt started it。 He mostly did work in black and white so it is more realistic。 。。。more


A nice easy book to read where you can learn about Walt Disney。 Very interesting to see how he grew up。 I would recommend this book。


This book walks one through the life and successes of Walt Disney and his work。 The book starts with where Walt was born and how his childhood played out。 He was a child who had a passion for entertaining people and drawing which played the biggest role in his future。 With a lot of ups and downs, Walt and his brother Roy worked their way to their goal; or more so Walt's goal。 The goal was to make a place that families could go that was safe and fun and have rides and many things for entertainmen This book walks one through the life and successes of Walt Disney and his work。 The book starts with where Walt was born and how his childhood played out。 He was a child who had a passion for entertaining people and drawing which played the biggest role in his future。 With a lot of ups and downs, Walt and his brother Roy worked their way to their goal; or more so Walt's goal。 The goal was to make a place that families could go that was safe and fun and have rides and many things for entertainment。 His next thoughts were of EPCOT and Walt Disney World。 Walt died happily knowing he made a place for families to go and have fun together。 。。。more


I love these short little biographies! I learned details about Walt I never knew。 I enjoy the human factors about famous people。 This series of books is perfect for my fifth graders。


Perfect little gem to listen to on my plane ride to Disneyland。 I admire Walt Disney and his legacy。

Peyton Poler

I think this book was really fun for those who want to know a little more about Walt Disney。 It is an easy read with cute drawings。ATOS: 4。9Guided Reading: NSix Traits: Organization


It's a good and easy book with cool picture, because I live picture in the book。 But the part that explains the Disney's work, I think would be more and better。 It's a good and easy book with cool picture, because I live picture in the book。 But the part that explains the Disney's work, I think would be more and better。 。。。more

Amanda Calegan

This book discusses a love of mine which is Disney and everything about it。 I love everything to with Disney and this book gives an insight into Walt Disney's life。 This book tells the story of Walt as a kid, a young adult, and all of his successes。 I feel this could be a good way to talk about success。 Many children and adults go to Disney all the time and this shows to work that went into it。 This will teach kids to never give up no matter what anyone tells you。 This can be a fun learning oppo This book discusses a love of mine which is Disney and everything about it。 I love everything to with Disney and this book gives an insight into Walt Disney's life。 This book tells the story of Walt as a kid, a young adult, and all of his successes。 I feel this could be a good way to talk about success。 Many children and adults go to Disney all the time and this shows to work that went into it。 This will teach kids to never give up no matter what anyone tells you。 This can be a fun learning opportunity for many young children fun because you could have like a Disney day and learning because you get to learn actual facts about the man who made "The Happiest Place on Earth"。 。。。more

Anahel Vilches

Este libro contiene un gran contenido, el cual explica distintos momentos en la vida de Walt Disney, los cuales van acompañados de ilustraciones, estas son complementarias a la información, aunque son poco llamativas e incoloras。 El texto contiene información completa, desde su vida, hasta su muerte。 También conecta con las creaciones de Disney, esto ayuda a comprender lo que iba realizando a lo largo de su vida。 Contiene un lenguaje simple lo que facilita su comprensión。 Al finalizar el escrito Este libro contiene un gran contenido, el cual explica distintos momentos en la vida de Walt Disney, los cuales van acompañados de ilustraciones, estas son complementarias a la información, aunque son poco llamativas e incoloras。 El texto contiene información completa, desde su vida, hasta su muerte。 También conecta con las creaciones de Disney, esto ayuda a comprender lo que iba realizando a lo largo de su vida。 Contiene un lenguaje simple lo que facilita su comprensión。 Al finalizar el escrito se encuentra una cronología, lo cual ayuda a ordenar linealmente lo realizado por el empresario。 También está incluida la bibliografía usada para crear el relato。 Por último la contra portada contiene un una pregunta que retoma tres aspectos importantes sobre el libro 。。。more

Taylor Oddo

The book " Who was Walt Disney?" is a fascinating read。 It talks about all of the struggles he went through as a child, such as being poor and not having a lot。 Now he is very successful and worth a lot of money。 He is famous for his movies, TV shows, and parks。 Every child loves watching Disney movies and shows that he made。 Families also like to take their children to the parks, where they can learn about all of the movies, as well as have fun on the rides。 There are some illustrations in the The book " Who was Walt Disney?" is a fascinating read。 It talks about all of the struggles he went through as a child, such as being poor and not having a lot。 Now he is very successful and worth a lot of money。 He is famous for his movies, TV shows, and parks。 Every child loves watching Disney movies and shows that he made。 Families also like to take their children to the parks, where they can learn about all of the movies, as well as have fun on the rides。 There are some illustrations in the book where the illustrator uses black and white。 The illustrations are also not fully developed on some of the pages, which makes you wonder what they are。 This book is great for children who have a love for Disney and want to learn more about how it came about。 。。。more

Tina Hubbard

I’ve always loved Disney movies。 I didn’t realize Mr Disney was so hard to work for。 I’ve always thought he was a happy so lucky type of person。


This biography is a great read for students in elementary school。 Specifically for grades 4th and 5th to read independently and for 3rd grade to be engaged in during a read aloud。 This book tells the life of Walt Disney in great detail。 The book explained that Walt's family was lower class and struggled finically。 He always loved to amuse people from a young age which lead to an amusem*nt park being created in his name。 It also explained that he lived on a farm in Missouri and really enjoyed tha This biography is a great read for students in elementary school。 Specifically for grades 4th and 5th to read independently and for 3rd grade to be engaged in during a read aloud。 This book tells the life of Walt Disney in great detail。 The book explained that Walt's family was lower class and struggled finically。 He always loved to amuse people from a young age which lead to an amusem*nt park being created in his name。 It also explained that he lived on a farm in Missouri and really enjoyed that。 There are many pictures implemented in this reading which makes it even more enjoyable for little kids。 Lots of students will also really get excited about learning more about the person behind their favorite tv channel。 This book can be used in the classroom to spike excitement to get students wanting to read about。 I can also introduce engineering in the classroom by reading this book and relating it to the creation of the large amusem*nt park。 Lastly this can be used in the classroom to have students learn to write a biography and do projects to think deeper into content area。 I feel like students from grade levels 3-6 would benefit most from this book。 This book would be beneficial to students in the elementary grades because it is a topic that may interest most students therefore they are gonna be more excited to read and have a background knowledge on the content。 That also leads to better comprehension。 Something from this book that resigned most with me was that often Walt Disney got in trouble。 I did not expect this but it was due to him waning to entertain people and make them laugh。 。。。more

Lucinda Rose

It was a good book overall, I just enjoy it as much as I love going to Disney。

Ella Grace

I really enjoyed this when I was younger probably cause we are big Disney fans




A very interesting novel。 Learned lots about this really successful man。


Read this with my youngest daughter。 It’s a vague biography but gives just enough information for a kids level。 As an adult I was a bit shocked to find out a few of the bad things about Walt such as his treatment of employees and taking claim for drawings he never did。 I get he was the business and ideas/inspiration for much of the company but it truly was a group effort that got him where he got to。 The whole point is to not give up on your dreams and keep fighting till you achieve your dreams。

Carlos Fernandez

I really enjoyed reading this book and learning the truth about Walt Disney and how Disney land , and some other cartoons where created 。


Read this book with my 7 year old daughter who picked it up from her school library。 Interesting biography and I learned some new things about Disney。 I liked how they talked about Song of the South。

Katie Allen

The author did a good job at keeping you interested and picked good stories to tell。 Walt Disney was an interesting person。


I listened to this while doing chores, and I enjoyed it quite a bit。 It's a little low on substance, but I learned a lot。 I listened to this while doing chores, and I enjoyed it quite a bit。 It's a little low on substance, but I learned a lot。 。。。more

Kerri McElroy

Who Was Walt Disney is a biography written by Whitney Stewart。 It has not won any awards but is liked by many。 This biography is part of a series of books that feature various famous people and the author writes a biography about their life。 It is intended for ages 8-12 which is around fourth through sixth grade。 I chose this age group because since it is a longer book and has more words on each page it is harder to read。This biography takes you through the life of Walt Disney。 It starts from th Who Was Walt Disney is a biography written by Whitney Stewart。 It has not won any awards but is liked by many。 This biography is part of a series of books that feature various famous people and the author writes a biography about their life。 It is intended for ages 8-12 which is around fourth through sixth grade。 I chose this age group because since it is a longer book and has more words on each page it is harder to read。This biography takes you through the life of Walt Disney。 It starts from the time he was born and ends at the time he died。 Each chapter focuses on a different part of his life。 Since he was the founder of Disney World, the biography goes through the creation of the four different parks。 At the end of his biography we learned that he died before the grand opening of Disney World so he was not able to see it。 To learn more about him read his biography, it is worth it。 I rated this biography five stars because it is an amazing book and I enjoyed learning more and more about Walt Disney。 I also enjoyed this book because my family is a Disney family and both of my siblings and my sister's fianace all work at Disney World。 There are not illistrations on each page but the illistrations the book has are in black and white and relate to the part of the biography you are reading。 The plot is easy to follow is a great way to learn all about his life。 This book is part of a great series that would be useful if I was having my students do a biography project。 。。。more

Dat Nguyen

You’ve heard the name Disney before, what do you really know about the man behind the name。 In this book it talks about Walt Disney and who he was before Disney and as he was creating it。 It goes on to talk about Walt as a young child and how he always liked to entertain people and had an open mind when it came to coming up With many different ideas for many things。 This book gets readers to understand and see what went into the thought of Disney and what he wanted it to offer。 It is something t You’ve heard the name Disney before, what do you really know about the man behind the name。 In this book it talks about Walt Disney and who he was before Disney and as he was creating it。 It goes on to talk about Walt as a young child and how he always liked to entertain people and had an open mind when it came to coming up With many different ideas for many things。 This book gets readers to understand and see what went into the thought of Disney and what he wanted it to offer。 It is something that readers can appreciate if they have energy been to Disney because it gives them a glimpse of what Walt Disney had in mind, which was for people to imagine their own stories and adventures。 。。。more


Whitney Stewart's Who Was Walt Disney? provides a brief biography on one of the twentieth century’s greatest visionaries。 This book teaches young readers about Walt’s childhood, career, and some of his greatest achievements, such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and Disney land。 This book is a part of the Who Was…? series, which is published by Penguin Random House。 The genre is biography。 The intended audience is children aged six to eleven。 I was unable to find out if this book won any awar Whitney Stewart's Who Was Walt Disney? provides a brief biography on one of the twentieth century’s greatest visionaries。 This book teaches young readers about Walt’s childhood, career, and some of his greatest achievements, such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and Disney land。 This book is a part of the Who Was…? series, which is published by Penguin Random House。 The genre is biography。 The intended audience is children aged six to eleven。 I was unable to find out if this book won any awards。 Therefore, I am assuming that this book did not receive any awards or accolades。 This book is an amazing way to introduce young readers to the life and legacy of Walt Disney。 I think this book is very appealing to children。 One of the most appealing aspects of this book would be the illustrations。 The cover for this book is very humorous and rememberable。 Although the illustrations inside the book are simple, I think they help readers visualize the stories that are being told。 I will say that this book is meant for silent reading。 I recently read this book to my younger sister, and it was pretty hard to read aloud。 The sentences often felt choppy when read orally。 That is why I decided to give it a four-star rating rather than a five-star rating。 Despite this issue, Who Was Walt Disney? serves as an amazing source of inspiration。 Walt Disney is an extraordinary role model to young children。 He promoted perseverance and the importance of the imagination, and I think this is a great message to teach children。 。。。more

Who Was Walt Disney? (2024)


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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.